
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Lulu, another gorgeous picture! So pretty.

MP- I can't believe that little man! Does he know he's still a baby? LOL. Those boots are too cute. I actually just bought 3 pair of shoes on Mamabargains, they came in the mail yesterday, and I :love: them. They have really thin soles, so they aren't super heavy and will be great for once he starts walking. The company is "Me in Mind" and MB had them for 60% off. (Just sharing in case you are as obsessed with baby shoes as I am!)

HH- He is such a cutie! He reminds me of my sister's son who I realy get to see so I love looking at your pics! :halo:

Anchor, thanks for the tips on the food, but we are actually already feeding him cereal and some fruit. We feed him the cereal between 630-7pm and he goes down for the night with his bottle around 8. His bottle before bed is 7-8 oz which means he really shouldn't be hungry. I guess it could just be another growth spurt, but that doesn't explain the screaming and squirming?

Also, just to add, C usually moves around in his crib and all the way to the end before he starts making noise, but now, with the screaming, when I come in, he hasn't even made it out of his blanket. So it seems that he is screaming the minute he wakes up...

MP- How much is Micah waking up? Does he scream as well?
HH, that pic is fab. LOL about the gang signs! :lol:

Lovelylulu, we're going pumpkin picking tomorrow too! We plan on wearing N.

Mere, could C be going through a growth spurt? I blame everything on them. :bigsmile:

SS, I love Lily's hair! :love: Even though she's just a babe I feel like I can see what she'll look like as a kid.

MP, loving M's outfit!

re: tummy time - N still won't really lift his head during tummy time. He seems to have pretty decent head control otherwise. Does that seem normal?
sorry for the quick drive-by. N is pretty cheery right now, so we're going to play!

THANKS much for chiming in on the 4-month wakeful. Boy, it's a handful!

Last night started kinda rocky- he did not want to go down, which is unlike him. So I nursed him and handed off to DH (desperately needed to take a shower!!). When i came out, he was asleep. DH decided to go "old-school" and completely swaddled him. Note that we had started to stick an arm out and then went to two arms out last week. He seemed to like it, then this week happened. So DH swaddled him at 9:30p and he went until midnight. I nursed him and put him back down with no fuss. He slept until 7a and I had to wake him. Hooray!

I admit that I'm bummed that we're going "backwards" (having to again full swaddle), but our thought is that he NEEDS to sleep (as do we!). So if we have to full swaddle him again for a bit, then so be it. seems to be the best course of action for now. Just don't know if we're prolonging the wakeful phase or what. But it was glorious to get 7 hours of sleep. I didn't even get up to pump during that time- oops.

LOVE all the pics. such cuties!
The pics are so cute!!

Lulu that is the sweetest pic!!
Pupp N is so handsome!
MP Micah looks so old! How much does he weigh now? My Mom is obsessed with us putting shoes on him but I love his little chubby feet naked.
HH so cute, congrats on 1 month!

re: overeating at a young age... I think that's silly too. I know a ton of babies who oink out and just grow like crazy. They're babies. How can you restrict their food? Looking back I think that J was kind of fussy for a few weeks between like 2-6 weeks because we weren't feeding him enough but not realizing it. After I think we got smarter about correcting that he was fine. So you don't want some fussy, hungry baby on your hands either or them not growing properly.

re: sleeping... sorry to say to the younger kid moms that it isn't ever always 'consistent'. and J is a great sleeper overall and sleeps for the most part 10-12 hours with 1 wakeup. but sometimes it's 2 wakeups. and most of the time it's just a quick wake up and back down but sometimes we have to feed him. and he eats a lot of solids but he could be growing or teething or whatever. who knows. so much happens to them in that first year especially.

more later, trying to finish a conf call so i can get into the office. happy friday ladies!
Just to clarify, I don't care that my baby is waking up more, I worry that he is waking up *Screaming*.
Squeee - PS babies are so cute!

PG - I can definitely see my DH doing the same thing. It is so frustrating to have to feel like you have to give them instructions. Common sense you know? But on the flip side, it's a learning experience for them too, so continue to keep giving them instructions and keep the lines of communication open, and it'll get much better. You've been doing a good job with the communication.

Mere - Glad you had a (mostly) good trip! re: sleep - it's always one thing or another. Not sure about the screaming. A usually wakes up from her naps/sleep pretty happy, but there were times she woke up crying.

Pupp - Love his 2 month picture! Such kissable cheeks!

JCrow - Yay for sitting up. She'll learn to sit up by herself in no time, and then the crawling begins.

Lulu - Look at those pretty blue eyes. Such a beautiful girl. Yay for rolling over! And you're such a good aunt taking care of both N and your nephew. re: pumpkin patch - we're definitely taking A since it's her first halloween.

MP - How handsome is M! Love his whole outfit. I can't believe he's standing/leaning already. He might be an early walker. And yay for progress on decreasing his nightly bottle!

HH - Happy 1 month to A! So funny about the gang signs. My A has always flailed her arms a lot so many of her younger pictures looked like she was making gang signs. A tip re: number pictures: take a picture of him in the swing or bouncer so that you will have a good way to compare their growth from month to month.

CG - I forgot but is there a reason why you guys deswaddled N? We only deswaddled A because she started rolling over.

Mara - We saw the chicken costume at carters and it was soooooo cute! We put A in a pumpkin costume, but it was a little bit too big, so then we put her in the tiger costume and we had a "this is it" moment. She is so stinkin cute as a tiger.

AFM - Rough night last night. I think A was overstimulated yesterday when we were out shopping. She slept at 8pm then woke at 11 screaming, held her in the glider till she calmed down, then put her back in the crib drowsy, then she woke up at 3:45 wailing. I let her CIO for 15 mins but it just got worse so I went to her and couldn't find her soothie. Went downstairs to get her another soothie, rocked her, put her in crib and she went right back to sleep till 7.

Here's my BPF contribution - A loves playing with peoples' glasses, so I put mine on her ...

holy baby milestone

little n fell asleep in her carseat all by herself.

i am beside myself.

our self-soothing is working.

it's working.



happy friday :wavey:
Lulu - congrats! Happy weekend indeed!

Pupp and MP - great photos of your little cuties!

Here's (finally) another BPF pic of K, taken last night. She was pretty tired while eating dinner, so she managed to rub her eyes and face with the squash I was feeding her. Oops - guess we'd better feed her earlier so that she's not rubbing eyes while eating...

Kara squash small.JPG
Beautiful bebes ladies! Love them! :love:

Here is my diva tugging at my necklace!

Happy Friday mamas! :saint:

okay, i gotta question for you ladies....

veggies: what to do if your bebe only likes 2 types of veggies. J will devour carrots & sweet potatoe. HATES green beans, and semi likes squash. Can you ladies suggest some tricks or something? hehe! shall I mix or what? plz let me know. We have a doc appt. next month and doc wants us to have 4 veggies to be given to J. Thx! :wavey:
This was ages ago, but just wanted to thank Charger, Mara, MP and PG for your thoughts on daycare. Will be doing some research soon!
mtj, there are lots of other veggies. our J loves pumpkin. there are a bunch of different types of squash. he also likes corn. you can do can even make mashed potatoes. asparagus. broccoli. cauliflower. i get a blend of veggies at TJ's that is organic and frozen and just make the whole bag and puree it with some quinoa or brown rice.

love the pics!! so cute.

drk, J always rubs his eyes while eating, we feed him about an hour before bed but once he rubs them he always rubs them more and more and we end up having to bathe him because his face is all covered half the time! and then i think he gets stuff in his eyes too which makes him more irritated.

so weird for J too, he loves his morning meal but his evening/dinner he's always so much more fussy and tempermental. we haven't added the third meal in yet because i still don't know how the schedule will allow so for now we still do 2.

PG, i totally think that G would fall asleep like that too. it's crazy how the men just fall asleep wherever!! i could never even relax enough to doze while J was with me on an unprotected bed. i mean unless i was totally exhausted from a week of no sleep or something, but then i wouldn't keep him on there with me, i'd put him in his crib. men!

that said.. sometimes even i underestimate how fast J is now. i put him on the bed the other day and turned away for a sec to pick something up from the floor and turned back around and he was literally about to crawl off the bed. totally freaked me out and i was like holy #*!& he was fast.
OMG, I just LOVE BPF! I love how we have wacky pics! REAL babies, not always cover models. ::)

mtj~ JT wasn't a big veggie lover either. He would eat sweet potatoes, carrots and squash. I started mixing other things in small quantities. I tried doing flavors that you would normally have together like peas and carrots. I would just mix in 1-2 spoons of peas in a full jar of carrots. After he started eating that well, I'd increase the peas. He stayed at 1/2 and 1/2 for some veggies and would never eat plain peas or green beans. When I started feeding him the little meals, I would add another spoon or two of a veggie too. He's a good eater today and will try almost anything. Oh, and green beans are his favorite! A food can be given a dozen times before a baby will actually like it too. You can give one bite of green beans or something and then switch to your squash if need be. At the next feeding, try another spoon of beans again.
Mere, Micah has no idea he is a baby and wants to do everything we do. He desperately wants to eat what we eat, and stares at my fork and licks his lips and tries to get it, but poor thing, he needs more teeth before he can eat french fries or something lol. He likes those shoes, too, because they are very light. They barely weigh anything. We had another pair from target and they were SO heavy, he was afraid to move his feet. I like that these have ankle support because they are taller, too. And he doesn't scream too much at night, he just fusses and whines until we bring the bottle. But if I don't move fast enough then we get real screaming!

pupp, Micah has always had great head control but at first he didn't lift his head on his tummy much. He had to work up to it. I think you still have time =)

Charger, I figure that whatever brings sleep is a good thing, whether it means regressing or not! You gotta do what you gotta do.

Mara, I think Micah has to be over 20 pounds now. His next appointment is this coming Friday so we shall see. He's so heavy! I love his naked baby feet, too, but I hardly ever let him go bare for fear of him getting chilled. I have always hated seeing babies out and about with no socks or shoes.

ally omg, that is so cute with your glasses, haha!

Yay, lulu, for self soothing! I remember how exciting it was when Micah fell asleep on his own.

drk, that is a such a good picture of K eating. One for the baby book!

mtjoya, uh oh, you have a blingaholic coming your way soon! Also, Micah hates peas so far - they actually make him gag - so we have stuck to sweet potatoes, carrots, and now squash. Have you tried avocado? I like the idea of mixing to ease them into trying a veggie they normally don't care for.
So Aidan has been very moody in the last two days at random times, but most often in the late afternoon. I know some of this is normal, but today he's been super fussy, basically since he woke up. I've changed him, fed him, cuddled him, bounced and rocked him and nothing is satisfying him. I just swaddled him and he's settled down-YAY! This is what I do in the late afternoon and at night as well. My concern is that he's being swaddled too much, that can't be good for his arms, right? We use the miracle blanket and aden & anais swaddles, both of which secure his arms to his sides. Do any of you know how much is too much? I always make a point to unswaddle when he gets up from naps for a bottle and a change, but still. How much is too much?
HH~ A may just be having a rough couple days and want the extra swaddle time. If it's just temporary, I wouldn't worry about it at all. If he's in the swaddle most of the day, I'd check with the doc. It doesn't sound like he could do any harm to a newborn, but since I don't know that for sure, I'd call and ask. I'm glad you have a way to settle him though!

pupp~ Forgot to say, Lily still hates being on her tummy and screams her head off and buries her face when I make her, even if it's on me, my legs, a pillow, etc. But, she's got great head control. Tummy time is necessary to build muscles but they also build in other ways.

MP~ I love baby feet too, but I always try to have Lily's covered. So, every time I change her diaper while she's wearing a sleeper, I attack the baby feet with kisses.

Lily slept completely thru the night!! She ate at 10 was asleep and in bed by 10:45 and slept until 7:30! She was up for a couple hours and is now napping happily in her crib! She's 12 weeks (although not officially 3 months). My mom always said that babies' real personalities and temperaments develop at 3 months. That's when you can tell what "kind" of baby you're going to have. (actually, now that I think about it. That thought falls in line with the "4th trimester" philosophy) With both kids, it was like a switch. They hit right around 3 months and just became really mellow and laid back. Now that I've said that, I'm sure I've jinxed it! Lily still screams when she's hungry or forced into terrible tummy time, but she's just becoming the sweetest little doll! I am so blessed. My cup runneth over.
Shiny-thanks. My neurotic side wonders if not having the opportunity to flail and wave his arms around will make his muscles waste away or something. OMG, why did motherhood make me such a wackadoodle?

Also, have you tried tummy time on the boppy? Aidan LOVES it! He can do push-ups on it already.
HH~ Lily hates all tummy time. The only way I can get her to do it is in 2-3 minute increments while screaming. I'm wondering if it isn't because of how full her tummy is ALL the time. We'll keep trying and eventually she'll do it I'm sure. I've started laying her on my chest while she's alert and then gradually sliding down so I'm more reclined. She'll deal with that for a while so hopefully soon we'll get all the way down. Being a wackadoodle is par for the course. It'll wane. Of course it will also come back at inopportune times!
Argh, just want to vent that we went to the mountains for a music festival and bike race, but when we checked into our condo, they hadn't sent up the PNP yet. It didn't arrive until an hour and fifteen minutes later. DH is out pre-riding tomorrow's course during "nap time," but I of course have gotten no down time. Also, the closet door had fallen off or something, so some maintenance guy was here for the first hour too. Since the PNP didn't arrive until after he left, I guess that was OK (distraction to keep Claire awake), but still annoying. Now she's just in there babbling to herself.

Also also, the PNP is actually a Cosco brand, and the sheet doesn't appear to be made for it. The guy just kind of shoved this huge sheet loosely under the mattress. I think I fixed it OK, but I definitely would not be comfortable using that with a newborn.

Note to self: bring own PNP in future.

Babbling has turned to crying. Hopefully crying will turn to sleeping.

Why is it that vacation is never vacation for the mama?
PG...your vacation doesn't sound all that fun! Boo. Hope there's sleep tonite for everyone!

HH... I wouldn't worry about the swaddle too much esp if it's only to sleep. J was swaddled in A&A for the first 2 months of his life and after that we used MB and he slept like 15 hours a day swaddled and his arm and leg movement is fine. My Mom was the same way though 'it can't be healthy'...but lots of people do it and our pedi was fine with it.

MP... lol I never have socks or shoes on J. He's got naked baby feet like 95% of the time. Today I had socks on him and they looked so weird! Then again here in CA it seems like 1/2 of the peeps wear flip flops anyway hehe. Even in winter I never wear socks with my shoes unless they are boots.

Speaking of french fries and teeth-- J has no teeth still and tonite we had french fries leftover from a bbq with friends. They were big and kind of soft so I gave one to J to see what he'd do since we are experimenting with larger types of food (under supervision). He totally loved it! He basically stuck it along the side of his mouth and gum chewed it til it was soft then would eat pieces off it. He ended up eating I loved it! He also has been eating cropped green beans and julienned carrot stick things. I love that he is having to learn this with no teeth yet, it cracks me up.

Someone has a runny nose/a bit of congestion, I think from the nanny share this week--the little boy had a minor cold earlier. I was thinking we'd been spared but apparently not. Other than that he's acting like his normal self.

And here is my late BPF. Our prof photos were finished last nite and this is one of my favorites. This captures J's crazy little personality so well--whatever he's after, he's gonna get it and he's excited! I think it was the photographer's water bottle. lol.

Awesome photo Mara!

MTJ - how about mixing avocado in with banana? K likes that a lot, but not avocado alone. I feel like we have to start introducing more veggies too now, since her repertoire is pretty limited. Not sure what to suggest other than to keep trying little bits of things that haven't gone over so well in the past every once in a while.

Vent here. It's Thanksgiving weekend in Canada, so we went to visit my mother. It took less than 24 hours for the first blowup. K usually gets up, drinks about 5oz, then 3 hours after that has solids and 3 oz, then 3 hours later another 5oz, then 5oz 2.5 or so hours later, and then solids and 3oz before bed. We've been doing this for months, and she's gaining well and happy. So this morning she wakes up, DH dresses her in some clothes that she puked on last night, gives her her bottle, and she's happy and playing. Then Grandma wants to play, so I go upstairs to get dressed. Start hearing her saying "Oh, are you still hungry?", and come down to find her smooshing up pears for K. When K's not due to eat for another 2 hours. I took K out of the high chair because I wanted to get her changed into fresh clothes anyhow, and she got fussy like she often does when getting changed. "I was just going to give her some pear. She's hungry." I said that she never eats at this time, she's not hungry. "She's chewing on her fingers." (Like that's anything new) Again I said she gets her solids at around 10:30, and she sucks/chews on her hands all the time. Next thing you know, Mom's glaring at me with tears in her eyes. "I just wanted to give her some pears. Why do you have to be so rigid?" I say we have a routine that works for us, and she never gets solids at this time. "How would you know, you're never home?" Then she claims she's not trying to put mommy guilt on me. Yeah right. DH luckily agrees with me that we shouldn't just change the schedule that works for us because my Mom wants something different. Apparently every little grumpy phase means K's hungry. And now she's stormed out to the gym, when she said she'd rather skip it today to stay home and play with K. Ha. Love the stress of family... Why wouldn't DH and I know what works for our baby? I didn't come back with the comment that how should she know what's best for my baby, when she's around even less than I am.
Ugh, sorry Drk! I remember previous stories about your mom. She sounds very childish. At least her trip to the gym means you get a break! And yeah, who just decides to feed somebody else's baby without asking?

So last night we were up for an hour with Claire. Since we don't usually sleep in the same room with her, she goes back to sleep on her own when she stirs. At 2 she started crying, and DH shouted, "It's OK Claire! We're here!" I think he was half asleep and it was just an instinct. So of course she woke up. DH said we should bring her into bed with us. I think part of the problem is that we need a single vision when it comes to night time. Is our goal to get her to stop crying as soon as possible, or is our goal to get us all back to sleep as soon as possible?

So she got into bed with us and sweetly collapsed on my chest. I wanted to wait for her to fall asleep so we could move her, but DH said let's do it now, and she got upset and flailed around, finally settling back on my chest. This happened with slight variations about 10 times -- DH sometimes trying to move her between us, or onto his chest, or Claire scooting between the two of us. At one point DH forgot what the goal was and started a "Can you make this sound?" game. Finally at 3 when DH appeared to have fallen back asleep and Claire started banging playfully on the headboard, I moved her back into the PNP where she fell asleep in about a minute.

It would have been better just to let her cry for 10 minutes at 2. Note to self . . .
PG - that doesn't sound like a fun night. We usually let K cry for a couple minutes if she does wake up at night, and she usually goes right back to sleep on her own. Hopefully you and DH can agree on how to handle wake-ups so that you're not trying to figure out how to proceed in the middle of the night.
Drk, sorry your mom's acting like a whackadoodle. How stressful! I find that it's stressful enough to have outings or company with the LO so I hate when people add to that!

Phoenix, I totally hear what you're saying and it's not just vacations, it's all of the outings with LO. I constantly have to be the bad guy and the voice of reason. Yesterday we went to the pumpkin patch and N was happily sleeping in the carrier and DH wanted to take him out and get some pictures. Doesn't he know you don't wake a sleeping baby?! I convinced him to wait until right before we left but I'm always having to be the one to question his brilliant ideas! We did end up getting good pics that made it look like we had fun. 8)

Lindsey, thank you thank you thank you for your BM storage suggestion. I'm so excited that I now have a way to store a lot of milk in a small space. I'm so excited!

Mtjoya, N's obviously not on solids yet but my nephew loves the veggie/fruit mixes. SIL gives him the Ella's Kitchen pouches that they sell at BRU.

Mara, that pic of J is absolutely darling! I can't wait to do another shoot with N. I thought the newborn shoot would be it but now I'm hooked!

AFM, I'm going back to work in two weeks - you guys think I can institute a quasi-schedule between now and then? ...or am I just setting myself up for frustration?
Just wanted to chime in for HH re: overswaddling...I don't think it's possible! My ds was colicky, and honestly for the first 1.5-2 months, he was honestly swaddled 90 percent of the time because his modes were either screaming or sleeping, and he had to be swaddled for the sleeping thing to happen and sometimes it helped with the screaming thing. All our early pics of Jacks are of him swaddled. I used to worry about it too, but he survived just fine! He rolled, crawled, and walked all right on time. We swaddled until 4 months, but I did try to give him more free unswaddled time as he got older, but early on, I wouldn't worry about it at all.

And drk, sheesh that stinks, hugs! Moms are rough. My mom and I have actually had several rational discussions now (after several fights) about her 2nd guessing my parenting decisions or just undercutting my authority (I had J a toy, and she takes it away saying, "he'll hit himself in the head, it's too heavy" kinda things), and she realizes how horrible it is for her to do that, she totally doesn't mean to or want to do it, but she just can't seem to help herself! I see her trying to bite her tongue at times (which is just as bad really), and sometimes she refrains from saying stuff, but most of the time she just can't help herself so I try to cut her some slack, she understands when I get upset, and we just take breaks from each other as needed when we see each other.
Cute BPF pics as usual! :love: I have to download some pics from my camera today.

drk - I'm amazed to see how big K has gotten! I didn't even recognize her! She's really gained well. You and your DH are doing a great job! Sorry about the unneeded stress from your mom. Sounds like she has some issues with how she perceives her role a a grandmom?

PG - Hope you'll get some rest before your vacation is over. Yup - seems like a family vacation is never a vacation for the mama. So unfair. If DH and I took a vacation, I think I would have us leave her with family, much as I would miss her. DH would probably say," Oh nooooo, let's bring her! It'll be FUN!!!" Easy for him to say. :rolleyes: He's not the one who gets up every morning at 6:30 to feed her. And it just wouldn't be a real vacation to me at this point if I couldn't sleep in at mornings. Sometimes DHs just don't understand. But I guess we still have to work with them, right? ;))

Hey, has anyone heard from Amber? I haven't seen her around the forum in a while. Wonder how she and Piper are doing?


AFM - Weaning is on my mind. I really love breastfeeding and really would prefer to continue for longer than a year.... but I'm also looking forward to getting back to 'normal'. My body proportions have changed quite a bit (top half is bigger and lower half is smaller - so I'm busting out of my tops, while my pants are sagging... :lol: ) - I just want my regular body back. And I want my hormones to get back to normal too. Still haven't seen AF, and I have a feeling she won't return till I wean completely. With baby #2 on the mind...I really want my cycles to get regular in time for TTC again sometime early next year (hopefully). That said, I'm happy about being able to bf for a full year and thankful that I didn't have to struggle with any major issues doing so. :))
hi mamas

Will post more later, but one question:

Little N started rolling from back to front a few weeks ago. We've unswaddled her for sleeping and only one time has she sort of screamed when she found herself in her crib on her belly. Now, instead of getting scared, she's sleeping on her belly.

is this alright?

she's 4 months old tomorrow . . .
once they are unswaddled and sleeping on the belly there is not much you can do to stop them, lulu. i know that most of the things say back only etc etc but if they are doing it themselves during sleep, short of you checking on her every 15 min and rolling her back (aka not realistic), you can't do much.

J started doing that and i just had to tell myself that he had to figure it out himself. it's definitely stressful. but if it doesn't bother her then i would say let her do what she wants. a lot of time they do it in their sleep and they roll around--they don't always stay like that.

drk...sorry your mom is being HM. i agree with sabine re: what she posted on her mom. my mom is kind of the same way and she always is giving unsolicited advice but i just know how she is, she knows i may not listen and we both deal. she raised 3 kids a long time ago and i'm raising one today. she has a lot of valuable knowledge but it's not all applicable anymore. in any case, i just try to remind myself that J is lucky to have so many people that love him and it's not a huge deal if he gets a little off routine here or there because g'ma loves him. that works, most times. :bigsmile:

pupp, re a routine...try to get it going ASAP and then just see if it sticks! it may not be totally stuck but that's ok because your MIL might change it a little anyway, see above re my post to drk too hehe. J def had some schedule changes going with my mom but in the end he's still a great, well-adjusted kid.
lovelylulu said:
hi mamas

Will post more later, but one question:

Little N started rolling from back to front a few weeks ago. We've unswaddled her for sleeping and only one time has she sort of screamed when she found herself in her crib on her belly. Now, instead of getting scared, she's sleeping on her belly.

is this alright?

she's 4 months old tomorrow . . .

Once she can figure out how to get on her belly, there's not much you can do. Sophia figured out how to do that on her own when she was about 5 months and has been a belly sleeper ever since.
Lulu- We've had C on his stomach since her could turn his head back and forth on his own (2 months). It is the ONLY way he will sleep. (Until he could turn his head, he was sleeping on me at night.) We have had no problems, and to be honest, IMO, once they can turn their head back and forth, they should be able to move their face away from any "tight" spaces.

PG- I hope the rest of your trip went well!
Drk- So sorry to hear about your mother. That is tough. It is already hard to leave your little one everyday, and the last thing any mother needs is someone throwing that is their face. Boo on her! I hope she was able to chill out at her workout.

AFM- The screaming has almost stopped, which is great. I like him to wake up mumbling to himself. It's so cute!

I need opinions... I know there was a thread about this before, but I cannot find it.

What is the furthest you have traveled with a baby? My mom and I are going on a Mediterranean cruise next August. I am honestly not worried about the cruise or the travel once we get there. I am more worried about the flight and the time change. C would be about 16 months old come the time of the trip. Any advice? Should I just leave him here?