
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Hi ladies! I noticed a number of you were talking about overnight diaper leaks, and I just wanted to mention that Huggies Overnights have been an absolute lifesaver for us and I recommend overnight diapers highly! A still has some leaks sometimes, but it's nothing near as bad as it was before.

Also, good luck to you guys that are buying houses! We're in the midst of our own first home purchase and we're supposed to close in less than a week, and I'm super nervous!
Ditto Freke. I've heard the Huggies Overnites are amazing and I've been meaning to start putting L in them at night.
Freke, thank you! I will get some of those diapers.
Thanks for the tip Freke, I was wondering if they were any good!

I've been putting O in Babylove Drywaves, they're great too as he spends about 13 hours a night in the same nappy and is drenched in cloth nappies in the morning, but in those nappies he is as dry as a chip!
MP, we have the same Playtex sippy cups that you have. K drinks water from them while having cereal or purees. She tries to get the cup into her mouth herself, but she isn't that great at it. Usually, I hold it for her. She got the hang of sucking water out of them pretty quickly.

Hi, everyone. Last night, we had a horrible night. K went to bed at her usual time, and then she was up at midnight with a leaky diaper where I had to change her clothes, sleep sack, and the sheets while she screamed her head off. My husband is out of town. She was up again at 4am hungry but dry, and then at 5am, I had to change the sheets, sleep sack, and PJs again! Then, she was up again at 6am - I brought her to our room to sleep. My nanny has the day off today so it's going to be a LONG day! Her size 4 diapers are arriving from Amazon today, but I might also get the Huggies Overnights as a backup so that I am not in the same situation again tonight!
JGator, ugh, I had a similar night with Ev. I had to change his sheets and pjs and feed him at 1 am (only once), and then he was up fussing at 5 and 6 and woke up with an almost blowout. You definitely have my sympathy. I think it's a good idea for you to experiment with different diapers to see if something will work better because it doesn't seem like she should go from dry to leaking in an hour. I also have some Huggies Overnights on the way today due to the strong endorsements on this thread :)

Dandi, 13 hours! You must have a great sleeper on your hands!
JGator- That sounds awful. Just a tip- double layer your sheets. So put on a mattress pad, then a sheet, then another mattress pad and another sheet. That way you don't have to change sheets in the middle of the night, just pull off the top two layers. Although seeing how it happened twice to you it wouldn't have helped the second time :)
amc80|1374768773|3489988 said:
JGator- That sounds awful. Just a tip- double layer your sheets. So put on a mattress pad, then a sheet, then another mattress pad and another sheet. That way you don't have to change sheets in the middle of the night, just pull off the top two layers. Although seeing how it happened twice to you it wouldn't have helped the second time :)

What a good idea! Especially if you have a kiddo that frequently soaks through sheets. Our problem is normally blowouts that thankfully don't escape the pajamas too often.

So, we are officially going to make the switch to convertible carseats as Ev is getting too long for his infant seat. I'm kind of freaking out about it though because we usually leave him in the seat at restaurants, and we put the seat in the cart when we go shopping. For those who no longer use the infant seat, what do you do? I'm trying to decide if we should get one of those portable chairs that attach to tables for restaurants and a grocery cart cover or what. He's growing up too fast!
monkeyprincess|1374778058|3490119 said:
So, we are officially going to make the switch to convertible carseats as Ev is getting too long for his infant seat. I'm kind of freaking out about it though because we usually leave him in the seat at restaurants, and we put the seat in the cart when we go shopping. For those who no longer use the infant seat, what do you do? I'm trying to decide if we should get one of those portable chairs that attach to tables for restaurants and a grocery cart cover or what. He's growing up too fast!

This was a big issue for us because B outgrew his infant seat at 5ish months, which meant he wasn't sitting up all the time yet. We have a grocery cart cover and used that, and would just sort of hold him up a bit if we needed to. At restaurants we use whatever high chair they have, without the cart cover (I know, eww), because the cover in the chair makes for a really tight fit.

Funny, I just read an article on the "17 Most Useless Baby Products" and the shopping cart cover was on there. I really disagree, that thing is great.
AMC, thanks for the tip on double sheeting/mattress covering. Brilliant!

MP, thanks for the sympathy. We use a shopping cart cover about 1/2 the time in the stores now. I think it's a life saver too. K is still in the Chicco KeyFit 30 for now. I am like you and enjoy keeping her asleep since one of the few ways she'll nap for us is in the car or on a stroller ride. We have just used the restaurant booster seats without covering or bringing our own seat. I do have a small can of spray disinfectant that I use.

AFU, K was up a lot last night, but NO LEAKS in her size 4 Pampers Cruisers. I held my breath every time I checked her overnight. She seems to be okay in the size 3s during the day (we have tried both Pampers Swaddlers and the Huggies from Costco and both leak overnight for her now). I guess she's just ready for the size 4 due to her body shape. K was whimpering before I put her to bed last night. Is that a sign of teething? Still no teeth.
Sounds a lot like teething to me JGator. If you can look at her gums (most babies hate this) I'd look for swelling and redness. If you can get a finger in there, feel her gums. I remember when A was just starting to teethe, they got really bumpy, when before, they were really smooth and flat feeling. Even though A has a ton of teeth now, I still poke at her gums (she bites back at me now!) to see if I can feel a tooth coming in. You know it's really close to the top when it starts looking white-ish where you've felt a bump.

I hate teething with a fiery burning passion, but I think it's cool to observe the changes, because sometimes those teeth come really really fast. It just sucks because it's so uncomfortable for them.
Thanks Freke. I will check her gums tomorrow. Good luck with your closing and the move to your new house. We are closing on August 7th. Less than 2 weeks - YIKES!!!
Yep mp, one thing I have absolutely no right to complain about is O's sleep! He's a good man.

JGator, have you seen these?

I put a mattress protector and sheet on O's cot, and one of these over the top, it's waterproof with flaps to tuck under the mattress. If the nappy leaks you only have to take this off and put a fresh one down, the sheets stay dry (unless O decides to travel all over his cot with a leaky nappy ;)) ). I have three now, I haven't needed to strip his cot for piddle blowouts since getting them.
Hi all,
Thanks for the well wishes for the trip! It really was a great time and I'm really sad to be back to reality.

Dandi, what an adorable, good-natured cutie pie you have in O! It looks like he'll be crawling very soon!

MP, what a long baby Ev is! Glad that he's picking up on the weight department. How is the cow's milk challenge going? Also, how is the change-over to the convertible car seat? L's 9 month appointment is a week from today and I'm really curious to know how long she is. Compared to her 13 month old cousin, they look to be the same height. I told my husband that we need to switch her over to the convertible after this appointment most likely... Is Ev getting the hang of crawling now? I unfortunately have no recommendations on sippy cups--L has rejected the three different kinds that I've bought for her so far... I have better luck giving her water from a water bottle.

amc, did B start in the new classroom today? Glad to hear that he's starting to walk now! How is the birthday party planning going?

JGator, I'm sorry to hear that you're still having sleep challenges with K. I hope her teeth break through soon and you both can get some relief! That's great that the size 4 Pampers Cruisers are working for you overnight. I've been fortunate that L hasn't had a leaky overnight diaper in months (I'm sure I just jinxed myself by saying that though). Happy 9 months to K!!

AFU, L turned 9 months this past Saturday. We were soo lucky and pleased that L was feeling better outside of some nasal congestion/coughing (which she STILL has) for our trip to Florida this past week. And she slept for the first half of the flight there and on the way home, so no issues with a screaming baby on the plane. Thank goodness since it was a regional flight and one of those tiny 18 row planes with 2 seats on one side and one on the other. I just gave her a pacifier for both the take off and descent.

We stayed in a house on the beach with my husband's siblings and their kids, which was perfect. She LOVED being in the water--be it the Gulf or the baby pool, which is great considering we start swimming lessons at the local Y here on Saturday. Unfortunately, separation anxiety is in full force. While L has spent time with her aunt, uncles and cousins on several occasions before, they do live out of state and she still saw them as mostly strangers. While she used to go to them willingly before, she would not let anybody outside of DH and I to hold her the whole week. Even with DH sometimes, she screamed for me. But if him or I were holding her or if she was "left alone" to play, she would smile, wave and laugh with everyone. Oy, silly girl. She also apparently cried and was still crying when DH dropped her off at daycare this morning. Ugh, I hope she had an ok day.

Development-wise, she had a big week. She started to use her pincer grasp and has started to feed herself. So I've been giving her puffs, yogurt meltaways, tiny pieces of blueberries, bananas, watermelon, cheese singles, avocado, scrambled eggs and potato. So far, she's enjoyed it all. What a huge difference in such a short amount of time! And she has successfully pulled herself up to a standing position twice now and otherwise, if placed in a standing position, she can hold on to something and stand there for several minutes. She's still not crawling yet though. I wonder if she'll be one of those that walks and never crawls?
Dandi, I have something similar but it doesn't have the flaps to go under the mattress. I added one under her sheet and above the mattress cover, but I was afraid to put it on top of the sheet in case she were to get tangled up in it.

Jfo, happy 9 month birthday to Lila! I am glad to hear your trip was fun. We had K's 9 month pediatrician appt yesterday, and the doctor said that all babies have separation anxiety at 9 months and again at 18 months. I had not noticed it in K recently, but she was definitely less receptive to the doctor examining her.

AFU, K turned 9 months old yesterday. She started scooting around on her bottom over the weekend so she's much more mobile now. I think she also may have said Ma or Mmmm two times. We took K in for her 9 month pediatrician appointment, and the doctor showed us she has a tooth coming in on the bottom right side of her mouth - not in the center like I was expecting! She is 19 lbs, 11 oz now and 28 1/4 inches long. Also, the doctor said we can start giving her table foods including fish and chicken (processed in a food processor). She said no milk or cheese until she's 1 year old, but she can have yogurt now. She said egg yolks, but not egg whites. We just packed our food processor so I don't think we'll try anything food processed until after we move. We had one leaky diaper 2 nights ago in the size 4 Pampers so we're not totally in dry sleeping mode yet! I think I will get some of those diaper covers S&T recommended if we have another leak. Here are some pictures from an ice cream shop that we went to after K's 6 month doctor appointment.


Jgator, K is just gorgeous :love:

Miles just recently started early intervention and there were a few things that his EI guy (not sure what you call them exactly?) recommended so I thought I'd pass along his advice since I didn't know...

Apparently our blocks were too large and we should be using blocks that are around one inch. This way they are easier for him to hold, put in and out of containers, bang together, and stack. We got these from M&D. I really like the size and all of the pictures but they aren't the same quality as most of our M&D toys. They smelled and needed to off-gas some and some of the colors were blotchy. Otherwise, they are great for what we need.

Nearly all of our books were too busy. He suggested books that only have one picture per page. He also suggested books that use the senses, so touch and feel books and books that have buttons that make noise. The best ones I've found so far are the Roger Priddy Bright Baby board books.

All of the IE people really seem to love pop up toys to work on motor skills and cause and effect. I'm sure they're all good but this is the one we got. Nothing special..... O really liked it :cheeky:

I know people are always looking for toy suggestions so hopefully this helps someone.
JGator, K is drop dead gorgeous! It sounds like she is doing really well. I'm crossing my fingers for you that the tooth pops through soon. That's interesting what her pediatrician said about no cheese or egg whites until later. I've been giving L both in the past 2 weeks. Fortunately, I haven't seen any reaction. Food allergies is one area I get nervous about just because DH and I LOVE food and all kinds of it. I'll eat pretty much anything. I was waiting to introduce fish and a lick of peanut butter... I'm going to ask our pediatrician next Monday at her 9 month appt.
How is packing going? We close in 5 weeks and I am started to get overwhelmed with the amount of junk we have that I need to start packing.

Freke, I forgot to mention good luck with your closing!

Kunzite, what great recommendations, thanks! Those books look great and I am putting the boppin bugs in my shopping car right now... :devil:
jfo|1375207435|3493169 said:
JGator, K is drop dead gorgeous! It sounds like she is doing really well. I'm crossing my fingers for you that the tooth pops through soon. That's interesting what her pediatrician said about no cheese or egg whites until later. I've been giving L both in the past 2 weeks. Fortunately, I haven't seen any reaction. Food allergies is one area I get nervous about just because DH and I LOVE food and all kinds of it. I'll eat pretty much anything. I was waiting to introduce fish and a lick of peanut butter... I'm going to ask our pediatrician next Monday at her 9 month appt.
How is packing going? We close in 5 weeks and I am started to get overwhelmed with the amount of junk we have that I need to start packing.

Freke, I forgot to mention good luck with your closing!

Kunzite, what great recommendations, thanks! Those books look great and I am putting the boppin bugs in my shopping car right now... :devil:

Ditto on the cheese. B LOVES cheese, it's probably is favorite food.

B officially moved to the big kid room at day care. I really like the teacher. There is a main teacher and then a back up (who comes in later). I like that it is only the two of them as opposed to 3-4 in the baby room (because of the lower teacher/baby ratio). I also like that they are going to help me with things I'm concerned about- like trying to get B down to nap without a bottle.
amc, that's great that the new room seems like it is going to work out. I really can't believe he is almost one! Where does the time go? Way too fast!

JGator, I concur with everyone else. K is a little beauty. That's great she is starting to scoot around. It's interesting the different recommendations people get about food. We were told cheese was good and nothing was said about eggs. I'm sort of just taking a stategy now of letting him try things and pray he doesn't react.

Jfo, sounds like your little one is changing so fast. That's great she is eating better and standing. Ev is still doing his rolling and sometimes dragging his body, but no real crawling yet. Little stinker. He's nowhere near standing up either! We decided to put off the milk challenge because we are leaving town for the rest of the week and don't want to deal with it until we get back.

Kunzite, thanks for the recomnmendations. If you don't mind my asking, why was the decision made to start early intervention? I sometimes worry Ev is a little slow with gross motor things - doesn't quite crawl yet and doesn't pull to standing, although his fine motor skills seems pretty good for his age. Our doctor wasn't concerned, but I want to make sure I stay on top of it.

Hi to anyone else I missed!

AFU, Ev's sleeping has been not so good the past week or so. He's waking more frequently and fussing. We moved his crib down to a lower setting this weekend and added his breathable bumper, and I wonder if he is still getting used to that. But I'm exhausted with all of the awakenings, and I'm not falling alseep again very easily. Other than that, things are good. Gearing up for another road trip with the little man tomorrow. I hope he does as well as he did last time!
Ah, JGator, fair enough! They are mobile little jigglepots in their beds, aren't they?! Gosh K is so beautiful!!!!!

Thanks jfo! He cracks us up. It's 7pm here and I have just put O to bed, he is currently lying in his cot singing to himself, I just love it. When he does stuff like that at this time of night, it kind of makes me a bit sad that I (probably) won't see him for 12 hours... then I quickly snap to my senses and make a cup of tea and run a hot bath for myself :bigsmile:
Hi to everyone else!! :wavey: :wavey:

Oscar has had a really off week... he hasn't been interested in solids much, apart from his fruit and yoghurt at lunchtime, and has been gnawing on my shoulder like a mad man. He also briefly woke up once during the night, three nights in a row, wanting a breastfeed. That alone is pretty unusual for him, so I thought it might have been a phase or illness, then the firey red cheeks appeared and he started slamming him gums together like he was chewing something tough, so I figured it must have been teething. The last 2 days he has been sleeping normally and eating like a horse, and sure enough, this afternoon I spotted a teeny toothy poking out, I swear it wasn't there this morning! It's his bottom right front tooth, so I figure the left one mustn't be far behind. They usually appear in pairs, don't they?!

I'm relieved now that I know what the change in his behaviour was, and hoping that this is as bad as teething gets, 'cos it wasn't too bad at all! Although I've heard molars are pretty nasty when they come through, has anyone else heard that? Of course every baby is different, but I like to mentally prepare myself ::)

He is going well with food, he now has chicken, fish, cheese (not much as I think it binds him up), apple, pear, blueberries, banana, corn, peas, pumpkin, sweet potato, cauliflower, broccoli, bread, Vegemite, yoghurt and egg. He adores fruit, yoghurt and cheese. And as of last week we can add spaghetti bolognaise to the list. I tipped a bowl of it onto the tray on O's highchair, but he just played with it. As soon as I put some in his mouth he was practically faceplanting into it, he loved it! I took this picture as he was trying his first mouthful, he was a tad apprehensive but ended up enjoying it. It's as if he is saying "I like spaghetti!! I think?!" :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

*Edited because I don't proof read!

Hi girls!! :wavey:

Sorry I haven't checked in in awhile. Things are going well for us here. We really can't believe how fast L is growing up. He's such a big boy! About 23 lbs now, and a mini-terror! We love him to pieces, but boy, is he a high energy kid! Everyone says it. He know what he wants and makes it VERY well known when he doesn't like something. He's crawling like crazy ( well, has been for a while now), cruising, knows how to climb the stairs (scary! Thanks, Grandma) and is into everything, including my kitchen cabinets. He gives kisses when asked,
( sloppy, wet ones!!) and screams "Mama!!" all the time. So cute.

He's doing better with eating solids, and he is still bf!!! I've pretty much given up on purees, so we just give him regular food cut into really small pieces. His favorites are scrambled eggs and American cheese for sure. But he also likes yogurt, sweet potato, mango, banana, Cheerios, orzo, and lasagna!!! I'm not great with giving him veggies because he doesn't seem to be a huge fan ( like his Mama!), so I need to focus on that more.

As far as sleep, the past 2 wks have been good. He's been going down at about 8-830pm and sleeping through till about 5 am. I will feed him and then put him back down and he will sleep till about 7 am, give or take. We are traveling to Florida in a few wks, and I'm so afraid that his sleep will revert back to what it was...ugh!!

I hope you are all doing well. I can't believe some of our LO's are going to be the " big 1" soon!! Trying to figure out if we are going to have a big party or just go with something low key. What are you gals doing ( or have done?) Thoughts?
I wanted to update after B's first official day in the big kid room. I was most worried about naps, but he stayed up all morning and then slept for two hours at the scheduled nap time! It's amazing, the few days he's been over there have made such a difference. He is talking way more and saying a lot of new sounds and sound combinations. He is also walking a ton and can now change directions (like going around a corner), stand up in the middle of a room, and bend down and pick things up, mid-walk.

Dani said:
I hope you are all doing well. I can't believe some of our LO's are going to be the " big 1" soon!! Trying to figure out if we are going to have a big party or just go with something low key. What are you gals doing ( or have done?) Thoughts?

Our party is this weekend. It's basically an adult, day time party...and there happens to be a baby and smash cake. Ha. It's truly a "we survived the first year" party. Way more people are coming than anticipated- 31 adults and 11 kids. Should be fun!
amc80|1375293239|3493819 said:
I wanted to update after B's first official day in the big kid room. I was most worried about naps, but he stayed up all morning and then slept for two hours at the scheduled nap time! It's amazing, the few days he's been over there have made such a difference. He is talking way more and saying a lot of new sounds and sound combinations. He is also walking a ton and can now change directions (like going around a corner), stand up in the middle of a room, and bend down and pick things up, mid-walk.

Dani said:
I hope you are all doing well. I can't believe some of our LO's are going to be the " big 1" soon!! Trying to figure out if we are going to have a big party or just go with something low key. What are you gals doing ( or have done?) Thoughts?

Our party is this weekend. It's basically an adult, day time party...and there happens to be a baby and smash cake. Ha. It's truly a "we survived the first year" party. Way more people are coming than anticipated- 31 adults and 11 kids. Should be fun!

Nice!! Are you including family and friends? And did you hire any entertainment ( ex clown) for the kids? I'm afraid if I do something like that it will get out of control!!!
Dani|1375295536|3493856 said:
Nice!! Are you including family and friends? And did you hire any entertainment ( ex clown) for the kids? I'm afraid if I do something like that it will get out of control!!!

A clown, no way! Those things scare the begeezuz out of me. Most of the kids are 3 and under. We bought a plastic swimming pool and, uh, 900 we are making a ball pit. We also bought a kit of lawn games- beanbag toss, ladder ball, and washer toss. I got B a water table as his present so we will set that up as well.
amc, it sounds like B is doing really well in his new room at daycare--that's fantastic! :appl: His party sounds like it will be a blast too... I've never been a big birthday celebration person (for myself) and neither is DH, so having something for L when she turns 1 in 3 months seems like a daunting task, but I'll just have to figure it out! You'll have to let us know how it goes and share photos!

MP, yes, it's nuts... L is changing really fast--her development in the past week and a half has just skyrocketed. She started crawling a little bit yesterday at daycare and at home in the evening... I imagine she'll be getting into the groove with it probably by this weekend. It seems like everytime I think that she is lagging a bit or not doing anything new... boom, she has a development explosion!

JGator, I forgot to mention that I feel like L is always a few days to a week behind K in terms of her babbling. You were mentioning how K was saying ba ba ba, and I was thinking, hmm, L hasn't done that yet, and then a few days later, she started saying ba ba ba. She hasn't started saying any mmm or ma sounds yet, but I'm hoping that comes next! She's saying a lot of ba ba ba or ba boo or da da and da dee...

Dandi, O just cracks me up! Love the photo of him eating spaghetti. :lol: Glad that teething didn't affect him too badly this time around!

Dani, how old is L now? That's fantastic that you're still BF and he's doing well with tablefood cut up. That's great he's sleeping so well. I'm crossing my fingers for you that it doesn't change when you travel to Florida. I think we lucked out when we were in Floriday last week... L slept really well--in fact, she even took great daytime naps, which she normally doesn't. I think the new environment and all the playing in water really wore her out.

AFU, not much new from a few days ago other than L starting to tentatively crawl. Oh, and Hand foot and Mouth disease is going around at her daycare. I'm terrified of her getting it, but I'm not sure if there's much I can do to prevent it! :errrr:
JFo- L is 10 months! I can't believe it!! Time is just flying!!!:(
monkeyprincess|1375209716|3493196 said:
Kunzite, thanks for the recomnmendations. If you don't mind my asking, why was the decision made to start early intervention? I sometimes worry Ev is a little slow with gross motor things - doesn't quite crawl yet and doesn't pull to standing, although his fine motor skills seems pretty good for his age. Our doctor wasn't concerned, but I want to make sure I stay on top of it.

He had started babbling a little bit after E did but then stopped. At a year he still hadn't started saying consonant sounds again. So our concerns with him were mainly speech, but a little bit for his fine motor skills too. For instance, when he's eating he'll slide his food to the edge of the table to pick it up instead of using his thumb/finger. I also noticed that when he's playing with toys he exclusively uses his thumb to push buttons and when feeling things. So basically the opposite of Ev! I would look at the website for Early Intervention in your state. I know they're all a little different but in our state anyone can request an evaluation. We recently had O evaluated too without having to go through his pedi. It's all free too. If you're still concerned in a few months (I think most start at one) then there's no harm in requesting an evaluation. E was evaluated at the same time as M and since he didn't qualify for services we got this cool report showing how he scored in all areas and their observations with him.
Dandi, love the picture of O with the spaghetti! Too cute. We will have to try some spaghetti soon. I am so worried about her choking though. Did you cut it up super small?

MP, sorry to hear you have been exhausted. I hope Ev's sleep has settled down. Did you switch his car seat and stroller yet? We just bought K her big-girl stroller over the weekend - the City Mini as I noticed her car seat only goes up to 30" and she's 28.25" now.

Jfo, K hasn't said the M sound since last weekend. Seems like it was a random incident! We still have a long way to go on packing. It's really difficult with the baby, and I'm so tired when she goes to bed at night, that I don't feel like packing. I'm also still pumping 3 times a day which takes time away from packing.

AMC, Happy Birthday to B. Did he have fun at his party? His birthday is this week, right? My birthday is Wednesday, and I seem to recall he was born maybe on the 8th? I'm glad he's doing so well in his new classroom also.

Dani, sounds like L is doing great sleeping through the night and eating! We started giving K cheerios recently and she now refuses baby food, but will take the cheerios and feed herself. 1/2 the time she misses her mouth though!

Kunzite thanks for the book recommendations. K really likes one book that she has which is pretty simple and also has the touchy feely pages

AFU, K was a horrible sleeper last night - she didn't want to eat though. She just wanted to be held and rocked. I think teething is the problem. We have been putting a cloth diaper cover on her over her Pampers Size 4s (Thanks S&I!!) and have had no leaks for several days in a row - knock on wood! She also refused the bottle and baby food this past weekend. She will eat her oatmeal and cheerios, but pretty much only has her bottles at bed time and over night and maybe one small one mid-day. My DH says she is on hunger strike. She has started putting her hands down in front of her, but not fully crawling instead of just scooting sitting straight upright. She hasn't said MaMa or MMM in a week! We are closing on our house on Wednesday and moving in next week.
Dani, wow, time definitely flies! A year is coming up fast...

amc, how was the party?

JGator, that's funny about the 'm' sound. She'll probably stumble across saying it again sometime soon. Well, good luck with the remainder of your packing, the closing and the move! I am totally getting nervous. It is really hard to find the time to pack with the baby around!! I also hope that K can get that tooth through and you can get some good sleep. I'm feeling you on the horrible sleep front...

I'm at home with L today. I'm pretty sure that L has hand, foot and mouth. She woke up on Saturday with a low grade fever and didn't have the same appetite as she did earlier in the week when she acted ravenous for a few days. She slept horribly both Saturday and last night... I had to rock her to sleep to go to bed and then I had her sleep in the bed with me because she'd wake up every few hours crying and needing to be held/comforted. At this point, she may be having a "mild" case of this, but it still sucks. She has no blisters on her hands or feet (yet), but she has a rash on her knees and back of her legs and some on her bottom and she has a wicked sore throat. Not sure about mouth sores, but that still might happen. She barely wants to eat. I'm just trying to make sure she stays hydrated and comfortable.

She also doesn't want to take her day naps either. I've had to rock her to sleep for those too. On top of generally feeling crappy, she just learned to go from laying down to sitting up by herself. I haven't actually seen her do it, but when she woke up crying a couple times last night, and I would come in to find her sitting right up in the crib. So the combo of being sick and learning new skills has her all messed up. I hope she feels better soon because I'm exhausted!
JGator, happy birthday in a couple of days! So glad the cloth diaper cover is working for K so far. Oh, and you'll love the city mini! :)

ETA: congrats on closing on your house too! Exciting times ahead, but I totally understand about being too tired to pack. It's so hard to even keep our house tidy after a long day of work and then getting A to bed. Post some pics of the new house once you get the keys! I always love seeing other people's houses, haha.