
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

omg ginger best photo ever with that feeder. we just started using it with J this week too, with watermelon. he macerated it pretty quickly! maybe a frozen cube of something will last longer!

re: AF while bf'ing... my supply dipped with each AF and then quite honestly never came back up to the same level as before. it seemed to dip every month actually. but maybe it was just me and i was never a 'superproducer' yanno? you def produce way more than i ever did. hope it comes back up. and yep. BOO on AF. where's the off switch?!
Hi PS Moms, I need your help please!

Are the flannel burp cloths and flannel receiving blankets that come in a 4 pack worthless, or are they useful? What do you use them for? It seems like everyone seems to think a new baby needs burp cloths and tons of blankets, but I'm not sure if these items are just a waste, or if I should keep them on the registry. Thanks for your thoughts!
Laila619 said:
Hi PS Moms, I need your help please!

Are the flannel burp cloths and flannel receiving blankets that come in a 4 pack worthless, or are they useful? What do you use them for? It seems like everyone seems to think a new baby needs burp cloths and tons of blankets, but I'm not sure if these items are just a waste, or if I should keep them on the registry. Thanks for your thoughts!
Burp cloths were a major need for me, but I had 2 boys that spit up constantly. I found the best to be the big thick cloth diaper ones. As far as receiving blankets, you will probably get so so many of those. I still have tons that never even got used because it seems like everyone likes to give you blankets to match outfits.
Ginger, so glad you're feeling a little better and definitely have your husband clean up. A is adorable, good to know he loves the feeder!
laila my daughter rarely spits up, like maybe 5 times in 5.5 months so burp clothes have been pretty useless. i also have way too many useless blankets but wish i'd registered for some aden and anais swaddling blankets and sleep sacks.
Kewl! Thanks for the advice ladies! I def need to eat healthier. I get so hungry but I will won't replace my hunger with fatty foods. I wanna hit the gym more. Does walking around the mall count as cardio? :Up_to_something:

I think that I am about to get it cuz I have been getting that bloaty nasty feeling and been super bitchy these past couple of days. NOOOOOOO!!!! It's been 15 months that I haven't had it and I am not looking forward!!!!

Kinda sad today. J was being fussy with me and with DH she was laughing, talking and singing. WTF???!?!?!?!!? She even grabbed my face and pushed it away! :blackeye:

Hudson- I thought the same way. Hmmm...
Ginger-what a cutie! :love:
laila-We use diaper cloths for burp cloths. They are more useful than the receiving blankets.
Oh yeah, I forgot to add. I asked my brother if I looked fat and he responded with. "Yeah, you are. It doesnt matter now cuz you are a mom and all moms are fat!" I was like seriously. WTF?!?!?! Guys!
mara - on the gross topic.. mine have been AWFUL since having C. like you, i feel like i'm going to need a transfusion - seriously how can they go from manageable to not manageable at all. i've never had to wake up in the middle of the night and change before... gross. another fun perk of mommyhood i guess ;)

ss- are you suffering from PPD? i would call your doc immediately about the size and color of the clots. it shouldn't be that color and that large 5 weeks PP. i would also mention the PPD to her. ((hugs))

ginger - ((hugs)) - i LOVE the pictures! he's so friggin' cute!!!

car seats - i have a few more lbs before i have to worry about it, but i think i'm going with one of the britax come august closeout time.

hi everyone!!

we had our 9 month apt last week and my little peanut is 10% for weight (50% head, 50% length). i remember china saying something about feeling bad because o was low on the scale, and now i get it. i swear my whole life revolves around how much sleep and how much food c is getting each day. and now, if he has pooped ;)) the kicker is that the dude doesn't like to do any of these things. i think i need to start getting creative about food. pedi wants us to start cutting down on the oz he is eating and possibly eliminating a daytime bottle so that he has an appetite for 'food'. this all sounds well and good but he doesn't like to eat food. plus, we can't give him dairy and i'm having a hard time figuring out how to provide enough protein etc.
has anyone tried scrambled eggs (just yolks) yet?? i read the whites can cause allergies but the yolks are OK. was thinking this might be fun for him to eat.

anyhoo, aside from that i'm going to attempt my first solo (with c) car trip this weekend. i think we'll be ok, i'm only going about 3 hours and there are plenty of places to stop along the way. it's just that c doesn't really like to ride in the car. he's ok if i'm in the back seat with him on long trips talking to him or entertaining him, but he gets bored easily. i'm debating whether or not to try to drive tonight when he would normally be going to bed OR during his morning nap tomorrow. thoughts either way??

that's about all i have going on right now. we had some 9 month pictures taken this past weekend. this is one i'm currently liking.

Ahahaha ginger, omg! That feeder picture is just priceless. He's all aggressive-looking about it. "NOM NOM NOM!"

Micah did awesome last night. He didn't STTN but he went down at 7 (way early for him nowadays) and didn't even wake up when I took off his onesie, changed his diaper, and wiped him down with a washcloth because he reeked of milk after hanging out with Daddy all day. I popped him in the crib and he was out. And he played quietly in his crib this morning for ages before I finally just went and got him out. Super snuggly when I got him, too, he just wanted to cuddle. Gah, I love this baby. :love:

He also finally figured out that his frozen teether feels pretty darn good on his hot gums. He chewed on it for an hour last night, til there was melted condensation everywhere and all the circles were soft and warm. Then when I took it away to put it back in the freezer he got mad because he wanted it back, hah.
re: rec. blankets + burp clothes. we couldn't live without burp clothes, but we used the gerber 6 ply cloth diaper ones. they are super thick and generously sized. regular burp clothes were a joke. no way they'd catch spit up if your baby is a spit up baby. also, the only blankets we used were he a + a ones. for swaddling and i'm still using them for nursing. they're nice in the heat because they are then and breathable. plus they a big so i don't feel like i'm flashing everyone!
viz - I introduced egg yolks two weeks ago. He hated them by themselves, but every now and then I blend some with his veggies for the added protein.

re:blankets and burp cloths - Burp cloths would have been useless for me because J doesn't spit up, but I use my receiving blankets for a lot of things. They mostly serve as blankies now, he loves to sleep snuggling with one. They are very thin and a manageable size, so I don't get worried about him sleeping with it.

AFM - Jacob is now crawling and has a teeth through. Has had a cold this week though and a bit of fever so we had to go to the ER again to have him tested for a UTI. Thankfully the test results came back negative.

I'm also dealing with a very unpleasant situation with DH pressuring me to find a job to work full time once my maternity leave is over, but it just seems to me like there would be no benefits to getting an entry level job when you consider the costs of buying a second car (with gas, insurance and all related expenses), the commute, daycare... I have been looking, and not just in my field of study, but (as I'm sure you're all aware) there isn't much out there. Plus I definitely feel like I already have a full time job, KWIM? Last night I got very frustrated. DH came home and went straight to his computer downstairs. I finished feeding J his dinner, made our dinner, set the table. DH came up to eat, then went back downstairs, so I cleaned up, washed the dishes, then J had a blowout all over his highchair so I had to clean that up. I asked DH to come and spend time with his son before his bedtime (and while I was cleaning the blowout), and he came up half an hour later as I had just finished putting J to bed! So right now I feel like telling him that if he wants me to be a full-time mom and housekeeper, and come home to a cooked dinner and sit on his @ss all evening, there is no way I can do that and work full-time. If he wants me to work full time, he better kiss goodbye his XBOX evenings and Saturday morning cartoons or whatever. Every time he talks about "when I'll be working", it's always so that he could buy more stuff, do more things, and I always wonder: Is it really so important? The other day he was talking about it and I asked him when he was going to learn to cook. Get this, he replied that he had no time! Excuse me??!! You have time to spend your evenings playing videogames and weekend mornings watching cartoons, but you don't have time to cook? I barely have time to take a shower every day! THAT is having no time!!! :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire:

Ok, sorry, rant over. I feel better now. We need to talk I know. I also know how well this conversation is going to go... We've been having it forever. It gets better for a while, but then it's like it never happened. :blackeye:
Ugh, anchor.... :angryfire: I would be mad too!! It's not cool that he came home and went straight to his computer without even offering to help, esp. when you were trying to do many things at one time. It seems like men think mothers just stay at home all day and play with the baby - they have no idea how much work is involved and that we're working all day long. At least they get to leave work behind and come home. It's not the same with a baby. In fact, I don't know how you managed to do all that you did that evening while looking after Jacob - feeding him, making dinner, setting the table, washing dishes, cleaning the chair, putting him to bed - that's a whole lot! It's not fair that your DH would expect you to all of those things while he just chils on his computer. I mean, he could have least entertained J for you while you made dinner, or cleaned the highchair, or offered to wash the dishes while you put him to bed. :nono:

And having a full time job on top of that? No way!!!

DH and I both work. I do 90% of the childcare, but DH cooks- so he usually takes care of that in the evenings while I look after Dalila. There's no way I could do most of the childcare and still have to think about cooking and cleaning. That would just be extremely unfair and inequitable, IMO.
aww anchor sorry you are dealing with DH issues...hugs. it is really funny how the men can be so clueless sometimes. i would actually almost like to research and write a book on this or something because i find it intriguing (and maddening as well). greg is good with J in general but it is still totally ME that is the primary caregiver. with a full time job. and while most times i am totally cool with that because quite frankly, i am better at being primary than he is... for lots of reasons but mostly because i am very good at multi-tasking and just getting shit done quickly, but sometimes i am like REALLY? why is it just me? also when i think about staying home FT i think it might even be more out of wack and then it might lead to me being REALLY bitter.

oh yeah and i think your DH is crazy... he comes home, goes to do his own thing and leaves you to do it all? and he doesn't even spend time with you or the baby or anything?? it bugs me when G has to come home late and misses seeing J before bed too so i would be REALLY PO'd if he was off playing around and the kid didn't see him. he is crazy if he thinks you'll go work FT and still do even 1/3 of what you do now...and it seems like he doesn't even appreciate it.

OH! and last wkd when i left G with J for 4 hours to get my hair done i knew they'd be fine but it was hilarious because G was totally tired out when i came home. and now he is like WOW he's sooo tiring!!! *duh* HA!

AFM... i still hate my body and AF right now and i feel gross.

and i hate our local weather. wtf. it's summer. it's california, i pay ridiculous $$ to live here and my child is in his bedroom right now with TWO blankets on and a footed sleeper to stay warm. W.T.F.

on a positive note i am wfh today. and my boss is in europe so i get a little reprieve from countless emails and phone calls. a little reprieve.

YAY for BPF!!! here's J this week...not the best photo (my iPhone pics are just getting worse and worse!) but i love how he's stuffing his hands in his mouth and his eyes are all twinkly from smiling. and he's got funny monk hair going on now. happy friday all.

eta... Laila forgot to say that i third the diaper rag burp cloths... that is all we use. you can get a pack of 12 from gerber for like $11. we have about 15 in rotation--J had reflux and still spits up a fair amt after a bottle (not really after solids) so we always use them. and we got a bunch of those small receiving blankets, never used them except maybe for a stroller blanket or to roll up behind his back or something for support. we use A&A swaddle blankets pretty much solely--they are a great size.

j hands mouth 6point5mo.jpg
Well, here's my contribution to BPF to lift my spirits... LOVE your pics BTW ginger and viz! ETA: Mara, J is precious!

Jacob's little toothies!

oh also meant to say viz that is an awesome pic!! i would totally frame it. mommy love.

anchor, love the teeth!! he looks happy to have 'em.

...watching J honk the horn on his jeep walker with his FACE. priceless. i should get it on video.
Sha and Mara - Thank you for your replies. Yesterday was a bit extreme, I have to say, but I don't want him to get the impression that it's ok to do this, so I don't intend to let it slide. Thing is, when I was pregnant, I was on paid disability leave for 6 months and was basically a housewife. I did it all, and I didn't mind, because I had no job and no child to look after. Unfortunately, since DH was not so good about chores to start with, I'm afraid I've created a monster. The last time we've talked about this, I think J must have been 2 or 3 months old, DH told me that I just had to ask him if I wanted him to do something. I was ok with it and I've been doing it. But seriously, it's getting old, and I'm getting really tired of having to treat my husband like a child. If he insists on acting this way, he can forget about baby #2 (or 3!) and he can forget about me working full time until Jacob is in school...
:love: :love: :love: the BPFs ... keep them coming!

re: burp cloths - ditto JCrow - love the gerber 6 pack cloth diapers. The ones labeled "burp cloths" were useless. The gerber cloth diapers were larger and more absorbent.

Anchor - sorry about DH troubles. We went through that around the 2 month mark - DH was working ALL the time and barely saw me or the baby. I couldn't talk to him without getting emotional and all worked up. So one night I just wrote one long email just telling him how I felt. We then had a talk about it the next day, and DH seemed to change overnight. Some other things took time, but when he comes home now, he relieves me of mommy duty so I can take a short break. Hope you guys will have a successful conversation. Good luck!

Viz- Agree with others that that's a frame-worthy pic. As for the drive, I've done both, and noticed that it was easier during the night time drive because she was more sleepy. During the day drive, she woke up earlier and was more alert.

MP- would love to see M's tooth! Yay for a better night.

Mara- ditto on this weather! They say it's going to warm up this weekend through next week though. Yay for boss being in Europe.

Here's my BPF contribution - A's concentrating so hard!

ha! aa she totally looks like she's 'reading' her book!
love it!
love those sparkly eyes mara... and jacob is soooo cute!! c has those same toofers right now. hilarious!
just popping in to feed my eyes on your little cuties.

:love: :love: that picture.
Like Mara said, it's pure mommy love.
Definitely frame worthy.
Laila For burp cloths I use the Gerber cloth diapers (absorbent and cheap!), Under The Nile burp cloths (very large, soft organic cotton), and Aiden + Anais burpy bibs which fit nicely over the shoulder, are very large, and soft. The Gerber diapers are the best as far as bang for your buck, but I also really love the UTN and A+A cloths. For blankets I exclusively use the Aiden + Anais swaddling blankets. Perfect for a summer baby, but also great year round. I am ashamed to say that I have 16 of them! We have soooo many other types of blankets that we received as gifts, but I always reach for the A+A ones.

Anchor I don't really have any advice to offer for the issue with your DH, I just wanted to share my support and tell you that it seems like such a common issue. You are definitely not alone. Hopefully some of the other ladies can provide some great advice. I echo everyone's surprise at your husband's unrealistic expectations and hope that you can get some relief soon, I know that you are working hard!

AFM I generally don't worry about "milestones" and especially with Andrew being born at 35 weeks, thinking about his "adjusted" age and figuring out which milestones are affected by that and are which are not, seems to be a hassle. I figure that in general he will do things in his own time and if his ped is worried about anything, then I will be too. However, his next appointment isn't until next month and I wanted to know about head control. Andrew is 12 weeks and still has pretty poor head control -- he can hold his head upright for short periods of time, but then will bobble like crazy and I need to keep his head supported. On my birth board it seems as though the other babies have been holding their heads upright with no support for quite sometime. Does anyone here know "expected" times to be able to hold their head upright, or at least when it may be a problem? Also, is there anything that I can do that can actually help improve it, or is it something he has to do in his own time? He sleeps on his tummy so he gets plenty of opportunity to lift his head in his crib. I bought a bebe pod today and sat him in it, with my hand gently supporting the back of his head. Can this actually help, or should I just hold off until he is doing it on his own? Thank you so much for any advice.

My contribution to BFP is Andrew in his PJs last night at exactly 12 weeks old.

hey linds - i always defer to calling the bank of nurses at my pedi office when i have a question that is going to bother me for awhile (not to be confused with a bank of payphones :bigsmile:)
they are always really helpful and never make me feel dumb for asking a question. it's hard to say what is appropriate due to when a was born etc. at 12 weeks c had prreeeettttyyy good head control, but it wasn't like he could go extended periods of time without being supported in some way. i would just call to put your mind at ease and they may be able to offer up some exercises that he can work on until his next apt?

ss- are you out there? how are you feeling today??
eeks, such cuties!!


rant of my day - those 12 hour baby dry diapers don't work for em. last night she tee tee'd through them in during her first stretch of sleep which was only 3 hours. this equaled a diaper change, pj change, sleep sack change + bed linen change all with her screaming because she was hungry too. grrr. i thought it was just the size, but she goes through the size 1 and size 2. and of course we have a huge box of them. of course.
Ok, quick fly by... just got home and need to get C down for his nap. I will come back and reply to everyone in a few!

Here is my contribution for BPF! I already added it to the "other" site, but since it is my fav from this week, I wanted to add it here as well! C loves his Pooh Bear :love:

All of your little ones look so adorable!

10.12.10 C with his pooh bear.jpg
jcrow...aww that sucks about the diapers!! are they tight enough around her legs? J's get all big in the front and if it leaks it's in the front obviously. i need to get him size 4 at this point--or someone also recommended pampers extra protection for nighttime.

linds... J has always had good head control earlier than typical BUT it took him forever to really get totally stable with it which I thought was funny actually. I would say he didn't totally have awesome head non wobble until almost 5mo. he could lift it from day one but when sitting it would be like crazy wobble even at 4mo. now it's great..and he's 6mo. i would just keep doing tummy time with him (when awake) and not worry too much about it!!
mara - they actually leak from the back. like up her back. weird. i tried using them probably longer than i should have. at this point the ss have better leak protection for her. ah well.
I just wanted to post to say my bleeding stopped! It's weird that it didn't fade and stayed so red, but at least it's gone for today. I wonder if I didn't actually go from post partum flow into a period or something.

I forget who asked, but yes, I do have PPD. It came on the day after we brought Lily home. It was absolutely miserable for a few days but my DH told me there was a severe problem and I needed to tell my doc at my 1 week check. The doc immediately put me on Zoloft and within a few days I was doing much better. I had to take a little quiz and the woman who was with me said it was the highest score she'd ever seen. (in a bad way) I couldn't eat or sleep, cried continuously and was sure I'd somehow screw up my baby and make her condition worse and that she'd die. They were literally the scariest days of my life. Apparently, PPD is very common in women whose babies are taken from them so soon after birth.

Quick question: What's that little food holder thingy??
yay SS...that is great news!! maybe venting about it helped. :naughty:

the teether food thing--there are two of them. one is made by sassy and there is another one i can't recall--maybe by the first years? anyway, we got J the one that ginger's baby has too. it's awesome. you can get it at target or think it's for when they are like around 4-5mo old? i meant to get J one forever and i just lagged. but he loves it. on leaks! we just started using huggies pure and natural for daytime since i had to find something else since pampers started using drymax and i really like them so far. i was really bummed about not using SS anymore, that is all J has used since day one but the huggies PN are actually really similar and also seem a little less 'saggy' when wet. we'll see..i have only used a few so far. i tried 7th gen too and did not like the scratchy material.

so i saw that a few cute things i had been eyeballing at gymboree went on clearance so i picked them up online- i hunted like a madwoman for a coupon but in the end since the order was just $25 i went ahead and did it and of course TODAY in the mail i get my circle of friends reward code for 30% off any order starting aug 19. i will just console myself by thinking that by aug 19 the things i wanted would prob be gone.

and ..... i just got back from taking J to hang out for a while at my coworker/friend's house where we'll be nanny sharing so that he can start getting used to being in that other environment. she has a 11mo old and a 4 year old... both are sweet, fun kids but the 4yo is CRAZY ENERGETIC. and he's really rough with the baby...who is used to it because he's exposed to it all the time. the 4yo is going to preschool starting this year which is prob the only reason i'd consider this share because i would be a little apprehensive with J there with him... the 4yo wants to pick up J and carry him around, put big boy toys (aka with little pieces) in his mouth, kiss him on the mouth, force him to laugh when he tickles him, etc. J was just kind of goggle-eyed the entire time like 'where am I?'... the 11mo old is really mellow, just does his own thing, learning to walk (taking his first few steps) and seems interested in J. he is also into throwing aka toys at your head which i know is normal for that age buttttttt I am a little nervous about J. he seems like such a big boy to me but he's still just a baby AND he's a baby in a house of adults where we are fairly quiet. I have to try to remind myself that it'll just be the 2 babies and together in the room they are totally fine without the 4yo and the nanny is experienced. and my friend said if the 4yo comes home early or something she'll come home as well to help the nanny out.

i am apprehensive also about J getting with the 4yo going to school now he will be exposed to a ton which means the 11mo will and J will too just by proximity. sooo we'll see how this whole situation works. i like the idea of the share for lots of is the cost savings, but the rest are just as important and maybe moreso for me...things like exposure to other kids/socialization, learning to share, learning it's not ALL about him, learning he can be independent, exposure to the 11mo old will help him learn things more quickly than i can teach him, flexibility in situations, etc etc. and with only one child so it's not too overwhelming. and it's only 2 days a week. but yeah i am feeling a little mama bear protectiveness right now. anyway we'll try it and see. the other 3 days J will be at home with an older nanny/me.
bpf :love: :appl: :love: :appl: love all the cutie bebes!!

ss - its the sassy fresh food feeder. munchkin makes the other popular one. it has a mesh bag that you can put food in (fruit, or i use frozen cubes of puree) so the kiddo can feed him'herself with out fear of choking because the mesh prevents them from biting off a big chunk. purees the food for ya as they munch. i like the sassy one better because it was a water compartment thing that you can freeze so you can keep the food chilled, and a cover so i can pop it in my bag to take out and about for him. and the bag is replaceable so once it gets icky, i can just replace the bag, which is cheaper than replacing the whole thing. the bag itself is pretty easy to clean if you wash it opr soak it immediately, but i can see wanting to replace it after some uses.
Hi everyone!

I want to apologize for not being around so much anymore. Life's just been crazy with work and now that E is mobile (and decided he much likes being a speedster instead of ambling along) it's hard to find time to come on here and post like I used to. I do try and read on my blackberry but I can't stand it anymore with the new layout. So I do keep up with most of the posts, I swear! I just feel so bad that I come on here just to post about myself and I don't offer much back to other posters.... :(sad

And after saying that I am going to post about myself and hopefully this weekend I'll be able to do a catch up post and reply back to everyone!

Evan had a Pedi appointment in Early August---I did a quick fly by post about his stats already. Doctor said he was looking really good and she's happy with where he is at "milestone" wise. We found out he had three teeth about to come through (he refuses to let us look in his mouth so we can only see them when he laughs (and normally only the bottom) So we knew he had one coming in...but she let us know that he has two on top also coming in! For a grand total of 5 teeth.

As for the crawling....does it make me a terrible mother that I had fun yesterday circling the little Island/Bar thingy in our kitchen so that he would follow me around and around almost crying trying to get me? He was so cute--looking so intent on catching up to me, Of course I only went around the island like twice and finally scooped him and smothered him in kisses til he laughed. My sister was like "Doing that for a baby is like running a marathon to us!!" haha.

We are also doing a little better with giving him table foods and less purees....I still get waaaaaaaaay too nervous about it though. He did have bits of a roll, applesauce and a lemon the other day at a restaurant (he was obsessed with the lemon--like LOVED it.). We are slowly giving him different things to eat other than the jarred stuff. We actually are going to start making some of our own food in the next few days!

okay.....enough about me.

Here are some pictures


Claire, going on 10 months

SS ~ sounds like a great 1 month report. You deserve the good news! Hope everything is ok with the bleeding. Nothing bigger than a golf ball sounds good, but I'd want to know if the doctor expected it to be less by now.

Ginger ~ good job A! I'm sure he'll get full-on crawling soon, and then you'll wish you had the days back when he would stay mostly in one spot!

Viz ~ Hope your car trip is going well! Come on C, let the highway lull you to sleep! Cute picture!

Anchor ~ ugh, I hope you can figure out the job issue. Maybe sitting down and actually calculating the cost of daycare would help? Also discussing in detail the household duties DH will need to take over once you are working FT too? DH and I had difficulty with balance when I was working, but at least it was understood that things were 50/50 between us after work. Jacob's a cutie!

Ally ~ soooo adorable!

Lindsey ~ he's so cute!!! I love me a baby in PJs! I don't know specifically about head/neck control, but I've been able to help Claire develop skills like sitting and standing just by supporting her in the early stages when she couldn't do it herself. I don't see how it could hurt.

JCrow ~ sorry about the diaper mishap! Do you think the diaper was just filled to capacity or was there a leak?

Tao ~ look at that sweet boy! I bet he's so cute when he crawls!

AFMAF (as for my Aunt Flo) ~ still nothing. We're making some progress on the sippy cup front, so perhaps we'll be able to cut back from the 6-7x a day we're currently BFing. Claire has also picked up waving (well, it's more like how your arm would look if you had lost control of your hand and were just throwing your arm up to let your hand flop down) and ate some of a biter biscuit without gagging the other day (then yesterday she repeated the feat only to vomit all over the rug).

We have not gotten our sleep schedule back from the turn it took 5 weeks ago when the teething got bad, but she was nice to Mommy and Daddy and STTN last night (the previous night she was up from 1 to 3).