
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

aidan has screeched all afternoon with bad gas. Luckily my mom came for a visit and took on the challenge, god she's such a trooper. Anyway, when DH got home she handed him off and high tailed it out of here. Fussbucket continued his shenanigans until about 15 minutes ago when I stuck him in the vibrating bouncy seat....silence, sweet sweet silence....
hh - have you checked to see if silent reflux is an issue?
don't worry'll be back full force soon enough!! my first 2 were kind of normalish light and then the next few were so bad i thought i was dying. so fun. NOT!

re: dairy... one of my friends kids was intolerant and she had to cut ALL dairy out for like 9 months. horrible! but i guess it happens.

re: fussiness, J was super fussy between weeks 3 and 7. after that it got way better.
So day 2 of Nap CIO went better- he cried for about 30m and then napped for A FULL HOUR! I finally woke him up at 10:30- I was supposed to have fed him at 10, but sleep won out here.

Yesterday was 45m of crying and a 30m nap. I think we're making progress! I wasn't able to try CIO for his next couple of naps today as we were out and about for most of the day, and he catnapped here and there. Not ideal, but he got more sleep in today than he has since the early days. I also put him down for the night about an hour earlier than usual (8:30p), as lately I've been having to wake him in the morning, so I know he needs more sleep.

Phoenix, I meant to put him down a bit earlier, at 8:30a, but the gutter cleaning man surprised me by arriving earlier so that threw things off whack. However, he woke around 6:45a, so putting him down at 9a was still kinda on track to make the 2 hour wakeful period rule. But yeah, a bit earlier would've been better.

Mara- I did think that perhaps he was too young for CIO, but I wanted to give it a shot. I've read that it's OK to try it at around the 4-month mark? Perhaps first trying it out for naps will allow it to "take" when we need to try it at night (and I know that day will come!) For now, he goes down without a fuss for the night so it's not an issue.

re: wills- DH and I need to get on that train. I think we'd most likely designate his parents as N's guardians. My folks are just way too old (dad/93, mom/77)

re: fussiness- I recall that N was EXTRA-SUPER fussy at around the 6-7 week mark. He must've been swaddled for like 18 hours/day during that period!

AFM- DH has been on a biz trip, and I can't wait for him to come home tomorrow. It's nice that mom stayed over yesterday and tonite- she's been a help, although far from spry... Anyway, he gets into town early and doesn't plan to go into the office, so we're hoping to have some fun family time- yahoo!
Jcrow, the thought has definitely crossed my mind. In fact, Aidan has been spitty since birth, but the spitting up has pretty much normalized at this point. We asked the pedi about it at his 2 week visit and he said that an immature esophageal sphincter is common in babies, especially early/little ones and it would resolve itself over time. So anyway, just in case that was an issue I've been doing some of the home remedy techniques like frequent burping and keeping him upright for awhile after eating but it doesn't really seem to make a difference. I've fed him flat on his back (midnight fly-by feeding) before with absolutely no visible impact. Is there anything else non-medication-wise that we can do?

Part of me thinks it's just gas. I have a very touchy digestive system (gluten intolerant, somewhat sensitive to dairy), I'm always gassy and have other issues on a pretty regular basis. So it's possible he could have inherited those traits.
HH- have you tried massaging his belly? Google WATER WHEEL and SUN MOON (along with something like INFANT MASSAGE)- they're massage techniques/strokes that are supposed to help with gas. I recall this from a handout i received at one of my mommy group sessions- can try to locate it if you need more info.
HH-Sorry to hear that it has been tuff! I promise that it gets better. J used to fuss so much and everyone would hand her off to me and really didn't get that much help. It was all me 100 percent! It got better for me after the 4th month. Hang in there girl! You are doing great! :wavey:
Thanks ladies.

Hey, do any of you have a recommendation for a good calming/lavendar baby wash? We used some J&J stuff last night and it smelled like plastic to me. I like the Cali baby wash but I'm looking for something a little more relaxing for night time.
Hudson, from what you have posted, I personally don't believe that it is reflux. C had reflux and he would cry everytime we put him down, and was only content while we were holding his upright.

We made it 6 months without any sickness... For the last few days, C has been doing this quick coughing thing, you couldn't tell if he was really coughing or just making noise. Well, twice last night he woke himself up coughing, but went right back to sleep. Then this morning, he woke up 2 hours early with Phlegm. Poor baby. He has been sneezing which makes him cough more, and I can hear some congestion in his nasal passage that I used some saline on to try and break it up. (I tried an aspirator originally, but turned up nothing, which made me think it's sinuses). I am waiting for the doctor's office to open, but he doesn't have a fever, so hopefully they will have an answer over the phone.

We are supposed to take the little ones to Zoo-Boo (Halloween at the Zoo) on Friday with some other SAHM friends... I really hope that C is feeling up to it by then.

I called my mom so that she could hear the cough, and she told me that it was probably time to invest in a humidifier. Do any of you ladies use them? Do you recommend a good one? Hot or Cold?
re: humidifer, we got one from BRU. they only carry like 2-3 in stock. we have been happy with it so far. it's from vicks and it was $39 but i had a 20% coupon. we've used it twice. i think that it works pretty well since we started using it after the first day he was sick and he cleared up within 2 days, but honestly sometimes i am so lazy to set it up. we got a warm one because i read that the cold ones tend to breed extra bacteria and also weren't AS recommended? but seriously, it seemed like everything i read online was conflicting re: warm or cold and which was 'best'. all i know is i had a warm one and it worked great when i was little. ha! this last cold we didn't set it up and his nose seems to have lasted longer.

re: CIO... CG yeah we did CIO with J when he was 4mo and a little earlier etc. sometimes it was intermittent. but at 5.5 mo it finally seemed to stick or at least he GOT it. before he was so stubborn about it. i think that some kids take to it great but J can be so difficult when he wants hah.

re: baby wash ...we use Aveeno and they have a Lavender one we liked, we used it when J was really little. now we are using the regular one and we still love it. We got like 5 bottles of it as gifts (and some J&J which we don't use at all, I will be gifting it) and I love Aveeno.

thanks MP for chiming in re: J's sleeping. Last nite funnily enough I was all set to not go into him if he got up at 4am. And he slept til 6am. And he did fuss then because G was up and moving around so I went in and paci'd him and he went back to sleep til 7:30. So hopefully it's just a phase. But we'll see. And I think the kid is teething (though I always think that because there are NO TEETH and he's 8.5mo!) because I see two big white areas under his front bottom gum but we'll see if anything pops out. he was really fussy yesterday afternoon--totally out of the normal for him.
Thanks for chiming in Mara. I am going to get a humidifier today, use it tonight, and see if it helps.

We talked to the nurse at the doctor's office, and since the cough has been going on for almsot a week (eventhough it hasn't been the phlegm the whole time) they want us to come in tomorrow morning. I sure hope it isn't anything serious. C is still happy as ever, so I can't imagine it could be too bad since he isn't hurting.
Hi All - just checking in quickly - I'm soooooo busy with twins. My days consist of laundry, sterilizing and feeding round the clock. We are still getting visitors so, it's been very hectic! Just wanted to thank DRK and Lindsey for the BF advice. I will be trying your methods and will report back soon!

DRK - seems like domperidone is hard to come by. Where did you order yours?

I feel like I've been missing out on such great mommy info hear, but no time to read! :(( Hope all the mommies are doing well!
After a night of no sleep (b/c I had insomnia not b/c baby didn't sleep) and then a really fussy baby day, my wonderful DH let me get a blissful 8 hours of sleep last night while he bottle fed our 8-week old son 4.5 oz of expressed BM at 1am. So, obviously my bb's missed that feeding session. Actually only one bb missed the feeding session -- he's really only been drinking from one boob at most feedings for the past couple of weeks. I went to a la leche league meeting last week and was told that was normal for some babies ... that they get to be more efficient eaters.

I got up at 6:15am and fed him off one bb and then pumped both bb's -- got about 3 oz from the one he ate from and 7 oz from the other, and actually didn't completely drain the 7 oz bb but the bottles were full and I didn't have others cleaned (the 7 oz bb has always been more of a producer). Does that sound like too much BM? I sometimes wonder if i have an oversupply, but I don't leak (though sometimes he does choke).

My question is how much will missing one feeding in the middle of the night screw up my supply? Is this a really big no-no? I have a ton of trouble falling back to sleep after the middle of the night feeding (diaper change, reswaddle, feed, and then rocking while he's upright b/c of reflex end up taking almost an hour) so I would love it if my DH take over that night feeding on occasion so I get a full night's sleep. I was rereading posts from a while back and Ginger said something about the 1a-5am time slot being really important hormonally for BM production and that she always made sure to get a pumping session in during that time?

I put a call in to the lactation center a few weeks ago regarding a different issue, but they never returned my call. Grrr ...

Thanks in advance for any help!

Oh, and much belated thanks to Mara for the gripe water/Mylicon info. We have a pedi appointment next week for his 2 months visit, so I'm trying to hold out until then to get some help with his reflux and gas (the gas is at least more intermittent now).
All I wanted today was a nap. I have a nasty headache and N finally fell asleep around 2. I lay in the bed at 2:30, the dog joins me (taking up half the bed!) and the phone rings to tell me we have missed our dentist appts about 15 minutes after I get comfy! :nono: I lay back down then DD got home from school and is so friggin loud. Now I'm grumpy.

Turtle, I REALLY struggled with going back to sleep after the middle of the night feeding. In fact, I wanted to punch DH who would be snoring exactly 3 minutes after going back to bed! I did get used to it though and now I go back no problems. I don't know how missing that feed would impact your supply but when N started sleeping 6-8 hours at night, I would be SO full in the morning that I could nurse in the am and still pump 7 ounces. Now that it's been a week or two, I'm not THAT full in the morning so I'm guessing my body adjusted. Can you maybe pump before you go to bed to offset that?
Turtle, take this with a grain of salt as I have wacko bb's (nursing has been a challenge!). N has slept through the night for 2-3 weeks, and I've been getting up at 3a to pump so I don't miss out on that BM. I yield 3ozs from that session alone (which is a LOT for me). During the day I get anywhere from 1.5-2ozs- I've found that out via the LC consults where they weigh him, I nurse, then they weigh again.

So for me, it's imperative that I pump at 3a. But you seem to have a healthy supply, so perhaps it isn't as necessary? if anything, it may just be uncomfortable to go that long for you?

Blushing- as I noted above, I've had supply issues. I'm currently taking Fenugreek, Goat's Rue and Domperidone. Yep, the Dom is hard to come by. Docs here in the states won't write you a script so you have to get it via a compounding pharmacy. I got it through In House Pharmacy- they're based in Canada, but ship from Vanatu (South Seas). Their site is easy to navigate and the process was a breeze- just took about 2 weeks for the med to arrive.
Oh yeah, just a quick CIO day 3 report. Epic fail- tried it for both his morning naps and nada. He was hysterical both times (almost an hour for each). So he hasn't napped AT ALL today, and it's already 1p (he awoke at 6:30 this morning). I'm going to ask his ped on Friday about this. Perhaps he is too young for CIO?? Maybe not age-wise, but weight-wise? I recall reading something about how low weight can also affect sleep patterns and that 14 lbs is the magic number? Does this ring a bell with anyone?
mer - poor baby. I hope that his congestion clears up soon. we got a cold mist humidifier from BRU that resembles an elephant. pretty cute, but we haven't used it yet. i believe it got good reviews.

hh - nora was fussy and full of painful gas in those early weeks. i adjusted my diet, but realized that (for us) it wasn't what I was eating - it was just that her system was so immature. it does get better. the only thing that worked was the manipulation of the legs, pressing down on the belly to get the gas out.

turtle - nora's been sleeping 8-10 hour stretches for a while and i never pumped during the night. well i think that I may have once due to discomfort. i have a decent supply (though I feel like it's taking a dip, but that is an aside) and I just feed from one boob in the morning and pump the other one. that pumping session is my most productive and I believe the most nutrient rich.

charger - hugs to you and nico. I'm sorry that the CIO isn't working. It could definitely be age, that he's developmentally not ready yet. As for weight, we were *just* at the pedi and nora clocks in at a whooping (sarcasm) 12lbs 4oz. how big is your n?

blushing - hello :wavey: :wavey: :wavey: i hardly posted for the first three months of n's little life so i can only imagine life with two. but i always love when you pop in!!

as I mentioned, we were just at the pedi and our little peanut is still a little peanut. but, a healthy little peanut. we got the green light to start on food and I wasn't expecting that. at all. i can't wrap my head around the fact that she's old enough for food. I'm going to have to dig back through this thread for ginger's and mara's posts and do some other reading on the subject.

poor baby got two shots. nursing right after really helps and now she's up napping. hopefully, this time she won't wake up screaming in pain like last time :o i gave her a dose of tylenol to try to avoid it.
pupp, Charger and lulu -- Thanks for the reply. I do think I have a healthy supply, but I of course don't want to do anything to screw it up. But I did pump 10 ounces AFTER feeding him this morning, which seems like a crazy amount since I didn't even fully drain the super bb.
Strangely, though, I was not really uncomfortable. The girls were just big and full, but it didn't hurt or anything. I think I'm going to try to go to a mommies group thing this Friday and I am fairly sure there will be a lactation consultant there who might be able to answer my questions.

Anyone here into babywearing that has a large child? My 8 week old is really long (I need to measure him) and heavy (we're guessing about 13 pounds). He's already uncomfortable for me in the Bjorn and I'd prefer something I could nurse him in. Someone at a LLL meeting suggested a linen ring sling? Anyone have any suggestions?
puppmom said:
All I wanted today was a nap. I have a nasty headache and N finally fell asleep around 2. I lay in the bed at 2:30, the dog joins me (taking up half the bed!) and the phone rings to tell me we have missed our dentist appts about 15 minutes after I get comfy! :nono: I lay back down then DD got home from school and is so friggin loud. Now I'm grumpy.

Turtle, I REALLY struggled with going back to sleep after the middle of the night feeding. In fact, I wanted to punch DH who would be snoring exactly 3 minutes after going back to bed! I did get used to it though and now I go back no problems. I don't know how missing that feed would impact your supply but when N started sleeping 6-8 hours at night, I would be SO full in the morning that I could nurse in the am and still pump 7 ounces. Now that it's been a week or two, I'm not THAT full in the morning so I'm guessing my body adjusted. Can you maybe pump before you go to bed to offset that?

I couldn't figure out how to highlight in PS2, but the underlined portion -- what is it about men and easy sleep? I guess I shouldn't complain, though, as my DH is very nice and does nighttime monitor duty while I sleep with earplugs since our little one is SUCH a noisy sleeper. Seriously, the kid grunts all.the.time.
tutle: I have a linen ring sling - maya wrap - that I use all of the time and love. a lot. you can nurse in it, but i haven't. just because i don't think I'm that coordinated. but, i know that you can. i also have a carrier called a baby ktan which has a pretty high weight limit and a number of positions, also you can nurse.

my lo isn't too heavy yet, but when she gets bigger we are going to use an ergo.

I was super lucky and got all of these carriers (and two others that I don't like as much) from a co-worker.
I read somewhere that a man is more likely to be woken up by a buzzing fly than a crying baby. :angryfire: I so remember wanting to kill both my DH and my dog when I would finally get back in bed and BOTH of them were snoring so loudly. You'll eventually learn to sleep all night again, I promise!

Turtle- Definitely check with an LC but once O got to a certain age/weight, I just let him sleep until he wanted to nurse. I never woke up in the middle of the night to pump. However, nursing dictates your supply, so if you always miss that 1 am feeding, your supply will adjust and you will stop producing to compensate. But sounds like you have plenty, so I probably wouldn't worry about it.

Charger- How old is Nico and why are you trying CIO? Not "why" are you doing that to your baby, :cheeky:, but what is the issue? I don't know the background, but I wouldn't try CIO for all naps and nighttime, might be too much all at once.

Hope all the new mammas are doing well. I miss being here all the time, but it's just hard to find the time to post here. But I try to check in.
CC, :lol: My DH CLAIMED to be a light sleeper before DS was born and was constantly begging me to turn the noisy fan off. Now, he can suddenly sleep through a wailing baby!
Turtle, I nurse e while wearing the Maya wrap all the time. It takes a baby with good latch (more like piranha/suckerfish technique) but he is 16lbs at 5m and it works well for us. Now I'm quite tall and have had some short friends not be able to do the Maya at all. That is just anecdote, no real reason to think the Maya wouldn't work for the small of stature (Mayans in fact were not tall folks), but a few friends have returned theirs blaming height. I think a ring sling would be easy to make, or perhaps on etsy? If your supply is good, and 7 ozs is good, then sleep on woman! I am so jealous that you don't leak!

Lulu! she is 4 months! what a big girl, time flies! Is she interested in food? I want to start making food for him but no interest when I show him what I'm eating. Must do the rice cereal first of course, but he still won't take a freaking bottle.
Hi Swimmer :wavey:

I can't believe n is four months and for some reason the green light on food is just blowing my mind. she has no interest in food that I've seen, but she's just now starting to be interested in watching everything. I'll have to check about oatmeal as an alternative to rice cereal. i love oatmeal, so perhaps my baby will too :bigsmile:

and that's odd about your friends' experience with the maya wrap, considering that it's so adjustable. i use ours on almost every outing and even got my husband to wear it to walk the dogs so i could sleep in :halo: :devil: :halo:

how's baby e - thriving i'm sure!

ETA: speaking of food - does anyone have any suggestions for helpful resources on when/what/how to introduce.

thanks in advance.
I had no idea you could nurse while wearing baby. Off to Google - I must learn more! I feel so trapped sometimes when I'm nursing. I can't even reach my stinking glass of water that's 3 feet away from me!
pupp - it took me a while to figure out that i could get up and move around. though, i generally prefer to stay seated. :bigsmile:

ah, the learning curve on motherhood.
re: pumping - the 1-5am time is essential for increasing supply, and i was always careful about squeezing a pump session in because initially i had supply problems. i think that really helped establish my supply at an abundance, which was great for me in the sense that i'm going to hit the 8 month mark in a couple of days and am still producing ~25-28 ozs per day on 3 pumps a day (i'm an EP'er) which allows me to still EBF (despite AFs repeated efforst to destroy my supply :nono: ). but ditto everyone else in that it sounds like you have a healthy supply and might be able to cut out that pump session earlier than i did. and i totally believe being happy, rested, and less stressed also helps your supply :))

carrier - the ergo has a decent carry weight and i'm pretty sure you can nurse in it. can't speak from experience of course, but the logistics seem sound :bigsmile: and i love the ergo overall as a carrier so i would recommend it on that alone.


haven't posted regularly in a while. work has been busy. i hate that every day day at work if i'm still there at 430, i start feeling this tick tock in my gut. coutning down the minutes knowing that if things don't wrap up by 615, i won't be able to make it home in time to see A before he's in bed. and then that awful sick feeling when that minute had eases past 615 and i know it's done :(sad . i thought it would get easier, but really, it hasn't. if anyhthing it's harder now that he's more interactive.

so what's happened since my last post --- he's finally figured out the straw :appl: i finally got a sraw sippy cup and mealtimes have gotten less damp ::) we've moving slooooowly into super soft chunks of food that he's gumming happily. tooth watch 2010 has yet to show any signs of excitement :rodent: finally dropped the nighttime bottle after the longest slowest wean EVER. finally added in breakfast consistently. finally dropped the third nap, which is nice as his day is less broken up and it's easier for us to go out and about. he's crawling like a champ. he's mastered climbing the stairs :eek: so more baby gates have gone up. he's starting to open cupboards so amazon is about to get an order for latches ::) . he's starting to stand on his own!! longest clock to date is only about 30 secs, but it's getting longer very quickly. babbling like crazy -- can def let us know when he's happy or displeased :cheeky:

overall, just being ridiculously cute ::)
re: DHs sleeping through babies, don't even get me started either. i always get up at night with J and both Portia and G are snoring happily away. Even if getting up just takes 5 min and back to bed it's still hard sometimes to get back to sleep. ESP with G snoring and me listening for J. sheesh! so unfair.

re: introducing baby foods, check out and there is also another one i can't think of right now. but normally this site and the other one will tell you when to intro what. i remember our first veggie being sweet potato, J loved it. green beans are another good one. for fruits you can do apple, pear, banana. we used oatmeal flaked cereal, not just rice cereal..from earth's best. it has less filler than gerber. then i just started adding in things and i'd usually check the internet/site to see what was ok to add in vs what they suggested to wait on.

one note re: starting solids--adding too much cereal with not enough other stuff can bind them a little too much so just be careful...pear, apple, peach are all good things to add to help loosen it up.

so the nanny called me today..J had a 102 fever and diarrhea. i went to pick him up, he hadn't really eaten since this morning and wouldn't take his bottle. and wouldn't nap. he drank some pedialyte and then napped for an hour. his disposition was totally fine, just a little more needy. i had to rock him to sleep. but then he ate rice cereal and banana (binders) and drank some watered down formula and rice cereal before bed. i am sure we'll be up with him tonite a few times but i hope his fever breaks. we gave him tylenol to help it but that's it. he didn't like a wet washcloth on his neck or anything. my poor baby! don't know where he got this thing...but booo on it.
Lulu- N has his 4m appt on Friday, and i'm guessing that he'll just barely tip the scales at 11lbs- he's a wee one!
Re: solids, here's some info I cut&pasted from one of Ginger's recent posts (hope you don't mind that I saved it for future reference, G!)

"re: babyfood - currently the AAP is still officially recommending starting with rice cereal, but word on the street :cheeky: is in the next 6 months or so they are going to chagne that to veggie puree. i think some places in canada and europe talk about starting with a meat puree for the iron. we started with avocado -- simple and easy to digest and moved from there. i posted a few pages back on our first round. i did a lot of research on easy to digest foods and used those first before i went o the more gas inducing ones for my burpy little guy =) :bigsmile: i haven't done any bought foods, but some of the other mommas here have and can make recs on what they're happy with. i was surprised how easy it is to make his food, and fun! didn't think i would enjoy it as much as i do. solids are def fun...enjoy!

as for basic equipment, for avocado and banana i just mash with a fork fresh and that's all you need. for squashes and sweet potatoe i roast mash with fork. veggies i steam and pureee with a food processor. when i started freezing, i bought silicone ice cube trays and freeze 1 oz cubes, then pop them out into freezer bags for easy storage. i didn't buy the more expensive made for baby trays (love how they target moms and jack up the price :rolleyes: ) as silicone is an inert substance and should not leak into food, therefore should be safe for our LOs. meal time i just grab a few cubes, thaw them and voila! dinner is served. i tend to do single ingredient purees and mix and match according to my mood that night, adding herbs and spices depending on what i think tastes good. but i tend to cook for mself and dh the same way so no recipes per se here.

we didn't do cereal until later in the game, and really olny for the iron fortification. now that we've started meats on a regular basis, i really only use it when i want to thicken up something."
More on solids- forgot to add to my last post- The two sites I've bookmarked are:
Hope that helps!

China- Nico will be 4m on Friday, and I'm trying out CIO in hopes to establish daytime naps before he begins daycare in a few weeks. He's never been a good napper, but is a champion nightime sleeper- about 90% of the time he'll go from 9p-7a (so around 10hrs). Unfortunately, it's not going well, so I'm hoping that those naps will "fall into place" at daycare. I can only hope, right??

Mara & Mere- sorry to hear about your sicky LO's. Hopefully the boys will be back to their sunny selves in no time.

And, don't even get me started on sleeping husbands. Mine can fall asleep and stay asleep through ANYTHING. He was in TX on a biz trip the last 2 days, so his body clock is a bit off- he was kinda complaining about it tonite. And I was like WTF?? Anyway, he's now sound asleep and I'm waiting around until 10p so I can pump. ugh