
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

November-awesome picture of Olivia! Love the bathing suit!!

Here''s what I got and I had to LOL at the highlighted. Gets that from her grandmother

What can you expect for your baby? She will be very popular. She will not have any problems making friends. She is fun, optimistic, and full of energy. She may not be the most organized person but she thinks well on her feet. She likes to see everyone get along and may meddle in other people''s relationships in her attempt to keep the peace. She is outgoing and not afraid of meeting new people. In school, she is likely to be in the drama club, on a sports team, or involved in the yearbook committee. She enjoys gossiping and takes pride in the fact that people trust her to tell her their secrets. She likes to give out advice even though her advice is not always the best. Even though she is very popular, she is very insecure. She likes to be praised by others and will seek out people that give her attention.

She will likely pursue a career working with people. She would be miserable if she had to work in a cubicle with nobody to talk to. She may be indecisive when picking a career. She may try more than one job before she settles on one she likes. Career choices may include waiter, journalist, teacher, nurse/health professional, flight attendant, or sales representative.

Viz, that''s great news! I know you said you''re open to a sleep consultant and I ran across this website mentioned in a mag today. She does phone consults and has a book that I think someone mentioned previously. CIO isn''t her thing. Just thought I''d throw it out there.

Schedules: just a big ugh about that right now because I''ve been working so hard on creating a routine for little miss but sometimes life gets in the way. Need to go pick up my poor crying baby, but first must share she put herself back to sleep twice last night!!! Wow was I thrilled. Now if I could just get her to stop screaming every time I try to put her down.
More from me later, but in the mean time...

What can you expect for your baby?

He will be a very passionate person. He is fiercely competitive, motivated, and driven. He is very bright but is easily bored or distracted. You won't have to worry about him being a couch potato. He will be very athletic or physically active. He is emotional, sensitive, and affectionate. His image and good looks are very important to him. When he gets to be a teen he will be the one that refuses to wear anything that is not in style. He will burn a whole (
) in your pocket if you let him. He will drive you crazy wanting the newest athletic shoes. He enjoys listening to music, dancing, and loves a good drama (whether its fiction or real life).

He will be very ambitious and will do well in life. He adapts well to change and can function well in just about any setting. He is good at rolling with the punches and nothing gets him down. Career chooses may include actor/model, doctor, lawyer, advertising executive, or politician.

LOL! How can this quiz possibly know that he'll be good looking?

I'm cool with everything but the 'fashion plate' label. That's SO not my husband or me, and it probably won't be Henry, either.
Interesting to see the different profiles!
Do they seem 'on point' or way off, when you think of your baby?

fiery, that's interesting that you see something from your MIL in there....hehe....

E.B - lol.....
Well when I got "your" same answer, I knew it was wrong cause it just doesn''t sound like O at all.

And yes, this one does. BUT it also sounds like me, so I wonder how much I''m projecting?
Date: 5/5/2010 3:39:52 PM
Author: ChinaCat
Well when I got ''your'' same answer, I knew it was wrong cause it just doesn''t sound like O at all.

And yes, this one does. BUT it also sounds like me, so I wonder how much I''m projecting?
Hmmm.....or maybe it''s accurate, and iit''s the similar genes at play?

I''m struck by how much like ''me'' her profile is as well.....I was wondering if there were just a few stock profiles on there and there was a 30% chance of each quiz taker getting that particular answer. I''m surprised how different everyone''s baby profile is so far, though.
Date: 5/5/2010 3:36:22 PM
Author: Sha
Interesting to see the different profiles!
Do they seem ''on point'' or way off, when you think of your baby?

It''s hard to say this early, but I''d guess it''s more off. My husband is a lot like his father, and I think Henry will be a lot like my husband...and Henry''s ''profile'' doesn''t sound much like my husband at all (other than the very bright but easily distracted part!).
EB, I got the same answer that you did on the quiz...

Nov, what a cutie in her swimsuit and glasses!
Viz, wanted to stop by and give a big thumbs up! That does sound a lot better and I really am sending more vibes your way that it continues. You''re a trooper!!!
Viz - hope tonight''s even better

NovB - Love that photo. She looks so cool in suit and shades.
I got the same answer as Fiery.

Viz, glad things are improving. Sending more PS magic dust your way!

I have the opportunity to remain on at the school where I teach as the newspaper adviser. Running the newspaper used to be rolled into being the journalism teacher, but now journalism is being cut because of the economy and newspaper will become an after school activity. The stipend is almost nothing ($1600 for the school year); I wouldn't do it for the money, obviously. I'm thinking about it -- would this be a way to keep up with my coworkers, interact with motivated kids (although I fear they'll lose their motivation and drop off one by one), have something to do for me? If I didn't want to represent myself as a SAHM, I could say, "I'm working part-time advising the school newspaper." I'm hoping part-time would equal about 2 hours a week -- a meeting most weeks, but not all, and a couple of hours of paperwork and editing. And I bet I could convince the DH to spend my stipend on a cleaning service so I wouldn't have to clean the house all by myself, the greatest bummer about resigning (truth be told, I bet I could convince him regardless, but I'm not sure how our budget is going to work out and will have to be sure we're doing ok before wanting to spend teh $). As far as Claire, DH says he can come home early some days from work, we have other friends who could watch her, and I could always take her with me too. I'm sure the kids would like to see her.

So we'll see. I don't want this to become some annoyance. 2 hours a week sounds like nothing, but if it's disrupting Claire's schedule or something I want to do with her or my ability to travel, then it's definitely not worth it. Plus, I think I'd only want to do it next year, not when (fingers crossed) #2 comes along. Next year I'll know all the seniors and a bunch of newspaper kids, but the year after that I'd only know kids I've met this next year.

Is it silly to go to all that effort to basically run the school newspaper as charity for one year? Hmm, well, I'll think about it. Thanks for letting me think with my fingers. And feel free to weigh in if you have any insight.

Claire tried sweet-potatoes tonight. A success! I sure do miss the BM only poo, though . . .

Also, MIL says she is getting a divorce. I'll sort of believe it only when it's said and done, but this is a good thing (if you don't know the background there, just as well - not a good situation!).

Double also, I always thought my sister and her husband had the perfect work/marriage/kids balance, but my sister has a job similar to mine -- low pay, lots of overtime expected, basically a charity job -- and it's really wearing on her. They could afford for her to stay home, but I know she feels like her job is a calling, and, well, isn't this the modern dilemma? I mean, seriously, maybe a 2 hour a week job is the perfect solution for me. All the perks of a career with only a tiny fraction of the headache.

ETA: I already run the school newspaper, so this isn't something new I'd have to learn how to do. Now it's just part of a class I teach.
PG, I say do it! If I could find something like that just to get out of the house and keep my brain moving once in a while, I would do it in a heartbeat. Will it help you keep your teaching certificate up to date just in case you want to go back?
Steph, no, I don't think it qualifies for my licensure renewal. My license expires in two years. If I want to get back into teaching, I'll get my Master of Arts in English (focus on literature) at the local university, which I think would be the funnest thing ever!!! DH and I talk all the time about how if we could do college over again, we would enjoy the classes so incredibly much.

Funny thing about license renewal -- some teacher I don't know emailed me asking me to publish this rambling, horribly written story about his classes (written by him! for the STUDENT newspaper!) in the paper because he was trying to fulfill the "publication of an article" path to licensure renewal. I had to be all, dude, I think the state DOE was thinking more along the lines of a professional journal, and sorry, all our reporters are students . . .
fiery, LOL @ the highlighted bit! Meddling, eh?

November, omg, those little baby leg rolls are to die for. She is so stylish in her sunglasses!

Micah is growing way too fast for my taste. Yesterday I was doing some organizing in his room (yes, the bad mommy I am, I still don''t have it fully set up since he doesn''t sleep in there yet), and I put him in his vibrating bouncy seat while I worked. He discovered he could see himself in the dangling turtle mirror, and spent 5 minutes babbling to it and smiling, and some laughing! What the heck? I can get the occasional smile from him when he has gas, but this was the first time he smiled on purpose. He''s only going to be a month old on Friday, where is my newborn?

And bad mommy confession - he has been wearing the same socks for about three days. Baaaad mama
I pick my battles, I figure he isn''t smelly so he''s ok lol.
MP - youre not a bad mommy! K wears her socks till they get dirty (ie she plonks one in a poopy diaper). And she gets a bath every 5-6 days, depending. She hates baths, they''ll only dry out her skin (daddy has bad eczema), and the only part of her that gets really dirty is her bum, and that gets cleaned off regularly. As she gets older and makes more of a mess eating etc, she''ll get baths more often.
quick drive by as time is not a luxury i have right now

it''s been a rough transition back. i''ve had to be at the hospital by 6ish and have yet to make it home before 830 pm (14 plus hours a day), meaning i''ve yet to see A awake all week
. finding time to pump at work has been difficult to say the least, so on top of being sleep deprived, i''m in pain all day from being engorged so needless to say my performance at work is clearly sub-par and i hate that. i''m worried about my supply. i''m worried about hubbs who has a much longer commute he has to take on very little sleep. right now i''m having a hard time seeing any light at the end of the tunnel.
and right now work is trying to take it easy on me (yes, my above schedule is with them taking it easy on me for this particular rotation). i''m scared because at some point, that will go away and then....


viz -
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i hope last night was just as good or better!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! goooooooo c!
oh ginger- ((HUGS))!! the one mantra that got me thru the first month+ back to work (when i felt incredibly depressed about my working situation) was: "i may need C more *now*, but HE will actually need me more when he is older."
it was a hard pill to swallow because every ounce of me was saying 'stay with your baby!!!!' - but i continually take comfort in the fact that all of his needs are being met - he is getting love and attention all day.
it's also why i didn't care so much when he was up all night - that was 'our time'. the one thing that i've found - which i wasn't expecting - is the stress of when i do get an all day "C day".. that is all i want to do. it leaves very little 'me' time, or time for friends - because that means more time away from C.
i certainly have not gotten things figured out, but mentally i'm at a better place then the first 2 months back to work. i don't think it ever really gets 'easier' to work all day, but i did get more comfortable with my situation. sending you cyber support and ((hugs))!!!

cc - any news on the jobby front for you??

pg - part of me thinks the paper adviser would be a great outlet for you, and OTOH it may be nice to fully immerse yourself in being a SAHM for a year. toughie!

fiery - c and s have the same prediction ;) ever think about moving up north?? no WAIT.. we will come to you!!! i'm ovah the cold weather and snow!


thanks for the good juju ladies
last night was a bit of a bust
. i fully expected some setbacks, so i'm not throwing in the towel.
last night the "going to sleep" part - seriously took, oh.... 4 mins before he was OUT. then starting at midnight............

DH and i probably went into his room 5 or 6 times each to soothe him back to sleep. finally at 4:30 this morning i grabbed him and threw him into bed with us (i know i know
). how did he repay me? by PEEING ALL OVER THE BED! and himself....
i don't know if the thunderstorms last night contributed to his extra wakefulness or what? we have a white noise machine going..... i really do think my kid is, like, the lightest sleeper ever! i have a laundry list of ?s for the pedi tomorrow.

question: i mentioned before that i am supposed to visit my sister this weekend for mother's day. after our first 2 nights in the crib i decided i didn't want to ruin what we had built so i was going to postpone our trip a few weeks. since i went ahead and ruined things last night do you think i should throw another wrench in the works and visit? or should i continue along the same path and wait a few weeks??
lol MP, I still do the ''she''s not smelly'' test at 10 months!
But I''m finding that she''s getting more and more smelly every day. What''s up with that? The other day she smelled sweaty. She doesn''t do anything all day!

DrK-hope you are doing well!

Ginger-hugs girl. Going back to work is incredibly hard, I can''t imagine how it would be working 12 hour days. You guys will get into a routine soon.

Viz-my honest opinion is not to go this weekend, only because it''s hard when you''re working to implement a routine and stick with it all night since you do need to sleep for work the next day. On the weekends its much easier. However, since you just started out stopping and picking it up again won''t be too big of a deal. Just know that it''ll be like starting all over again.

Sophia realized last night that she doesn''t have to be laying down in bed anymore. She can sit. And stand.

Happy Happy Joy Joy


I put her down awake and left the room but was peeking in from time to time. She was sitting in the corner playing with her bumpers. At one point she had her head against the crib rails, her arms through the slats resting on the bumper, going ''mamamamamamama MAMAMAMAMAMAMA MAMAMAMAMAMA" It was hilarious. I snapped a picture of her hanging out because FI wasn''t home and I wanted to show him but the flash went off and she noticed and started crying. Mommy FAIL. This morning FI went in to change her diaper and wake her up and she was already sitting. Just sitting there not saying anything, playing with the ruffles on her pjs
Ginger - Hugs, that sounds brutal! No clue here how to make it better. I''ll be pumping in the OR in anothe 6 weeks...

Viz - sorry last night sucked again. Not sure what you should do about the trip. If it''s not a real routine yet, maybe it''d be ok to go? Then again, if tonight is ok again, I''d bail at the last sec.
Sha, fun! I got the same results as you (and I do go to the site rather than clicking the link).

PG I would do it. As much as I disliked teaching, after a full year off, I''m officially missing parts of it, especially the interaction and discussions with students. 2 hours a week should be totally doable.

MP, awe! I hope you come to appreciate his self-entertainment stage as much as I me, it doesn''t last!

Ginger, sorry you''re having a rough time, hope it gets better!

Viz, sorry last night wasn''t as good, but I would still wait on the trip and focus on trying your best each night to work on sleep.

I''m excited to announce that Jacks is no longer afraid of grass! We went to the park with a friend and her dd yesterday, and although he did the "sit with hands high in the air so he''s not even touching it" phase at first, after a few minutes he finally decided it was ok to crawl on, and then promptly decided to try and eat it =). And other than that my dog is driving me crazy, nothing else is new here. Oh, dh has weekends off this month, and I''m SUPER excited for that! It''s almost friday!
sabine - i totally chuckled at your ''my son is afraid of grass'' post ;) so i''m super duper excited he''s gotten over it. i couldn''t imagine a having a boy afraid of grass
don''t their clothes come pre-grass stained?

fiery - HA! sooo funny! she''s funny!!!!

drk - how is the little babe doing? i know you mentioned no more weight checks
are things getting easier in that respect now that *that* pressure is off?

yeah, i think i''m going to wait and see how things go tonight... come on baby... slllllllleeeeeeeeeeeepppppppppppp....

i do think daycare has a lot to do with how well he does at night. he''s so stimulated and doesn''t want to miss a thing when he is there.. so, he gets maybe 2 45min naps a day... and lately he''s only been eating 12oz for the entire time he is there.
so, yeah.. he NEEDS to eat all night long to make up for it. i notice the days he naps better at daycare and eats well he sleeps better at night (duh!).
it''s just hard to tell them "hey, spend 30mins getting c to take an hour nap" - she''s got 2 other babies to look after too. how much are you all comfortable telling your daycare what to do? i''d love if they would try to get him to eat more during the day, but i know this can be a chore b/c it can sometimes take him an hour to eat 1 bottle.
Sorry ladies I''ve been so busy I haven''t had time to stop by!

Viz, thinking of you!!!! Yay for a goodnight...and hopefully things will continue to improve. I really do believe that starting with bedtime may slowly provide relief for the rest of the night. I hope so anyway!


Boys doing well after their shots this time around!!! Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Haven''t been around in a while...I''m reading on my blackberry as much as I can...but just been busy with end off the month budget stuff at work.

Pedi appointment this morning went well.

He''s on a good growth curve but just tiny still.

6 Months and 6 days..

Weight: 14 lbs 15 oz. 10th percentile
Length: 26 1/4 50th percentile
Head: 16 1/4 5th percentile

His super tiny head!

He''s responded well to the tooth coming in...haven''t needed any meds or anything yet...we bought some just in case. The little tooth poking up is so cute!

He''s also responded well so far to his shots so far....we had some minor problems with the last set...but seems to be good so far.
tao yay for a great appt!!

jeez i am starting to think that J is a beefer because i think he is 13-14 lbs already...the reason being is that his buddy born 2 days before him ... my gf goes to get him weighed every week at some mommy group. typically the two boys have been on the exact same growth pattern, literally down to the ounce at previous appts! so she said yesterday that he is weighing at 14lbs. he's 3 months and 1 week like J. and we feel like J is suddenly getting giant. his 3 month carters clothes are getting too small for his length and arms whereas 3 weeks ago they were big on him. we have started calling him Bruiser the Baby. hehee. anyway i am going to try to go with her to the group next week so J can be weighed, i am dying of curiousity.

viz ditto the gals who say to wait. it might be not a big deal to go this wkd but on the flip side if you worked at it for a few more days, who knows what kind of progress you guys would make. and you said he went down easily and then didn't wake up til midnight, does he go down at like 8:30 or something? if so that is 3.5 hours which is great!

i guess i would look at it like...he's not up any MORE than he was when he slept with you guys right? and now he's in the crib so his sleep is better, yours is better so at least some progress has been made. i just would avoid bringing him into your bed even though i know it's hard at 4am. i'll venture to say maybe the next time you are at your wits end at 4:30am, just leave him alone and see if he cries a little bit then goes to sleep? like give yourself a time limit of 20 or 30 min? you never know, maybe he will do it and it might be like a 'small' CIO test? just thinking out loud.

ginger ugh your schedule sounds brutal!!! i don't even know how you do it. and here i am mentally whining about having to return to work with a regular work day AND i typically go in at like 9:30 as well since i'm lazy about getting up early. hehe. how are you feeling with not seeing A awake at all this week? and i would worry about your supply too--not sure if you saw where on our trip there were 2-3x where i waited a few extra hours to pump in the afternoon due to schedule and my supply has cut in almost half just from things being out of wack those 4 days. boooo. i am working on getting it back up before going back to work in a few weeks. ugh. i hope you do not have any issues.

oh and viz ditto re when you have time with C thats all you want ,i already know our wkds will be filled with all kid, all the time once i return to work.

re: dirty we used to bathe J like once every 5 days until he was almost 2 months old. they are basically sterile and if random people aren't touching them all the time then i figured he was pretty clean. oh and the first 2-3 weeks he'd wear the same shirt or PJ's like 2 days in a row if he didn't pee or poop or barf on them. i was like who cares!! hehee. it's only now that he goes out with me almost every day on walks and stuff that i bathe him more often since he gets wind in his hair and he will be sweaty etc. and he barfs on outfits like every 6 hours now so he gets changed a lot more hahah.

MP so cute when they do the giggle and smile, 4 weeks is so early, lucky!!! i waited forever for J to grace us with a fleeting rare smile, but now finally he is laughing and smiling ALL the time. i just love it.

sabine lol re: the grass but good J is no longer afraid of it. that's so cute and funny at the same time.

fiery uh oh you are in for it now with the standing and sitting!! time for the crib net lol.

mandy yay for good response to shots.

quick Q...does anyone know with the tylenol recall if they are going to put out a new batch soon that is safe to buy? greg just said after reading the recall that basically it means it could be too strong or too weak but we always dose him under what we are supposed to anyway. i just hope that a new batch is ready by his 4 month shots in 3 weeks!

drk hope you guys are doing well and the weight is just going up and up.

oh and i guess my confession (early) should be that i just discovered that J's little neck rolls hide all sorts of gross festering milk cheese. i thought we were doing really well with cleaning them but he hates tilting back his neck for us so yesterday i noticed him doing it while eating so i investigated and umm yuck. so now he's getting 2x daily inspections because that's just gross.
Hey mommies! I''ve been a horrible PSer lately. We moved into a new house last Friday and so all the hours in my day have been spent packing/unpacking while still being mom. DH was out of town all of last week but has thankfully been around since Friday morning (for the move) but leaves again the beginning of next week.
Anywho, all this to say that I am back to work as of today and will hopefully have a little more time to read and contribute!

Viz~Sounds like the crib transition went well the first night. I hope things continue to improve. I saw that poor C reacted to peas. My crazy T was allergic/intolerant to carrots and apples!
We had to intro all solids sooooo slow because of her extremely sensitive belly. Luckily, though, she grew out of all of her issues. K has the same stuff so I''m sure we''ll have to do the same with him. Hope you''re able to get some help from your pedi at your appt!

Mara~Yay for vacation! I''m so jealous...while I was packing and moving boxes you were in paradise!
Random q, but do your boobs still hurt? Mine do and K is almost 3 months old. I still have cracks and vasospasms at times. Soooo annoying.

phoenix~I would do it, but I''m a bit biased because I am the a newspaper adviser at the school I teach at. Although, it''s one of the 3 classes I teach. I have a really nice schedule and since it''s middle school it''s not a ton of work. I think it would be a great way to have some time out of the house and a reason to get out of your pajamas some days. (or maybe that''s just me who isn''t motivated to get out of pj''s unless I''m leaving the house

ginger~Sorry about our crazy work schedule! I cannot imagine! I am back as of today as well. I''m struggling to figure out what to do about pumping while at work, too. I fed K right before I left but am then home in a matter of 5ish hours so I don''t really know if it''s worth me to bring my pump to work. So, I didn''t. Will you be able to see A on the weekend or will your hours be equally as long?

I''ll have to get a picture uploaded to share tomorrow. K is getting huge. He wear all 6 and 6-9 month clothes and I''m guessing is in the 14-15 lb range. He''s generally a very happy baby but we''ve been struggling with some food stuff as my diet has been so hard to control with the move (there is corn syrup in pretty much EVERYTHING so eating out is a disaster).
Mara: re: tylenol -= I am not sure when a new batch will be out because they are fully inspecting the plant (which happens to be near my house) before they re-open. In the meantime, I bought the CVS brand generic because Olivia is teething and going without is not an option. Also, I wouldn''t give the recalled medicine because in addition to the concentrations being off, the report said there may be tiny metal fragments in the medicine.

Mara, lol re: neck cheese, we have the same problem and she hates it when we try to get under her neck rolls to clean them.

Ginger: Hugs to you, your schedule sounds awful right now. How long will you be on this particular rotation? I hope you get an easy one next (relatively speaking of course).

Fiery - too funny - are you going to post the pic for BPF? Won''t be long now till she figures out how to climb out of the crib!

Viz - I''d probably go, but that''s because I miss my mom like crazy and take any opportunity to see her and I also stick strictly to our routine when we travel, and it hasn''t seemed to mess Olivia up at all. Also, re: telling daycare what to do - I have no problem telling them what to do - I pay them a lot of money to take care of my child and I expect them to follow my wishes (within reason of course, knowing that there are other babies as well and she have their full attention 24-7).
Re: festering milk cheese - I know all about this because of Amelia''s torticolis. It was so bad that it progressed to fermented festering milk cheese. Take a little bit of cornstarch and apply after a bath (once they''re dried, of course). This helps absorb the moisture which is causing the cheese. It really helped with Amelia. Her creases would get angry red so we needed to stop it from getting worse. Our PT recommended this, btw. Oh and reapply when you can, otherwise it will become cornstarch gunk milk cheese.
Viz and Mara, Thanks for asking about the weight gain and Kara. I''ve only given her supplements 4 times since Monday afternoon. I''m feeding a little more frequently during the day (on demand), but the nights are still decent. She was 3690g on Monday, 3730g today (8.2lb), so 10g/day which isn''t enough, but not tragic. I''m going to give it a couple more days and see how she''s doing before I start increasing the supplements again. It''s nice to not feel like I must pump after every meal, but I still do it more often than not, especially at night when my prolactin levels are supposed to be higher. I''m trying to get a bit of a freezer stash goingfor when I start back to work.

We had a friend and her baby come over yesterday for a visit. Her daughter was due 10 days before K. She ended up delivering 2 weeks early because of preeclampsia. I went over 1.5 weeks over, so now the kids are 1 month apart in age rather than 10 days. Her daughter was something like 6kg yesterday to K''s 3.7kg. The size difference was incredible. K looked like a total newborn next to her bruiser, even though they''re about the same height.

Hopefully here eating will pick up a little the next few days, and I''ll be able to totally relax about the weight gain.

K and M May 5.JPG
drk - wow, cute pic! The difference is pretty striking. Could you just have a 'banana baby'? I think that's the term they use for long, lean babies. My friend's baby is the same way - very long and slim. His father is over 6 feet tall. She saw a couple pedis about his lack of weight gain - one of whom was so concerned she sent him for an HIV test. He's gained a bit of weight now but is still a relatively skinny baby. And he eats a lot, too! Usually for 1 - 4 hours per feeding!!! My friend had to switch to formula because she just couldn't keep up with his needs. They say that 'banana babies' are hypermetabolizers as well, so they burn off calories quickly.
Sha - I think you may be right. I''m sure she got the fast metabolism from both of us. And she hardly stops moving during the day. The other baby would just sit there and turn her head from side to side. Kara wants to stand up, whips her head around, flails her arms and kicks her legs. As long as she''s happy and growing, maybe I just shouldn''t worry about it too much.