
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

I have a vent...

Ever since my (.) come back about 6 months ago... without fail, about a week before I am supposed to "start" I get SUPER paranoid that I am preggo again!

I started my BIG diet about a month ago, and lost 9 lbs almost immediately. However, in the last 2 weeks, I have put about 3 lbs back on and I cannot lose it. No matter what I do. My stomach is kind of sticking out a wierd way, and I am starting to convince myself that it is bc I must be pregnant. HELP!!!!

Is this happening to anyone else? I hate it. :((

Ohh, and here is my weekly pic of C... he got a new shirt :praise:

Im Awesome new shirt ps.jpg
mer - Unless your LP is super long you wouldn't be having symptoms like that a few weeks before you're late. HTH

Late BPF from my still-not-sleeping monkey.


I TOTALLY have preggo paranoia! I think it’s because I don’t get my period. As for the few pounds, it’s definitely not unusual to lose a big chunk at first only to have your body hang on for dear life to a few pounds. I would just give it some time. Could you symptoms be diet related?

Kunzite, O is so cute! He'll sleep soon...I swear! Those jammies are adorable.
Thanks Kunzite! You little man is so adorable! Love those jannies as well... I love putting C in grey!

Pupp- So glad to hear I am not the only one. It is horrible. I have also been going to the gym like 4 times a week and meeting with a trainer two of those times, so it might me training related as well. I just hate it. lol
meresal-lol, I know what you mean. Even though, we are not all that active, but when it happens, it worries me. I need to hit the gym. I really need to loose those 30 lbs., these lbs are from before, i probably need to loose less but still whatever! I hate having my . !!!! ur bebe is soooooooooo beautiful! hehe!

Mara-HAPPY BIRTHDAY JULIAN! Sorry, for the belated bday wishes. Wishing the best for your little man! So cute!

Since Jacky turned 1 I have been happy and sad. Happy because my little one has reached the big 1 and so happy that she is here and has changed my life but ....sad cuz she is not a baby no more. I can't hold her quietly in my arms and well, she is not a baby no more. She says "mami and papi" and says hi when she sees someone. I told my DH how I was feeling and he says, "Do you want another baby?" lol.
I had my (.) while in hospital with surgery, which really sucked. it was enough of a mission to make it to the bathroom and just pull down my panties, but then I also had to sit there and take a new pad out of the wrapper and then throw it away. I know it doesn't sound like much, but when you are in pain and can only move one arm, it really sucks. I guess the good side is that because I was hardly active, I hardly bled and if I had any cramps, I was on painkillers so didn't feel it. I was expecting a bad (.) as the first one after childbirth. I wonder if my body is going to go back to a 26-day cycle. anyway, once I start chemo I will most likely become "menopausal", so I guess I won't have to worry about (.)s for a while. DH is going to get a V so that I don't become preggers by mistake, and this was part of our initial plan anyway to have only one child.

Skye had her first shots today. :(sad hopefully she won't suffer too much tonight. so far she's had milk, pooed, smiled, "talked" to her toys and fallen asleep... but then again the first "symptoms" don't show up until 4 hrs after the shots.
Hi Sha! I saw you had mentioned Piper/Me, and I thought I'd pop in to say hi! I'm not at PS much because I still have Piper at work and it's next to impossible to get anything done with her around. She's now 14.5 months, and started walking on her 14 month birthday. She still much prefers to crawl. =) She was 20 lbs at her 1 year and 27 inches. She's a peanut! Piper currently has 8 teeth- 6 on top and two on the bottom. She nurses once a day still, and has an insane hate for cow's milk (unless it's vanilla flavored). She started STTN at 13 months when we had to make her CIO. She only cried for ten minutes max, then woke at 3 and cried for 45 minutes or so off and on, and since then not a peep at night. She does wake up super early, though, always before 7. Which is okay for weekdays because we go to work, but sucks for weekends!

How is D?

Here's Piper from last week.
AmberWaves|1297187797|2846688 said:
Hi Sha! I saw you had mentioned Piper/Me, and I thought I'd pop in to say hi! I'm not at PS much because I still have Piper at work and it's next to impossible to get anything done with her around. She's now 14.5 months, and started walking on her 14 month birthday. She still much prefers to crawl. =) She was 20 lbs at her 1 year and 27 inches. She's a peanut! Piper currently has 8 teeth- 6 on top and two on the bottom. She nurses once a day still, and has an insane hate for cow's milk (unless it's vanilla flavored). She started STTN at 13 months when we had to make her CIO. She only cried for ten minutes max, then woke at 3 and cried for 45 minutes or so off and on, and since then not a peep at night. She does wake up super early, though, always before 7. Which is okay for weekdays because we go to work, but sucks for weekends!

How is D?

Here's Piper from last week.

Oh my! Look at Piper! She's a proper little toddler now! TOO CUTE!! :love: And her hair has grown so much..... wow! How time flies!

Thanks for popping in and for posting the pic too! I missed you around here and often wonder how you guys are doing - especially since D and P were born a few weeks apart. I can't imagine how challenging it must be having her at work, especially now that she's so active. Does your mom still look after sometimes?

D is good - she also started walking a few days before her 14 month birthday. Before that she just used to cruise around while handing onto the furniture or crawl. Now she walks everywhere, pretty much. I'm still nursing her once a day, but getting ready to wean her completely from next week :(( (i'm really not ready to...but I do want my cycles to get back to normal). Glad to hear P is now sleeping through the night. D also wakes by 6:30 every morning - like clockwork! It totally sucks on weekends. Sometimes I put her to bed later on Friday evening so that I can have an excuse to make her sleep longer on Saturday mornings... :Up_to_something: hehe...

Here's a quick pic of her from this week - she's also a little peanut.

It's really nice to hear from you. Feel free to pop over to the Toddler thread when you have time again. :))

Sha, I just popped into this thread because I saw yours was the last reply and I hoped for a photo! She's just one of the cutest kids I ever saw, and I love seeing your photos of her. She's getting soooo big and grown-up too! Adorable, as ever.

Jennifer W|1297198638|2846828 said:
Sha, I just popped into this thread because I saw yours was the last reply and I hoped for a photo! She's just one of the cutest kids I ever saw, and I love seeing your photos of her. She's getting soooo big and grown-up too! Adorable, as ever.


awww.... :D thanks Jen! I really appreciate the compliment! :))
Hi, guys! I hope everyone is well. Sha and Amber, love the pics of the girls! They are adorable. I love how D is holding the keys like she’s going out for the night! :lol:

N had his 6 month appt on Saturday. He’s 20lbs5oz and 27.5 inches. The only negative at our appt is that the Pedi discovered his skin was beginning to reattach in the area of his circumcision. She caught it early so just a slight pull and he was all set. He didn’t seem to be bothered by it. Now, we have to use petroleum jelly every diaper change. Did this happen to anyone else? She said it’s more common in chubby babies since they’re boy parts “hide” so the skin has a greater tendency to stick.

We started solids recently and he can take or leave rice cereal but LOVES bananas. Next, we’re going to try sweet potatoes so we’ll see how that goes. He loves sitting in his big boy highchair and knocking EVERYTHING you place on the tray onto the floor. When he hears it *crash*, he smiles. He’s also sitting for short periods (by short, I mean seconds – maybe 30 tops) and rolling both directions. He talks constantly and new sounds are emerging every day. He’s definitely hitting his milestones much later than DD but *on-time*. He’s definitely not in any hurry!
Howdy ladies, long time no talk! I'm a bad PSer :(

Mara-I'm super late in saying it, but happy birthday J!

Mer-I laughed when I read your post because I literally POAS tonight because I thought I might be KU. Even though we've only DTD once since A was born, DH didn't finish and I was on the pill at the time (though not taking it as regularly as I should have been). But yea, I've been having PG-like symptoms recently and got paranoid even though I know (rationally) that the chances are slim. And Deuce is looking mighty grown up these days! Where'd you get the teeshirt, I love it!

Sha and Amber-your girls are just gorgeous!

Myjoy-congrats on the big day! There are way too many babies turning a year. I can't handle it!

Kuz-I <3 O, he's so handsome :)

Not sure who I'm missing :(

AFM, Aidan turns 5 months tomorrow! OMG where has the time gone??? Someone at work was talking about how they would be traveling so much in the coming weeks she wouldn't be back in the office until March. I panicked thinking that was like 3 months away., it's 3 weeks away. I swear, mommy brain is far worse than prego brain and there should be a diagnosis and treatment for it!
Anyway, after rolling from belly to back in his sleep for a month and a half Aidan finally rolled from during tummy time and did it both rolling towards the right and the left. He's a rolling maniac now, going belly to back and back to belly. He loves to stand and can basically stand on his own with just holding on to your fingers. We don't delude ourselves into thinking he's going to be standing any time soon, but it's so crazy to see him on his feet. Like a little person!

He's doing really well on purees, the only things he's had issues with so far are peaches and mangos, I think their acidity bothers his tummy and aggravates his reflux. They're a recipe for a major projectile vomiting episode. I think his favorites are bananas and pears, though he does love the peas I made mixed with apple sauce.

DH and I have been so frustrated lately. He's still not sleeping well. He's done a fantastic job adjusting to going to sleep on his own, to the point where if he knows he's tired and he wants to go to bed and if you're holding him he'll get all squirmy and then go to sleep as soon as you put him in the crib. Problem is he doesn't STAY asleep. He sleeps for a few hours (4-5 most nights, 7 on good nights), but is then up multiple times after that and is up for the day around 4-4:30. We've tried letting him fuss or talk to himself until he falls back to sleep, but it rarely works and TBH it takes less time for us to get up and put him back to sleep than to lay in bed listening to him talk or fuss. So I'm not sure what the problem is or why he's having it, but it's SO hard to get up 8 times a night and now that DH is working again he's not as amenable to getting up multiple times. He'll get up, pop the paci back in and then come back to bed. But falls asleep so quickly and hard that he doesn't hear A when he spits out the paci and cries again. Any thoughts (other than smacking my husband for being a jacka$$ about getting up at night?)?

Oh yea, and teething big time, but no signs of actual teeth coming in:(
Pupp~ Yes, JT had the same thing with his little guy. I noticed it and took him in and the doctor yanked it back. It didn't seem to bother JT but it freaked me out! I had to keep vaseline on it and keep an eye on it. It continuously creeped until he was about 18 months old and didn't fully stay in place until he was probably 2.5 when he started thinning out. Dr said it was due to his "fat pad" in that area. He never got any infections or bleeding. I made sure to pull it back at every diaper change and bathtime until it was normal. We were warned that if it didn't stay back by the age of 3 that he'd have to be recut but that's a very rare occurrence.
Work has been crazy, and life generally has been busy as well ... but I do lurk here often, just usually am one-handed so I cannot reply. I do love reading the updates and seeing the beautiful babies.

T will be six months old in a week. Time sure has flown by since I've gone back to work. I am really curious about his stats - his appt is next Friday. He's definitely still on the bigger side, but I think he might have leaned out just a little. We have now introduced rice cereal and oatmeal. Both were a great hit. I just finished making butternut squash, so that will be his first non-cereal food. He still hasn't rolled over from back to belly yet, but he's doing great sitting up. He still boycotts long naps at daycare, but has done better on the weekends at home and is usually such a smiley, happy baby. We're truly blessed.

Since I hardly ever post, here is my BPF -- consider it really late or really early :bigsmile:

mere, did you wean already? if not, don't worry... my body held onto the last 5-8lbs til after i weaned. and then i lost about 1-2lbs each period cycle. and now i am 10lbs smaller than pre-preg but my body shape is totally diff. i have way less muscle for sure. once deuce is running around more you will prob find you shed weight easier too!

and FYI you ladies who POAS or are worried you are PG with kids under one FREAK ME OUT!!! i would be hyperventilating doing that lol.

HH, i don't know if you guys have considered CIO but you may want to think about it. though i know what you say re: it's easier just to go in and bink him and he goes back to sleep. BUTTTTT when you're doing that like 5x a night, that is way hard. the few times we had to do it 2-3x a night, i was like all ready to try CIO the next night. i am horrible with lack of sleep. also once J could bink himself, it helped a ton. i think that was around 7mo. also we eventually did let J kind of 'fuss/talk' it out andi think it was great, now he doesn't expect us to always come in if he is making any noise. some mornings he'll do it for 30 min then fall back asleep for another 2 hours.

pupp, Plum is a lifesaver big time. so many times J is finicky about dinner but he is ALWAYS happy to see a plum pouch.

sha, sorry I missed your Q til now about Amber, my computer died on Fri and I just got access again yest...but she already checked in so yay!

thanks for the extra bday wishes ladies. we had his party this wkd and it went so great, people seemed to have a wonderful time, J did fabulously and we didn't get too many huge crazy gifts..YAY! we got a ton of what we asked for, books! kid has a fabulous collection. and a fair amt of gift cards thankfully--diapers here we come! of course, now i have a horrible cold (maybe strep)...thanks to the stress and germy little darlings lol.

and i posted this pic already on FB but here is a fave pic from J's actual bday last week for my last pic in the newbornthread. i love how i am blurry but he's crisp and you can see my ring, so PS appropriate!

and love the new pics of the babies!! i held my friend's monster 2.5mo old the other day and he was such a cute fatty blob! she asked if i missed having J like that and i could honestly say no. while it was amazing to see him grow, i just love him and his strong, burly self now. he feels so less 'breakable' now, though obviously that's not true, but just at this age they are just sturdier. i feel more natural with him than with a baby.

and mtj,i also felt kind of sad for a few days last week before his bday. same things you said. it's crazy how fast they grow. happy bday to your sweet miss J!

mara and j 1st bday 11.JPG
Mara, how cute! :)) I'm glad everything went well, but sorry about the cold. J looks like such a little man now! Just the other day they were little babes in arms. awwwww...... :(sad It's exciting but sad how fast they grow...

Kunzite and turtle - lovely pics as well! I'm loving all the pics on this page!
Love all the pics!

Turtle~ I haven't seen a pic in such a long time! Adorable!!

mara~ J is just so cute. Everytime I see him I think he should be on the cover of a magazine.
PS babies are such cuties!

I sobbed yesterday as Skye was not feeling well from her shots. couldn't stand to think my little girl was not well. now I understand how a mother feels the pain, too! but today she is back to her smiling self. here she is this morning, sleeping in Granny's bed.

Where are all of the new mommies at!? I want to see some pictures and hear about these newborns already!!

pupp - Can you believe that we never made a decision re: circumcision. Too many things going on in the beginning and now here we are three months later! DH was supposed to decide but at this point I feel like we're nearing the point of no return.

HH - I'm sorry about the sleep trouble. Obviously I don't have any advise, just sympathy!! (lots and lots of sympathy!!)

noel - Sorry to hear about the shots. O handled his without missing a beat. It's hard to say if they bothered him because he is cranky all the time anyway!! How is your recovery going?

AFM - I haven't been posting much lately because I'm such a Debbie Downer these days. I honestly don't have any sanity left. To the point that I was excited to go to the dentist on Monday. And to go to work next week. I don't know how SAHMs do it. Maybe they all have angel babies. I just can't take being screamed at all day.
Kunzite- I just picked up that adorable grey and green outfit at Old Navy! Also, sorry to hear you are going crazy. I hope that you can enjoy these last few full days with your little cutie! Have you tried taking him outside? I'm not sure where you are or if the weather would allow it, but my little guy LOVED being in freash air. It was actually pretty hilarious, that he would be screaming, and then the minute we opened the door and he felt the breeze, he was perfectly content.

Hey ladies, hope everyone is having a good week. I feel like it will never end. I am driving to another city for a girls' night tomorrow night, and since DH has to work Saturady mornings, our only option is my MIL. However, DH has offered to stay at his mom's house to make sure C goes to bed at a normal hour, and that she odesn't try to sleep in the same room with the baby and the dogs. It was great that he offered without me even saying anything, becuase if he hadn't, then I wouldn't be going to see my friends. I am at my wits end with my MIL's house.

HH and the other ladies, thank you for making me feel normal. HH, I can't believe you POAS! lol. I don't keep them at the house, but if I had put on another pound, I would have gone to the store to buy some.
His shirt is actually a WWE wrestler's shirt. My DH is huge into that stuff. If you are interested, here is the link:

Noel- I'm sorry to hear that she didn't react well to the shots. C reacted great to his 4 mo shots, but was horrible for his 6mo shots. Luckily it only last a night, but the fever was horrible. I hope she is feeling better by now.

Mara, I actually weaned C at 7 months, and I still didn't lose anymore weight. Maddening. However, these last few days I started tracking my diet dilligently again, which I had let fall by the wayside for the last week, and I have lost the 3 lbs that I put back on. Funny how actually "seeing" the amount of calories you are eating, versus what you "think" you are eating can be the entire difference. So I am good again! Funny how a woman's mind works... I am terrified of being pregnant again. lol
BTW- Love the picture! Such a handsome guy!

Turtle- That is such a cute picture! Hope the appointment goes well tomorrow, and be sure to update us with his measurements. He has grown so much!

Re: Circumcision- We received a bill in the mail this last week for the charges. For the mom's that chose to, dd any of your insurance policies cover this procedure?
The Miz? You mean like the dude from The Real World???
Kunzite~ Our insurance covered circ at the 80/20 rate. Did yours not cover any?? Also, are you suffering with PPD? Your posts sound like you may be. Talk to your doctor if you think you have even a little depression. Moms whose babies were/are in the NICU have a huge increase in developing depression. I hope I don't offend you, I just want to make sure you're okay. hugs
Hudson_Hawk|1297386402|2848936 said:
The Miz? You mean like the dude from The Real World???
Hahaha.....just busting in to inform you my DH went to college with that tool and he was in my cousin's fraternity.
Neither of them have positive things to say about him. :rolleyes:
Hey ladies! I'm loving the baby pics so far!!! I would love to comment on all of them, but I have already written a response that was eaten up by PS. UGH!

mere -- your MIL sounds like a case. I'm glad your DH is helping out on the sleeping front at her house, bc otherwise you'd be the bad guy. Did he have dogs running around willy nilly when he was a baby? You'd think your MIL would take a hint/understand why that's a distraction.

noel -- Sorry about Skye getting her shots! We get our 2 month ones on the 21st. I think I'll try to tell myself that yes, it sucks, and yes, he's hurting, BUT he'd be hurting way more if he had any of those awful diseases. That might make me feel better. :rolleyes:

Kunzite -- I don't know if you have a touch of baby blues or not, and I hope you don't, but I understand just wanting to get out of the house for some fresh air. It's cold here (surprise since it's Houston for god's sake) so I haven't been out in awhile, but I'm going out tomorrow to do some shopping with Anderson. Are you going back to work Monday? That sucks...I'll be thinking about you. I go back March 7th and I can't believe Feb is halfway gone! Makes me sad...

mara -- your pic is just divine. I love it! I'm glad his bday was fun!

LV, Hou, and Bliss -- come over and post some pics and updates! I caught up a little on the preggo thread, but I forget to check there.

Icekid -- hope you are doing well with the infection and that everything is okay with the mams. :cheeky:

AFM, nothing much on my end...Anderson is smiling a lot now, and starting to coo (I guess). He does it rarely, but I love it. I read to him a lot now after realizing that I wasn't talking to him an appropriate amount. I watch TV a lot (I'm not proud to say that I've seen every episode of Jersey Shore and Teen Mom 2), and I was talking to him of course, but, it's hard to talk to a 7 week old about nothing. So I found that reading gives him lots of words to hear. I wear him a lot in my Ergo while I'm doing chores, which helps me, and I heard it's good for building their speech since they hear you, feel the vibrations when you talk, and can look up and see your mouth move with the words. Can't hurt, right?

Oh, and do any of your babies "dismount" off the boob in a super painful way? I've been nursing a lot more as opposed to pumping, and it's going much better since he doesn't suck my nipple sore anymore. BUT, whenever he unlatches, he pulls my nipple with it, and oh em gee it hurts like a mother. Any ideas on how to avoid, or is this just "one of those things"?

Here's my BPF. Not my fave outfit, but I took it because a relative gave it to me, and I wanted to show them I used it. This certain relative gives me so many outfits with little cutesy phrases on them like "Mommy's little man" and bibs that say "Warning -- this might get messy". Not really my style (and hopefully this doesn't offend anyone if it is yours), but I have so many of them from this particular person, and they would have their feelings hurt if he didn't wear them. I'm waiting til he stops growing like a weed to buy him some cuter outfits, but I guess that is always the case, huh?

Hope everyone has a good Valentine's Day weekend!!!


HH- Yuuuuup. That would be the one. lol

Charbie- That is funny. I think he a total D-bag... ever since he was on the Real World. However, he is my DH's favorite wrestler, and he makes a really cute baby shirt, so I put up with it.

SS- Thanks for answering about the insurance. I need to go back and check my policy. I am quite shocked to receive the invoice 9 months after his birth.

Lanie- Anderson is such a cutie! Luckily it is going to warm up on Sat and Sun. Into the 60's again, I believe.
Re: my MIL and the dogs... I was less worried about them when he was real little because we would let him lay in the PNP and play on his back. He was never on the floor where the dogs would "investigate" him, or reach him for that matter. As for evenings, and the sleeping, I nursed up to 7 months, so we always had the PNP in the room with us if we were staying there. She never watched him alone for us, for the entire evening into morning, until he was probably almost 7 months. We always stayed there as well.

As for the release from the nipple... you have to break the suction with your finger before he pulls away still attached. You just take your finger and push in at the point, where the edge of his mouth and your nipple are. It will break the cling and save your nipples! Does that make sense?
Kunzite - my recovery is going much better since they removed the pesky drain. I still feel like I have a hard concrete wall pressing underneath my boob (similar to when you stop bf-ing) and my arm is still too sore to stretch it out properly, but at least 2.5 weeks have passed since the operation and 3.5 weeks to go til I can pick up Skye! I am able to change her diapers and give her the bottle if she lies on the feeding cushion, but otherwise I don't hold her too much in my good arm as it's still hard to get her positioned well and I'm afraid she's going to squirm and kick me in the chest.

Lanie - I love A's smile. isn't it funny how the hands and feet go blurry on the camera because they just can't sit still?
oh, and regarding the talking, A will start making more "communicative" sounds as time goes by. we make up silly songs... like "These are my lippies, this is my mouthy, these are my cheekies and this is my nose" to a pretend melody. For diaper and clothes changing, we do "I put my left leg in, I put my left leg out" etc. And then when buttoning up the onesie, I count the buttons: one, two, THREE! We try to repeat a lot of these things so that they're not just words, but hopefully something she'll begin to recognize.

here is Skye at 9 weeks.

This was taken about 2 weeks ago. I need to take his 5 month pictures this weekend.

Mere and other UppaBaby Vista owners. Have you traveled (flew) with your? How did it go? I'm taking Aidan to MN in March and I'm trying to decide whether it's feasible to bring the UB or if I should get an umbrella stroller. I like the thought of traveling with the UB because there's so much room to put our bags, but I'm concerned that 1. it's too big to go through security and gate check and 2. it will be stolen. Thoughts?
HH- Ihave flown with it 3 times. No, it doesn't go thru the security machine, but they will just ask you to fold it up and they will swab it with thier little bomb test pads.

I love traveling with it. It holds so much stuff! (including the baby, of course.) We check it at the gate. So we can use it walking thru the airport and security, then they take it under the plane during the flight, and then bring it right back to you when you step off the plane... so you can use it getting to the baggage claim and out of the next airport.

You shouldn't need to worry about it being stolen. The thought has never crossed my mind.

Just make sure the person that is picking you up at the airport has enough room in their car for luggage and the stroller.

With all of this said... how much do you plan on using it? You are going somewhere very cold. How often do you think you will use it? When we flew with our, I knew I was going to be using it alot. If I wasn't planning on using it much, I wouldn't even bother with one.

ETA: Also, I'm not sure who you are planning to visit or their age, but you could always ask if they know someone willing to let them borrow a stroller for a few days, while you are there. I wouldn't buy an umbrella stroller just for one trip. Just my .02
I'm going to Minneapolis for a weekend in March, getting together with a group of GFs who are scattered around the country. We're staying out near the MOA and will spend a lot of time there, so I know I need a stroller. We'll be taking public trans so I wont need to worry about folding it up or anything.
re: painful unlatch...I'd heard of sticking your finger in there to undo, which I have done, but I can't tell when he's finished, and I don't want to unlatch preemptively. I guess I'll try to read his cues more on when he's about to come off and then help him out, i.e. save my poor nipple!