
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

E is simply adorable!! :love:
Well we survived another birthday. I ended up staying home on Friday. Work has just been too much lately and I knew something would put me over the edge so I didn't want to risk it so I had to take the day without pay.

Jenna has learned something new the last few weeks. We still have her in the pack n play in our room. At random times during the night I can hear her moving around. So last night I turned on the video part of our monitor to watch her. She kept picking her legs up to her belly and like slow motion they would fall and just before hitting the bottom of the pack n play, she'd pick them back up again. She was half asleep. SHe kept doing it several more times and the last time she slammed them loudly and turned her head...out like a light. :lol: She cracks me up! This is the first time I've watched her, I can hear her almost every night slamming her legs. Goofball!

While out shopping last weekend we stopped to eat and there was a playground there. We found these nice baby swings and Jenna loved them! She liked feeling the wind blow her hair around, it was pretty cute! Now I want one for the house, but we'd have to figure out how to secure a swing to an angled tree branch so it swings evenly. Anyway, here she is!

Missy, Jenna is so beautiful, and she looks so much like her big brother, Blake. I think of you and your amazing strength and resilience often. I'm glad you did what you needed to do and avoided work last Friday.
Missy-I am so glad that you were able to spend Blake' birthday focused on your family and not at work! Jenna is gorgeous and looks like she is loving the swing! We will have to try that with E, what a great idea! So funny re slamming her legs!
E spits up so much I bought a sewing machine and started making bibs, stroller strap covers, drool pad/chew covers for ergo/beco/boba/tula, jeans for over cloth diapers, etc...I got kind of into it so I opened an etsy shop. The ladies in my local mommy group are like, "do you ever sleep" to which I say "sometimes" :lol: You can find me through my looptroupe listing.

E looks super cute in them and they actually catch his unending spit up:-)
Missy, Jenna looks so cute in that swing!! I noticed Cora doing the same thing with her legs in her crib last week. Except when she'd lift her legs, she'd grab her feet. I thought she was awake, so I went up to put her in a sleep sack (thinking that it would prohibit her from grabbing her feet), but she was sound asleep.

Bella, so cute that your'e making E his own bibs (and bonus for opening an etsy boutique!). I've started putting C in bibs not because of spit-up, but because of drool. I keep feeling her bottom gums expecting for them to be swollen, but not yet. Is E's spit-up normal? It's not acid reflux is it? Has he started solids at all? C is 4 months today, but I'm going to hold off on offering rice cereal. C only has about 29 or 30oz. of formula per day. When K was 4 months, she was having 40oz. per day and practically grabbing our spoon when we ate. Plus, I find solids a pain in the butt to feed, so I wouldn't mind sticking with bottles for awhile longer.
We are waiting until 6 months for solids and plan to do babyled weaning then. I'm actually getting excited for it...though I can't believe my little munchkin will be ready to start trying food in just over a month!

E likes to chew the insides of his lips and is really into watching us eat and he puts all toys, blankets, bibs, etc. in his mouth to chew, but he's not grabbing for food yet. He drools a lot too and his gums are a little swollen and very hard, but no teeth nubbins yet.

He seems happy and comfortable even when he's spitting up. Sometimes he gets a frown like he's concentrating or like something is a little uncomfortable right before he spits up, but otherwise he's completely chill! His spit up is sometimes just fresh milk and sometimes the white milk curds, but either way there is a lot of it. I think it's normal but will check at his next appt. We see the ped in a week and a half (his 4 month appt when he will be 5 months...I love our ped but HATE the office/scheduling it is so difficult! we spend more time tying to schedule the appt than the Dr does seeing him :rolleyes: )

Since I mostly breastfeed I don't now how many oz he eats, but typically he nurses at 4:30am, 7:00am, 5 oz bottle at 10/11am and I pump at work, nurses at 2:30, nurses at 5:30, nurses at 7--but somedays, like today I get home from work closer to 6 so he nurses then and we don't always get the before bed session in. I usually pump at midnight as well before I go to bed...and today I skipped my work pumping session. I think that after labor day I will try to drop that pumping session all together. I have to goon a 2 day business trip at the end of aug, so don't want to raid y freezer stash or mess up my supply before then..
Missy, Jenna is so cute! :love:
Bella, it might be better that E's spit up is coming out. K would spit up, but it would only reach her throat and that was uncomfortable for her. She no longer wanted to eat (my cue that something was wrong), so we saw the ped, he diagnosed her with acid reflux, we added rice cereal to breastmilk/formula and that worked fine. The extra weight kept it down. So long as E is happy, nothing to be alarmed about!

Cora turned 4 months last week. AGH! Where does the time go?!? I took down her swing this weekend since she doesn't really use it anymore. It hurts me to put baby things in storage.

Another big transition--she moved from her rock and play at night to the crib. I was planning to move her earlier, but we were moving her from our bedroom to her nursery at night, so I didn't want too many transitions. I also know that she might be waking up with tooth pain soon, so I didn't want to transition at the same time as that. Anyway, I was hoping the transition would be a smooth one since she takes her naps in the crib with no problem. When she woke up crying after an hour the first night, I was a little surprised. I moved her back to the rock and play and tried again the next night. That night, she slept through the night with no issues. Last night was the same, so I think she's now happy in her crib all night.

I hate all of the things that affect sleep in the first year. It's not just sleep transitions (our next big one will be her moving from 3 naps to 2 in a couple of months), but it's moving from swaddle to no swaddle, hitting major milestones and having that affect sleep (like rolling over, sitting up, crawling, etc.--they love to practice these things in the crib, it seems), tooth pain, losing their paci in the seems neverending.

Adding a pic of C in the last couple of weeks--this isn't a great pic, but she definitely looks like a baby and not a newborn these days.

We transitioned E to his crib (well, mini crib since we live in NYC) last night b/c he almost FLIPPED the rock n play with his newfound extreme rolling skills. We thought we should start strapping him in now that he's such a strong roller...bad idea! He decided it was a challenge to break out of/push against the strap, plus he got better leverage with his feet.

He was not thrilled with the crib at all last night, but has napped well today (little sleep last night, plus "4 month" shots this morning made him a tired little boy).

We noticed after we left the Drs office though that he has a crib-slat sized DENT on his head. And I noticed today during his nap that he likes to sleep with his head jammed against a slat. We have a mesh crib bumper, but it doesn't really protect from the slats, it just means he can't stick a limb through the slats...oh, and he figured out how to undo the velcro on the bumper already!

Bella, E is so strong! I have a few friends whose 1 year olds are still in the RnP and I have no idea how that works! Hopefully your mini crib transition is short lived. Once E is used to the crib, I'm sure he'll go back to his usual schedule. How to get him away from the slats is beyond me. Is he scooting in his crib until he presses his head against the side? Is it always the same spot?

C got her 4 month shots a few days ago. She got them late in the day, then that night she woke up around 1am crying and kicking, so I think her legs were sore. I told myself I'd give her 5 minutes and if she was still crying I'd give her some Tylenol, but she fell back asleep. That was the only side effect I noticed.

I also started solids last week. C's milk intake went from 28 - 30 oz./day to 36+ oz./day, so I thought it might be time to introduce them. The first time I fed her rice cereal, I had to cut her off at 2 oz. Now she's on purees and is eating a couple of ounces in the morning and evenings. Kid loves her solid food.

Otherwise all is good. Still doing 3 naps/day and 12 hours at night. She's down to 4 bottles now that she's having more solids. She's in the 70-something percentile for weight and <50% in height. K was always the opposite (way above average for height, below average for weight). I was hoping Cora could wear all of Katie's old clothes, but K was already in 6 -12 month clothes at this age and C is still in 3 - 6 month clothes. So I'm afraid all of K's old clothes will be out of season. Or maybe I'll just put C in clothes that are way too big :)
Yeah, the boy is super strong:-)

He's 5 months this week and at the appt today was 16 lbs 11 oz and 25 in long, but is all muscle and baby chubb:-)

He went down pretty well tonight. Seems a little more tired and his one leg is definitely more sensitive near the injection site, but he seems pretty much ok otherwise.

I put him down in the middle of the crib longways, and he spins, shimmies, rotates, and scoots until the top of his head is jammed into a spat somewhere :rolleyes: Also, we have always covered him in the rock n play with an aden and anais muslin blanket. He likes to feel the top of it by his cheek, play with it in his hands, and to chew on it. In the crib that has morphed into him wrapping his whole head with the blanket! So, we took away the blanket and I am going to cut and hem some small squares so he will still have something to hold and play with, but can't get stuck in it.

C sounds like an amazing eater! So cute:-)

We are trying to wait until he's 6 months to start solids since DH and I both have allergies, but he's starting to seem ready (can tripod sit well, has amazing head control, is holding and bringing things to mouth, practices "air chewing", chews on all his toys, and is just starting to pay attention to our food. When we start, we are going to try babyled weaning, we'll see how it goes, but it will probably be in mid-late July:-)
Meant to NEL, she only has 4 bottles a day now? How many oz each?

I have been getting lax about pumping during the day at work (I still nurse once during the day), and E dropped his early morning nursing session so he's just eating: 6am nurse, 11am 5 oz bottle, 2:30 nurse, 5:30 nurse, 7:30 nurse, i pump around midnight to have a bottle for the next day and a bottle to freeze.

He seems happy with this schedule, but I always wonder...:-) plus I am trying to figure out how this will work when he starts solids. I would LOVE to stop pumping, but of course want him to get enough to eat and don't want to lose my supply.
The squares of material sound like a good idea--maybe he just needs some comfort. C isn't too squirmy at night yet. We have her in a sleep sack, maybe that helps? Not sure if its worth a shot for you. We have an A&A sleep sack made out of the light muslin material that I was using when it was warm in her room. Maybe E would like it because it's the same material. Or maybe he'd get mad when he couldn't bring it to his face.

C s up to 8 oz. bottles, except for her 7:30am bottle. That one is still 6 oz. plus the 2 oz. of purées. Her other bottles are 10:30, 2:30 and 6:30. She gets more solids at 6pm when K eats, then I follow up with the 6:30 bottle. She won't always finish that bottle, so I offer the rest at 7:30 (after bath, before bed) and she'll finish it then. So that last bottle is stretched. So she still gets 30 oz. of formula plus the solids, which is usually 4 oz.

I understand wanting to reduce the pumping, but if you make your own baby food, that's a pain, too. I was planning to hold off on solids, but C was so interested in our food that I really felt bad eating in front of her. E seems happy for now and I'm sure he'll be ready for solids when you start!
Hello everyone! After 5 insanely busy weeks, I am finally posting over here! "Little" Elyas was born May 21 at 41 weeks 2 days and was 9 lbs 1.5 ounces. Somehow my tiny self has pretty giant babies! I am adjusting, not so easily, to life as a mom of 2 under 2. I've finally accepted that L, dd that turns 2 next week, is actually the same toddler I've always had. When I first came home from the hospital her body and head seemed gigantic and it was like I realized she was no longer a baby anymore, at least in comparison to E. It was a very odd and difficult adjustment for me, especially since E looks just like L did as a baby. It was like I was redoing L's newborn stage and had some other toddler here too. Yes, it's as bizarre as it sounds! I planned for all kinds of mental changes, but not that one!

E is doing really well although I think he has bad reflux. He spits up and/or vomits after most feedings. We don't see the doctor again until his 2 month, so I'll check in with him about that then. Otherwise, I just keep him always in eye sight and survive by having a carrier everywhere so that I can hold him when he is fussy. The first few weeks he had a fun witching hour right around 8 (when DD goes to sleep, of course) where he just cried and needed to be walked around for a good hour. Always at the same time although I think that's starting to phase out.

That's about all with us. I'm sure I'm missing plenty, but it's a decent summary of how we are. I look forward to keeping up with this thread and watching our babies grow!
My girl is 5 months old now! I'm so SO in love with her. We're inching closer and closer to 6 months so I'm finding myself wanting to beg her not to leave me too, ugh it's so hard keeping those feelings away.

But anyway, we bought her a little baby pool for our backyard yesterday. She loves being outside and likes the water too! Here's a picture of her this morning. She liked this book today, the pages all make a crinkle noise so she kept switching between shoving her hand in or the book haha. The other picture is from Saturday. I love plaid baby shorts :love:


Missy, she is gorgeous!!!! My heart goes ut to you as you approach the 6 month mark. I think about Blake often and pray that you are able to enjoy Jenna and have peace as you navigate this time. I can't image how complex your emotions must be! Huge hugs!!!!

E is great, almost 17 lbs, 25 in long, and squirming and rolling his way all over. He LOVES to put anything in his mouth and is getting pretty good with his aim:-) I think he'll be majorly ready for solids in a few weeks when he is 6 months! He's still not sleeping well n his crib and DH is beside himself as he's home with him during the day and trying to study for the MCAT which he's taking on July 12. B is done with school so he's home too. I look around in fear most days b/c B's fave toys are legos and E mputs everything in his mouth and...well..that's not a good combo. Right now legos are limited to B's room and soon I think they are goingt o have to be a kitchen table toy...

Can't wait for DH to get through the MCAT, then we go on vacation and hopefully he'll be less grouchy and more able to handle stuff at home.
Aww NEL little Cora is a cutie patootie too!! :love:

We are still doing well. D has been sleeping longer at night. I'm actually starting to feel more like a normal person than a zombie. Haha. D seems to be doing better at outings. We have not gone to a large gathering since I last posted about it, so maybe that's why. I'm still waiting for him to be a little bigger before using the Ergo. I ripped the ring sling when I was trying it at home and of course I haven't had a chance to fix it! :roll:

Can I just rant for a minute? LOL :lol: A couple of weeks ago my daycare wasted a whole bottle of breastmilk (4oz) for no particular reason. They just left it in his bag and didn't feed it to him and didn't refrigerate it either. Then they raided my emergency freezer stash to make up for the missed bottle. When I told them what they did the daycare lady wrote me a note apologizing, but she made a comment that really irked meabout it "only" being 4oz. Yes in the grand scheme of things since my son eats 12-16oz a day at daycare, so 4oz may not seem like a lot, however that is only taking in to account the actual volume of milk. What else is wasted is my sleep that I lost from getting up early to pump him a fresh bottle that day and also all the time I spend washing extra bottles and pump parts in order to make that bottle. I don't know why she couldn't have just apologized without somehow trying to dimish my feelings by trying to lessen the degree of the offense. Ugh. Oh well. She probably didn't even realize what she was saying, but it was annoying. Anyway..the daycare people really seem to like my baby and take good care of him, so I really am trying my best to like them. I'm hard to please and I know this about myself, but sheesh. I just hope for less and less incidents as time goes by. So far not much else has been bad there, so I should feel lucky!
Gem-that is so frustrating!

So, we've gotten really into babywearing and E seems to like it:-) No relatives will try to take him id you wrap him... :lol:

Be really careful repairing the ring sling. if you are confident in your sewing and if the rip is along a seam you should be fine, but if the fabric is ripped the sling is unfortunately out of commission.

Eek, gotta grab E...

Bella, you and E both look adorable. How difficult is it to wrap him on your back like that? C gets fussy in the Ergo (it's summer, the Ergo is hot), but I miss wearing her. I'm always worried she's not secure enough in the Moby. Maybe I just need more practice. Tons of luck to your husband on the MCATs, everybody is going to be happy when those are over.

Gem, so sorry about daycare letting your breast milk go to waste, that is beyond frustrating. I exclusively pumped with K and remember crying when I accidentally poured out a bottle of my milk. Pumping takes precious time and I understand that mistakes happen, but they could at least be apologetic without implying it isn't a big deal. I've found that with daycare, there will be frustrations. I love our daycare provider, but there are still things that frustrate me and I have to decide if it's something I want to bring up as an issue or something I can let go.

Missy, when I read the line about you begging J not to leave you too, I literally felt a pain in my heart for you. Like Bella said, I hope that reaching the 6 month mark will bring you some peace. You have been doing an amazing job and I hope that as Jenna ages, the anxiety starts to fade. Thinking of you tons!

AFU, Cora is getting so strong. She started rolling back to front last week and she won't stop! She likes being on her tummy, so if I try to put her on her back, she rolls right over and she'll even scoot along the floor to get to a toy she wants. I still can't get enough of her--she's such a zen baby. I feel like I'm always anxious and stressed out, so I really enjoy her relaxed nature.
NEL-E is a mover and shaker too. He started doing what my DH calls "Rapid rolling" this week which makes him fully mobile. It's hilarious and also terrifying!

Wrapping takes a little practice, but is not that hard. You have to get a woven wrap to back wrap, you can't do it with a Moby, but it is so much cooler and more secure that it is totally worth it IMHO. I learned this back carry (which is called a double hammock) and another very cool, basic carry called a ruck in about a week to the point where I am comfortable to do them in public. They still aren't perfect, but are secure and comfy and will only get better as I get better:-) There are tons of videos on youtube (some of my fave teachers are "wrapping rachel" and "babywearingfaith"), watch the videos a few times and practice on a bed and/or with a spotter and you'll get it.
Oh my gosh! E looks so cute and like he loves the wrap! Maybe I'll just get a new one. Any suggestions?
We love the wrap. is like the pricescope of babywearing:-) there are also some great youtube videos, especially like the ones made by wrappingrachel and babywearingfaith.

The first wrap I got (yes, there is now more than one :oops: ) was an Elleville Zara size 5 in Blueberry. It's amazing and I think a great first wrap, but I should have gotten one size bigger, so I am likely going to sell it to fund the purchase of a longer wrap--which I already bought... :lol: .

I would recommend Elleville Zara or Storchenwiege Leo as a first wrap. I think thank the Zara is prettier (but round up if you are between sizes as they wrap a little short) but the Leo is more affordable. If you can find a used Leo it will be softer and easier to wrap with.

For ring slings, I love our sleeping baby productions slings, but now that E is 17 lbs I really prefer two shoulder carries so don't often use the sling.
Oh good. I'm glad this thread moves pretty slow! I was feeling guilty for not checking in on the PS babies!

Bella- I adore that photo of the two of you! How handsome is E! I'm going to have to check out that site. I only have the moby and ergo, but still feel like a fool trying to wrap and tuck my E in.

Gem- Oh wow- I can completely understand your frustration. I think reasons like that are why I am terrified of pumping. I left DH with milk once and he thought I was crazy for going on and on about not trying to overfeed him (he will vomit it back up) or leave the milk out to waste, etc. I'm sorry your daycare apologized in that manner. I'm glad you otherwise feel happy there.

Missy- Gosh, it breaks my heart to think of the anxiety that these milestones must bring to you. Jenna is one lucky little girl. I can't say that I can relate, but because of so many losses in my family/friend circle involving losing a child, I find myself praying that my babies are able to live long healthy lives. I know it sounds weird, but I think being a mom is scariest thing I've ever done. I will keep you in my prayers. PS- I adore her little outfits! It must be so fun dressing her!

NEL- How exciting that Cora is rolling over now! How are things with K? Is she fully adjusted to being a big sister? Is K as relaxed as C? I find that L (DD) is an interesting combo of DH and I and I pray that E is more like DH (calm and relaxed).

AFU- 8 weeks on Wednesday. Time is passing so fast. I feel like I have no control on the day. It feels like we wake, snack/lunch, nap, eat, sleep. E hasn't had his 2 month checkup yet, so I'm clueless as to how much he weighs, but he's getting big. I would guess 11lbs. Still spitting up and vomiting, but not as often as before. It's a fine balance trying to feed him the right amount to keep it down. I'll check on that at his appointment next week.
PP, do you think L is adjusting pretty well? Does she love E? Is she trying to help you when you feed/change?

K has adjusted really well and I have to admit that I'm looking forward to the days when they can interact more. K was never really jealous in the beginning, but now that I'm back at work, K is more clingy and that's tough since C still spends a lot of time in my arms (when having a bottle). Also, now that C has some of her own toys (mostly teething toys), K wants to play with them as well. So K is learning, much to her disappointment, that she can't take away her sister's toys. But K is good at sharing--she'll often try to share her toys (or food) with C, which is really sweet to see.

How is everybody else doing?

C had her first fever this weekend and was such a trooper about it. She doesn't seem to have a cold--no congestion or coughing--so I'm not sure what's going on. She didn't fuss, she was still her happy self. But she's definitely fighting something--she usually wakes up at 7, yesterday and today she woke up at 8. Today she had a 2 hour morning nap (9 - 11), a three hour mid-day nap (12 - 3), then an hour an half afternoon nap (4 - 5:30). I put her to bed a little early at 7:30. So she was only up for 5 hour today. Poor thing.

She really seems to be teething these days and is smiling and chirping all the time. She's also entering the grabby phase. which is not one of my favorite phases. She's always grabbing my face and her little nails are painful!
PP I hope little E gets his spitting up under control. Poor little dude! At least he is gaining weight :) I'm not sure about your son, but mine doesn't take kindly to bottles so it's very hard to over feed him. I was worried about daycare feeding my son more than I could pump, but aside from a couple instances they are pretty good with only giving him what he will drink and I am able to keep up with his demand plus some.

I felt like the first four weeks with the newborn were the longest of my life, but time has been going pretty quickly since then. My little man is starting to try to roll over already and he babbles a ton now. So cute! Love him!!

NEL that stinks about the cold. I hope you guys are feeling better! D had his first fever/cold last week. He is still coughing and congested. It was definitely a rough week at the gem anemone household! D would scream every time I put him in his bassinet for two nights in a row. He is usually a good sleeper, but he wanted to nurse all night while sick. I think it was the only thing comforting his sore throat. :(sad It was just difficult trying to get sleep with a baby in bed with us the whole night. I'm not a fan!

Bella - thank you for the suggestions!!

Believe it or not we had another milk mishap at daycare yesterday. :shock: The morning lady didn't mark down one of D's feedings so the afternoon lady prepared a bottle with the extra milk I provide in case D is extra hungry not knowing that he had already eaten. Well D refused it. She was still trying to feed him when I arrived to take him home. I looked at what was left in his supply and we deduced that he had eaten before she got there. It wasn't as big of a deal since it was wasted frozen milk, but still. Also I'm pretty sure another baby's bottle was used to feed my son one day. I caught it before they could do it again, but what the hell. I just don't get all the milk issues. I'm not sure if these are grounds to start looking around for another daycare. Ugh!!

Edited to add a pic of LO:
My baby is now rolling from back to tummy, but he can't go the other way. He does this at night and screams until someone flips him back! I hope this does not last long. I'm trying to give him lots of tummy time so he will learn to go from tummy to back. So far it's a no-go. How is everyone this week?
gem, sorry I didn't see this until this week. You can buy an anti-roll pillow (goes on either side of their torso) if it's still an issue. Is D rolling from tummy to back now? Usually that one is the easier roll. Back to tummy requires more upper torso/neck strength. So even if he's not rolling tummy to back yet, he should soon! C is a side sleeper, so as soon as I put her in her crib, she goes into her "position". On one hand, it's nice that she isn't practicing rolling in her crib. On the other hand, I hate that she sleeps the same way for most of the night. I'm always checking her head to make sure there is no flat spot.

How is everybody?? Missy, I'm thinking of you tons as I know J turns 6 months this month!

AFU, C had another cold this weekend, but was a trooper. Here are some bigger things on our "what's new" list:

1. Eating lots of solids--up to 10oz. a day (mornings and evenings)
2. Laughing a TON. Not even at D and I, but mostly at Katie. All Katie has to do is look at Cora and Cora laughs. Katie thinks it's funny, too, so they sometimes just laugh back and forth at each other. Cora is seriously obsessed with Katie. She seeks Katie out before she'll even look for D or I.
3. Cora is getting up on her hands and knees a lot. She'll drop back down to the ground after 30 seconds or so, but I think she'll be crawling within 6 weeks. K started crawling closer to 8 months, but I think Cora will be crawling by 7 months. Right now Cora is scooting everywhere, so I'm glad everything is already babyproofed.
4. Drool city, but still no teeth.
Gem-Hope that your little guy gets his rolling figured out:-)

Missy-Thing of and praying for you and your family as you navigate this 6th month!

NEL-Wow, Cora loves her food:-)

E and B love to laugh at each other too. It's so cute! We have to sometimes tell B to cut it out though as he's all over E.

E is a rolling, scooting, wiggling little mover. He can get anywhere but still isn't quite crawling. He gets up on his hands and knees and rocks and occasionally lurches one little arm forward. I think he'll be crawling by labor day, but who knows:-) The flat spots in his head that he's had since birth are filling out (whew!).

He loves to chew on things and try any new food we give him, but he's not really eating it much as most of it gets pushed out by his tongue/spit out (We are doing baby led weaning so he gets whole pieces of food--I think it it were purees he'd porbably be ingesting a lot more), but he is all.about.eating so we give him new things to try each day. So far, cucumber is the big winner.

Sleeping at night is still kind of rough (as it has been since he transitioned to the crib) but now he's just waking up 1-2 times...and then is up for the day 6am :knockout: Naps are getting a little better. can' t wait until he's back to sleeping 7:30-7:30 like he did in the rock n play...please...please...please!

Drooling and chewing, but no teeth yet.
NEL - that is super cute that Cora and Katie get on so well! That story about Cora laughing with Katie made my day!

Bella - sorry E isn't taking to the crib :( we just transferred D to the pack n play and it's rough. He slept from 8:30-4:30 last night though, so I know they get used to it eventually!

D has rolled tummy to back twice that I know of and once was yesterday at the doctor. He had this horrible look on his face like "wtf??" and put his fists in the air. I could not help but giggle! He will get it soon I'm sure! Just yesterday morning I caught him sleeping on his belly so I'm glad he is getting used to different positions. Love that little guy :love: