
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

ChargerGrrl said:
Quick Question for Mara- you mentioned that you implemented HBOTB stuff with J for every bedtime. Did you also do this for naps? We follow HBOTB at bedtime for N, and it works GREAT ( takes us 10 mins to put him down and then he can go 4-5 hrs)- but it's a challenge to get him to nap during the day. He really only naps in the sling and swing. I swaddled and shushed him this morning, but he only slept for 1/2 hour in the PNP. ugh- i guess it'll have to be the swing and sling for now, but would LOVE for him to nap in the PNP and eventually his crib (nursery is not set up yet...)

I know I'm not Mara, but Micah only ever napped on the couch until he was two months - bassinet and crib were a no-go for him til he got a little bigger. Do you swaddle?
Ladies I have a question....

Car Seats: I am going to purchase a car seat because J will be hitting the 22 pound mark soon and her Chicco Car Seat that allows up to 22 lbs. will have to be replaced. I am looking into getting the Convertible Britax car seat. Don't know if that will benefit us in the long run.

What do you ladies suggest? I am clueless. Thanks! :wavey: ... ctid=14322
I'd be interested in knowing too, mtjoya.

I have big news. Micah...officially has a tooth! Lower left middle, broke through sometime today or last night when Mama wasn't looking. He gets a grumpy face when he chews his hands now, like it hurts a lot more. It's pretty sharp. Poor baby! But yay, it's finally out!
OMG MP!!!! So cute! He is so cute! Try to get a pic!

No toothy for J yet! hehe!
He sticks his tongue out if I pull his lip down, haha. I will try and get one, though. Man, it came out of nowhere - just a vague bump, slightly white, and suddenly a tooth.
LOL...thats so freaken kewl! How old is he now?
MP~ Yay for a tooth! I bet he's cuter than ever!

mtjoya~ We had a similar seat as the one you linked for JT. We still use it in DH's car although when JT got to be 3.5 we got a belt positioning booster with a detachable bottom for my car (which he rides in more.) As soon as JT wanted to get in all by himself, the sides of the first seat were inconvenient. The flat bottomed booster was more convenient for him, but they can't be used until the child is 3 and 30 lbs. The 5 point harness with the adjuster part at the front is the best. Depending on what the child is wearing it seems you're forever adjusting the straps so it's much easier when it's in a convenient spot on the seat.
mtjoya said:
LOL...thats so freaken kewl! How old is he now?

4 months! He is my overachiever :love:
OMG MP, your little guy is SOOO advanced!!

All kidding aside, I really want to see a pic of this little thing! Too cute!
re convertible car seats... I was looking at the Britax Marathon but ended up with the Britax Boulevard because FAO was having that ridiculous 60% sale so it was cheap. I wanted a Britax just because it seemed like everyone loved them and the Marathon held a higher height limit than the Roundabout and given how J has been 70%+ each time for height I figured better safe than sorry. If your kid isn't showing inclination to be tallish then Roundabout would prob be fine for long term. The Britax's are coming out with new patterns soon so the word on the street is to watch for some huge closeout sales in older patterns. aka I posted in the 'stuff' thread that BabyCarSeats.Com was having a Marathon for $130 I think the other day...! So sign up for Baby Cheapskate so you can get notifications of big sales like that if you want to 'watch' for one. I knew we wanted to get one for J over the next month or two so I just sat back to wait for a good deal on a Britax.

for a cheap convertible car seat that is safe for Mom's car, I am prob going to get the Cosco's like $50 at Walmart. i had my reservations re: a $50 carseat when the Britax's are like $200+ but 99% of the reviews for the Scenera say it's great but it's just super BASIC and may not be the absolute best bet for a carseat they spent a lot of time in because it's not very comfy/padded etc. So you might not want to take the kid for a 3 hour ride in it from what I have read.

I know some other Moms have other brands, I think I have heard the First Years is a good one too. I like to use Amazon ratings for stuff like this because there's usually 500 million reviews to read.

CG.. re HBOTB for naps-- we did not really incorporate that for naps consistently. but sometimes if he had a really hard time going down i would do it. J really responds to the sway and sshhhh and paci part of the HBOTB. we still do it for him sometimes if he is having a really hard time going down like for a nap in a busy/exciting situation (aka at a restaurant)... i'll jiggle him like crazy with the paci and after about 5 straight min of it he will just pass out. if you did it consistently it would probably work...but since most days it would just back would hurt standing rocking shusshing for like 10min with no handoff!!! hehee.

MP..yay for a tooth!!! he's SOO 'advanced'...hehe! can't wait to see a pic.
Thanks Mara! I was going back and forth. DH wants an Eddie Bauer one. I am not a big fan on Bauer stuff. I don't like the style. I like the Britax better! Thanks for the advice! I am getting J one! Yay! :appl:
I just got to read your post Shiny, I think that I will get the Blvd one.
shiny-Thanks for sharing your experience. Still think I shall proceed with this purchase? I think J will be a tall girl, so...ummm... :wink2:
Mara, thanks for the car seat site tip. I just ordered the Sunshine Kids Radian 65 at 25% off. I won't get it for a month (???), but I'm not anticipating needing it until then anyway (Don't gain 3 pounds in a month, Claire!). Right now Claire is still fitting in her Graco Snugride 22. From the reviews I've read, it sounds like the Radian is the slimmest seat (thinking ahead to when I'm trying to cram more than one kid in my Toyota Matrix) and also the most airplane friendly. The con is that it's super heavy, but I think that will be OK. Anyway, I've been meaning to buy one, so when I saw it was on sale (and quickly checked to see if it was a real deal or the same price I could get elsewhere), I went ahead and got it.
MP - yay for a tooth! He's a really early teether! The other middle tooth should be following close behind - so he should have two glistening litle ones soon. How exciting! :appl:
Woo! So this one tiny tooth is making somebody FUSSY. He went to bed super early and I thought it was because he hadn't napped enough/had a sore toothy. So he woke up at 4:45am, which was fine, I was already getting up. But holy cow was he mad! I had to take him in the bathroom with me for my shower, and every time I put him down after that he would burst into these sad, "Oh, WOE!" cries that it broke my heart. He never REALLY cries so I knew he wasn't feeling very well. Plus he spit up a bit, which is also unlike him. I have decided that as cute as that tooth is, I don't like it! :rolleyes:
lol MP well there's more where that one came from! i am not looking fwd to teething at all. i mean J is obviously teething a bit here and there but not the super crazy inconsolable thing yet. yikes. hope M feels better soon.

PG...yeah i have read a lot of good things about the Radian too and yep i think it is the slimmest. since we only plan to have one little monster i figured the size didn't really matter (umm but we haven't tried to put it in the car yet so don't quote me HA HA--it might be going on craigs list!). also we will MAYBE only travel with the kid like 1x every 2 years if even that til he is older.

at what age do they sit in the airline seat without carseat? i know i have seen like 5 year olds in the seats with nothing else but not sure i have seen younger. and under 2 do most parents just fly with them on their lap or do they bring a seat? the seat seems like a PITA. one of my friends flew with her kid in the bjorn and she loved it. he was 10 months when she did it.

J woke three times last nite, yikes but just required the bink and that was it. don't know why he is so restless sometimes. oh and last nite when putting him down he popped out the paci and started crying so i gave it about 5 min then went to go back in (since about that time i can just pop it back in, rub forehead and he is sufficiently tired to sleep) and it was kind of quiet, so i go in and he has the paci and is trying to put it in. YAY...he wasn't quite able to get it, keeps trying to do it crooked, so i helped him. but at least he is starting to show some inclination himself. i think that will make things a lot easier for ME.

and this cold is tenacious but i think i'm beating it. a weekend of relaxation should help. it's also been so friggin cold here in CA--like winter cold at night. J is sleeping in a long arms and legs sleeper and a fleece sleep sack and last nite i even put socks on him and his feet were still cold in the morning. this kid is a freak of nature like me. he'll prob move to AZ when he's old enough. hehe.

and still hating AF this month, i swear it's unnatural for this much liquid to exit your body without a baby. TMI i know. and i'm living it. ugh!

oh one quick note, i got that sassy teething feeding thing and J seems to really like it. i put watermelon in it for him and he quickly reduces it to some gross paste. i know some moms say it's hard to wash but really we just rinsed it immediately (and we have a wand with a hard spray so maybe that helped) and then brushed it clean with a scrub brush, whala. when the nanny is home with him i will have her continue doing other pieces of fruits.
ss- hugs! i know it can be so hard to go against the 'norm' and feel like YOU are the one doing it wrong. take solace in the fact that you are doing it RIGHT! traditions regarding babies are passed down from generation to generation, regardless if they are best for baby or not. i tried not to fall victim to the 'that's not the way we did it' mentality. if we all did that, we would still be riding around holding our babies in our laps (my mom said a car seat wasn't required to take me home from the hospital! - crazy hippies) ::)
raising children and recommendations change over the years based on learned knowledge and research (slats of cribs, rear facing car seats, not giving your baby corn syrup, having them sleep in the same room as parents until 6 months, the list goes on and on and on and is ever changing).
i'm sending you the biggest virtual hug of support for sticking to your guns and i applaud you for informing yourself on new research and not just 'doing it the way your mom did'. i am pretty independent so i don't usually have trouble doing things 'my way', but know how difficult it can be to stand up to family and friends when your opinion differs so greatly.

a little background on me; i was a staunch anti-CIO advocate and did whatever it took to get c to sleep. holding until comatose, holding the entire time he slept, swing, sling, bouncy, car rides you name it! the reward for me was that he actually slept, not how he got to or stayed asleep. and only when i knew my son was emotionally and physically able to handle CIO did i finally 'give in' to this form of sleep training. he was 8 months old. it took about 3 days for him to "get it" and now is a pretty good sleeper (i say pretty good b/c without fail he wakes up at 5:30a and then wants to take a 'cat nap' at 7:45a - just when i need to leave the house - instead of waking up at a much more respectable 6:30a :) anyhoo, don't worry about ANY 'bad habits' this early in the game. can't be formed - just.can't. and it's impossible to spoil your little girl right now. IMPOSSIBLE! i can dig up the hundreds of articles on this topic that you can distribute to well meaning friends;) hang in there girlie!

ok, i have to finish some little project then i'll be back with a boring update ;)
mtjoya~ I wish we hadn't spent so much money on a car seat that was only used for a year but it is a great seat. I don't equate more expensive with better because they all have to pass the same tests so we would have been just fine with a cheaper seat.

mara~ Lily responds to the same HBOTB stuff that J does. She doesn't care what position she's in or if she's wrapped up but she wants to be jiggled and swayed like crazy!

MP~ We used teething tablets for JT so he could get some rest. He didn't like teethers at first so I froze moistened wascloths for him to gnaw on. Hope you find something that works for M.

viz~ Thanks. I don't usually have a problem standing up for myself so I think it's the PPD that is affecting me so much.I'm already doubting my capabilities so much even though I have an older child so when family is telling me how wrong I am, it gets to me.

Lily had her 1 month check today. She's 11 lb 9 oz and 22". Her soft spot (which was another concern because it's small) is okay, she's had adequate growth so we're less concerned about it closing too early (thankfully!). We see the card on Mon and hopefully that will go well too.
somethingshiny said:
MP~ We used teething tablets for JT so he could get some rest. He didn't like teethers at first so I froze moistened wascloths for him to gnaw on. Hope you find something that works for M.

If he gets to the inconsolable stage I will buy some, but so far he has just fussed off and on. He doesn't like teethers much, either, but he does really love the washcloth, even if it isn't cold hah. I think it's the texture. Yay for good checkup!

I talked to DH this morning and Micah seems to be doing ok. He isn't as upset as he was this morning - maybe he was just grumpy.

Mara, yay for J finding his paci! Fingers crossed that he's almost there.
Work is crazy but I just need to say I am NOT a fan of post pregnancy AF....she arrived for the first time post pregnancy yesterday and I hate her. I would consider getting preggo again to avoid her (that's a tad dramatic, no I wouldn't). :praise: I'm with you, Mara, and am wondering if it's really okay to lose this much liquid. Seriously ridiculous.

Okay.....vent over must get work done. Tomorrow is Friday!! :appl:
Totally disgusting post ahead...avoid if necessary....

Lily was born 4 weeks ago today. I'm still bleeding bright red. I had ginormous clots in the beginning (we're talking grapefruit size that I actually had to push out :eek: ) Since then I've still had clots regularly although nothing larger than a golf ball. With JT, I bled for 3 weeks and it faded to a brownish within 2 weeks so I'm concerned that I still have bright red flow. I don't see my doc for another 2 weeks and I'm wondering if I should ride this out or if I should call. Advice??
re: crazy flow from your body... and other disgusting post-partum items..

what they told me post-partum and also when i called in about my last disgustingly heavy AF was...if you are soaking through a super ginormous pad in 2 hours or less and/or a tampon in 1 hour or less for more than 4-5 hours you should be seen by your Dr (i guess immediately). SS i think that if you are still bleeding REALLY heavy i'd call and ask but otherwise i know they told me it could take 6 weeks for the flow to stop. thankfully mine was shorter.

i have never had ridiculously heavy periods (worse when i was younger, but not even this bad) and so i was convinced i was dying last time... so i called. but it was more like soaking through a pad in 4 hours (still a TON for me) and tampon in 2 hours, but wow it is so hugely different. and i am not clotting much its just a crazy crazy flow. how does your body even have this much liquid??

i am going to see if i can get back on the pill which i haven't taken in YEARS just to help regulate the flow again--if it works. i know that after birth you can experience worse periods but this is like a completely different person's period. and the cramping is unreal once it gets going.

oh and since i'm bitching about gross things...i feel like the 'shape' of things down there has changed. what this means is that i discovered upon starting to use tampons again that the 'old way' of inserting them no longer worked, meaning it was not catching the flow. WTF??? i had to like figure out where it was not catching it and then try to find a new way or angle or whatever to insert them. how do you do this? TRIAL AND ERROR. meaning inserting and then waiting 5 min to find out when you bend over that it DID NOT WORK. return to bathroom and try again. UGH. i think i finally got it down but what the things ever return to NORMAL???? i feel like i have a totally diff body now. crazy.

burk... i think that this might be (hopefully) the last hurrah for hormones exiting my body since i let my milk dry up and i would imagine yours is kind of the same? but yeah it's kinda scary and bizarre.

disgusting vent over...

re: teething.. we use teething tablets on J and will also rub some non-tylenol on his gum where we see the nub, he seems to like it. also he has taken to stuffing entire legs of animals and stuff into his mouth to chew on. and he loves sophie the giraffe (finally) since she's a fabulous item for scrubbing across his gum. he rubs them so hard he makes little squeaking rubbing noises of the toy against gum.
somethingshiny said:
Totally disgusting post ahead...avoid if necessary....

Lily was born 4 weeks ago today. I'm still bleeding bright red. I had ginormous clots in the beginning (we're talking grapefruit size that I actually had to push out :eek: ) Since then I've still had clots regularly although nothing larger than a golf ball. With JT, I bled for 3 weeks and it faded to a brownish within 2 weeks so I'm concerned that I still have bright red flow. I don't see my doc for another 2 weeks and I'm wondering if I should ride this out or if I should call. Advice??

I would call and ask about it. Bright red is supposed to be a big no-no.
Mara- Topic: Gross things...

When did you start ur period again? R U still Bfing? I am still BFing and haven't gotten anything, I am not expecting it, I hate it! But I am curious I know we are all different just curious...

Losing weight. I have shed all my lbs. and am back down to my regular weight. I was just unhappy about my weight and feel uncomfortable I would like to lose another 30-35 more lbs. I have checked out online and there is advice that I shouldn't do any drastic changes due to the fact that I am still Bfing. I plan to stop when J turns 1, Feb 5th. What are ur experiences? I have my SIL to talk to this about. But, I am lucky to get a full sentence out of her she never talks. That's a WHOLE other story. :angryfire: It's funny when I tell my mom...I said, Oh, my online friends...and she is like wtf? what do you mean...hehehe! I sound like a nerd! :cheeky:
Maybe I'm missing something, but if you're eating the calories required to keep up your milk supply, then it shouldn't matter if you're losing weight past the point of where you were pre-pregnancy, b-fing or not.
Just a drive-by....

ss - I would call too. Having to push out large clots sound a bit strange to me.

I still haven't gotten pp AF yet - which is fine. I'm just dreading what it'll be like once it gets here. I keep hearing all these horror stories... :errrr: When I see women buying pads in the supermarket it feels so weird that I haven't had to even think about that for a year and a half now.


Just came back from Dailla's 8 month appointment. My little smallie is only 15 lbs 9 oz! She only put on 5 oz since her last checkup. :| There was a 4 1/2 month old boy who was 18 lbs and a 5 month old girl who was 16 lbs already. So strange to see the size differences. I have to check the percentile charts but I think she's only in the 10-15th percentile or something like that.

Her front teeth broke through yesterday - so altogether she has 4 coming through now, plus the 2 she had before. My little teething smallie! :)
MTJ, the research I've done states you need to consume at minimum 1600 calories a day while breastfeeding, but typically more than that. If I were you I'd count the calories you're currently eating then shave off 100 or so a day and see how you feel, also add in exercise. I know I'm hungry a lot more often now and consume quite a few calories (at the weight I am comfortable being I consume 1700 or so calories a day + 5 days a week of exercise), but eating less makes me feel faint and sleepy.


J had her six month appointment two weeks early. She's doing great, following her growth curve and all that good stuff.
MTJ I agree with Kim re: counting what you are eating today and then shaving off 100 and seeing if that makes a diff. Then shave another 100 and see what it does. Also-- make sure you keep your milk up if you want to keep BF' if you see an adverse affect with taking off some cals, I would stop and not do don't want your body to think that you are starving then reduce milk supply.

Another way is to eat healthier. If you are filling your days with lots of fast food and this and that, then you probably can cut that out and still eat the same volume but in healthier items and/or more nutritious. So your body can still get the same 'fuel' out of what you eat but with less may not be needing ALL the cals you are eating to produce the fuel and BM. Maybe replace one or two sweet treats with fruit instead--even small changes can add up but still make sure your body is getting enough to eat.

If you are already eating well and kind of conservatively, then I don't know that I'd do too much more (maybe shave the 100 and see)... I would be afraid the milk would drop too much esp if you want to lose 30 lbs. If it was just 5 I'd say work out a bit more and eat a little healthier but 30 more lbs, I don't know that I'd attempt that til I was close to done BF'ing.

Kim..yay for a great appt!

Sha... a lot of people told me AF would be worse but my first 2 were not bad so I thought oh maybe I am lucky. Not so much. But you never know!! I have not heard it from all women. Yay for a great appt!!! D looks totally healthy, not small at all. ::) Oh and I agree re: the funny disparities with babes and sizes. Someone just told me that their 4mo old was 18lbs! J is about 17.5 at 6.5mo so I was like WOW a 4mo 18lber! hehe.

MTJ re: AF coming back, I got her back in Month 3. This is my 4th round and my last 2 cycles have been a bit closer together--kind of weird. I also didn't EBF so that might have been why I got her back earlier--I have a friend who is still EBF who hasn't gotten her back yet at 8mo. It def can vary.

But AF is one thing I DID NOT MISS. I love love loved not having a period for 13 months!!!!!!!
thanks for all the sympathy ladies. i'm trying to not think about it too much, still give me that sick feeling inside. to continue the grossness, i still haven't emptied everything out. this happened right before a HUGE presentation and i just didn't want to deal with it. hubby said he would do it for me this weekend. i hope he follows through because i don't know what i'm going to feel as i dump the milk out one by one :((

on to happier note. no wait. another yucky note. AF just came back for a visit -- first one since i got knocked up. talk about getting kicked when you're down eh? that's prob why my supply dropped. ladies who bf'ed through AF....does your supply pick up in between? i sure hope so.

ok, now for a happier note for real. ::) A is just getting more fun everyday! he is SO aware and eager to see and experience EVERYTHING. it's gotten harder to get him to take his bottle becasue once he's up, he's raring to go. he actually really plays with his toys now. and his grasp is so much less clumsy. it's so cute to watch him use his fingers to very delicately pick something up -- so different from his previous wild grasping. he's learned how to crawl over and pull himself up on us when he wants us to pick him up. SO DARN CUTE! he can push himself up to a tripod sitting position now, and is trying DESPERATELY to crawl on his knees. it's so funny to see him get up on al fours, and you can see the concentration on his face ahe trys to figure out the correct combo of movements. so far he's been able to move maybe 2 steps fwd, then loses he then gives up and army crawls as he's pretty mobile with that now -- loss that inchworm movement and is doing the arm/leg movement, but on his belly instead of all fours.

finally got some cereal for him -- went with happy bellies oatmeal just cuz the nutrtion panel seemed the most packed. HE LOVED IT. for dinner he gobbled down an ounce mixed with acorn squash, then another ounce mixed with pear, then chowed down on a frozen cube of apple puree in his sassy fresh food feeder. which he also loves! not surprised as he seems to be an independant kind of kid -- loves to do things himself. anyway, here's an early bpf pic of the first time i gave him the feeder:


figured it out pretty quick. and here's a pic of him in his ever-so-loved jumperoo. it is nearly impossible to get a good pic of him in it -- as usually he's a bouncing blur:
