
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

o happy day...jon slept from midnite to 740am!...but the falling asleep took me hrs! i am so pooped today zombie
Hi ladies! I haven''t been to pscope in a long time! But since the last time I visited frequently, I had a baby girl. She is 9 months old and amazing :)

I''ve been nursing for 9 months now!~ It was a bit rough in the beginning, like it is for most! i love this thread :)
Welcome Kitten! Nice to have another mom on here!

NYC Great news about Jon sleeping!

Tonight I get a night off
I managed to pump 6 oz of milk last weekend and now DH is going to do the night feed. I so need it, let me tell you. Here''s hoping it all goes well!

DD- o man im so happy u get a night off...i think we need those once in a while!
yeh im glad jon is sleeping good at nite but lemme tell u getting him to fall asleep is a disaster!!! i have to rock, pat and bounce till hes pretty much asleep then soon as i put him down hes up and there goes the was like 3 hrs before he was asleep...and tonite its the same story,,,i am so tired i cant function and he is too but he refuses to give in...waiting patiently for dh and sis to get home
NYC - we had a similar issue with Romy, where he needed to be rocked to sleep. We transitioned him with the "pick up-put down" routine (which came with a bit of crying and protest), until he got to the point where we could put him down awake (with his paci) and he falls asleep by himself.

Did you end up trying the pick up-put down routine? Can''t remember if you tried that already...
Can I just quote one of my favourite expressions? I think this applies to everyone:

"The only thing permanent in life, is change."

Remember, whatever you are going through, IT WILL CHANGE. These trying times will subside. Even the good times will change, so appreciate them while you have them
hi ladies!

Kitten, glad to have you here! congrats on your LO! and for nursing so long!

NYC, sorry Jon's having trouble falling asleep! We struggled like that a little bit as well until I realized S was overtired and I was putting her down too late. She now goes down at 6:30 or 7 without a struggle. Perhaps you could try an earlier bed time?

DD, how was your night off? I hope it went well!

Mgal, how's the teething going?

fiery, how's today going? I hope you're feeling better!

Robbie, not sure if you're reading here or not, but I hope you're feeling better too!

Pandora, how did Daisy do after all the excitement?

Mela, you are so right about change being the only constant! When times are rough, one needs to have faith that things will get better. And when times are good, one has to catalog those good experiences so that they can be remembered in times of hardship.

We're doing well here. I was able to take yesterday off and it was wonderful! I just love spending the day with my daughter!!! I feel so fortunate to be able to take fridays off for a little while.

S is doing great - she took an hour long nap in her crib (not her swing) yesterday! She has become somewhat mobile with rolling from side to side. She can almost roll all the way over from back to front now but she gets a little stuck with the arm that's under her preventing the full turn. She's much more focused and able to grasp things when she wants. She also a total chatterbox. Today she was jabbering away while she was on her playmat. It's really cute. I can't believe she will be 4 months old next week... time flies!

Hope you're all having a wonderful weekend so far!

Mrs - isn''t it cute when they talk to themselves? And I can''t believe she''ll be 4 months already!

Teething is going OK, I can''t feel anything on his gums yet, so it''s probably just the begining stages. He''s still sleeping fine, just chomping on all his toys and a little bit grumpier than normal. And his clogged tear duct finally opened! No more goopy eye! He''s so much cuter without the goop
. He''s now started inching around on his back, he was squirming all over his crib yesterday. I''m just hoping he''ll be OK in the car next weekend, we''re driving to San Diego, 6 hours away. Camping on the beach! I can''t wait!
Date: 7/11/2009 11:30:30 AM
Author: mela lu
NYC - we had a similar issue with Romy, where he needed to be rocked to sleep. We transitioned him with the ''pick up-put down'' routine (which came with a bit of crying and protest), until he got to the point where we could put him down awake (with his paci) and he falls asleep by himself.

Did you end up trying the pick up-put down routine? Can''t remember if you tried that already...
hey MELA- i do the pick up put down routine but when i pick up i have to rock away until he gets dozey again...he wont get sleepy w.o the rocking

MRS-when u put S down around 7 what time does she wake up? if i put jon down at 7 he will be up either around 12 or like last nite 3am! if i put him down at midnite then he will be up any time from 6-8am so i think thats a better situation for us lol..he only sleeps around 6 or 7 hrs a nite..hoping that will go up soooon!

so we had a great time last ni te, went to a wedding of one of dh''s coworkers and it was so much fun...there were lots of wives there with twins
so we had lots to talk about, we danced, drank and had such a fun nite! my parents slept over and watch the babes and we were able to come home and go right to sleep..aahhhh
Date: 7/12/2009 10:11:38 AM
Author: nycbkgirl

MRS-when u put S down around 7 what time does she wake up? if i put jon down at 7 he will be up either around 12 or like last nite 3am! if i put him down at midnite then he will be up any time from 6-8am so i think thats a better situation for us lol..he only sleeps around 6 or 7 hrs a nite..hoping that will go up soooon!

NYC, when I put her down at 7 she usually up once or twice during the night but I can get her back to sleep right after she eats. For example, she went to bed at 7:45 last night (the seep gods decided to torment me with major fussiness and she really struggled to go to bed last night), woke up at midnight and 5AM to eat and kind of fell asleep while eating both times so I just burped her while she was half awake and put her down back in her crib. She cried a little at 5AM but I put the paci in her mouth and wiggled it until she took it and she was out again. She was up for the day at 8:30. She doesn''t usually sleep so late since I need to get to work early but it was GREAT today!

When you put Jon down at 7 and he wakes at midnight or 3, he''s hungry, correct? When you feed him do you turn on the lights and make noise or do you try to keep everything dark and quiet? When I get up with her at night, I don''t make any noise and I don''t turn on any lights. And I find that she stays in that sleep mode better if I don''t change her. And if I DO have to change her (only when he diaper feels really full), I do so as quickly as possible and I make no eye contact or facial expressions.

Hope this helps! Good luck!
Date: 7/12/2009 9:22:41 AM
Author: MustangGal
Mrs - isn''t it cute when they talk to themselves? And I can''t believe she''ll be 4 months already!

Teething is going OK, I can''t feel anything on his gums yet, so it''s probably just the begining stages. He''s still sleeping fine, just chomping on all his toys and a little bit grumpier than normal. And his clogged tear duct finally opened! No more goopy eye! He''s so much cuter without the goop
. He''s now started inching around on his back, he was squirming all over his crib yesterday. I''m just hoping he''ll be OK in the car next weekend, we''re driving to San Diego, 6 hours away. Camping on the beach! I can''t wait!

Mgal, yay for the tear duct opening! I''m glad Kyle is still sleeping well despite the teething!

That''s so fun that you''re going camping on the beach in SD! My DH and I did that years ago before we moved to CA. He brought me out here to try to convince me to move with him and we went camping all the way from SD to San Francisco. It was great. I hope you have a wonderful time!! I''ll be sending good vibrations in the hopes that Kyle does okay in the car!
Date: 7/12/2009 12:50:55 PM
Author: Mrs
When you put Jon down at 7 and he wakes at midnight or 3, he''s hungry, correct? When you feed him do you turn on the lights and make noise or do you try to keep everything dark and quiet? When I get up with her at night, I don''t make any noise and I don''t turn on any lights. And I find that she stays in that sleep mode better if I don''t change her. And if I DO have to change her (only when he diaper feels really full), I do so as quickly as possible and I make no eye contact or facial expressions.
Ditto with Hunter. Down to bed at 7pm, wakes around 3am and I feed him and then right bad into bed! He will sleep until around 7am.
Date: 7/12/2009 12:50:55 PM
Author: Mrs

Date: 7/12/2009 10:11:38 AM
Author: nycbkgirl

MRS-when u put S down around 7 what time does she wake up? if i put jon down at 7 he will be up either around 12 or like last nite 3am! if i put him down at midnite then he will be up any time from 6-8am so i think thats a better situation for us lol..he only sleeps around 6 or 7 hrs a nite..hoping that will go up soooon!

NYC, when I put her down at 7 she usually up once or twice during the night but I can get her back to sleep right after she eats. For example, she went to bed at 7:45 last night (the seep gods decided to torment me with major fussiness and she really struggled to go to bed last night), woke up at midnight and 5AM to eat and kind of fell asleep while eating both times so I just burped her while she was half awake and put her down back in her crib. She cried a little at 5AM but I put the paci in her mouth and wiggled it until she took it and she was out again. She was up for the day at 8:30. She doesn''t usually sleep so late since I need to get to work early but it was GREAT today!

When you put Jon down at 7 and he wakes at midnight or 3, he''s hungry, correct? When you feed him do you turn on the lights and make noise or do you try to keep everything dark and quiet? When I get up with her at night, I don''t make any noise and I don''t turn on any lights. And I find that she stays in that sleep mode better if I don''t change her. And if I DO have to change her (only when he diaper feels really full), I do so as quickly as possible and I make no eye contact or facial expressions.

Hope this helps! Good luck!
well sometimes he wakes up at midnite...just so happened sat nite he slept til 3am! which never happened before but mom said he ate and went right to sleep til like 8 which isnt bad (but again thats rare)....usually he is awake from like 9pm til midnite...but i think maybe thats not a bad idea...if he skips a sleep session or 2 in the evening and he falls asleep by midnite or 1am...he then sleeps til about im thinkin maybe thats better, what do u guys think?

let me tell u all i had the best weekend ever! sat nite was the great wedding...sun we went to my unlces house in the suburbs, he has a pool and huge backyard ....the drive was over an hr and the kiddos were great ...the love the car!!! then they slept by the pool practically all day..i got to swim and enjoy the weather and they loved it! and the ride back was awesome and they slept and slept in the car seats until we had to get them up to change and eat...o man if i could do that every day it would be heaven on earth!
o and i also keep the lights on dim all nite and no eye contact or talking at all! ...i even tell my sis when she is here and he just falls asleep ..she looks at the like DONT LOOK AT HIM what a disaster
Date: 7/13/2009 11:01:24 AM
Author: nycbkgirl
Date: 7/12/2009 12:50:55 PM

Author: Mrs

Date: 7/12/2009 10:11:38 AM

Author: nycbkgirl

MRS-when u put S down around 7 what time does she wake up? if i put jon down at 7 he will be up either around 12 or like last nite 3am! if i put him down at midnite then he will be up any time from 6-8am so i think thats a better situation for us lol..he only sleeps around 6 or 7 hrs a nite..hoping that will go up soooon!

NYC, when I put her down at 7 she usually up once or twice during the night but I can get her back to sleep right after she eats. For example, she went to bed at 7:45 last night (the seep gods decided to torment me with major fussiness and she really struggled to go to bed last night), woke up at midnight and 5AM to eat and kind of fell asleep while eating both times so I just burped her while she was half awake and put her down back in her crib. She cried a little at 5AM but I put the paci in her mouth and wiggled it until she took it and she was out again. She was up for the day at 8:30. She doesn''t usually sleep so late since I need to get to work early but it was GREAT today!

When you put Jon down at 7 and he wakes at midnight or 3, he''s hungry, correct? When you feed him do you turn on the lights and make noise or do you try to keep everything dark and quiet? When I get up with her at night, I don''t make any noise and I don''t turn on any lights. And I find that she stays in that sleep mode better if I don''t change her. And if I DO have to change her (only when he diaper feels really full), I do so as quickly as possible and I make no eye contact or facial expressions.

Hope this helps! Good luck!

well sometimes he wakes up at midnite...just so happened sat nite he slept til 3am! which never happened before but mom said he ate and went right to sleep til like 8 which isnt bad (but again thats rare)....usually he is awake from like 9pm til midnite...but i think maybe thats not a bad idea...if he skips a sleep session or 2 in the evening and he falls asleep by midnite or 1am...he then sleeps til about im thinkin maybe thats better, what do u guys think?

let me tell u all i had the best weekend ever! sat nite was the great wedding...sun we went to my unlces house in the suburbs, he has a pool and huge backyard ....the drive was over an hr and the kiddos were great ...the love the car!!! then they slept by the pool practically all day..i got to swim and enjoy the weather and they loved it! and the ride back was awesome and they slept and slept in the car seats until we had to get them up to change and eat...o man if i could do that every day it would be heaven on earth!

NYC, I''m glad you had such a nice weekend!

RE: sleep. Since Jon went down at 7 and only woke at 3AM to eat and was back asleep until 8 this morning, it sounds like he CAN sleep well at night even if he isn''t doing it every night. If I were you, I would just keep trying to replicate that. Keep doing whatever bedtime rituals you''ve established early in the night (7 or 8) - feed him when he wakes in the middle of the night but try to get him to go back to sleep as soon as you can by whatever means (rocking if needed).

Also, it sounds like they both slept really well during the day yesterday so as it suggests in Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child, sleep DOES beget sleep so anything you can do to try to get them to nap better durrng the day will probably help you to get Jon to sleep better at night.

I hope they sleep well for you tonight!

Sure is quiet around here - how is everyone doing?

It sure is quiet! Why we thought putting a bunch of brand new (mostly first time) Mom''s together in a thread was a good idea! hahaha

We''re all too busy to post!

Romy is great. He must be hitting a growth spurt, because he''s waking HUNGRY from his naps, and eating every 2.5 hrs again, rather than the 3 hr routine we had going for a while. I know he''ll go back to 3 hrs once this spurt is over. I just have to tough it out till then. Speaking of toughing it out, my boobs still KILL. 6 weeks and still no BF relief. I''m going to see what middie says tomorrow...

Can''t wait to see how much he''s gained tomorrow!

NYC - glad jon slept better! hope it keeps up for you.

Here is Romeo this morning. He''s SO much more alert and responsive now. He smiles back at us now

Mela What a cute little monkey, I sure remember that age it is so fun! And please do ask the middies and see another LC is necessary. I think by now you shouldn''t have any pain! And don''t count on the slowing down of eating
Hunter eats every 2-3 hours pretty regularly. If you can get rid of the pain then it won''t bug you, I promise.


Yup, Hunter is keeping my hands full these days! We got a Jolly Jumper which is the cutest thing EVER! He loves it. I also went and joined a mothers group at the local early childhood centre in my town. Sure was nice to meet other moms of babies HUnter''s age! Gotta keep it up. I must admit, being a SAHM is really hard for me. I really miss adult conversation and the *consatnt* demands of a baby can really wear you out!
Date: 7/13/2009 9:53:09 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Mela I must admit, being a SAHM is really hard for me. I really miss adult conversation and the *consatnt* demands of a baby can really wear you out!

I feel you, and I''ve only been at this 6 weeks!

Going to find out about the BF pain today. OUCH!
Mela - Romy is soo cute! Sorry about the pain
, I hope it gets better soon!

DD - I was going bonkers after 8 weeks at home, I can''t imagine over 4 months
. I do envy you the chance to join a mommy club though, I just don''t have the time with work and house hunting.

Kyle is 5 months old! I weighed and measured him the best I could, and he''s about 25" long and 15.8 pounds. Still on the smaller side, but very happy and very strong. House hunting has been a disaster, the market it going nuts here! Houses get multiple offers the day they''re listed! The prices are still low, but it won''t be long before they''ll be rising. We''re about to give up and just finish up the work we''ve wanted to do on our current home and stay instead.
MG I think this is a blip in the market as all the people who waited to buy jump on properties. Many people predict another drop around Sept. So wait if you can and see if something good comes up!
We''re in no rush anyway, since this would be a second home, so now that we''ve seen everything currently on the market that meets our specs, we''ll just sit back and see what pops up. In the mean time we''ll paint the kitchen, put the patio cover on, paint the bedroom, and finish landscaping the backyard, all things that would help rent it out if we do get another house.

How''s your house hunting going?
Maybe some cute baby pics will bring out some lurkers

4th of July, I do have a version where he''s smiling, but for some reason I love his funky expression in this shot.

And I think he''ll love swimming when he gets older, this was floating in the pool at a 4th of July BBQ.

I''m sure I''ll have a few baby at the beach pics next week

MELA- hahaha that is sooo adorable!! my munchkins dont smile like that yet. jackie gives some expressions jon zippp.

Mgal- he is a stunna!
cant wait for beach pics
Mela, Romy looks great! What a cutie! And you''re so fortunate to have him smiling at 6 weeks! S didn''t really start smiling until later. I''m sorry to hear BFing still hurts a lot! I hope you find some help with that soon.

DD, that''s great that Hunter likes the jumper and that you''ve found a good mom''s group! Is he STTN now? I''m sorry to hear staying home is so hard! As difficult as it is to work full time with an infant, I think staying at home might be harder! I respect you and all the other SAHMs so much!

Mgal, Kyle looks great! Yay for 5 months! That''s so fun that he enjoys the water! We tried to take S in the pool this weekend for the first time and she threw a fit. I think the water wasn''t warm enough for her. She loves the bath so it''s too bad she is such a princess about the pool''s temp because I think she would love it. I don''t blame her though - I find that the pool at our complex isn''t warm enough for me a lot of the time too. How''s the new job going?

S has been somewhat frustrating at night these days. She has started fussing when we put her down again. She was going down with out a peep for weeks but now she''s back to fighting it.... I have to pick her up and nurse her to sleep now which is not good. Then she''s up again at 10 or 10:30 and once more at 3 or 3:30... After the 10PM feed, she goes back to bed no problem, but at 3AM she wakes up as soon as I put her back in her crib and decides it''s time to talk. She jabbers away to herself and goes on and on... Blah blah blah. I try to ignore it so that I can go back to sleep but I can''t help but listen a little since she sound so cute...

She also likes to talk when she''s eating - she will latch for a few seconds and pull off to look at me and say something. Then she''ll pop back on for a few seconds and then again off to say something else. It''s really adorable but makes the feeding last much longer... I think she just gets distracted so I need to start feeding her in her room (not the living room) where there are fewer distractions so that she can get a good feed.

Hope you''re all well, Mrs
MGal Love those pics!! Sounds like you have lots to keep you busy these days while you wait for the right place to come up. I think its always best to be patient with house hunting *if* you are able. So many people have to buy within a 2 week window (say because they sold their own house or something) that it is nice to have the luxory of waiting to see what pops up. Our house hunt is slowing trucking along. We go out to visit the city at the end of the month, and I am hoping that something suitable will be available then! But if not, we have 2.5 months before we need to move and even that is flexible so we are not in a rush. But As of August 1 we will be looking in earnest!

Mrs LOL at Hunter sleeping through the night
He is almost 5 months now and I am pretty sure he is teathing, so he is waking a lot in the night. We have made some progress is that now DH can go in, pick him up, pop in a soother and he calms right down and falls back to sleep when DH puts him down. The whole thing takes about 2 minutes! Unfortunately for DH I can''t do this process because if he sees me he wants the boob! LOL! But DH is a sport and goes in when I nudge him. He falls asleep so easily that it is better for him to be the one doing those quckie trips because I take a lot longer to fall back to sleep

Last night Hunter was up at 12, 3:30 (when I nursed him), 5 and 6am, when we brought him into our bed and I nursed him then we all slept until 8:30am (DH got up and left at 7:30). WTF?? We think he may have been cold or something, or teething -- he knaws on everything these days. But as always with sleep stuff it is a slow upward climb! It is getting better. He tends to wake a couple times a night, but DH can put him down the first time so I only nurse once, and he doesn''t typically wake at 5/6am anymore. Small mercies for sleep deprived us!
MRS I also meant to add that Hunter feeds a lot like that now too, it is cute but annoying! I think it contributes to his night waking because I don''t think he gets as many calories in the day. And that is funny about the babbling! Hunter doesn''t really do that yet... he whines and sings and laughs, but no babbling.
nyc - thanks! We did pop out a cute one
I just hope he stays that way...

mrs - the pool was almost bath temp, and our spa is about that too, so Kyle seemed pretty happy in the water. The beach this weekend will be much colder, so I bet he won''t like it! And the new job is great. I''m much busier, and learning a lot. I feel so much more useful! But, yesterday and today the person training me has been out sick, so I''m trying to hold down the fort when I only halfway know what I''m going. I hope she''s feeling better tomorrow! Sage talking is cute, but I hear you on it getting in the way! Kyle did about a week of waking at 4am and just blabbing away at the crib bumpers. DH gets up around 4:15am, so we would pop the paci in and get him back to sleep for me. I hope Sage gets past it quickly!

DD - have fun visiting! That should help you decide what parts of town and all too. I did see something promising today, I''ll have to talk it over with DH though, it''s a bare acre of land less than a mile from our current house. DH and I both grew up on 5 acres, so we like having space around us. We could probably purchase the acre, and build on it next year, hopefully...

I hope Hunter isn''t teething, so far it hasn''t been very fun with Kyle, he''s grumpy and wants to be held more
. I hope his sleep schedule get back on track for you!
all the talking about buying a house....dh and sis want one badly!!! but i just dont know if i wanna spend that much mulah
...sis wants to get a 2 family house so we both live in one (very convienent) but has to have backyard and pool...finding that in ny is a task!
Awww, love all the new pictures.

Romy is one happy happy baby.
Hope BF gets better for you.

That picture is priceless.

Awwww....Daisy is an angel.
Glad to hear that you figured out her window to be put down.

Great 4th of July pictures.
He does look like he''s enjoying the pool.