
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

yay for teeth!

one of J's little baby friends who is 3 weeks younger already has the tip of a tooth poking through!! my little gummy baby. it's ok though because i know once he starts getting teeth i will never see that big open gummy smile ever again.

and i know it's not friday but i had to post this pic i took of him this morning in his crib. i sat him up since he is getting better at 'staying' and showed him how to hold onto the crib rail. he started squealing and was so excited, i could see him looking at the monitor like WOW...a whole new vantage point. What IS that thing????

hopefully i didn't create a monster. oh and this is blurry because he's wobbly. HA! :love:

J sitting crib 6mo.jpg
Amber, yay for a tooth! No baby dentures!

Tao, yay for pulling up in the crib!

Mara, yay for holding on in the crib!

Here's my (early) contribution to BPF. Claire is showing off her new teeth (well, they're a month old), Fuzzibunz, and musical table.

ETA: In other news, I got a Miele canister vacuum, and it's de-lish. I almost don't mind canceling the Merry Maids. Almost!

Also, I've discovered that Baby Einstein is like baby crack. Need to cut baby's nails? Get fussy baby to sit still while attending to something else? Pop in a Baby Einstein!

Well, J is having a 3rd UTI. I transferred his files from the local hospital to a children's hospital in the city after his 2nd one, so we went there last night when we found out J had a fever. We got super lucky and there was just one other person waiting before us when we got there, so we didn't even wait. He got assessed, they did his urine test, got the results, hooked him up to an IV to give him some fluids and his antibiotics then waited 2 hours to check for reactions... All within 4 hours! They sent us home overnight, we went back this morning. We'll have to go back again for one day or two... But at least we get to sleep home. He's back on the meds that make him throw up, so getting him to drink/eat is awful... I hate this. :blackeye: Please pray for my poor sick baby!
anchor -- poor J :(( many get better soon thoughts coming up your way

pg - look at miss thang showing off her bunz! love the pose too ::)

mara - what a cutie patootie! his excitement is adorable :)) A has been doing longer and longer bouts of sitting unassisted. but its so funny when he loses it and tips over -- what hilarious is he doesn't seem to notice and continues doing what ever it is he was doing upright in the exact same position. literally like tiiiiiimmmmmbeeeerrrrr! it's even funnier when he does it face first on the bed. it's like slow motion adn hes looking at us like help? as he slowly faceplants. hasn't exactly figured out how to use his hands to brace himself yet. i shouldn't laugh :lol:

oh and i never got a chance to reply. i haven't done much research on the grains -- why not rice? i was just looking or a way to get some iron in his diet. if not rice, then what?

oh and we did try to encourage him to be happier on his tummy. i think it helped him be more comfy and in turn strengthen his coordination more. we also wanted him to be happy on his tummy because he ALSWAYS flips over now to sleep and we want him to not freak out when he wakes up this way. so everythime he would fuss during tummy time, we would try to distract him with a fun toy that we know he likes. pretty soon he started just happily playing on his tummy on his own for longer and longer so tummy time extended and he started wiggling and accidentally moving forward, which quickly led to the army crawl. within a week or so i think. and bonus -- last night he woke up on his tummy (at 4 am :sick: ) and for the first time instead of immediately fussing and then crying for help, he babbled for 15 minutes then fell back asleep :appl: well until 550 am when he woke up again :rolleyes: on his tummy but again happy and chatty for the day. score!

amber - yay for not having to chew food for your baby!!!

A has been doing the cutest head tilt thing. he'll look at someting, then tilt his head and look at it hmmm, wonder what it looks like sideways? :love:

having fun with solids -- he seems to be enjoying it more and more. love seeing his itty bitty mouth pop open for more!

in related news...his thunderous thighs (accompanied by utterly delicious chubby knees) are pushing us out of the bumbo sooner than i had hoped. :cheeky: we're trying out the precious planet booster that was gifted to us and so far loving it! i can easily drag it into the kitchen and it keeps him occupied. tonight we fed him in it with the toys and he would play, but do the mouth pop for the next spoonful -- adorable! i also like that i can pop the toy tray out quickly. planning to keep it in the car for eating out (hwne we are brave enough to venture out) as it's pretty small and portable. but i like it enough to consider getting one for the house although it's silly as we actually have a real high chair ready ( the svan is sitting in a box waiting for hubbs to put it together). i think i may have a buying babystuff addiction. help!
Anchor~THinking of J! Poor little man! :((

yay for all the milestones...vesper, ginger, amber, tao!

Mara~Cute pic! He looks so proud of himself!

phoenix~Cute! Sorry Claire had a rough night last night.

ginger~K has been doing the "squirm" as I call it/army type crawl for a couple weeks combined with rolling to his destination. He also pushes up onto all fours constantly. So cute but also worries me that means he may learn proper crawling form sooner rather than later and I am so not ready for him to really be mobile! :rodent:

Both my kids have been sick the past couple days. DH is out of town so I have no back-up either. NOT fun. T seemed to be much better today but K was still quite out of sorts, all though I can't really pinpoint what his main symptoms would even be. I know he doesn't feel well so when he woke at midnight last night I tried to binky him but when that didn't work I just picked him up. He wanted nothing to do with being in practically crawled out of my arms! :blackeye: No cuddles for this mommy. Makes me sad....I mean really, he's only 5 months...... :nono:

BPF early contribution-K's wearing the flip flops Tayva insisted I buy him when we were at the Gap today....they were only $3 so I couldn't say no. So cute!!

anchor..i'm sorry to hear about J! why is he so prone to UTI's, is it something he will grow out of? i sure hope it passes quickly! poor bean.

ginger.. yeah we've been trying to encourage J to like tummy time forever now. he will tolerate it sometimes for a while but he always gets fussy and then has a total meltdown if we leave him like that at all. and he still sleeps that way more and more often, on his tummy, but will wake up usually around 5am, and cry. sooo i'm hoping one day he just gets it! go A! and yep J totally sits up for a little while too then will tip over onto his face or side of his head and looks so surprised like 'whaaa happened?'. yay for good sleep.

re: the rice cereal... i guess i just figured the rice had no real nutritional value so i wanted to give him something that did, more like a barley or an oatmeal since the rice is basically an empty carb. i know that MtJ's pedi suggested barley rather than rice. anyway J gets oatmeal now but i want to try quinoa soon.

burk...I got J those sandals at Gap in the army fatigue and orange, so cute! They only fit him for like a week. Boo!

pg... awww C is so cute! i am going to get J the learning table too, C looks like she loves it.

J was a super crab tonite, dunno if it's just tiredness or teething or what.
BPF - no need for words!
ETA - wow, those are bigger than I thought!

Kara pensive small.JPG

Kara uppa small.JPG

Kara skeptical small.JPG

Kara with hat small.JPG
anchor, poor j. hang in there.

drk, j has a pink hat just like that.


so this girl keeps breraking out of the miracle blanket, but whe she sleeps with her hands free she goes crazy, meaning she doesn't sleep. she's not rolled again, so i don't feel safe putting her on her stomach to sleep. i'm at a loss.
drk, I love those pictures, especially the last one! I can't decide, are her eyes blue or a gray? Soooo pretty.

Ancho, poor J, I will be thinking about him :(( How awful that he keeps getting UTI's. Is there anything they do to prevent them?

Mara, I love that picture of J, he looks so happy to be sitting up. I can't seem to teach Micah to hold onto the bars reliably yet, but he loves to sit like that, I just have to hold his hands ::)

TGIF ladies! I am going to be very crafty this weekend - making a bumper with my mom and trying out some simple screen printing. I'll post a picture of my attempts. I'm hoping to bail on work early today to get the materials. So excited!
anchor - hugs! so sorry you guys are going through this again.

kim - when em was able to break out from her swaddle, we decided to wean her off of swaddling. it was def. rough at first because she'd move like crazy and wake herself up. but i thought it was better than the swaddle blanket coming all undone and you never know where that might land in the middle of the night. i didn't want it to cover her face.

speaking of deswaddling... last night was the first night em slept in a sleep sack WITH no mitts!

and speaking of sleep... i feel like her sleep is totally changing. she's no longer a drowsy newborn that's easy to put down. it's getting harder to get her to relax to sleep. she use to be awesome at getting down. i hope this passes quickly because it's no fun!
Yay for all the milestones right now :appl:

Anchor, sorry to hear about J. Hope he his better soon.

China and Mara, you are right I need to put down the books and just do what works and trust my instincts. And try not to obsess too much and just enjoy him. Easy to say, harder to do, right? ;))

Kim and Jcrow, I am in pretty much the same spot as you right now. M is fighting his swaddle, but when I try to put him down without it he wakes himself up right away. I was trying to transition him out of it, but he was so out of sorts that I really wanted him to get whatever sleep he could so I just stuck with it. He has seemed better these past couple of days though, so I will try again. He also is not nearly as easy to put down as he was, but I am working on it. And you are right, Jcrow, it is no fun! However, I caught his tired window this morning and he fell asleep on his own with minimal fussing :appl:

Now I just need to get him to *stay* asleep. He is starting to wake up early from his naps when I know he is still tired. The only way I seem to be able to get him back to sleep is on me, but I can't always do that (nor do I want to). Anyone else have this issue?

Here is my contribution to BPF. Miles doing tummy time, and I happened to catch this before he started rolling. It's hard to keep him on his tummy now I find.

pb..miles is so cute!!!

re: naps, j has always been a sucky napper. but he's a great night sleeper so i kind of pick and choose the battle. aka if he gets his 12 hours of sleep a night, i am not a stickler on naps, i am fine if he gets 2 one hour naps. but anything less than that and he's a crab. one thing we have had success with sometimes is even if they wake up after 45 min or 30 min, try soothing them back to sleep, sometimes they still will go back down. sometimes not.

re: breaking out of swaddle. when J started doing that, we used the miracle blanket and ladies, it has to be TIGHT. so tight that you are not sure it's ok. that's when it's done properly. i've seen some moms do it and it's all loose and they are like 'i dont know why my kid keeps getting out'. that contained J for about another month or so. after that we simply had to deswaddle since there was nothing more powerful than the MB. and yep it was painful to deswaddle after months of him sleeping well, he was a crazy arm flailer and twitcher and would wake himself up and cry, but it's a finite period of pain hehe. and now he sleeps sacked and prob could sleep without one too and is fine.

and i know not all moms are comfortable with this but i also sleep him sometimes in the morning hours with a thin, loosely knitted blanket my mom made. he loves it because it's soft and i know even if it gets over his face it has holes to breathe through. though actually for about a month now he has been really good about not putting stuff on his face much--making me feel way more comfortable.

speaking of sleep, someone has started to slightly leak through his pampers baby dry size 3's the last few nights. just mostly in the front area and not badly, just by the time he gets up in the morning (after 12 hours), he has a first sized spot near the front. about a month ago i bought a 90 pack thinking he'd be in size 3 for a while longer but i guess not. so now i have like 50 diapers in size 3...i will have to try to find someone who might need them! and get a size 4 pack. yikes!

mp yay for a crafty wkd!! i love wkds where i know i have something fun and domestic planned, it's not THAT often so when it does happen i feel all productive..ha!

drk super cute pictures, love her eyes! J 's eyes are still not really changing/solidifying yet, it's hard to see in pics but they are kind of a grayish blueish hazel. greg's eyes are a blue hazel and i imagine he will have eyes similar to dad's since mine are brown with a tinge of hazel around the cornea. my little boy, he is such a mirror image of my husband except for the cheeks and the shape of the eyes when he smiles. at least he likes to sleep like i do.

speaking of 'traits' that they pick up from the parents, i was thinking of this last nite how it's funny J likes to sleep on his side/tummy with arms out like i do ... is that something they can really pick up from the parents? and how does it get passed through--anyone know? its just so interesting!

AFM...the last of milk appears to be finally coming through--in the last day it's gone from being about 1-1.5oz at a pump to about .5 and if i am LUCKY 1oz. it's so sad for me on one note but on the other i am so happy to just have it be done finally. i don't want to 'give up' while milk is still coming but i guess at the point when it's pretty consistently almost nothing i will just stop. for those moms who weaned at that point--will it be relatively easy since i have hardly any milk left? do i just totally stop pumping and hand expressing OR do i continue hand expressing and just not pumping or ?

ETA...babysteals has 2 pack issies for $11. i would get a pack but i just bought some in the order i placed and if you end up buying $100 worth they are cheaper on ($15.99 normally but with 25% off it was like $12 and free ship while babysteals ship is $4.25 to start). J loves his little muslin taggie i got at so much but it was $20 there so i figured a $6 issie would make a good backup.
About to head into town with Dalila, (I'm on vacation this week) so just popping into leave a pic for BPF. Be back later!

Hope everybody is having a great day.

(this pic is actually from two weeks ago).


First, I started a message, saved it as a draft and have no idea how to locate that draft.

Then, I just rewrote the whole message from scratch and poof it disappeared.


Here's a third (abbreviated attempt)

Congratulations on the first steps, squirms, teeth, and all other manner of baby milestones. It's so exciting to share in all of the newness!!

J is as cute as ever. Can't wait until nora is teachable - lots of great stuff to pass along :bigsmile:
K is such a big boy and has the most gorgeous eyes. And Tayva has a great sense of style for her baby brother! ha!
Miles is so handsome (and quite strong!!)
I think that pensive kara is my favorite, though they are all beautiful. She is a doll and definitely filling out!
hurray for a de-swaddled and de-mitted em.
love everything about miss claire's photo - the pose, the legs, that confidence. adorable!

Thanks for all of the great advice!

and will now never know my very first mom confession as it was swallowed up by the internet ether :devil:

The pics of Nora were snapped yesterday in an attempt to get a birth announcement photo. she'll be six weeks tomorrow so we need to get those things out soon

Thanks for the nice words on my little Chomper!

Real quick:

Anchor, SO sorry to hear about J's third UTI. How horrible, but I am so glad you guys transferred to another hospital!

Love all the baby pics! I love how we can see their personalities changing as the babies all grow.

Ginger: Our pedi recommended rice cereal for the iron, and also because it's most sensitive on tummies and not as common to start an allergic reaction- as I have asthma and allergies and eczema as well, she wanted to be sure Piper was going to start on the most gentle of products. We use Earth's best. We have since transferred to Gerber's mixed grains cereal, which Piper looooves. The rice cereal is SO bland I had to mix in bananas or apples to get her to eat it.

Which reminds me: Why does my baby hate avocado? We live in So. Cal, land of wonderful avocados. So sad.
haha lovelylulu about the birth announcements. i'm actually working on em's this weekend. um, she's almost 4 months old. oops.
fab pictures lulu! i love the third one, little miss sass!

sha...D is soo cute. hope you guys are well.

re announcements. i took til J was i think 7-8 weeks to do his announcements. i felt like the slackiest mom

re avocados... J doesn't like them solo but i mix them in with a lot of diff things and he loves them! so far his fave is cauliflower, avocado, zucchini and oatmeal. weird combo, but it smelled good and he devoured it!

oh and have to share a funny story. last week G was with J in the evening while i was at a work function. i texted him to feed J his solids which i'd left in the fridge, and to mix some oatmeal in. he writes back saying where's oatmeal but i didnt see the text. anyway when i get home G had just given him the solids with no oatmeal since he couldn't find it. he said... i opened up the cabinet and saw your oatmeal and was going to put that in but decided against it. THANK GOD because what he was talking about was STEEL CUT OATMEAL and not cooked either, so god only knows what would happened to J's poor system if G had done that. yikes. so since then i have made sure to show is the BABY OATMEAL. flakes, not kernels. :shock:

and i guess a confession though we don't seem to do that much anymore-- sometimes when J has super cute PJ's on and he gets his little pee stain i leave them on just a little longer just so i can enjoy him in the cute jammies. plus i figure the stain is right where the diaper is so it's never against his skin. mommy fail. :)
Lulu- Love those pics! And what is this confession, do tell! I promise we've either done it or heard it. :devil:

Birth announcements- Umm I actually had them made and then NEVER sent them out. THAT is mommy FAIL. :shock:

Sha- She is GORGEOUS.

PB- Miles is sooo cute! There was a phase when O had to take one of his naps on me. It didn't last long but if I was desperate I did it. It was kind of nice, I'd go into our den/playroom, shut the door and nap with him. I didn't mind b/c I was working during the week and so it was nice cuddle time.

DRK- Kara is so alert! So cute, love her eye color.

Burk- Kade is so grown already!

PHX- Claire is turning into a real beauty.

Love the pics!
Hi everyone! Love the pics!

It's been crazy around our house lately... Our anniversary is this weekend and my parents came in town to watch Christopher, so I've been running around all week... not to mention meeting with 3 separate contractors for house stuff.

I was so excited to read alll of the milestones! That is awesome to hear!

C is completely pushing himself up now. He loves tummy time. He rolled over for the first time this week... I don't know who was more surprised, him or me! We are also on the verge of a giggle :) Ohh, not sure if this is common... but C has taken to climbing over his boppy when I lay him tummy side down on it?? So much for using that on the bed, lol.

His sleep pattern is kind of all over the place. He STTN two nights in a row, and then went back to waking up every 3 hours the night after. Then a couple nights where he slept till about 3, then up at 6 and 9. Then the next couple nights he slept till 3 and then up at 8. Then last night, he was back to sleeping till 3, and then ate at 530 and up at 8. Craziness.

Here is our contribution to BPF. C turned 3 months this past week... can't even explain the joy that this angel has brought into my life! :halo:

Deuce July 2010 031.1.jpg
lulu~Thanks... Tayva does have excellent style! :praise: Nora is absolutely about pretty eyes...she's a stunner!

drk~Such a cutie that K!!

meresal~Cute pic! Are you guys moved into your new house?

Sha~D is so pretty! Hope you're enjoying vacation!

Prettyblues~Miles is so cute!

China~Thanks! He's a big guy!

mara~I was making around 4oz a day when I quit pumping and I just stopped. I had no issues until about 6-7 days later with that clog..but I just massaged it and had no other issues. I would just quit if I were you. So bitter-sweet being done BFing-on one hand I was like "yay I can eat corn and diet" but on the other hand, it's over. Good luck!

Kimberly~sorry J is struggling with sleep. I started putting K to sleep on his stomach the very first time he rolled (so like 3.5ish months) and he is a much better sleeper on his stomach and now his side. I felt uncomfortable with doing tummy sleep because of all the SIDs stuff, ect and while I knew that even though he only rolled once it didn't necessarily mean he would roll in his sleep, ect, it just helped with the mental part of putting him to sleep on his stomach. Anyway maybe you could do it for naps when you're there to watch her?
Burk, because I don't have to work full time I can totally live with the sleep stuff; it would be nice to get 8 hours, but I'm good with things as is. It would be hard if I had to get up and go to a job every morning. I set my own schedule, so I'm really lucky. I actually slid her onto her stomach when swaddled for a nap earlier this week and watched her like a hawk because she was so needing rest and she fell asleep on my chest so it seemed tummy was where she wanted to be. Once she rolls consistently I'll be okay with tummy sleeping, I think, but for now back is the way it has to be.

Swaddle: it's tight, it's just time to get rid of it. She and I are going out of town this weekend so it's going to have to wait until we get home, then project de-swaddle is back on.

J half rolled over this morning, then she got lazy and just laid there. Silly girl.

I'm packing the two of us to go to my parents. Not looking forward to the drive, but looking forward to seeing my sister and her family and my parents. Have a great weekend, everyone.
I just love all the gorgeous baby pics!!!
Thanks for the comments on D. Loovvve all the other pics as usual! :love:

Everybody's growing up, aren't they? All the milestones around here are so exciting. Dalila has been making crawling attempts...kind of dragging herself along on her belly and digging her knees into the floor...but not actually crawling yet. Still, it's exciting!

meresal - so nice to see a pic of Christopher. The last pic I think I saw was when he was a newborn? Now he's so big and alert! Wow. So cute... :))

drk - kara is definitely filling out nicely! You're feeding her well.

Burk - love the flip flops! I bought some sandals today for Dalila too.

Mara - cute story about the oatmeal! Thank God he 'decided against it'! men! :rolleyes: :bigsmile:

Amber - yayy for a first tooth! I know you've been waiting for that for a while.

anchor - sorry about J's UTI. :(( Do they know what's causing them?

lulu - what a beauty! Those eyes are so strikingly blue!

Prettyblues - awww....what a sweet pic.... :love:

MonkeyPie - would love to see how the bumper turned out!

phoenixgirl - Claire is such a beauty!

tao - loved that pic of E standing up in his crib! He looks so proud... :))
yay for bpf! :appl: :appl: makes fridays just that much sweeter :))

no pictures from me...haven't taken any in a while...bad mama!

but i have been doing more video. omg A is getting this crawling thig down a lot faster than i counted on. yikes! forget the army crawl...3 days later and he's up on all fours more consistently and launching himself forward (instead of backwards as he was doing prior :cheeky: ) and occasionally shifting a knee forward ina half REAL crawl... :appl: my big boy!! :love:

off to research baby gates :read: :errrr:

have good weekend all :wavey:
Gah, I love BPF. So. Much.

So I went to Michael's and they didn't have the organza I needed for the screen printing, so I am going to go get it tomorrow morning when I shop for material for the bumper. I'm excited!

But in other news...we finally got a new car :appl: We got a Mazda 5 and Micah appears to love the ride, he fell asleep both times I put him in, haha. That's a BIG plus! I think he hated how loud the Taurus was. This new car is quite as could be, half the time I have to check to make sure it's still running.

Love all the pictures ladies - I will have one tomorrow, hopefully with a screen printed onesie!
so, we're looking to get a sound machine to play white noise. any suggestions? i had been using my iphone white noise app, but i'm not sure that's entirely healthy to have on for long stretches of time near her ear.
Congrats on a new car MP!!! I just got my first 'new car' about 4 years ago, so funny because I was like..OMG what is this power window thing???? and what is this bluetooth thing??? And then of course after that I was all spoiled so when we got our car last Dec I was like 'sorry it HAS to have bluetooth'. It's a slippery slope once you have some amenities dammit! But I do conf calls in the car sometimes so that was my excuse. Enjoy it!!

Kimi good luck deswaddling. Just remember it may be hard for a while but it's finite. Anytime I can think that I feel much better.

Sha I know..MEN! It made me laugh but :errrr: at the same time!

Ginger gooo A!!! Yeah G just started baby proofing the house last weekend a little, figure we'll do it in spurts so it's not like we HAVE to contain a screaming creature in the crib one day while we rush around doing it all yanno. But I have a lot of decor stuff that will have to go up and away and we'll also have to anchor bookcases to the wall kind of thing etc too. It's a fair amt of work given the stuff in our main space.

So J is still waking up at night because he's sleeping on his belly. The kid loves to sit up, to stand, to walk, to be in his walker, to lay on his back. But the minute he gets on his tummy he FREAKS OUT. *and* the minute we put him down now he ROLLS immediately onto his tummy. So it's frustrating for everyone because his brain wants to be on his tummy but he doesn't really like it and then we have to roll him back over. Anytime I don't roll him back over he works himself into a crazy frenzy of tears and screams and takes forever to calm down so we just gave up on it. I can't wait til the day his brain CLICKS with him. Oh and I should mention he rolls over and over again in his sleep just fine, but when he's awake he just cannot make it happen consistently which is why he gets mad.

Oh and Ginger I saw your video and I tried it with J yesterday but if something is out of his reach he just flops around like a fishie and then cries and screams. Someone has a short temper!! :roll:

jcrow, we got the BCM that Fiery recommended at BBB and it's amazing. It's $20 and it runs for 15/30 min or indefinitely, does not run on batteries, is small and not too garish, and also does projection for later when the kiddos like to look up at something. I got 3 of them as gifts for people and it's a must give for the future. Only like 1-2 of our local BBB's had it so I'd call around before going. It's the Homedics baby spa machine.

AFM not sure if I mentioned it, but I talked to my boss this week about my work load and wanting to go PT and he was kind of freaked out. He said he would def get me help, and asked if he did if I would stay FT and I said lets see...but at least I put it all out there and he knows I am not going to keep going this way which just mentally makes me feel better, like I don't have to worry about killing myself because I put it all out there. It's ironic really because nothing actually CHANGED but I feel like it did. And I also know that they need me, but that is never a guarantee with a corporate gig. But I guess I just feel better.

and I just stopped pumping for the first time today and am just hand expressing. I get 1oz that way anyway in a faster time than with the pump so I'll just do this maybe for a few more days and then stop. Hopefully I won't have any issues.
Ummmmm, you guys might want to check out the TTC thread!
MonkeyPie said:
But in other news...we finally got a new car :appl: We got a Mazda 5 and Micah appears to love the ride, he fell asleep both times I put him in, haha. That's a BIG plus! I think he hated how loud the Taurus was. This new car is quite as could be, half the time I have to check to make sure it's still running.

Hi MonkeyPie,

Congrats on the new car! How do you like it? We're also thinking about getting a Mazda 5 ... we like the compactness of it, yet it has the mini-van-like sliding doors. In our test drive, we found it surprisingly fun to drive as well. Just curious -- any review you'd be willing to share would be greatly appreciated!
Oh my gosh, Tao, CONGRATS!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: Dare I ask, what's your excited to scared ratio? I'm so happy for you!

China, so excited that O took a step! Jacks just took his first official step today!

:wavey: everyone else!