
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Lindsey, I would either do a onesie and the heavier sleep sack, a footed sleeper alone, or maybe a footed sleeper with the light sleep sack. But Jacks has always ran warm and doesn't like to be overly dressed.

Lulu, what a great birth story, and Nora is precious. Congrats! I'm glad you didn't need a c/s after all that and that bfing is going well!

Not much is new here and I don't have much else to add...Jacks is thriving and learning so much new stuff every day and is so fun! I'm actually looking forward to dh starting his training tomorrow as he's driving me nuts. And I'm soooo looking forward to Jacksons bday. Mostly because I've been stockpiling gifts for him, and I think he's going to love all of them so I can't wait to give them to him and see him play! I'm still on the hunt for a play slide or play house for him on craigslist, but not having much luck...tehy go fast!

Hi :wavey: everyone!
Hey Lindsey,

I've been able to tell if the temperature wasn't right for Claire sleeping -- at daycare, she would often be super sweaty after a nap, so they kept her too warm. Sometimes staying at other people's houses overnight, her feet would be icy, so she was too cold.

That said, neither DH nor I like to be too cold, so we keep our house at 75 in the summer (I figure if I have to put on socks or an extra blanket to sleep during the summer, I'm over air-conditioning the house, but that's just my personal preference). Claire sleeps in footed pajamas now that she's more mobile (like you I was worried about blankets or sleep sacks getting in the way when she starting to move around more). During the day, she naps in whatever she's wearing and doesn't need socks, so we definitely keep it on the warm side, but I've never found her sweaty like she got at daycare.

But in the winter we kept it at 70, probably. And that time we dressed Claire in footed pajamas and swaddled her in a Miracle Blanket.

Speaking of naps, as soon as I figured out Claire's nap "schedule" (@ 10 and 3) she went hay-wire. We decided to buy a new tv on Sunday, and as a result she missed her afternoon nap, and then yesterday she wouldn't go down for her morning nap until 11:30 (even though she was tired and had been awake longer than usual). I expected her nap to be long to compensate, but both of them were just under an hour. Today she fell asleep at 9 (all the missed naps catching up with her???). Last night she woke up at 10 (not so bad since we were still awake) and 1 (bad, baby, bad!). I really think it's teething. At least I'm able to nurse her back to sleep.

I found myself getting irritable last week (my first full week of SAH), so this week I decided to adopt the attitude I wish would come naturally . . . to just be excited about being home and appreciative of DH and as helpful as I can be (instead of resentful). I take this lesson from the stuffed Hippo my parents gave me when I was 7; I saw the gift bag and thought I had gotten a teddy bear, so when it turned out to be this strange little hippo I was disappointed. I overcompensated by exclaiming how much I loved it, and indeed, he became my favorite stuffed animal with whom I slept until an embarrassingly late age. Sometimes you just have to get yourself pumped up for the occasion.

So now I'm off to pump myself up to clean the bathroom!
Lindsey: We either do a onesie and a sleep sack or just some footed pajamas from Target or wherever. Our house is normally around 70-72.
Re: Solids guidelines - I'm really thankful to have them, because just like every new mom I was just so confused about what and when... :twirl: Mara, if your J seems to want more solids, giving him some veggies after his lunchtime bottle would probably be a good idea. Does he get cereal at dinner or just veggies?

Re: Starting meats - I'm starting next week and I've already made some chicken puree. I bought some organic grain-fed chicken breasts, cut it up in chunks, boiled it with veggies that have already been introduced to make it a little more tasty, removed the veggies, then pureed the chicken chunks with my blender. Voilà! I agree that jarred meat seems gross.

viz - Yay for sleep!! :appl: I cannot imagine not sleeping for as long as you have. Go C!

lulu - Thanks for sharing Nora's birth story. She's so precious!

AFM - Jacob is doing great, he's growing like crazy since he started eating. He eats a lot and loves it! I'm having some trouble with fruits as he only seems to like bananas and I can't give him bananas 3X a day because he gets constipated. I tried pears yesterday and he didn't seem too sure about it; maybe today will be better. He seems to be going through a weird sleeping phase though, waking up at midnight than 5AM, which he hasn't done for weeks!

And I'm going to have to start looking for a job... :knockout: Any tips on how to find a job to work from home?
Lulu, thanks for posting your birth story - Nora is just gorgeous!!!

I had a similar birth story to yours with my older son - my water broke 5 days before my due date, but I never went into labor, had to get Pitocin. That's great that you were able to push him out on your own. After I had been on Pit for 10 hours, and then after 4 and a half hours of pushing, they finally had to get Andrew out with the vacuum. It's amazing how much more effectively we push when they threaten us with C-sections :rolleyes: I think that sometimes with those babies that the water breaks but labor never starts naturally, they just don't want to come out!
lulu - welcome to the other side. motherhood will be everything you hoped it would be and more :) huge congrats! she's beautiful!
i had to giggle when i saw her picture :) swaddled like a burrito was how charlie spent most of the first three months of his life.

i forget who asked about cereal, but i highly recommend happy baby brand rice, oatmeal and mixed grain cereal (happy bellies). it contains probiotics and loads of other 'good for them' stuff -all without having more than like 3 ingredients (also it's soy and dairy free ;) you can find it at whole foods - i've also seen the puffs at target - plus the frozen baby food is auh-mazing. love the brand in general.

lindsay - we err on the side of a cool house. i forget where i read that it's better to have a cool room for baby than a warm one (but this also could depend on the baby. i've never seen a correlation with charlie's attitude based on temperature, so this is all a guess on my part) anyhoo, his room (second floor cape, so it gets warmer than a ranch or a true 2 story) is probably around 70 - we have a ceiling fan going at night and depending on how warm it is outside he sleeps in a onsie and an A&A sleep sack or a cotton onsie and cotton pants and an A&A sleep sack - that is if we have a sleep sack clean.. if not it's just the onsie and or onsie and pants. i rarely put him in socks for sleeping and footed pjs only in the winter and fall.. mainly b/c i hate sleeping in socks.

ahhh it's good to be back ladies ;)
lulu-Nora is beautiful :love: Congrats again to you and welcome to the mommy thread!

Viz-Hugs. Sleep deprivation would destroy any healthy relationship. I'm glad that C is sleeping so well now and you and DH can take your time to work things out.

Lindsey-We also have our home at 70 and Sophia for the most part sleeps in short sleeve shirt and long pants with socks. At his age, she was sleeping in footed sleepers all the time (no swaddle and she hated sleep sacks). I think a light pj set under the blankets should be fine!

Re: meat-Sophia gets chicken, turkey, and beef (although beef is just once or twice a month). We make it ourselves and then puree it :knockout: but she loves it.

:wavey: :wavey: :wavey: to everyone!! I "miss" you girls and am reading on and off to keep up with all of the babies :praise: Oh, and the mommas of course :Up_to_something:
I guess I'm the bad mother amongst us. We keep our house at 79, though it can get up to 82 upstairs where the bedrooms are. I find it reasonably comfortable or slightly warm in a t-shirt and shorts most of the time, so K sleeps in either a light onesie or just her diaper. She never seems to get sweaty and sleeps well. If I had the house a bit cooler, I'd just have her sleep in a sleeper, and if it was the winter and our house were 69, a sleeper + light sleepsack.
Hi everyone :wavey: long time no see!

I have NO IDEA what is going on in the thread, so excuse me for just jumping right back in.

Regarding pj's, according to everyone in D's family, we let Miles stay a lot colder than "back when I had kids" ;)) His grammy seems shocked that we don't have him bundled up in thick blankets year round, and is always talking about how drafty it is - believe me he is not cold when we are on the deck and it is 95 degrees! Anyway - sorry I went off on a tangent there - even though people seem to think we keep him cool, we have him more dressed up than most here. At night he wears cotton footed pj's and a cotton swaddleme. During the day he is often in a t or onesie and an A+A sleep sack. Temp is usually 69-70.

Ok, so I need some advice if anyone can help me. Last week from Mon-Wed, Miles seemed to have a growth spurt (he is 3 1/2 months). He was eating every 1.5-2 hours and was a bit cranky. Then the next couple of days he slept pretty much all day. So this all seems normal, right? But since then, he has been SO crabby/fussy. He doesn't want to go down for naps, he wakes up early from some of them, he isn't his normal happy self when he is awake. He does still go down and sleep well at night though, this is just during the day. So, is this still part of the growth spurt? A phase? Something else? Please tell me he will go back to his happy, sleeping self at some point! :sick:

Another perhaps contributing factor but exciting news is that he is rolling over from belly to back! :appl:
11 Months, Which Is Really Just a Countdown till Age 1!

HI girls!!!!

Too many posts. Which is a great thing! :appl:

Really quick:

Sha- Yes that is O "standing" at 4 months. BUT he was NOT standing then, he just leaned against me in the picture. Tricks of the camera!

Viz- Hi! "Sleeping is awesome". Coming from you, that is the understatement of the century. YAY for C! You even "sound" happier in your posts. And I love Happy Babies brand.

Lulu- Welcome! Great story, thanks for sharing. I just love little burrito Nora! She's a beauty.

Sabine! When is Jacks's birthday???? What are you getting him? I am in the throes of planning instead of working right now. Let's discuss!

Phx- You crack me up. But good point and I need to remind myself of that sometimes.

Meat- I never did the puree thing myself, freaked me out. But Happy Babies has some frozen chicken and sweet potatoes cubes that I gave him. I really held off on the meats until he was eating finger foods. I bought some organic wheat-free everything free chicken nuggets from Whole Foods that I cut up in pieces that he loves. He's had turkey, fish, and a tiny bit of hamburger. For meats I just give him small pieces of whatever I'm eating.

Sleep- O was born in August and I live in a sweltering hot zone so we can't live without A/C. O slept in a onesie and miracle blanket for the first few months. When it turned colder, I added footed pajamas. He's a hot sleeper though. Lately I've been stripping him down to diapers for naps b/c he wakes up all sweaty.
PB - phase? yes. will he go back to sleeping like before? probably. when? anyone's guess ;)) growth spurts are a tricky thing.. at least for me they were. i could never figure out why c was a cranky pants until after it was over. and c's 'spurts' lasted for much much longer than the 3 days they said they would - more like 2 weeks! thats great he's still sleeping at night! bonus!

sometimes i look back at the first 5+ months of c's life and wonder if i would do things differently - and as surprising as it may sound, i don't think i would. i think i'm the classic example of doing everything 'they' say you shouldn't do, but still ending up in the same place.... meaning everything eventually works its way out - just maybe not the way you ever thought it would or planned.
i only wish i would have known 'that' nugget 9 months ago.. i would have saved myself so much anxiety!

cc- hey! i think i'm on the same 'meat timeline' as you.. until he's eating finger foods i'm holding off...
speaking of.. when can you 'really' do that? when they have teeth? or when they master puffs? should i start with something like a bit of banana?
re: house temperature... J likes to be warm. he will wake up and cry when it's too cool in his room. i also like to be really warm so i know if i am cool in his room then he will be too cool too.

we don't have A/C and his room is typically 73-77 during the day, 77 seems to be where he feels happy. at night his room is between 73-77 and he sleeps in a long sleeved T and a fleece sleep sack OR a thin sleeper PJ and a one layer A&A sleep sack. so basically he's got like 2 thinnish layers on at all times. AND he wakes up at 5am usually and i toss a thin knitted blanket over him and he sleeps for 2-3 more hours. he really likes to be warm and snuggly.

Linds... I love sleep sacks if A is sleeping unswaddled already. the A&A one layer one IMO is perfect because you can put a big thick PJ on underneath OR a thin PJ and then the sack is just to keep it all warm and inside...OR you can put the kid in a Tshirt and the sack if its warm. J's room was 80 the other night which is too warm for me but I had him in a ss tshirt and the one layer A&A and he was fine all night with his fan on in his room. It was 77 in the morning, and he slept through the night.

I use his sleep as a 'gauge' for how happy he is. I noticed he would wake up more when it was cooler in his room than warm. And I know that the guidelines are like cooler is best... but he just isn't happy that way so i am not going to force him to sleep in a cooler room.

Also--I mentioned this before but our neighbors twins were crap sleepers at night and she found out they were COLD because she went to a hotel and it was warm in the room and they STTN for the first time ever. When she came home she adjusted the room temp and they started STTN. So it can make a diff for some kids.

PB... honestly I'd just keep doing what you feel is 'right' and eventually Miles will pick back up on it. Every time J has had a blip we just keep trying to do the same thing and within a few weeks he will usually pick it back up where he left off.

Anchor...yeah I want to add a lunch in there soon, hopefully the next few weeks. Last nite he scarfed 3.5oz of veggies. In the evenings I usually mix about 1 tablespoon of oatmeal in with his veggies/fruits so that he gets some additional carb going to help keep him full through sleep.
lulu, she's so perfect! and, again, i love her name.

house temp: ideal for a baby is 68 i've read. we don't have a/c so we can't control it that well. baby sleeps in a diaper now that it's summer, with some sort of swaddle. i'm not a fan of the heat, so the cooler the better for me.


some of you know j got sunburned yesterday on a walk. the tops of her hands and the top of her left foot. my poor girl, and i feel awful, i cried for a while last night because i feel so horrible. she didn't sleep well last night and her morning nap was disrupted by thee gardener next door. she just passed out, hopefully she'll sleep for a while.

then my husband put lemon on the burns to cool them and of course she stuck her fingers in her mouth and made the worst face ever. my poor little miss!
Good morning ladies!

Re: sleepwear. Piper is a hot sleeper usually. She still sleeps in footed pjs (the thin kind from Target) and we have the fan on in her room.

Re: Meats: I do not eat meat, so I'm super hesitant to get started on them, but I will probably try the Happy Baby kinds, because I honestly do not want to get into the whole "steaming pureed frozen" thing, which icks me. Paul is charged with the meat issues. Then again, Piper has nothing to "munch" with, and isn't fond of biting into anything right now anyway.

She's totally crawling now, and scared the hell out of Paul when he went to get her this morning, and she was standing up in her crib. Haha, I'm currently trying to come up with a proposal to cut down to four days a week at work, but I dunno.

Kim: Poor J! Don't beat yourself up too much!

Lulu: LOVE the birth story!!

Mara: I started feeding Piper lunch during the day and she napped a lot better! I guess it helped her stay full longer.
actually Amber...I wondered what veggie Moms tend to do about food for their kids. So do you plan to let P eat meat, or just try to keep her veggie with tofu and beans for protein or?

Kim...don't beat yourself up, what's done is done. I know lots of things happen to Moms where they feel horrible, but that's just part of parenting IMO! It never feels good but it wasn't intentional and J will be fine.
AmberWaves said:
Good morning ladies!
She's totally crawling now, and scared the hell out of Paul when he went to get her this morning, and she was standing up in her crib. Haha, I'm currently trying to come up with a proposal to cut down to four days a week at work, but I dunno.

Ahahaha I am SO looking forward to that - I am going to keep it from DH until he walks in and finds Micah standing up. He will pee himself! He gets freaked out now when all he does is roll over.

Which, btw, Micah now officially rolls over - in both directions. Back to tummy, tummy to back. Back to tummy appears to be easier for him, he just arches and pushes with his feet, but he kept getting one arm stuck under him. Now he can free that arm, and then he does a "plane jump" with all four limbs and his head raised off the crib mattress. Haha, it's hilarious and so cute! I laugh every time and clap, which he thinks is super funny, so he keeps doing it.

Re: jammies, Micah used to sleep in footed jumpers (which I loved) but he outgrows them so fast I haven't been able to keep him in any. Plus it was super humid the past few weeks and he would wake up all sweaty. So he sleeps in whatever is handy. Last night he peed on his onesie so I just let him sleep in his diaper. 3am was just too hard to work in a new onesie! He loves being naked, anyway.
Awe kim-don't worry too much about it. Hugs!

Yay for Piper crawling :appl: :appl: and Yay for Micah rolling :appl: :appl:
Viz- Just follow C's lead. I'm trying to remember. Definitely should be able to master puffs first. I think some of the first real foods I gave him were bananas, bites of pancake, beans. Basically really soft stuff that he could swallow easily. Pea sized bites. I really only tried it when we were out eating and he was eyeing my food and DH was around in case he started choking. I was a bit "late" with giving O food. I think maybe around 9-10 months I started giving him real food, not just baby food? But O was always grabbing for our food. If he wasn't interested, I don't think I would have pushed it.
Thanks for all of the sleepwear advice! I got two single layer A+A sleep sacks on for $15.xx a piece (thanks for the heads up GingerB -- with that sale I also scored a 4 pack of their swaddle wraps for $23.xx!) and I am going to try some footies and long sleeve rompers from Hatleys and Zutano. BTW this is random, I noticed that has the star bright A+A four layer sleep sack in size small (up to 18 lbs) for $14 w/ free ship (I have prime.) Good deal for those whose kids can fit into it :)
Wow, I must be the only mommy who was excited to do meats. We skipped the whole singular pureed meats after one try (sooooo gross, it even smelled like vomit), but the 'meals' became the only way to get Jacks to eat veggies other than sweet potato and squash. He really loved them! I liked the Beechnut brand best, and if you sign up for their newsletter on their website, they send you e-coupons each month. We also started meat as a finger food around 7.5 months iirc, and he does well with a lot of meats now. Chicken and meatballs are his favorite, along with baked fish, but he'll also eat taco meat, ground turkey in some stuff, etc. He's not a fan of lunchmeat though unfortunately.

China, Jackson's bday is the 31st. So far I've gotten him a water table for outside, a ride toy that looks like a bike sorta (he saw it when we moved, and he LOVES has a fake cell phone with tons of buttons and noises and stuff), the vtech bouncing turtle, and a pair of shoes. Still want the slide too though.

We're not doing much for his bday since it's just dh's parents and siblings and my mom, but I am making him a fish-shaped smash cake, and for everyone else I'm making these things called cake-balls which are cake crumbled and mixed with icing, then dipped in melted chocolate. I'm doing a trial run today to see how it goes actually.

What are your plans for O?

Fiery, when is Sophia's party again? It's late, right? Do you have everything all set for it?
*Lindsey* said:
Thanks for all of the sleepwear advice! I got two single layer A+A sleep sacks on for $15.xx a piece (thanks for the heads up GingerB -- with that sale I also scored a 4 pack of their swaddle wraps for $23.xx!) and I am going to try some footies and long sleeve rompers from Hatleys and Zutano. BTW this is random, I noticed that has the star bright A+A four layer sleep sack in size small (up to 18 lbs) for $14 w/ free ship (I have prime.) Good deal for those whose kids can fit into it :)

where are you seeing them for $15? they are coming up $20+ for me...
We actually didn't do pureed meats with Meena at all. We did ground or shredded meats. My reasoning was that she'll never eat pureed meats as a kid or adult, so why introduce meats that way. We gave her Chinese style porridge (the porridge is cooked with veggies and meats) for the most part until around 15 months. We do offer her what we are eating, but the porridge was the constant.

Quite a few birthdays coming up. You ladies better post some birthday party pictures. For M's 1st birthday, we didn't get her any gifts. She got plenty from family and friends. This year we are getting her play foods for the kitchen she got as an early birthday present from SILs.
Jcrow, is having that sale that Ginger mentioned -- I spent $100 so got 25% off of their clothing and blankets. The sacks were a little over $21 but came to $15.89 after the discount. The sale code is on their front homepage.
*Lindsey* said:
Jcrow, is having that sale that Ginger mentioned -- I spent $100 so got 25% off of their clothing and blankets. The sacks were a little over $21 but came to $15.89 after the discount. The sale code is on their front homepage.

ah, thanks for the clarification! :]
Hey ladies!! Just wanted to pop in to comment on how BIG all the "newborns" are getting :o They grow so fast. I love all the recent pics...soooooooo cute :love:
I know, all our babies are getting so big!!!!

So I've gotten a couple of FuzziBunz cloth diapers, and I like them well enough. So I've ordered 5 more, which will make 7. I figure that's enough for most of one day, and then I can see how I like them once I try to use them exclusively. My feeling is that if Claire poops 3x a day on average, then I don't want to wait 2 or 3 days between washing them (imagine 10 poopy diapers waiting to be washed . . . ew). I know this may cancel out my environmental impact by using them instead of disposables, but I'm just planning to do a lot of laundry at first and then see if I want to buy more. I have a front loading HE washer and a dryer with moisture sensor, so I hope that goes in the "good for the earth" column. I'll probably end up ordering 6 more once I get the hang of things, but this is my way of getting my feet wet.
Sabine- Trying to figure it out. We don't have a ton of family here, so was thinking about something casual, like an open house where people can stop by, have a drink, eat a cupcake and go. But everyone I've mentioned it to says I "have" to have entertainment for the kids that show up. I am not doing that, he doesn't know what's going on and I'm not spending a ton of money. Right now I'm debating b/w a BBQ for my parents and cousins, or the open house thing on a smaller level. I'm not doing a theme per se, but will get him some gifts and cupcakes.
I think my parents are getting him a push car. We're getting him a chair, a ball pit and some books. Considering the water table too. I was thinking slide as well but have decided to wait till Christmas. I tend to go overboard on gifts and am reigning myself in. :knockout:

One thing I'm doing is a time capsule. Haven't worked out the details yet, but am writing him a letter and having my DH, my parents, DH's parents and a few others either write him a letter, or I"m going to draft a "questionaire" to have people fill out about him. Then I'll put some stuff from when he was born, a onesie and socks, his fave toy he doesn't play with anymore, a CD of music we listened to while he was being born, stuff like that.

Will definitely post pics!!
Mara, I plan on letting Paul feed her the meat if he wants her to eat it- this means he'll have to MAKE it, too. :) If he doesn't make it, he doesn't care all THAT much about her eating it. Maybe I'll let him give her bites off his food if we're out (when she eats real food SOMEDAY), but I won't urge it. I'm fine feeding her the way I eat now, sans tofu, as the estrogen thing gives me pause.

So we're having sleep issues. Of the last three nights, Piper has fought and cried twice. She went down as per usual on Saturday- quietly and awake, Sunday she had to be picked up and rocked to sleep to calm her down (she sobbed and sobbed until she was heaving), Last night she went down awake and silent, tonight the sobbing, heaving rocking to sleep thing. Both times she freaked out she started crawling toward the end of her crib (toward the door, where I left), meaning she didn't just grab her blanket and snuggle like she does when she stays on her back and sleeps. Both of the freakout nights she was tired, with rubbing eyes early (around 5pm), but the regular nights she's also tired. Maybe she needs me to feed her the solids earlier- Sunday and last night she was fed by 6, tonight it was closer to seven, then she had a bath (which she didn't get Saturday or last night- both calm nights). Maybe she's just too worked up after her bath? Up until Sunday we hadn't had the freakout problem. Maybe I put her in too awake? Ugh. Any tips welcome, as you can tell I am totally grasping at straws here.
Hello Mamas!

Nico is 5 weeks old today- went to his 1-month visit and he's continuing to gain weight (thank goodness!!), but he's still on the lean side at 7lbs, 14 ozs (1 lb more than his birth weight). This puts him in the 10th percentile. He's 21.5 inches long, and in the 50th percentile. His Doc is happy with his progress, doesn't see any issues as long as he continues to gain (albeit slowly!). We have an ultrasound scheduled next week to make sure his little hips are OK (he was a VERY breech bebe). Oh yeah, it looks like he has the head strength of a 4-month old- doc was impressed by it!

I've been in lurker mode as my MIL is here and the little "me" time i had before is really not my own anymore! don't get me wrong, she's been a huge help, but i feel like i have to "visit" with her when we're not busy with Nico or other house stuff. my internet surfing has been nil.

i'll eventually get to participate more, chime in on all your LO and provide my POV!

Do have a couple of questions/items i wanted to bring up:

I read that some of you know what foods you consume can cause fussiness in your LO's (via your breastmilk). I read that dairy is a culprit. can you please share more about that? how did you come to that conclusion, and what kind of behavior did you experience (fussiness, spitup, etc...) I **think** that me drinking milk doesn't agree with N, but want to hear some BTDT stories.

Along the same lines- his bowel movements have considerably SLOWED down. he hasn't given us one since Saturday! Mentioned it to the pediatrician today and he's not worried. But again, would like to hear more from you on this topic. I know that it varies from kid to kid, and depends on their feeding (EBF, formula, etc...). I BF, but do supplement.

Can we talk spit-up? did any of you see a correlation between that and either your diet (as per my 1st question) or perhaps overfeeding? I know that spit-up happens with babies, and he seems to be in the "happy spitter-upper" camp (meaning, probably not reflux). my milk supply has continued to increase, so I'm trying to figure out how/where to cut the supplementation. Would LOVE to cut out as many formula bottles as possible, and i see a trend with N. spitting up more as the day progresses. Perhaps he's being overfed later in the day? I'm thinking of skipping a bottle here and there to see what happens.

lastly, a quick hello to LULU. What a powerful birth story! Nora is precious
lulu i meant to say fabulous story and of course little N is just precious. I love her name too.

it's weird... as a mom i feel so much more connected to J now than i have ever before and i wish i could go back to when i was pregnant and his birth and even the days afterwards to just have a chance again to experience all of that again knowing who he will be today. for me, for whatever reason, once his personality started to gel it really struck me that we've created a person. delayed reaction much??

amber, i don't have any real advice for you since you guys are ahead of us, only that maybe it's just a phase she's going through? like beginning of separation anxiety or something? sorry it's happening though.

fiery...when you have a chance can you let us know whatever happened with sophia's sleeping? remember that thread you posted about having to sit on her floor, i think you guys did CIO after that, or maybe not? just curious how it turned out since it's been about a month since then?

cdt, miss you here !!!

charger, i hear ya re: the mil visit. we had ours 6 weeks after J and while she was great and i know they try to be low maintenance, she was still a guest so i still felt like i had to sit with her and entertain her when the baby was sleeping etc.

re: fussiness/breastmilk allergies. my friend found out her daughter was allergic to dairy because she had blood in her stool. she didn't seem fussy or spitty at all. the little girl is about 7-8mo now and is just growing out of it.

J had a light reflux, nothing that needed meds as we were able to elevate him and burp him more, and do different things to help the issue, smaller feedings more frequently, etc. elevating him really helped big time with spitup later and at night time. but even now at 6mo sometimes he just has days where he's a little barf fountain. usually if that is the case it will be kind of mucousy and honestly, we feel like it has to do with allergies when that happens. usually if i stop and think about it, i will feel a bit 'snotty' that day too and then the next day he's fine.

J was also really fussy i think between like 3 weeks and 6 weeks when i really think back on it, i think some of it had to do with needing to eat more. he was soo lazy on the boob it was hard for me to figure out when he was full and we were trying not to do too much formula. he grew just fine in that time period but knowing what an oinker he CAN be... i think we could have fed him more and he prob would have been a little happier. after 6+ weeks and really around 8 weeks his personality got WAY more sunny.

re: the sale. i have 100 of merch in my cart so that i can spend 75. this really is a sickness. HAHA. but on the flip side i am getting my A&A sleep sacks for winter, a halo sack, and a set of issies for him as well as 2 cute soy bodysuits (in ginormous baby sizing 18m+). when i calc it out, the A&A sacks and the issies are as cheap if not more as if babysteals had them on their site...when you factor in free shipping vs BS's not. so it's like i'm saving money. HA!

it's sad that sometimes i think...gee i need to keep working so i can keep feeding this baby clothes addiction. really the kid would prob prefer me at home even if he had to be naked right?? or maybe that's just me wanting to be home..and shopping for him because of mommy guilt. on that note, my job situ is coming to a head soon, maybe even tomorrow, but we'll see.