
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

charger, I personally wouldn't cut out a bottle at this point - he's awfully small, and he needs whatever weight he can gain. I would give smaller bottles at each feeding, but feed more often, like Mara did. Babies spit up. It doesn't mean he's getting too much or something is wrong. Sometimes it just happens!
ChargerGrrl said:
Hello Mamas!

I read that some of you know what foods you consume can cause fussiness in your LO's (via your breastmilk). I read that dairy is a culprit. can you please share more about that? how did you come to that conclusion, and what kind of behavior did you experience (fussiness, spitup, etc...) I **think** that me drinking milk doesn't agree with N, but want to hear some BTDT stories.

Along the same lines- his bowel movements have considerably SLOWED down. he hasn't given us one since Saturday! Mentioned it to the pediatrician today and he's not worried. But again, would like to hear more from you on this topic. I know that it varies from kid to kid, and depends on their feeding (EBF, formula, etc...). I BF, but do supplement.

Can we talk spit-up? did any of you see a correlation between that and either your diet (as per my 1st question) or perhaps overfeeding? I know that spit-up happens with babies, and he seems to be in the "happy spitter-upper" camp (meaning, probably not reflux). my milk supply has continued to increase, so I'm trying to figure out how/where to cut the supplementation. Would LOVE to cut out as many formula bottles as possible, and i see a trend with N. spitting up more as the day progresses. Perhaps he's being overfed later in the day? I'm thinking of skipping a bottle here and there to see what happens.

c has MSPI which is milk soy protein intolerance - not lactose intolerant (which is the sugar) but the milk/soy protein - called casein.
we noticed extreme fussiness followed by black/bloody stools. some babies never have the bloody stools depending on their level of sensitivity. i eliminated all dairy and soy from my diet while BF which was HARD, but doable. c is on nutramigen now. if you are concerned, your doctor can do a quick fecal test to see if there are any traces of blood.. or you can just eliminate dairy (be careful as it's hidden in most prepackaged foods) - and you'll need to switch your formula to either nutramigen or alimentum. and it might still take a week or two to see a noticeable difference in his attitude - giving his body a time to heal etc.

not having a BM a long period of time, especially BF babies and around the 6 week mark is totally normal. their bodies are becoming super efficient and using every bit of BM, so very little waste. no need to worry!

some babies spit up, some don't... i wouldn't skip a bottle. it could be that he is just a really fast eater from the bottle (whereas he has to 'work' at the boob) - therefore, he's getting too much at one time from the bottle. when introducing bottles we had to really take our time. only letting c have 10 or so sucks before pulling the bottle away for 10 seconds and repeating this cycle - also taking time to burp every 1/2 oz or so. in this way, it not only took him longer to eat and he filled his tummy in the same way he would have at the boob but he was also much less 'spitty-uppy'.
Wow, lots of new posts to catch up on! Just popping in quickly to ssay thanks, Mara, for the baby food info. Will try it later today, although I don't have a steamer... :(( I guess microwaving can also work? Will try that and see...

pg - I'm interested to know how your experience with the Fuzzi Buns diapers goes. DH and I were going to order a pack of 18 the other day but they were a bit more expensive than we had planned for. I'm also not sure if I want to have such a direct experience with poop...? Esp. now D is on solids... :shock: but we'll see. I have to buy diapers every week though....cloth diapers would be so much more cost effective.

Oh, quickly, Cute DH moment to report: On MOnday night I put Dalila to bed at her usual time, around 8:00 pm. DH and I were just hanging about. AT around 8:45 I heard some noise in her room, so went in to see what was happening. I could see the light on in her room, since the door was slightly ajar - definitely not how I remembered leaving it. I was thinking, 'What the heck is going on?" When I opened the door, DH was in there, holding Dalila in his arms and rocking her silently. I said,' What happened? Was she crying?" He nodded no, and whispered "she's still sleeping' and continued rocking her. So I said, "So what's going on??" :confused: I couldn't figure out why he had taken her up. He said, "I just wanted to hold her.... :) " :wink2: awwww..... I thought that was so cute... :love:
Hey mommies!!

Thanks to everyone who commented on the deep freeze debacle! We ended up re-freezing since all of it still had frozen centers. I plan to just smell and maybe taste before using. Keep your fingers crossed for us that it's okay please!!

lulu~Beautiful girl and great story!!

Phoenix~Good luck with the cloth diapers! Are you enjoying being away from school? We go back in a few weeks already!

Mara~How's the part time job hunt going?

Amber~I'd guess some sort of separation anxiety thing too.

Charger~Both my kids are/were intolerant to dairy and corn so I cut both foods out of my diet while BFing-VERY difficult because corn is in everything. Symptoms were extreme fussiness, bloody/black stools. We figured out *what* they were not tolerating with a lot of trial and error. My first was really bad and we didn't figure out the corn intolerance (had the dairy figured out) until she was probably 7 months. They both also had reflux, although Tayva's was way worse than Kade's is. Tayva grew out of the dairy intolerance around 15 months and Kade is 5 months and I haven't tried any corn/dairy in my diet (aside from the occasional slip up which I paid for) and he is also on alimentum formula.

Sha~Cute, cute, cute!!

As for us, my little chunk is eating me out of house and home already. Seriously, the kid is eating around 36-40 oz of bm/formula a day in addition to solids at lunch and dinner. He has always drank a lot (especially compared to what I remember T drinking at this age) but I am pretty sure growth spurt because he's been sleeping a lot too. I feel like all I do is feed him and put him down (which is kind of worrying me because he's eating so much and sleeping so much that he has been falling asleep while drinking his bottle a lot) At any rate, he seems to be in good spirits (unless he's screaming because he's *starving* again) and Tayva has been much more interested in him lately which is absolutely adorable.

Oh, and in good news, I got my schedule for work (I'm a teacher) and instead of teaching 10:45-3 like last year (which was what they initially told me I was teaching and I complained) I am now going to teach 7:55-11:45. So much better.

Okay, gotta go make some breakfast for Tayva ... sorry for anyone I missed!
charger - as a newborn em had lots of cramping combined with crying. i eliminated so much from my diet only to realize that it wasn't what i was eating that mattered. she'd hurt no matter what. i tied the mylicon and gripe water and found those didn't really do much. then the pedi prescribed drops to help with the tummy spasms and it worked! her tummy is no longer immature and therefore we no longer give her the meds...
charger, i agree that eating larger amts doesn't necessarily have correlation to spitup, it just might be how he's eating it, aka too quickly or with too much air, or if he has mucous in his chest already etc.

sha, re a steamer, you can even put a pot with a little water in it and something like an overturned pie plate with holes punched in it and put the fruit or veggie on top and steam it that way. i'd rather do that than the microwave which can kill nutrients in the fruit/veggie if it's a prolonged period of time. but if you plan to make a lot of food over time i'd just get a cheapo steamer basket you can toss into a pot, they are like $4 at the grocery i think.

oh and some fruits like plums, peaches, apricots, and veggies like potatoes, sweet potatoes etc can be roasted or baked in the oven as well if you don't have a steamer. it gives a diff flavor.

J flipped 2x last nite but thankfully just the paci and a turn over mellows him out again. though i am starting to go HMM about the paci...again because i never had one i am like, is it normal that i just plug it in and he's fine and falls back asleep? oh well, as a working mom i just don't have the time to deal with it!!! if i was SAH i might be more diligent about trying to break him of it but momma needs her sleep !
hi ladies,

thanks for the compliment on my little bundle. she is pretty cute ;)) - that store is amazing. it has everything. the prices are great. i can almost always can find a discount. such fast shipping. thank you internet.

Charger - thanks for the hello!! re: the dairy/fussiness. When Nora had her first *episode* of terrible gas pains and I thought for certain that it was due to the ice cream I had eaten earlier that day. So, I cut out dairy for a few days and like jcrow amd em, the gas unfortunately persisted. For Nora, at least, the discomfort is due to her immature system and not the food I'm eating. poor babies, i can't wait until the gas no longer *hurts*

phoenix - we're going to be using cloth too, as soon as N gains a bit more weight. Interested to see how it goes for you . . .

mara - I CANNOT wait for miss N to *show* us who she is in terms of personality.

amber - boo for sleep issues but hurray for the crawling. can't believe how big (and adorable) piper is already!

viz - :appl: :appl: :appl: to sleeping :appl: :appl: :appl: I followed for a while and am so happy for all three of you!!

china - I know that O is turning one, but feel free to stick around on this thread ;)) I love your advice! and completely agree that entertainment for 1 yr olds is soooo not necessary.

sha - d is a complete doll!

now here's my question of the day :bigsmile:

at what age did your babes go down "drowsy, but alert." Nora is a pretty fine sleeper. Basically has always slept for at least three hour stretches and for the past couple of weeks, does about five or six hours during the first part of the night and three to four to the morning. So I'm not complaining at all about the duration. However, in order to get those stretches I need to either rock/sooth her into a deep sleep and then put her in her bassinet/crib(for naps) or put her in her bouncy seat as the girl is an addict for vibration. She's only five and a half weeks, but I just don't want to create a bouncy-seat/rocking chair dependency. Do I even need to worry at this point and if not, when do I need to start worrying.
I started trying J down for naps without rocking at about 4 weeks. Really early and he didn't take to it very well. So I would try it and if he didn't take to it, I'd do what I needed to. But I'd always TRY that at first and then if it didn't work, we'd rock or shh or whatever.

Eventually he caught on and I think because I didn't do it for EVERY nap or EVERY sleep he might have caught on a little earlier than he might have... I think he was doing it more consistently after about 12 weeks, but intermittently between 8-12. The swaddle TOTALLY helped us as well because he was comforted by the swaddle and then eventually the paci so he didn't need us anymore. Then we deswaddled so now he just 'needs' the paci.

I also still napped him sometimes in the swing or bouncer but he was so inconsistent with that after about 6 weeks, I didn't worry about a habit. Now he will VERY RARELY nap in the swing but sometimes he does. 99% of his naps are in crib.
Lulu- Aww, thanks! I will definitely keep reading this thread for awhile, feel pretty connected to some of these babies! Plus I will have nothing but questions for the toddler thread, at least here I can offer some advice!

Everyone has different opinions on the sleeping thing. First, that is GREAT that her sleeping is so organized like that. O was a good sleeper like that as well and luckily started STTN relatively early and save for a few bumps (when I returned to work, and when teething) has stayed that way. So fingers crossed Miss N will be the same!

Personally- I was very worried about creating bad habits (panicked book reading didn't help). But I was also desperate for him to sleep and did whatever necessary in the beginning. In my opinion, at least based on O, in the first few months you really can't develop bad habits. I would say for the first 3 months, it's all about survival and what keeps you sane and the baby happy. After 3-4 months, they start changing and you can start trying things and seeing how they react. At 3-4 months, I would start TRYING to be more diligent about a schedule and napping in one place, etc. But don't kill yourself over it, they are still transitioning from being newborns. Around 6 months and I think you do have to start worrying about bad habits.

O slept in a swing and was shushed/rocked to sleep for a long time. I started putting him down drowsy but awake for naps first and then for nighttime. He took to it pretty quickly and I dropped the rocking pretty easily.

I know some books, and some moms here had success with drowsy but awake much earlier on. I don't really remember why I didn't do it, whether O didn't take to it or if it was just comforting to me to do it the other way, but my best advice is to relax and follow your baby's lead.

Just re-read what I wrote and I was pretty diligent about trying to get him on a schedule from the beginning. That being said, not sure how much it really helped. Part of me wishes I was more relaxed about the whole thing, and part of me thinks it contributed to him being a good sleeper.

Good luck!
Somehow drowsy but awake didn't work for us until around 13 weeks. Before that, K was sleeping on me, and I had to hold her for naps. My mother, when visiting, would occasionally get her to sleep in her pack 'n play by lulling her into a deep sleep and then putting her down. I never seemed to manage it. We never really swaddled her though - she seemed to scream more when her arms were pinned down. Around 13 weeks, she started to stuff her fingers in her mouth and suck on them (I was avoiding the paci then because we were still BF and finger feeding), and seemed to learn to self soothe. At 18 weeks, she's a much better sleeper now. Goes down awake for all naps and sleeps, and can soother herself back to sleep most times if she wakes in the night (rare, knock on wood). Her naps are still only about 45min long.
Thanks everyone for your advice.

Miles did have a better day today, although it did take me half an hour to get him down for his afternoon nap, and he just woke up after 40 min but was obviously still tired - so I moved him to his swing and now he is asleep again. Oh well, at least he is sleeping rather than fussing and I got some smiles and happy time from him today!

Speaking of this, and the drowsy but awake topic, I guess I have a hard time trusting myself sometimes. I am a researcher by nature, and a bit of a perfectionist. Of course, those two things don't always work so well with babies ;)) So I read different books and think "oh I see the point in this" and then "oh, well this makes sense too, but it's the complete opposite of what the other book says" and I get paralyzed not knowing which one I "should" be doing. It doesn't help that Miles was early, so I think of him as a 3 1/2 month old, but in a lot of ways he is only like a 2 month old, so which age advice do I follow? Gah! I know I need to just let go, and follow my instincts, but it's hard sometimes.

ETA: Forgot to say, so drowsy but awake is not really working for us yet most of the time. I usually have to rock him to sleep, or he is 'rocked' by the swing or the motion of my baby carrier. Or sometimes he falls asleep at the breast. I had been trying to drowsy but awake with some success here or there, but right now he is not going for it. And while he is in this phase or growth spurt, I have abandoned the idea of it and will try again once he is happier (hopefully soon).
Regarding: drowsy but alert going to sleep

My older son was a great sleeper, and I put him down in his crib drowsy but alert from around 4 weeks old. He didn't like the crib during the day, though, so he napped in the swing until he was about 6 months old (I put him in there awake). When I finally put him in his crib for naptime at 6 months, he was fine & didn't fuss. He also liked to be swaddled, so maybe that helped.

Connor is 12 weeks now and not as consistent of a sleeper. He hates being swaddled, so we didn't even try after the first week. If I try to put him in his crib or swing when wide awake he fusses, but mostly he will go to sleep if he's drowsy after a couple of weak protests. Also, whereas with Andrew I could always guarantee a 2 hour nap if he napped in his swing, Connor is inconsistent. Sometimes he'll nap for 3 hours, sometimes for only 20 minutes. He's also all over the place at night. Mostly, he just gets up once at around 2 am, but there was a whole week that he slept through the night (unfortunately that stopped) and some nights he'll get up twice, which is a drag, since I do all the childcare during the week.

Either way, my advice is to try to put your baby down "drowsy but awake" as early as possible - they are better at selfsoothing (both my boys are finger-suckers) and falling asleep on their own if they are doing it from early on. I have some friends who rocked their babies to sleep every night, and are now rocking their 20-month olds to sleep every night, which isn't as fun. Good luck!
Oh Pretty Blues, how I remember that paralyzed panic that set in when I would read different books!!! My best advice to you is STEP AWAY from the books!!! :bigsmile: OR pick ONE book that makes the most sense to you or seems to fit with Miles's personality. It sounds like you're doing things right, what you described is just what newborns are like. O didn't start taking consistent naps until MUCH later. If I were you, I would focus on the nighttime sleeping and worry less about the naps. The naps will come and they start to organize themselves.

Remember, do what it takes to keep baby happy which equals mommy happy. If he doesn't do drowsy but awake, that's ok! Just keep trying it, maybe once a day, and eventually he'll get it.

Hang in there. The first 3-4 months were really hard for me b/c I thought O should be doing x and should be doing y (according to the books). I didn't enjoy him as much as I wish I had. But it doesn't last, and they get easier to read, I promise!
Ditto CC re: stepping away from the books. I only read 'what to expect first year' and even then I didn't take anything as gospel. PS moms helped me immensely more than any book.

That said--the other thing I look back and think about is that I worried too much about things in the beginning. I think it's natural since your whole life is just BABY BABY BABY but I should have just enjoyed him more and not worried so much about little things. I am so thankful I did sleep training early BUT I think I also made it harder on both of us than it needed to be with my inexperience. On the flip side I feel like he's a great sleeper because a fair amt of what I tried. So it's a catch 22 I guess.
Sorry Evan centered post right now!

Put Evan in his crib because I needed to do some things around the house without worrying about what he was getting into.

Went in about 5 minutes later and what do I see.......


thanks so much for all of the drowsy feedback!

mara - i've been basically using the same approach that you described where I start each put down the same way - drowsy, but awake into the bassinet or crib. then if it doesn't work, i resort to the soothe to sleep. hopefully, she'll get the hang of it soon, but perhaps she also needs to get a bit older before able to adequately self-soothe.

and china, speaking of schedules, the concept makes sense, but the implementation of one seems entirely elusive. I am feeding on demand, so while N typically eats every 2.5-3 hrs, it can really vary. Following a feeding, she remains alert afterwards for a period that also varies quite a lot. Then she'll sleep and once she wakes wants to eat again. So it's nothing like an eat at 9am/12pm/3/6/9 etc . . .each days is different.

eta - adorable pictures tao!!!
11 Months and a First Step!

Lulu- Exactly, and that's why I wish I'd ignored the books. Especially if you are EBF, your schedule is really set by the baby. I think you are absolutely doing the right thing, trying to do drowsy but awake, but then soothing if necessary. She will eventually settle into a schedule on her own, one day you'll realize it and be surprised! What helped me figure that out was writing down everything- what time he ate, for how long, what time he napped, etc. Then I started to see a pattern. For O he would be awake for 1.5 to 2 hours and then need to sleep. I really had to watch him and once he seemed to hit that point, I had to put him down or he would miss his window and get overtired and not nap. It's hard to see their cues at first, but it just becomes really apparent. Trust your instincts, you're doing great!

Tao- Love his face in that first pic. Like, what, you'd thought I'd never figure this out? Crazy lady! :tongue:

AFM- O took his first steps tonight! :appl: OMG it was so cute! I really haven't been in a hurry for him to walk, figure he'll get there eventually and he's already into everything so no need for it to get worse before it has to. He's been standing without holding on lately for longer and longer stretches (mostly when he's not paying attention). But tonight he was standing at the table and I was sitting on the floor next to him. He wanted my blackberry in my hand and I said "come get it" and he took three real steps over to me. Oh, guys, I can't wait for you to experience this! His little face was radiant, he was grinning ear to ear and he was so proud of himself! And the little wobbly legs, the stiff weird zombie walk, with his arms outstretched to me, oh wow, it killed me. :love: So. Freaking. Cute. I was so surprised at how excited I was when he did it! My baby's growing up. :praise:
He definitely is not "walking" yet, but was a first step!
Lulu: I second ignoring the books. We settled into a 3 hour cycle...but not because of anything I did or any book I read. Evan did it on his own. Whatever works for you (and your husband) and Nora is what is right.....

China: Woohoo for first steps!!! Gah I can totally picture the delight on his face! Get the video camera ready!

As a side note: What is with babies and blackberries. It's sometimes the only way I can get Evan to crawl!
Taovandel, congrats on Evan standing - so cute!

ChinaCat, congrats on O's first steps!

I have a milestone to share as well, albeit two weeks late. Connor started turning over from his tummy to his back at 10 weeks old! I couldn't believe it because I think his older brother was almost 4 months old the first time he flipped over.

Then just a few minutes ago, I went into his room to check on him, and he had turned around 180 degrees - before HIS HEAD was on the north side of the crib, and a few minutes later in was on the south side. I swear he must have done a somersault in there :tongue:

I can tell this one is going to keep me on my toes a lot more than Andrew did. Andrew was crawling at 8 months, and walking at 13 months, so he was a little slower than most kids. I have a feeling that Connor is going to be earlier, but I like it when they stay where you put them!
chinacat - O's first step!!! that is so exciting!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:

tao - love the pics of evan so cute!! as for evan and crawling -- see below :))

vesper - yay for turning over! wow..10 weeks is super early

Okay fourth milestone post in a row here -- ladies and gentlemen -- A is now mobile :o :appl: :errrr: :love:

he does the half army crawl, half head dive a la evan ;)) and is moving 2-3 feet at a time, usually in pursuit of a toy that mommy so gleefully keeps juuuuuust out of reach. it's slow, ungainly, not coordinated or graceful...but it gets him where he wants to go :bigsmile: . and he's loving it too! he used to not be a fan of tummy time, but now that he's figured out how to manuever about, i guess things are a lot more interesting!
Yeah the crawl he has is just like that! It's almost embarrassing! But it's efficient! :wacko:
Vesper: I always hear the second ones tend to do things quicker because they wanna be like their siblings/they pay attention to what the siblings are doing and learn.
yay for milestones!!

CC i can totally imagine it, your descriptor was awesome esp the 'weird stiff zombie walk' hehee. it will be great to see all these milestones.

ginger yay for some army creeping! did you guys try to encourage him to be happier on his tummy? J still gets agro the minute he rolls onto his tummy, which is ALLLLLL the time. i just roll him over...but maybe i should just let him fuss more to try to get more motivated or something.

vesper yay for rolling!! 10 weeks wow, go baby!

tao is that the first time you have seen E standing? he looks so cute!

lulu, it felt like it took us forever to settle into a schedule, i kept wanting to get more of a schedule down but in the end we just had to follow J for the most part. like i couldn't just say 'nap at this time' kind of thing you know, or else i'd put him down and he'd fuss or cry or whatever and not nap. i did find out that it seemed he was happier if i fed him then napped him rather than doing feed, activity, nap, or else he might be too wound up OR too overtired to nap. feeding would make him drowsy-ish and then he'd have a full tummy so seemed that was the best way for him. then when he gets up it's activity.
lulu, we do the up 1.5 to two hour routine. it has worked well for us and fits in to feeding on demand as j is exclusively breastfed.

my kid is never drowsy but awake, seriously. i have no clue what that looks like.

hooray for first steps, china! and rolling, vesper!
Mara: He's been pulling up on us a little bit more and more and he loves to grab our hands so he can stand up. Yesterday he got up on his knees trying to hold onto a end table..but he hadn't stood up.

So yesterday I go back into his room and he's inside I'm screaming Woohoo!! but I leave quietly and grab the camera and I walk in and start yup---this was his first time pulling up to a standing position without our assistance.
GingerB and Taovandel, that's so funny about your babies doing the army crawl - I thought that my son Andrew was the only kid that did that. He started crawling later than all of his baby friends, and then only did the army crawl. I don't think he did a "normal" crawl until he was almost 11 months old, but even then, he still preferred the army crawl. I guess whatever gets them around ...
Bad night last night. Claire was up from 12:30 to 3:30 with teething pain. DH and I took turns attempting our various soothing techniques (him: letting her play while she watches tv, me: boob). Finally she went back down.

I'm waiting for my additional FuzziBunz to arrive (today or tomorrow) before I start using them primarily. I figure that running a load of two diapers over and over is silly. Despite Claire's ridiculous pooping prowess, I feel a lot better about reducing the amount of slow-to-decompose, untreated waste I'm putting out into the world. I'm not sure I'm going about this in the most cost effective way (waiting until she's 9 months, buying "perfect size" instead of "one size"), but I'm mostly concerned about convenience and being earth friendly. I'll definitely give a report once I get into the hang of things. I hope my baby's pooping habits won't weaken my resolve (seriously, yesterday I think she pooped 5 times . . . and while they're smaller when she goes that often, they're still big enough to make a diaper gross). I did get one "one size" (supposedly converts to fit a baby of any size) because it was on close-out, so I'll see how I like that.

Oh no, my crazy baby is awake after only napping 50 minutes!!! Perhaps it is the "45 minute intruder"? I'm going to be very quiet and see if she'll go back to sleep!
Yay for crawling, standing up and first STEPS!!

We may have our next milestone here... the one I have been wondering about for-ev-er... Today Piper woke up at 6:20am crying. Last night I had to lay down next to the crib in order to get her to fall asleep (remember I had been wondering what her deal was?).

When we got to work this morning, exhausted, she grabs my hand as per usual, and puts it in her mouth. I felt something very sharp on her gums. VERY sharp! I touched it. She wouldn't let me in to check out what was going on, but I kept checking it and it's still there! Is it a tooth? IT MIGHT BE!! I won't need to chew her food for her!!
AmberWaves said:
Yay for crawling, standing up and first STEPS!!

We may have our next milestone here... the one I have been wondering about for-ev-er... Today Piper woke up at 6:20am crying. Last night I had to lay down next to the crib in order to get her to fall asleep (remember I had been wondering what her deal was?).

When we got to work this morning, exhausted, she grabs my hand as per usual, and puts it in her mouth. I felt something very sharp on her gums. VERY sharp! I touched it. She wouldn't let me in to check out what was going on, but I kept checking it and it's still there! Is it a tooth? IT MIGHT BE!! I won't need to chew her food for her!!

YAY teeth!

YAY walking!

YAY rolling!

YAYYYYYY for all our awesomely smart babies :appl:
Amber- Sounds like a tooth to me! Sometimes you can't see them till they push through, but the babies definitely feel them before. Yay Pipes!