
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

I feel like he might have a touch of colic, HH. I can't imagine why he would be so needy and fussy otherwise. Does he curl his legs up to his chest after he eats?
HH when J was little we'd have to happy baby shhh swing and soothe him with white noise on for about 20 minutes before he'd finally fall asleep. We did this mostly until he was about 3mo old. Some nights he'd take 45 min to get to sleep this way. Even swaddled. It was intermittent but it happened. Sometimes he'd go through a phase where he'd just fight sleep. He could be having a growth spurt or a touch of colic or reflux or something. Hard to say really. If it's just a day or two with otherwise normal habits and no fever, I wouldn't worry too much but if it starts to be consistent, I'd look for other signs of something.
HH, We went from J having to sleep on me to with me to in the same room as me to her own room. I picked her up and put her down over and over and over and over again. She was not colicky, sleep was/is just hard for her. The baby whisper technique never worked for her as there are tears as soon as I lay her down, even now with rare exception. Maybe he's overstimulated, or his sleep is changing, or it could be lots of other things. Don't fret too much about what's normal, just do what works, and is safe.
I guess my personal definition of colic is different MP? I think of colic as inconsolable crying/screeching that doesn't stop for hours or until you threaten to eat the LO. Aidan regularly pulls his legs up, arches his back, groans and grunts after eating, but I just thought that was him working through a BM or a little gas. He does it as much when he's not eating as when he is. He almost does it to communicate too, which I know isn't possible really. For example, if we give him a 2 oz bottle and he wants more he'll do his grunting/groaning trick (like he's frustrated) and then he stops after we give him more. Aidan's fussiness is minor when you look at the situation objectively. I think it just seems bad because of the time of day. He's no inconsolable, we just have to try different things until something works. Tonight it was the noise machine, swaddle and rocking. Last night it was dancing around the living room listening to music and singing. I just don't get it.

So family bedtime was an EPIC FAIL!

The boys fell right to sleep, in fact, Aidan slept for about 3 hours straight. However, they're both SO LOUD! I couldn't fall asleep because Aidan was making too much noise. So we're back in the living room, where I have 10 feet between us to deaden the sound. I think tomorrow night Aidy will be moved to his nursery-eek! and we'll use the monitor. I might even go out to BRU and spring for the Angel Care.
HH, hope tonight goes better for you! We moved Claire into her crib at 4 weeks precisely because I couldn't relax with her in the room. I'm happy with my decision; it was one of those things that I didn't have to worry about doing later when she was more aware of her surroundings. Our friends with a baby the same age as Claire have never gotten him to sleep in a crib, so when we were at the beach they soothed him to sleep on the bed and then literally sat watching the video monitor all night. Whenever he stirred one of them would dash back to the bedroom. I have no idea how they're ever going to get him sleeping on his own now, both in terms of location and in terms of the ability to put himself to sleep. Maybe they'll have to call Super Nanny?
Yeah, we all slept much better after moving Dalila to her own room (with a monitor) at 7 weeks. Before that, it was hard for me to relax with her on in the room, cause I kept listening to her breathing, movements. etc. DH also snores at night so would keep waking her up throughout the night. We also couldn't make a lot of noise getting ready for bed or moving around because it would wake her up.

I also enjoyed it when DH and I had our bedroom to ourselves again... :))

pg - :lol: at your previous posts! Claire is a smart girl!

Love all the BPF pics!! :love:

AFM -I think I had a productive weekend. I pureed up some carrots, pumpkin, sweet potato, white potato, lentils, peas, and mixed veggies, as well as some peaches, kiwi, and pears to freeze for Dalila for the next couple weeks. So glad that's out of the way. :praise:

My work/life balance is a bit better now, I've noticed. I think it's because I'm managing my time better at work and not bringing it home. Suddenly it feels like I have a ton of time now at night. I need to get back to exercising.

Dalila is a little sweetie, sassy as she is. I just love this stage. :love:
Sha, yay for work life balance! You give me hope!

HH, DS is a loud sleeper too. We have several "false alarms" where we think he's waking because he's grunting and kicking and trying to bust a hand out of the swaddle. By the time we make it into the nursery, he's passed out again!

Mara, N must be "parented" to sleep too. When DD was a baby, I could put her down awake and she would entertain herself for a few moments and fall asleep. DS will entertain himself but, when he's done, he fusses. We swaddled, shoosh and rock too. I kinda like it. :naughty:

Love all of the pics!!! Ally, that is TOTALLY Maggie Simpson! Too cute!

AFM - thanks ladies for all of the advice this week. I was take take take for a few days! So, we had N's two month appointment on Saturday. He reacted to the shots poorly which is just heartbreaking but, on the bright side, N is growing well. He's 12lbs14oz - it's actually less than I thought because he's a chunker.

I go back to work in less than 3 weeks and I'm flipping out! I'm so glad that MIL will be watching N but she's so high on the baby that she doesn't listen to any of my direction. For example, the ILs were visiting yesterday and I let her put him to bed. I said he likes total quiet except for shooshing and white noise. She would not stop talking to him in a high pitch voice. His eyes would close and then pop back open. So I tried telling her again (two times!) and she's just gazing into his eyes and is so distracted. DH heard her on the monitor and went up and was able to interrupt her and basically say talking to him isn't going to work. On one hand I know he'll adapt to her way but, on the other hand, I want the transition to be as easy as possible for him, so I want to pass on to her how he *likes* things. MIL literally takes notes if you tell her how to use her cell phone or work the TV remote but is out to lunch sometimes when I tell her stuff. She's not just babysitting, she'll be with him ALL day and even though I've shown her, she doesn't know how to make a bottle, buckle him in the car seat, use the stroller or any other "equipment". I've just been caught completely off guard because she's not herself. She's so excited about him that she can't think straight. Any suggestions? Would it be obnoxious to write notes for her? DH has suggested that he take a day or two off and work with us because he can say things to her that I can't, KWIM? And he knows what she responds too typically. Fortunately, she's very laid back and pleasant, so if we can get her to listen, I'm sure she'll take to whatever we ask. This is all way harder than I thought. I think the stress of going back to work and leaving him is getting to me and, worrying about her knowing what to do, is just adding to it. Ugh - I gotta find a way to relax!

I'm also trying to build a bit of a stash of BM because I'm guessing there will some waste in the beginning as she learns how to tell when he's hungry. If she warms milk and he rejects it or eats only a little, it's trash. :(sad
Pupp-Your MIL sounds EXACTLY like how my MIL was when she first started watching S. She didn't know how to give her a bottle, like literally could not give her a bottle. Her hands would shake when she would change her diaper. And she would hold her in the same exact position for hours if we let her because she was afraid to move even a little bit.

It was a shock to me because my mom was not like that at all. My mom was teaching me how to do things when S arrived like warming up her bottle, giving her a bath, methods to get her to stop crying, etc. So I was very nervous.

But what you have to understand is that it's been a while. Even though he is her grandson, he's still not her kid so there's the anxiety of being around a tiny person on top of that tiny person not being yours, you know?

I would suggest droping him off once or twice during the week before you head back to work so that they get used to each other and so that you can figure out how much BM he's going to need. Go shopping, clean up, or sleep (that's what I did lol) and leave him with her. It's much easier for her to get through a day with him knowing that you are a phone call away than it will be knowing you would have to leave work. She's going to have her own ways of doing things but she's also going to find out real quick that mom really does know what baby likes best ::)

Do provide detailed lists of what you think works best for him but also make it clear that you know she will find her own methods. Make sure she's aware of the new guidelines on safety because again, it's been a while for her. If there are things that you are completely passionate about then express that and make sure DH is on board but learn to let everything else go (which will be hard when you factor in the working mom guilt).

I was afraid of giving MIL detailed directions but I found that it made it a lot less stressful for her if I told her exactly what to do during the day. I had a schedule written out for her that said at what time she should get a nap and when she should eat. It didn't have exact times on it but if S woke up at 7am, I knew that by 10am she should have a nap and she should have a bottle as soon as she woke up so that's what I would write down.

As for the BM, my rule was to give her less rather than more. They tend to take a lot more in a bottle because it comes out so quickly and easily. The standard amount for a 3 month old is 2.5 to 4oz so I would start with something like 3oz and work from there.

The first couple of weeks are going to be a challenge for you and MIL but she'll get into her own routine. MIL had her own way of feeding her and putting her to sleep that was completely different from what we did and the attitude we took (most of the time) was that as long as she was sleeping and eating, it was ok. Because she dealt with all of the naps, I let her come up with her own routine even if bedtime routine was completely different.

Sorry that ended up being a novel but the situation sounded just like mine when I started working so I wanted to give my input.

ETA: Just wanted to add that it will get better Pupp. She'll get more confidence through trial and error. Any of the moms that were with me on this thread will tell you that I had a bunch of issues with my MIL in the beginning. Now, I can't imagine her having better care with anyone else. MIL treats her so well and S goes crazy whenever she sees her. At one point MIL was giving ME tips on how to handle some things with her ::)
Fiery, I was hoping you would chime in! Same with my mother - she tells me what to do! :lol:

You make a really good point. Up until now, she comes here and watches him while I shower and do house chores etc. but maybe an extended day is in order. At the end of the day, maybe she can assess what she thought went well and what didn't and ask any questions she might have. DS is not really on a schedule but, like you said, I could draw up a loose schedule with a general idea of how often he eats, naps etc.

I'm just so NERVOUS. Thanks for the reassurance - I know it'll get better and ultimately, this is the best situation for our family.
I forgot to ask if he'll be staying with her or if she'll be coming over. If she's coming over, it'll be even easier because at least he'll be in his own surroundings. If he's going over there, then the trial runs will do him well.

We did the trial runs and I'm glad we did because she didn't know how to set up the PNP OR take her out of the car seat :lol:
Fiery, they'll be at our house for now so that should definitely make it easier.

MIL is not far behind your MIL - you should see the look of confusion on her face when I attempt to show her the car seat, swing, bouncy etc. I do think she'll be more confident on her own though. Having someone watch over you can be quite intimidating!
Pupp... you have great advice here. I think my MIL would be kind of like you are writing, more tentative. My Mom is take charge and yep tells me what to do. Even if she doesn't know what to do, she'll like power through it and figure it out. She even bathes J on her own when it takes both me and Greg to bathe him! She was like 'I just did it' when I asked how.

I think that your MIL prob will too but maybe she feels odd with you around? I think when people are left to their own devices they HAVE to man up and figure stuff out. I didn't have time to read your entire post but have you started leaving her alone with the baby for short periods of time? Maybe that will help her start to figure things out but still have you around for support 30 min later or an hour later so she won't totally freak out in a situation. And I agree that she will build more confidence once she's had a bit of time with the baby. My Mom was never quite tentative but in the beginning she was less confident since it had been a long time since she'd been around a baby. Once she started watching him for me in the summer she quickly picked up almost over-confidence! Hehe.

HH... I felt so much better once we got J into his own room. Sure it's daunting and a little scary but you can check on him as much as you want and chances are' he will be totally fine! Esp since he wakes up every 3-4 hours anyway. For us J was already sleeping longer stretches when we put him in his room so he was only up maybe every 5-6 hours, so we didn't see him as often once he was in his own room. I know that it's scary to have them so far away where you can't monitor every little thing but you get used to it. Quite frankly--we had the monitor in his room but it wasn't good enough for us to 'hear him breathe'... so we just used it for loud noises like crying or choking or whatever. Honestly after a little while I realized our house was small enough for us to hear him really well so I turned the sound off and just left video on. Even today that's mostly how we do it because he's always been loud and our house is small.

Pupp... yeah the parenting to sleep is a little taxing but we knew it was a finite period of time. We started putting him down to sleep with less interference around 3-4months and sometimes it worked sometimes not. But eventually it worked.

Sha...yay for better W/L balance!! Teach a class on that willya?! hehee.

Charger... love that pic of N!
Ally... lol so cute re: maggie simpson!! i love those soothies, they are cute.

So our regular nanny share gal is having a medical procedure today so her sis watching the kids. But the other baby's brother has a cough so they kept him home today. So the nanny share gal's sis came to our house just to watch J. I had to give her the crash course in watching him. She watches the other baby all the time too (she used to be their regularly nanny but she is in school FT now whereas her sis is just PT so they switched up), so she is definitely well versed with kids and babies around J's age but just his 'routine' is new to her. I'm sure it will be fine but it was just weird to have it be out of OUR own routine this morning. She looks a lot like her sis, almost like twins so J kept staring at her like you look really familiar but different!! So funny.

As for J...not much new to report. No teeth though he did wake once this wkd kind of crying at night...I thought maybe teething pain but no tooth yet. He has been waking between 5:30-6:30am and seems really hungry...normally it was 7-7:30 but it's moving up. Don't know if he's not eating enough solids at night or what...and his last bottle is sometimes hit or miss if he's too full from solids. I keep trying to get him to go that extra 30 min even but usually he'll just cry and moan in his crib til I get up and feed him. I am such a slug in the mornings!!! He's crawling like crazy, pulling up like crazy, babbling like crazy, really into super loud squealing and screams of joy. He's a total floor thumper when he crawls which cracks us up because if you look at him, the look on his face and the loud robotic thumping of his arms and legs makes us think of the Terminator...LOL!! When he's dragging himself with his arms in the movies. So funny.
I had just written a big long post and hit some button by accident and lost everything :nono:

So quickly, love all the pics from Friday :love: And Jcrow, nice push present!

HH, do what you need to do to get your sleep. It is important. And no matter when you move him to his nursery, you will find it hard. But you will adjust.

Pupp, my MIL is the same way when she is over and M needs to sleep. I think to myself, "would you like me in your face going 'coochee coochee coo' while you are trying to go sleep?' But I don't say anything as she has memory problems and I would just have to repeat it every single time anyway. For you, if you can get DH to take a day off and work through things with her, I would. I know what you mean about him being able to say stuff you can't. And remember no matter what, her and N will work things out - as long as what she is doing is not harmful or truly against something important to you (cio, etc) then even if it's not what you would do, it will be fine.

Sha, yay for work/life balance. And yes, please give pointers. I still feel like I'm struggling, and that I do everything at 50%.

Mara, I'm a slug in the morning too. And M has been waking up anywhere between 5:15-5:45. Gee kid, don't you know how good it is to sleep in? haha. And even worse, he doesn't necessarily go right back down after he eats. I would like to get right back to bed after feeding him, but he often has other plans. I am just hoping that he will want to start sleeping later at some point. Oh please.

AFM, Miles turned six months on Saturday. :appl: :o How did that happen? I absolutely cannot believe that half a year has gone by. It's so crazy how fast it goes. He is now working on sitting and crawling, but both are still very much in the early stage.

He has started rolling over in his crib when he wakes up in the morning now too, but we have still been ok while he sleeps through the night (knock on wood).

We also went to pick apples and pumpkins on Sunday. It was fun and we got some nice pics while we were there. I think we will do this every year, there were a lot of kids around and they all seemed to be having a blast.
And since I missed BPF, here is M at 1 month, and at 6 months...


Just popping in quickly to say "Love the comparison pics, Pretty Blue!" He's grown so much!! :appl:
aww he's so cute PB!!!! i never did those pics with J and i totally wish i had. oh well!

and ditto don't the kids know how great sleep is. just wait til they are going to school and suddenly the old days seem glorious!
PB, that is so cute seeing him tiny and then big! He has really filled out. That's the biggest thing I notice from Micah's newborn pics to his most recent ones - he's got such big cheeks, haha!

I went out on a limb today, ladies...I posted an ad on CL advertising my custom onesies, especially for Halloween. Let's see how this goes!

I also have an interview this afternoon! I am ridiculously nervous. I want out of this job so bad, but at the same time, I can't afford a paycut nor can I accept insurance that is any less than what I have. The insurance my current job gives me is amazing, it covers practically everything. After racking up a 20k bill for my crazy birth, I only have to pay 2500, it's that good. I'm worried that I will be stuck here because no one else can compare. We shall see!
pb-sooo freaken cute! I love him!

Aww, you guys! I am so f*cken sick. Sorry for the language but I have had on and off diarrhea and feeling bad and vomiting for the past two weeks. Doc is wanting for me to get some lab work done. People have been mentioning if I might be preg again! :errrr: Scary...scary in the sense that it will be financially hard and also with babsitting issues if I really were. I really don't think so, but the thought is :errrr: scary cuz I know WHAT to expect!

I am always shopping for a wb upgrade. I know exactly what I want now but I feel bad cuz I feel like it's so much $. I feel guilty but at the same time :Up_to_something: and I want it!

Have an awesome monday ladies! :wavey:
MTJ...take a test, woman!!!

MP..good luck!

I just bought J's costume, the Carters chicken, it's soooo cute. It has striped leggings. Just have to find him a l/s tshirt now. But wow I feel like a huge load is off me now that this task is done!
MTJ, diarrhea with pregnancy . . . I don't know . . . that doesn't sound right? Hope you get some answers soon! And yeah, take a test just to see.

HH, good vibes for tonight!

PB, aw, hi sweet baby growing up! Sniffle.

Pupp, definitely do a trial run with your MIL while you're available and don't have to stress about being back at work.

So I was in bed but popped awake worrying about trip to France in 5 weeks. I suddenly realized you just can't have people (Grandma) leave a message at the hotel when you have a child. You need a cell phone that will work abroad in case of emergencies, and Verizon doesn't. I guess we'll have to buy a prepaid phone once we get over there. I just wish I could take care of it now because I don't like winging things.

Plus DH asked if I wanted to make a video for Claire in case we die in a plane crash. :( Is it terrible, that no, I don't? There are lots of videos with us on it for her to (god forbid, of course) watch should we both die, but having this video that's like, "Well, since we're flying (direct) across the Atlantic the chances of us dying are, like, a good 32%, so please be a good girl and know that we love you" is not really something I think is necessary. I mean, if we want to be "in case we die, here's a video" people, then great, but to do it just because we're taking 2 whole flights without our child? But thanks for adding to my stress and Mommy guilt about the trip, dude!
Thanks ladies! Yay! I took the test and I am not. I am relieved just cuz I know now! But if I were I would be happy even though it would be kinda hard!

Thanks ladies for the support!

Mara-Yay for chicken! J is super super cute!

Watching Yo gabba gabba with J!
PG seriously... I can't believe he asked that!! Way to freak you out. And your chances aren't really 32% right??

MTJ...yay whew!
Mara, no, I was totally kidding. Your chances of dying in a plane crash on a commercial flight are miniscule. Much greater chance of dying on the highway.
PG, he needs a swift kick to the rear. Like you aren't already worried enough! Brat!

MTJ, glad you at least know now :tongue: I hope you feel better soon!

Micah has now slept two nights with 7 hour stretches. Oh, the wonders never cease! Please let him continue!
I just sold three prints!!! *faints*
congrats mp!!!

I just weighed us, I'm at 169.8 and Aidan is apparently at 8 lbs on the dot. This is the one time when I'm happy about my scale possibly being off on the high end. But I can't believe he could be 8 lbs already, he was just 5 lbs 10 oz when he was born 3 almost 4 weeks ago and was 6 lbs 11 oz last Tuesday!
HH you never know...but that is a lot to gain in a week. Though who is it here, SS's Lily is a good gainer too!!!

J took forever to gain in the first 1-2 months but then he had some crazy spurts which got him giant really quickly. Then he kind of grew more slowly for the next few months. It's so funny and now I realize what people meant when they say your child can SKIP entire sizes of clothing. J skipped 6-9mo really and went from about 6 to 12mo and then now we've been at 12mo for a while. Thankfully!! I had lots of cute clothes in 6-9mo he only wore for like a DAY.

So it's Gymbucks time and I can't find the ones I just got recently. BOO! But I'm having a hard time putting $50 in my cart right now since their sale stuff is still mostly summer so maybe it's for the best. But damn that deal hunter in me is like .. 'that's $25 in FREE ITEMS I'm just giving away!!'. So silly.

Other than that not much to report here. Still plugging away at work, life, etc. Worked out last nite.

Oh, J is rejecting his dinners now. We're going to try to get more creative with feeding him. The last 2 nights he doesn't want us to feed him purees and if we let him feed himself it's a messy nightmare but even then he loses interest partway through and has total meltdowns with tears and screaming. We've discovered if he does NOT eat all his solids then he will not sleep as long since now his body is more used to being we really try to keep at it even if he isn't into it..and I know he's hungry. He'll eat his finger foods or puffs but not his purees. Then I broke out the Plum Organics which he loves to suck on and he drained the whole 4.5oz. Greg was all pissy because he was rejecting homemade food for container food, but at least it's PO so it's good stuff. But now we are like hmmm maybe he doesn't like the food I made? Or is he just into feeding himself or having it 'squeezed' into his mouth right now? Is the spoon hurting his gums because he's teething? WHO KNOWS. Such fun times in the 'let's play guessing game' infant land. Otherwise he's chipper and smiles so much it hurts and is crawling like a crazy man.
Aww, thanks for the comments on M. I think he's pretty cute, but I know I might have a small bias. ;))

Then again, PS'ers make some pretty darn cute babies!

MP, yay for sales on the onsies! That is so great. How did the interview go?

Mtjoya, glad you got an answer on the test, and hopefully you will feel better soon. Being sick is no fun at all.

Mara, I saw a super cute chicken outfit last year and almost bought it, but thought that might be crazy. But then I didn't see anything I liked this year as much as that. Oh well. So he's going to be a monkey instead. Cute, but I'm jealous of your chicken suit. Speaking of costumes, there is a "mom centre" here that has all kinds of classes, activities, etc...anyway they have a photog coming in to do costume pics - $25 and you get two prints (and you can buy more if you want). Anyway I thought it was cute and not too much money, so I booked him in.

PG, sorry your DH freaked you out. I agree the video is a bit morbid, maybe you could make video that is just more just a message to her "we are going away for our first time without you, I will miss you so much, I hope you have fun blah blah blah..." which she could watch while you are away and you could keep and look back on rather than a "in case we die..."

HH, for what's it's worth, M was under 5 pounds when he was born and he had a period of really rapid growth where I was kind of wondering what was going on and thought he surely can't keep gaining a pound a week, he'll be crazy heavy at one year. Sure enough, it lasted a few weeks and then normalized. So it could just be a growth spurt.

AFM, I can't believe it (and don't want to jinx myself) but M went down for his morning nap in his crib with only 5 min of fussing or so, and this afternoon he hardly fussed at all and is currently passed out in his crib. Could this be starting to work?!? Let's hope it's the start of good things to come.

Also, I booked flights last night to go visit my sister and Dad in Nov. I am super excited, as they haven't seen Miles since he was around 6-8 weeks. However, I am also feeling :errrr: about flying with him by myself. He is normally a pretty happy and go with flow kind of baby, but I'm so nervous he'll decide to have a monster melt down or something. And I have to transfer so it's not just one direct flight. Any tips on flying with the little one?
PrettyBlues said:
MP, yay for sales on the onsies! That is so great. How did the interview go?

The interview went very well, except that once I got into it, I discovered the position was not admin like I thought, but a call center position. And that I would have "no reason to leave my cubicle" for the entire day with my headset in place. Yuck. Not interested anymore! I would like to think I have gotten enough experience elsewhere that I shouldn't have to go back "down" to a call center spot...unless they offer me like $20 an hour or something :tongue:
I'm sorry I'm so bad about keeping up with the thread. I do read lots, but keep running out of time or energy to go through PS2 to create a nice reply to everyone. So I guess this will be another me post... Sorry!

K's now over 6.5 months old. She's sitting great, and last week started babbling "mamamama" - so cute! I think she's said baba a couple times, and our nanny said she said papa yesterday once, but we haven't heard it yet. Unfortunately she also got her first cold this week, and I feel so sorry for her with her dripping and congested nose. She still sleeps ok at night, but naps have been an issue. I hope she gets better soon. She had a hairy fit last night after I used the booger-sucker on her nose, and was pretty much inconsolable for a while. I think it scared her, poor baby. I think I'm getting the cold now, so I hope it's a mild one.

I'm still exclusively pumping. I started cutting back the number of times a day a couple weeks ago, and the supply has remained ok when I've been pumping 7 times a day. Today's not such a good one, which might be the aftermath of turning off the 2am pump alarm by accident a couple nights ago. I hope things will perk up again production-wise when I get home from work and can relax and pump.

I made a steak/squash combo dinner a couple nights ago, which went down well. We just took a small corner of my steak off and steamed it in the microwave with our veggies, and then I used our microplane to shred it. It seemed to work pretty well, though it was a pain. I've only given her cauliflower once, and it seemed to be a little too bland for her. Carrots mixed with applesauce were more of a hit than carrots alone.

I'm not quite sure what to introduce next for foods though. I think we did avocado > banana > sweet potato > carrot > applesauce > peas > chicken > cauliflower > squash > steak. And of course cereals (rice and oatmeal). I know I should start introducing more variety, but what's next? Any tips?

Oh yeah - I think I'm finally starting to fit back into some of my old pants again. It seems to have taken over 6 months for things to shift back into their former shape though. They're still a little tight, but we're getting there (with no diet or special exercise).

PB - I'm nervous about flying in Dec with K at 9 months too. She was easy at 8 weeks, but now gets bored more easily, and with her long night-time sleep, I'm a little worried about that getting screwed up by jet lag. I hope we can get things shifted around and get back on track when we come back home. I think we'll try to take along a couple small favourite toys, plus maybe a couple small new toys. We booked our flight in the evening so she might sleep through most of the flight over. I think we'll probably get an umbrella stroller we can gate check. I'll look forward to seeing whatever other tips you get.