
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

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NEL-I am sorry that you are feeling blah! The last few weeks of maternity leave were hard for me too b/c I felt like there was so much I wanted to do at home before I went back and when I started working from home FT I had almost no time, and now I have really no time:-)

No babysitter really makes things harder too!

I hope that it gets better for you and that you get a lot done!
Bella, quick sleep arrangement question for you. Is E in your room or do he and B share a room?

C has been STTN for a few weeks, so I know it's time to move her to her nursery. But I'm anxious about rocking the "everybody is sleeping well" boat. K and Cs rooms are very close (they share a bathroom), so I worry about them waking each other up if one of them has a rough night. Plus, right now their bedtime (and wake up time) is slightly staggered to make my life easier, so that would probably have to change. Just curious how you're handling this. I might even start a thread about it.
E is in our room in his rock n play and will stay in our room in his rock n play and then in his mini crib until somewhere between 9 months and a year and then we'll move his crib into B's room.

I like having him close by, it makes early morning feedings and going back to sleep easy, and B tends to get up and play in his room in the morning, so I wouldn't want him to wake E.
That's a great plan, Bella! C dropped her early morning feed, so she doesn't wake up until after we do. C stirs while we're getting ready in the morning, so I think we're keeping her from restful sleep. K wakes up after us and is quiet, but I'll have to be quieter when getting K ready in the mornings :) I'm going to give C a little more time in our room, but transition before going back to work.
It's been so quiet around here lately. How are you ladies doing?

Not a ton to report here--I'll bullet the important stuff
- C has pretty much formed her 3 nap schedule. Short nap during the day, long mid-day nap, short (more variable) nap in the late afternoon/early evening. Pretty typical.
- I've been trying to shift C's bedtime from 8pm to 7:30pm so it coincides with K's bedtime. C is still in our room, though. I just can't make the move!
- Just starting to transition from 6 bottles/day to 5. Really trying to move up that last feed to get her into bed a little earlier. Feeding has been roughly 7:30/8am, 10am, 1pm (moves according to nap), 4pm, 6pm and 7:30pm. Trying to push that last bottle to 6:30 and making it 8oz. instead of 6oz.
- Started rolling front to back at 2.5 months. Is *almost* rolling back to front, but doesn't quite have the neck strength.
- Cora is just a really, really happy baby. Very smiley and loves to "chat". I've been putting her in the jumperoo and she loves it. Plus she scoots herself right off the tummy time mat when I put her on it. The kid just wants to go.
- I may have gotten a couple of giggles, but can't really tell.

Slightly more negative issues:
- Hates the swaddle, but wakes herself up during naps. I've started swaddling one arm as sort of a compromise. It's working for now.
- She'll fight sleep, but usually not for more than 5 minutes or so. She will take a paci when I put her down for the night (which is good because I don't want any crying to keep K up or make her concerned), but otherwise she angrily spits the paci out.
I know, where did all the mommies go? I want to hear about you and the babies:-)

Wow, C is rolling already?!?!?!

E rolled over like 10 times front to back and back to front in one week when he was less than a month(!) but it seems to have been a fluke and just a result of him flailing so much, but now he is *this* close to doing it intentionally. He loves to smile and laugh and giggle...he's been belly laughing for about 3 weeks now and it is super fun.

We just got an exersaucer from a friend yesterday and he LOVES it.

He's still crazy strong and has great head control.

Loves to suck his fist, fingers, and/or thumb...hates the pacifier...loves to chew on all toys, especially his bib!

He's a great sleeper at night...naps are a little trickier. He's not quite on a three nap schedule, but also not quite happy with cat naps.

He comes to my office once a day to nurse and then usually drinks a five oz bottle during the day as well...sometimes two five oz bottles.

He is usually a sweet, chill, baby but WOW...he.has.a.temper when he wants to!

I found out that I am severely anemic (which my OB should have flagged years ago, and definitely during my pregnancy :angryfire: ) and am now getting IV iron therapy each week. It's making me tired and makes my bones and joints hurt, but isn't too bad so far. I am just rickety and it hurts to go up stairs....
Hello ladies! I've been lurking around here, but gosh there is just so much to having a new baby that I could never decide what to post! Things have finally started to calm down for us. My baby boy (D) is now 9 weeks old and I started back to work this week. I am nursing at home and pumping at work. I will work four day weeks for the next month and a half. I love, love, love my baby!! He is so sweet. He is pretty predictable and not fussy. I have nothing to compare him to, but I think he is just perfect! Here are some pics.
Bella, I can't believe they missed that you are anemic after everything you've been through with TTC! How is the iron therapy going? And it's really common for a baby to hit a milestone, then not do it again for weeks. C was rolling over all the time for a week, now she hasn't done it in a few weeks. K did the same thing.

Gem, D is absolutely adorable and I'm so glad that everything is going well for you! I'm also going back to work this week and am feeling more upset about it than I expected. I'll be thinking about you on Monday morning!

AFU, nothing exciting here. C is on a predictable 3 nap, 5 bottle schedule. I'm glad she has her routine/schedule down before going to daycare. I know that will make it easier on our daycare provider. I moved her to her nursery a couple of weeks ago and there was no real transition. She didn't wake during the night and K and C weren't keeping each other up at all, so that fear was unfounded. Overall, I'm just enjoying her all I can!
NEL- aww good luck on Monday. D has been handling daycare pretty well. He won't take bottles from my husband or I but there is a lady at his daycare that is able to feed him. If she is ever out D might be angry (and hungry!) because the afternoon lady hasn't been able to get him to drink yet. Daycare is kind of annoying because they don't really follow my instructions on what I want done with D. They feed him more ounces less often than he was feeding when I was home and they keep him up too long between naps. He seems fine though and he hasn't changed his sleeping at home so I feel like I have no grounds for complaint. The nice thing is I know exactly how many ounces I have to pump during the day because they are always going to attempt three 4oz bottles. I pump four times a day so 12-16 oz is easily achievable.

When I leave for work my husband and D are still sleeping. It is nice to relieve myself of some of the baby duty and pass it on to my hubby. I miss D all day though. I'm really happy I come in to work early so I am able to pick D up ASAP. The only thing that sucks is I am usually up for the day between 3:30 and 5am. Once D has his morning feed I am pumping and getting ready for work. D's bedtime is 8PM. It's also when I go to bed. Lol
:wavey: GEM-D is adorable!!! Glad that things are going well and you are getting in a groove. Don't be afraid to go to sleep at 8pm:-) mamas need their sleep! So funny that he will only take bottles from the morning lady!

NEL-Yeah, the anemia thing was really frustrating, but I think that the therapy is finally starting to work b/c I am no longer almost passing out and unable to talk b/c I am so winded when I walk up stairs or hills. B's classroom is on the 4th floor with no elevator and I used to almost cry when I had to walk up there when I was pregnant and after E was born b/c it would be so hard and I would be so sick/dizzy/clammy/seeing stars/unable to talk or breathe at the top. but now, I am barely winded and don't need any breaks on the way up :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: I wonder though if the anemia was part of why I was so sick during pregnancy too?

Week 4 of the 5 week treatment is tonight. The treatment is in the "infusion" center which is where people get blood transfusions and chemo, so there are some really sick and sad people there:-( I have tiny, deep, tricky veins, so getting the IV in is a little traumatic, but once it is in it's not bad. 1 bag of saline, a huge vial of iron, and then I have to wait 30 minutes to be sure there is no reaction. overall it's about 2 hours.

So cute that the girls are both in their own rooms now! Glad that was an easy transition!

Good luck on Monday. I wish I had more time at home with the boys, but overall am feeling ok with the balance of things right now. hoping that lasts and hoping that you feel the same when you go back:-)

AFM-DH is stressed watching E all day and and frantically studying for his July 12 MCAT when E naps (which is not a lot during the day) and at night. really, really, REALLY hoping that the MCAT goes well for him!!!
Bella - I'm glad your treatment is helping and you're feeling better!

NEL - how did your first day back to work go?

Everything is going pretty smoothly for me. D is still waking up at night to feed and I am super tired, but so far so good.
Bella, between your anemia and DH studying for the MCAT, you both must be exhausted! I'm so glad that you're feeling better and the MCAT is in a month--soon you'll both feel like you have more time and energy. It's great that you're feeling some work/life balance right now, for me that feeling ebbs and flows. Summers are usually good--work isn't as hectic and it's still bright and warm enough to play outside after the girls have dinner. Are you taking any trips this summer? Is B going to camp or anything?

Gem, sorry daycare isn't following directions, but the good news is that he seems to be taking the 4oz. bottles without a problem. And hey, if you need to go to bed at 8pm, then do it as long as you need to! I'm a morning person, but have gotten up at 4:45 to get to the gym a couple of times and by 9pm I'm wiped out. The girls are in bed at 7:30, so I could go to bed early, but I like having time with the hubs, so it's a balancing act.

AFM, First day back to work wasn't bad. It was busy--in fact, I had to present to the clients yesterday morning, so there is no rest for the wicked. Being busy is a good thing, it keeps me from being sad. But the girls were in good hands, so that eases my mind. When I picked the girls up I asked if C was super fussy (thought she might be since she's in a new place), but my daycare provider laughed and said C might be the easiest baby she's ever had. Apprently C really liked playing with the 13-month-old and the 13-month-old LOVED C.

At work I have an opportunity to switch clients. It would mean more growth for me, but the client is NYC-based, which means I'd have to hop on the train for a day trip every couple of weeks. Day trips are not bad, but it means I'd have to be out of the house before the girls wake up and wouldn't be home until late. I'm really torn about what to do, but am leaning toward keeping my local client.
Yes, I am feeling much better! Dh is exhausted and stressed, I can't wait until he's done with the MCAT.

So glad that C is liking daycare and is an easy baby!

Wow! 4:45 is really early, you are hard core!!!

if you switch to the NYC client, let me know, we could meet up for lunch:-)
Hi mamas, I need high chair advice...

We just used the Fisher Price space saver booster seat (the one with no padding) for B, but he was almost 3...

E is super active, and likes to be near us, so we put him facing us in the stroller when we are cooking, etc. I think he will be hanging out in his high chair as well as eating in it.

I think I've narrowed it down to:

Boon Flair
Keekaroo Height Right
Oxo Sprout
Mamas and Papas pixie

Do you have any of these (or suggestions for others that fit the below):

-very, VERY easy to clean
-non toxic (ideally wood, but if plastic then BPA, lead, and phalate free
-not ugly (ideally modern design)
-able to be pulled up to the table
-small foot print and/or able to be folded
-legs that are not easy to trip over (Ikea Antilop is out for this reason...we have a small dining foyer in our NYC apt. and will need to move the chair around, maneuver the stroller around it, etc.)
-comfy for child and able to be used from 6 months-at least 2 years
-good strong harness, ideally 5 point
-easy tray removal
We have the Keekaroo Height Right and I like it, but don't love it. It doesn't fold and it has kind of a large foot print. Plus I hate that we have to remove a chair from our dining table to fit the thing in. But I do like that K can eat at the table with us.

We'll probably use a bebe pod ( when C starts rice cereals in a few weeks. C is already sitting in it from time to time and does well in it. And I like that it can be used on an existing chair.

We will also use our Inglesina table chair ( I LOVE this chair. We got it when K was about 6 months old and it's great for every day use as well as for travel.

If I had to do it over again, I'd probably skip getting a high chair. The Bebe Pod or Inglesina would work until we could get a booster geared toward older babies.
Bella, we have the Boon Flair, and we really like it. Ev really does too. It has wheels, so it can be rolled really easily across the room, and the height is adjustable, so we push it right up to the table, so he's try is just hovering over the edge of the table. It is super easy to clean. The only cons I would note is that the tray is not all that big, but I do love that it comes with two plastic tray covers that are dishwasher safe. The other one is that it does nto exactly have a small footprint. It's not an issue for us since we have a large open kitchen/dining area, but that would probably be a bigger concern in an apartment.

NEL-I looked at the ingelsina, how hard is it to clean and is it comfy for babies (like 5-6 months old)?

MP-thanks! I think b/c we can easily roll it, we may be able to push around our dining area and kitchen and it would make the larger footprint not such a big deal...I don't mind the small try and think it is so easy to clean...
It's easy to clean. Easy to wipe down, plus you can throw it in the wash if needed. K was comfy in it at 5 - 6 months. Back is supported, plus you can strap baby in. Probably most comfy for babies who can sit without folding over to the left or right.
I haven't checked in for a while! Jenna will be 18 weeks old on Friday, which is also Blake's it's been a little hard this week. Jenna still hasn't rolled either way. She doesn't care for tummy time unless she's propped up and I don't keep her on her back much because I'm paranoid about her head getting flat. But besides that, she's doing great! We're so in love with her. I'm attaching two pictures, the collage one is of Blake and her at about the same age. They look so much alike to me. The second is from this morning.


Missy, it's SO GOOD to see you!! I think about you lots! I can't believe how much Jenna looks like Blake. It's amazing. She definitely has his hair!

This must be a very hard week for you, do you think you will visit Blake on Friday? I truly believe that his spirit still surrounds you and that he is celebrating Jenna's life as much as you are.

Don't worry about J's lack of rolling--she's still very, very young. Does she tolerate being in the Bumbo or anything where she's supported while sitting? I'm also having a tough time keeping C off of her back because I worry about the same thing.
NEL - Yes, we're going to visit with him in the morning before dropping Jenna off at daycare. My DH is scheduled to go away this weekend (it's the same time every year, he just didn't go the last two years because Blake was born and then his birthday) At least that's the plan. I'm not sure if I'll make it through the day. I only made it at work til about 10am last year before leaving, so we'll see. It's such a weird feeling sometimes, I almost feel like Jenna is Blake because of their looks, their personalities are different, but for a split second I forget that she is Jenna and not him.

I'm not too worried about her rolling, I know she'll get it eventually. It's just hard getting in tummy time after work because by the time we're all home, she's tired and hungry and sometimes spits up if we do tummy time on a full stomach. She does sit in the Bumbo and has some other seat like it at daycare too. She's mostly "sitting" up with us while we hold her in the evenings too.
Hi Missy, I just thought about you recently, so I'm happy to see your update. Jenna is beautiful and definitely a feminine version of her big brother. I'll be thinking of you and your family on Blake's birthday. You have done such an amazing job of honoring him and keeping him a part of your family.
MIssy!!!!! I think about you often as well. So great to hear from you. Post more often as this thread has gotten pretty slow now that we are all juggling work and babies:-)

Miss Jenna is! She does look a lot like Blake. That's amazing that you have photos of them with such similar expressions. I can definitely understand how surreal it must be sometimes to almost think that she's him b/c they look so much alike and you have so much love for them both.

I can only image how hard this week must be, especially if your DH is going away. I think that Blake is celebrating Jenna's life with you as well. Although he's not here physically, he is completely part of your family and his birthday is a very special, although bittersweet, day. Do what you need to do to take care of yourself and celebrate what an incredible loving and dedicated mom you are on his birthday too--we'll all be thinking especially of you on Friday!

E still hasn't really rolled either (he had these fluke rolls when he was like 4 weeks old, but just waves his legs around and does baby crunches right now). He does have a bit of a flat head, but it has been that way since he was born and the ped keeps saying it's fine (though it looks and feels quite flat to me and DH). E is also a SUPER spitter now. He's totally fine, just spits up a ton (and then eats it off his hand :knockout:

DH is at home with him now. The first week was ROUGH for DH, but now they seem to be finding their way a little better.
Highchair update: I just got a Boon Flair off of craigslist and love it. it doesn't take up nearly as much room as I thought it would, it looks cute in our dining area, and it rolls so easily that we can push it into any room of our apt, so E can hang out with us but be out of the way (e.g. when we are cleaning the bathroom or unloading the dishwasher--both of which are pretty much impossible to wear him in the wrap while doing:-)

I think that we are going to get the Inglesina fast before we next go to Dh's parents as it would fit in our luggage and we learned our lesson this trip...bring all essential baby gear ourselves!
Hey mamas...any advice for a baby who always hysterically cries at family gatherings/parties? I am starting to hate social gatherings because the second I get there with my baby like 12 people rush to see him and and it freaks him out. He hates being passed around by many people. How can I nicely get people to back off or to give him back when he cries? My close family members are the worst culprits because they don't see themselves as strangers to him even though they are. Mostly we see them every one to two weeks or so and it's just not enough for my baby to know them yet. And when he screams all I hear from them is "oh he is fine" when clearly he is not fine, he is hysterical. And "gem_anemone needs to stop being overprotective". My problem is he does not cry much at home for DH or I unless there is a reason (hunger, tired, etc) so I hate to think how miserable he is when we are at a social event and he is crying even after a long nap and a good feeding. I was thinking of getting him in a quiet room as soon as we arrive and only allowing a couple of people in at a time, but that seems extreme. It's summer here and we have many graduation parties etc coming up....any advice?
Hi, gem! I still lurk on this thread even though my little one is now almost 13 months.

Do you baby wear at all? Wearing him might prevent him from getting overstimulated/overwhelmed. You'd keep him faced in and snuggled up to you, which is comforting. Plus if he is strapped to you, it makes it less likely that someone can try to take him out of your arms.

The main downside would be that baby wearing in the summer can be very hot. Last summer I used a mesh baby K'Tan, which was more breathable.

Hope that helps!
Gem-I was going to offer the same advice! I wore B in a Boba carrier and I wore/wear E in a ring sling or a woven wrap all the time. he is facing me, so less stimulated, and no one (not even my most obnoxiously baby obsessed friends/family will try to grab him or harass me about it if I am wearing him.
Huge ditto to baby wearing. I learned that lesson with #1. I have an Ergo, so I would put her in that and even cover her head if i felt she needed more comfort. I had winter babies, so Curly's suggestion of more breathable carriers is good.

Neither of my kids were easily overstimulated, but family gatherings are a lot for even the most laid-back babies. I have definitely gotten the "overprotective" comment from family members, but c'est la vie. Your instincts know he's unhappy and that's all that matters. So good for you for figuring out a solution.

Bella, so glad you're loving the Boon! And it's always nice to have another place for E to hang out. I feel like i'm always rotating "stations" when C is awake, but I'm busy and can't hold her.
Thanks for the idea, ladies! I have an Ergo, but D is kind of at that stage where he is too big for the infant insert and a little small to be in there without it. I have used it around the house and one other time outside of the house when he still fit in the insert. I should use it more, but it seems a little hot at times. I tried it out at home for a few minutes this week to see how it would go. D was ok for like 5 minutes, but then he fussed and seemed a little uncomfortable. His little legs do not quite reach where they should be for him to sit comfortably facing me. Maybe by the next family gathering he will fit better. I tried a little blanket under him, but it may have made things worse. He is so stinkin' cute and tiny in that carrier though!! :love:

My friend let me borrow a wrap with the rings that she made that would probably be a bit cooler, but I have no idea how to put it on!!

Even if I wear him I still see my family asking for him (maybe not though based on what Bella said?). I guess I will have to suck it up and say "no" if anyone asks and just tell them he gets too upset and overstimulated in chaotic environments. I will let people know if they want to see him they will have to make a visit to the house where there is less people and it is quieter... :?
Gem, To use a ring sling check out videos online. That's how I learned to wear mine. Good luck!

and just b/c:-)
