
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Skippy123|1295221298|2824503 said:
Oh my goodness, I can't help but pop in and say how Incredibly Adorable these babies are and how PS has the Best looking babies!!! Oh I LOVE all these pictures, adorable!!! You mommas must be so proud; I know I would be!!! :love: :appl: :love: :appl: :love:

Thank you!!! We can't wait for your little beans to join the party!
Hudson_Hawk|1295221559|2824511 said:
Skippy123|1295221298|2824503 said:
Oh my goodness, I can't help but pop in and say how Incredibly Adorable these babies are and how PS has the Best looking babies!!! Oh I LOVE all these pictures, adorable!!! You mommas must be so proud; I know I would be!!! :love: :appl: :love: :appl: :love:

Thank you!!! We can't wait for your little beans to join the party!

thank you sweetheart! I can't wait to join you :bigsmile: and your beautiful babies!!!! :appl:
Lily, Sky, Jumper, Anderson, little J and Aidy are such cute babies! I can't even stand it!!!

I already commented on FB but yay Aidy for rolling over. I told Charlie and I think that lit a fire under his bum because he came ***this*** close to a roll today!

He is MISERABLE sick still. We went to the doctor yesterday and luckily he doesn't have RSV but he does have a sinus infection. Amox was prescribed but he hates it, and gags, cries and kicks while taking it. I feel so bad giving it to him. Can you ladies suggest a way to make it easier on baby and on mama? I tried mixing 2cc's with 2oz of BM today and he took it fine, but if I mix the entire amount in BM then that means I need to add two more bottle feedings a day which I would rather not do because I barely get to nurse him as it is, but I will do so if I need to.

Here is my late BPF contribution. We could barely get any smiles today but he finally laughed yesterday!

Oh, I missed that Charlie is sick. Poor little guy. The only advice on amox I can give is try it really cold and put it deep in his cheek. The cold is supposed to dull the flavor. If he'll suck on the syringe, let him. Hold him close while you give it and lay him flat afterwards. If you have to force his mouth open use your thumb on his chin. I hope he feels better soon!
I agree! PS babies are super cute!!!!

SS -- I can't BELIEVE how much Lily looks like a cabbage patch! That's hilarious! I showed the picture to my husband on my phone..."Look at this cute chubby baby!" and he said she looked like a cabbage patch before he even saw the pic above! This might seem like a weird request, but can you show a better picture of her hair? I love it! Is it long in the back?

HH -- Love the stand off pic. How do you attach the top of the jumper to the doorway? I wonder if it would work on our doors that are archways...

Allie -- sorry to hear your baby is sick. Are you working? I think that would be a nightmare, and I'm not looking forward to a sick baby and then rolling into work the next day like a zombie. I think those days will be video days for my students!

Noel -- love the new pics of your pear faced baby! She's so cute! You will catch a smile soon, and try to get a pic! They are fleeting. Do you speak English or Dutch to her? What does your husband speak to her?
I am working...but today we have the day off. I am praying that tonight he sleeps better. Last night he was up at 2, 4, and 5 and which point I just brought him into bed with us and he slept until 7am and was up for the day.
Allie, sorry to hear that the little one isnt feeling well. We haven't had any medications given to us as of yet, so I'm sorry, but I dont have any advice regarding the meds.
Looks at those lips on C! Gorgeous!

SS- That pic is too funny!

C has been sick, but is getting better, thank goodness. We have been really luckily that he has been pretty healthy, only 2 colds in 9 months. However, when he is sick it is hard to hear him so fussy and unhappy. He hs been sleeping well at night, but the naps are almost non existent, which doesn't help his demeanor.

He also has his two top teeth finally breaking thru, at the same time. Last night he woke up at 330, and I fell asleep holding him in his nursery for an hour. He went back to sleep really easily, but just needed some love.

I will post a pic a soon as I can get my computer back!
We had a rough night too. My nephew's bday was yesterday and the party wore Lily out. She had a fussy night and woke up at 5am wanting to eat. Also last night JT dumped a ton of glitter in his eyes. I spent an hour getting it out. I took him to the dr today and he's fine.

Just for Lanie~


SS--hee hee! Love it! And that's a pretty reddish color! Glitter in his eyes? Oh lord.
Ugh, Aidan is either reacting poorly to solids, has a tummy bug, or is teething (or all of the above!). This morning he had a loose/mucusy stool that was bright green. I'm not sure if it's because he's been eating more purees and cereal and is having a reaction, if he has a bit of a bug, if he's teething, or if it's normal. To be honest he usually poops when he's at daycare so it's rare that I see it so I don't even know what is normal for him anymore. He hasn't had any green veg recently, just carrots and peaches with rice cereal mixed with formula. He had a major blow out early this morning, which DH changed and said was brown and normal and then this odd one...He's maybe a little cranky today but he didn't sleep well last night so that's not unexpected. Other than that he's acting totally normal.

He's also woke up every hour last night and has only been taking really short naps, like 30-45 minutes.
Skye: 5.5 weeks

so far it's going well with Skye sleeping on average 5 hrs through the night. her sleeping hours are from midnight til somewhere between 10 am to 1pm with one or two feedings in between. I guess that sounds pretty good. once back to sleep, I get to hop on the treadmill for 30 min followed by a relaxed shower every morning. today we went to visit a lady from my pregnancy class and her baby, who is one week younger than Skye, but was born 10 days late as opposed to Skye born at 38 weeks. they are quite different. her baby hates the pacifier (which will be great that they don't have to wean her off later) and doesn't like tummy-time. her baby does a lot of smiling.

HH - love the face off pic. have you had much contact with the lady to whom you donated BM?

icekid - how's it going with the thrush? I give Skye Nystatin in liquid form via a syringe. she finds it disgusting and spits up most of it. the pearly color is gone from her lips now (as the stuff stays on her lips because she doesn't know how to lick it off), but it's not staying on the tongue as long as we'd like. once the meds are done (12 days worth in total), I am going to stop because I don't want to be doing this for weeks.
Glitter in his eyes! Ouch!
noel- Jumper's thrush is definitely cleared up, but I still have an awful breast/nipple infection. Enough that it is making me consider giving up breast feeding ;( Sigh. It is always something. 5 hours is awesome! Go Skye.

Hope all of the sick babes are feeling better soon! And that their mommies get some rest soon, too!

I just got the high resolution photos from our photographer from Jumper's newborn shots at 8 days old. I cannot believe how much he has changed already!



OK experienced mommas. I need your help. I had the scare of my life this afternoon with Anderson. It was about 2 hours after he had eaten, and he was stirring a little, getting whiny, so I picked him up and was trying to tide him over until it was time to eat again. I was holding him in my arms, talking to him, and he was just peaceful and looking up at me. All of the sudden, it was like someone had electrocuted him, and he got stiff straight, got bright red, and threw his chin up to the ceiling. He didn't make a sound, and it was like he was choking on something. I'm tearing up thinking about it right now. I pulled him upright, and he was making this weird smiling (but not happy) face, was bright red, and again, chin up to the ceiling. Little bits of curdled milk came out of his mouth, and he finally made a wimpering sound, so I knew he was kind of breathing. He was gasping for air, and I didn't know what to do. I turned him over on my lap and started patting his back, with his head towards the floor. He started crying more after that, so I knew he was breathing more. He was still alternating between crying and going stiff straight, pushing his chin upwards. I turned him up again so I could see his face, and he did it again, so I turned him face down on my lap and just pat his back for about 5 minutes. I was bawling and so scared, but he was crying, and never turned blue or anything. I can't describe it...almost like the reaction he would get if he was choking on a toy, which obviously he wasn't. I put in a call to my pedi, and what they do is they take down the info, and then someone calls me back, and I'm still waiting. I don't want to be a nervous nelly momma, but if you girls would have seen it, you would have been freaked out too. Anyone else experience this? It was definitely pain he was feeling. My thought is maybe acid reflux, but he doesn't spit up a lot (I know that's not always a sign either), and he's fussier the last 3 days, and he's kind of fussy after eating, but it's not all the time. I hope this never happens again! :(( :(( :(( Please help out...I hope someone knows exactly what this is, because I had the hardest time describing it over the phone, and it's one of those things you would have to see to understand.

ETA -- Icekid, those photos are so precious! I regret not doing them myself. How do they get the babies so calm? Do you tank them up with milk and hope for the best? So cute!
Lanie, you totally did the right thing by calling the pedi. If they don't get back to you, I might even take him to the ER just to be seen...our ER charges $50 and you have to wait forever, but if you are freaked out, I"d take him in. It sounds really scary and I don't know what it could be, but I am sure it's hard to have to wait. Hugs.

Ice... those pics are precious..!! so cute! LOVE that hat...and don't be surprised if it's too small for him in 6 months.. J's head used to be normal and now he's wearing like 3T hats!!
Ice, great pics!

Lanie, I would take him to the hospital. What a horrible thing to experience. Definitely not normal, but hopefully just a one time occurrance. Many of us have babies who dealt with/are dealing with reflux, andhave never encountered that kind of situation.
Lanie- Yikes... that is really scary! I'm not too sure what to make of it. If you're not happy with the ped's answer, it cannot hurt to take him to the ER (except that it will probably take forever.) Let us know what they say. Poor little A! And yes, milk coma plus sleepy newborn makes for nice photos hehe.

Mara- That is so funny! J's head does not look huge. It is amazing how they seem to grow at warp speed.

meresal- thanks! :bigsmile:
Lanie, please take him to the ER right away, whether the pedi has called back or not. Seziures in babies don't always present as tremors.
Lanie - It sounds to me like he had old milk coming up and he choked on it. I could be wrong, of course, but that's what it sounds like. The flaps in baby's throats are immature and when something starts to come up it can get stuck in limbo because the baby doesn't know what to do with it. We go through this with O a lot, though it's usually when he's eating and not later. We had the luxury of learning how to deal with it at the hospital while he was still hooked up to monitors though. That way we were able to learn what to look for on his face to make sure he was dealing with it on his own. The most important things are that you heard him getting air and that his color didn't change. Even when O's oxygen levels would drop at the hospital we wouldn't worry about it right away but would instead give him the time to work it out on his own as long as his color stayed pink. I hope your pedi calls you back soon!!

icekid - So jealous of your infant photos. We had scheduled to do them too but obviously couldn't because of our situation. Our photog was nice enough to let us reschedule for 6 month photos. I'm happy we'll get to do photos but they just won't be the same as those awesome newborn ones!!

HH - Sorry to hear things aren't going well with little Aidan. I feel like everything with babies is a guessing game!!
Lanie~ I hope you were able to get seen by the dr. It sounds similar to what Lily did when she vaso-vagaled. But, it could be a seizure caused by any number of things. Lots of prayers for you and A.

Jumper is absolutely precious!! I love the close up of his sweet face.
Skye slept 7 hrs straight! had to wake her up at 7am so that she didn't go too long without feed. then she fell back asleep. (sorry I keep posting about how much she sleeps, but it hopefully means I will get more rest so it makes me happy.)

Lanie - that does sound scary! sorry, I'm only familiar with choking followed by coughing and gasping for breath. please let us know what the doctor says.

oh damn she woke up. holding her with one arm while typing

icekid - awesome pics. love the 2nd one.
Lanie - We had a very similar experience when my DS was 3 weeks old. I know how terrifying it is! We rushed him to the ER. Turned out he had reflux and it was what Kunzite decribed. He was "choking" on old milk. We were admitted to the hospital and they did a apnea test for 24 hours. They did send him home w/ a heart monitor that we used for about a month just to be on the safe side, eventhough he showed no signs of having apnea. My son did have to go on Alimentum though as it was the only formula he did spit up constantly. I'm really sorry you had to go thru this, I will never forgot going in to check on my son and seeing him bright red and choking...scariest experience of my life...hands down! Please let us know what happens w/ Anderson.
Skye pretty much slept the whole day through! just awake an hour this morning, fell asleep during all the feeds, and when she was fussy I "read" her a picture book and she fell asleep again. I almost didn't know what to do with all the free time today.

I almost woke her up to ask "Who are you and what have you done with my daughter???"

I think we're in for a long "I'm awake now!" night. :errrr:

another creepy thing... I was looking at her and felt like I was looking at myself as a baby, though of course I only know what I looked like from pictures. it was weird but also beautiful and made me teary. ;(
noelwr|1295368677|2825787 said:
I almost woke her up to ask "Who are you and what have you done with my daughter???"

I think we're in for a long "I'm awake now!" night. :errrr:

another creepy thing... I was looking at her and felt like I was looking at myself as a baby, though of course I only know what I looked like from pictures. it was weird but also beautiful and made me teary. ;(

Isn't it amazing how much they resemble us as babies? Micah looks JUST LIKE DH when he was a baby. It's uncanny. And Skye may be having a growth spurt to explain all the sleeping - if so, expect a fabulous nights sleep ahead of you! I hope so! (EDIT: I just noticed that yes, she slept awesome. Yay for mom!)

I haven't posted in here in ages. I am so behind. I feel like I never have time to properly acknowledge all the cuteness.

Yay Aidy for rolling! And that stand off picture is hilarious. What does the cat think of the jumper? My dad's cats avoid Micah's walker At All Costs. I am hoping his tummy issues are related to teething - is he drooling a ton?

I'm sorry Charlie is sick Allie :blackeye: Poor little guy. I second putting the Amox in the fridge - the colder it is, the less they will notice the flavor, they just swallow fast to get the cold stuff away.

Mere, yay for teeth! I keep waiting for Micah to get more teeth but no dice. He got those two bottom teeth super early and hasn't had any more coming in at all. I hope C feels better soon!

SS, Lily's cheeks are just begging for squishing. I want to so bad lol. And ack at glitter! How did that happen?

icekid, jumper's toes are asking for a nibble. I love the pictures!

Lanie, that sounds so scary :shock: I don't have any ideas but I agree about heading to the ER ASAP if you haven't already.

Micah is about thisclose to walking. He wants to so bad. He cruises on everything and lets go to work on his balance constantly. He isn't so interested in the crawling, though he will do it if he must. I am actually really excited for walking - he will be able to follow me everywhere instead of being carried, and I can actually get something done when I'm home with him! I also hope it will help his sleep. This baby REFUSES to STTN. He still wakes up twice a night, sometimes wanting to stay awake at 3am. Not. Impressed.

We did have a scary Falling Off The Couch incident yesterday. I still feel terrible thinking about it. He was so freaked he wouldn't breathe, and he turned bright red. I blew in his face to get him to take a breath and then he finally screamed. It was awful. I am trying to come to terms with the fact that he will fall often, and probably hurt himself, too. But that's hard! Can I put him in a bubble?

And since I haven't in a few weeks, here is my belated BPF. I loooove this pic. I hope it isn't as big as I think it is.

Noel -- I am happy for you and your little Skye that she's able to sleep, but I am secretly jealous. The longest we have gone is 5 hours and I was thrilled with that. You are one lucky lady! Peace is like gold these days!

Thanks for the thoughts ladies. It was super scary, and I'm especially glad Kunzite and cdt chimed in. I wasn't prepared to take him to the emergency room, especially since he was completely okay all after the "episode". My pedi called as soon as I hit "submit" on PS and said it was reflux. She said exactly what Kunzite said...if he's pink/red and making noise, then he's okay. She said it's scary, but he's working through it. She said if he turns blue to call her immediately. Duh...after I do infant CPR and call 911! Anyway, she said he reacted to me, so it wasn't a seizure. Infant seizures show no reaction, and the spitting up was old acidic milk. Just in case though, I have an appointment with another pediatrician, just for a second opinion. I figure the copay is cheaper than a visit to the ER, and I just want to have someone hear me describe it in person, just to make sure. My DH is kind of weird about it. He thinks I'm overreacting, but he wasn't there to see it. He figures he's learning to breathe and swallow and deal with this reflux, and he panicked and that's what made him do that. I stand by my decision to get a 2nd opinion though, and hopefully my non medically trained DH is right! My mom even told me I'm being a nervous mother. Hmph. :angryfire: Anyway, the doc said we don't need to do anything just yet. Just to keep him elevated while feeding, elevated 20-30 min after feeding, and slightly elevated while he sleeps, all of which we do already. She said if it keeps happening, then we'll discuss putting him on medicine, but she doesn't want to do that just yet.

ARGH. I knew this critter was going to give me gray hairs, but I didn't think it would be this early! :cheeky: Thanks again ladies. I don't really want to discuss it more since it is done and the more I think about it, the more sad I get.

And I'm just hearing on CNN that there's another high school shooting in California. What is happening to love for each other?!?!?
Lanie, I'm so glad everything is okay!

Noel~ Yay for sleeping!!

RE: glitter in JT's eyes. He was supposed to be sleeping. He came out of his room hanging his head and his hair was all sparkly. I asked what happened and he said he spilled glitter. I asked DH to put him in the shower and I would check his room. DH starts yelling for me to come in to the bathroom. JT looked up at me with red and very sparkly eyes! DH was panicked. I told JT to hold still while I scooped out the bottom lids with my pinky nail. Then I flushed his eyes with saline for 15 mins. Each time there was another gob in the bottom lid, I'd scoop it out. After all that was done, we got the full story. He was playing with the glitter on his bedside table and spilled it. That was fun. Wonder what would happen if I poured it on the floor. Oh yes, that's fun too. What about all over me on my bed?! Not so fun.

Lily had her 6 mo appt today. 23lb 4 oz, and 27". Doc is hoping that after she starts weaning off the heart med that her appetite will decrease a bit and when she starts moving around she'll slim down a bit. If at her 9 mo check she stays on this same curve, he's sending her to an endocrinologist. Other than being a super chunk, she's great. He and the nurse both commented on how observant she is and how she acts much older than 6 mo. I say she's sitting in judgment of others. lol. She always looks like she's sizing you up.
Lanie|1295378372|2825929 said:
Noel -- I am happy for you and your little Skye that she's able to sleep, but I am secretly jealous. The longest we have gone is 5 hours and I was thrilled with that. You are one lucky lady! Peace is like gold these days!

Thanks for the thoughts ladies. It was super scary, and I'm especially glad Kunzite and cdt chimed in. I wasn't prepared to take him to the emergency room, especially since he was completely okay all after the "episode". My pedi called as soon as I hit "submit" on PS and said it was reflux. She said exactly what Kunzite said...if he's pink/red and making noise, then he's okay. She said it's scary, but he's working through it. She said if he turns blue to call her immediately. Duh...after I do infant CPR and call 911! Anyway, she said he reacted to me, so it wasn't a seizure. Infant seizures show no reaction, and the spitting up was old acidic milk. Just in case though, I have an appointment with another pediatrician, just for a second opinion. I figure the copay is cheaper than a visit to the ER, and I just want to have someone hear me describe it in person, just to make sure. My DH is kind of weird about it. He thinks I'm overreacting, but he wasn't there to see it. He figures he's learning to breathe and swallow and deal with this reflux, and he panicked and that's what made him do that. I stand by my decision to get a 2nd opinion though, and hopefully my non medically trained DH is right! My mom even told me I'm being a nervous mother. Hmph. :angryfire: Anyway, the doc said we don't need to do anything just yet. Just to keep him elevated while feeding, elevated 20-30 min after feeding, and slightly elevated while he sleeps, all of which we do already. She said if it keeps happening, then we'll discuss putting him on medicine, but she doesn't want to do that just yet.

ARGH. I knew this critter was going to give me gray hairs, but I didn't think it would be this early! :cheeky: Thanks again ladies. I don't really want to discuss it more since it is done and the more I think about it, the more sad I get.

And I'm just hearing on CNN that there's another high school shooting in California. What is happening to love for each other?!?!?

Lanie, I'm so happy to hear that he's doing alright and it was just reflux! Our pedi was hesitant to put A on meds and when we finally got the go-ahead after 12 weeks of doing the holding upright after feeding, sleeping upright, rice cereal in the bottle, and changing pedis he was a different kid. So if you think it's really a problem say something.
HH--was the 12 week wait due to doc orders? I remember your pedi issues. And A was super fussy all the time right? I feel like my A is fussy if he's awake. Up until last week he was the calmest baby but now it's a different story.

MP--love that pic of Micah! His eyes are so pretty. And I didn't know your family spoke Spanish. (or if I did I forgot)
Lanie|1295382661|2825979 said:
HH--was the 12 week wait due to doc orders? I remember your pedi issues. And A was super fussy all the time right? I feel like my A is fussy if he's awake. Up until last week he was the calmest baby but now it's a different story.

MP--love that pic of Micah! His eyes are so pretty. And I didn't know your family spoke Spanish. (or if I did I forgot)

Micah went on Gentlease formula at about 9 weeks I think because the other made him super gassy. Omg he was a cranky pants after eating, poor thing! Could that be an option? I forgot if you're BFing. If you are ignore me lol.

And yes, both my family and DH's speak Spanish. I wish I did! I understand far more than I can speak.
SS, my nephew was 22lbs at his 6month appt so my brother and SIL had visions of a 40lb 1 year old! Well, he just turned 1 on the 4th and he's 25lbs. I'm sure Lily will level out too. She sounds like a smart cookie! She's probably wondering what all of the fuss is about! :lol: