
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Excited took over at first....I'd say 70-30.....I think it's kinda flipped now. :wacko:

I honestly didn't think it would happen the instant we started. And I keep thinking, "It's already a hassle with one kid going grocery shopping what on earth will I do with two!" haha....

You ladies are the only ones that know (well besides the husband) again, no mention on Facebook please. We are going to wait a few more weeks and we want to take another test just to make sure.

My parents are coming over tomorrow for dinner---it's going to be hard to not spill the beans!
MP, I totally have my eye on the Mazda 5. There don't seem to be any other slim mini-vanish vehicles out there.

JCrow, I love the Marpac SleepMate. It creates white noise non-digitally, if that makes sense. It's just a consistent whoosh. I use it myself when I need to sleep better.

Tao, congrats again! Tee hee. Sticky dust!

So, we had our first cloth diaper grossness, which I will discuss for those of you interested in CDs (Sha, etc.). Don't read if you're not interested! I've become numb to the constant poo, but about once a week C has a less solid, smellier poo, and well, we got our first one in the CD tonight, and it was gigantic. I'm thinking I need to get a scraper so I don't ever have to use the crepe spatula again (no pun intended!). I was only able to scrape off a fraction of it, though, and after the cold rinse it was all gone (you do a cold rinse without detergent before washing them on hot), so maybe the scraping is unnecessary. But there was no way I could just let that diaper sit in the pail -- it had to go in the washing machine immediately. If the washing machine is ever in use when this happens, it won't be pretty!

The grossness aside, I'm still really weirdly excited about my switch. I love washing the CDs and folding them and looking at them. Am I going crazy from just one month of SAH??? So I ordered a 6 pack of one-size FuzziBunz, so now I'll have 7 one-size and 6 mediums. The mediums fit Claire a little better, but I wanted to think of the future (Baby #2 will be in CDs before needing size medium). Plus my sister said she'll give me her 12 medium BumGenius diapers, so I'll definitely have enough mediums for the next kid. I also ordered a second pail liner (so I can just carry the diapers down with the liner and throw it in the wash with one in reserve) and a wet bag for the diaper bag.

I am still using disposable wipes. I mean, my baby poops like 20-30 times a week. I'm just not saintly enough to deal with the wipes too.
lol PG...I get weirdly excited when I do J's laundry...I love folding and hanging up his clothes and stuff. My own closet is a nightmare so I don't know why I get so weird about his. So I could see the love of the CD.

That said, while I think CD's are sooo friggin cool esp what with all the cute diaper covers they have--I am totally not into cleaning them. Even storing them and having a service come take them away, no thanks. There was some big debate on one of the steal sites about whether or not it's really even environmentally friendly 'enough' to use them (aka you wash and dry them a fair amt, and the water you waste esp if you do just a few in a load, etc etc), I don't know enough to have an opinion either way but if I ever did them it would ONLY be because of the cute patterns. HA! I totally admit it. And I think C looks adorable in her little diaper cover!

speaking of clothes, because I am obsessed, I put J in a green small striped baby gap footed sleeper tonite and i just have to say i love baby gap. their stuff is always so soft, it fits well and in the range of age it says (so for giant baby J, he's wearing 6-12 months) and he looked A.DORABLE in it. i wanted to squish him and squeeze him.

and speaking of squishy and squeezing, we went to dinner tonite with some good friends and the hub was holding J and ... i don't know if he did this because i did it so he felt like it was ok, but he was like kissing his ears, his head, and his face and stuff and i ended up coming home and bathing him by myself (G had a concert tonite) because i was just too grossed out about someone else's saliva on him. is that weird? HA! i don't even care. i feel better after his bath. :tongue:
Mara - I've had strangers touch K's hand in Walmart. As soon as hey movd along, out came the alcohol hand wash to clean them up.
Tao, congrats! Evan's going to have a baby sibling! I'm so excited for you guys.

I was so worried when I got pregnant with my second how Andrew would react, but he is just in love with Connor. Whenever we go anywhere, he points to Connor & tells everyone, "This is my first baby." It's so funny.
turtledazzle said:
MonkeyPie said:
But in other news...we finally got a new car :appl: We got a Mazda 5 and Micah appears to love the ride, he fell asleep both times I put him in, haha. That's a BIG plus! I think he hated how loud the Taurus was. This new car is quite as could be, half the time I have to check to make sure it's still running.

Hi MonkeyPie,

Congrats on the new car! How do you like it? We're also thinking about getting a Mazda 5 ... we like the compactness of it, yet it has the mini-van-like sliding doors. In our test drive, we found it surprisingly fun to drive as well. Just curious -- any review you'd be willing to share would be greatly appreciated!

Sure - anything in particular you would like to know?

When we first went in, they wanted us to test drive an '08 Corolla. I know Fiery has one but eek - that sucker was SMALL. It barely held the carseat in the back and my husband, who happens to be taller than me (like most people!), just did not fit in it. It was so weird. So when the seller was off doing something, we took a peek into the window of the Mazda 5. And I LOVED it. Yeah, the car seat has to be in a side seat, but I cannot even tell you how nice it was to open that van door and the baby is right at my level, and easy to get in and out (instead of heaving and grunting like the Taurus). So we asked for a test drive, and I was sold. The ride is nice and level, not too rough and not too squishy, it has a third row that can be collapsed to put in the stroller without having to heave it over the lip (just pull it right out), and even as short as I am, I can reach everything without having to lean. The shift is smooth and easy, the steering tight and responsive. Plus it gets a lot of looks for essentially being a van. Both my husband and I have gotten people wondering what it is, so it isn't super popular and all over the place yet. Plus, it's a Mazda! It will likely last forever and Ford owns it, which pleases me since I have never owned anything but Fords (except for one brief love affair with a Crossfire). I highly recommend this car.


In other news, wanna see my first try at screen printing? I love it so much! (No bumper yet - still working on it, probably will finish next weekend.)

Just a super quick pop in here to say a big CONGRATULATIONS to Tao!!! OMG! Evan is just about 2 weeks younger than Ellie and we are starting to talk about TTC #2, too! So happy for you! You are gonna be one busy mama!!!!! :appl:

(Oh- and all the pics are SO cute!!! Miles, Nora, Kara, Kade, Dalila, Christopher, Julian, Claire...I hope I'm not forgetting any! Just so so squeezable and kissable!)
Anchor - so sorry J is sick. :(( Poor baby! I just wanted to pop in a check to see if he's had a renal ultrasound and a VCUG to determine the cause of his recurrent UTI's....if not, you should definitely bring it up with his doctor. Sometimes there can be anatomic abnormalities that can cause recurrent infections...I'm certainly not trying to scare you, just wanting to make sure he's getting the tests he should. Sending dust for a speedy recovery!!

I *love* coming over here to check out BPF...the babies are SOOOOOOOOOOO CUUUUUUTTTEEEEE!!!! :love:
Congratulations tao!!! :appl: Wow, that was fast!! You jerkstore, you! :bigsmile: How did dinner with your parents go?

MP - very cute!! :appl:
Tao!! Wow, wow, wow! Congrats :D I can't believe you're preggo already, that's awesome! I'm so nervous and scared and slightly interested in #2 myself :D
Hou-I'm not anchor but her son has Kidney Reflux.

Anchor-I’m sorry again to hear about J having yet another UTI. Hopefully this round of medication will make him feel better. Did they put him back on the sulfa? I know it’s a little tough on the tummy but it seems to be working a lot with Sophia.

Tao-Evan is adorable!! I bet you’re going to have an early walker teehee. Congrats on your pregnancy you crazy, crazy woman :bigsmile: !

Lulu-we did EASY with Sophia while breastfeeding. It can work if you follow the concept and not necessarily the schedule. Nora is beautiful! We needed more girls in here :Up_to_something:

China-squeeeeeeee on first steps!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: Sophia is still happy just crawling around. She has a little stroller that she is supposed to walk and push but instead she sits on the floor and kicks it.

Vesper-yay for rolling! :appl:

Ginger-yay for crawling!! I think you’ll have an early walker too :bigsmile:

Mara-J is adorable! I think he’s starting to look more like you now. Time to lower the crib!

PG-Claire is beautiful :love: !!

Burk-hoping the kiddos are feeling better now. Love K’s outfit! He’s so cute.

Drk-look at how beautiful Kara is! Those eyes are just :love: :love: :love: . Love her hat!

PB-Miles is so cute and are those cloth diapers or shorts that he’s wearing?

Sha-you already know I love D and her high cheekbones :Up_to_something: !

Mere-that pic of C cracks me up! What a great smile.
Tao, congrats! :appl: :appl:

MP, love that onesie. It's so cute!

Fiery, it's a cloth diaper (GroBaby) that he is wearing. We use them about 75% of the time right now, I need to order a few more to be able to finally go full time.

Speaking of cloth diapers, PG, do you prefer a scraper to the diaper sprayer you can get? I'm not there yet, as Miles is not on solids, but I was leaning more towards a sprayer when the time comes. Has anyone tried one?
HOUMedGal said:
Anchor - so sorry J is sick. :(( Poor baby! I just wanted to pop in a check to see if he's had a renal ultrasound and a VCUG to determine the cause of his recurrent UTI's....if not, you should definitely bring it up with his doctor. Sometimes there can be anatomic abnormalities that can cause recurrent infections...I'm certainly not trying to scare you, just wanting to make sure he's getting the tests he should. Sending dust for a speedy recovery!!

I *love* coming over here to check out BPF...the babies are SOOOOOOOOOOO CUUUUUUTTTEEEEE!!!! :love:

Thanks for dropping by HOUMedGal! J has been having tests done since his first UTI. So far, he has had two renal ultrasounds and a mictional cystography (don't know if that's the same thing as a VCUG?) done and will have a scintigraphy done on September 14th. He's scheduled to see a urologist in September, but I'm still waiting for the appointment date. So far, this is what I have (I'm not an expert and attempting to translate from French, so sorry if some of it doesn't make sense). "Known vesicoureteral reflux (VUR), grade 3-4 (right) and 2-3 (left) with double collecting system (left)." If this means anything to you I'd love to hear your thoughts. I'd been giving him sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim everyday for prophylaxis and they switched him to an amoxillin and clavulanate combination medication. Thing is, Clavulin makes him throw up if I don't split his feedings (but the poor kid's hungry! ;( ) and gives him crazy diarrhea and diaper rash :knockout: , so I don't think I can keep giving it to him for prophylaxis after the infection treatment, and might have to switch back to Novo-Trimel.
Hi mommies :wavey: ,

Is there room for another newcomer? I'm just going to jump right in if it's okay.

I'm a northern CA mom to a 4-month baby girl, Alyson. I'm lucky enough to be able to go back to work part-time (I'm my own boss, doing estate planning which is client-based), starting next week. The reason I'm coming out of lurkdom is I need sleeping advice. I think we're currently in the 4-month "wakeful" period, so I should just wait it out?? She use to go to bed around 7:30/8:00 pm, waking at 2/3 to eat and then up for the day at 6:30/7:00. But now she's up at 11/12, again at 3/4, then at 5/6 then up for the day at 6/7. Is this normal? We feed her when she wakes up because she's hungry (so it seems) and is drinking 4oz each time for 24-28oz a day (all BM). She also doesn't take the pacifier/soothie unless she is hungry.

Additional info: we have to swaddle her and bounce her in her bouncer for her to sleep. Then we transfer her to her crib. She usually wakes up in her crib laughing and smiling. (I hear and see her on the video monitor). Her bottles for the day are usually at 7, 10, 1, 4, and 7 and then one more bottle during the night.


Ally- WELCOME! :wavey: Jump right in! First of all, your daughter is ADORABLE!!!!! Second- my first reaction is that it's just a growth spurt and to give her a few days to see if it settles down. 4 months is a weird age and all of a sudden they start doing different things. The reason I would keep feeding her at this point is that she's exclusively breast-fed (EBF) and is under 6 months, so she probably is hungry. She could be growing and just needing more right now. If that's the case, she should go back to normal in a week or so. My son slept through the night (STTN) starting at 8 weeks, but around 4 months started getting up to eat in the middle of the night again. It lasted a bit longer for me as I had just gone back to work (and often EBF babies will reverse cycle when this happens). But after a few weeks, he went right back to STTN and stopped waking up to eat. I did notice after awhile than if he did wake up and I tried to nurse him, he would lazily nurse for 5 or 10 mins (rather than the full 15 mins on each side he normally did). That's when I knew he wasn't hungry and I stopped offering the breast, just soothed him if he woke up and he usually went right back to sleep.

The other thing about the four month wakeful is babies are often too distracted to eat during the day, so they eat less and therefore need to eat more at night to keep up. If that's the case, you could try and go into a completely still and quiet room to nurse during the day, so she might find less distractions.

I'm sure some other mommas will jump in and offer some advice. Keep us posted!
Ally your daughter is SO CUTE!!! That 2nd pic is just adorable!! When we hit 4mo wakeful we just kept doing what we did before and TRIED not to feed him too much at night. That meant trying to give him more before bed or during the day usually to make sure he got enough so he could sleep at night. But a few times we did have to feed him, because it seemed he wouldn't go back down the 'usual' ways, which led us to think maybe he was truly hungry. We just tried not to make it a habit, so we didn't want him to get used to it. It lasted maybe 2 weeks total, and then he went to waking 1x a night, we'd roll him back over and give him paci and he was fine. Also at night when I go to him I don't even talk to him, I just roll him over, give him paci, cover him with blanket or whatever and walk out. If he really 'sees' me or hears me he will want to interact. If I have to re-enter I do but I typically don't interact with him.

Hey Moms... Gap is doing a 30% off sale and you can stack 20% on top of that with VISAKIDS1 if you use a VISA. I just bought J like 10 things for less than $80 and got a few things for myself from Gap and saved the 30%. Also got free ship over $100. I absolutely love Baby Gap 'my first favorite' sleepers for J since they are so so incredibly soft, so I got him 2 more in larger sizes for winter and they were only $6 and $8. and their Rompers are like the Gymboree Gymmies which are great for daytime.

Not much else to report here except that I bought J a few Earth's Best containers with meat (Chicken & Pasta; Turkey Veggie) to start trying him on them--since I am really still put off by the thought of pureeing meat!! We'll see how I feel as time goes on but for now still making all his fruits and veggies.

Oh and I am just 5lbs away from pre-preggo weight!! Not everything fits the way it used to be it's closer at least. I almost feel also like my body shape has changed, I have always had a short torso and suddenly it seems slightly longer?? Weird.
ally - oh my! what a cutie pie! :love: I have no sleeping advice (my 7 month old daughter just started sleeping through (somewhat) and we didn't have a 4 month wakeful - I guess it was a 7 month wakeful...? :cheeky: hehe..), but just wanted to say your daughter is sooo cute! Welcome! :wavey:

Mara - yayy for losing weight! :appl: I'm also 5 lbs off, but no matter what I do it won't go away! I think it's related to the breastfeeding. BF has also changed my proportions a bit. My top half is bigger and my hips and bums are much smaller. :(( Strange.

Hope J takes to his meats ok. I tried Dalila on pureed chicken (eeeww!!) yesterday and she hated it! She frowned a bit and looked at it, and then refused to eat anymore after a few spoonfuls. I snuck the rest of it into some pureed peas :Up_to_something: and she ate that, though. The chicken noodle dinner we had today got the same frown response, but she did end up eating a bit of it after a while. I guess it takes them some time to get used to the new taste/texture.
lol Sha yeah we'll try the container which is like 'Turkey Veggie dinner' so who knows what it tastes like... but if he dislikes it then I'll put some additional veggies in it or something...usually J likes 'mixes' better than one food solo (except sweet potatoes!) anyway. and it's funny but no matter what...the first bite of something he always like tastes it really carefully and slowly with a little frown like 'what is this' and then usually within 5 seconds he decides it's ok and starts opening wide and from there we can't shovel it in fast enough!

when do the kids actually seem to start TASTING what they are eating and/or eating more slowly? J just devours the spoonfuls so quickly, he reminds us of the dog when she eats--just gulping it down. the only time he doesn't do this is when it's something he doesn't really like eating like if i put too much of the tart plums into something.

re: the 5lbs, it's 5 jiggly lbs for sure..HA! and the hips still have to return to normal, though they are getting there slowly but surely. and weird too my top half seems smaller-ish and my butt is flatter! totally odd.
Mara - Thanks so much for the heads up about the gap sales code!! I was able to get a *ton* of baby stuff for $100. :bigsmile:
Thank you ChinaCat, Mara and Sha for the welcome and for your advice. It's great to hear from another mother's perspective and experience. I asked her pediatrician last week about this sudden change in her sleep habits and his response was, if she's sleeping 5-6 hrs in the first stretch, then that's good, and that we should just continue to do what we're doing since she's growing and thriving. So, the dr wasn't much help there.

Sha - :appl: for D eating meat. Hope she grows to like it in no time.

Mara- I tried to increase her bottles during the day so she'll eat less at night but that only resulted in her eating MORE the whole day plus her usual evening feedings. I'm afraid of making a habit out of that evening feeding, but she does seem really hungry. I'm actually okay with her going back to that 1 feeding a night (3am) rather than the current 2 nightly feedings (at 2 and 5). :appl: on only 5lbs left. You'll get rid of it in no time. And thanks for the heads up on the sales.

China - I think you're right. I think I'll have to wait it out and see if she gets back to her schedule before. She eats fine during the day, finishing her bottles. I will be on the lookout and see if she starts to eat less and less during the nightly feedings. :appl: to O for taking his first steps. That must have been such a lovely and heartwarming sight.

Anchor- sorry about J. Hope he gets better soon.

MP- very cute onesie. You're so crafty!

Tao- Congrats on #2! Happy & Healthy 9 months to you!
Thanks again ladies for the well wishes!

MP: Cute Silk Screening!

Natalina: Hurry up and get pregnant and come join me over on the pregnancy thread! You too sunkist!!!

Anchor: So sorry to hear about J! :((

Sha: D is so gorgeous! It's crazy! As for dinner---it went well...the husband kept trying to tell them and I finally had to pull him aside and tell him he was making me upset...he finally stopped. We managed to keep the secret for now. I have an idea on how to tell I'm waiting for maybe 1-2 more weeks.

Fiery: I think he might be an early walker also. He already holds on to the coffee table and cruises around (Cruise might not be the right word..because it takes him about 20 minutes to do it..haha!)

Welcome Ally :wavey: It might be a 4 month wake up---Evan did something very similar for about 2-3 weeks.

Mara and Sha: My only problem with being pregnant now is that I never lost all the baby weight from Evan...but now I'm like, maybe it's a good thing in the long run...Why lose all the weight only to put it back on. So after this one--I'm going to be a working out crazy person!

Evan hates plain meats....It has to be mixed with veggies or he absolutely refuses to eat it.

Nothing new to report over here...Evan is still awesome. :D
Ally, welcome! What a cutie! Ditto what China said. 24-28 oz. seems like the right amount of BM per day. My only suggestion would be to perhaps add another bottle at 9 or 10 p.m. (dream feed) to see if that will "tank her up" to go a little longer? I know you'd like to get back to only one (or none!) wake-ups a night.

I really do not want to come across like the girl who complains about being too skinny or anything like that, but does anyone else feel like the Queen of England when you go to the grocery store or on similar outing with baby? At the grocery store today (where, granted, I had baby brain and circled the aisles several times trying to get my bearings) at least 5 women engaged me in lengthy conversations about how cute Claire was, and at least double that many made goo-goo faces/noises at her and exclaimed how cute she was. I think it's because she's such a little ham/flirt. She makes eye contact and sucks people in. I feel like I should just go around waving and announcing, "Yes, I know my baby is adorable! No, you cannot kidnap her!" We get random kidnapping jokes about once or twice a week. So anyway, as a somewhat anti-social person, having to make chit-chat everywhere I go is kind of draining for me. Also, I never fawned over other people's babies, so maybe I am just unaware that this is what people do? Or maybe I really have The World's Cutest Baby (TM)? (I hope you know I have tongue in cheek here!) I figure all you mamas of gorgeous babies can clue me in!
Ally- The other thing is if you are giving her bottles, can you try to give her a few bigger bottles at the last two feedings? Say 6 oz? Just curious. Again, I didn't give O bottles much in the beginning, so I could never do that, but it's worth a try. But my guess is it's just a phase.

Tao- Oh wow, CONGRATS you crazy lady! :appl: Somehow I missed your announcement.

Meats- O's not big on the pureed meats. He'll eat them sometimes but he really is better with "real" chicken or turkey, just cut up in small bites.

Phx- Girl can you please come over and have a glass of wine with me? You crack me up. I don't have any advice about how to stop people from fawning over your adorable munchkin. :cheeky: But you know, it's probably a combo of both. Some people are just baby people, but Claire might be one of those babies that just has that certain something. Kinda like Fiery's Sophia, there is just something about her that makes people go awwww. You know it's a good problem to have. ;))

MonkeyPie- Adorable onesie! Can I have one? :cheeky:
re: adorable babies. We don't get too much fawning. I think it's more me than him, I definitely do not give off a friendly air so people rarely talk to me in general. :naughty: Though sometimes people still are brave and coo over him...and it actually irritates me when they get all in his face. The other night at dinner some woman came by our table and was practically grabbing him. I was giving her the side eye. People are crazy--I am sure I am included.

J devoured the whole jar of Turkey and Vegetables tonite. I couldn't shovel it in fast enough. Score one for pureed organic meats. Hoping the triptophan keeps him asleep tonite.

and random but our kid seriously wants to WALK. He can stand up and hold onto my fingers and can walk down our hallway, taking steps on his own if I let him lead. Usually if Portia or Greg is on the other side it is a big motivator. Now if only he can do the same thing crawling soon. I'd rather he crawls than walks for many many months.

We have his 6mo appt tomorrow. Looking fwd to his weight and length check..but not shots. Yikes! Poor baby.
Welcome Ally! You little one is too cute!

Re: people fawning over baby...
Like Mara, I try very hard to not give off the, "Please come chat, I'd love to meet ANOTHER complete stranger" Vibe... but alas, it does not work. It happens everywhere. Sounds horrible, but unless someone gets me with direct eye contact, I try to pass like I don't see them... or I just smile when I see them looking at C, and pretend I didn't hear their question.

I was actually at the mall with SIL, and after we passed about 4 cosmetic counters of women coo'ing as we went by, she asked, "Does this happen EVERYWHERE??"

It can make getting things done very hard. I mean a cute smile is cool, but do you really need to engage my child for 5 minutes? Say hi, smile, and let us move on. Once I actually stop, it's like they just want to keep talking, and talking, and talking.

And honestly... If I hear one more person tell me to, "Enjoy it while it lasts!", I will scream! Of course I am enjoying it!

Ohh, that got a bit out of hand, lol. Sorry. Bedtime.

Quick question... If baby takes a late nap, do you wake them to "top them off" before putting them down for the night? C ate at 5 and then went down at 7:30, for a nap. He slept for 3.5 hours, then just woke up at 11 to eat and fell asleep an hour later. Would you have woken him up at 8 to feed him, play for an hour, and then put him down at his regular time around 9pm?

Mara, I hope your appointment goes well! I always look forward to weight and length checks as well!
Just a quick drive by....

Just came back from State line (Primm, NV) Yes, I took J. We were mostly hanging out in the mall area. Yes, it's weird that I took J but don't really care and didn't feel as bad but I needed to get out somewhere. It was SUPER hot! 111 degrees mid desert, crazy huh? J did pretty good but it feels good to be back! :appl:

Mara-I know I hate that feeling as well. I give her a bath too! hehe! Makes me feel better! ;))

MP-We are looking into getting a new car. We have a 07 Honda Accord I love it but I want something smaller. I know that Iam tall 5'8 my legs don't really fit but I would love to get a civic. My first car was a 00 honda civic and I can't part with it. I am attached but I need another car. I love the monkey design! :rodent:
meresal-Sorry, just read what you wrote. LOL! It happens ALL THE TIME! I sometimes have a little group gathering when J yells and laughs and I am stuck there talking about her, she is big blah blah how cute, I love her socks or are they shoes, no they are socks! lol! (J sometimes wears Trumpette socks) but it's funny and gets annoying sometimes. lol! :errrr:
Ha - you guys are cracking me up. :bigsmile: About the random fawning - we do get comments and smiles from time to time, and sometimes a random stranger coming up and chatting, but mostly it's only friends/acquaintances who I may see out who actually come over and have a chat. I can't imagine how hard it must be to get things done with people coming over to comment every 5 minutes!

mara - glad J liked his Turkey dinner! :appl: I have no clue about the tasting thing.... maybe some babies just eat faster than others? D tends to mouth her food a bit before actually swallowing it.

mtjoya - 111 degrees??? Wowza! That's hot!

tao - glad you managed to keep the secret for now!


AFM - Question about 'sexytime' - Does anyone know if breastfeeding affects libido? My libido has gone and I don't know where to find it.... :blackeye: Seriously, I have no desire for any 'sexytime' these days, and I'm dry as a bone 'down there' too. It's not tiredness, because I'm feeling a lot more rested these days. I don't know if it's just me, or it's the breastfeeding (hormonal) but I'm worried that i might never come back. Any thoughts?
Sha, me too, me too. I thought maybe it was the mini-pill, so I stopped taking that, but no, still no libido, and still lots of dryness. It's definitely the BFing! Makes sense evolutionarily, right? No desire for sexy time until you can handle another one . . . So I hear ya. It's even worse than when I was pregnant, and at least then I had an "excuse."

Re the fawning: see, I always thought I gave off "the vibe" too, but maybe having a baby changed me? One of my coworkers said that She Who Must Not Be Crossed had become a lot softer after having a baby. So maybe I keep accidentally inviting the interactions.
Too funny about the fawning! I told dh the other day, now that we shop at Walmart most of the time for groceries, I MISS the fawning (I avoid people at Walmart like the plague). At our old grocery store, I really enjoyed the smiles, exclamations of 'oh he's so cute', waves, etc. because Jacks is such a ham and LOVES interacting with people. I think I'm missing out a bit on people fawning over him since we live so far from family and friends, and most of my friends have babies anyway so they tend to not fawn as much.

I do get annoyed when people want to stop and chat for more than a second, and I have no problem telling them we have to get going as it's close to nap time, lunch time, etc., but I enjoy the quick fawns!