
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Mgal - SOOOO CUTE! Love that 4th of July one!

Middie Update~
Romeo is a whopping 10lbs 4 oz
. Our 6 weeks with the midies is done, so we start seeing our Pedi now.

She couldn''t figure out why BF hurts me so much. His latch is great. The only thing is that my right boob seems to have some dry or clogged milk in the nipple, so I have to get him to suck that out. Anyone else have this? It could be contributing to the pain, but not sure. Even as I type, my boobs hurt and he nursed 2 hrs ago! Blergh.

That''s my update! Oh house hunting. That was stressful. I don''t envy you at all, although, the end result is FAB!
Romy is growing like a weed!

What type of pain is it?
Does it feel like it''s radiating outward from the inside?
For me, if it was a nipple sore, it only hurts when I brushed against it.
Whereas when I have a clog (or milk blister that is about to form), I feel like someone''s jabbing my boobs with a needle.
Sorry I''ve half disappeared. We''re trying to tackle all of the household projects, which is just exhausting. None of them are terribly difficult, but it''s just a lot of time especially with an infant around! My milk supply is also down a little bit, so I''ve been taking it easier the past two days in hopes that it will get it back up some.

It''s amazing how many of us are doing something major house-related.

George got more shots today and is refusing to take a nap. Seriously, he''s only napped for about half an hour today and we''ve tried everything to get him to go down for another one. So of course he''s cranky on top of everything.

Kittenkat - welcome!

MGal - you sure did make a handsome one! I just love all of the pics that you post.

Mela - Just adorable. I love when they start smiling.

DD - that''s something I worry about if DH does get that one job. It''s so hard for me to go to work, but I know it has to be really hard being at home all day with them too. I hope the area we''d be moving to has some good mom groups.

Kind of speaking of - I feel like I''ve become a lot worse lately in being able to read George. I feel like I don''t know what''s normal for him any more, as I''m generally not around enough. And it just makes me so sad. I keep doubting myself.

Crying baby, back later.
Eeek for the new baby pictures!!!

I''d been wondering how the babies were doing... good to see all is well, all is well.

Daisy all curled up is ADORABLE!!! Romy with a hat, Kyle in the water... Awww!!! I''m loving it all!!
ok this was last nite.......

jon didnt sleep well all day (seemed like smthg was botherin him) he slept 1/2 hr in a.m. 1/2 hr in afternoon and from 5-7pm then i fed him, gave mylicon, bathed/played and he fell asleep by 1030pm ...until....6am! how awesome is that! man i wish that can happen everyday! (but with more napping)
blen....did george sttn since he didnt nap all day???
Hi ladies

NYC-That''s great that Jon slept for that long!!

Blen-Sorry if you''ve mentioned this already but are you bf''ing? How are you doing this while working? Are you pumping?

As far as we go, we''re hanging in there. My mom is leaving from Miami to Dominican Republic on Monday so she decided to come hang out before then. I had told her that I''ve been feeling really down so I''m positive that''s the reason why she came over. She encouraged me to see a therapist to check my hormone balance to make sure I''m not in need of some medication. I have an appointment tomorrow. I''m feeling a lot better but noticed that I get major anxiety at night.

The first night my mom came she took the bassinet out of my room and made me pump so she can feed her at night. I didn''t want to do this but 5 minutes after I pumped I passed out and was able to sleep for 3.5 hours. It''s incredible how a couple of hours of sleep can really make you feel like a new person.

I think I''ll continue pumping at night. Last night Sophia ate 3oz of breastmilk and slept for 4.5 hours!! I think she sleeps less after feeding because I never know when she''s done plus she passes out the minute she gets on the breast so she eats less and wakes up more. Latching has become sooo much easier. She latches on to my right breast like a champ. I don''t feel any pain at all and she eats right away. My left we''re still working on. When she latches on, it hurts but once she starts eating it doesn''t. My mom and FI have been trying to get me to feed her formula but I refuse. They both mean well and are supportive but I think that they (FI especially) feel they can help me out more if I FF. I''m so determined to bf until I start working and after that it''ll be a combo of formula and bm.

Other than that Sophia is doing really well. She''s still sleeping a lot during the day but she does wake for an hour or two randomly throughout the day. We went grocery shopping yesterday and went to Lowe''s. She slept the entire time. She got her first bath yesterday. She looked like a little frog inside of her huge baby tub lol.

Date: 7/15/2009 12:03:20 PM
Author: fiery

The first night my mom came she took the bassinet out of my room and made me pump so she can feed her at night. I didn''t want to do this but 5 minutes after I pumped I passed out and was able to sleep for 3.5 hours. It''s incredible how a couple of hours of sleep can really make you feel like a new person.

Truer words never spoken! Before you worry too much about meds, see how you feel with a little more sleep, it could be all you really need. Glad to hear that BFing is better! I too couldn''t BF well on my left breast and it sounds like it was a lot like you describe. If it helps, it went away after about 3-4 weeks and now there is no difference in how easy it is to nurse from either side.
Date: 7/15/2009 12:03:20 PM
Author: fiery

Hi ladies

NYC-That''s great that Jon slept for that long!!

Blen-Sorry if you''ve mentioned this already but are you bf''ing? How are you doing this while working? Are you pumping?

As far as we go, we''re hanging in there. My mom is leaving from Miami to Dominican Republic on Monday so she decided to come hang out before then. I had told her that I''ve been feeling really down so I''m positive that''s the reason why she came over. She encouraged me to see a therapist to check my hormone balance to make sure I''m not in need of some medication. I have an appointment tomorrow. I''m feeling a lot better but noticed that I get major anxiety at night.

The first night my mom came she took the bassinet out of my room and made me pump so she can feed her at night. I didn''t want to do this but 5 minutes after I pumped I passed out and was able to sleep for 3.5 hours. It''s incredible how a couple of hours of sleep can really make you feel like a new person.

I think I''ll continue pumping at night. Last night Sophia ate 3oz of breastmilk and slept for 4.5 hours!! I think she sleeps less after feeding because I never know when she''s done plus she passes out the minute she gets on the breast so she eats less and wakes up more. Latching has become sooo much easier. She latches on to my right breast like a champ. I don''t feel any pain at all and she eats right away. My left we''re still working on. When she latches on, it hurts but once she starts eating it doesn''t. My mom and FI have been trying to get me to feed her formula but I refuse. They both mean well and are supportive but I think that they (FI especially) feel they can help me out more if I FF. I''m so determined to bf until I start working and after that it''ll be a combo of formula and bm.

Other than that Sophia is doing really well. She''s still sleeping a lot during the day but she does wake for an hour or two randomly throughout the day. We went grocery shopping yesterday and went to Lowe''s. She slept the entire time. She got her first bath yesterday. She looked like a little frog inside of her huge baby tub lol.

hehehe where r the pics?! so glad ur mom was such a help! my family is the best and i wouldnt be able to function w.o. them...hang in there with the bf''in it sounds so tough but u r a troopa
? my friend told me that once her daughter hit 3 mos she started giving her a tsp of oatmeal (organic single grain) mixed in with the formula before the bedtime feeding and that led to her what do u all think of that? is it too early to do that?
hi ladies,

Mela, I''m sorry BFing is hurting! I hope it gets better soon!

Blen, It sounds like you have lots of stressful stuff goin on - I hope things get easier for you.

nycb, congrats on Jon STTN. I''ve read that research doesn''t support the idea that feeding babies solids helps them sleep through the night despite the fact that many parents believe that it does. I would wait on introducing any cereal if I were you. Perhaps you could ask your pedi what he/she thinks?

fiery, I''m glad to hear you''re hangin in there. these first few weeks a really tough! I hope your appointment tomorrow goes well. Sophia sounds darling! FYI: I was working full time (until today) and was able to exclusively breast feed my LO by pumping during the day. It wasn''t easy but it CAN be done. Blen is doing it too so perhaps she''ll chime in. Let us know if you have any questions about how it can be done.

hi everyone else

So I got laid off today... my firm let almost 500 people go across the country and my team was basically disbanded. Many of us were let go and the others were reassigned. I''m bummed since I''ve been with the company for 8 years and built a good reputation there doing work I enjoyed... but I didn''t love my job so I''m trying to look on the bright side. We''ll be okay since we have savings and my severance is good but it''s still hard to take. Not sure what I''m gonna do. I feel really fortunate t have such a wonderful husband and healthy baby. And I''m really glad we don''t own a home yet. So I have some thinking to do. I need to figure out if I want to go on the job hunt now or wait a little bit or even stay home for a while. We''ll see. lots to think about.

Hope you''re all well!

Gotta go eat dinner. back later
Sorry, I''ve been pretty absentee!

NYC I''ve been reading about starting solid foods, and from what I''ve read, I do not plan to start any solids til 6 months.

Mrs I am SO sorry to hear that you''ve been laid off! It sounds like you have a wonderful attitude and I hope that whatever you decide to do next will make you happy.

Fiery I am sorry to hear that you''ve been down. I posted to you in your other thread. We had a similar situation about the bottle of pumped milk knocking A out for sleeping much better than bf''ing did. I hope BF''ing gets easier for you. It did for me. It is still hard to tell when he is done, though, as he likes to nurse, rest, nurse, rest etc.

What prompted me to post tonight is that I am really mad about baby weight! I have a very stubborn body. I gained too much during my pregnancy despite watching my calories and working out until the last 2 weeks of my pregnancy, when my dr put me on modified bedrest! I have about 25 lb left to go. It is ALL in my stomach. I still look pregnant! I have a big flap of skin and fat. I have been working out tons, at least 5 days a week. Some days I am doing intense weight lifting and interval cardio at the gym, other days going for jogs and walks of 1-2 hours. I''m trying hard to eat healthy and really limit sugar or any kind of empty calories. we don''t eat out much at all these days either. I know it takes time but I feel like I''m doing all the right things and I have not lost any weight at all in the past 6 weeks or so. It''s like the harder I work, the more my body holds on. I am wearing 2 sizes above my pre-preg size. I wonder if I am going to have to have a tummy tuck to look OK again. I always thought I would not have cosmetic surgery but I am seriously contemplating it now! (I don''t know what it costs though, or all the risks - just saying that I would consider it in the future after we are done having kids.) Just wanted to vent. Most of my friends were able to drop their weight easily and quickly, and able to eat whatever they wanted while bf''ing, and I guess I am just MAD that my body is so difficult
It seems so unfair and frustrating.

Also frustrating, A was getting up once at night and a couple times slept straight through. The last few nights he''s been up twice. He''s also been resisting naps STILL. I read the No Cry Nap Solution and have a few ideas of things to try. I am SO TIRED.
Date: 7/15/2009 9:01:37 PM
Author: nycbkgirl
? my friend told me that once her daughter hit 3 mos she started giving her a tsp of oatmeal (organic single grain) mixed in with the formula before the bedtime feeding and that led to her what do u all think of that? is it too early to do that?

NYC it''s an old wives tale that solids help kids STTN. Research shows that it doesn''t really do anything-it just happens to be that STTN often coincides with about the same time that infants start STTN. But for what it''s worth I think 3 months is too young for any solids personally.
MRS- o no
im so sorry about work...maybe some time off is a good thing to relax and then back to regrouping and looking for another job? i know the economy is tough and it is hard to find work but gotta stay positive and i send u lots of work dust!!

TDM- sorry u r upset about the weight
i dont have much advice except keep working on it ...i have flab and skin etc but im still lighter than i was pre preggo so im not complainin (i gotta take what i can get

Neat- always wanting ur advice! thanx.

so thanks for the opinions and i trust u all so i will not do anything before consulting doc which will be next month

we are 3 mos in 1 1/2 hrs
NYC - nope, didn''t STTN! But DH says that he''s had some really good naps today. When I wasn''t home. Figures.
We''re not planning to introduce any solids until at least six months - it''s what the AAP/WHO recommend.

Mela - sorry to hear that it''s still hurting.
I hope that you''re able to get some help.

Fiery - Hey there! As Mrs said, George is getting only breastmilk. I''m pumping before I leave for work, then again around 10:30ish and 2ish. And when I''m home, he''s drinking straight from the tap. I''d be happy to answer any questions you have.
Sleep can do wonders... hopefully that will do the trick, but it''s great that you''re reaching out for help now. Hugs.

Mrs - that really sucks. I''m so sorry. It sounds like you''re at least aware of the most important things - your family, and the fact that you have a safety net in place - but it''s still so hard.

TanDogMom - I can sympathize. I think I still look pregnant too. I''m normally a size 8 or so, and I''m in size 16 pants right now. Said as I''m eating a brownie... shhhh.
But seriously, with the exception of this week I''ve been super diligent about working out. (I have enough going on this week that I''m taking a few days off so that I don''t kill myself.) And my ab strength is now better than my husband''s, but they''re still pooching out. Not fair indeed.

I had a crappy morning. I tend to just open the bedroom door to take one last look at George and DH before leaving (they''re generally still asleep), and when I did this morning George''s breathing was really erratic - like pantpantpant paaaaaaaause pantpant paaaaaaause. I figured that maybe he was dreaming or something, and got out the door and down the street, and then started panicking that maybe he had stopped breathing, went home, and found the both still peacefully sleeping. George''s breath was very regular at that point, actually in time with DH''s snoring
. So I got back in the car and was driving down the highway when my freaking contact fell out of my eye and onto my lap. I got it back in, but of course there was fuzz on it and so my eye hurt until I got to work 10 minutes later and could take care of it. The only good thing is that I managed to overlook the fact that I was supposed to work a later shift today than usual, so I was 10 minutes early instead of 20 minutes late after all of this. I asked my supervisor if I could just take a vacation day tomorrow and he said okay... I think I really need it. We may try to go see Harry Potter.
Mrs I''m so sorry about your job! I''m glad you will be okay financially. I woule be tempted to stay home a bit before looking, but that is maybe not the right thing for you.

Blan What a story! You need a day off.

NYC My thoughts are the same as others: An illusory correlation if I ever heard of one! LOL!


As for me, all heck has brocken loose on the sleeping front and it is making me seriously mental
Hunter napes really well these days -- 2 hours in the morning, another 2 hours in the afternoon, and about 45 minutes in the early evening.

But he has started waking at 10pm, 1am, 3am, and 5am! He used to wake at 3am and *maybe* another time in the night on a bad week. Whenever we go in he is rolled on his tummy and he doesn''t like it. We tried the sleep positioners, but now he is too strong for them and rolls on his tummy anyways
So he just ends up on his tummy with the sleep positioner around him! I don''t think that is safe so we stopped using it. And we are at square one again.
He is getting really strong but still hasn''t figured out front to back rolling.

Last weekend we persisted and we have been able to get him to go back to sleep at night without nursing! Which is a great thing. So when he wakes most of the time, DH just goes in and picks him up and puts him down and he falls asleep. BUt we are still woken up! I introduced a dream feed at 10pm but it hasn''t made any difference, except now he wakes at 10 pm each night in anticipation of being fed

I went in myself at 3am and rolled him over and popped the binky in, and he went to sleep. That is the first time I have been able to get him to go to sleep without nursing, so we are making some small progress, but the constant waking is *really* getting to me

It is getting to DH too. He wanted to help with this nighttime stuff, but honestly I don''t think he is patient enough. Last night, DH couldn''t get him to go back to sleep at 1am and I went in and he did a big feed, so he was hungry. DH got so frustrated that he got all mad and this really ticked me off, because in my opinion, it is unacceptable to get mad at your baby for being a baby. I am not happy about his reaction at all and I hope this isn''t a sign of things to come regarding his temper and patience. I really won''t tolerate temper with my kids, it is a sign of immaturity in my opinion.

Bah... that is my vent
I am so tempted to co-sleep because I know that would solve these issues. But it just opens a whole nother can of worms. We shall persist, but I think I am back solo on nights again which is really not good for me.
nyc - I''ve heard the same myth, Kyle STTN before solids, and sometimes doesn''t now that he is on solids, so I don''t think it makes a difference. Talk to your pedi, the twinks may need to wait until their adjusted age to start solids, so it might be a while still.

mrs - I''m sorry about the job! At least you''re prepared, and this will give you a chance to look around. I''d say keep your eyes open and apply for things, it may take a while before anything goes through anyway.

blen - I''m sorry about your bad day
, hopefully your DH will get the job and you can stay home with your cutie.

DD - That sucks with Hunter still waking up. Kyle stoppe dthe rolling thing in the crib unless he''s just playing in there, but he also woke at 11pm and 4am last night. Hes the same, a paci and a pat and he''s back out, but it still disturbs my sleep. DH also lost his temper a couple times with the baby. I found he doesn''t do as well when stressed or tired, it might be the same with your DH. It''s also one of my reasons for only wanting 1 child, I don''t think he could handle it if a new baby wasn''t as easy as this one.

So far all teething has done for us is turn our easy baby into a grump. He doesn''t like the bouncer at all anymore, and isn''t as good playing by himself. He''ll hold toys in his mouth, but won''t help hold the teething ring for some reason. At least he''s still sleeping pretty normal. I just hope he does OK in the car for 4 hours tonight. We put in a full size car seat that looks much more comfortable than his infant seat, so I hope that helps. I''m so excited to see the ocean again! 24 hours and I''ll be waving at the waves


hiya mommies, here''s my attempt to get caught up with this thread again!

mela, so sorry to hear about the BF still hurting. hopefully those clogged ducts will help. romy is looking just adorable and so big already!

fiery, glad to hear you were able to sleep!! take advantage of as much help as you can to get through these first weeks. they are tough but they go by soo quickly - i''ve already forgotten how teeny tiny newborns are and was actually reminiscing about the earlier days with hubby yesterday haha. believe it or not i was actually talking about the constant waking up with NOSTALGIA

mustang, adorable pics as always! how old is kyle now? i believe he''s right around J''s age (6mos) and i''ve noticed that he''s getting abit grumpier as well. NOT looking forward to teething at all.

nyc, i started J on rice cereal at 4.5 mos on the advice of my pedi. he loved it and took to it really well but i didn''t really notice any change in his sleeping habits because of it.

mrs, sorry about the job! i guess the silver lining here is that you get some time at home with baby, so enjoy it while you look around for other opportunities

dd, J went through the same sleep regression around the 4-5 mth mark. it was insane how often he woke up at night, every 2 hrs it seemed! from what i read it was pretty common for this to happen with babies around that age, and he grew out of it after a month or so thankfully. sleeping is going well for us now although i think it is easier because we co-sleep in the arms reach so even though he still wakes up once at night to feed it''s a quick 5-6 minute feed and he falls right back asleep. not sure when i''ll begin transitioning him to the crib - maybe once that nightly feed has been phased out?

tandog, it''s ok to be frustrated with the weight because from what it sounds like you''ve been doing everything right. you may be in the group of women who''s bodies hang on to the weight while BFing. just keep up with the healthy habits, and be easy on yourself - just remember it took 9 months to put all that weight on!

things have been good with us. J turned 6 mos old this week - time is FLYING BY! i can''t believe maternity leave is half way over...yikes, where has the time gone? we have his 6 mth appointment next week so i''m looking forward to see how he''s progressing on height and weight. we''ve been giving him a bit of veggies once a day (gerber first stages organics) and he is loving them. *sale alert* a baby food processor is on sale for just $14.99 @ pottery barn kids and i picked one up yesterday. i don''t plan on making my own baby food all the time but think it''s worthwhile to have for when i want to. i pureed some steamed peas yesterday that came from my neighbours vegetable patch and those went over very well!

hope all the mommies are doing well!!
Thanks for the support ladies.

TDM, I'm sorry the baby weight is so frustrating! It sounds like you are doing all the right things though. Perhaps it will come off when you wean A? I understand some women find that they can't get back to pre-pregnancy weight until the stop BFing. Stick with the healthy diet and working out and it will come off!

nyc, yay for 3 mos!

Blen, I'm sorry your morning yesterday was not so fun but I really hope you enjoy your day off today!

DD, bummer about Hunter's sleep now. Sage is doing the same thing though it's not because of rolling over (yet). She's up at 10 or 10:30 crying and coughing every night and wont sleep unless I nurse her. And then she's up again twice - usually at 2 and then 5 and more often than not she gets really mad if I try to give her the paci so I end up feeding her. I'm hoping that now that I'll be home (at least for a while) she will eat more during the day and less at night. We'll see. I hope your DH gets more patient with Hunter - I am the only one getting up with Sage now as well and it's very hard. WHen DH was up with her at night in the beginning he would sometimes lose his patience and I HATED when he got exasperated with her. Good luck!

MGal, bummer about Kyle being grumpy! I hope he gets back to his good spirits soon! ANd I hope you have a wonderful time this weekend! Can't wait to hear about it.

S is 4 months old today and she rolled over from front to back this morning three times! It was very cool since I was video chatting with my mom when she did it so my mom got to see it too! As I wrote above, she's not sleeping great but we're managing. She has her 4 mos apt tomorrow and I hope the vaccinations go okay!

gonna go meet with my old boss for a bit today - I hope he can help me come up with a good game plan for how to approach my next professional move. He's a great guy and very smart so I think he will give me good guidance. we'll see.

hugs to all you mommies,

ETA: sbde, glad all is well with you!! thanks for the sale tip
sbde - Kyle''s just a few weeks younger than your baby, he''s 5 months 1 week now (born Feb 12). We''ve also started a few veggies, so far he hated peas, liked carrots, and didn''t seem to mind green beans. We''re trying squash tomorrow. I hope the 6 month appointment goes well for you! Too bad there isn''t a pottery barn close to me, I was going to look into a baby food thingy

mrs - For Kyle the 4 month appointment and shots was way easier than the 2 month ones. My pediatric nurse friend said since it''s all the same shots they get at the 2 month, their bodies already have some in them and know how to handle it better.

TDM - sorry about the weight! My SIL had a hard time loosing while BFing also. I managed to get the last few off by going low carb, eliminating all corn syrup, sugar, and white rice/flour. In a month I lost 7 pounds. With the BFing you might want to talk to a doctor/LC and see what they reccomend so that it doesn''t hurt your milk supply.
blen- grrr@ crappy mornings..i always say once the day starts off on a bad note its a bad sign for the day to come so hope the rest of ur day was ok
...scary about the breathing but im glad u checked to make sure so u wouldnt drive urself crazy thinking about it later!

DD- i sympathize with u bc i had the same issues...there were time dh acted the same way but he catches himself right away and stops...its really all the lack of sleep (its getting to everyone!)...i even got angry a few times ...(like last nite with jackie
)...but again i catch myself in the moment and get over it ...di wouldnt worry about it getting worse or becoming a habit...once we get thru the sleeping issues everything should be fine! keep us posted.
sorry about the sleeping tho
...thats whyi get soo pissed when mil insists that her kids had a strict schedule ...they played ate and bathed and went to sleep at 9oclock til morning (yehhhh ok at 3mos!!! freakn liar lol!) urgh.
and my kids are opposite...only tummy sleep (weird)...jackie can fall asleep on her own and sometimes on her back but jon..noooo way.

MGAL-im sure kyle will do great in the car...i think a lot of babies love the car (at least mine really do and its a blessing) wish u luck!

SBDE- woohoo for 6mos! thanks for the tip...i cant wait to start REAL food

MRS- 4mos!! time is flying srsly! sending lots of new job finding dyst ur way!!! hope the mtg goes well!
hey ladies! Been MIA for awhile, trying to figure this motherhood thing out
Things are finally starting to get a little easier. Now if my 6 week old would just sleep thru the night
I can''t complain too much though, I start EASY this week and he actually is napping WAY better. He was super cranky before during the day, but I realized I was just missing the cues and he was just over tired. Bad mommy...but I''m figuring him out. He''s waking up at 2:00 am every night though and I don''t think he''s hungry. 2 nights ago I was able to get him to go back to sleep w/out a feed after 40 minutes...last night wasn''t so successful. After about 1 1/2 hours I just gave up and fed him. But I really don''t think he''s hungry, I think it''s more of a habit of having the bottle and falling asleep while feeding. We''ll figure it out soon enough I guess!

MRS - sorry to hear you were laid off! But keep your spirits up and I''m sure everything will work out for the better! It''s cliche, but I find true "everything happens for a reason." I''m sure there are bigger and better things out there for you

Dreamer - bummer that Hunter is having such a hard time w/ sleeping lately! I hope it goes back to "normal" soon!!

MGal - Kyle is so cute!! Love the new pics!!

Mela - Romy is too adorable! Love the smile! Lex is smiling a lot now too! It just melts my heart

Blen - sorry to hear you had a bad morning!

NYC - Our gastric ped wanted us to add the cereal to the bottle to help w/ reflux, but it made Lex so freakin gassy and miserable we stopped. I just don''t think his little body is ready for it. Glad to hear Jon seems to be doing better!!! Keep up the good work momma

TDM - I hear ya about the weight...I just starting working out again, but not super hard yet since I haven''t had my post-natal appt yet (next week). But I cannot wait to get this last 15 off! I''m the opposite of you though, my a** and thighs are my problem area and boy does it show
I''m up 2 pant sizes as well...bummer for sure! Keep up the working out though and the weight will come off!

So Lex is doing much better w/ the reflux and gas. In fact he''s not gassy at all anymore, the new formula definitely helped w/ that. And no choking episodes in 2 weeks! We still have one more test the doc wants us to do next week though and we''ll go from there. But for the most part, all is well here!!
cdt - Kyle was about that age when we switched formula also, and it made a huge difference with his gassyness. I hope Lex passes all the tests! At 6 weeks Kyle started sleeping form 9pm to 3:30 or 4am. It took a week or so for him to stop waking at 1am when we used to feed. I''m sure Lex was just used to that schedule. Try the pick up/put down, or just a paci and see if that helps with the 2am wakeup. We leave his room completely dark (no nightlites), and do the blind stumble down the hall/search the crib for the paci and pop it in all in the dark so there isn''t any light to wake him up. Kyle also likes the mobile music, so I usually turn it on when he night wakes (it has a 15 minute auto shutoff).
CDT- so glad to hear no chkoing episode!that was scary!....which formula are u on again...gentlease?...the sleeping is a project but we are all getting way or another we will make it ! glad to hear from ya, was wondering where u were
Gosh it seems that sleep issues rule.
I really feel for everyone here. Lack of sleep is KILLER.

I have nothing new to report other than my boobs still hurt. I just grin and bear it, and I pop an advil one or two times a day to help. Middie says to do that in hopes that the pain will go away shortly. I really can''t figure it out, since his latch is good.
I can''t even describe the pain, like needles in my nipples while feeding, and then my boob aches after feeding for a while.

DD - Sucks about Hunters regression. Phooey! I''m curious, which sleep-related books have your consulted? What do they say? I know I''m going to face this eventually, so I''m going to learn through you (hope you don''t mind)...

Mrs - SO sorry about your job. This is such a brutal time. The only thing is, it''s just a job, and another one will come ''round when the time is right. In the meantime, just enjoy your sweet little peice of sugar, Sage

Blen - your crazy morning reminded me of one of Amber''s hilarious stories. lol. Thanks for the laugh!

Um, um gotta run - but I''m still looking preggo too. You''re not alone TanDog and Blen! Even worse is that my fat hangs over my C-section scar a wee bit. SICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Romy''s up! Bye!
I slept in today (aka slept until 9 am) and then went to see Harry Potter, so I''m feeling a bit better. We''re going to try to tackle a house project this afternoon, but it was nice having some time to recoup.

Sbde - thanks for the sales tip!
Dumb question - what does a baby food processor do that a regular food processor doesn''t?

CDT - glad to hear he hasn''t had any other scary episodes.

DD - that sounds really frustrating.

MG - enjoy the beach! I''m not looking forward to teething.

Mrs - I hope that your old boss is able to give you some good advice.

Mela - I think I''ve heard that thrush feels like needles in nipples... have you looked into that? I''m not sure off-hand what other symptoms are.
Mgal - i''m going to keep up w/ trying to not feed at 2. The paci worked the other night...last night he wasn''t having it. But no matter what time his last feed is before 2, he still wakes up at 2 on the dot, which is why i''m pretty sure it''s habit more than anything. If I could eliminate that feed he''ll go from 10:00 - 4:00...I''ll take it!!

NYC - we are on the Alimentum ready serve....after exactly 2 weeks on it, all of his gas disappeared and he is spitting up WAY less....
Mrs I''m sorry to hear about your job but it sounds like it is for the best right now. Are you leaning more towards staying home? I can''t believe S is already 4 months!

TDM Sorry about the baby weight. Have you tried anything like weight watchers? I hope A starts napping soon!

Blen I''m going to have a ton of questions for you around September so don''t disappear
Glad you took your vacay day!

DD I hope H gets back to the rythm of things. It sounds like each stage brings its own sets of issues/frustrations/learning curves.

MG Enjoy the ocean
Where are you going?

is right lol. Although *everyone* tells me to enjoy this time with her because it goes by so fast. And honestly, she''s like a drug. As frustrated as I get, I adore her little face so it makes it a teeny bit better.

Mela Have you tried soothies? Sorry if you have mentioned trying it before. My LC gave me a few packs when my nipples were really sore and scabbed and I love them. You pop them in the freezer and then put them on after feedings. Its great.

CDT-Glad to hear you and Lex are doing well!


As for us, I went to my appointment today and she told me everything you ladies have said, mainly that its normal. She sent me home with some exercises: keeping a journal, sign-up for a couple of networking groups for new moms, and also some breathing exercises. I''m really glad she didn''t give me any meds because I didn''t want to start any.

Sophia has been awake for the majority of the day. If that means she''ll sleep easier at night, then I''m happy. I''ve been playing with her and just put her down after she fed. She''s thisclose to smiling.

Now, if I could get my in-laws on a schedule I''d be happy
. They have a really bad habit of showing up at 9PM and not leaving until 12:30AM
. The whole time the like to play with her and get frustrated if she falls asleep and make comments about her being lazy
The other night they showed up at 9PM and then MIL calls her two sisters and mother to come over. They didn''t leave until 2AM!!!!!
And when I took her into the room to bf, his aunts actually wanted to come into the bedroom to watch me feed her. Fi had to kick out his parents a few days ago at around 10PM and his mom got mad. Seriously 1) who visits a newborn at that time of night and 2) who stays for that long??? Both MIL and FIL ended up getting a really bad cold. They wanted to come visit yesterday but I told her no. She said they feel better but she sounded awful and was still coughing on the phone. The thing is that MIL doesn''t work and FIL gets off of work at around 1PM. I have invited MIL to come over early for some coffee but she usually sleeps in until 12 or 2PM and doesn''t fall asleep sometimes until 4AM. I need a Happiest MIL on the Block book
Fiery- Seriously, again with your MIL?
How about- don''t answer the door?
fiery - we''re going to be camping right on a cliff above the beach just north of San Diego (Cardiff by the Sea for anyone that knows the area). My parents, little brother, and cousin are already there with our tent trailer, and my little sister lives in the area. A bunch of our old high school friends are also there this week, so it''ll be neat to see them, although it might be a little odd since we''re the only one with a baby, and most aren''t even married. I guess we''re the only one that grew up.

Sophie should be napping through the day, she probably won''t stay awake more and an hour to 1.5 hours at a time. If she''s going longer than that she might be over tired. I can''t believe your MIL come over that late
, I would just set a rule that everyone has to leave by 10pm no matter what time they arrive. You''ll never catch up on sleep if they stay to the wee hours of the morning!