
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

DRK I''m sorry you''re having supply issues too, but congrats for stil EBFing at 5.5 weeks!!! Unfortunately the 250ml is an estimate based on weigh-feed-weighs. That seems to be all Oliver can get from me in a day...he manages about 45ml per nursing session and then takes an extra 40-100ml of formula via SNS. If I pump after, I get about 10ml so I stopped pumping - it wasn''t making a difference and I hated washing the pump bits all the time. I went to Dr. Jack Newman''s clinic a few times and he recommended that I stop pumping, saying that Oliver would get the extra 70-80 ml directly instead. My life got so much better when I stopped pumping!

Mara Thanks for the feedback re: Tylenol. We had a rough night, but by this morning O was feeling much better and we stopped giving him the tylenol. It did take a couple doses before his fever went down. I can''t believe how big O is now - he was 7lbs5oz and 20.5" at birth so he''s getting close to doubling his birth weight already.I''m excited to hear how the Brazilian blowout works if you go for it. I''ve got unruly hair and would love something that tamed it more permanently than a flat iron. It sounds like you''re making good progress with J napping in the crib. That''s the strategy we took - O has always napped in his crib, but sleeps in a bassinet in our room at night. If only O would sleep as long as J...he still gets up every 3 hours to eat (no wonder he''s getting so big).

Sunkist I haven''t tried CIO yet, but a friend that used this method said it was the best thing for her and her baby, even though it was really hard to do. I''ve been reading HSHHC and it seems to suggest that 5 months is a fine time to start, but also that it''s more effective without the time limit. Good luck with it!

Ginger I bet the wait until Monday will be hard - am hoping for the best for you. Hopefully the baby laughs make the wait a little easier

Taovandel Hooray for Even sleeping through the night! It''s too bad he can''t teach my O how to do that - am seriously sleep deprived still.

Mandarine Yay for Lucas!

Pandora It sounds like you''ve got your hands full with a very mobile Daisy. It must be so exciting though to watch her become so independent. I would love suggestions on books/websites for BLW - we are still a few months away, but I like to be prepared.

Here''s my BPF contribution - we finally captured a smile on camera

Oliver smiles.jpg
oh my gosh layney he''s only 2 months old? he looks so big like a BOY! i mean he is a boy but you know what i mean. J sometimes has those moments too, usually when we dress him in stripes, where i am like he looks like a little man hehe.

re: caffeine, alcohol etc while BFing. i have my cup of coffee in the morning and i might have a soda during the day. and i have had the odd mojito since he was born...our BF class told us basically to just do what you normally would (within reason of course) and unless there is cause for concern (aka you think you''re drinking too much caffeine) don''t worry about modifying the diet. oh and they said one or two drinks is fine. i am not a huge drinker anyway.

sunkist, so cute!! sorry about CIO, i am sure it''s hard. i figure that sometimes J will regress and then we just do what we need to while trying to keep the general routine in place. i am sure that W will be back to normal soon.

fiery, i hear you on the secret love of sophia needing you, i am sure i will feel that way too when i am back at work esp...and my mom is his primary caregiver.

ginger, hoping things are a''ok for you...and awesome for looking like you didn''t have a baby! i got the same thing when i took J for his 2 week appt at the hospital, like 5 people asked how old he was and when i said 2 weeks they were all goggle eyed. as i felt like a tub o''jelly at the time and was still carrying like an extra 20lbs i didn''t quite see what they were impressed by but it felt nice that''s for sure lol.


so last nite J slept 12.5 hours! i woke up a few times to peer in the monitor. and around 6am he had actually moved himself up against his bumper, ugh! so now i think it''s time to take it out, so soon too. and its SO CUTE. and those breathable ones are hideous! i figure no bumper is ok for a while since he''s really not even close to rolling over from back to tummy yet, it''s just that he uses his head and shoulders to move his body and then he turns his head so he was not fully into the bumper but really close. and obviously i don''t want him breathing recycled air. so we''ll try no bumper tonite and see how it goes. anyway i moved him back to the middle and he slept til almost 9am.

and viz i forgot to respond re the pillow. J totally likes to be all wrapped up with material around his face and/or his face into something a lot of the time. when he is snuggling and i am rocking he turns face to my chest and/or when my mom is rocking him she also wraps material around his HEAD which i hate but he loves. i just told her to not put him down to sleep like that. so i think a lot of times the babies like that feeling of something cradling them or closeness to something else but they just don''t know it''s not GOOD for them yet. i sleep with material around my face but obviously i know to turn my head and not suffocate.

did anyone put the bumper back in around year 1? i just love this bumper and hate to think we''ll never use it again hahaa.

it''s too bad there aren''t like plastic crib guards with holes that you can put into the crib to give the baby only so much mobility where they don''t end up against the bumper. then you could leave the cute bumpers in! lol. i need to take some of these ideas to market.

gotta run as we are visiting Daddy today at his work. someone is in the crib with the music on while i eat and try to get ready and he is not happy, hahaa. he is like ''damn mom i slept 12.5 hours and this is how you repay me'' ...sorry kiddo!! mom has to shower (and post on PS). at least is doing more of the talking to himself thing than the fussing.

my quickie confession... sometimes i get upset at our sweetie dog Portia, who is really the best dog ever...she has not changed at all since the baby has come even though she gets 1/2 the attn. anyway sometimes when J is crying and i am dealing with changing the diaper, getting the bottle or situating myself on the couch for bf''ing or whatever and she is right at my heels tripping me or coming over to stare at me on the couch like she is expecting something...i snap at her. i feel so bad afterwards because she doesn''t understand why i am irritated, and it really has nothing to do with HER, but it really is the whole ''seriously what do you want from me now''. if it''s not J demanding something (and he''s so much more vocal obviously whereas poor P just follows us and stares) then it''s P and if it''s not one of them it''s G hahaha. it is so much about how much more thin can Mom be pulled. and i know it will get worse when i go back to work. anyway, i try to make it up to P with a quick snuggle in the morning and extra treats. great now i am a mom who is already guilt feeding. ugh!

oh and here is our pic, from an outing last week with some friend moms. i love it as i look happy and j is like ''what is this picture crap mom??''...hehee. sorry to whoever i missed, back later. happy friday all!

Loving BPF! All the babies are so beautiful.

ginger - Thinking of you too today!

Re: solids - BabyCenter has a lot of great info on this.

Yup, definitely a growth spurt over here... He's been eating like crazy for the past 2-3 weeks (lost count) and now he is sleeping. And I mean 8:30PM-6AM, 7AM-10AM, 12PM-??? No complaints from me, but gee... He is getting huge too, outgrowing his clothes faster than I can wash them and his face and torso are getting a lot larger. Oh and he tried to roll from back to front yesterday. Failed, but he tried! I don't know if he'll do it again soon.

ETA: Oh yeah, can I join in on the 'no love for my pet' thing? My cat thinks it's hilarious to open Jacob's bedroom door (I can't wait to get out of this apartment, the doors don't shut properly) and start meowing loudly once I've finally put him to bed, or do it to me whenever I get to sleep a little later than usual. I HATE YOU STUPID CAT!

Here's my photo of Jacob. Hanging out on the couch!


Mara, just a quick fly by on the bumper...

I really can''t comment as Amelia (and I even believe officially) had THE ugliest bed atmosphere in the history of any baby on pricescope. The plush bumpers really scared me. But now (and even several months ago), she moves all over the place and I thought a plush bumpers at this stage in the game would be nice. Not sure of any safety hazards, but it seems possible to use it later. I''m not going to buy nice crib bedding at this point, so the mesh bumper remains. I''m saving all my pennies and buying her an awesome toddler bed and bedding sine I went so skimpy during the crib stage (and it really was hideously and truly ugly to the point where I thought my practicality was a bit much.)

my frequency of posts directly relates to how much i feel like working...... which today is, like, natch.

amber- OMG yes!!! i think you look auh-mazing! i didn't say anything before because i felt so ... well.. stalkerish.. i lurked on the LIW thread forever (well, you can see when i became a member here ;) and then we ended up getting engaged within weeks of one another, married at the same time, KTFU, having babies. maybe we are soul sisters
i wish i could grow my hair out, but once it gets to a certain point it just gets gross so i keep it around bra strap line. i'd love to go longer - and am jealous of people with thick hair who can. anyhoodles i'm dying to see your new do!

fiery - that sophia! gets me every time.. and i just LOVE her piggies! i want to touch them - that sounds weird right? they are just so cute and fluffy i want to pat her pig tails.
and about the sleeping.. yes.. i don't acknowledge that he's awake - and it's not that hard because i'm typically so flipping tired i can't open my eyes. but he will roll over to me and start pulling on my nose and grabbing my hair (it's almost like he's saying 'hey, mom wake up!' and after about 15-20mins i start to get nervous that he should be asleep instead of awake so i will hold him. which is what he probably wants all along. this co-sleeping is a double edged sword. he does 'sleep' better and we don't have to hold him all night long like we did the first 3.5 months of his life, but it's hard for ME to sleep.
and i totally get your confession. my sister tells me over and over (when i vent about not being around much etc.) that babies are hard-wired to love their mom's more. they just are
that always makes me feel better too. have a great weekend!!

sha - OMG!!! she is a beauty! just a precious perfect little girl!

sunkist - sorry CIO was a bust last night. but you have a pretty good looking fellow over there!!! and it struck me like a lightning bolt when i saw that picture.. PUZZLES!!!! dur.. i must get some ASAP! c's current fav toys are wooden blocks - he's so old school.

mandy - go lucas!!!!! does either baby like to sleep on their bellies?? seems c (now that he can roll onto it) is ALL ABOUT sleeping on his belly and gets ticked when i try and put him down on his back. and i have a mesh bumper (hilarious b/c c doesn't sleep in the crib) but i would say mesh or nothing.

pandora - is it wrong that i laugh every time you say 'wretched child'? i'm totally hearing this wonderful british accent saying that and it makes me giggle. i want to start calling c that when he wakes me up 4 times a night to pull on my nose - and i'm going to use the accent too! i'm not really looking forward to c becoming mobile. i like to plop him and have him stay where i put him. it's a whole new ballgame isn't it???

LL - i was kinda a book nerd growing up. and when DH and i first got together he would be watching TV and i would be reading.. for some reason this would always make him mad...

right now we are only trying 'eating' like every 3 days or so (when i have time) i am so confused still about how/when to feed so it's still a little 'treat' until he gets the hang of it and the all clear from the pedi at 6month check up next week. gonna remember that about prunes tho as he has a tenancy to get bound up ;)

layney- double birth weight
good job mamma!!!! c still hasn't doubled birth weight and he's almost 6 months.. such a peanut i have. and soooooo cute!!! that is a total genuine smile!!!!!! no gas smile there

ETA: mara! love that pic!!! i realized i have like ZERO pics of ME and c.. lots of c but not so much of us together.. gonna get on that this weekend. have fun at lunch!

anchor! OMG he's getting so big!!! cuuuutttttttteeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Man, I was only gone for like one day, and I am pages behind! I''ll try and catch up a bit.

Fiery - Yay for $5 carseat. Which one did you end up getting? Gald Sophia is doing better with the sleep.

Mara - My hair started falling out I think around 3-4 month. On E''s 4 month birthday, I ended up cutting mine all off into a bob. I just couldn''t handle the huge clumps anymore. I have a TON of hair, so I already shed quite a bit, but this was ridiculous.

Sunkist - CIO is hard. Its even harder when your baby will cry for 2 hours straight, like E does. I''m not so sure it is going to work for us.

gingerB - Hope the biopsy turns out okay. Keeping you in my thoughts. Yay for baby laughs!

tao - Yay for STTN. Maybe the AC is helping. It could be the white noise that the AC provides.

Mandy - Go Lucas! Just be careful, because once they start flipping over, it is crazy hard to get them changed an dressed. Once E started flipping like crazy I got the mesh bumpers and put them in his crip. he got his feet caught once or twice, and I didn''t want him to hurt himself.

Sabine - That is so crazy that Jacks is cruising already. They progress so fast! I am a little worried for E to start being mobile. He is already trying to crawl. he sticks his little butt up int he air and then looks around like "why am I not moving?"

Pandora - I don''t totally refrain from alcohol or caffiene. I limit myself to only one caffiene drink (either a latte or a soda) and one glass of alcohol (either a glass of wine or a beer) a day. My doctor said that was okay.

drk, littlelysser,vizsla, amber, fiery, sunkist, sha, layney, mara, and anchor - cute pics!

We are all sick over here. E has a really bad cold, and DH and I are just starting to get over our colds that we''ve had all week. I ended up taking E to the doctor this morning to make sure he didn''t have an ear infection, but she said it''s just a cold. It is making him cranky and he is not sleeping well. He has been waking up twice a night. Last night was the only night that he would go back to sleep without coming into bed with us. DH and I are going for a night away tomorrow night and leaving E with my parents, so I hope he does okay.

Also, we tried peas last night. He HATED them. he would shudder with each bite. It was hilarious!
Viz- I was going to say the same thing, that maybe not to respond if he's just talking, but I forgot he's in bed with you. As for the feeding thing, it's hard since you're working. At first, I just made sure to introduce the new foods on the weekends when I was there. But now I'm over it and let the nanny give him whatever I tell her. He eats too much now to save it all for me.

LL- LOVE the book pics.

Clique- Ok, I'm already tired of this topic, as is everyone, but just wanted to agree that the more you post, the less left out you feel. I lurked forever, and never quite felt comfortable posting b/c it seemed like everyone knew each other already. And I'm not talking about the TTC/Preggo/Kiddo threads, I am talking about ALL of PS. I remember Tacori once posting that she felt ignored sometimes, and to me Tacori was a very well-respected and "known" member, so I thought if she feels that way, then it's not just me and I got over it and started posting. The only way to become "known" is to post. And when you first post on the newborn thread, there are people that have used this as their daily lifeline for months, so of course we "know" each other well. But the nature of this thread (and life) is that we need new blood to keep it going. Soon-ish, I will have to move to the toddler thread, which makes me sad b/c this has been my "home" for awhile now. But it will be time, and I will still read the newborn thread to check up on my friends and offer advice if I have any to the new moms. We get EXCITED when a new mom joins us! So let's put this topic to rest now, shall we? Let's all hold hands, sing kum-bah-yah on three.

BF- I tried to limit my caffeine, esp in the beginning, but I did not cut it out completely. Nor did I abstain from wine or beer but I definitely limited it if I was going to nurse him soon after.

Mara- O has that onesie. I loved it.

Layney- Ok so it's so WEIRD to see you typing Oliver and O!!!!! Obviously there are going to be loads of Olivers, but it's so funny to "see" it on PS. Esp the "O" part.
Though it does reinforce how much I like the name! And YOUR Oliver is sooo big. Mine was/is a peanut. GREAT picture btw! What was his birthday?

AFM- I keep coming on here to update on me and O, but get sidetracked posting. Quick hit- so it looks like I have mastitis AGAIN. Third time. AND I am NOT even pumping or nursing anymore.
Seriously. The hits just keep on coming, huh? Blah.

Work- too tired to post, will do so later.

Oliver is doing great. He is BUSY. He's been crawling for 2 months now, pulling up and cruising for over a month now, is really fast and thinks he can out-crawl us. Went up and down the stairs yesterday by himself (with DH right behind him). He is a daredevil and is fearless- he flips around and would flip off the couch if I let him. He also face-plants at least once every morning before I go to work- he seems to think he can stand by himself which he cannot. Two bottom teeth so far. Seems like he's working on the top ones, but who knows. Sleep is regulating, as are his naps, thankfully. He babbles all the time, seems to be trying to repeat what we say, but isn't really talking yet. We are working on waving bye bye, which I am convinced he "gets" but is stubbornly refusing to do. Which makes me think he's been video chatting with Daisy who is giving him tips on how to be fiesty.
He turned 8 months last Sunday, where is the time going???? But I LOVE this age, ever since 6 months it's really been so much fun. I do wish he'd sit still occasionally. He also is starting to throw temper tantrums when we make him do something he doesn't like.
They are minor, but oh my. It is mean that they make me laugh? His mouth turns down like a cartoon character and he actually has real tears now. Then when whatever is that upsets him is over, he does that cute hiccup-y thing.
He also screeches a lot. Like all the time. Anyone else have a screecher?

Sabine- Meant to comment forever ago after Robbie and Des's visit. You've totally burst my bubble by stating that Jacks is calmer, quieter and more contemplative than Des. O sounds more like Des and I just convinced myself it was all boys. Now I have to be jealous of your less obnoxious little man! Sorry to hear about your DH's work schedule. I was MISERABLE when my DH was working 24/7. Not his fault but I was not a happy camper. Hope it passes quickly. Is Jacks feeling better?
Adorable pics everyone!!! Love them all!

CC - I was just going to ask if anyone else had a screecher. Calvin and O are so similar - it is weird! HOLY CRAP DOES THAT KID squeal. We actually call it screaling...because it is a combo of squealing and screaming. And it is LOUD. He does when he''s happy or excited.

I''ve also noticed the mini-temper tantrum...when I take a toy away or otherwise don''t let him do what wants, he gets very upset for a nanosecond. Frown, tears, the whole 9. Like O, it passes quickly, but it does give me a bit of a laugh...
Happy Friday! We had the best day today. We met a friend up at the park and our boys (minus E!) played and played for hours. We had a nice picnic lunch, it was so great to be out in nice weather! I still have not tested, but didn''t feel sick this morning. I really think I was just really dehydrated b/c I drank lots of water yesterday and feel much better today. Hope everyone is having a great day. Here is our pic from this week. E hanging out at his brother''s tball game...he''s got such chunky cheeks now

Lysser- So not surprised to hear that.
And yes, that''s exactly what it''s like. He does it whether happy, sad, frustrated, excited. I think it must be about "finding" his voice. He also makes other noises non-stop like he''s one of those people that do noises for movie soundtracks. Foley artist????

That picture. Makes my heart hurt just a little bit.
Amber, we started A on rice cereal way early due to his extreme reflux...we started purees around 5 months. Piper is still a cutie, red marks on her head and all!

Pandora, meant to tell you how cute D was pushing that cart! How fun at the dinosaur place...Andrew would have LOVED it, he is into dinosaurs at the moment. When I was BF, I would have a cup of coffee in the morning and maybe a soda during the day as well.

Sha, I just stopped BF about 2 weeks ago. I think it was just dehydration. D is beautiful and I love her coordinating bib and hat!

Layney, sorry O has been fussy with the shots, hope he feels better. He is so happy in that pic!

Fiery, yea for the deal on the carseat...I LOVE bargain shopping! OMG, S''s pigtails are the CUTEST!

Drk, how did the weight check go? Darling pic!

Tao, hope E sleeps for you tonight. It might be something to do with the windows being shut (a draft?)

Mara, my hair hasn''t fallen out yet. I have really thick hair though (get it thinned out when I have it trimmed). I have naturally wavy hair, but straighten it out everyday. I would love to be able to air dry, but I would look like a frizzball. Let me know how you like it if your stylist does the straightening thing. The pic of you too is so cute...he looks a lot like you there!

Sunkist, hope things went better for you after you posted. I never had to CIO with A except when he was older to do naps, but I can imagine how hard it would be. Good luck! W is adorable and so into his puzzle!

Ginger, yea for baby laughs...those are the best

Blen, I almost sent Adam for a test last night but decided to hold off!

CDT, glad you had a great bday!

Mandi, yea for L rolling over. And they are just.too.cute!!!

Hi, Mrs.M

EB, yea for H liking bananas! Andrew still won''t eat them b/c they''re too "smushy"

Viz, yea for 4 hours!!! He is adorable! Love his cheeks!

Sabine, sorry for the boredom, but glad J is feeling much better!

LL, What a cutie dog...makes up for the "present" from yesterday! And cute pic of the baby reading!

Hi, Blushing!

Aww, Anchor J is cute in his little overalls! E sleeps a lot too when going through a growth spurt.

SoCal, sorry E has a cold

CC, wow already going up stairs, he''s getting so big!
I don''t remember who asked but the carseat we purchased was Safety 1st. This is the seat for FI''s car. Still deciding for my car

The babies are sooooo adorable! Sunkist-I hadn''t seen a pic of Wes in a while. He''s so cute!! And Mara, J looks so much like you!

China-I think you''re going to have an early walker
. GL with the tantrums. LOL. I cannot figure out how to get Sophia to calm hers and I fear I''m going to be one of those moms that loses control of her kid. She does this little wiggle thing, screams, then throws herself back
ChinaCat I agree it''s weird seeing someone else with the name Oliver. We loved it, in part, because it wasn''t super common, but we''ve run into several Oliver''s since he was born. His birthday was Feb. 21. It''s funny that he''s so big now - when we left the hospital he was 6lbs9oz and sooo scrawny - I still think of him as the little peanut he was

Your feisty little O sounds like loads of fun!

Steph Aww, E has the cutest little baby cheeks ever! I love his little baseball uniform. Glad you got to spend a lovely day at the park. O is finally doing better, but sleeping a lot today. Hopefully the next round of shots goes better.

Vizsla C is just precious. Sorry he''s got his sleep schedule off a bit - hopefully he adjusts soon.
FI cracks me up. He''s at home with Sophia today and has called me ALL DAY LONG. First to ask if he should give her cereal and fruit for breakfast and I said yes. Then he calls me 5 mins later to ask if he should give it to her now or later lol. Then it was that she wasn''t napping and then called to brag about how he got her to finally nap. Now he''s grocery shopping with her and called to ask if it was smarter to put the car seat in the cart or take the stroller. I''m, just sit her in the cart to which he answered ''no way? she fits there already?'' LOL!

And when he combs her hair he has to strap her to the high chair

my attempt to catch up:

Ginger: yeah on looking great! Yeah for laughs!

Mandarine: woohoo for rolling over!

EB: All this talk of avocados is making me want some guacamole!

Viz: What we''ve been doing for feeding is 1/3 of a jar of baby food---orange veggies first, green and then fruit for us, and the his oatmeal then about 2-4 ounces of formula. We normally do this for dinner/bedtime..the rest of the day is strictly bottles for right now.

Sabine: woohoo for pulling up and cruising around!

LL: the doggie is too sweet to be causing so many gross things to occur! Also I love the Bunicula series of books! Super cute baby

Viz: sooo cute!

Pandora: Yea on on waking up early.

Amber: Is it wrong to laugh at the weird things our babies do? I love to take pictures of these moments too! cute picture!

Fiery: She is so cute!!! you should post pictures of her everyday. Your post about your FI made me cute!

Sunkist: AWW, cute pictures! Sorry CIO didn''t work. Maybe he just wanted to watch the Office!

Sha: She''s just a beauty!

Layney: your avatar pic cracks me up! Oliver is such a cutie!

Mara: cute picture of the two of you!

So Cal: Hope you all start feeling better!

China: sorry about the mastitis! I can''t believe he is 8 months already!

LL: Count Evan in as a screecher....I have a video on FB of him just laying on the floor screeching for no reason.

Steph: Yeah on enjoying the nice weather! Your E is super cute!

My Mommy Confession: We never took the bumpers off the crib.....

Back later with a picture!
Picture time :)

sucking on his Daddy''s leg...yuck!

My last one I promise!

ok so about the bumper... it''s a fat thick cotton one from pottery barn kids. curious as to how many of you moms (a) had a bumper like this and (b) kept it in the crib and didn''t remove it. i know some moms just love the mesh or nothing. but i know other moms have bumpers like this and kept them in. if you moms who kept the bumpers in have movers and shakers like J, please let me know. i wouldn''t even think about it right now if he wasn''t such a crib traveler, and his sleep positioner does nothing to keep him in place, he moves WITH it halfway and then leaves it behind.

on one hand i feel like he was really close to the bumper BUT he could easily turn his head, i watch him shake it back and forth all the time in the monitor. and who knows how long he was sleeping like that and he was just fine. am i being silly to want to remove it this early? also it''s not a plush as in ''soft and puffy'' bumper at all, it''s pretty stiff and straight material...hard to explain but the only ''pocket'' areas are where the batting is quilted together. on the flip side i think well if he shoved his head against it, and was deeply asleep it could cause an issue if he didn''t notice he was not breathing correctly.

i want to err on the side of caution against my shallow, home decor side, so i think i am going to remove it and see how he does, but i just flippin'' love the thing!! and greg today was like ''why did you get it if it only lasted 3 months.'' doh, what kind of rational Q is that? bah. hehee.

oh and there''s no issue with having NO bumper for a while right? because he''s swaddled so nothing can ''stick through'' the crib slats, his head is too big. i guess when he is unswaddled is when i should put the yucky mesh ones in.

do those mesh ones make anyone else think of those mesh tank tops that guys used to wear to dance clubs in the 90''s?

i could always sell it on ebay too and reap back prob like 3/4 of the cost since it''s essentially brand new and he never even came CLOSE to doing anything on it ..but i love it! TG good to know that we can potentially use it later.

love the pics today...and steph those cheeks! swoon. but you know i''m a sucker for cheeks.

funny you gals think he looks like me there cuz everyone seems to think he looks like greg lately!! i guess it just depends on the pic and also who he is with in the photo. and viz...i also have like TWO whole pics with him and like 5000 of him and 500 of him with G since i am always the one with the camera! so i have been trying to get more conscious about having someone take a pic with me too. i don''t want him to look at his album when he''s 30 and think ''where was my mom'' lol.

our visit with G today was great, he loved showing him off and J was an angel of course. i was like yes yes he''s wonderful, just wait til we get him home and he''s like MOM IS BORING and starts squeaking. hehe.

thanks for the tips on the hair falling out. i am hoping, amber that i won''t have too much hair fall out, i have a huge head of hair and always have. i figure i''ll go for the blowout and if my hair really starts looking bad later i can always hack it off. i have always dreamed of rocking a short do...but i''m too chicken. hehe.
Mara, we ditched the thick bumpers for the breathable mesh ones right when we moved Jacks into the crib IIRC. His favorite position to sleep in is on his belly with his face right up against the bumper, so I really didn''t feel safe with the thick ones. That being said, he''s also had a little lovie blankie since then, and he often has that right up by his face but it doesn''t bother me, so go figure.

As for using it later, I believe it can be a bit hazardous as kids can then use them to climb on to try to get out of the crib, but it probably depends on the kid and your comfort level.

Lysser, before I forget again...I, the girl who started reading Stephen King in 6th grade and loved every book, was TERRIFIED of the Bunicula book (and weren''t there others related to it?). Images of vampire rabbits and drained veggies haunted me for quite some time, and I''m still not a fan of bunnies

China, sorry to burst your bubble! Although I have to admit, now that Jacks has been crawling for a few weeks, he IS starting to be on the go a LOT more. I really think he just takes a while to warm up to a new skill. Now that he is comfortable crawling, he doesn''t want to sit still. It will probably be the same with cruising, he just started so he''ll take his time and only do it every so often, but once he feels comfortable doing it he''ll be none stop going! Sorry about the mastasis!

So Jacks has discovered his new favorite''s called catch mommy''s feet while she does crunches on the floor! He was playing, so I decided to get some exercising in while on the floor with him, and he found it HILARIOUS when I started doing ones where I move my feet. He thought it was even more funny when he could actually catch my feet. Of course, this led to me bonking him on the head a few times because I couldn''t see him(friday confession anyone? I didn''t even stop because he was still laughing).
Just thought I would pop in and let you guys know I broke down and bought a test and it was NEGATIVE. Whew, off to drink a glass of wine! Enjoy your weekend ladies!
Hello, Ladies

All your bebes look so cute! I am going thru a nightmare right now. J came down with a fever on Wed and checked in the ER @ midnite. The highest reading was 102.5. She got some blood drawn and the Doc told us that her WBC''s were high. I panicked and later was told that it might a Urinary tract Infection or Mengitis. The doc suggested we do a lumbar puncture to see if indeed was menigitis. We agreed to it and when he did it he couldn''t get a sample. I was there thru the procedure and it was one of the toughest things to experience, i broke down like a baby. They adimtted her to pediatrics and we have been here since then. She got another LP done and this time a sample was collected! Then, she had an ultrasound to check out her kidneys and bladder to make sure that everything is running smoothly. The doc said that she has bacteria in her urine. We will get the LP results tomorrow. But so far no bacteria has grown since the sample has been taken! Please ladies send my family and I some dust. I am trying to be positive because I am bfing and want all these positives vibes to go to her so that she can get well. She is asleep right now. So far she is slowly getting back to old self again. She was talking and smiling alot. I just wanna get outta here!
Oh MTJ that sounds dreadful
Poor J. Sending lots of positive vibes over. I''m not familiar with a lumbar puncture. Have they done a cath? Is that what an LP is? Hoping you get some answers soon and that J goes home quickly
Thanks, Fiery! The LP is done when a baby is 3 months or younger. This is like an epidural, they insert the needle in your spine to collect some spinal fluid. They then check it and have to wait for 48 hours to see if anything has reproduced, like bacteria or whatever. I am hoping that she tests negative, but so far no bacterial growth, it has been 24 hours. I want to wake up from this nightmare already! I am taking 4 more weeks off of work to be with her. The soonest that they will let us go is Tuesday and that''s if everything goes fine. Iam praying long and hard! But I am thankfull that she is eating, pooping and peeing just fine!
Mtj - Big *HUG*. Hope it''s not meningitis.
Oh no, Mtj...hope you guys get some answers soon and that you are sent home. Hope J feels better soon.
Thank you guys so much! I feel better now because she seems to be better! But, I will be better when we leave!
Confession: I lurk here on Fridays to see all the cute baby pictures, and FIERY! I noticed in your pic of Sophia that we have the same couch! Haha! I saw the pillow behind her and recognized it as my own :) I get lots of compliments on the set. Yay!
Date: 4/23/2010 10:37:35 PM
Author: mtjoya
Thank you guys so much! I feel better now because she seems to be better! But, I will be better when we leave!
Hoping you get outta there soon. Glad she seems better... I will keep her in my prayers. But sounds like all is good. I know all about Menengitis. HUGS to you Mom, it''s not easy seeing your baby getting a spinal tap, etc....
Date: 4/23/2010 7:51:49 PM
Author: Sabine
Mara, we ditched the thick bumpers for the breathable mesh ones right when we moved Jacks into the crib IIRC. His favorite position to sleep in is on his belly with his face right up against the bumper, so I really didn''t feel safe with the thick ones. That being said, he''s also had a little lovie blankie since then, and he often has that right up by his face but it doesn''t bother me, so go figure.

As for using it later, I believe it can be a bit hazardous as kids can then use them to climb on to try to get out of the crib, but it probably depends on the kid and your comfort level.
Oh yah...good point. Comfort level and kid are key. My kid is not a climber. She hasn''t even attempted to get out yet, but a giant fat bumper would probably be a huge help. I was thinking more a plush one, but a bit flatter...which could still be used a stepping point anyway.

What do I know...I put my kid in a bed that looks like it belongs in a mental institution.