
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Pupp~ I meant to ask about the cradle cap. Did you find anything out?
Lanie|1295382661|2825979 said:
HH--was the 12 week wait due to doc orders? I remember your pedi issues. And A was super fussy all the time right? I feel like my A is fussy if he's awake. Up until last week he was the calmest baby but now it's a different story.

MP--love that pic of Micah! His eyes are so pretty. And I didn't know your family spoke Spanish. (or if I did I forgot)

For the most part yes, our first pedi refused to treat him with meds, she felt it could be treated with other methods and didn't feel his case was too serious because he was a chunky baby. Then after his 8 week visit we decided to get a new doc and it took us awhile to find one and get in for an appointment. In that first appointment the doc put A on Zantac and referred us to a pediatric gastroenterologist who later confirmed the reflux diagnosis and the treatment plan. What I regret the most about all of this is not realizing that my baby was unhappy. He crabby, mopey and didn't smile a whole lot. I feel like some of his social development was delayed because he felt so crappy. Things are a lot better on the zantac, but he definitely has his moments where he's still uncomfortable and he spits up all the time. I'm actually going to talk to the doc about changing prevacid or prilosec because they're one a day doses. The zantac is weight specific so you have to constantly up your dose to account for weight gain.
Lanie - Just delurking to hear I'm glad your LO is doing better and that you found out what was going on. That must've been so scary! I can't even imagine. Sounds like you did all the right things!

Love all the recent pics posted!

So, I'm a graduate of this thread but still lurking around.... Someone posted a 'milk coma' pic recently and I thought that might be a good idea for picture contributions (milk comas are so hilarious! :lol: ).

So how bout seeing all the milk coma photos?

I'll start...(I really miss BPFs here! Pics aren't done much on the 12-36 mth thread...:blackeye: ))

This was D at around 2 months old, I think. He hee....

Sha, :wavey: I'll play!

HH- Where did you get the door jumper for Aiden? What's the full name of it. We are looking into buying one for the twinies. ::)
shots today. ;(
I just wanted to pop in and say:

Lanie - I am so sorry to hear about the scare with your LO. I really hope that it was a one time thing.

Icekid - OMG, Jumper is positively precious! Thanks for sharing the photos.
We have C's 9 month appt today. Hopefully he will react well to the shots. I thought that he was past his little cold, and then this morning he woke up all congested again... boo.

Here is my little man, and his new teeth... he turned 9 months yesterday!

ETA: Those milk pics are too cute!

C is 9 months old 1.18.10ps.jpg
OMG, Mere! He looks so proud!
oh Mere, he looks like such a big boy!

Lanie- hope all is well. what a scary thing to go through

hello to everyone else!

N turned 7 months on saturday and we're trucking along. he had a bit of a cold last week, and ended up getting pink-eye (yuk). don't know if one was related to the other, but it made for an uncomfortable couple of days- he sure didn't like his eye drops.

he's been on solids for over a month and that's going great, except for the avocado. we first intro'd it right after he turned 5mos. he took it OK. then threw up after 3 days of it (lovely green!). we thought he had a stomach bug so stopped it and delayed solids until 6mos as overall he wasn't really into it. We tried it again at this stage, and it only took one feeding of it for him to throw it up. so it looks like his little belly just doesn't dig it. but everything else: pears, sweet potato, peas, zucchini, banana and green beans agree with him.

he's not quite sitting up yet- he can do the tripod position, but topples over once he lifts his hands off the ground. he's super-close and like everything else will just happen one day out of the blue. he's also close to crawling. rocks, scoots and rolls all over the place, so i'm having to keep a watchful eye. can't even imagine what it will be like once he's really mobile.
ChargerGrrl|1295461395|2826765 said:
oh Mere, he looks like such a big boy!

N turned 7 months on saturday and we're trucking along. he had a bit of a cold last week, and ended up getting pink-eye (yuk). don't know if one was related to the other, but it made for an uncomfortable couple of days- he sure didn't like his eye drops.

Thanks CG! So sorry to hear your little one ended up with pink eye. Horrible! C is fighting a cold right now, and pink-eye has been my biggest fear. I am very susceptable to pink-eye and know that mucous can be an immediately cause, so I walk around with a wipe in my pocket at all times. C hates it, but literally the minute he finishes sneezing I shove that wipe under his nose to wipe the snot away!

Congrats on all the solids! He'll be sitting up and crawling in no time! So exciting!
Mere, I was HORRIFIED that he got pink-eye. good thing we caught it super-early. the doc wasn't even 100% sure that was it as his eyes weren't really even pink and bloodshot, but they were crusty/mucousy so he went with that diagnosis.

there wasn't a case reported at his DC, so we don't think he got it there.

didn't know about the relation to mucous, but it makes sense.

it's so hard to keep his little hands in check- he sometimes rubs his eyes like crazy (and not just when he's sleepy). so yep, i too am a fan of always having a wipe/tissue handy. i've been doing a ton more wiping since last week, and he HATES it but oh well.

i just hope he doesn't become susceptible to it.

knock on wood- he's survived his first couple of months at DC with 2-3 colds and now the pink eye, nothing too major.
Blushing_B|1295445853|2826579 said:
HH- Where did you get the door jumper for Aiden? What's the full name of it. We are looking into buying one for the twinies. ::)

My mom got it for A for Christmas. I think it's from BRU. It's a graco and the mat on the floor plays music when the baby (or cat) hits it.
Milk drunk and in the hospital no less!!! *sigh* he was such a peanut then...

Hudson_Hawk|1295468725|2826864 said:
Milk drunk and in the hospital no less!!! *sigh* he was such a peanut then...

aww tiny Aidan!! It is truly amazing (and sad sometimes) how fast they change and grow.
Hudson_Hawk|1295468558|2826861 said:
Blushing_B|1295445853|2826579 said:
HH- Where did you get the door jumper for Aiden? What's the full name of it. We are looking into buying one for the twinies. ::)

My mom got it for A for Christmas. I think it's from BRU. It's a graco and the mat on the floor plays music when the baby (or cat) hits it.

My mom had one of these for us when we were was called a "johnny jump up" and some of my fave baby pics are of me in this thing. My cruel parents would put me in it, put a cheerio just out of my reach, and watch me try to reach it in that thing. She had to get rid of it by the time my younger sister came around. Apparently my older sister would grab my younger sister, pull her back and stretch out the cord, and try to fling her across the room. :bigsmile: :lol:
I'm loving the milk coma pics! I already posted my best one, and I'm sad to see they don't do this as they get older.

Boo to colds and pink eye! I'm sure the pink eye hurts too. Poor bebes.

HH--I don't know if you saw my question earlier, but I asked how it attches to the doorframe?

Mere--he DOES look so proud in that pic! He's going to make a lot of girls go ape over him when he gets older!

MP--I just Reread about M falling off the couch! My mom had the same thing w one of my brothers, except he was yanked off the bed by my other brother. She said the same thing...that they stop breathing when they freak out. Dear babies around the world, please come up with another method of dealing with crises. Thanks.

One last update on the choking and I'm done: went to another pedi to get 2nd opinion and she agreed w first diagnosis. It's called ALTE, acute life threatening episode. Which made my eyes as big as dinner plates when she said that. Basically his version of a panic attack from acid reflux. She suggested putting him on rice cereal and cutting dairy out of my diet, and I think I'm going to wait on the rice cereal for a bit. But it was so great to tell her in person. He even had a more minor choking fit right in front of her so she saw it. Phew! Thanks again girls!
Awww bummer, my milk comma picture is on DH's computer. Maybe later!

Lanie - I'm glad that everything is getting sorted out with A. Trust me, I know how scary it is. O chokes to some degree everytime he eats. It was even scarier when he would do it those first few times at the hospital because he couldn't really get himself out of it yet and you would just watch his heart rate and oxygen levels get lower and lower.... The first time it happened when I was feeding him his heart rate got down to the 50s (which is super low for a baby, he was usually in the 180s) and his oxygen dropped to the 60s or so. They had to give him oxygen because he wouldn't recover on his own. I went home that night and cried for hours. I was so traumatized that I wouldn't feed him for the next week, I made DH do it. Luckily, now that he's older he can handle it (just like A can!!) and I don't have to see what his heart rate is doing!!

AFM - I'm joining the possible reflux club. O was on Zantac for the past week because the pedi thought that might be why he cries hysterically when we try to feed him some times. That didn't really make a difference so now we're going in on Friday to do the Barium Swallow test to see for sure if he has reflux. He's also going to have his poo tested to see if maybe he's having trouble with lactose.... I hope not! I really don't want to give up dairy. I LOVE dairy!! So hopefully next week we'll know more. I just want my baby to eat without crying through the entire feed!!

Did anyone else have PP bleeding that seemed to go on forever? I'm still having days with bleeding and I'm 10.5 weeks PP now. It's getting a little old. It's funny too because I'll read online that it shouldn't last more than 6 weeks but then if I specifically search for longer PP bleeding there are a lot of articles that say it can last for three months. So if that's the case why don't all of the other sites say that too! I'm starting to get a little worried and annoyed.
Kunzite--jeez, I didn't know it was that bad with O. That sounds scary to see that, even in the safety of the hospital. Glad it's going better. He's such a cutie! I hope you upload that milk pic soon! And it's amazing how much dairy is in my life too! I love drinking milk, and do even more since I've had the baby. Do you know if there is milk that isn't dairy? I know there is soy, but my pedi said there's some crossover with soy and dairy intolerance. There's almond milk but don't know if it counts. Hope the barium swallow test is painless and quick!
Kunzite|1295479488|2827070 said:
Awww bummer, my milk comma picture is on DH's computer. Maybe later!

Lanie - I'm glad that everything is getting sorted out with A. Trust me, I know how scary it is. O chokes to some degree everytime he eats. It was even scarier when he would do it those first few times at the hospital because he couldn't really get himself out of it yet and you would just watch his heart rate and oxygen levels get lower and lower.... The first time it happened when I was feeding him his heart rate got down to the 50s (which is super low for a baby, he was usually in the 180s) and his oxygen dropped to the 60s or so. They had to give him oxygen because he wouldn't recover on his own. I went home that night and cried for hours. I was so traumatized that I wouldn't feed him for the next week, I made DH do it. Luckily, now that he's older he can handle it (just like A can!!) and I don't have to see what his heart rate is doing!!

AFM - I'm joining the possible reflux club. O was on Zantac for the past week because the pedi thought that might be why he cries hysterically when we try to feed him some times. That didn't really make a difference so now we're going in on Friday to do the Barium Swallow test to see for sure if he has reflux. He's also going to have his poo tested to see if maybe he's having trouble with lactose.... I hope not! I really don't want to give up dairy. I LOVE dairy!! So hopefully next week we'll know more. I just want my baby to eat without crying through the entire feed!!

Did anyone else have PP bleeding that seemed to go on forever? I'm still having days with bleeding and I'm 10.5 weeks PP now. It's getting a little old. It's funny too because I'll read online that it shouldn't last more than 6 weeks but then if I specifically search for longer PP bleeding there are a lot of articles that say it can last for three months. So if that's the case why don't all of the other sites say that too! I'm starting to get a little worried and annoyed.

Kunzite - I wanted to pop in from the toddler board to let you know that it is extremely rare for infants to have lactose intolerance - that usually only affects adults. However, an allergy to cow's milk protein/milk protein intolerance is one of the most common allergies among babies and toddlers. My DD has a severe allergy to cow's milk protein (we have an epi pen for her because she has had an anaphlyaxic reaction). Most kids that have a cow's milk allergy can have soy formula or soy milk (that goes for you too if you are bf'ing). I will caution you that allergy testing is very inaccurate in small children, pediatric allergists diagnose based on a combination of test results and reaction. In our experience, our pediatrician wasn't that knowledgeable about allergies (but she's great in general) and we didn't really get answers until we saw the pediatric allergist. If you think you are dealing with an allergy, I'd strongly recommend getting a referral to a pediatric allergist, ours has been invaluable. If you do end up dealing with a dairy allergy, feel free to page me for info on substitutes for your or your LO.
Lanie - I don't know about non-dairy milk. Hopefully I won't have to find out either!

NB - Thank you so much for popping in! I appreciate the information!! Did they do the poo test with your LO to start as well?

Okay, so I lied. I thought I had a milk coma picture but it's actually a giant yawn! I'm going to post in anyway :)

Cute photos!! :lol: all of them!
Just a quick pop in to share before and after pics of N's cradle cap. I don't know what order they'll load in but I'm sure you'll be able to tell the difference! :bigsmile:

Cradle After.jpg

Cradle Before.jpg
Lanie|1295472701|2826957 said:
I'm loving the milk coma pics! I already posted my best one, and I'm sad to see they don't do this as they get older.

Boo to colds and pink eye! I'm sure the pink eye hurts too. Poor bebes.

HH--I don't know if you saw my question earlier, but I asked how it attches to the doorframe?

Mere--he DOES look so proud in that pic! He's going to make a lot of girls go ape over him when he gets older!

MP--I just Reread about M falling off the couch! My mom had the same thing w one of my brothers, except he was yanked off the bed by my other brother. She said the same thing...that they stop breathing when they freak out. Dear babies around the world, please come up with another method of dealing with crises. Thanks.

One last update on the choking and I'm done: went to another pedi to get 2nd opinion and she agreed w first diagnosis. It's called ALTE, acute life threatening episode. Which made my eyes as big as dinner plates when she said that. Basically his version of a panic attack from acid reflux. She suggested putting him on rice cereal and cutting dairy out of my diet, and I think I'm going to wait on the rice cereal for a bit. But it was so great to tell her in person. He even had a more minor choking fit right in front of her so she saw it. Phew! Thanks again girls!

Sorry Lanie, I missed it! It attaches to the door frame using a spring-loaded tension thingy. It has two arms that clip around the top and catch on the frame to keep it in place. It sounds like it wouldn't be secure, but it really is. So if you don't have frames on your doors it won't work for you (though you could always put up strips of wood temporarily to make use of it and then patch the holes later.

Charbie, when I was writing out A's christmas list I mistyped jolly jumper as jolly humper. So now we call it the jolly humper!
Pupp-um.....ick??? What'd you treat him with? A has started to develop a little CC and I've been using head and shoulders because we had it on hand.
Lanie|1295472701|2826957 said:
MP--I just Reread about M falling off the couch! My mom had the same thing w one of my brothers, except he was yanked off the bed by my other brother. She said the same thing...that they stop breathing when they freak out. Dear babies around the world, please come up with another method of dealing with crises. Thanks.

One last update on the choking and I'm done: went to another pedi to get 2nd opinion and she agreed w first diagnosis. It's called ALTE, acute life threatening episode. Which made my eyes as big as dinner plates when she said that. Basically his version of a panic attack from acid reflux. She suggested putting him on rice cereal and cutting dairy out of my diet, and I think I'm going to wait on the rice cereal for a bit. But it was so great to tell her in person. He even had a more minor choking fit right in front of her so she saw it. Phew! Thanks again girls!

LOL Lanie - I am totally surprised that my brother never yanked me off the couch or bed, because we loathed each other once I was old enough to talk back. Maybe as a baby he had a conscience, hah. I hate the "holding my breath because OMG THE WOE" thing. That freaks me out worse than the bumped noggin.

I'm glad you got a second opinion, and that they were similar. Has he done it again since then, even a minor one? I hope not, but if he has and it's not as bad as before, then maybe her suggestions are working.

Here is my milk coma picture. This was in the hospital, before we had even put the cover on the Boppy. I can't believe how tiny he was! Now he's a big chunky monkey!

I’m loving all of these pictures! …especially the throw back ones. I can’t get enough of the teeny babies!
Allie, I hope C is feeling better. It must break your heart that he’s so miserable.

Icekid, I hope you’ve had some luck with your infection. It really sounds just awful! Those newborn pics are fantastic. Your photographer did an amazing job! They never look like that again so it’s so great to capture those very early moments.

SS, glitter in the eyes? Yikes! DD once put a bead up her nose…like WAY up her nose. I asked her why she put it in there and she said it was on the floor and she was cleaning up! Lily is beautiful. She seriously has grown up hair!

Lanie, A’s episode sounds super scary. I’m so glad you were able to figure out what it was. I laughed out loud when I read the word *critter*. They are critters!

Micah, thank goodness that kiddo is so cute. That’s his defense against mommy at 3am! Sorry to hear about the couch incident. I think that’s probably one of those things that happens to everyone at some point.

HH, that jumper thing looks fun! I wish I would have thought of that. It takes up way less room than the jumperoo. N does love his jumperoo though! Weird about the solids…did you do the whole one thing at time for 3 days to detect allergies? I feel like there’s so much conflicting info out there on solids so I’m just gonna go with my gut. We haven’t started yet but will in the next week or so since N will be 6 months in less than two weeks! …and yes, “Ick!” is right! The cradle cap wasn’t bad for long but over the course of about a week, it reached the point you see in that pic. We tried everything we could think of and we were able to get the scales off but, by morning, they would be back. The after pic you see is 3 days after washing it! Our pedi recommended Nizoral (2-3x per week) and it worked wonders. We couldn’t even tell he had hair before! We tried Selsum Blue when Kimberly recommended it and, with time, that may have worked. The Nizoral is a similar product – just stronger – but it’s meant to treat dandruff as well.

Mara, J is absolutely beautiful! I can’t believe he’s going to 1 in less than two weeks! We’re going to miss you around here. Come back from time to time! I think I speak for everyone when I say your advice is always appreciated.

AFM, I can’t believe N is going to be 6 months old! Time is seriously flying and this kid changes EVERY DAY! He babbles non-stop and squeals all the time. Now, when he wakes up in the morning, we find him laughing and talking to himself in the crib instead of crying! It’s great. He also LOVES to be *surprised* - it cracks him up. We noticed recently that he anticipates things so he starts to giggle before you even tickle him or make a silly face. He knows it’s coming and gets so excited. He still isn’t rolling over from back to front yet but I’m not worried because I can tell he has decent muscle control and he’s trying. We really are having a blast with him – he’s such a happy little guy and is pretty easy to please. ..and nothing beats his little smile.
Yes!!! Mara, if I haven't said it enough, thanks for all of the advice. Please pop in back here and I'll be jumping over and lurking in the bigger kid thread to follow you guys!

Pupp--thanks for sharing those pics! I'm one of those people that's like "wanna see something gross?" so I appreciate your willingness to share. I love reading about your love for this stage...makes me excited to get there and have more interaction!

HH thanks for the info on the jumper. We have a couple of doorways with frames, but the rest are arched. I'll have to figure something out.

I wonder if Angelina jolie's kids ever got cradle cap. Or gywneth Paltrow, if she was ever pooped on by Apple. And do we think Posh Spice stays up all hours of the night feeding and changing her babies? I wonder stuff like that and all the hell moms go through, if they go through it as well. My guess is NO. Sorry, I'm digressing.
love the milk comas!!

Here's Lily at a few days old. Milk coma in the summer breeze.

Lanie|1295541524|2827694 said:
I wonder if Angelina jolie's kids ever got cradle cap. Or gywneth Paltrow, if she was ever pooped on by Apple. And do we think Posh Spice stays up all hours of the night feeding and changing her babies? I wonder stuff like that and all the hell moms go through, if they go through it as well. My guess is NO. Sorry, I'm digressing.

With Angelina, I think yes. I've seen the pictures Brad took of her BFing the twins and she just looks so happy about it. I bet her kids are just like everyone else's - just dressed better maybe, with the exception of Shiloh who apparently wants to be a boy, hah.

I seriously doubt Victoria Beckham gets dirty with the kids, though. Did you know she's having another baby? The 4th! I'm interested in seeing her with a big belly, I never did with the other kids.

SS, I loooove that shot! Lily is OUT. So cute.