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Date: 10/28/2008 9:04:00 PM
Author: LostSapphire
The OP notes ''this was his partial response to me''. What wasn''t included in the 1st post? I''m sure the OP is very, very careful with her jewellry. But, we''re ganging up on GOG based on a one-sided complaint containing only selected bits of information.
I don''t think anyone''s "ganging up" on anyone here. If anything, because GOG has such wonderful reputation here most people are giving them the benefit of the doubt to the level that might not be given to other vendors. Most of the good AND bad reviews on PS are one sided, this is a consumer based forum after all and we''re all here to share our experiences.

Even the best of vendors make mistakes and I think we all understand that, it''s HOW they handle those mistakes that really tells a story. GOG obviously has history of doing the right thing, but that doesn''t make OP''s story any less legit or deserving to be told. Fact remains that she was left feeling horrible about the experience, made to feel like she was being patronized (I would, if a vendor insinuated that my complaints weren''t legit), and she''s sharing her feelings with the only group of people who''ll understand and I think she deserves the same benefit of the doubt we give our favorite vendors. Just my 2 cents.
Date: 10/28/2008 9:04:00 PM
Author: LostSapphire
It is unfortunate that the OP and GOG haven''t sorted this out a bit more before GOG is tarred and feathered in a public forum.

The OP notes ''this was his partial response to me''. What wasn''t included in the 1st post? I''m sure the OP is very, very careful with her jewellry. But, we''re ganging up on GOG based on a one-sided complaint containing only selected bits of information.

(side note: who removed the stone from the original setting? I can''t see who that was..?)

GOG is then forced to reply to a rather inflammatory thread in our forum, instead of the 2 of them trying to work it out.

It seems that every time I see one of these posts (and I am NOT taking sides here), the whole thing gets sorted out to the satisfaction of the poster. But in the meantime the negative thread subject sits there...

Butterfly17: I am sure that Rhino will make this right for you. It''s in his best interest to keep his customers satisfied. Mistakes DO happen. And, context, subtlety and inflection don''t translate well in e-mails or on public forums.

I hope it all works out for you, and you update us with a positive, happy outcome.


Thanks for your response, again, I really did not want to post a thread, but this was bugging me so much I actually sat at my computer with tears when I read his email. That''s how upset I was. Perhaps I am hormonal as well, but imagine if this was your engagement ring, how would you feel?

Not all threads are going to be about positive outcomes and when a vendor makes a mistake and then tries to accuse the customer, I think it should be told. Maybe I am preventing someone else''s diamond from being set badly/crooked/you name it. Maybe before they give a customer their ring they will give it a final quality control check.

Do you remember the brand D. Vatche and everyone had that baguette ring and one person complained that the matching diamond band was eating the prongs of the e-ring and it turns out that a few people had the same issue but no one had mentioned it, everyone had this setting with the same problem and some people had noted that if they had known beforehand they would have thought twice about the setting? Well, perhaps my thread will give GOG the heads up. Maybe I am not the only one who had this problem but no one mentioned it.

Okay, okay, I know, that was wierd, but still, you never know.

I take pride in my honesty and I would never accuse GOG of doing something like this if it was not true. I have been a member of this forum since 2003 and I don''t go around making inflammatory threads just for the hell of it. In fact, I am mostly a lurker on this forum even though I have been around that long. I think my record shows that I am not one to start problems unless there actually is a problem.

GOG is more than welcome to reply to my "one-sided complaint". The only comment that Rhino gave was asking what happened to the rest of the email. I also addressed the reason why I did not add the whole email above. Again, my name is in the last paragraph and I did not want to edit it out as I thought editing out a portion of an entire email, whereas partially quoting , seemed untruthful.

AS far as being tarred and feathered, no one has done that. Most everyone has said that GOG will take care of it. I don''t see anyone ganging up on them at all or their reputation being sullied.

And that was not my intention anyway. What would you have me do, keep mum about it and think happy, happy thoughts and hope it will all go away. Maybe I will wake up tomorrow and my ring will be perfect.

IF you received your lovely sapphire ring in this condition, perhaps you would not have started a thread like I did, but something tells me you would too. NO one in their right mind would find this acceptable unless they are crazy.

Again, I mentioned that he said he would fix the ring in the OP, I never said he would not, but it''s sort of like being in a car accident. Imagine you are sitting in your parked car and someone hits it. Then the person jumps out and starts yelling at you and accusing you of hitting their car, when you know you didn''t do it. It''s like a double whammy. First you mess up my car, then you accuse me of doing the damage to it. Yes, you can get it fixed, but is it ever really the same.

Lastly, GOG removed the first stone from that setting. It was set my WF with the 2.38 and removed by GOG.
I think that Butterfly has every right of course to post her experience here, just as Rhino has the right to tell his side of the story. Simply a customer posting about their experiences isn't ganging up on a vendor.

I think the problem with these type of posts is when they are made before adequate effort has been made on the part of the buyer to inform the vendor what was handled incorrectly and how to make them happy. It appears that a phone call or two might have cleared this confusion up before it escalated.

That being said, I can understand Butterfly's frustration and need to post. I do think however that when a problem arises with a vendor, it's to everyone's best interests to try multiple times to communicate about the issue (and not over email) and resolve it before posting the problem on a public forum. If Rhino had been informed personally that Butterfly was upset about the email, he probably would have apologized right away and Butterfly could have felt better about the situation and it could have been resolved easily. And if it then appeared that GOG was unwilling to fix the problem, then it would be the right time to post the issue IMO.

It's all about communication here.

But that is just my opinion...
sorry to hear that butterfly, but I agree with neatfreak! Good communication is always good in any situation. Good luck and do post pic of the fixed setting.
I just have to add my support to butterfly. She always has been a thoughtful, polite, considerate poster imho. I think that her initial post was balanced and gave all the facts. She did try to resolve the situation from the sounds of it and was upset by the outcome.

I really get that it is not the fixing that was the issue, it was the ''blaming'' tone of the reply to her and as Sharon pointed out, what sounds like a lack of respect.

I don''t see why we have to resolve all issues before posting. I agree that an effort must be made to let the vendor put things right, but butterfly did that in a polite, respectful and complimentary fashion in her email to GOG. She was not treated in the same way in return.

My .02c.
I have a friend who refuses to buy online. I think this thread is another great example of why it is smart to buy from a PS vendor. They are on the hook, and can be called onto the carpet in view of all.

Sure, it is best to try to resolve things in private but posting a concern, uncomfortable as it is for everyone, is a sure-fire way to arrive at a resolution.
Access to such a process is a wonderful thing. Buying from a vendor that does not post here does not give you this peace of mind.

I'm not taking sides either. I just think it is wonderful PS exists and offers a place to talk things out when needed.
Date: 10/28/2008 8:30:03 PM
Author: Rhino
Hi butterfly,

Why leave out my ''bottom line'' to my last email I sent to you today? Did I not assure you and give you my word ''regardless''?

Responses like this from vendors are so unprofessional...really makes me aware of how poor customer service can be even from companies that are well respected on PS. The original post in this thread might not have scared me away from using GOG in the future, but this response certainly did.
On a personal level, yes, I agree, communication is key, you need to give people a chance to rectify e.t.c. However, I think an e-mail is suficient to notify a vendor. I mean, what is Butterfly supposed to do, call GOG until the end of time?

I am glad we seem to run as a happy family here, common folk and vendor together in unison. Really, I enjoy the comradery a great deal. However, I like to think of PS as a site for consumers to voice their opinions and obtain support. I am 100% behind any consumer who decides to post their experiences here. That will never change. I guess I am biased.

I like to put myself in the person's shoes. In this case, I'll be pissed too. Anyhow, it seems that the issue will be resolved to BF's satisfaction. time for me to move on.

... Just my .02.
I personally appreciate these threads and how brave the posters are in sharing their stories. Personally, I may be too afraid to post a bad review for fear of being bashed. No vendor is perfect and that includes the PS vendors. It''s just that you have a better chance of success (I feel like I am talking about dogs - buying from a top breeder versus a backyard breeder).
Date: 10/28/2008 10:58:40 PM
Author: Moh 10
I have a friend who refuses to buy online. I think this thread is another great example of why it is smart to buy from a PS vendor. They are on the hook, and can be called onto the carpet in view of all.

Sure, it is best to try to resolve things in private but posting a concern, uncomfortable as it is for everyone, is a sure-fire way to arrive at a resolution.
Access to such a process is a wonderful thing. Buying from a vendor that does not post here does not give you this peace of mind.

I''m not taking sides either. I just think it is wonderful PS exists and offers a place to talk things out when needed.

Personally, I would rather resolve things in private, esp. when the main form of communication previous has been email.
I think there is a fine line, and customers "calling out" vendors in public puts them in an awkward postion of having to meet their needs whether they should or no.
For me at least, if I had tried to resolve it a couple times through both email and phone, and still had none or unsatisfactory response, that is when I would turn to the forum - after all, we have seen misunderstandings in the past, which are then there for life.

>>>>butterfly17, I am in no way saying this is the case here, and of course I believe you have the right to post your feelings about this situation.
Pls note I am just talking in general terms here..

I hope you will still love your ring one it has been fixed
I am definitely interested in this type of post. All vendors and consumers run into some sort of issue at some point regardless of reputation, workmanship and profressionalism. Regardless, this type of forum, which for VENDORS can be painful, ultimately shows the best customer service. I think of it as what we call in my biz, BEST PRACTICES. Pricescope is an INVALUABLE forum to provide information across the board to consumers. The OP is not at fault AT ALL for posting and I was thrilled to see Rhino''s timely responses. Really it gives the consumer so much more intelligence when determining purchases.

Honestly I don''t see that GOG is tar''d-and-feathered here. I see this as a great example of customer complaint/issue that is being dealt with. GOG has the opportunity to truly show how customer service, in the face of a problematic issue, rises to the top.

Good luck on the fix -- and just so you know, man I totally see that your setting got butchered!
Date: 10/28/2008 9:49:13 PM
Author: Rhino

I am, as I have tried to express in my email, taking full responsibility for any/all scratches regardless of who caused them and how they got there.

That is the bottom line and main point I was trying to express to you via email and expressed via our phone conversation when you first brought this to my attention.

I take full responsibility for the work that leaves our firm and if there is a problem I will do everything within my means to make it right.

Kindest regards,


I think that''s the problem, you never actually expressed any responsibility in any of your emails. You never expressed responsibility anywhere. You basically said that I did the wear and tear and you would do me a favor and fix it for me. Here is your email to me after the first one in the OP-

No need to be upset. Yes you are right … those marks are on every single prong. For a ring to be as worn as that requires one thing … wear. Either that or a diamond setter with a vendetta to purposely mar a ring. If my diamond setter purposely marred rings like that he’d be fired in a heartbeat as I would not tolerate that kind of work. The kind of wear and tear demonstrated in the pictures is impossible to happen in a single sitting of setting a diamond xxxxxxxx and I’m not trying to defend my setter.

Like the numerous scratches in this pic.

As far as a phone conversation, I have never even spoken to you on the phone, when I called the first time, I spoke to a woman, which is why I actually started to email to begin with. I figured that at least I would have some kind of correspondence that I did note these problems right away. I didn''t want you to say that I never mentioned it before or something like that.

When I called today, I spoke to Joan first I believe, then Maria and then I was told you would give me a call because you were busy. I never got the phone call from you.

So, no, even though I tried to initiate a phone conversation, we never talked on the phone.

I am hoping we can resolve this issue soon. I do plan on sending the ring back to you.
Date: 10/28/2008 10:15:58 PM
Author: neatfreak
I think that Butterfly has every right of course to post her experience here, just as Rhino has the right to tell his side of the story. Simply a customer posting about their experiences isn't ganging up on a vendor.

I think the problem with these type of posts is when they are made before adequate effort has been made on the part of the buyer to inform the vendor what was handled incorrectly and how to make them happy. It appears that a phone call or two might have cleared this confusion up before it escalated.

That being said, I can understand Butterfly's frustration and need to post. I do think however that when a problem arises with a vendor, it's to everyone's best interests to try multiple times to communicate about the issue (and not over email) and resolve it before posting the problem on a public forum. If Rhino had been informed personally that Butterfly was upset about the email, he probably would have apologized right away and Butterfly could have felt better about the situation and it could have been resolved easily. And if it then appeared that GOG was unwilling to fix the problem, then it would be the right time to post the issue IMO.

It's all about communication here.

But that is just my opinion...

Hi NF,
Yes, I guess I was really upset and really needed to vent. Remember, I have had this ring for 2 weeks now and just started the thread today, so it's not like I posted right away without giving it a chance. I thought I could fix the matter privately but was fuming mad when I was told that all these dents/scratches were my fault even after I provided pictures of the ring before as proof that the ring was not like that. Instead, I was told that there were scratches/dents before and could be seen in the before pictures, and it was so obvious to me that there were none.

I needed confirmation from you guys that the before picture (the very first picture) did not show these marks, even though Rhino insisted that they were there already. I knew GOG would see this thread and I figured if he saw that other people saw what I saw, I might actual be right about my insistence that these marks were caused by his setter.

I did try to call Rhino about this, but he was not around when I called and even today, after receiving the first email I posted, I called again and spoke to one person, then got transferred to another person and then was told he was busy and he would call me back. But he obviously didn't call me back because I have yet to hear from him.

I initiated an email when I first got the ring 2 weeks ago because I did not know when I would be able to go back to the store and I wanted them to get it in writing so that they were aware there was a problem and I was afraid if all I did was call, they would forget and then when I brought the ring in, they would say that I did it to the ring myself, which apparently happened anyway!

And as far as Rhino being personally informed (remember, I could not reach him by phone) this is an email I sent him and I think it is as personal as one can get and shows how upset I am-

I am really upset right now after reading your email.

The dents and scratches on the ring are a result of your setter making those marks, not wear and tear on my part. I am positive those marks where not on the ring. Those marks are on EVERY SINGLE PRONG.

I am extremely careful with my rings and I have already told you that I only had that particular ring for a few weeks prior to having it set by you.

Please do not insult me by saying that the damage on the ring is from wear and tear over an extended period of time.

Again, it is from your setter.

I am so upset I do not want to even step back into your store. I will send the ring back to you by mail. Let me know how to proceed.


If this email does not convey to Rhino how upset I was, then I am not sure what else would.

Again, here is his response to my email-

No need to be upset. Yes you are right … those marks are on every single prong. For a ring to be as worn as that requires one thing … wear. Either that or a diamond setter with a vendetta to purposely mar a ring. If my diamond setter purposely marred rings like that he’d be fired in a heartbeat as I would not tolerate that kind of work. The kind of wear and tear demonstrated in the pictures is impossible to happen in a single sitting of setting a diamond xxxxxxx and I’m not trying to defend my setter.

Like the numerous scratches in this pic.

So, yes, he knew I was upset, but he still claims it was wear, in otherwords, me, not his setter, who made all those marks on my ring.

And if he still didn't realize how upset I was, maybe this second email would have alerted him-

I am really appalled that you would suggest that I did this damage to my own ring and then tried to frame it on your setter.

That's just really disgusting. Why don't you ask your setter what happened to the ring? Maybe he did purposely do that to my ring.

I am an honest person and I did call you guys right away and then email you. If I did this to my own ring, why would I try to blame it on you guys?

This is really unreal.

What I keep thinking is, "If Rhino had time to reply by email and post on PS, WHY didn''t he have time to pick up the phone and return your call???!!!!!!" I think its unprofessional on his part to deal with this issue via email and a public forum. I think that one phone call would resolve this issue.

I''m so sorry that you have to deal with this Butterfly. Hopefully, Rhino will call you in the morning and resolve this.
Date: 10/29/2008 1:42:23 AM
Author: luvmyhalo
What I keep thinking is, ''If Rhino had time to reply by email and post on PS, WHY didn''t he have time to pick up the phone and return your call???!!!!!!'' I think its unprofessional on his part to deal with this issue via email and a public forum. I think that one phone call would resolve this issue.

I''m so sorry that you have to deal with this Butterfly. Hopefully, Rhino will call you in the morning and resolve this.
I don''t think so - no doubt someone would''ve emailed him to let him know this thread was here.
Think how it would look by now if he didn''t reply?
I''m not saying he shouldn''t have posted here. I''m only saying that if he had called Butterfly rather than emailing, this would be resolved. And his posts here didn''t really accomplish anything except add fuel to the fire. No way to handle this IMO.
Date: 10/28/2008 9:17:24 PM
Author: mrssalvo
gosh butterfly, I'm sorry. I can understand the feeling of 'giving you the benefit of the doubt' when you know you did not cause the damage as almost accusatory. I do believe though that GOG will make it right and hope your ring will get back to being perfect right away.

p.s. I don't think you ever posted pics of your new setting either. please start a new thread, I'd love to see it.

p.p.s. what did you end up doing with your Ritani?
Hi! I saw the other thread and haven't responded there because I was not sure how much attention you wanted on it.

I have not posted a new thread because I was waiting on a curved rose gold band (by DBL) to arrive in the mail and I kind of wanted to take pictures of this ring in this thread and kind of sum them all up together since I got a few new bands ( about 6 or 7 bands including that rose gold DBL one) and wanted to ask which one looked the best with the setting.

I thought I would get it already, but DBL just told me that they mailed it out and I should get it tomorrow.

I sold the Ritani e-ring setting and the wedding bands. I probably should have kept one band, because I still have the sapphire Ritani ring, which btw is at GOG right now!
Date: 10/29/2008 2:08:34 AM
Author: luvmyhalo
I''m not saying he shouldn''t have posted here. I''m only saying that if he had called Butterfly rather than emailing, this would be resolved. And his posts here didn''t really accomplish anything except add fuel to the fire. No way to handle this IMO.
Ok, I just thought that was what you were saying before, no wuckkas..
I agree that his responses in this thread weren''t his best hour - which seems strange to me, as whenever I have seen responses from Jon about consumer issues, he has always been polite and apologetic.
oh well..
Hi Butterfly!

I just wanted to say that Im sorry you're going through this...I would totally be upset too... I hope everything works out!!!!
I agree with Arjunajane.
Once the Butterfly posted this Jon had to reply, if he cares about his business.
The world is watching this thread.

Sure, an immediate phone call was called for, but still, Jon could not ignore such a thread.
If Jon called and made the customer happy but did not post here the PS community would be left hanging.
Imagine if they never told us who killed JR on Dallas. . .

Jon has two important entities here, Butterfly AND the PS community that butters his bread.
Hi Butterfly, I just wanted to add my support to the bunch. It''s an unfortunate situation but it sounds like GOG is willing to make it right. So sorry to hear you''ve had to go through this. On a more positive note, I''m excited to see the ring and the different wb options when you''re ready to post the pics.

Keep your chin up!
Butterfly: for the record I think you handled this very nicely and I agree that while he is saying he will "make it right" the unmistakeable message in his replies is that you had to have done this. I understand that GOG has a very good reputation but quite frankly the location and "symmetry" of the damage/wear in fact does not say to me that this is from heavy wear--its very hard to damage the prongs, where they are so chewed up, from knocking it--yes, the tips and tops of the sides of the prongs more so but down in toward the bottom? I am as hard as a human can be on jewelry--I have a big stone and its gets banged like crazy. I knocked it loose in fact and it looks nothing like your ring. (minor all-over little "scuffs") The damage on your mounting is from tools not normal wear. personally if you had hit the ring hard enough to have caused all those dents and damage you would have knocked your stone out.
Cliff notes version:

GOG setter messed up setting and prongs weren't even set correctly.

Butterfly expresses displeasure

Butterfly sends photos

GOG sends email lacking in bedside manner, but agrees to fix everything

Butterfly gets "emo" and states she "doesn't even want to set foot in your store"

Butterfly rants on PS

GOG is bummed that the story is not complete

GOG again states they are willing to fix everything

Some PS'rs give Butterfly props for her feelings

Some PS'rs think it's a tempest in a teacup. It's not a popularity contest. Complain when the vendor WILL NOT fix everything.
Purfectpear, how does your post add value?

Really...this whole a bit like Rashamon...or just one story seen different ways.

Also, reflecting on Arjunaje's comments...although I'm ambivalent about her punchline (having practiced it myself)...

Date: 10/28/2008 11:44:07 PM
Author: arjunajane

Date: 10/28/2008 10:58:40 PM
Author: Moh 10
I have a friend who refuses to buy online. I think this thread is another great example of why it is smart to buy from a PS vendor. They are on the hook, and can be called onto the carpet in view of all.

Sure, it is best to try to resolve things in private but posting a concern, uncomfortable as it is for everyone, is a sure-fire way to arrive at a resolution.
Access to such a process is a wonderful thing. Buying from a vendor that does not post here does not give you this peace of mind.

I'm not taking sides either. I just think it is wonderful PS exists and offers a place to talk things out when needed.

Personally, I would rather resolve things in private, esp. when the main form of communication previous has been email.
I think there is a fine line, and customers 'calling out' vendors in public puts them in an awkward postion of having to meet their needs whether they should or no.
For me at least, if I had tried to resolve it a couple times through both email and phone, and still had none or unsatisfactory response, that is when I would turn to the forum - after all, we have seen misunderstandings in the past, which are then there for life.
...I AM sympathetic with the highlighted text.

I think Butterfly likewise is not suggesting, or keeping Jonathan from being grandiose...and making right what is wrong...whether or not he thinks his shop was the cause.

But, as you say, Purfectpear: "Complain when the vendor WILL NOT fix everything."

That is not the necessarily required litmus test for everyone.

Though of course, it always helps.
Date: 10/29/2008 9:21:58 AM
Author: purrfectpear
Cliff notes version:

GOG setter messed up setting and prongs weren't even set correctly.

Butterfly expresses displeasure

Butterfly sends photos

GOG sends email lacking in bedside manner, but agrees to fix everything

Butterfly gets 'emo' and states she 'doesn't even want to set foot in your store'

Butterfly rants on PS

GOG is bummed that the story is not complete

GOG again states they are willing to fix everything

Some PS'rs give Butterfly props for her feelings

Some PS'rs think it's a tempest in a teacup. It's not a popularity contest. Complain when the vendor WILL NOT fix everything.
Pretty much what I'm reading too. I bought my rock from GOG & can't speak highly enough of Jonathan.
Date: 10/28/2008 11:10:05 PM
Author: vslover
Date: 10/28/2008 8:30:03 PM

Author: Rhino

Hi butterfly,

Why leave out my ''bottom line'' to my last email I sent to you today? Did I not assure you and give you my word ''regardless''?

Responses like this from vendors are so unprofessional...really makes me aware of how poor customer service can be even from companies that are well respected on PS. The original post in this thread might not have scared me away from using GOG in the future, but this response certainly did.


Sorry Butterfly that you have to go through this. I''m sending you positive vibes and hoping GOG will make everything right for you. I''m not sure if the marks and scratches can be fixed, but I''m no expert. I hope so. Otherwise, make sure you ask for your money back.
Hi Butterfly!

Sorry to hear you're having these problems with GOG. I really hope they're able to restore your mounting. I can understand why you're upset -- GOG should have just accepted responsibility, apologized, and agreed to fix the ring.

I'm very much looking forward to seeing pictures of your upgrade!! I've been wondering when you were going to post pics.

Threadjack alert -- You mentioned that you sold your Ritani. Would you mind sharing where you sold it? I have a designer mounting I need to sell. I've thought about consignment or Ebay, but I'm wondering if there's another way to go. You always seem to do quite well selling your old mountings. Thanks!
Date: 10/29/2008 9:37:36 AM
Author: Regular Guy
Purfectpear, how does your post add value?

Really...this whole a bit like Rashamon...or just one story seen different ways.

Also, reflecting on Arjunaje''s comments...although I''m ambivalent about her punchline (having practiced it myself)...

Date: 10/28/2008 11:44:07 PM
Author: arjunajane

Personally, I would rather resolve things in private, esp. when the main form of communication previous has been email.
I think there is a fine line, and customers ''calling out'' vendors in public puts them in an awkward postion of having to meet their needs whether they should or no.
For me at least, if I had tried to resolve it a couple times through both email and phone, and still had none or unsatisfactory response, that is when I would turn to the forum - after all, we have seen misunderstandings in the past, which are then there for life.
...I AM sympathetic with the highlighted text.

I think Butterfly likewise is not suggesting, or keeping Jonathan from being grandiose...and making right what is wrong...whether or not he thinks his shop was the cause.

But, as you say, Purfectpear: ''Complain when the vendor WILL NOT fix everything.''

That is not the necessarily required litmus test for everyone.

Though of course, it always helps.
Hi Ira, very good chance I may be misunderstanding the intent of your post - but either way just wanted to reiterate all my comments above were of a strictly general nature and are not directed toward Butterfly''s specific situation.
The last thing I want is to try and create "sides".

These are just my musings on this type of post, which I see the value in, but also can sympathize with the vendors'' tough postion when threads like this are hot..
Date: 10/29/2008 9:21:58 AM
Author: purrfectpear
Cliff notes version:

GOG setter messed up setting and prongs weren't even set correctly.

Butterfly expresses displeasure

Butterfly sends photos

GOG sends email lacking in bedside manner, but agrees to fix everything

Butterfly gets 'emo' and states she 'doesn't even want to set foot in your store'

Butterfly rants on PS

GOG is bummed that the story is not complete.

GOG again states they are willing to fix everything

Some PS'rs give Butterfly props for her feelings

Some PS'rs think it's a tempest in a teacup. It's not a popularity contest. Complain when the vendor WILL NOT fix everything.

Actually pp, the story was complete. I never said they would not fix the ring, again, I did say that I just wanted to vent as I was really upset, or as you put it "emo".
Who would not be?

ETA: BTW, my intention when I posted my private email to Jon was to show that I did let him know how upset I was. I was so upset that I really don't plan to ever set foot in his store.
Date: 10/29/2008 9:44:49 AM
Author: TopSecret

Pretty much what I''m reading too. I bought my rock from GOG & can''t speak highly enough of Jonathan.

Great for you, now put yourself in my circumstances and consider that they set your diamond this way and then claimed that you did it, not them.

Instead of apologizing or taking responsibility, they keep insisting that you did.

I don''t think you would be happy or maybe you would be, I don''t know.
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