
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Yes, Lily is the resident chunkster here! She gained 3 lbs the first month! And, most recently, 1 lb in 2 weeks.

HH~ We had/have a lot of the same issues as you. I don't think Lily is colicky, just not settling well or something. If you look back on this thread, you'll see the first 6 weeks for us were absolutely miserable. We had to take shifts of being constantly awake because if you stopped soothing, she'd wake up. She would go from eating a manageable normal amount to inhaling huge quantities. At almost 3 months, she's finally starting to regulate a bit. I had to completely give up on a schedule. Sometimes she'll eat every 2 hours and demand 6-8 oz, sometimes she'll eat 4 oz every 4 hours. She has consumed approx 40 oz a day since she was about 7 weeks old. I don't think your guy is eating near that much but sounds like they have the same temperament. The only advice I have is keep shushing and swaying. It will get better. Lots of hugs for you, I know it's sooo not the happy mommy experience we all hope for.

pupp~ I have no advice for you re going back to work. But, wanted to send hugs to you!

mtj~ Sorry you're so sick, hope you feel better!
Thanks ladies for all of the well wishes and advice re: going back to work and MIL. I'm just going to try to keep a positive attitude. N will adapt to her just like he did to us. We have a plan of action to make the transition as easy as it can be.

- DH talks to MIL several times a week about what she's comfortable with and reinforcing some things that are important to us
- We are going to meet with MIL one evening AFTER N is asleep as she fully admits that she has a hard time listening to me because she can't stop staring at the baby. :lol:
- Up until now, she's not watched N alone for more than two hours so we're going to do a trial run day. At the end of the day, I think she'll have a good sense of how comfortable she is and she'll let us know what questions she has
- We're going to make notes about things that are important to us like - napping in the crib, tummy time and things that are specific to N's temperament. Other than that, we're going to leave her free to be - like dressing him in whatever outfits she wants etc.

I just have to laugh today because DH and I have told her countless times to be quiet when putting N to sleep. He just doesn't respond well to talking while you're putting him down. She definitely heard us because she attempted to put him down twice today and while she's still talking to him she says "Oh, what a noisy grandma you have. I should stop talking so you can go to sleep." :lol:
That sounds like a great plan pupp! I really think the trial run will do them both a world of good (go see a movie and get buttery popcorn!!!!!! :naughty: )

I had to giggle at the talking while he's trying to nap story. I had an issue with FIL always holding Sophia to sleep. They would rock her which I decided to just give up on that battle since they are NOT comfortable with any form of CIO or with leaving her alone in the crib. But FIL wanted to hold her as much as possible. I would tell him that he needed to stop because she was going to get used to it and it would be impossible for him to put her down in the crib. He fought with me and continued to do what he wanted to do.

Well, Sophia got heavier and heavier. Holding her for an hour wasn't cutting it anymore and she gave him HELL when he tried to put her down in the crib. He learned his lesson :devil: She'll learn too :halo:
Hi all! guess it's time for me to rejoin this thread. :) N is 3 weeks old tomorrow. it's been awesome. big brother D is doing well and seems to like his little sister a lot. I'm really enjoying the newborn stage this time. one, because I know what I'm doing this time around and two, this is probably our last child so I'm really enjoying every moment. she's already growing too fast! she gained a pound in 9 days!

I have a question about pacifiers. when did you introduce a paci to your newborn? anyone not use a paci? I would love to hear about your experiences going paci-free. with D we did gave him a paci at 9 days old because he was a big fuss ball. cried a lot and always wanted to be held. N has been a pretty easy baby (knock on wood!). sleeps well, I don't even need to swaddle her during the day, and doesn't cry much. haven't had to use the paci. D, at 24 months, is still using the paci to sleep, and I'm not looking forward to weaning. I've been thinking about not using the paci with N since it doesn't seem like she needs it.

I will try my best to keep up with this thread but not sure how well I'll do. DH goes back to work next week so I'll be on my own taking care of a toddler and newborn. I'm feeling pretty anxious about it but I know I'll survive.
snlee - we don't use a paci. at first i was scared to because of the dreaded nipple confusion. then when it came closer to the time for her shots, i read that it may be helpful for her to use a paci to soothe herself during the shots. so, i practiced at home and she didn't want anything to do with it. it was a no go. i brought it to the appt. just in case and low and behold, she got the hang of it right before the shots. [afterwards she nursed]. she never really took it after that. we continued to try for weeks. a couple of times she has taken it, but it's not out of need or anything. she usually will just chomp on it instead.
snlee, Aidan already has a paci. He came home from the hospital with a soothie but is doing much better with the Avent one he has now. DH and I were both binkie babies and Aidan has about 10 different nipples in his life between the boobs, bottles, pacis and shields. He hasn't had any confusion yet.
Just here for a quick drive by, I wanted to share a product useful for mamas freezing their breast milk. I freeze milk flat in Lansinoh bags, and I've been through a number of storage solutions for the freezer trying to find what works. I first bought the First Years storage container on Amazon (sold in stores at BRU) but the bags were a bit too wide after they'd been frozen flat, so they fit in at an angle and took up too much room. Then I used the technique of using small gift bags to organize them (you cut a slit near the bottom of the bag, and oldest milk goes at the bottom, store the newest milk on top, and it sorts it nicely for you as you use it.) However my husband is home with my son three days a week and was too rough with the bags so they didn't hold up. I went to Target tonight trying to find another solution and came across the Sterilite ice cube bin which is in the food storage container section. It was $3.49 and fits the frozen Lansinoh bags like a glove. Perfect! Each one holds about 17 bags for me. I am going to pick up a few more tomorrow. Love these so much! Here is a picture so that you can see how the bags fit upright.

What a cool idea! I was doing the gift bag trick but I tore he bag tonight.

I missed BPF, I finally got my recent pics uploaded, so here's my contribution from last week! This is Aidan at 3.5 weeks.

Aidan 3 weeks.jpg
Lindsey, great find! And you go girl on pumping all that milk!
HH~ A is so absolutely huggable. He just looks like you can't possibly put him down!

re: paci. We never used a paci with JT. He was just a really good self soother, didn't need rocked to sleep or anything. He also never had any kind of lovey. I think he's just a kid who didn't NEED stuff. Lily, on the other hand, does have a paci. She NEEDS to suck to fall asleep. She is just now able to keep one in her mouth (nuk orthodontic). When she was in NICU, they tried to get her to paci because it helps to keep meds down and something about extra need for soothing since there was a traumatic event, yada yada. I'm actually wondering when do we take it from her? I hated seeing my nephews walking around with pacis when they were 2 yrs old.
Jane never took a pacifier, and I sure tried until the 3 month mark. She nurses to sleep, which is going to be a hard habit to break, but we'll do so when the time is right. Congratulations, Snlee.
Hi Mamas! :wavey: I'm also officially joining this thread and hope to post on a regular basis, but like Snlee, DH goes back to work next Monday and I'll be handling the twins on my own for a good majority of time. :errrr: ;))

Things with the babes have been going well! They've both gained 14 oz since they were born which we are happy about. Laila is a very laid back and quiet baby and Alen is more fussy and has a much bigger appetite. Our baby nurse said that boys tend to be more fussy and need more comforting than girls and I guess that's the case for us.

I am tandem nursing them which has definitely been interesting to say the least. I got the "my breast friend" nursing pillow at my shower and it works well with the twins. However, some feedings are easier than others. Our pedi told us to let them feed on demand otherwise one or both will be sleepy and won't feed. That said, how long should you let your baby sleep before you feel they should be up and not miss a feeding?

Also, with Alen esp., I don't feel like he's getting enough from me. I've been drinking tons of water/liquids and taking fenugreek as per my hospitals lactation consultant. I've had to supplement with formula which I'm not thrilled about, but I know that it happens with twins and obviously will do what I have to do so my babies are satisfied.

What have you ladies done to increase your supply? I think that I got off to a rocky start with them since they are preemies and Alen was in the NICU for 10 days after I was discharged for a staph infection he was being treated for. Anyway, any helpful tips, advice or words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated. I really want to tandem feed as long as I can and my Dr. said as long as I put them to the breast first, supplementing them is perfectly fine. I just wish I had more of supply for them (Lindsey - I am so jealous!!). I don't know if I'll get more over the next few weeks or if what I have is all I'll get (I can get 2 oz from both breasts normally - sometimes more and sometimes less). Is that normal for almost 3 weeks postpartem?
They tried to refuse a paci for us in the hospital, but I was so sick I had a hard time BFing, plus he tore me all up in the beginning, so they finally gave in. He used a soothie for awhile but eventually refused it. I was given a two pack of the Avent (I think) pacis, and while he wanted nothing to do with them for two months, after that he grew to love them when he was sleepy. He still spits them out once he's asleep, and will refuse it if he doesn't want it, so I don't think weaning will be hard. He can go days without it even now, and sometimes he prefers to chew on it rather than suck.
Blushing_B said:
how long should you let your baby sleep before you feel they should be up and not miss a feeding?

What have you ladies done to increase your supply?
I do 3 hours during the day and 4 hours at night (although we have gone up to 5 hours a few times because baby and I were both sound asleep...oops.)

have you tried mother's milk tea? I drank that last time to try to up my supply because when I went back to work I couldn't pump much. you are taking fenugreek so not sure if the tea would help.

sounds like you're doing a great job with the twins.

thanks everyone for sharing your experiences with the paci. I know some babies never take it. I'm fine with N not taking it. one less thing to wean from later on. just a bit concerned she might be fussy later and I have no way to soothe her.

Lindsey, great milk storage system! last time I used the plastic container baby takes their first baths in from the hospital to hold my frozen stash of milk.
Blushing, from what I understand, milk begets milk. So the more you nurse, the more you'll produce. That's why its so essential to pump/nurse at least every 2 hours in the early weeks to establish your supply. Your supply will then increase as your body registers an increased need. But it's not immediate. 2 oz total seems pretty average for 3 weeks PP (and it's where I'm at). Also, remember that babies are more efficient nursers than the pump and the pumped amount isn't indicative of what's in the breast or taken by the baby. So you could be producing plenty for Alen when he nurses on the breast.
Linds, what a great solution. We have a small container area in our freezer that holds ice cream or whatever that actually fit the bags perfectly so i just would fold them in half, freeze them, and stack them with oldest on top, so thankfully I never had to worry about storage.

re: paci... J didn't like it at first and would only intermittently take it but more often he wouldn't. but after around 3 months he started to like it and now he takes it for 'soothing'... which means for naps and nighttime. but it falls out when he falls asleep and he might wake up 1x a night and find it and stick it in but other than that he doesn't really use it. i don't want to think about weaning haha but i hope it won't be too hard since it's only sleep and only the 'start' of it. and sometimes he falls asleep without it, like if he's babbling in the crib then just falls asleep.

welcome Blushing! i don't have much to help with the wake/sleep thing because J slept like 3-4 hours from the first day/night and we never really woke him to feed after the first 2 days. but the ladies here have great advice!
Lindsey - I'm also jealous of your stash!

snlee - congrats on your new baby! K never had a pacifier. I didn't want to introduce one at first because I was having such a struggle with BF. Then she just never got the hang of it. We used to just let her suck on our thumb or finger (nail side down toward her tongue, just like we did for the tube-feeding supplementation) to soothe her, and it worked like a charm. Once she found her own fingers, those became much preferred. and she won't take a paci or our finger any more. At least we've never struggled with night soothing because she can always find her hand if she wakes up, which means we never have to go pop a soother back in.

BB - congrats on the twins! The most important thing is to breastfeed often, and to make sure the breast gets fully emptied. They had me double-pumping after each feed with K because she had poor milk transfer, and my supply was crap. I pumped for 10-15min after every feed, and would give her the extra by bottle at the next feed. Eventually after going back to work I switched to exclusive pumping because it was easier. I've also been on fenugreek (I take 4 capsules three time a day) and blessed thistle (3 capsules 3 times a day) at high doses, though you might see results with less. I'm taking domperidone at super-high doses too (40mg 4 times a day). I never would have made it through BF twins, so I admire your dedication! Keep us posted on how things are going.
snlee - congrats on the new babe! Re: paci - Dalia didn't take a paci at first - but that was the orthodontic kind. I offered her the round nipple kind around 6 weeks and she took to it immediately! It was really a lifesaver in a number of different situations, honestly. Really helped to soothe her when she was fussy or hungry and I couldn't attend to her right away. She's 10 months now and has just completely gone off it on her own. Maybe it's because she has a lot of teeth, but everytime I try to give it to her she spits it out, so I've just stopped. Saves me having to wean her off it, so I'm glad!

HH - Cute pic! Aidan seems to be growing nicely.

BB - you had your babies already?? Congrats!!! Pics??? 8) Re: supply - are you drinking lots of water? You need water to help make the milk.

MP - congrats on selling a few prints! that's a great start!

mtjoya - sorry about the illness.... :(( But Yay for not being pg right now!

drk - awww...that babbling is so cute.... this is the age when all the fun begins! Re: foods - At that age, I went from offering single foods (e.g peas in one feeding session) to two different foods together. I.e peas and chicken, or potato and ham. You can also buy the 2nd food Gerber purees, which come in mixes - like sweet potato and corn, prunes and apples, or pears and pineapple. I think we did two-food mixes until 8 months, when we started to add juice and yogurt and bread and other mixes.. Now Dalila gets a few different food together Eg.- for lunch -a cube of mixed veggies, a cube of pumpkin, a cube of mashed potato, and a 1/2 cube of pureed chicken.
Blushing -- I dealt with a lot of different BFing issues in the beginning (as have many women here) so I did a loooooot of reading. Wow tandem nursing, you are one tough cookie! I think it's great that you're working so hard at nursing the little ones. Supply issues... this is so variable and different things work for different ladies, plus everyone has a different idea on how much they want to supplement with formula, if at all. I can say that making enough milk for one baby can be so difficult, so I imagine that two babies is quite a challenge. As far as how long to let them go between feeds, even though yours are three weeks I would have them go no longer than 3 hours between feeds until you're comfortable that they're milk intake is adequate. Keeps them full, and helps stimulate your supply.

Adequate milk -- why do you feel like he isn't getting enough? Do you supplement after each BF session with formula? How much? As for pumping 2 oz from your breasts... is that a total of 2oz from each side, or 2 oz per side? Also, how long after you've BFed them would that pump session be? So are you getting 2oz immediately after nursing, 3 hours after nursing, etc. Also what type of pump do you have? Sorry for the 50 questions, but advice depends a lot on the details.

You're already drinking fluids and taking fenugreek which is the easiest way to boost a supply in most women. Now feeding two babies requires a larger supply than most, so if there any issues beyond that you'll have to work harder. I hate to suggest some of the ideas because I know you are already exhausted nursing twins... but pumping for a few minutes after each feed for a couple of days to boost things up. If you're serious about not wanting to supplement, and if I were you, I would likely look into domperidone. For many women who take it it increases supply pretty dramatically. As drk mentioned she is on it and I'm sure can offer more insight if you're looking at that.
Blushing, no real advice other than what's been given but wanted to give you major *props* for breastfeeding twins. You're awesome!

HH, what a great pic. A is starting to fill out his clothes and looks so cute!

Lindsey, what a stash! ...and thanks for the tips. Storing flat is brilliant because they probably thaw much quicker, right? Nothing like having a screaming baby and trying to thaw a brick of BM!

Snlee, we started with the paci at about 2 weeks. N uses a soothie and we've had no issues with confusion. He doesn't use the paci all that often. Sometimes, he uses it to soothe himself to sleep and I know he's out when the paci falls out. :bigsmile:

AFM, Nolan slept 9.5 hours last night! What a nice break! I woke up twice thinking something must be wrong but he was just sleeping so soundly. The only downside is that I was so FULL this morning. N nursed on the right and I pumped 7 oz from the left breast! I think he's a little sick with the cold that's made its way through the family which may explain the extra sleep. He's pretty snotty and coughing here and there. The coughing seems to be a direct reaction to trying to breathe through the snot. He's pretty happy considering and has no fever so I guess we'll just sweat this one out. My SIL recommended the battery operated booger snooger so we're going to try it to help keep him clear.
OK, now I'm jealous of your supply too Puppmom! 7oz is what I get from both sides together after going 7-8 hours without pumping.

BB - Lindsey has a lot of good questions. When are you pumping, because if you're getting out 2oz from each side after feeds, you sure don't have a supply issue! Have they done weights on the babies pre and post feeds at the lactation consultant? That will give you more of an idea how much you're actually producing/BFing each time.

Sha - thanks for the food advice! I've done stuff like mixing carrots/applesauce, or adding a little steak to squash. Maybe I should get more adventurous with making meats for her, or doing some different veggies. If I don't get my act together, her repertoire of foods is going to be very limited. Maybe she'd like lentils or beans all mushed up...
Oh my, I've missed a lot. Been so busy with A and trying to get this 1-6 month photo book started/finished.

Loving all the baby pictures and hearing updates on all the babies!

Welcome Snlee and Blushing!

PG - re: the video - I would think the same thing as your DH :eek: but only because I do estate planning. Sad but true fact is that most clients do their estate plan right before they go on an international trip. Sorry, that sounded so morbid.

MP - *High Five* for the sales, hope they keep on coming!

Mara - Yay for getting J's costume. I still can't decide what to get. I'm torn between a pumpkin (because it's her first halloween) or a Tigger costume (she's born in the year of a Tiger). DH is no help. I joked around with him last night telling him that he can dress up as homer, me as marge, and A as maggie - we just need to get a blue sleep sack :D

PB - Love the comparison pictures. I wanted to do the same thing but we couldn't decide on what big stuff animal to get. Yay for napping in the crib! It took A about a week to get use to napping in her crib and she's now napping great in there.

Drk - K and A are about the same age so it's great to hear about her milestones. A's also starting to babble mama mama too! Since month 4 she was babbling "ba" which means dad in my language, so I'm super happy she's babbling mama now. Hope K gets over her cold soon!

Mtj - Feel better soon!

Pupp - You have a great plan in place. It's also great that DH can talk to his MIL, it certainly makes things a lot easier.

Sha - Sounds like things are going well! I was hoping to start making my own baby food, but had a busy weekend.

Snlee - re: pacifier - if N doesn't need it, I would just forgo it. We tried to give A the pacifier at the hospital but she rejected it. We offered it to her a few times and she didn't take it until 3.5 months when it seemed like she was teething and wanted something to chew one. Now she takes it only when she naps and at bedtime. Like Mara's J, she spits it out after she falls asleep. She's sleeping so well now, I'm afraid to try to put her down to sleep without it.

Lindsey - Great storage system. I wished it would work for me, but I have about 5 months worth of frozen milk. I don't even want to get started on how many different ways I've tried of freezing, storing and moving it to the deep freezer.

HH - A is simply adorable. Can't believe he's 3 weeks already! He's growing really well.

Blushing - During the first month, A was going 1.5-2 hours between feedings during the day and 4-5 hours at night. Like the others have said the best way to increase your supply is to nurse the babies on demand. Keep up the good job!

AFM - For the last few days A (6.5 months) has been waking up in the middle of the night just sitting up and flopping down and doing this repeatedly until she gets tired and falls back asleep. She doesn't fuss or cry. It looks like she's sleep-sitting (like sleep walking) because DH would go in her room and she wouldn't even see him.

She's now doing a half crawl half army crawl. She's also pulling herself up on everything. So so mobile! Oh and she's now putting her arms out for me when she wants me. :love: Melts my heart because she usually hates to cuddle and won't let me hold her.

Back to going through a gazillion pictures and putting them in a photobook ...
snlee I think if your new LO is easy going and doesn't seem to need the paci, I'd skip it. My son used a paci in the NICU but was never super interested in it... at home he lost interest totally and we stopped offering it. I tried re-introducing them later when he was going through a fussy spell but he just couldn't get the hang of it. One less thing to wean them from!

drk Congratulations on 6.5 months of BFing/pumping, that is a real milestone! Also, big yay for pants that fit again... right now I can just dream about that, can't I? ;))

HH I keep meaning to post that Aidan is SUCH a cutie! Ahhhh I love that round face.

AFM I certainly never thought anyone would envy my stash. I am not an over producer, I make just about what Andrew needs. When he started sleeping from 7pm until 1 or 2am I just kept pumping at 9/10 every night and have built my freezer stash one bag at a time per day... seems like it has been forever.

Question about starting solids... so my friend's son is 10 days older than mine and she started solids three weeks ago. She's done cereal, apples, squash, and carrots so far. One week into solids he developed diaper rash which she said now is TERRIBLE. The past few days she said it's been blistering and even bled. He had a pedi checkup yesterday and her ped told her that this will now be the new norm until he's out of diapers. Is that true? I haven't started Andrew on solids yet and was really looking forward to it, but now I am like... ummm no thanks! I have heard about bouts of diaper rash once starting foods, but I have certainly never heard that it will pretty much be a constant until they're out of diapers! Can anyone weigh in?
Lindsey - re: solids and diaper rash - I have never heard that. We started rice cereal at 5.5 months and since 6 months, we've given A peas, green beans, sweet potatoes and oatmeal. A's never had a diaper rash (*knocks on wood*), and I hope I haven't jinxed myself by saying that. Could it have been the type of diaper the other mom was using for son? I've read that the new pampers dry max was causing diaper rashes. Hope the more experienced moms can chime in.
L - I think her bum got a little more irritated after starting solids, but certainly nothing dramatic. It just means we put zinc cream on a little more often. What did really change was her poops. No more BF baby mushy diaper blowouts, just firmer different coloured ones. Our family doctor told us to start giving her water to try to help keep things moving poop-wise.

Ally - sounds like K is falling behind. She won't get to sitting up position by herself, nor pull up, nor really try to crawl. If you put her on her tummy, she might push up once, and will then just put her head down on the floor and fuss/cry. She doesn't even try to roll over much these days. It was like she hit the milestone and then just stopped once she could do it.
Drk - I really believe that babies develop and reach certain milestones on their own time. K may not be doing those things now, but she will soon enough, and maybe all at once :cheeky:
Lindsey, what???? The dr told her that a blistering butt would be the norm for years? That's crazy. From my obviously limited and non-medical experience, of course. O definitely didn't have any diaper rashes as a new born, but we've had them since. He has pretty sensitive skin so too much poop or sitting in a wet diaper for too long definitely causes rashes. One sign of a food allergy CAN be diaper rash, but not necessarily.

If I was your friend, I would cut the foods out one by one and see if the rash clears up. In the meantime, a bleeding blistering butt is not a normal state. It happened to O when Pampers switched their dry-max, but we haven't had bleeding since.

I don't think you should expect that to be the case with solids.
*Lindsey* said:
Blushing -- I dealt with a lot of different BFing issues in the beginning (as have many women here) so I did a loooooot of reading. Wow tandem nursing, you are one tough cookie! I think it's great that you're working so hard at nursing the little ones. Supply issues... this is so variable and different things work for different ladies, plus everyone has a different idea on how much they want to supplement with formula, if at all. I can say that making enough milk for one baby can be so difficult, so I imagine that two babies is quite a challenge. As far as how long to let them go between feeds, even though yours are three weeks I would have them go no longer than 3 hours between feeds until you're comfortable that they're milk intake is adequate. Keeps them full, and helps stimulate your supply.

Adequate milk -- why do you feel like he isn't getting enough? Do you supplement after each BF session with formula? How much? As for pumping 2 oz from your breasts... is that a total of 2oz from each side, or 2 oz per side? Also, how long after you've BFed them would that pump session be? So are you getting 2oz immediately after nursing, 3 hours after nursing, etc. Also what type of pump do you have? Sorry for the 50 questions, but advice depends a lot on the details.

You're already drinking fluids and taking fenugreek which is the easiest way to boost a supply in most women. Now feeding two babies requires a larger supply than most, so if there any issues beyond that you'll have to work harder. I hate to suggest some of the ideas because I know you are already exhausted nursing twins... but pumping for a few minutes after each feed for a couple of days to boost things up. If you're serious about not wanting to supplement, and if I were you, I would likely look into c. For many women who take it it increases supply pretty dramatically. As drk mentioned she is on it and I'm sure can offer more insight if you're looking at that.

Hi All! Thank you so much for your replies regarding my nursing issues. It's nice to know that some of you have also gone through the struggles of nursing!

Lindsey - I don't think that Alen is getting enough because although he'll fall asleep after 25-35 of nursing, sometimes he wakes up rooting shortly after. Other times, he just seems fussy so I know he's gotten enough, but sometimes I'm just not sure if he's looking for more or just fussy.

I don't supplement after every BF session, but maybe half the sessions are supplemented and the other half are not throughout the day. I'm also getting 2oz from both breasts after 3-4 hours without nursing. When I supplement the babies a lot of times they are taking 2oz. I'm using the Medela Pump in Style which I think works great so, no complaints there. Also, my pediatrician suggested I do not pump after each session (I was in the beginning) and now I'm just pumping before bed and occasionally during the day. I guess I should start pumping again after each sessioon since I keep hearing/reading that it's a good idea to increase the supply.

I've never heard of domperidone, but that's worth a shot too. Drk, how much did it increase your supply? I've just been taking the fenugreek (one capsule 3x a day). Should I increase that amount? You are taking 3-4 capsules 3x a day?
J has been on some form of solids since 4.5mo and he's 8mo and we have only had one diaper rash and it was because he pooped early at night but I didn't know til 6am and he slept through, so it was stuck on his butt cheeks all night. It took about 3-4 days to get sucked and now we are more diligent about checking him if we even think we smell anything.

One time also he had blueberries and pooped and vomited blueberry all day long but there was no rash accompanying it. No more blueberries for him for a while.

I think saying that they will always have a rash after solids is ridiculous. Every kid is going to be diff. Seriously--sometimes I hear what pedis say and want to be like 'REALLY ? Where did you hear that little gem!?'

Ally lol @ blue sleep sack. That'd be awesome.

Drk...yay for 6.5mo! I remember when you were just trying to get your supply going!

Pupp..the new MIL solution sounds like a plan to me. And I totally think over time she'll gain more and more confidence and you guys can rest a bit easier.
If my pedi said blistering, bleeding diaper rash was the norm, I would look for a new pedi. Even as a fairly new mom with a baby that has never had diaper rash - and has been eating solids for several months! - I know that is just wrong. I would tell your friend to try switching diapers if she is using the Dry Max, and go about solids in the "3 days=ok" way. One food for three days so you know he isn't allergic.