
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

raise the eyebrow girl got me into trouble in college
... i''ve learned my lesson
ginger, thinking about you and hoping everything turns out ok.
Date: 4/22/2010 2:18:56 PM
Author: vizsla
raise the eyebrow girl got me into trouble in college
... i've learned my lesson
raise the eyebrow is still kinda tame....don't you want to be the 'expletive exclamation' girl?
so much more fun for bystanders.

so i've discovered my little 1/4 mexican baby likes latin music. we noticed because sometimes i put him on his play mat in the bedroom while i straighten my hair and play him my latin jazz salsa CD and he is all happy AND when greg's dad was here we were at a mexican restaurant with live music and he would start crying ONLY when the band wasn't playing LOL.

so now i put the salsa satellite channel on for him in the living room. ahhh at least he has some hint of me in him, even though he's pink as can be.

mandarine, my friend's 5 month old loves avocado and banana. i love avocado too, whats not to love?!

oh and layney re: the tylenol, we gave it to J like 10 min before his shots, just a tiny dose (.3ml i think, the smallest marker on the dropper). it didn't seem to have much effect though, we gave him more later and that seemed to help. my friend's Dr said that for her 11.5lb'er that she was ok to give him the .6ml (between first and second marker on dropper).
so those of you that are friend with me on FB probably just got to see this (haha...sorry TGal, just had to say it!

Anyway, I just have to post this picture here too because they crack me up!. I was doing their "monthly pics" and they were having ZERO fun. And then...daddy came home out of the blue and walked in the room....

This was the reaction:

Mandy-LOVE the picture!!

Mara-Sophia dances to thriller
ginger, hugs. I hope everything turns out okay. Thinking of you. Keep us posted.
Ginger, I hope things turn out to be nothing!

Good luuck!

Fiery: I''m so ripping off all your b-day ideas. Sorry, just how it is.

Viz: I always raise my eyebrows at you. Why? Because I can''t freaking figure out what your av is!!

Anyone here with a history of allergies/eczema feeding solids (or going to)? I have major allergies/eczema and we''re going to start P on rice cereal soon. The pedi mentioned the 4 day rule (1 tbsp increase a day for 4 days until we add a new item), then asked if I had allergies, upon hearing the answer she said, "Well, I want to take it slow then", but didn''t elaborate on how? Blah.
Date: 4/22/2010 2:40:05 PM
Author: Mandarine
so those of you that are friend with me on FB probably just got to see this (haha...sorry TGal, just had to say it!

Anyway, I just have to post this picture here too because they crack me up!. I was doing their ''monthly pics'' and they were having ZERO fun. And then...daddy came home out of the blue and walked in the room....

This was the reaction:
I feel really left out, but the pics made up for it. Really stinkin'' cute.
Congrats MP and welcome. I read your birth story on the prego board and HOLY COW - you are a trooper!! Micah is absolutely adorable! And while I know a lot of ladies here had an issue with the baby becoming much fussier after two weeks...Calvin was pretty much a chilled out little dude from jump street. Just like Micah - super alert and looking around and he stayed that way!

Layney - Welcome. Oliver is so freaking cute! Calvin was fine after his shots...a little more spitty-uppy after the rotovirus, but that was it. No fever no nothing. One thing I really recommend is nursing him right after the shots. It comforts them really well and I remember reading that it may increase the vaccines efficacy. Whether that is actually true, who knows...

Mara - Interesting about the teething tablets. I was leery about giving Calvin anything. He got two teeth last month and the only thing we did was give him some Motrin before bed when the teeth were actually erupting.

Anchor - I''m glad to hear you are doing better and happy with your decision. I know it has been said 1000 times, but happy mama = happy baby.

Ginger - Many good vibes going your way. I''ll be thinking about you! And I just wanted to let you know that I had the same experience with the swaddle sleep sack...I''ll never forget when I turned on the video monitor and saw Calvin with his arms free and the swaddle ''wings'' up around his face! Holy SIDS risk batman. Gah. That was when we transitioned him to the woombie...

CC - How did you end up weaning O? I am still really considering it...but honestly, I''m not sure how to start. Blergh.

Amber - How did Piper sleep? Hope the checkup went well! eta - I think the one food at a time, wait a couple days to see if she reacts is taking things slow - and avoid allergy causing stuff...strawberries, citrus, eggs, etc.


Fiery - How''s your girl today? Did going down go any better last night?

Viz - I''m raising just one eyebrow...because I can!

And I''ll start Friday confessions early.

I HATE MY DOG. HATE her. We have two dogs, both in my avatar. The big orange dog is Izzie. He''s awesome. The little black dog is Cricket, or as I like to call her, the bane of my existence. Here is why:

1. She is diabetic - she was diagnosed when I was 38 weeks pregnant. We have to give her insulin shots twice a day. Now, I don''t hate her because she is diabetic, I hate that she will often pee in the house now. She''s also pooped in the house a couple times. Great. And with a mobile baby, that is really great. Oh, and between her special dog food, insulin, blood sugar testing strips, glucose monitor, vet visits, special treats, is pretty darn expensive.

2. She is incredibly needy and always wants to be on someone''s lap...because what I really want after holding and playing and feeding Calvin all day is to have a dog in my lap.

3. She stinks. Literally. Really. It is a stench that won''t wash off.

4. She will often express her anal glands when she''s on the sofa or in someone''s lap. I''ve become a pro at removing the stink, but ARGHHHHH.

5. She is just gross. She likes to roll in gross things, lick herself in an utterly gross way and just ewww.

Gah. HATE her. of course, we will continue to love her and give her a home...she''s great with the baby and she''s super super sweet...but UGH.
LL: Dude, I hear you. Since Piper was born, Woofie is a JERK. He is SO mean to us. He''s nice to her, veeeery tolerant (since she has learned to kick him from her bouncer), and never tries anything sneaky with her, but he poops in the house, pees on the rugs (we literally have TWO rugs. TWO. Different rooms. He DOES IT ON PURPOSE. He steals food now, and tears things up... ATTITUDE.

Piper has been sleeping better (still in her bassinet- sigh). Her checkup was okay, she''s 16.6 pound (75% down from 85- I asked if I should worry and she pedi said no, as she started out "short and stocky", (STOCKY??) and she''s just going to start evening out to how she''ll grow in the future.

Piper has a deep innie, and it was red yesterday with a little crust on it, so I gave it a swab, and the pedi said it was "yeasty" and to put hydrogen peroxide on it.
mandy - LOVE LOVE <3 that picture.. sooo cute!!!!
i forgot my phone and couldn''t check FB all day - oh how my day is just not the same...

ll - i don''t want to laugh, but (teeee heeeee). oh geesh girl that''s a lot not to like. the anal glands thing made me throw up a little in my mouth

it''s funny b/c when we were discussing sexy time earlier i wanted to throw in that for the entire time i was home there was literally someone touching me all day - between the baby and my high needs dog and then DH wanted
i was like "NO ONE TOUCH ME FOR LIKE 5 MINS!" because as soon as the baby was off my lap the dog would swoop in - ugh.

amber - my poochie is doing the same thing now...she goes on long walks everyday, plays outside, gets love.. but she also peed on the guest bed last week. she''s NEVER peed in the house in 7 years. and on the pillow to boot. so yeah, she wanted us to know she''s ticked. i''m kinda nervous b/c c is really interested in her now and wants to pet her nose... she''s NOT a kid friendly dog so each time c grabs at her nose i hold my breath. i try and ohh and ahhh and ''good dog'' her to get her used to what is to come

does this help?



Thanks everyone!!!!

Layla, not sure if I welcomed you before!!! Oliver is so precious!!!!!!!!! COngrats!!!

Fiery, love the new avi

Re: dogs...why is it that they seem to start getting in the way?. Our dog is still very much spoiled...and he''s still a VERY good boy. He''s patient, kind, sweet....but OMG he gets on my way EVERY time!. He also walks like a maniac when I have the stroller. Poor guy, maybe he just doesn''t know how to share the sidewalk with the huge BOB! hehe.
Ginger - thinking of you. keep us posted.

Steph - Keep us posted too. Hopefully you are just tired and dehydrated.

What is this "tying the legs up to prevent child from climbing out of the crib" thing that I just skimmed through? Wish I read about that before M came flying out of her crib, but instead we just decided to get her a regular bed. LOL.

Re: cliquish (for the lack of a better word) in mommy threads - I think it''s the nature of the beast. People share, people bond over time. The newbie might feel intimidated or out of the loop, but everyone started as a newbie. And everyone is very welcoming, so don''t let it detour you.

Mara - J is teething already? I guess I shouldn''t surprised since M got her first tooth when she was 4 months. I never gave M any teething tablets, just tylenol if she has a fever.

Hi to everyone else.

J slept from 9:30pm to 6:30am for the first time ever, and he is doing better today at staying asleep in his PnP.
I love that pic Mandarine, thanks for sharing.

I had a question for you gals.
Since giving birth (esp. those who had a vaginal delivery) did you notice when AF returned that you were less crampy? I thought that with the stretching of the cervix (during L&D) that the cramps can reduce or dissapear once AF returns. Any comment?

Edit to add L&D

ETA # 2. I forgot to say MP that your son is adorable. I am sorry his birth was not so great and hope you feel better about it soon. He really is a heartbreaker.

ETA # 3. Thanks Mara, although that is not what I wanted to hear!
steal.. actually i have heard from moms that after having the baby AF is WORSE in terms of cramps. i haven''t gotten it yet but i am hoping that''s not the case, talk about adding insult to injury! but interested to see what other moms say.

qt.. i am not totally sure it''s teething, maybe like pre-teething, who knows. and lol re: the tying of the legs...there was actually no tying of the legs, but it''s an interesting idea.

viz.. i love your avatars. though the last one you had for like EVER, i didnt know what it was and never figured it out. this one, i saw the tree so i put it together but i still don''t know WHAT is really is. hehee.

mand... cutest picture ever!! the boys are such hams.
ginger hope everything is ok! thinking about you.
Just wanted to pop in and wish Ginger all the best. I am keeping you in my prayers.

Mandy: Could your boys be any cuter?? Gosh they make me smile!!!
hehe, thanks guys


Question about solids

It seems like now my boys spit up ALL the time (they always have had a spit up problem, but I think it''s gotten worse...and now it''s a lovely green/orange color!). Yesterday Alex actually threw up a bit between meals (like over an hour after eating). Also, Alex seems to have a bit of a rash...but DH says he had that before we started solids (it''s not super obvious, mostly on his shoulders). Lucas had a bit of a rash but it''s mostly gone. Could it be food allergy?...if so, they have had it for a while so it would have to be the oatmeal. Or is it normal that they get minor rashes when they start solids in general?.

I''m just not sure what to do...I don''t want to try rice cereal because they are constipated as it is...should I stop oatmeal and maybe just give them pears for breakfast?.

If it IS an allergy, would it clear up shortly after I stop using what I suspect could be causing it?.

I know, I know...I should just ask my Dr, and I will...just wanted to know what you guys thought.
Can''t. Keep. Up.

Ginger- Thinking of you and hoping for a positive outcome. Keep us posted.

Mara- Ok so I so knew that about the belladonna, and did think of posting it but was too tired.
Basically, from what I''ve read about it at least, the belladonna is in such small amounts you would have to give J a ton. One kid I know ate the whole container and poison control and the dr said they would have to eat like 9x that amount (or more, don''t kill me I am bad at math) for it to be a problem. That being said, I do try and limit them. If he''s inconsolable with the teeth, I give him 2 but try not to give him anymore.

Amber- I will be interested to hear how it works when P gets bigger. O simply doesn''t sit still and I can''t imagine bringing him into the office. But since you''ve done it since day one, it will probably be easier for you. Keep us posted! And yes, it does sound like you have your own unusual issues with work/balance. Do you think you will do it indefinitely?

Mandarine- O likes carrots and all things orange. And all things green. Slightly indifferent to fruit but he eats it. LOVES french fries though.
LOVE that pic!!! And yay for 6 months, so far 6-8 months has been the best.

Fl Steph- Oh my, you are so funny, didn''t even THINK of that. I would probably totally be embarrassed too and say something like "this isn''t for me".

Fiery/EB= Gah, so they stop eating purees????? Why do I feel like I am always so clueless? Who knew? We have given O some finger foods, but I pinch them sooooo small there is no way he could choke. You can do it!!!!!! Have you tried puffs? O LOVES his puffs. They dissolve but they can "practice" chewing them as well.

Viz- I am sad about being done. It needed to happen, but I soooo miss our time together when I got home and I would nurse him before bed. I still spend the same amount of time with him, but it just isn''t the same (for me). On the flip side, I feel "normal" again and don''t have to think about pumping or engorgement or any of that. It''s definitely freeing. I think we would have been friends in high school. I raise my eyebrow at MYSELF when I think of the way I used to behave. And then I am grateful I don''t have a daughter to pay me back.

Lysser- Hi! So tried your frozen grapes thing and O would have none of it until the grapes were un-frozen. Stinker! As for weaning, it was probably easier since I am working. Weaning off pumping at work was easy (mentally) b/c I hated it. It was MUCH harder for me to stop nursing him on the weekends when I was home. But what I did was do away with the 5 pm pump first, then the one before that, and finally the second one of the day. I kept the first morning one and last one in evening as long as I could. Then I dropped the morning, and finally the night one. I won''t lie, it was PAINFUL for me. I was addicted to the pump (thinking "I could just pump for like 1 minute, that won''t hurt anything, that won''t matter, no one will know"). It was such sweet relief to either pump or nurse. To be honest, I think if I was home I would maybe go to a year, just cause at this point it seems so much easier to nurse him. BUT it does tie you down. What are you thinking??

Layne- My ped showed me a study that said there MIGHT be a link b/w giving Tylenol and lessening the efficacy of the shots. MIGHT is key word. Shots never really bothered O, so we never gave him anything. BUT if he had a reaction, or was super fussy or feverish, I would definitely give the Tylenol. I personally wouldn''t give it to him beforehand until you know how he takes them. Good luck!

Dogs- Oh my Lysser, that is tooooo much! I know you love your doggie, but that''s a LOT to deal with. Meh and feh. I confess, I just don''t have the same patience with my first kiddo (dog) that I used to and I feel so BAD, but man he drives me crazy. He follows me around with this saaaad mopey look on his face that makes me feel so guilty. And that''s it exactly, I already have too many people wanting to touch me all the time (O and DH) that I just can''t take one more.
Layney-I don''t think I formally said welcome so welcome! 2 months shots...are those the first time they get shots? Believe it or not, I forgot lol. Anyway, I never gave Sophia tylenol before the shots and she never got a fever. I would probably wait to see what happens first. I would be prepared either for a really fussy baby or a really sleepy baby. Sophia was really tired after the 2 months shots and slept most of the day. Oliver is adorable!

birthday idea stealer!

it''s nice to see you in here even though your visits are always short!! She did much better last night, thanks for asking. Still think she''s going through separation anxiety but we''ll see how it goes tonight.

Qt-Awesome on J sleeping

Steal-Yes, AF for me has been less crampy. Before, the first 2 days were brutal for me. Now I breeze right past it. And this is probably TMI but my flow has always been heavy. After experiencing the after birth, even though my flow is still heavy it doesn''t bother me because it just doesn''t compare lol.

Mandy-Not sure on the rash to be honest. Sophia didn''t get any rashes. She did throw up after eating certain foods which was my cue not to give it to her anymore. If the rash was there before the solids, then it might not be from the solids but if you have introduced something brand new recently, I would not give that to them anymore and move on to something else just to see if it clears. I think its rare to be allergic to the oatmeal/rice cereal so I would think it would be one of the veggies they have had if anything.

China-Sophia has had puffs and yogurt melts. Honestly, I''m just being a sissy
Mandy - I''m no solids expect since my kid isn''t on them yet and I don''t know in detail how you chose to introduce the solids, but in the book I got from the hospital, it recommends to wait a few days (2-3) before introducing something new and not make mixes at first to help identify allergies, and also not use oatmeal at first (the commercial food I guess?) because it apparently also contains barley. Again, not an expert here, but maybe this could be helpful.

Layney - Keep up the good work, and don''t beat yourself up if you ever decide to wean Oliver. It''s so difficult when you know you can''t keep up with your child''s needs. I feel like I did my best, but J is so hungry in the evening he won''t even take the boob anymore.
I appreciate your insight on mixed feeding. We had to give him a bottle of formula Tuesday last week (he was 15 weeks) after a couple of days trying to figure out why he wasn''t taking the breast before bed and then screaming for hours on end before passing out from exhaustion. He took it with no problems, just gulped it down.

Mara - Thanks for sharing also. I was wondering why you were putting rice cereal in his bottle, now I get it.
I noticed the change in poo that time we gave him one single bottle of formula... Ugh, the smell! Not looking forward to that lol.
Quick drive-by posting...but I think Cricket knew I was talking about her. and decided to give me another reason to hate her.

So, she anal glanded on the couch - which also makes me want to throw up in my mouth, for the record - and I cleaned it up, etc. etc.

Calvin and I went for a nice long walk up to the business district near our house, bought some dutch licorice for DH, some batteries, went into many stores..came home.

I was heating up Calvin's dinner (a broccoli cheese fish puree and some sweet potato) and I smell this horrid smell when I turn around. I'm thinking I've lost my mind. Or that the fish had gone bad...which would be weird...because I cooked it the day I bought it...

Anyhoodle, I taste the fish, sniff my bags like a crazy person, wondering where this stink is coming from - I can't figure it out. I feed Calvin and mommy brain sets in and I forget about the mystery stink.

A bit later, I am sitting on the floor with c-dawg when I smell it again. And I turn and realize that the stink was COMING FROM ME. Somehow, she anal glanded me when she got the couch. On my back, above my left shoulder. She must have gotten me when she was sitting on the back of the couch.

SO, to recap. I spent the afternoon galavanting around town, smelling like a dog's ass.

I hate my dog.
Lysser- Please come post something like this everyday. OMF, can't. stop. laughing. You have coined a new term "anal-glanded". You literally were walking around smelling like dog ass. I can't handle this. When you were a young glamorous thing (i.e., pre-baby) did you EVER imagine your life would be like this one day?

Now go kiss cutie Calvin and make it better. Oh, and maybe take a shower. And throw that shirt away.

You know, you can get their anal glands removed. My bro's dog had to have this done for some weird medical reason.

ETA: Don't flame me animal-lovers! I have no idea if that is cruel or not or what it entails. I just know I've heard of it.
Layney . . . welcome and congrats! It sounds like you''ve been a trooper. I wish someone had really explained to me how hard BFing is beforehand! Hang in there and don''t feel guilty whatever you decide to do.

Ginger . . . thinking about you and sending benign vibes! Please keep us updated.

Thread vibe . . . as someone who can be a bit crazy at times ("She Who Must Not Be Crossed" and all that), I appreciate that people here accept me as I am. Heck, I started the whole BF/FF debate (I really really didn''t mean to and feel sad RPS isn''t around at the present), and I didn''t get run out of town. I do think it''s important to give people a chance because goodness knows that we''re not putting out best face forward when we''re crazed and hormonal and sleep-deprived. I was sensitive at first when there talk of splitting the thread because I felt like I had intruded on a group that didn''t have room for anyone new. I know that''s not what any of us is trying to put out there.

So let''s carry on with the sharing of adorable pictures, the TMI about our sex lives, and the vents about what we really think when our SOs do things differently than we would!

OK, on to me. [Please do not jinx me, Universe!] Claire has STTN for 3 or 4 nights in a row!!! Over the weekend her sleep cycle got messed up, and she woke up at 11 p.m. to eat a couple of times, but then she''d sleep until 5 or 6 a.m. Then all of a sudden she started going from 8 p.m. to 5 or 6 a.m.!!!! Last night the girl went 10.5 hours between feedings. Woot woot!

In less exciting news, I think my body is adjusting to the Fenugreek. Last week I had an awesome supply -- pumped 6 oz. one time, but this week it''s back down to 4 per session, and since I can only pump 2x at work, I''m having to pump at home to get 12 oz. per day. It''s been working out ok so far, but if I don''t get a head start over the weekends, I''m screwed. I''m hoping that starting solids (tomorrow!!!) will help.

Also, I mentioned how my doctor says I have a platepelloid pelvis. I do feel better about having a C/S now that I know that. Not that I should have felt bad about it, but you know us moms, we like to feel guilty about everything. I just worried that maybe if I hadn''t let the doctor strip my membranes or break my bag of water, then I would have had more time for Claire to get in the right position. Now I feel more confident that she was never going to get past 0 station.
Thanks for the good thoughts....I think I''m just coming down with something. I have no appetite at all, and that really only happens to me when I''m either stressed or sick. I decided to not get a test unless the sick feeling continues...and if I get one I will go when Adam is home so I can get one sans babies
. Just been taking it easy today catching up on laundry. E has been sleeping well without swaddling for the past few nights. E is such an easy baby that it makes the thought of another bearable, but not really something I wanted to do right away!

Mara, E has been extra drooly lately too. Maybe it''s just their way of getting ready? He has been trying to chew on my shoulder when I am rocking him too. Maybe it is pre teething? Wow, J is growing fast! I know E is too by the way his clothes are fitting him.

Layne, welcome! Your son is a cutie!

Fiery, sorry about the separation anxiety. Love the photo invitations and a tutu would be too cute

EB, A didn''t stay on purees long either. He was so ready for finger foods early on. I''m sure he''ll do fine!

Anchor good luck with the weening. I was doing a mixture too from the beginning. I would bf first and then feed 2 oz or so of formula at the end as to make sure he got the breastmilk first.

Kaleigh, I used a washcloth on A too when he was teething. Worked great and he liked it better than the teething toys.

TGal, I agree with everything you said except the use of the word clique. That seems to imply that people want to exclude new people and that''s not true at all. But when someone posts everyday or multiple times a day, you are going to be closer with them than someone that just pops in once a month or so, ya know? And I agree about just jumping in, that''s what I did, although it helped "knowing" some of the people from the pregnancy thread.

Viz, I got what you were saying about not knowing how to take someone when they''re new. It takes a while to get to know personalities, and you can''t really tell tone online.

HH, I hope you post here when you have your sweet boy!

Mandi, the boys are too precious. That''s exactly how my boys react when their dad gets home from work!

Amber, I have severe food allergies and A had eczema. I would just give a teaspoon or so of rice cereal for the first few days, then slowly increase if she''s not showing any signs of allergies.

LL, yeah it''s a hard adjustment for the dogs when the baby arrives. Hope it gets better!

Viz, our dog would pee in the house when I was in the hospital and just getting home with the baby. I think it''s their way of getting attention.

QT, yea for sleep!!!

CC, that''s funny b/c I actually thought about saying that to the lady, but realized how stupid that sounded! Haha, I will just wait to go without the kiddos if I decide to get one!

PG, yea for C for STTN!!!

Hello to anyone else I might have missed...gotta go start dinner!
Thank, Viz!! I looove that pic!

LL: Woofie yakked a big load of vomit on the kitchen floor, and I stepped in it on my way to get my sick husband some juice. Then, when I shooed him away, he went and did it again by my diaper bag. Still, not nearly as bad as the drive by anal-glanding. That''s like, the worst of all time.

Steph: Thanks for that tip, I''ll keep it in mind. When did you start A on solids?

China: yeah, it''s a little harder now that she refuses to lay down. It''s so hard to hold her all the time! It''s also hard because she now hates her swing, too. Sigh.

So, tomorrow I''m chopping off my hair- it''s currently 16 inches long, super heavy (makes my head hurt from wearing it up all the time), and fallilng out in chunks. I am so sexy. I''m getting a bob, I think.

Mandy: love the pics, I forgot to mention!
Date: 4/22/2010 5:01:25 PM
Author: ChinaCat

Fiery/EB= Gah, so they stop eating purees????? Why do I feel like I am always so clueless? Who knew? We have given O some finger foods, but I pinch them sooooo small there is no way he could choke. You can do it!!!!!! Have you tried puffs? O LOVES his puffs. They dissolve but they can ''practice'' chewing them as well.
Trust me, they will be FINE with finger foods. Cutting things up really small is not a good idea though as that is how they can choke - big things that they can hold in their hand with a bit sticking out past their curled fist is a great size. There''s some good info here. (Just want to say/warn in advance that the BLW ''community'' for want of a better word is very pro-BFing).

The nearest thing to a puree that Daisy has ever had is yoghurt - she actually doesn''t care for non-solid food and has to have control of anything going in her mouth at all times which is why we eat yoghurts in the bath
. I can''t even stick a bit of biscuit in her mouth for her - it''s instantly removed, inspected and if deemed favourable shoved back in.

A nice big chicken or lamb bone that she can gnaw on, or a finger shaped chunk of rare steak, or half a sausage are all favourites of hers. Asparagus spears go down well too. Today we shared a smoked salmon and cream cheese bagel with cous cous salad and potato salad. I just cut her a chunk off the bagel - she ate the salmon, sucked all the poppy seeds off the bagel and then ate it.
The funniest was giving her a piece of sundried tomato from the cous cous salad - she put it in her mouth, chewed, stopped and removed it, then shut her eyes, pulled a face of total disgust and actually shuddered... I almost gave her another chunk just to see her do it again...

D was being a total PITA this morning, so I took her to see dinosaurs at the Natural History Museum. She was quite impressed by the animatronic ones - and did some roaring... she has a book called ''This is my Monster'' that has a button you press on every page that ''Roars''. The pterodactyl was pronounced to be a ''duck'' - as was the Dodo and basically any bird shaped creature we encountered...
lysser - I''m sorry...but LOL!!!
The way you describe it is just hilarious!!! I''m sure it wasn''t funny at the time, though....
As if dealing with spit-up and explosive poop isn''t enough, eh?

gingerB - I"m hoping everything is okay as well.

Amber - I was going to ask how you manage having Piper with you at work, before you posted about it earlier. I was wondering specifically what you do when she wants to play? or be interactive, and you have to do something work-related. It must be tough sometimes - kind of like you''re straddling both worlds (work and babycare), but not able to get fully into either one...?

Steph - are you bf? If so, it''s probably unlikely that you''re pg....but who knows? I did have a few bouts of nausea earlier on and thought the same thing. Turns out I wasn''t though. Let us know what happens either way!

Mandarine - haha! Priceless! Dalila does that to me all the time too. She''ll be cool and nonchalant with me all day, while I wipe her bum, burp her and feed her, (rinse/repeat) and the minute Daddy walks through the door she starts flailing her arms and giggling.
It''s like, "what am I? chopped liver?"

anchor - I''m doing formula and bm too, since going back to work. She gets bm in the morning before going to daycare, formula at daycare, bm at lunch, formula in the afternoon, and bm again once I''m home in the evening and at nights.

phoenix - hooray for STTN!
Thank you all for the warm welcome and for the advice on vaccinations. I decided to wait and see what happened instead of giving Oliver tylenol ahead of time and now wish I hadn''t. Poor guy has been fussy and feverish since his appointment and his legs seem to be bothering him from the shots. I''ve been on constant cuddle duty since we got home. Some tylenol and nursing (with formula via SNS) seems to have cheered him up a bit and he''s finally sleeping now. On the plus side, he''s growing like a weed :) 12 lbs 11 oz and 24.5"

Mandarine Your boys are adorable! So cute and so happy! I can''t wait for O to start smiling more.

Lysser Sorry to hear about your dog, though the ''anal glanding'' did make me LOL.
Woohoo! Just wanted to brag how proud I am of Sophia

Tonight I put her down awake and she pointed her finger at me so I leaned over and kissed it. Then I rubbed her hair and left the room. 8mins later she was totally asleep. No crying or calling out to anyone. Yay!

And I went to BRU to get FI the car seat he chose. We got it for $5 lol!! Actually they gave us $15
. I had a 20% coupon, $50 gift card from my Mastercard rewards, and a $100 rebate from getting my mom a new phone (that was $100) so we had to give $5 out of pocket. But they also had some deal going that if you bought that seat, you get a $20 gift card. LOL score!

Layney-Poor baby! Hope he feels better soon. It's so hard to gauge what their reaction may be. If you think his legs are still bothering him when he wakes, you can try a warm cloth on his leg and a gentle massage. Sometimes it makes it feel better. If the massage hurts him then you can just leave the cloth on top for a little bit.