
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Happy bday Julian!!!
thanks pupp & lanie!!! he didn't even seem to notice it was such a big milestone. ::) i, however, was a basket case.
Happy Birthday to Julien! Hope his party was great!!
Happy birthday Julian!! :wavey:
Does anyone have a recommendation on diapers? We have those Pampers dry max Swaddlers, size One. Well, I don't know if Anderson has awesome abs or what, but he blows out of his diaper at least 3 times a week. It's so gross. I pull out the little ruffles, but it seems like he blows up the backside. :cheeky: Anyone know what to do about this? Another brand of diapers?
Mara|1296673023|2840854 said:
hey blushing..! wow how old are the twins now? congrats on doing so well with them, it sounds like you have your schedule/routines all worked out!

when we started intro'ing solids we just did it for fun on wkds like around 'breakfast' time. i didn't care about # of times he got it a day or whatever, we just wanted to make it fun. and then as he got more interested we added a 2nd in near dinner. we perfected those 2 before adding in a 3rd... i was in no rush to add a 3rd meal in and kind of let J lead us. over time he seemed less interested in the liquid and more interested in food so that's when we started beefing up the meals more. i think at first it can be really daunting because you want to do it 'right' or as you mentioned a smooth transition but in reality i think that you just kind of can go with the flow, do what feels ok, what you have TIME for (i'm a working mom too so i wanted to just do it for when we were all comfortable with times etc) and then you can take more cues from the baby. as J got more into solids he'd want more and more. and now he just turned 12mo and he's only taking 2 bottles a day (10oz total maybe), drinking from a sippy and also with a straw from a cup, and eating solids the rest of the time. i do worry about is he getting enough food, enough meat etc...but i think you can see from their growth patterns on if they are going ok.

so i say just start with when you have time to do it, maybe on a wkd and then go from there. we started with oatmeal cereal because he was already getting some rice in his bottles so we knew he was fine with it, and the oats had more nutrition. for first 'foods' we did avocado and then i think apple or pear. also, they may or may not act like they like something, that's totally's new to them. J didn't seem interested in the avocado much at first, but now he LOVES avocados and eats 1/2 of one every day. enjoy!!

Happy Birthday to Julian! I can't believe he's already one, that's just crazy to think! But, what a cutie pie he his! Have so much fun celebrating with him. ::)

Thank you so much for the advice on definitely is daunting to think about how to do it "right" but we will take cues from Alen and Laila to figure out how to move forward. I must say it's pretty darn cute to watch them eat. Laila like to lick it and Alen is doing pretty well on our third day in. We've just been feeding them solids at night after I get home from work. But, I definitely want to take my time with it. Our Dr. said to find a time when they're happy and that's what I've been doing. They haven't been taking much...just enough to try it.

BTW - can you tell me how you heated the food? Did you make your own or did you use the jars? We are using Earth's Best and I'm not sure about microwaving it the next day.

Oh and the twins will be 5 months in a week and a half. That's crazy to me too. Where does the time go?
Lanie~ The only way to get a super-pooper in check is to go up a size. At least in my experience!
Lanie - Skye does the same thing. she is still on size 1, but will most likely go up to size 2 soon. ANYWAY, we combat the problem by actually changing her as soon as she pooped. lucky for us, she never poops while sleeping and prefers to do so during or right after her bottle. she goes very quiet and concentrated and that is how we know. then we try to not put her in too much of a sitting position while she poops or it blows out the ruffles. when she starts moving her arms and legs and making sounds, we know she is done and then change her right away. but sometimes it does mean filling the sink and dipping her butt and legs in there to get her nice and clean. :o
We've had success with every diaper we've tried except for pampers. Huggies are great, they come with a little poop catcher pocket in the back. For pee leaks during that day, make sure you have the diaper on snugly and change frequently. If you have leaks at night try going up a size. We started using the Huggies overnights in size 3 when A was size 2. Size 3 is the smallest they come in and we haven't had any leaking problems since.
N has blowouts DAILY in disposables - no matter what kind we used. We moved to GDiapers about a month ago and we get a blowout every few days. We start *true* cloth about a week or so ago and NO blowouts. It could be coincidence but we'll see! His blowouts are ALWAYS out the back of the diaper. I tried moving him to size 4s but they're to tall in the rise so it makes for leg gaps.

N used to have blowouts at the leg until we learned RUFFLES OUT.
I need some experienced mommy advice. My little guy will not eat at daycare. Basically he will only eat about 4-6 of the 12-15oz that I send in daily. The teachers tell me that it is like he doesn't know how to use the bottle the thing is...he has fed from the same bottles for months now, he has drank from the bottles at daycare. I know that when he is not very hungry and is offered milk he will often play with the nipple and get very frustrated. The teachers tell me that he seems like he wants to drink it but just can't seem to get the hang of it. He nurses well at home and drank from the bottle for me and my DH last night. I am so worried. Should we try different bottles?
Allie~ I am not really familiar with eating dilemmas, but is it at the same temp at daycare and at home? Some babies really prefer a very warm bottle. Also, is the nipple cold from being refrigerated? Maybe you could go in and see exactly how it's being made?
Allie- check the flow of the nipple. Is it too slow? We had a similar issue with N, but he would actually finish the bottle (was just a bit fussy/frustrated doing it!).
We kept him at the slow flow nipple WAY too long because of his reflux- our bad.

Hello to all the mamas- i've been lurking lots lately- not able to post much as work/life is nuts. Hope everyone is well!
Blushing I made most of my own stuff for the first few months, so I just put it in tiny 1-2 oz containers so that I didn't have to deal with reheating. And when I would reheat I'd normally put it in a cup of hot water. I tried not to microwave unless I needed to but now I do it all the time (at first I was more paranoid/cautious/whatever). But in the glass jars not sure you can microwave them?

Also if you are trying more foods, over time try the Plum Organics squeezable pouches. LOVE those things and J eats them all the time, now he can squeeze them himself and I don't have to deal with feeding him and they are great to toss into the diaper bag. They have little ones called Just Apples, Just Pears etc and then you can get into the combos.

Thanks for the birthday wishes, ladies!
Well I called the daycare around 12 and he had only eaten 1oz. I suggested they hold out a little longer between bottles and warm it up till it is really warm and he ate 7 of the 8oz :) Yahoo!

I will have to check on the nipple flow. We are still on stage 1 dr. brown. It might be time to move to stage 2.
AllieLuv83|1296759393|2842015 said:
I need some experienced mommy advice. My little guy will not eat at daycare. Basically he will only eat about 4-6 of the 12-15oz that I send in daily. The teachers tell me that it is like he doesn't know how to use the bottle the thing is...he has fed from the same bottles for months now, he has drank from the bottles at daycare. I know that when he is not very hungry and is offered milk he will often play with the nipple and get very frustrated. The teachers tell me that he seems like he wants to drink it but just can't seem to get the hang of it. He nurses well at home and drank from the bottle for me and my DH last night. I am so worried. Should we try different bottles?

Maybe he will be one of those reverse cycling babies? Many kiddos in daycare will "hold out" until they see mommy and then drink like a maniac all evening and (*gasp* no!) all night too. It is pretty common, I think Fiery's daughter was a really big reverse cycler.
Hope Julian had a great birthday!

Mara - have you heard anything from Amber lately? Piper should be about 14 1/2 months, now - she was born 2 weeks before D. Just wondering how she and Amber are doing.
Allie I just thought I would chime in and say that S is also showing signs of boob preference these days. He's always done a little bit of reverse cycling, but know that he's older its more obvious. I was late getting home today and he wouldn't take the bottle from DH, he just kept rejecting it, crying in hungry mode, and looking around for boob-lady. Also the daycare ladies say its an issue, they also recommended we go up to the size 2 nipples so we just bought some. I did go away to a conference with him last week, and he basically went from getting 4 bottles a day during the workweek to about 1 per day as I was mostly feeding him directly during breaks, and when we came back the daycare teacher said he was like, 'what's this?' to the bottle. While he is eating some there, it is only 10-12 oz usually. And that's often all his food for 12 hrs ish. He's a big guy, so he's still get a good deal of his calories outside of the main part of the day.

Mara, congrats on J!!! Wow one year.

Oh my ladies. Keeping up with the thread is kind of beyond me with the new job, but the new job is going going well and Silas is translating by several feet by means of rolling and scooching. Oh my. The world is changing!!!
Allie-ditto a faster nipple. It gives instant gratification and he may find the bottle more attractive that way.

As DD mentioned, Sophia was a big time "RCer." My first day of work I nursed when I dropped her off at 7:30, she slept at 10 and didn't wake until 4pm! She wasn't slept that long for me! She took 3oz with MIL and then nursed every 1.5-2hrs all.night.long. She did that for 2 weeks. It was brutal.

The tips from the LC were to obviously have MIL offer a bottle every 2 hours, even if she was sleeping. She had me wear her when I would get home so that she would get a lot of mommy time (I was away for 10 hours a day). After a week or so, she got back on track and MIL was able to go back to demand feeding (not to exceed 3 hours).
OMG, I suffered the worst pain today. they removed the surgical drain from my reconstructed breast and it was hitting a nerve. it was the worst pain I ever experienced. it was even worse than labor, except luckily it only lasts a few seconds. I was bawling in the nurse's office.

but anyway, luckily I've got a beautiful baby to come home to that makes it all worth it. I have to say, she is SO cute. I am realistic and not saying that she is the most beautiful baby I've ever seen, but we are quite proud that we made such a cute kid.

AllieLuv83|1296775786|2842272 said:
Well I called the daycare around 12 and he had only eaten 1oz. I suggested they hold out a little longer between bottles and warm it up till it is really warm and he ate 7 of the 8oz :) Yahoo!

I will have to check on the nipple flow. We are still on stage 1 dr. brown. It might be time to move to stage 2.

Definitely check the flow Allie, Aidan has been on level 2 DB nipples for awhile.

Does anyone know when you're supposed to start the blended flavor purees?
Noel, she is a gorgeous girl! That's one of my fav pics of S. She's totally filling out! Sorry about the pain. I hope that's it for you!
Hi ladies! Happy Friday to you all!

HH- If you feel like he is ready, then I say give it a try. This is just me, but I stopped trying to follow a "chart" and started following my son's cues.
Allie~ Glad he ate more! Hopefully it'll keep up.

Noel~ Don't be so humble! Skye is a beautiful baby! Now that the drain is out, are you able to completely recover?

Not much going on here. Lily is getting so social. She's raising her eyebrows at me like she's asking a question. lol She flirts with all of the guys and demands kisses. She'll throw herself towards someone to give her kisses. Right now it's cute, but I've told DH we shouldn't encourage this behavior!

We got a kitty last Sat. We decided to finally give in and get a pet when I realized I would have to take allergy meds everyday anyway. We tried to get the kitty that we had taken in to the shelter a few months ago, but they had to put her down due to severe kidney failure. We ended up with a 6 mo old kitten. She's named Truly Scrumptious and she's great with the kids. She hasn't clawed anyone and lets Lily pull on her.

The snow is still ridiculous here. Some of our main roads are still only one lane. Luckily I don't have to go anywhere!
Mara, I don't know a single baby that doesn't love those pouches! My friend's daughter lost a pound from 7-8 months because she refused everything. I recommended the pouches because my brother uses them and she LOVES them! In the last 2 weeks, she's gained 12 ounces back!
Lanie|1296701273|2841492 said:
Does anyone have a recommendation on diapers? We have those Pampers dry max Swaddlers, size One. Well, I don't know if Anderson has awesome abs or what, but he blows out of his diaper at least 3 times a week. It's so gross. I pull out the little ruffles, but it seems like he blows up the backside. :cheeky: Anyone know what to do about this? Another brand of diapers?

I second going up a size - that alone might do the trick. As far as brands go, Huggies worked best for us. They have better coverage up the back, waist, and legs, than Pampers - from my experience.
Sha|1296860003|2843350 said:
Lanie|1296701273|2841492 said:
Does anyone have a recommendation on diapers? We have those Pampers dry max Swaddlers, size One. Well, I don't know if Anderson has awesome abs or what, but he blows out of his diaper at least 3 times a week. It's so gross. I pull out the little ruffles, but it seems like he blows up the backside. :cheeky: Anyone know what to do about this? Another brand of diapers?

I second going up a size - that alone might do the trick. As far as brands go, Huggies worked best for us. They have better coverage up the back, waist, and legs, than Pampers - from my experience.

I learned the hard way -- and it took me too long to learn -- that blow outs mean you need the next size diaper. You cannot go by the weights on the package at all! Hunter has always been in a size bigger than the pack says, and then also another size -- or two! -- bigger for overnight.
Lanie - Yes!! Target's Up and Up brand. The backs have elastic on them so the poop stays inside. Em had the same problem with the pamper and we made the switch. Still wears them at 10 months with no issues.
We love our Target brand diapers (Walmart brand wasn't that bad either...)

I'm so happy I switched to their brand of formula and diapers as it makes things so much more affordable!
*Edited below*