
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Hi Mamas! Miss you ladies:-) Seems like we are all super busy with our little ones.

Missy-Thinking of you and hoping that all is well.

NEL-how is Cora? E is loving solid food, but mostly to play with, gum, suck on, and try to chew. He's not ingesting that much yet. I can't believe that Cora is eating so much. Adorabale!

Gem-Sounds like D is movin' and groovin'. Hope he's sleeping well.

E is still usually waking 3 times a night to nurse, but last night only woke at 4:45 and then was up for the day at 6:45. I can deal with that:-)

I have to go on a brief business trip this weekend without my boys:-(

I leave Friday afternoon and will be back Sunday afternoon. I am really sad to be away from E. I had this trip last year as well and it was (and still is) the only time I've left B overnight, but at least he's old enough to know that I am coming back and to talk on skype. E misses me when I am at work and gets stressed when I have to work late, so I think that this is going to be hard for him...and for me...and for DH. ugh!

I am pretty sure I have enough milk in the freezer for B and DH should be fine (tired but fine--he's never done a nighttime feeding and rarely has both boys for bedtime). Can't wait to get through next weekend and then just be home with my little family!

DH gets his MCAT score this week and is super stressed about that, but his applications are submitted and now he just needs to get his rec letters in and possibly retake the MCAT if he's not happy with his score...we'll see.
Bella, how did your DH do on the MCAT? I meant to check in last week and completely forgot! And how was your trip?

How is everybody else doing?

Few things for us:
1. C turned 6 months last week!
2. She's is now on solids 3x per day. She prefers solids over the bottle, but I still want to make sure she's getting enough nutrients. So she's getting about 15oz. of solids and another 20 - 25oz. of formula. She's been eating a ton lately.
3. She's starting to transition to 2 naps, but I can still keep her to 3 most days. I prefer 3 (love the mid-day nap that overlaps with K's so I get some time to myself), but expect that C will solidly be on 2 naps by 8 months.
4. Teeth. Still nothing breaking through the gums, but lots of swelling and drool. Expecting them to pop through literally any day. She's been a real trooper about it--hasn't woken up crying once, but can get fussy and mouthy when she's awake.
5. Crawling. So, so close. She scoots on her belly like a champ, but when she tries to get her belly off the floor and actually crawl, she doesn't have the strength. Sometimes she even topples over (no balance!)

One last thing--she fell off of a table last week. My husband was (not) watching her. In typical male fashion, he was trying to multi-task and shouldn't have been. He turned around for a second and she fell off. I came home literally 3 minutes later and she was fine. No bumps, no marks, very little crying. The doc said I shouldn't bring her in, she sounded fine. She ate her dinner normally and had a good rest of the night. My husband has been a mess for a week. Feeling extremely guilty--won't eat, can't sleep, can't focus at work. He tried to check himself into a mental hospital because he can't cope with how awful he feels. They wouldn't take him because they didn't feel he was suicidal, but he's seeing a psychiatrist tonight. Makes me worried for our future. As a parent, I need a partner who can handle it when sh*t his the fan and the past week has been awful for both of us.

Anyway, sorry to blab, but I hope everybody else is doing well. At least better than us! :)
Oh NEL-That sounds really hard with your DH. My DH accidentally let E roll off the couch when he was just a few weeks old. E was fine, but DH was super upset for a few days, but not at all like your DH. Also, almost every mommy in my local mommy group has either dropped their child or had them roll off a bed. I hope the psychiatrist has some insight, but if it makes him feel at all better, it really truly does happen to many MANY babies and caregivers.

C is an eating machine! We are doing babyled weaning so E is now eating purees, rather whole pieces of food he can hold and gum/chew so he's not ingesting much but is super adventurous. Last night he had fennel, plain greek yogurt on a "preloaded" spoon, broccoli, yellow plum, and the perennial favorite...cheerios:-) He's still nursing like a champ.

My business trip was not nearly as bad as the anticipation. DH was tired, E woke up a little more but was super excited to hear my voice on the phone:-), B was pretty much fine--just a little moody for my first few hours back home, and I pumped a ton of milk and had loads still frozen at home so now have a big stash. We were rear ended on our way out of the city (by an ambulance, with a dirver who had a learners permit and for real tried to write "garden" in the state section of the accident form instead of NJ...such a surreal experience!), so my neck/back are not feeling great, but it's definitely getting better.

E is getting up 1-2 times a night to nurse, but going right back to sleep so it's not so bad. His new thing is that he's really, REALLY loud in the morning like at 6am when he wants to get up. DH and I are both like, "I have never heard a baby so loud!" Not crying, the top of his little blessed lungs :lol:

DH did ok on the MCAT, but not as well as he needed to, so he's retaking in October. He's finding it really hard to keep studying and i am finding it hard that he's finding this so hard:-) He just needs to figure out a balance of studying and family time. B really needs some more structure/activities and DH is not really up to that, so we are all looking forward to him starting back to school after labor day.

On the bright side, DH's centralized medical school applications are in and now once they are processed he'll get separate applications from each school called "secondaries". At least things are moving forward and I am praying that his score goes up in October, even just a couple points would make a big difference, and that he gets in's so crazy to have no idea where we'll be next year.

Missy-thinking of you and your beautiful family! let us know how things are going for you all and some pics of Jenna:-)
Bella, so sorry to hear your DH wants to re-take the MCAT. I agree that October should be a little easier with B being in school. I know he'll still have to care for E, but if E can just hold back on crawling, that will make caring for him much easier :) Tons of luck to him!

Also sorry that you were hit by somebody who can't recall the actual name of the state. That sounds like quite an experience, but I'm glad you're okay! And I'm also glad the business trip was not so bad.

C had her 6 month checkup and I have another tall baby on my hands. K was always in the 95th+ percentile for height. C measured in the 98th percentile. A full inch longer than K at 6 months. But C is just bigger overall--she also weighs a pound more than K did at 6 months.

DH is still having a tough time with the fall. I'll spare the details, but it's exhausting.
Sorry girls! Just been busy. We are all still good here!

Jenna still isn't rolling, BUT she sits up like a champ! Doctor didn't seem concerned at all. I'm not sure how she'll ever crawl if she hates being on her belly. But maybe she'll just skip that and go to walking? She was an oz under 18 pounds at her 6 month appt and 26 inches long. We're doing purees, but she'll only eat them mixed with oatmeal to make them more thick, which seems kinda backwards to me but regular purees just drip out her mouth haha. She's even had some bread and mashed chicken breast pieces. She loved the chicken, must get that one from me! :bigsmile: The last 2 evenings she's gone about 8 hours without a solid nap, but then goes to bed just fine and only stirs around a few times wanting her pacifier. Those 8 hours were ROUGH. Screaming, crying, red face and eyes from rubbing them. Ahh! No teeth yet. I hope that's what going on with her. She did have us cracking up on Monday night though, well some of her and some of my husband being crazy. The convo went like this:

Me (as DH is folding his laundry on the bed, Jenna sitting there with us): Jenna found one of your socks! Now she's chewing on it!
DH: Ewww not on my clean ones, I just washed them!!! I don't want her drool all on it. Let me get a dirty one.
Me: :shock:

Never a dull moment in this house! Here are a few pics of Jenna, she'll be 7 months this Sunday. The one in the high chair is her on Monday night, she exhausted herself after eating and passed out. I reclined the chair so her head wasn't hanging. That lasted about 20 - 30 mins ;)



Hi everyone,

I finally have some free time. All these baby pics are so adorable.

I cannot believe how fast this year has gone! My twins are 11 months old and doing well overall. We just moved to Northern California, and I will have a light work schedule for the next year. Looking forward to spending some more time with them!
Missy! Jenna is gorgeous!!!! and getting so big!!! :love: :love: :love: :love:

LtF-How on earth are your babies 11 months?!?!?!?! I want to see pics:-)

This time is going way to fast for us as well. E is just awesome and B is so much fun (he'll be 6 in October). DH and I really would like to have 1 or 2 more children...we'll see what's in store for us given how long it took us to get pregnant with E, and our super infrequent s*x life now that we have two kids and DH is super stressed with med school applications, but we are officially "not trying to not get pregnant" which I guess means we are TTC...
Missy--Love the pictures of Jenna!! Your DH wanting her to chew on a dirty sock made me LOL. So glad to hear things are going well!!

Ltl--I can't believe your twins are almost toddlers!! I had such a tough time when K turned 1...just felt like she was no longer my "baby". It's so nice that you have a light work schedule for the next year--I feel like at this age they're growing and changing so fast that you need all the time with them you can get!

Bella--so exciting that you're NTNP (or TTC, like you say). I know how much you went through to have E and I have my fingers crossed for you that you will have an easier time of it this time around. Hoping you can enjoy yourself for a few month! While pregnant with E (and feeling so awful), I bet you didn't expect to be ready so quickly :) I can relate (not with this one, but after having K).

AFU, I need to post pics, but I'm on my work laptop and don't have any recent pics. This week C perfected her scooting to sitting transition. Still not really crawling, but she'll scoot around, then sit up, then start scooting again. And she's all smiles and giggles these days. Love it!
Hi ladies,

E is proudly crawling, sitting, rolling, pulling-up, actively taking step when you hold his hands, and into EVERYTHING! Still no teeth. he'll eat anything (he had homemade kimchee last week and loved it), belly laughing, super determined, very vocal about what he wants, and he's such a joy!

He's "only" waking up twice a night to nurse and the first one is usually right before I go to bed (usually between 11-12 and between 2:30-4) so I am tired but it's way better than when he was waking up 5-6 times a night!

DH is super stressed re the MCAT, moreso now b/c he had a Dean at one of his two top choice schools tell him that if he can raise his score 4 points, he's in. 4 points is significant, but not impossible, and DH is really, really, really stressed! He takes the test 10/21 and then it takes a month to get the scores.

His back is slowly getting better, but he's still no where close to 100%.

B is great, but full of questions, hundreds and hundreds of questions...all the time...
Bella - sorry to hear your hubby is still stressed about the MCAT! Good luck to him. So cute E is eating everything in sight and B is asking about everything in sight. Haha

NEL how is everything with your DH? Any better?

My little man has two bottom teeth and it looks like he could be getting a top tooth any day now, but does not show much interest in solid food. I've tried rice cereal, bananas, apples, carrots, cauliflower and sweet potato, but he always makes a face or gags. :( He absolutely loves nursing though and I think that is part of the problem. "They" say babies should still be getting the majority of their nutrition from breastmilk or formula at his age, so I'm not sure if I should be worried about him not eating much solid food. The doctor wants him on solids twice a day, so I keep trying but I don't want to make it a horrible experience for him. I even try just putting food on his tray and letting him try it out himself, but none of it makes it into his mouth. I send solid food to daycare now and they say he eats it. I don't get why he won't eat much for me then. He also still usually wakes up once or twice a night to nurse.

He is rolling over both ways now and pretty close to crawling it seems, but not sitting up without support. My baby was a textbook newborn, but I'm finding him to be a more atypical 6 month old.
Gem, seems like the older they get, the fewer "norms" apply. Your kiddo might be one of those who never loves purees and goes right to finger foods once he can start getting food to his mouth. Coco prefers to self-feed (at 7.5 months), but it's tough because she's still not great at getting things effectively in her mouth. So I'm trying to spoon in food while her mouth is open. Funny how quickly babies desire independence. I'm also having a similar situation with different eating habits at home vs. daycare. C is on a bit of a bottle strike at home--gets fussy after a couple of ounces. But at daycare she seems to be doing just fine and takes an 8 oz. bottle with no fussing.

How is the teething going? Is he fussy at all? Still no teeth here, but I've been thinking her bottom teeth are on the verge of popping through for months!

Bella, my heart really goes out to you with DH taking the MCATs (again--once is enough!). My DH is an actuary and had to take a series of exams to get his fellowship. He'd study until midnight every weeknight, then spend every waking minute studying on weekends. And this would go on for months. Several of his coworkers had kids and went through the same exams and I always said that I had NO IDEA how they managed to study and care for kids. In some ways it is just as tough as the spouse who's not taking the exam because everything falls on your shoulders. Hope you're getting through it with minimal resentment! :)

Glad B and E are doing well!! Sounds like they're both a handful, but in a fun way!

AFU, Cora had her first ear infection last week. No surprise--she'd had a headcold/respiratory virus for 2 weeks, so I was surprised it took her so long to develop an ear infection. Doc suspects she had enterovirus 68, but her oxygen levels were high (99%) and she was a trooper while being sick, so no reason to admit her to the hospital. She's gotten better very fast since being on an antibiotic, so I wonder if it was just a bacterial infection to start with. Last night she woke up 3x (cries for a minute, goes back to sleep), so I'm not sure what's going on there. Could be teeth?

Otherwise all is well! C is already walking along furniture, so I think she'll be an early walker. She already crawls everywhere (she's fast, I have to keep an eye out to make sure she doesn't bolt under me). Since she's already mobile, the transition from crawling to walking is no big deal. For me, it's more the emotional part of having a "toddler". So I'm enjoying this crawling stage! Already cried while packing away summer outfits this weekend!

ETA: Forgot to add that husband is doing well! We saw a pediatric neurologist who was very kind and helped to ease my DH's anxiety. DH is now off of his anti-depressant and seems to be coping without it just fine!
Aw-thanks NEL! Yes, it's hard right now. I get that he's stressed, but it's hard not to feel resentful especially when he's super grouchy.

E is starting with a nanny share tomorrow for 5 hours a day on the 4 days I don't work from home b/c neither DH nor E are happy with the current arrangement. I'm really hoping that all goes well as things at home are not great. This will be an unplanned expense for the next 3 weeks, but DH can't get anything done during the day and is just really not able to concentrate on E at all.

Hopefully this will get better after the MCAT b/c it's been so long that I barely remember my actual husband!

Over the past few months, between his back problems and studying his beard and hair had gotten out of control. He shaved last week and E FREAKED out for about 2 days, screaming whenever he came near him. So sad, but so funny.

Our 5th anniversary was last week and we both forgot. he remembered at some point in the afternoon and texted me, which I didn't see, and I didn't remember until I got home that night and he told me :eek:

When the freakin MCAT is done, we are going on a date! and maybe hiring a house cleaner.

E still has no teeth, loves to eat, will stand unassisted (but can't quite pull up from his knees to standing on his own), and is a master crawler/roller. He has such a joyful, spunky, determined personality. He's awesome (but is already showing signs of being very smart, stubborn, determined and curious...with a temper).

GEM-I am in a mommy and baby group in my neighborhood. We all have babies born within a few months of each other and most are within 3 weeks of each other. As they get older, it's so funny to see how different they are. Some have lots of teeth, some have none. Some love food (E, ahem!), some don't. Some are walking(!) some sit but don't crawl...they are very unique little people:-)
Hi all! Well - it's been a long time! I am back, this time with our second daughter, L.

She was born on September 5 and we are doing well. Her sister S (who is 2y 7m) has adjusted brilliantly and has shown no signs of resentment, upheaval or jealousy. L is a lovely baby, very similar in temperament to her big sister, rarely cries, and has just started to smile and coo.

I was very lucky with L&D - extremely uneventful and even restful (thank a great epidural for that!). Apart from the usual adjustment of learning to juggle two kids (and that is even with two very very helpful grandmothers around A LOT), we are doing well. L feeds 3-5 hourly, sleeps pretty well (naps hit and miss but ain't that always the way at this age!), and rarely cries. Does reflux a lot which is largely the thing that disturbs her sleep but otherwise we really can't complain!

Looking forward to getting to know the current cohort of PS mamas of young babies :)

Here is a pic from her newborn shoot - she was 9 days old here :)

Hey ladies! I haven't checked in for a while. Everything is great here. Jenna rolled once from her belly to her back while on our bed last weekend, so I'm not sure if it really counted lol She still has no interest in that. No crawling yet. Her main form of getting around is while sitting up, she bounces and scoots herself while upright to get where she wants. It's the cutest thing! She scooted over to a chair last night and started to pull up but then stopped. I guess that will be coming soon! She's also been doing "baby crunches" and just yesterday she got herself to a sitting position while lying completely flat. This seems to be her new way to fight a nap :lol: She's mostly been doing 2 purees a day. I found different fruits mixed with cereal in the little Gerber plastic tubs so that works perfectly for her "breakfast" meal. She seems to like her purees on the thicker side so I always mix cereal in anyway. She loves pretty much everything I give her! The pureed meats are so gross, she seems to like the real thing when it comes to meats. I just worry about her gagging, I think I might try to blend them a little so she doesn't have to chew so much. Still no teeth! She's been babbling a lot more. It's hard for me not to look at what other babies her age are doing and she's not doing them yet. I told myself I'd never be that way. Our friend's 8 month old was saying "mama" when we saw him on Saturday and I really can't wait for that moment!
Here's a few pictures of Jenna. The picture with the rainbow colored stuff on her is plain yogurt that we put food coloring in and let her "paint" with it. She pretty much just ate it, crumpled the paper, and made a mess though. It was hilarious!! The other two are from the Sunflower garden we went to. I think she's going to love flowers like her momma!



Missy, it's so good to see you, I love the pictures of Jenna! She's adorable! One of the girls at daycare used to do the hop you described. I don't think she ever crawled, just hopped on her bottom until she was 14 months or so, then she started walking. Interestingly, we used to call her "The Pilates Baby" because she was constantly going from lying to sitting (like you described). I've never seen another baby do it so easily! Maybe babies who don't crawl have no interest in being on their tummies, thus rolling on their tummies (to crawl) doesn't happen? They'd rather just sit up! :)

Pancake, it's so great to see you back in this thread again! I honestly think we essentially have the same children, we just live on the other side of the world from each other. K also adjusted really well to having a little sister. And Cora was so easy and happy--I didn't think I would luck out twice. Cora is 8 months old now and I keep waiting to hit a phase that is really tough, but for me it's just been getting easier. The girls are interacting a ton now and I love it. It also makes my life easy when I'm on my own and need to get dinner on the table or do a load of laundry. I just have them play together and that keeps them occupied. Anyway, hoping everything continues to go well for you!

Bella, how is the nanny share going? The good news is that you're getting closer to the MCAT date. Probably means even more stress for the time being, but the light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter. I definitely recommend a date night when this is over. We had one this weekend (7th anniversary was in September, but this weekend worked out best for a date night) and it was WONDERFUL!

AFU, nothing exciting. Still no teeth! But I'm giving Coco more textured food and she's doing fine with it, so I'm just going to keep offering more textured solids. She gets purees for breakfast, lunch and dinner and I've now started giving her a snack (of puffs or Mum-mums) before her second nap. She's on 2 naps now. Wakes up at 7am and the first nap is usually 9:30 - 11. Second nap is usually 2 - 4 or 4:30. Katie's nap is usually from 12:30 - 2, so I basically have one kid awake and one kid asleep all day. Kind of tough for getting things done (though I have different chores I do with each kid, so it's worked out), but I also like having 1 on 1 time with each.

Attaching a pic from a couple of weekends ago. Coco's hair is a mess and she's in pajamas, but it's the only recent pic I have on this computer.

Missy-Jenna is gorgeous! The hop sounds adorable!


NEL-Cora is so big!

I'll post much more later, but we had to take E to the Dr this morning as he's covered in a rash. On the way there, sores started popping out on his hands and mouth...hand foot and mouth/cocksackie:-( So, he'll be home with me or DH all week...DH takes the MCAT one week from today. Hoping that E is feeling better soon and can fight this off so that he's not miserable, and really, really hoping none of the rest of us get it.
Ohhhh, no, Bella! The timing for HFM couldn't be worse with your DH taking the MCAT next week! Keeping my fingers crossed that none of you get it!
NEL, Cora and K are adorable! Love the way K is looking at Cora from the background. Very nice shot and your girls are just stunning.

Missy, my daughter K only scooted - she scooted until she was 14 months when she started walking. Actually, she will crawl once in a while now - but she never crawled before walking. Do not worry about her - she will be just fine. Also, our pediatrician thought K had really strong core muscles and asked if we were athletes (we are NOT!). I'm sure she developed those muscles from scooting! Jenna is beautiful. I love hearing updates from you and seeing pictures of your baby girl.

Bella, so sorry to hear about E. I hope the rest of you stay healthy and that E is feeling better soon. Good luck to your DH.
Here was E (and B) the day before his rash broke out. He's covered in rashes and bumps and blisters, but still pretty cheerful, just a little fussier and sleeping a little more. He's such a trooper!

Hi everyone! I'm new to this thread. I have a darling daughter V who is just over 5 months old. She's all smiles and giggles, and loves rolling around every chance she gets. I think she might have some teeth coming through, but I've thought this for months and they still haven't emerged. She was born with tons of hair, but is now rocking a pretty hilarious bald spot :).
tmot, welcome aboard! I think we're all kind of swamped right now as I am just now seeing your message:-) Hope that things are going well with your little girl!!!

E is 10 months and seems so big already. He's cruising everywhere and almost walking on his own. Into everything and has tons of opinions and a temper! He's also beyond adorable:-) B is still a great big brother, but definitely has some moments of missing being an only child. DH and I are ready to start trying for #3 as soon as his herniated disks are better. Exciting and terrifying all at once!
Hi girls! It's been so long since I've posted here. Everything is going well, Jenna finally started crawling at 10 months and also got her first 2 teeth around then too. She tries to pull up on stuff but her feet end up slipping because we're mostly in the living room with hard wood floors. She'll turn 1 on January 31. We're doing a rainbow theme party since she's our rainbow baby! I've attached our birthday invite and a few pictures!




Aw!!!! Jenna is adorable! I love those big blue eyes:-)

I can not believe that our babies are about to be 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are doing well. Crazy busy, waiting to hear where DH gets med school interviews and then to learn if/where he will start school in the fall. We are renovating our apt in Feb so we can enjoy it or list it for sale...stressful eitherway! and we have a fun tropical vacation planned for the end of Feb.

E is walking and communicating, not quite talking, but he can make his wishes known:-) He tries to comb his hair, talk on the phone, and take his temp on his forehead with a thermometer:-) SO CUTE!!!

He was really sick this weekend which was scary and sad, and we now have a nebulizer to give him breathing treatments at home. Hopefully as he gets better this won't be a longterm thing but DH and I both have a history of tons of bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, etc.

We are about to start TTC a hopeful #3 (or #3 and 4) which is scary and exciting. It was a long road to E, so we'll see where this takes us.

If I can get my laptop to turn on, I'll post a Christmas card pic of the boys.

Every day with my boys is a fun new adventure!!! I can't wait until DH's med school application process is done as that has been tremendously stressful for us all, and if he has to reapply that will be difficult, but he has been invited for an interview at one school so far (his top choice school!) so if that worked out it would be amazing!
Hi ladies!!

Missy, seeing those pics of Jenna made my day. She's such a cutie! I can't believe how big she is! And I really love the b-day invitation, it's perfect.

Bella, I'm so glad all of the MCAT craziness is over, but it sounds like it's just the next phase of the stressful med school application process. It's so exciting to hear that he was invited for an interview at his top school, I'm definitely keeping my fingers crossed for all of you! So sorry that E is sick, that is really, really tough. Poor thing. I can't wait to continue following your journey as your family grows!

C turns 1 in less than a month. Unbelievable. She's also walking and communicating (communicating = yelling at me when I try to do things for her when she wants to do them herself). She no longer takes any purees, nor is she taking a bottle. She's on cow's milk and drinks out of a straw cup for all meals. She and K are absolutely hilarious together...they interact constantly. They play this game called "hug you" where they chase each other around and hug each other.

Oh, and we transitioned C to one nap this weekend, which was amazing. I really thought the transition from 2 naps to 1 would be tough (it wasn't an easy transition for K), but C took to it right away. So now the girls' naps overlap again (though C sleeps much longer) and we have more time together as a family.

I know this thread has been quiet for months, but I've still enjoyed sharing with you ladies! Can't wait to see you on the toddler thread!
I guess we need to revive this thread since three of us have had our babies. Tucker was born on 1/26 at 9lbs2oz and 21.5" long. He is a great eater and sleeper, and a very easy baby in general. Which is good because B is 2.5 and needs a lot of attention.

Anyone else still on here?
I know that I'm technically moving onto the toddler thread (C turns 1 tomorrow), but just wanted to congratulate you, amc! I'm sure it feels nice not being pregnant any longer and finally settling in as a family of 4. It's so nice that Tucker is an easy baby--I do think it makes a huge difference (especially if you are getting sleep). My friends with 2 all say that their infants are easier than their toddlers.

Congrats to all the new moms and I'll definitely still lurk on this thread!
I'm so fing tired.

I know that's what you get with newborns, but I'm still going to complain lol.

That whole concept of "sleep when they sleep" is obviously out the window when you have an older kid. My daughter, god bless her, wakes up at 6-7 and doesn't usually get a nap in during the day. W likes to sleep all day, be up for most of the night. He wakes up ever hour. As soon as he gets tired enough to sleep for 3 hours or so, guess who's ready for the morning.
In the only one that gets up with him, for the most part, as my husband is working and has to get up for work at 430. Obviously I'm not going to make him get up with the baby when he has to work so early. He only got like 4 days off when we had the baby, so its been like this from the start. Having a c section and not being able to sleep is brutal. The pain meds they give me make me soooo fatigued I can't even take them as I'm home alone with the kids all day, and cannot fall asleep on the job.
When M was little she was sleeping though the night at 2 months. I am praying like crazy doe that with W.

OK sorry everyone. Whiny rant over.
Thought I would post over on this thread since little Gray is out and about in the world.

Sometimes I think I have given birth to a raptor- yes the dinosaur kind. The noises he makes are so funny! :tongue:

Right now I am just so thankful for our little boy!
Omgomgomg HAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did you guys know that having a baby makes you a lifeless zombie sometimes? And that if you pile that on with school, working 30 hrs a week, and a small homestead you end up with no personal time? Yeah that's me!!! But then my mind says "Hey, don't you miss Pricescope?" and I say "YES". So here I am!!! I thought you guys might like to see 10 month old Wyatt! I can't believe he is 10 months old!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe I'm planning his 1st birthday party at the beach!!!!!!!! And my wedding!!!!!!!! OMG! I missed everyone and will be diving back in at night after this wild and crazy munchkin goes to sleep. And without further ado, here is Wyatt (and I'll disappear to catch up on my reading).

Dragonfly, just an old lady popping into this thread to tell you that I am so happy for you! I've been thinking of you and am so glad to hear you've had your baby and all is well. Wyatt is absolutely adorable!!! :love: I can't believe he's 10 months! Congratulations on your upcoming marriage too, that's very exciting! :dance: