
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Mara - saw your line about seedy orange poo. Is it always like that? I was starting to think K''s a bit of a freak to have poo tat''s more orange than yellow.

I feel bad I''m not posting more, but don''t think I have much to add to lots of discussions because we''re not at that stage yet. And one-handed posting is so annoying to a 10-finger touch typist! Maybe when I can put K down more...

Weight check again tomorrow...
oh my can not keep up with this thread today! It went nuts!

Hi to everyone...

I jinxed everything by saying Evan had been sleeping well at not so much!

He hates fruit.

Ginger: I hope everything is okay.

Mandy: Cute picture!

Laney: Sorry about your poor baby..but woohoo on growing!!

Amber: I''ve been thinking of cutting my hair pictures!

sorry for not responding to everyone! I''ll try and be a better poster!!
Date: 4/22/2010 5:39:00 PM
Author: littlelysser
Quick drive-by posting...but I think Cricket knew I was talking about her. and decided to give me another reason to hate her.

So, she anal glanded on the couch - which also makes me want to throw up in my mouth, for the record - and I cleaned it up, etc. etc.

Calvin and I went for a nice long walk up to the business district near our house, bought some dutch licorice for DH, some batteries, went into many stores..came home.

I was heating up Calvin''s dinner (a broccoli cheese fish puree and some sweet potato) and I smell this horrid smell when I turn around. I''m thinking I''ve lost my mind. Or that the fish had gone bad...which would be weird...because I cooked it the day I bought it...

Anyhoodle, I taste the fish, sniff my bags like a crazy person, wondering where this stink is coming from - I can''t figure it out. I feed Calvin and mommy brain sets in and I forget about the mystery stink.

A bit later, I am sitting on the floor with c-dawg when I smell it again. And I turn and realize that the stink was COMING FROM ME. Somehow, she anal glanded me when she got the couch. On my back, above my left shoulder. She must have gotten me when she was sitting on the back of the couch.

SO, to recap. I spent the afternoon galavanting around town, smelling like a dog''s ass.

I hate my dog.
LL - Thanks for this. Ditto ChinaCat here. I can''t remember the last time I laughed so hard I had tears rolling down my face, but you got me with this. At least my pevic floor is intact post-baby, as I didn''t pee myself laughing... :)

Layney - You sound like my BF twin, except K''s still just on BM at 5.5 weeks. Mu best pumping day since starting herbs and meds was about 250cc. Do you pump exclusively, or is your 250cc what you pump after feeds? I have no clue how much K''s atually getting from nursing, which is irritating.

Ginger - hope the biopsy results set your mind at ease.

How do I find you all on FB?

Layney re: the tylenol, honestly it prob didn''t matter too much to give it to him then or later...the bit we gave J didn''t seem to help him til we gave him more later. the next day he seemed pretty much fine thankfully!! and wow O is big!! at J''s 8 week he was 11lb2oz and 23in. oh and he started smiling a LOT more around weeks he smiles so easily at so many things.

DRK...yeah it''s kind of a squashy pumpin color on BM. at first we were fascinated by it. now that he is on formula mixed with BM it''s not quite so fascinating anymore, more like ''quick get that diaper off''...hehe. hope the BF ''ing is going better and K weighs in well.

Fiery...YAY for sophia going down so easily! and YAY for a $5 carseat, or $-15 rather?! that is awesome. when its time for ours i am going to ping you to help me get the same deal lol. btw do you mind if i ask which MC rewards card has BRU as a redemption? i have one and i don''t think it''s on there and i keep thinking i should switch to a better card that has more options for ''kid'' redemptions like BRU so we can use our rewards to get essentials. i put most of my daily stuff on the card and pay it off so we tend to accrue a lot of points per month.

Lysser..omg re the glanding. So..Portia is small and cute but she also has the anal gland issue from time to time. We call it ''iron ass'' ... so classy lol..and we clean it off for her usually BEFORE she is able to get it on anything. But once we did have some guests over, she was so excited, and she ''glanded'' on the gal''s leg and a day later we had this weird falling out with this couple and greg IS sure it''s because Portia glanded on her and we laughed it off as we helped her clean it. HOW CAN YOU NOT LAUGH?
we still laugh. and that couple was weird anyway.

Pandora...I love that D likes to knaw on bones hahaa.
Amber...yay for a haircut!! post a pic.

re: hair... when does it start to fall out again? my stylist is doing those new Brazilian Blowouts and she did one on her SIL who has curly hair like mine and she said her SIL loves it. and i have had my stylist for years and i know she wouldn''t just tell me that to get me to do one. so i am really tempted to try it, esp at the 1/2 price intro special they have right now. i''m a little concerned about (a) the potential of BF''ing hormones wreaking havoc on the attempt, aka what if it comes out weird or something and (b) if anything weird will happen later when my hair starts falling out, though i really don''t think i will lose THAT much, i have always had a crapload of hair and it just seems a little thicker than previous. i might just go for it and scream later.


so i am super happy to say that J seems to be getting a little easier with the putting down into the crib for sleep. he''s starting to go down more easily for naps...and if he doesn''t nap then he might just hang out in there babbling to the wall tree decal or sucking his pacifier or hand...and at night i am able to just rock him a little to get him into a quiet drowsy state, then put him down and soothe him verbally. sometimes he keeps the paci in and i go in and take it out 30 min later and sometimes he spits it out as he is falling asleep. i think it''s a combo of him maybe starting to realize ''crib is for sleep'' and also us reading his sleep cues a bit better as well for naps. i am soooo paranoid about regression while my mom has him while we are gone but i just have to get over it. i keep lecturing her on following my instructions when in reality she''ll do what she wants, but hopefully it''s what i write down.

though i have to say, a lot of the sleep cues that books recommended were so non existent for us until about week 5-6. the rubbing of the eyes, yawning, etc... he didn''t have the capability to do that before that time and so i just was kind of guessing when he might be tired. it seems easier now to recognize when he is in that quiet state before being a bit too tired.

oh and ahem, post-preggo workout thread ladies, where are you all? i have been in there talking to the wall for a few days now.
Hi Everyone,
So, I decided to let Wes CIO tonight, this is torture! It''s been 24 mins and he''s still crying, having a fit. I don''t know if I can do this. But he wasn''t napping well today, I know he''s tired but he wouldn''t go to sleep for me, so I decided to let him just lay in his crib. I know a few of you have said that you decided on a time limit. I bet he''s going to hit the time limit, then what do I do? I think I''ll just hold him till he falls asleep then. He''s really screaming his head off. I peaked in on him and he''s ok, still swaddled. I fed him, burped him, changed him before he went down. He''s just over 5 months old. Maybe it''s too soon!
No advice from me sunkist, but wanted to say I can guess how hard this must be.
Finally have a pic to contribute to BPF. Aroud 5 weeks.

K sleeping small.JPG
thanks everyone for your concern, thoughts and vibes! i will def keep ya''ll posted re: the biopsy results. supposedly i should know by monday. darn weekend.

i''m going to be more positive in my post today. so good things that have happened: at the radiologist where i got the biopsy everyone kept asking me how old me baby was. and i mean everyone. radom nurses, etc.. who weren''t even part of my care for the day. i was puzzled. then finally my radiologist told me that they had all been discussing that no one believed i had a baby, nevermind jsut two months ago. that made me feel kinda nice

since hubbs refused to let me pick up A today, i had more free (ha!) time and was able to cook a bake with some leisure (again ha!) - tandoori chicken with spanish rice and grilled zucchini (yum!) and tried out a new recipe for spiced yogurt pound cake (double yum!) really liked the cake recipe - super easy and forgiving (i was kinda slapdash about the measurements and made several substitutions as i dodn''t feel like going to the grocery store) and it still came out great!

iand in the best news -- A laughed for the first time today!! not just his usuall big smile and quick breaths in and out that SEEM like a laugh but we''re not sure if he know''s what he''s doing. but a straight out and out baby giggle!! it was sooooooo cute!!! we were giving him a bath (which he luuuuuurves) and hubbs was acting silly and A was watching him and let started giggling. so we were both there when it happened. that was just so
. my boys

tao - yikes! hope Evan''s sleeping turns around again soon!

drk - kara is beautiful. she''s lloks so peaceful.. love sleeping babies ! (wish MINE slept more
). fingers crossed for a good weigh in!

mara - yay for j''s progress! hopefully g-ma won''t do too much damage

pg - 5 months was my mental deadline for cio...i hope things went well after you posted!!!


layney - the dose is 15mg/kg. we didn''t give A any until after when he got fussy and his legs seem to be tender. we just tried to be careful about how we held him and during changing. we ended up giving two doses about 12 hours apart before the mild fever subsided and he went back to his usual sunny self.

mandy - sooooooooo cute!

viz - wow, sounds like c is making great sleep progress
. unfort for me there is no half-way point work wise. i''m a fellow in a really busy program and unfort (why they did it this way i''ll never understand) they put on 3 months back to back of some of the craziest busy rotations we have. my hours will most likely be 6:30-7 A to 7-8p M-F and a few weeknd days added to boot
. and there is nothing i can do about it. and i can''t even leave work at work as i''m scheduled to give a big presentation that;''s going to require a tone of prep. it its what it is and i don''t really know what i can do about it.
I know that I''m coming into this very late, but so much happened here and I just didn''t have time to respond.

The threads over here are cliquish, and as TGal said I think a lot of it''s the nature of the beast. We went through the trenches together, and were probably much more real about the whole experience here than we were with people in real life (who honestly wants to hear about my mucous plug or about baby poops IRL
), and that fosters a type of closeness. It makes it hard to jump in - even as a regular poster in the "prequel" threads, if you will, it was hard for me to jump into this one initially and now I feel like I''m the only one in the toddler thread posting with a young toddler - but other than that, I don''t think that cliquishness is a bad thing. Knowing each others nuances and caring about each other and respecting each other means that we''ve been able to have much more sane conversations about hot button mommy topics here than I''ve seen on other places around the internet. It''s great that we can have a diverse community able to do that! And the atmosphere here and the people are what keeps me coming back. (And I know that it''s ironic that I''m saying this so shortly after the FF/BF thing, but after a couple years on TTC/Preggo/Newborn/now toddler, I think I can say that what happened there was the exception and not the rule.)

I''m thinking about all of you individually, but I have to head off to work now. I have responses to each of you in my head though.
Like Steph - if you''re worried but embarassed, you could make your husband buy the test. Hope you get hte answer you want! I feel like the most likely explanation is BFing hormones making you feel wonky. Kayleigh - I hadn''t heard that washcloth thing but that is just a great idea. G has at least 1 tooth coming through and is taking it out on his glasses rather than his teething toys, and so we''re going to try that. DRK - wow! Gorgeous. Mara - hair loss just started for me a couple of weeks ago, but I''m still BFing and since I think PP hair loss is hormonal, it may have happened sooner if I had weaned earlier? Don''t know what''s typical.
Okay heading off to work now for realsies.
Drk: Evan slept through the night last night!!!

Okay, I know this might be silly....but the past few nights when he wasn''t sleeping through the nights we didn''t have the a/c on and we had the windows open (not in his room though---his room is naturally on the cool side). Last night we turned the a/c on as an experiment and he slept through the night.


I just wanted to say that all of you ladies have been such a huge help in helping me raise Evan and in keeping me sane during the crazy times. I am a member of another board but once everyone had their babies---the board went dead.

I love that we can discuss anything on here...hello I''ve brought up painful bowel movements! And we are currently talking about dogs and their anal sacs....I mean come on! Where else could we do that in real life???

Also, from what I understand RPS was out on a trip--I''m hoping that is why she has been absent and not because of the ff/bf debate that happened.
Hey everyone!

Been crazy busy at work w/ our replacements tired of hearing myself talk! July can't get here soon enough.

Just wanted to chime in about the recent discussions...I apologized to RPS the day the whole BF/FF occured and if you're lurking RPS, I'm sorry if our differences caused you to not want to be a part of this thread anymore, I never intended to make you feel that way. Some of the comments that day touched a nerve and I felt I needed to respond. I really hope you join us soon!

And I REALLY hope all the new mommies (and soon to be mommies) feel they can jump right in here. This is a great support system when you're feeling overwhelmed w/ a new baby!

Ginger - hope everything turns our OK w/ the biopsy...and that's awesome that no one thinks you had a baby 2 months ago!

Thanks to the ladies who wished me a Happy Birthday yesterday on FB..really appreciate it
Tao yay for STTN!

Fiery I need to shop with you! haha congrats on that steal! Did you install it yet?

Mara My hair started to fall out at about 4.5 months...and it''s still falling (6m+)!!! Every time I take a shower it looks like there is a furry little dead animal in the drain! ewww

Sunkist How did it go!? I know it'' not easy by any means. Not sure what your limit was...but hopefully he didn''t get there!. My guys now STTN consistently...but wake up once in a while...I let them cry for about 20 mins and then I go in to check...because it''s not the norm that they wake up anymore.



LUCAS just rolled over back to belly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He''s done it before, but never for me to see! (he does it in the middle of the night and then can''t go back to sleep and gets mad!).

Yayyy! GO LUCAS!!!


Ok, what was I saying?
Sunkist-How did it go last night? I know that it can take a while on the first night but it's supposed to get better as the days go on.

Speaking of sleeping, So Cal how is E doing?

Yay go Lucas!!

Tao-That's awesome that he STTN!

Mara-I have an HSBC Card. I think they are offering balance transfers but I'm not sure if you can transfer one master card to another. I'm disappointed AMEX doesn't offer BRU/TRU rewards especially since I rack up a lot of points on my corporate card. Seems silly.

DrK-She's beautiful
I just put them down for a nap...they were quiet looking at their crib soothers and then Lucas starts screaming.

I go in to check...he had rolled and had his legs stuck in the sides of the crib
poor guy!

Should I put the bumpers back?? what do you guys do???
(Forgive a lurker jumping in)

Mara, I never had hairloss at all. I have super thick hair and my stylist commented that she''s noticed women with thicker hair don''t seem to lose much at all after a baby, while women with thinner hair do.

Maybe it''s just more noticeable with thinner hair. It isn''t inevitable that you''ll lose any, so I''d go for it (not least because I''m curious about the Brazilian blow out and I''d really, really like to see before and after pics).

A super quick one from me, and hopefully I''ll have time to update a bit later.

fiery: Solid Report- H hated the texture of avocado (he flip flops on this), but happily munched on pieces of banana. Not even a gag! The reason we didn''t try other food was because he decided to happily eat some puree last night, so I wanted to make sure he had enough food. We''re going to try more today.

Ladies who''ve gotten AF (esp. who''re still BFing, since it may make a difference?): Are they regular? I got what I *think* was AF in early March, but it was so light, I wasn''t sure. 44 days later (yesterday), she visits again, and there''s no denying it''s her. My periods were pretty regular after coming off of the pill, so hopefully they''ll become more regular before we start trying for #2. Hopefully?
OK - i'm still laughing at LL's post (and CCs). PLEASE come back and tell us more stories of cricket. ROTF!!!!!!!

firey - horray! for sophia! WTG mamma!

sunkist - how are things??? interested to hear about wes and what happened last night.

amber!!!!! your hair?!?!?!!? OMG i'm DYING to see your new do! i followed you on WB b/c our weddings were a few weeks apart (not knowing who you were until i put 2 and 2 together on the BWW thread and then on the TTC thread - does that make me seem like a stalker or what???) are you donating your locks??? my hair started falling out about a month ago and is still pretty nasty - darn hormones. also the beautiful skin i had during pregnancy has been replaced with teenage acne, WTH?!?!?! as if the bags under by eyes, extra 10lbs, and thinning hair wasn't enough to make me feel awesome... now i have pimples and sallow skin - i'm looking GOOD! ;)

ginger - gah girl! are you a coffee drinker??? what got me thru the first month was a large coffee with 2 shots of espresso ;)

mandy - i don't have any advice on the foods.. maybe call the pedi and see what they think? i've only had charlie try avocado w/oatmeal and banana w/oatmeal. i'm waiting for our 6 month apt before we go whole hog into solid foods. i'm kinda confused on when/how to feed them.. do you supplement a bottle for food? must read up on this.

cc - i still shutter at some of the things i have done/said in the past. although when i get together with my friends - and we have a few bottles of wine under our belts - the stories go from embarrassing to hilarious.. in a 'what the ____ was i THINKING?" kind of way.. i'm glad i can always be the comic relief;)

for those new new mommies: i didn't start posting regularly until i came back to work - i just didn't have time (or a free hand ;) i would do these drive by 'help me!!!' posts and the ladies here always gave me great advice. it's an awesome resource!

so, i've noticed that around 2:00a c wakes up and starts talking to himself. he's not pissed or crying - it's more like he wakes up and decides he's UP. it's so hard to get him to go back to sleep because he's not the least bit tired. last night it took me almost 45mins to get him to fall asleep and even then it was spotty until he got up up for the day at 5:00a. i thought babies cadence should have kicked in by now???

AND,(fingers crossed) it seeeemmmmmsssss like that first stretch of 4 hours is becoming more consistent. he did it again last night 8p-12p / up at 2, up at 5.
Sunkist...from my experience, it''s best not to start CIO on a day when your LO has not napped well. Them being overtired is actually going to make it a lot harder for them to go to sleep on their own. And since the key is to really be consistent, it''s not great to just decide one night after you had already tried other things to just put them down and do CIO. They key is consistency, so if you''re going to do it, you might want to make a plan and start implementing a routine that you are going to stick to for before you put your LO down.

Also, if you are going to seriously consider doing CIO, you may want to consider deswaddling at the same time. The purpose of CIO is to teach them to self-sooth, and a lot of babies use their hands in some way to self sooth, either by sucking on their hands, rubbing their heads, etc.

Hi everyone else!

Fiery, I quickly saw a mention of a great deal on a carseat...I missed it, how did you get it, if you don''t mind reposting?

Fiery and EB, good luck with the solids! I don''t have your fear, but we''re struggling because Jacks really wants finger foods, but isn''t too coordinated yet and can''t get much in his mouth on his own, but often doesn''t want me to feed him. Frustrating.

As for the whole cliquishness of the thread my experience, the less I post, the more left out I feel. If you are feeling left out, the best thing to do is post more, then no one can ignore you
. Hehe, seriously though, the more you post the more you get to know everyone! I wish I could post or keep up more!

As for fb...I think I''m still missing lots of you on there, so if any of you who are friends with me want to suggest some others, I''d appreciate it. Also, if someone requests me but I don''t know who they are on here, I don''t accept.

News for us...Jacks is feeling all better, but he still has one little red spot from the HFM disease, so I''m still keeping him away from the babies in our mommies group in case he''s contagious, and I''m sooooo bored. DH is still working crazy hours.

And he''s getting really good at pulling up and cruised a few steps for the first time yesterday! Everyone says once they crawl, pulling up and cruising happen so quickly, but Jacks seems to like to take his time. He''ll do a new skill, then won''t do it again very much, but then once he "masters" it there''s no stopping him. He was so slow with crawling at first, but now he''s all over the place.
I''m glad you guys were entertained by my story of stink. I still can''t believe I walked around literally smelling like a dog''s ass. Ha. I will often look at Cricket as I pet her and tell her that I hate her...but I say in it a really sweet voice and given that she''s dumb as a box of hair, she doesn''t know the difference. It makes me feel better.

CC - You know, DH and I use the term anal glanded on a regular basis...much easier to say, OMG Cricket anal glanded me...ugh. SO freaking gross! As for weaning...I still pump once before bed and once in the morning so C can have a bottle of BM before bed and so I can use it mixing up his various foods during the day...that is what I really hate doing. If I dropped the pumping, I could probably keep on for a year...but I don''t know. Between trying to get pregnant, being pregnant and now nursing, I''m sooo over having to worry about how caffeine, medicine, alcohol, diet mountain dew (it is my crack, i''m ashamed to admit) will impact C. Blergh.

Fiery - I meant to ask you if you tried these things called Baby MumMums. They are rice crackers that are a really nice size for babies to grab and they are pretty crunchy, but they pretty much dissolve as soon as they mix with saliva. Calvin LOVES them. And no choking scares!

Ginger - Yay for laughing babies!

Mara - We describe the smell as a combo of iron and ass. SO freaking gross.

Mandy - Yay for rolling! As for a bumper...I am kind of a paranoid freak when it comes to SIDS so we never used the bumper that came with our crib set. Instead, we got a breathable mesh bumper, which keeps the kiddo from getting his legs stuck. They aren''t as cute as real bumpers, but they are alright and do the job.

Viz - There are some really helpful books out there on feeding. I''m making Calvin''s food and found First Meals and First Meals, Q & A to be really helpful books...I know I had NO idea what the heck I was doing...but basically, for the first several months, food is just for fun and tasting and smearing everywhere. It shouldn''t really replace bottle/breast feeding.

Oh, and here''s a pic of the Cricken, as we sometimes call her. Her cuteness helps us not throw some dog treats into the street and slam the door! It is amazing that something so stinky can be so cute.
oops. forgot to attach. mommy brain...

And here is my BPF contribution.

Calvin loves to "read" books.

This is an old book from when I was grade school... Called Bunicula, about a bunny that drains the juice out of veggies...for whatever reason, it is one of his favorites...

LL - yeah, cricket is pretty cute... pretty stinky ;) but darn cute!
thanks for the rec. on the book - gonna order some from amazon today..

anyone else have recommendations???

i''m just trying to think of how on earth i''m going to fit in feeding him into the one hour i have with him at night
i guess DH will have to do most of the introducing without me

and on that same topic DH is home with C today.. he called me to tell me he couldn''t get the banana and oatmeal into C''s mouth fast enough. he was grabbing at the spoon each time DH pulled it away. guess the boy likes his bananas. i read that bananas AND oatmeal can cause constipation and to start them with a little water in a sippy cup at the same time... does this sound right??

p.s. i LOVED that book too!

i know there was something else i wanted to ask/say........ snap...
anyhoo, this is my contribution.. it''s from our walk last week. and for those who have drooly babies now, just wait.. i thought i could go on a walk w/out a bib on the dude.. about 5mins after this picture the front of his shirt was soaked in drool
- and i also want to give a little shout out to american apparel baby clothes again.. i LOVE their long sleeve and short sleeve tees!

Just wanted to jump in and let Ginger know I''m thinking of her!

Ginger - You''ll be in my thoughts and I''m sending you mounds of dust for a good outcome! Also, kuddos to you for looking so fabulous in your post-preggo body that you have everyone talking! I can only hope I am as lucky!
Hmmm, something in LL's post intrigued me...

For those who are/did breatfeed, did you refrain from alcohol, caffeine, meds etc while feeding? I have been merrily drinking my one can of diet red bull, a lot of ginger beer and the odd gin & tonic or glass of wine here and there plus the usual meds... is this bad? Must admit I haven't noticed a difference in D after any of them - maybe if I drank 5 cups of coffee a day...

LL - adorable pictures, especially the book reading, looks very engrossed!

Viz - love the picture, he's very cute!

Can't really help on the food thing as we've only done BLW with Daisy - it does make life easy though as she just eats with us... I stick her in the highchair and DH and I just cut bits off ours and give them to her. No plate or cutlery as she just tips them upside down.
It's not for everyone, but if you're interested I can recommend books/websites etc

Daisy has decided that today is walking day. The last week or so it's been a few steps here and there and crossing the room a couple of times. Crawling was definitely the preference though. Today she seems determined to walk everywhere - frightened the life out of me when she tried to walk out of the door and down the 2 steps onto our terrace... she can't do stairs downwards yet as it is let alone while standing. Luckily she dropped down and slid down them before going AOT.

We've got amazingly sunny and warm weather here for the UK in April and I think I need to get some thicker curtains - wretched child is waking up at 6.30am the last two days as the sun comes into our room at that time. Ugh!
Mara: My hair is THICK. I have half-hispanic girl hair, and it's usually (ha) thick and heavy (Which is why I'm cutting it). My hair started falling out at 4months pp. Then again, I put it up EVERY DAY. It's just too much (down to my butt) to handle. I sent you a FB request.

Mandy: Yay for rolling over for you!! I felt bad because I missed the first few times P did it, just looked away and she was on her tummy. We have mesh bumpers in her crib (for that day in the not-to-distant future when she will hopefully sleep in there).

Sunkist: Boo on cry it out fail. I hope he naps today! Piper has been on a nap strike lately, too, so I put her in the stroller and rock her back and forth, it seems to conk her out. I wish you luck!

Viz: OMG, you were a WB follower?? How funny! Have I not lost SO much weight? I was such a heifer then, despite all the doctor's visits as to why. This is another reason for the haircut, now my face has slimmed down marginally, I feel I can better rock a short haircut. Why did you never mention it before? That's so funny! People comment on my personal blog now, who followed me from WB. I hope the hair makes me feel a tad bit more attractive, I will have to have sex with my husband SOME day- and I'd rather not look like a Gorgon. My hair is totally dry and gross, so I'm not donating it. I wish I could, but it would be a waste for them.

LL: Woofie went underneath P's swing last night and barked while she was napping. I told him I was going to punch him in the eye, and he retreated. LOVE the pics! Dude, Bunnicula was my FAVORITE! (I also enjoyed the Sybil pics, too).

DRK: LOVE the picture. We have that blanket!

Ginger: YAY for giggles! P still does her cough/bark laugh, with a few insanely loud giggles.

I forget everyone else, sorry. So last night we tried to put her to bed earlier, she just stayed awake in her bassinet slamming her legs down until her usual bedtime. This morning when I got her up (she slept through, amazingly) she had a scratch/cut on her wrist.

Tomorrow we're going to the Renaissance Faire. Yes, I am a dork. To prove it was inherited, I am going with my cousin and aunt and my mom. And, to further embarrass myself, I am bringing Piper. Anyone know if it's safe to apply sunscreen to a 5 month old?

Attached is a picture I call: "Mommy laughs when Piper hits herself in the forehead with her plastic teething keys" It was funny! Of course, when I saw the red marks I felt bad.

Viz - I can''t believe you''ve read Bunicula! That is awesome! Banana and oatmeal is one of Calvin''s FAVORITE reakfasts. He did have a bit of trouble with constipation when we first started him on I''ve taken to adding some prunes to his breakfast. I just went to wholefoods and bought the little jars of baby food prunes...I add them to the oatmeal or yogurt and he totally doesn''t mind them. I''ve noticed a difference in the poops too...and yup, offering water is good too!

Pandora - I should clarify...that although I worry about these things, I still drink my coffee and Diet Mountain Dew and take medication, but I have having to think about it. I''ve noticed absolutely no impact on Calvin at all when I drink caffeine, but I''m just so over having to think about it, if that makes sense...
Sabine-Nothing major, I just used the 20% off coupon that we regularly get from BRU but I also cashed in my reward points with MC and had a rebate card from a few months ago. Plus, this seat had a special where you get a $20 gift card. Glad Jacks is feeling better

LL-love that C is reading! ha! I haven't tried MMs but I will get some today!

Viz-C is adorable
. When he wakes up, do you pretend to sleep (lol) or do you wake up immediately and try to get him back to sleep? I wonder if you let him just sort of talk to himself and not engage with him, then maybe he'll fall back to sleep on his own? Or at least realize that if he wakes up when there's no light out, mom/dad won't play so it's too boring to stay awake

EB-I'm going to have to go home now and give her bananas lol. She tried one before but she didn't like the texture too much. I'm going to have to try again. We tried giving her pasta once and it did NOT turn out well

Pandora-Yay for Daisy Walking!!

Amber-You crack me up lol! Poor Piper but she looks like she survived

Here's Sophia last weekend. I couldn't get her to look at the camera. ETA: I promise that's not what we covered our couch in lol. That's the blanket my mom was sleeping on.

Oh and my Friday confession: Even though it pains me that Sophia isn't sleeping well with MIL (or at home with FI today) I secretly LOVE that she needs me. Sometimes I feel like she doesn't need me very much, especially since she doesn't spend that much time with me so whenever she shows signs of being a mommy's girl my heart melts

DRK - she is so adorable! I LOVE peaceful sleeping babies! I could sit and watch Wes sleeping forever

How did last night go?- Well, I think I posted at 24 mins last night as a form of distraction and looking for some consolment/direction. THEN at 25 mins, my hubby went in to peak at him, make sure he was really ok, but Wes saw him. So I couldn''t bear the thought of Wes seeing us and then leaving him while he was still crying to I went in and picked him up.
So much for that. Sabine, I think you''re right about not letting him CIO when he hasn''t gone through his routine. Then he might not "know" why he''s been left in the bed, although I KNOW he was tired! Why do kids fight sleeping so much?? Anyways, after I got him up I just took him out of the room and he chilled with us watching The Office till I finally could convince him to relax and fall asleep.

It hasn''t been this hard in a while to put him down for the night, so I''m wondering if maybe it''s a growth spurt or something was just messing with him?? Thanks Amber, Viz, Fiery, Mandy, Sabine, Drk for checking in on me

Here''s a pic from yesterday when he was happy playing with his farm puzzle!

Just a quick lunch fly- by...

Cute pics! Nice to see the little one again, drk!

Hiar - no falling out for me either.

Pandora - I still have tea and chocolate whenever, and coffee up till 4 pm sometimes. I also have the odd glass of wine now and again.

Here''s my contribution to BPF:

And since you couldn''t see his face in that one, here he is playing in his bumbo
