
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

well she''s a well-adjusted patient then TG! lol. and with our luck J would be a climber.

so we just put J down in the crib sans bumper and i hate it!!! it looks so prison! haha. he went down really easily so we''ll see... i think he does kind of partially wake a few times a night so it will be interesting to see if he wakes more fully because something that used to ''shield'' his view of the room is no longer there. the bumper was literally from mattress to top of crib so he could see absolutely nothing that wasn''t above crib level. now he can see the light we have in the corner on low, the dresser, the DOOR (aka can see us peering in).

breathable bumper might be the only thing to have ''something'' still blocking his view if it''s an issue, bah. i wish you could even just leave one side of the bumper on but ours is all attached to the other sides. well i guess we''ll see what happens tonite and go from there.

mtj...yikes so sorry to hear about J''s poor things. i hope it all turns out well.
steph...yay for negative lol!
sabine... at least with the lovey he can move it with his hand or something yanno.

oh i just thought of a really obvious 2nd confession...i am a freak about home decor and stuff looking nice. that includes my kid''s crib with a cute bumper. boo. i don''t even want to think about what our house will look like when it''s ''baby proofed''. i might need to be medicated.
MTJ: I'm thinking of you guys, it must be so scary. I think Anchor went through almost the same thing, only a bit more traumatic with a very bad reaction to the morphine they gave her little J. I hope you get good news soon.

Viz: Soul Sisters! (I keep hearing Lady Marmalade, is that weird?) That's crazy that we've got the same life schedule going on here.

Anchor: love J's overalls!

Mara: love the pic!

Steph, also love the pic!! Yay for negative!

RE: caffeine and stuff: I have iced tea and hot chocolate almost daily. I'm not a coffee drinker, so that's not an issue for me. I do avoid taking any allergy meds (which I need right now, ugh) other than my asthma meds, which I would die without. I guess I abstained while pregnant, so it's not a big deal. I'm also not a drinker, wine/hard liquor or beer, so that's also not an issue.

Fiery: LOVE Sophia. She is seriously a beautiful little girl. I just want to put her in my pocket.

Well, my hair is gone! The pic on the left is how long it was (headaches every night), and the right is well, it now. Crappy pics, sorry!

Date: 4/24/2010 12:17:11 AM
Author: Mara
well she''s a well-adjusted patient then TG! lol. and with our luck J would be a climber.

so we just put J down in the crib sans bumper and i hate it!!! it looks so prison! haha. he went down really easily so we''ll see... i think he does kind of partially wake a few times a night so it will be interesting to see if he wakes more fully because something that used to ''shield'' his view of the room is no longer there. the bumper was literally from mattress to top of crib so he could see absolutely nothing that wasn''t above crib level. now he can see the light we have in the corner on low, the dresser, the DOOR (aka can see us peering in).

breathable bumper might be the only thing to have ''something'' still blocking his view if it''s an issue, bah. i wish you could even just leave one side of the bumper on but ours is all attached to the other sides. well i guess we''ll see what happens tonite and go from there. I said - mental institution.

We don''t own a house yet so I couldn''t care less how it looks. Makes it real easy to save money for later when the kid cares how things look.
Mara - the riskiest period for SIDS is the 2-4 month time so I would want to minimise any risks at that time - even if it did make the cot look like a prison!

I have one of the PB ones for Daisy''s cot - that she doesn''t even use yet. However the middle section of the Stokke comes off once they''re walking so they can''t roll out of bed as there is still barrier at the top and bottom, but they can climb out safely on their own when they wake up rather than diving over the top rails. The bumper then fits round the rest of the cot. I don''t know if yours has a way of turning it into more of a toddler bed by removing a side, but that might eventually work.

Once they''re pulling up and cruising them will use them as a step to potential escape.

Have you tried unswaddling him and putting him on his side to sleep - when D was in the co-sleeper (till 5 months) I always put her on her side with a rolled up blanket behind her whole length. She couldn''t roll back onto her back and flail around and she couldn''t roll forward. She always hated the swaddle though so we never had to wean her from it - it might not work if he''s used to being swaddled I suppose...

I''m still chugging away at 41 weeks pregnant, but I have been lurking on here & cooing over all of your adorable babies.

Drk, LL, Viszla, Amber, Sunkist, Sha, Layney, Anchor, Tao, Mara, Steph & Fiery - SO CUTE!!!

Amber-coming out of lurkdom to say I love your new haircut!!!
vesper, hope you join us very soon!!
amber, love the new haircut, it''s so cute and summery!! i am trying to grow my hair but i wear it up so often a lot of times i am like WHY have it long??
pandora ... i could prob remove one side of the bumper to have it be 3 sided for future toddler bed, it would just involve cutting where it''s connected on the 4th side.

well J did fine last nite with the removed bumper. i keep the room pretty dark with only a little light in the corner anyway, so he may not have noticed anything was diff til the morning. BUT at about 6am he was moving around a lot and starting to make noise and he was right against the crib slats again, so i am glad i removed the bumper as he prob would have been in same position as the night before and freaking me out. so i went in, moved him back into the positioner and popped paci in and he pushed paci out within 3 min went back to sleep til his normal wakeup. yay.

i''m bidding on a breathable bumper on ebay, so lets see if i can get it for cheap. i''d actually just like to have something in there for him so that he''s not banging his head on the slats, since chances are he would.
OMG MTJ reading your story with your J was like reading my own... The exact same thing happened to my little J 5 weeks ago, including the 2 LPs (J stopped breathing when they gave him morphine the first time around). I''m so sorry this is happening to you, I wouldn''t wish that on anyone. I will definitely be praying for you non-stop until you are out of the hospital. We had to stay there a whole week... Hopefully it''ll be a shorter stay for you. HUGS sweetie!

We had some more feeding issues yesterday. I tried to nurse J at 5:30PM and there just wouldn''t be any letdown, so we had to give him his nighttime BM bottle early and I prepared a couple of bottle of boiled water in case we''d need to give him formula later. He started dozing off in his swing at 6:45PM so we started his bedtime routine early but he started crying again, and he ended up passing out after 2 minutes on the boob at 7:30. WTF boobs?!
Amber - great hair!

I need some serious PS weight gain dust here. I thought all was good yesterday after he doc visit, but her gain was woefully inaequate according to the lactation consultant''s scale. Pray for us! We''re going back in 2 days to see what''s appened in the interval...
Hi All,

Saw my name mentioned a few pages back. I''m reading just not posting as I have little to add. We''re chugging along and all is well. Jane has her two month appt. on Monday, time is already going too quickly; I''m still looking for the pause button. I am so in love with her, being a mom, and watching my husband be a dad.

Had a lactation consultant come to the house to help with some breastfeeding obstacles, she was so helpful, I''m going to have her come back one more time to get rid of the nipple shield, it will be so nice to be able to breastfeed without that added step.

, I believe you had some struggles with Jacks regarding sleep, that he would only sleep on you if I recall. If you have any tips, please share as Jane only wants to sleep with or on me. I attribute much of it to her being early and small and just needing that extra comfort, which is fine, but cosleeping isn''t something I want to do long term (it''s my short term solution).

Mtjoya, good thoughts to you and the baby. Hope everything turns out okay.

A crying little miss calls...
Amber Love the new haircut!

DRK Sending dust and positive thoughts for you for weight gain. I know how important EBFing is to you and I''m really hoping things improve for you.

MTJ I''m so sorry you''re going through this - I hope that you get good news and that J feels better soon. My O had to have an LP done at 8 days old and I know how terrifying it is for a parent to go through.
omg, thank you all ladies for all your support! Thankfully, all her tests are negative! I am so happy, relived, and very thankful! The doc said that she has e.coli in her urine, wtf! She said that things like this happen and to not worry but to keep a close eye on her. She needs to take meds for 10 days 3x a day. She doesn''t have mengitis and nothing else. What a relief!

Anchor-I can only imagine, that really sux! I thought that I was alone on this and never expected what we went thru. I am glad ur lo is great!

Layney-8 days old?!!
That really sux! poor bebe!

btw, we are going home!
Soooo happy!

This is my princess, hanging out in the crib!

Amber, love the haircut!

Mara, I *may* have a little solution for you. As of today, Jacks officially needs a crib rail teething guard. All of the reviews say that the clear plastic ones and adhesive tape ones DO NOT work, so I went ahead and ordered a fabric one. They actually have one that matches our bedding set! So it will tie on to the top of the crib rail, and definitely add to the cuteness of the crib in a safe way. Just a thought since a lot of people end up with lo''s who teethe on the crib rail like Jacks!

Anchor, so sorry about the feeding issues.

drk, major dust your way!

Layney, sorry if I never welcomed you! How old is your LO?

mtjoya, sooooo glad everything is ok and you''re going home!

Kimberly, you poor thing! How old is Jane? And what have you tried so far? Swaddling tightly helped at first for us, but when 2 months hit and he discovered his hands, he wanted them out, and swaddling no longer helped keep him asleep. Honestly, after trying a ton of stuff and it not working, we resorted to cosleeping and me holding him for naps until I felt comfortable sleep training, which we did at 4 months because at that point I was getting no sleep. The sleep training really worked well for us and he is a fabulous sleeper now...he usually goes down at night and for naps without a peep, and when he does have slight regressions due to visitors, teething, illness, whatever, afterwards we may have to let him cio again for a day or so, and then he goes back to going down really easily.

One thing I desperately tried was letting him sleep on his stomach. It worked for a few naps, but it made dh really uncomfortable (until Jacks learned to roll on his own at 4.5 months) and when I tried it out of desperation again a few days later, it no longer worked. If you want any other info, just ask!

I''m sending dust to baby J
Dust to Mtj and DrK.....

I took E over to my parents house to hang out for a bit. Before we went home, I noticed he had I tried pawning the diaper change off on my dad. He was having none of it so my poor mother said she would do it. So off they go. I figured I should go help my poor unsuspecting mother out.....little did I know just how bad it was....when I come in I find her saying, "Oh, no Evan! What did you do!!" had pooped all the way up his back! We had to cut him out of his onesie and had to shower him off he was so bad!! I called my brother into the room and was like, "This is why you should never have kids!" He was grossed out and immediatly left the room.

I love my little stinker!
sabine, she's 2 months on monday, but was 3 about weeks early and is very small. (like 5th percentile i think). i swaddle, we use the miracle blanket, i did pick up put down. the last time i was up every 20-40 mins. which is when i gave up and started sleeping with her. i start her in her p'n'p and then move her into bed with me when she wakes. she's too young and small for cio Z(needs nuight feedings), and i don't know that ill have the stomach for it, although that could change after a few more months of this arrangement as i'm uncomfortable with it, it scares me, and i'm not sleeping well. she hates sleep, probably gets an average of 10 hours a day, which is common for smller babies, snd i want her to sleep as much as possible so this works for now but long term something else will have to work. if i put her in her crib she"s up within 20 minutes and flipping out, not sure if cio will even be ana option because she reacts so strongly to crib/p'n'p already. quite the quandry, and i'm okay for now but know i need a plan.
i''m really really trying to be positive but want to talk about getting kicked while you;re down? my biopsy site is infected and i have a raging case of mastitis. my "24 hour pharmacy" at some point cut back their hours so i can''t go get my prescription. and even though i felt ok earlier, now i''m having chills and aches and the exhaustion is way beyond my normal exhaustion so i need the abx now. the next closest one is 20 minutes away so hubbs has jetted off to go get it. and as much as hubbs wants to just let me sleep and he take care of A for tonight until i get better, i can''t let him do that as he''s been doing that due to the biopsy and me not lifting over 5 lbs so he''s exhausted too.

sorry for another poor me post.

and mtj i''m so glad ya''lll are headed home and J is doing ok.
Ladies again, thanks for all your support! She looks a little sleepy and is exhausted at this time. I am going to spoil her and give her lotz of luff!

Luvinlife-Thank you! I luff your beautiful puppy!

GingerB-So sorry that this is happening to you, it sounds scary, hang in there!
Mtjoya- Wow, what a terrible ordeal. So happy to hear that everything is ok.

Ginger- You are really going through it aren''t you? I am on my third case of mastitis so I can actually feel your pain. But you will feel better when you get the abx, hopefully sooner rather than later, but at the most within 24 hours. Every time I''ve had it''s 24 hours of flu-like symptoms but I feel a lot better after I started taking the abx. Do you guys have anyone that can come help you???? Sounds like you both need a break. Hang in there. Hoping A gives you a good night tonight.
Just popping on quickly to offer hugs all around. It''s amazing what parents go through in those first few months. You ladies are doing such a great job despite all the challenges. A mother''s love is so beautiful!

DRk-hoping that the appt turns out with good news.

Kim-so sorry about the sleep troubles. Doing what works is about the only advice I can give. Do you have a swing? At that age we would get 2-3hr stretch from Sophia on the swing and on nights when we were really exhausted, that''s what we used.

Ginger-i feel for you. I can''t imagine that pain. You''re so strong girl! Hoping you feel better soon.

MTJ-glad J is feeling better!
Gingerb- hope you feel better soon!

MTJ - glad to hear that it's not meningitis. I hope she's 100% in no time.

Mara - we got a breathable bumper for G thinking that it could help with head bumps, but it was just so thin that it went right on back to the store. I think that they're primarily to keep limbs in the crib.

Amber - cute!

Does anyone have a nursing-friendly dress that they really like? I've really been wanting to get a dress or two, but I spent so long shopping for one today and found basically nothing.

BB Question - Since I know that some of the ladies on here have had their share of trouble and probably know better than I... At what point do you get a clogged duct checked out? I think I'm going on 4ish days now. It's not particularly painful, but there's a hard lump that's just not going away.

ETA - I'm not the only one on here, on Saturday night? Man we're cool.
Re: bumpers-Sophia has traditional bumpers in her crib. Always has. We at one point put breathable but she kept bumping her head. It''s a little different for us because the girl did not move. She would get swaddled and put in her positioner and that is where she stayed. Even when she figured out how to free her arms, she still stayed in the same spot. Now, at almost 10 months, she moves a lot in her crib. Just tonight I laid her down in the center of the crib and when I checked on her she was on her back against her bumper in the total opposite direction with her feet crossed on top of her bumper lol. Anyway, as paranoid as I am about everything the bumpers surprisingly does not bother me.

Hair loss-i know we were talking about it earlier. I think it was 4months PP when I cried on the bathroom floor because of the amount of hair I had lost. But the loss has completely stopped and now I have all these "baby" hairs growing back. Sex-ay
Amber Love the new do!!!!

MTJ Wow, how scary!!!
I am so happy baby J is doing well!!!

Ginger Hugs to sorry you''re having these issues!!!

Kim Hugs to you too!. How do we function with so little sleep? It''s really amazing what new moms are capable of doing and how well we function!!. Who knew right?. I second trying the swing!. I personally would be more comfortable with that than with co-sleeping. I was always scared I would smash the babies!!!. Even though we never co -slept, I would wake up freaking out asking DH where the babies were in the bed....(sleep talking!). He was always like "what in the world are you talking about woman? The babies are in their cribs!. My boys also loved the vibrating bouncy chairs for naps!. I hope you find something that works!

Breathable bumpers I''m going to have to get them. Mr Lucas is now a rolling machine and keeps getting stuck!

"Lovies" I say "loveys" because they are more like "haties" over here!. My boys have this little loveys in their bed (more like a paci stuck to a little stuffed animal...they don''t like the paci but do like to chew on it and chew on the stuffed animal). Anyway, the past 2 nights Alex would wake up like mad...after like 20 minutes I would go in and he would be hating his lovey (biting it uncontrollably and almost p/o!). I would take it away and he would go right to sleep!. So last night I didn''t give it to him, and he slept all night. Today it was Lucas hating his lovey!. What in the world!?. They have other loveys that are more like blankets that I think I''ll try (small enough that they are not a suffocation hazard but big enough that they are not a choking hazard!). So are my boys nuts? any other babies giving a lovey some hell?

Pool! Took the boys to the pool today and I think they didn''t know what to think of it! hehe. They were just quiet...I think they enjoyed it!

Drk I hope everything is ok!!!!!
Mtj - glad it''s just a UTI!

Ginger - hope you feel better soon

Kim - I have the same sleep issues here, but no solution. Maybe it''s because K is still so scrawny?
Kim...does the lack of sleep and weight gain concern the pedi? Do they have any recommends on what might help? I know J was not a great gainer at first but eventually he caught up and now he''s like a little tank so hopefully that is just around the corner for you (you too DRK!!)

also, I second the vibrating bouncy chair...J slept in his for the first 1.5 weeks of his life. And the swing was invaluable in the first few weeks too. J kind of goes in and out of ''love/hate'' with them both but in the beginning when he was just a blob he loved the constant movement. poor girl, hugs to you. I know it might seem like things just keep coming at you, but hang in there. Mastitis, ugh. Is A sleeping any better at least? And I would say let hub continue to take care of A for you becuase two of you exhausted doesn''t make sense yanno! You are the sick one. Ditto trying to get some help also, even a friend to just come in for 3-4 hours so you both can rest?

MTJ... so glad J''s tests were negative and BOO on the hospital stay. she looks so happy at home in her crib!! hope she continues to improve.

Blen..I get clogged ducts all the time, I have two in my right boob that almost always seem to be there when they get too full but I just keep working them out. the bumpers. Yeah if J didn''t move it would be one thing. But he''s SOO active. Maybe when he is Sophia''s age he will be more self-aware and I can put it back in. Since he is also still swaddled, I am more paranoid as he has no ''limbs'' to help him at this point.

Isn''t there a 12 week growth spurt? I think J might be in his right now, he slept 12.5 hours last nite and then after his morning bottle I typically put him back in the crib since he will fall back asleep for maybe an hour more (and since he hates napping I figure let''s get the sleep while we can), well today he fell asleep and slept another 2.5 hours! I had to go into his room and open the blinds to get him to wake up. Poor baby, because if his patterns are any indicator (historically he sleeps a lot, then growth spurts and eats a lot at the same time) he will be set to actually ''grow'' this week, just in time for my Mom to babysit him. Yikes!! I better give her extra milk!

This is kind of a random Q but in J''s nursery his crib is in a corner with 2 walls. One has the tree decal on it and the other one is bare. I want to put some photos of him and also maybe 2 canvas prints in kind of a collage up on the bare wall. The crib does not back up entirely to touch the wall, there''s maybe like 5" of space between wall and crib. I am kind of paranoid to hang anything on the wall because what if the pictures fall off and into the crib and hit him or something. Is this unrealistic? We have earthquakes but I guess I should say I have never had a picture just fall off the wall in like 10+ years that I can remember (knock on wood). Anyway just wondering if any other Moms have hung pics over their LO''s crib.

I think I am also a little more paranoid lately, because someone told me a horrible story recently about a baby who was taken to the g''parents house and they had nowhere for the baby to nap, so they put the baby into a large walk-in closet on a blanket on the floor, with nothing around the baby and it was a newborn so totally immobile. Well I guess a pillow fell from up top in the closet and onto the baby and yup, it died of suffocation. Can''t even imagine. Horrible story and it totally stuck with me.
Love the haircut.

Lots of weight gain dusts.

Glad Jacqueline is ok, and you guys are home.

Poor thing. You can't get a break. Ditto ChinaCat on having someone come help if possible.

Sorry you are not getting much sleep. Definitely try the swing or bouncer or even infant seat for longer stretch of sleep. We have nne of those things, and J would wake up every time as I put him down in the PnP/crib or soon after. He just started sleeping long stretch the past few days (he is a week shy of 3 months). So I can sympathize, and there's hope.

Personally I wouldn't feel comfortable putting picture frames over the crib even with the gap. Just rather not take the risk, even though there's only a small chance of it falling.

Re: Breathable bumper
I wasn't going to put in any bumpers at all with M, but ended up getting the breathable ones when her arms and legs start to get caught between the bars. We took it out when she started climbing because we didn't want her to use it as leverage. Check TJ Maxx for deals on them. I've seen them there for around $15.
Sabine Hunter has totally chewed through the wood of his crib
He is an animal! I did not even think of a cloth bumper. Too late now, the finish is ruined.
Ginger, sending lots of good thoughts your way. So sorry about all that''s going on.

Fiery, no swing, but a vibrating chair that keeps her awake. She likes to sleep on the bed and the couch. The couch scares me more than the bed, so I only put her there during the day when someone is sitting awake watching her. My sister was supposed to lend me her swing and never remembered to bring it, I may ask for it. I really am okay with things as is for now, I just need a plan moving forward.

Mandarine, thanks for the encouraging words.

Mara, her weight isn''t a concern, she''s gained almost 3 lbs since birth, she''s just a small baby. We see him on Monday, going to ask advice then.

Drk, hang in there with the feeding! My girl is a voracious eater, trying to catch up.

Baby crying...
MTJ - Glad things seem better, what a nasty scare!

Kim - Although we eventually embraced co-sleeping and found it suited us, at the beginning I tried desperately to get Daisy to sleep/nap in her co-sleeper. One thing that really helped was putting a rolled-up towel under one end of the mattress so she was inclined - I know others have found this a help as well. Daisy also would not be swaddled for anything - I had loads of lovely swaddling clothes and things like the kiddopotomus and loads of people including nurses and midwives tried to swaddle her with no success. What worked for us was putting her on her side to sleep with a rolled up blanket behind her so she couldn't roll back onto her back. Even now, she's still a side-sleeper.

ETA: Swings and vibrating chairs were a dead loss with Daisy - the only way to ever get her to nap longer than 20 minutes during the day was for me to sleep with her, then she'll go down for a couple of hours, sadly still the case...

Amber - Love the new haircut!

Ginger - poor you, much sympathy coming your way from me!

Blen - I found that wrap dresses work really well - I have one from 'Big Mummy Tummy' that is specifically a nursing/maternity dress in black bamboo fabric, but have found that pretty much all wrap dresses work well. You can wear a cute cardigan or something over the top so it's less like letting the boob hang out IYKWIM!

Hair - Mine was awful between 4 and 8 months PP. Seems to have stopped now - just have more grey hairs than I did before all this baby lark! Am seriously thinking of having it dyed soon! ETA: Breastfeeding made no difference to the hair falling out...

Mandy - Can't believe the boys are 6 months already - they're super cute!

DrK - Hope things go the right way with K's weight gain, you're doing a great job!


Took Daisy out to feed the ducks, swans and moorhens near our house today. Lots of babies - so cute. Stopped off at the supermarket to pick up a few bits and pieces - including a watermelon that Daisy choose... and wanted to carry the whole way home

Sunday April 25th 002pan.jpg
Really quickly as I''m at work and it''s gorgeous out and I am going home to take O to the park.

Kimberly- O was LATE and still only in 5th percentile but ate like a champ. Also, I agree about trying the swing. We got one a few weeks in and was it was like sunshine after months of rain. The difference in our lives was monumental. Assuming she likes the swing, of course. It was like baby crack and O did a lot of his sleeping in it. Also, when you say PNP, do you mean the bassinet part? Curious b/c O hated the bassinet part of the PNP, but liked to be contained. We had a Moses basket (similar to a free-standing bassinet) and if he was swaddled and in that, he would sleep. Maybe your bed/her crib/the PNP is too big, as in too much space around her? Just a thought. Also, she still might grow out of where she is now. I remember things got soo much better for me around 8 weeks. And then 3 months they hit some pretty big milestones too. Hang in there!

Ginger- How are you doing? I so wish I could come over and relieve you for an hour or so. I do have a GREAT babysitter that we''ve had since O was 5 weeks. And she would totally come over for an hour or two on a Sunday I would think. I also know a great sitting service in the area that everyone I know raves about. I''ve used them and they were good. Let me know.

Daisy. What can I say? I want to put both her and Sophia in my pocket! One for each. Wouldn''t it be fun to "switch" for a day, so I could have a girl for one day, and you guys could try out a little boy???? It would be so fun to me to baby-sit Sophia or Daisy for a day. Speaking of, where are all our other girls???? Natalina, you out there? Phoenix??? I know I''m not one to talk since I haven''t posted any pics in awhile, but would love to see some baby girl pictures!!!!!