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JGator|1373995884|3484090 said:MP, good luck with your cuddler. K is generally not clingy, but does want someone in the room close by. She tries to crawl off my lap for her nighttime bottle feeding and fidgets around a lot. She generally won't take a bottle unless she's in her bouncy seat during the day. She also is fascinated with touching and scratching things like my watch, my nose, my neck, my necklace, the liner of her Playtex bottles, the chair we feed her in, etc.
JGator|1374073342|3484711 said:What do you all think of tv with an infant? I work from home and our nanny has the tv on a lot. Ie, I went to our kitchen/family room area a little while ago and she was reading to K with K sitting on her lap facing the tv with the Wendy Williams talk show on. She previously had the Trayvon Martin trial on a lot, and now she's on to daytime talk shows. Should I say something? I don't want the tv distractions to hinder K developmentally.
S&I|1374602204|3488573 said:AMC, yay for B walking, and moving up to the next room at day care! I'm still refusing to let them move A. He just started walking last month though, at 14 months, ha! The director asked me if they could move him since he's the oldest one in his class, but I firmly stated I didn't want him moved until he could walk consistently. They ended up moving a younger girl since she'd been walking for the last 3 months or so.
monkeyprincess|1374603446|3488590 said:amc, I can't believe B is almost one either! Do you have a theme for your party or will it just be a lowkey one? I go back and forth with how much effort I want to put into a party for a one year old when the time comes. And sometimes I just wish time would slow down. But everybody I talk to keeps telling me that it just keeps getting better and better as your children get older and become their own little people. Still makes me sad though. And I have no doubt your little bruiser will fare just fine in the next room at daycare
One more question for you all. Anybody have any sippy cup recommendations? We have these http://www.amazon.com/Playtex-First-Sipster-Spill-Proof-Colors/dp/B0009EXN10/ref=sr_1_1?s=baby-products&ie=UTF8&qid=1374602383&sr=1-1&keywords=sippy+cup.... They seem fine, but he has to suck so hard to get anything out that I don't think he has quite figured them out. I might just try taking out the plastic piece that is meant to stop spills until he gets the concept. I only give him water in them for now anyway.