
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Hi ladies! I just thought I'd pop in and let you know I am still alive! :wink2: I am so terribly slack with my posting here. Oscar will be 7 months old in a week (!!!!!!!). Seriously, where does the time go?!?! He is now eating three solid meals a day, he loves cereal, eggs, toast with Vegemite, most fruit and veggies. Between 5-6 breastfeeds, three solid meals and two naps a day, all I seem to do is feed the kid and put him to bed! He is such a cheeky little bugger, happy as a clam and always smiling and laughing.

He is getting reasonably mobile, getting up on his hands and knees and caterpillaring himself backwards. Overnight he discovered how to sit up too! I took a photo of him in DH's baby ugg boots, they are 37 years old and still going strong. He reached for my phone while I was taking the photo, and the end result looked like he was busting out a rap song, it cracked us up :bigsmile:

He's still a little fatty boombah, and his hair is hilarious, it is getting long but sticks straight up in the air. He is still a great sleeper, doing 12 hours a night between feeds and two 2 hour naps a day... but there is no sign of any teeth yet, so I'm sure my good luck has to run out eventually ::) I can't get enough of his laugh, there is something about a baby/child's laugh that is so incredibly infectious.

Keep the pics coming, all of your babies are just so beautiful!!!!!! :love: :love: :love: I read this thread an awful lot more than I manage to post, and enjoy everyone's stories and have learned a lot from all the advice posted here, so I thank you all for that!

Dandi, O is sooo cute!!! You made me lol with the rap comment, hehe!!! So glad you are enjoying him!!!
amc, isn't it funny how babies can be so picky about food? I looked back at my last post about having some success with puffs, and then this past Friday, I couldn't get L to put one in her mouth herself, so I offered it to her and she took it and then started to gag on it. I was just considering whether I should try to fish it out of her mouth when she went ahead and threw up the yogurt and fruit she had been eating along with the puff. Geez. At least I'm glad that she will do that rather than choke.

Glad you caught B before he had a tumble on the stairs. Fast little buggers, aren't they?

Dandi, O is so freaking cute! Love that rap photo and his sticky-uppy hair! It's great to hear how well things are going with him. He sounds like he's quite the happy personality. Baby laughs are the BEST. There's something so pure about them. I strive to make L laugh a good hearty one at least once a day.

For those of you in the US, hope you had a nice holiday!

ETA--we put an offer on a house that was accepted late last week. We eventually had to offer full list price (ugh, so expensive ;( ), but I really do think the place is worth it. Next step... inspection!
Dandi, Happy 7 month birthday to O! Sounds like he is doing great at eating and getting ready to crawl!

Jfo, congratulations on the house! I hope your inspection goes well.

MP, how is Ev doing?

AMC, how's the super fast crawler and climber doing? I re-read your sleep post this weekend, but DH is currently not ready for CIO or modified CIO so we're making baby steps on sleep at our house. I'm not sure I'm ready for it either, but I do know K needs more sleep.

AFU, K has had a horrible time with naps in her crib the past week. She has been sleeping for 20-30 mins at most if she's not in her car seat driving some place or sleeping on a person. The nanny has had a horrible time getting her to sleep in the crib. Usually, when she puts her down she wakes up immediately and cries. K has improved significantly on sleeping at night though the past 4 nights. She now wakes up around 4am to be rocked back to sleep (instead of needing a bottle) and gets up at 7am for the day for a bottle. We are trying to push her bed time back from 9pm to 8pm and that seems to be going well so far. She still goes to bed asleep (ie, falls asleep being rocked or drinking her bottle) which I know is not ideal, but I'm just trying to get by with as little screaming as possible and as much sleep for me as I can get! K is still not rolling over from back to tummy or showing any signs of crawling so I hope she's not developmentally slow. She does sit up fine and chatters a lot, but apparently is just not into crawling or being on her tummy. As soon as we put her down on her tummy to help her learn to crawl, she immediately rolls to her back. Also, still no teeth at 8 months and 1 week.
JGator, I have some of the same concerns as you. We have to put Ev in the crib sound asleep or he just freaks out and will not stop crying. We usually have to go in and comfort him or give him another bottle before we go to bed, but then he is usually able to sleep until 6 or 7 in the morning. He also is making no attempt to crawl or pull himself up. He seems fine with just rolling around to get where he wants to go. I'm guessing our little ones will catch up soon, but it is hard not to worry when I see what my friends' and people on here's kiddos around the same age are doing.

jfo, good luck with the house inspection! That's exciting. We started looking at houses about 6 months ago, but DH is not really serious about it yet and not ready to commit to anything. I'm so ready to get into a larger, more family-friendly home. Yikes on the puff story, but at least she didn't choke on it. That's why I'm really nervous about giving Ev anything other than purees, but I know I need to get over that and let him try.

Dandi, O is so cute, and that's a funny picture! So glad to hear things are going well for you.

amc, I can't believe how active your kiddo is - jumping and climbing stairs. What kinds of table foods did you start him on?

AFU, we were out of town for 5 days, and Ev did really well. He was way too busy smiling and laughing at everyone to sleep, so he hardly napped during the day. In addition to his two bottom teeth, he has four top teeth that have either broken through or are just about to. He learned how to cover his eyes and play peek-a-boo, and he is babbling non-stop, and it sounds very conversational with all of his little inflections, expressions and gestures. It was really hard sending him to daycare today because I spent 6 days straight with him. Here's a pic from this weekend. He looks so HUGE in his carseat, and he is definitely getting taller and chubbier.

Hi all! B is 11 months today. Here's a picture that best describes what he's been up to lately-

I'm convinced he can walk but chooses not to. He's take 1-2 steps several times, but crawling just works so much better, so he's sticking with that. Sigh.

jfo said:
amc, isn't it funny how babies can be so picky about food? I looked back at my last post about having some success with puffs,

This is funny because B hated puffs until this past week. I bought the blueberry flavor and he loves them. We bought some graham crackers and he loves them...we are really trying to get him on table food and off the purees.

JGator said:
AMC, how's the super fast crawler and climber doing? I re-read your sleep post this weekend, but DH is currently not ready for CIO or modified CIO so we're making baby steps on sleep at our house. I'm not sure I'm ready for it either, but I do know K needs more sleep.

The best way to describe him is as a Tazmanian Devil. The end. Ha....B is great. I think he's going through a growth spurt because (speaking of bad sleep) he's been getting up twice a night to eat. I think he's legitimately hungry because he stays awake to eat the entire bottle, throws it out of the crib, and then rolls over and goes to it's not as if he's having trouble soothing himself.

The good news is he's learning to entertain himself a bit more. He plays with (throws) blocks and balls and loves them. We are making an effort to say words repeatedly (like when he holds a ball we will say "ball" over and over). He possibly said his first word over the weekend- he pointed to the cat and said something that sounded like "itzy" and we call the cats "kitties" so there you go. OH! He had his first swim lesson on Saturday. He didn't hate it, so I consider it a success.

Hope all is going well with everyone.

Thanks, ladies! I really hope that things go well with this house and the inspection does not turn up with anything terribly wrong. We're ready to get out of our little 2 bedroom apartment. L is not crawling yet, but once she does... I don't even know where to begin to try to baby proof the rest of our place although we have done a decent job in the area around where she plays on the floor now. I feel like we have stuff coming out of our ears and no place to put it. The extra space will be very welcome. MP, your DH sounds like mine a year ago--which coincidentally would have been probably the best time to buy in our area. I was ready, but DH wasn't ready to commit. Rates and house prices were both low then. Rates are already significantly higher than they were when we put the offer on the other house in April. Anyway, my DH is kicking himself right now for not trying to get something while I was still pregnant, but I guess hindsight is always 20/20.

JGator, I'm sorry to hear that napping in the crib during the day hasn't been going that well, but it sounds like night sleep is improving, and that's great! I think that is more important right now, especially since that impacts you and your sleep. Glad to hear that moving her to an earlier bedtime has been going well too. Hopefully that means she's getting more overall night sleep.

I think there's some sort of weird sleep full moon or something going on though because I'm also experiencing sleeping and napping issues with L too lately. She used to go sleep after she had a bottle and I gave her a favorite blanket. The last 4 nights, she won't settle down at all until I give her a pacifier--and I've never had to do that before. I'm thinking--uh oh, is this new sleep association that I'm now going to have to eventually break? And naps during the day have been even more of a struggle lately too because she really dislikes them. I usually have to hold and sing to her and put her in the crib asleep for day naps. Lately, I think I have her asleep and then as soon as I put her in the crib, she immediately wakes up. Then it's the same process all over. It's taking like 45 minutes to get her down--for sometimes only a 35 minute nap! Ugh. Hopefully they're having more success at daycare today.

MP and JGator, I don't know if your pediatricians did this too, but at our 6 month appointment, she gave us a "9 month questionnaire" that I'm supposed to complete and bring to her 9 month appointment. It has stuff in there like, "While holding on to furniture, does your baby bend down and pick up a toy from the floor and return to a standing position?" and then the answer choices are "yes", "sometimes" and "not yet". I read that and was thinking OMG, seriously? I feel like at least 75% of the questions are still "not yet" and then I started thinking, is L behind?? DH was joking that we're going to have study and practice with her so we can "pass the test". Seriously though, I'm sure all our LO's will achieve these milestones in due time.

MP, E looks SOOOO cute and happy! That's great that you had a wonderful week with him away. We have that same car seat! How long do you think he is now? I'm just wondering because I know that he's tall for his age and I think that car seat goes to 30 inches. At L's 6 month appointment, she was 28 inches. I am trying to figure out when to move her to a convertible car seat. Her feet hang over the edge quite a bit now. We got one of those Diono Radian's when they were on sale a few months back, but haven't tried to install it because, in addition to a new house, we also need to buy a new car and I keep thinking we'll get a new car soon, but realistically, that will probably happen after we close on the house. I am thinking I better make the switch soon.

amc, ha, I love how you styled B's hair. It really looks like he's into everything! Well, I'm sure once he realizes that he can still get to stuff quickly and still be tall enough to reach it, he'll be walking. What did you guys learn in swim class? We're starting at the end of the month.
jfo, Ev was like 28.5 inches at his six month appointment, and I'm pretty sure he is close to the 30 inch limit. He still has more than an inch above his head though, which I believe is more important than overall length. We have installed a Radian in my car, but we haven't installed one in DH's car yet, so we end up using the infant seat most of the time still. I do think it is about time to switch him over completely. Plus, it is getting so freaking heavy and awkward to carry him in it these days. My brother and his wife have a 1.5 month old baby girl that I met for the first time this weekend. Ev looked like such a giant compared to her, and I can hardly believe he was really that tiny not too long ago. Makes me sad to think how fast they grow up :((
MP, that makes sense about the top of the infant seat and their head. I'm sure we have room there too, but boy, I hear you on it being so heavy and awkward to carry them around in the car seat! The only thing that will be a big change when we stop using it is having her catch some zzz's if we're out to eat and it's close to nap time.
Aw, I bet your new niece looked tiny compared to Ev. It's simply amazing how much a human being grows in one year!

JGator, I forgot to mention that I think it's totally normal for babies to hate being on their tummies. Have you tried showing her how to roll from back to tummy? We started doing that a few months ago. L was also rolling from tummy to back almost immediately when we put her on her tummy. I would have to put my hand firmly on the small of her back to prevent her from rolling right to her back so that she would spend some time on her tummy. Then we learned how to position her in such a way that rolled her from back to tummy through her hips from her physical therapist (she's been going to PT since she was about 3 months old for some mild tort). Anyway, I think it was good for her to practice and feel how her body should move. It still took her a couple months before she started doing it on her own though!
MP, Ev is adorable in his car seat. I'm glad to hear I am not the only one with a slow crawler and one who needs to be put down already asleep. I'm sure I will be longing for these days not too far in the future when K is crawling. I am so looking forward to her sleeping though! I jinxed myself by posting that she was able to sleep without a bottle at 4am the last few nights. Last night, she cried until I gave her a bottle at 4am, and then she was up again at 6am hungry again! Uggh. Please let her sleep better tonight!

Jfo, we try to teach her to roll over, but I think your idea of holding her back is a good one. We haven't done that. We kind of just encourage her by moving her legs for her and basically rolling her over while she cries. Don't feel badly about the pacifier. We use ours a lot more than you do to calm K down. I think our nanny actually uses it too much as she seems to always have it in her mouth when I see them during the day (I work from home).

AMC, B is so tall and grown up looking! Wow! Reaching for door knobs! You need to start baby proofing if you haven't already. We are waiting to baby proof until we move in about a month, and I think with K not even showing any sign of rolling over from back to tummy we will be fine with that timeline.

AFU, another bad night last night as far as a 4am wake up with bottle required, and she was a little more difficult to put down at night. She is not totally fighting me on the bottle at bedtime like she used to. I think that's due to me changing her cereal meal to a little earlier in the day rather than closer to bed time which was making her too full for her bottle at bed time. Also, pushing her bed time to earlier seems to agree with her. We also switched her to Similac Sensitive over the weekend. Wish me luck tonight!
jfo|1373319473|3479308 said:
amc, ha, I love how you styled B's hair. It really looks like he's into everything! Well, I'm sure once he realizes that he can still get to stuff quickly and still be tall enough to reach it, he'll be walking. What did you guys learn in swim class? We're starting at the end of the month.

Thanks :) And yes, into everything. Sigh.

Swim class is basically about getting baby comfortable in water. The biggest thing was the instructor would hold on to B and sort of propel him towards me while dipping him under water for a second. With the biggest kids it was more like 3 seconds. We also worked on floating and getting out of the pool. It was all very cute and everything had a song attached to it.
JGator, hang in there. If there's anything I've learned in the past 9 months, everything is a phase. In the meantime, you just do what you have to do to get by. Ev is very into his pacis too and needs them to soothe himself. I guess there could be worse things, right? My dentist friend told me just the other day that it is really not a problem until 3 or so.

amc, thanks for the swimming info. DH was a swimmer, lifeguard, pool manager and then swim team coach, so I'm pretty sure he will take care of most of the water training, but it might be fun for Ev to try some formal swimming lessons as well. B seriously looks like he is about 2 in that picture. And I love how the cat is watching him in the background. Reminds me of my cats always looking at Ev with disapproval.

jfo, I hear you on the carseat thing. We always keep Ev in th carseat when we go out to eat or run errands. It is going to be a hard transition not being able to just plop him in the carseat.

AFU, Ev had his longest stretch of sleep in the crib last night ever. He stayed in the crib without needing any intervention from 8:30 pm until 6:45 am. I'm guessing it was a freak incident, but I'll take it! I fed him about 3 ounces of sweet potatoes at 6, and then he had a 6 ounce bottle at 7:15. Definitely trying that out again tonight to see what happens :)
MP, I'm going to copy your feeding plan tonight. K got up at 4am for a 4-oz bottle, 6am for an ounce, and 7am for another 3 ounces! I think she's not eating enough during the day and saving all her hunger for the middle of the night.
B woke up at 5am. Wait, let me clarify....after sleeping ALL night the previous night, he woke up at some point for a bottle...then again around 4am for another bottle...then was up for good at 5. If course he fell asleep in the car on the way to day care. Meanwhile I'm falling asleep at my desk....

monkeyprincess said:
B seriously looks like he is about 2 in that picture. And I love how the cat is watching him in the background. Reminds me of my cats always looking at Ev with disapproval.

I know! I have no idea what happened to my baby. And yeah, there's a love/hate relationship with the cats...mostly he loves them and they hate him. Could possibly be because he will DRAG them by the tail across the tile floor....just a guess.
JGator|1373471169|3480278 said:
MP, I'm going to copy your feeding plan tonight. K got up at 4am for a 4-oz bottle, 6am for an ounce, and 7am for another 3 ounces! I think she's not eating enough during the day and saving all her hunger for the middle of the night.

JGator, that's too bad she doesn't eat more during the day. Most days Ev has about 35-40 ounces of formula, and it's been a long time since we had to do a MOTN feed (but watch, it will happen tonight now that I said that). Anyway, does K wake up crying? Ev woke up and started babbling at like 4 this morning and again at 6, and I could see that his eyes were open and he was moving on the monitor, so I was all ready to get a bottle heated up. But since he wasn't crying I just watched him, and he eventually fell back asleep both times. Sometimes, he even falls asleep again after fussing a bit. I think we just lucked out last night that he didn't wake up and need another bottle before staying down for good. He usually isn't down for good until 9:30 or 10, but I do want to start getting him to the point where we don't need to comfort him or give him another bottle that late. Hope you all start sleeping better at your house!

Oops, I meant to say 30-35 ounces a day. I'm sure that will decrease as we get him eating more solids. Right now, he is only eating 2-3 ounces of solids a day, but we just asked the daycare to start feeding him a meal during the day as well.
Hi ladies, I actually have 5 minutes to myself so thought I'd actually contribute rather than just reading along.

Amc, you have your hands full there with a very interested and fearless little boy. He is such a cutie and I love his hair. I am jealous cos L still doesn't really have any! I feel so sorry for you after a bad night. Recently L woke up 20 times one night with wind and I was a walking zombie. Luckily I didn't have to go to work though. Home tonight is better for you both.

Dandi, O is getting so big and such a cutie with his little rap. Glad that the solids are going well.

Mp, wow Ev is so big now but I can see that he is also starting to fill out. Well done on getting him to sleep all night. I too have heard that to have them sleeping through you need to make sure they get enough calories during the day, particularly the afternoon/early evening, so maybe you're onto something.

Jgator, K is so pretty. Her eyes just captivate you. Re the crawling I think there are such different stages for every baby. One of the bubs in my mothers group was crawling at 6 months but my friends two bubs were 8 months and 10 months. I think each baby shows interest in different things and puts more energy into those things first if you know what I mean.

Jfo, hope your house purchase works out!

Hi to anyone i missed!

AFM, Lucas is now just over 7 months old (5 months corrected) and is such a lovely little boy. I am hoping we are starting to get over his temperamental stage and he is able to amuse himself for more than 5 minutes without screaming. He is rolling both ways and trying to launch himself out of his bumbo and bouncer so need to find something else to amuse him while I have a shower. His paed is happy with his development, but his weight gain is slow which probably has more to do with his eating problems than his prematurity. I am lucky to get 500ml into him in a day and two solids. Here are a few pics I have taken over the last few days


Hi MLK, what a little cutie you've got there with the little dimple on his chin. He's getting so big, and it sounds like he is doing really well despite his early arrival. Hope the feeding situation improves for you soon.

So, this is a completely vain comlaint. But I'm having a bad hair week/month. After shedding ridiculous amounts of hair when Ev was 4-6 months, I know have little patches of short hair right up front and along my part line, and I can't seem to tame the flyaways. The humidity is not helping one bit. Does anyone else have that?
MLK, Lucas is adorable. That's great that he's rolling in both directions and so active despite being 2 months pre-mature!

MP, yes, I have those small bangs where the new hairs are growing in at my hairline. I feel like I'm still losing hair in the shower though. Maybe not as bad as before, but still more than normal.

AFU, K slept till 5am today and then had a 6 oz bottle and slept again until 8am! At 8am, she had a major wet diaper leak so I felt sorry for her. I changed her at 5am in the dark and must not have done a great job with the diaper or else she moved around a lot and caused the major leak. She also had a 2-hour nap today which is so much more than her usual 30-60 mins! She didn't want to eat last night when I tried to feed her in the evening and was super fussy at bedtime and had less to drink than normal so I was prepared for a lot of wake-ups. Let's hope for another good stretch of sleep tonight!
monkeyprincess|1373576506|3481309 said:
So, this is a completely vain comlaint. But I'm having a bad hair week/month. After shedding ridiculous amounts of hair when Ev was 4-6 months, I know have little patches of short hair right up front and along my part line, and I can't seem to tame the flyaways. The humidity is not helping one bit. Does anyone else have that?
MP, just wanted to chime in about the hair loss. I didn't lose much more than I regularly lost pre-pregnancy, but I did have a weird experience with my hair falling out when I went and got one of those straight perms. It was years ago, but I remember when it started growing back out, it was so embarrassing! I had short hairs sticking straight up on the top of my head, some on my front hairline, and some on the back where my neckline is. I couldn't even just pull my hair up in a ponytail because it looked like I had shaved off like an inch of my hairline back there. It reminded me of what the punk rocker girls used to do back in junior high school. I don't even remember how I got over it, but I haven't gotten a straight perm since then, haha.

Anyway, all that is to say that I feel for you and know what you're going through.
Thanks all! Inspection is in a few hours. DH is nervous because it's an old (e.g. built in 1896) house, but I'm feeling more positive about it. I just feel like the previous owners have really taken care of the place and it shows. I guess we'll see.

MLK, Lucas is such a cutie! Good to hear from you and thanks for sharing pictures! It sounds like you guys are doing really well.

JGator, that's great that K had a great night of sleep the other night. I hope last night was just as successful!

amc, thanks for sharing about the swim class. That's interesting about the songs--that definitely makes it more fun. Does B enjoy it?

MP, I lost tons of hair. I will share a photo of my current hairline. All I can say is... RIDICULOUS! It's not as obvious when I have my hair down, but I am always pulling my hair back because Lila is obsessed and loves to grab and yank and I've got long hair. I'm always telling her firmly to not pull mommy's hair. I guess I understand now why many moms tend to cut their hair shorter...

AFU, L is still not crawling. She keeps getting into position to, but then chickens out. She is also trying to pull up on our coffee table, but she hasn't figured out her legs/feet yet, so she's not successful. She did stand up in her infant bathtub the other night. I think it's because she has the leverage of the side of the tub to keep her feet in place. She's still resisting naps during the day and then being just outright exhausted by the evening. She also is going on week 3 of a cold. I technically think she keeps getting a new cold just when her other cold is ending. I just wish she could kick it because this happened a couple months ago where she had a string of colds for literally a month and a half straight and ended up with an ear infection. We go on vacation in a week and that's the last thing I would want to happen! Anyway, she's waking up a couple times at night due to the congestion and coughing.

Anyway, hope all is well with everyone. Happy Friday!

jfo, yup, that's exactly the kind of hair issues I'm dealing with right now too, right along with the hair pulling baby :) Hoping they will start to lay flat one of these days. It also sounds like L and Ev are very similar developmentally and with the napping and cranky evenings. Ev can hold himself in the crawling position and standing position for a bit now, although he still doesn't get himself into the positions on his own. Baby steps, I guess.

JGator, well, at least you're seeing a little improvement. Within the past week or two, Ev has become a much better sleeper at night. We're getting spoiled. Hoping K will get there soon too.
Jfo, good luck with the inspection. I hope yours doesn't take 6 hours like ours did. It was a long day! It's a good sign that the current owners have clearly taken care of the place though.

MP, that's great Ev is showing some signs toward crawling. And, congrats on him becoming a better sleeper. We are going to have to resort to something involving crying this weekend.

AFU, I think we may try some type of sleep training this weekend. My DH is fed up with K waking up so much - he says all the babies he knows sleep 10-12 hours at her age. Even though I am the one waking up at 4am with her, he's annoyed by it. He normally travels for work, but has been at home the last several weeks. She took over an hour to get to sleep last night, and then was up a few times right away and then slept till 4am again. Her back was completely wet at 4am so we either need to go up to size 4 or try a different diaper again. She is scooting around a lot in the crib so that might be part of it. We are using size 3 Pampers Swaddlers, and I think she's probably close to 20 lbs now. Wish me luck dealing with some crying this weekend. I think she's especially cranky due to teething and she has a cough also so I feel sorry for her, but I am pretty sure if we don't do some sleep training we will be waking up at 4am for a long time. And, there will be crying, we have a strong willed baby!
JGator, good luck with the sleeping/crying. That will not be fun. We fortunately have not had to deal with that yet, but I know it is just a matter of time before we will have to give it a go. We also use Size 3 Pampers Swaddlers, but sometimes run into the leaking issues. I haven't tried them yet but I have heard good things about Huggies Overnights....
JGator- Good luck on the sleep training! The first couple of nights will be rough but it WILL get B was sleeping through the night within a week. Best of all, he started going straight to sleep when we'd put him in the crib. Now, don't get me wrong, it's not perfect. With teething, being sick, and growth spurts he reverts to getting up 1-3 times a night, but I know it's a phase. He slept through the night 3 out of the last 4 nights (although he's been fighting bedtime a bit, but I'd rather have that than get up multiple times a night).

I can't remember if I mentioned this and I'm too lazy to scroll and click (ha), but B is officially moving to the next room at daycare in a couple of weeks. They have 4 new itty bitty babies starting so B and another girl are getting moved. I'm excited because he loves that room and I am always worried he is going to hurt a baby...he's just so much bigger and stronger than the other babies. This morning I witnessed him crawling over another baby's legs, rather than go around yeah, he needs to move. Plus I think he'll be really walking within a day or two of being over there. But I'm also a bit nervous- they only do one nap and that nap isn't until 11:30. I have no idea how he will go from 7am to 11:30- he can rarely stay up for more than 2-3 hours after he ways up. The teacher said they are very active and busy so even if he is tired he might not realize it until it is close to nap time. The other concern is they eat school food. The teacher said she'd feed him baby food if he refused to eat the school food, but I'm not sure how it will work.
Jgator, re: soaking diapers - A is about 21lbs now and still wears the pampers swaddlers size 3, but we just bought some size 4 (only sold at Target). He's a heavy wetter and had been known to soak through diapers. I started putting on a cloth diaper cover on top of the size 4 diaper for overnights, which helps keep the pee from seeping out of the diaper onto his clothes. But it doesn't help if the pee is coming out from the leg holes or out the front/back of the diaper itself, if that makes any sense. If K is wetting her clothes, she will unfortunately wake up crying at 4am (or whatever time it happens to be) just because it's uncomfortable for her. As you know, every baby is different, so even though every baby that your DH knows that's K's age sleeps 10-12 hours per night doesn't really mean that K should too. It sounds like most times, she's been waking up either hungry or wet, so those are legitimate reasons for her to wake up. I think you mentioned that she did sleep a longer stretch one night last week or so, right? Just keep pushing through, and those nights will start becoming the norm. If she did it once, she can do it again. Good luck mama!
S&I, AMC, and MP, thanks for the support.

My DH thinks he can sleep train K without reading any books. So, he slept in a different room with the monitor and was in charge last night. He got her to bed around 9pm, and she woke up at 5am screaming. He tried to not feed her, but she really was hungry and I came in and suggested she needed a bottle so he fed her. She then slept till about 745am where I took over the morning activities. We'll see what happens with his strategy, but at least he is taking care of her at night, and I'm getting more sleep! He thinks it's going to take 3 days to get her to sleep through the night. From what I can tell his strategy involves putting the paci in a lot. I'm happy if she sleeps till 5 and needs a bottle and goes back to sleep like she did today.
JGator said:
S&I, AMC, and MP, thanks for the support.

My DH thinks he can sleep train K without reading any books. So, he slept in a different room with the monitor and was in charge last night. He got her to bed around 9pm, and she woke up at 5am screaming. He tried to not feed her, but she really was hungry and I came in and suggested she needed a bottle so he fed her. She then slept till about 745am where I took over the morning activities. We'll see what happens with his strategy, but at least he is taking care of her at night, and I'm getting more sleep! He thinks it's going to take 3 days to get her to sleep through the night. From what I can tell his strategy involves putting the paci in a lot. I'm happy if she sleeps till 5 and needs a bottle and goes back to sleep like she did today.

We didn't read any books either- just found some things online. The entire point of sleep training though is to get the kid to fall asleep on their own- without a paci or bottle or being held. But still, 9-5 is pretty good!
As soon as I finished typing the crying began, she did fall asleep in about 10 mins for her morning nap though. I'm pretty sure the paci fell out with all that crying! My husband isn't reading anything online either - he said he's studying her and figuring her out.
JGator, how is your DH's sleep training going? I bought two sleep books that people on here recommended, but I've never gotten around to reading them. We have been winging it so far, but I know that some of things we do will create problems later on -- we put him to bed either fast asleep or somewhat asleep, and we sometimes put him to bed with a pacifier (although it promptly falls out and he stays asleep). Fortunately he has been sleeping 10-11 hours a night in his crib with no issues for the past several nights without us having to do anything different. I think he must have just been developmentally ready to do it. Hoping you guys find something that works. I'm afraid I'm started to take it for granted that he will sleep through the night, so when he starts teething again or something, it's going to be that much harder to deal with.
MP, K slept until 830am today which is definitely a record since she stopped STTN around 4 months. I am not sure how/why, and I am trying not to get my hopes up for a repeat performance. She had a few short naps (20-30 mins) yesterday and then one long nap late in the afternoon that started in the car so I'm wondering if the long nap (1.5 hours) is what helped her sleep at night. She usually wakes up a few times right after we put her to bed at night, and she did not last night. The only different thing we are doing so far is for her naps we are letting her cry for 3, 5, and 10 minutes and going in to pat her without picking her up. But, she still hasn't been able to sleep for more than 30 mins in her crib for a nap even with our new waiting/crying. We also are still putting her to bed asleep at night post-bottle.

AFU, K sleep till 830am! Also, she started saying B sounds yesterday like BaBaBa and other variations of B. I made stuffed peppers last night, and I let K teethe on the top round slice of a yellow bell pepper. She thought that was really fun until I noticed a bite out of the pepper and found it in her mouth! My bad! I didn't realize how strong her gums are even with no teeth.