
Roe v. Wade.

Serious question - aside from protesting, donating, being involved in the aunty network (I think that’s what they’re calling it), and voting, what can those of us in blue areas do about this?
@Gussie, I have no idea. It seriously wouldn’t surprise me if they had someone placed in the pregnancy test aisle following people home from Walgreens and CVS and reporting them to be watched.

Is the bounty still in place for reporting someone who received or helped someone get an abortion?

I don't know what happens to the bounty now. That law effectively stopped all abortions anyway so Texas is at the forefront of trampling on women's rights.

My older daughter asked last night if she can go to college out of state. It's heartbreaking to feel like you need to move because of the lack of human rights.
Hypothetical here.

If I go to a doctor to confirm pregnancy in a state that outlaws abortion, does the doctor report it somewhere? Wouldn't this be covered by HIPAA?

If I purchase a pregnancy test, will it be reported somewhere? Logistically how would the state know?

I ask these questions as I suspect Texas will try to fervently enforce this ban. I wouldn't be surprised if they even tried to make it illegal to cross state lines.

Note- I am past the age that this even matters but would like to understand how big brother will track women.

Sadly, the answer is no. HIPAA will NOT protect your reproductive medical records from prosecutors.

We have already seen women prosecuted for miscarriages. This is going to turn into literal witch hunts.

Frankly, even without an ERA, I simply do not understand how the constitution can be interpreted in this way. There can be no equality for women (or pursuit of life, liberty and happiness and such) without reproductive choice. To me, exceptions for rape and incest are red herrings. Every woman must have a choice to continue or end a pregnancy. Taking that choice away imposes an undue burden on women (risk of death, disability, stopping schooling, interrupting a career) that is not placed on men. If our constitution really endorses that, it’s a hot piece of garbage that deserves to get torn up and replaced.
@swingtime, I’m sincerely not trying to lecture you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for working on this for decades. I’m angry at myself right now for not doing more than donating money and voting. I have been a one issue voter since I was 26 years old. Abortion has been my one voter issue for more 30 years. I’m beating myself up and don’t even know what more I should have been doing.

In my opinion sugar coating this will not fire women up and we need women mad and fed up and fired up demanding change. We need women doing the work to make change now. It seems that you feel saying it‘s close to impossible defeats people. I have no idea which one of us is correct (heck I’ve been wrong more times than I could ever count in my lifetime) but please know you and I want the same thing. We are both sickened by this decision.

This ruling has hit me so flipping hard. I’m crying as I type this. I was raped when I was young. It sickens me that there are people who feel that a woman or child that has been raped should now be forced to have a rapist child. None of these judges have meet with mental health professionals to find out how damaging this decision would be to a woman who is pregnant by rape. If they had they never could have come to the decision that this is the right thing to do. The cruelty of this Supreme Court is disgusting. EVERY WOMAN SHOULD HAVE CONTROL OVER HER OWN BODY PERIOD. For the record I would be just as angry if there was an exception for rape and incest. I probably wouldn’t be feeling this hurt If there was an exception.

I’ve been on a soapbox all morning here and am feeling like I’m coming off as a crazy person. I‘m so angry and hurt right now.

If anyone deserves to stand on a soapbox and curse this crazy ruling, it's you. I am so sorry for what you went through. It is gut wrenching to think that no thought is given to women who have been violated. Big hugs to you.
II don’t know where this is coming from? They aren’t the ones who supported Roe vs Wade being overturned.

Red states have no plans in place of the how all these children are going to provided for. We currently have over 410,000 children in foster care in this country. The same people who bitch and moan about having to provide school lunch for a child are all of a sudden going to taken on fully supporting children? PLEASE! How are they going to pay for it. Let’s worry about that.

What plans do they have in their states to prevent rape or address the problem of rape.

I seem to remember reading how gun deaths are a mental health issue as the state where 19 school children just lost their lives in a school shooting cut their mental health budget by $210 million dollars.

If we are going to be giving a Grade F to anyone I think you picked the wrong group of people.

We know what the Republicans have been planning, for years. It is an existential threat to America to impose religious ideas onto human bodies (via laws) and that’s what Republicans have been planning to do FOR YEARS. The Democrats knew several months ago that Roe v. Wade was in danger.

So, the plan is for Dems to wait til mid terms and “hope” things get changed? It’s not urgent enough. I don’t know what can be done but Congress is the place, not the streets. Where is Congress? They should have had a plan.
Note- I am past the age that this even matters but would like to understand how big brother will track women.

apps, especially free ones.

Read the terms and conditions carefully, you give them permission to convert your smartass phone to a surveillance device.
there must be right wing voters like me who are apauled by this
im fiscally a conservative but pretty liberal on social issues
where are people like me in the Republican party right now ?
i know they were there durring Mrs Clinton's presidential campaign (pant suit nation)
how did they let their party be hijacked by religouse nutters ?
I'd be kicking up Mary hell if my party tried this bull sh*t

while i scratch my head and say how did this happen? i watched it happen via the tv news
We know what the Republicans have been planning, for years. It is an existential threat to America to impose religious ideas onto human bodies (via laws) and that’s what Republicans have been planning to do FOR YEARS. The Democrats knew several months ago that Roe v. Wade was in danger.

So, the plan is for Dems to wait til mid terms and “hope” things get changed? It’s not urgent enough. I don’t know what can be done but Congress is the place, not the streets. Where is Congress? They should have had a plan.

You keep talking about a "plan".
I ask about such a plan, but you ignore me.

Please elaborate.
Please describe, in an unambiguous way, a plan that would an effective response to this US Supreme Court Ruling.
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Nobody in America will criticize a religion.
Religions are special so they get to do whatever they want.

So, here we are folks. :nono:


i have a liberal baptist friend (most mainstream churches seem to me to be liberal leaning here but the Baptists come in all shapes and sizes ) who will get up and argue the right to abortion with the congregation

i still find it hard to get my head around what's happened
Legal abortion almost instantly came to an end in the state where I live on Friday with the activation of the state's "trigger law" that banned the procedure minutes after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned its federal constitutionality. This “trigger law” was put in back in 2019; just after the Orange Guy got his second Supreme Court justice seated. So, it seems that some of the Red States had foresight (that they didn’t have before) that this moment would come.

Comment from “our” governor:
"Thanks to decades of conservative leaders, the state has become one of the most pro-life states in the nation, and our Administration has always fought for the life of every unborn child. Today, our efforts have produced what generations of our citizens have worked and PRAYED for: Today, we have won our fight to protect innocent life."

I may live in the state, but his comments do NOT reflect my feelings. I am sick. Yesterday, I had human rights and the ability to make decisions concerning my own body. Today, as a woman, I am considered “less than a man”. I am also being controlled against my will.

To quote one of my friends, “This is just another giant step away from democracy and one toward theocratic authoritarianism. The “Handmaiden’s Tale” may be becoming more real than merely creepy fiction.”

Meanwhile, the state’s House Minority Leader (Democrat) made a statement that:
"Republicans will not stop with abortion. They will begin stripping away access to birth control and contraception, in vitro fertilization and marriage equality. With Roe overturned, the state now requires people to remain pregnant against their will, treating them as little more than fetal incubators with no rights or role in the decision, even in cases of rape and incest.”

This second statement reflects what many in the state feel and fear. Not everyone in Red States (especially in the larger cities) are anti-women’s rights/ anti-abortion. Unfortunately, a large percentage of the more rural residents (based on what their religion tells them to think) probably are anti-abortion & more. That is then reflected in the state’s overall political leanings. Unfortunately, due to gerrymandering, votes (other than “Right Wing”) votes will make little or no difference in most of this state. I can vote to keep women’s rights, etc. But the other side is stronger. Plus, those in power have successfully jockeyed voting districts to make sure their POV remains dominant. My voting voice gets lost in the wind; just as my right to control my own body in this state now also has. Because of the newest gerrymandering (to stay in place for the next 10 years) the very limited “liberal strongholds” (small as they may be) have been chopped to pieces to make sure than the couple of Democrats currently in Congress will not be able to win re-election in this state.

Nevertheless, because I am a child of America (I have multiple ancestors who fought for America’s freedom in the Revolutionary War), I do still vote. My female ancestors fought to get the right for me to do so. I had a great grandmother who was an activist who fought (and helped win) both a women’s right to vote and to use contraception. That was over 100 years ago. Now, deep down, I’m suddenly wondering if my voting rights (restricted as they may be in this state) could be eventually totally taken away from me, too because I am a woman. Almost 50 years ago, the Supreme Court gave women the right to control their own bodies and health. Supposedly, that was a done deal and could never be taken away. With the control of my own body now being abruptly stripped away in 2022, paranoia concerning keeping other basic US citizen rights for women was bound to creep in… The current talk of this state’s government making contraception illegal seems to be taking women back to the early 1900’s. What next?

Currently, the State Legislature here intends to pass a law to totally stop their female residents from ever having abortions in another state. The first-of-its-kind proposal would allow private citizens to sue anyone who helps a woman have an abortion — from the out-of-state physician who performs the procedure to whoever helps transport a person across state lines to a clinic. Plus, anyone else in between who remotely tries to helping a woman. Even someone out-of-state who funds her travel or anything. This all isn’t merely out of a concern for the unborn. This is a power grab for total control over women based on their sex. Some have compared this new anti-abortion add-on legislation to the state’s old 1840's "Runaway Slave" law. With new laws effecting abortion and a woman’s right to control her own body, the parallel of controlling a “slave” is moving to the forefront. This all says that women in this state are seen as less than full, free human beings. It’s crazy town. Now that Row v. Wade has been dismantled by a very biased Supreme Court, I’m sure the state will be moving quickly along with their additional legislation against women. This assault against womanhood is on a fast downward spiral.

Ironically, from the beginning of the COVID pandemic, this state has very strongly and vocally promoted “freedom of choice”. But that has been freedom of choice to ignore the pandemic. Not a freedom of choice for women as human beings. Even if those more vulnerable to a dire outcome from COVID might die from someone else’s “freedom” to spread the virus, the state was totally okay with that idea. In that case, all life wasn’t considered “precious”. “My body; my right” was the war cry to avoid vaccinations and masks. That war cry did nothing to protect women and their unborn babies from the risks of COVID. If anything, it may have endangered them more. From the beginning, the governor has been a just good ole boy telling “his” folks just what they want to hear… Direct quote: “You don’t need no dang mask if you don’t want to wear one.” So, there has never been a state mask ordinance to help prevent deaths during the worst of the pandemic. In fact, the state’s AG was (and still is) suing and suing again local health departments, schools, and city governments over local mask wearing ordinances that were put in place to protect the lives of their local citizens. Of course, those protective ordinances no longer exist. However, IMO, suing (to stop those who are trying to save human lives) is just the opposite of believing that all human life (starting at sperm meets egg) is precious and needs to be protected. BTW, the state has a very low vaccination rate: one of the lowest in the Nation. The state governor claims personal freedom trumps (no pun intended) all else. Personal freedom (for those who support the political in-crowd) has been the only important thing being promoted by our state government during a life stealing pandemic. Varying actions that could harm others seemed to be okay in the eyes of the state in this praise of “personal freedom.”

Although it infuriates me, I won’t get really started on how (repeatedly after many, major, new mass shootings making the news) this state’s politicians have routinely immediately raffled off AK 15 assault rifles to prove how much this state’s politicians believe in “personal freedom”. These politicians and their devote followers have indicated that the mass murder of human beings (including children) should not deny anyone their personal freedoms & their gun rights.

So, I don’t understand what “pro-life” really means here beyond the control of women to be forced breeders. This state government has proven again and again how little they really care about protecting existing human life in general. The only concerns seem to be unborn fetuses because that gets them bonus points from those with a one issue voting agenda. With women being stripped of their constitutional right to control their own bodies, there is now an increased risk that the very lives of more pregnant women could be significantly endangered or even lost. With no exceptions for rape or incest in the abortion ban, violence being used to impregnant a woman is being rewarded. This all seems so anti-woman.

Although the AG and the Governor are celebrating the new anti-woman law, many women here are outraged and in shock. Not every woman in a Red State goes along with the Pro-Life Movement (meaning anti-abortion). But that doesn’t matter. This state’s government “believes the concept of women's freedom and autonomy should be frozen in time, back to when women were their husbands' property, with few rights of their own." So repressing women is becoming the law of the land.

This state has a death penalty. The state will kill a human. These exact same politicians (approving and overseeing human life execution) also insist that “unborn life” must be protected (from the moment of conception or even before) because “all life is precious”. I have no strong feelings about the death penalty for those who commit really horrendous crimes. My only point is that this state government really does not consider all life sacred. They will themselves kill. But these same politicians have set arbitrary laws that cells coming together to start to form a fetus must be protected from its host who may herself be harmed (physically or emotionally) by these cells’ continued development. This is blatant control of a segment of the population; not really a concern for “all” life.

For many in this state, women’s lives have never mattered. With those, women have been traditionally considered less than men. This opinion has been shared by many women themselves. When we first moved here, such attitudes shocked me. It felt like stepping into a backwards time warp. But as long as the US Constitution protected women and our human rights, assorted, odd, anti-woman opinions coming from some locals could be ignored. I just avoided those people. Their views didn’t affect anything for or about me.

Now, everything has been changed. When you look more deeply, all this hullaballoo about saving unborn lives may NOT be because an undeveloped fetus represents a potentially future child. From the way I see it, a rabid obsession with preventing abortions may be more a way to keep women in their proper historical place as “less than” … Plus, it may also be the result of generations of brainwashing. This is the same as with any and most all “anti-someone else” sentiments & fears.

Some anti-abortion enthusiasts have been even willing to kill (abortion doctors, whoever) to promote their anti-abortion case. That has never made sense to me. Killing another human is not just about protecting “some fertilized cells that might become a life”. It is more about exerting personal power. Now, thanks to the 2022 SCOTUS, those folks seem to have the power. What will they want next?

If nothing else, an abortion ban is a matter of church & state merging and then some very ambitious politicians then feeding off that. We’re no longer living in the America where I grew up. Growing up, I was taught to believe that women have worth. Women are more than just breeding vessels, and we certainly can think for ourselves. Women are every bit the equal of a man. Gone are the days when a man (husband, father, other) needed to and did control everything a woman did or even thought. Or at least, I had believed this before Friday. Now, with the government controlling what a woman does with her own body, I fear for the future.

Someone earlier in this thread suggested to put in “a federal law that requires states that ban abortions to require their residents to adopt 2 children each year up to a maximum of 8 children that are born in that state and given up for adoption.” Although I live in a Red state, I couldn’t cope with having an unwanted child (children) forced on me. That would be cruel and unfair punishment based on where I live; just as is forcing women, who need an abortion (for whatever personal reason) to carry an unwanted fetus to term. Neither situation would benefit a child. No child should be unwanted. But with SCOTUS taking away women’s constitutional rights to control their own bodies, American society is going to be faced with all kinds of new problems; including an increase in unwanted, discarded children that had more value (by the right-to-lifers) as a fetus than as an actual child. What will happen with these children? The politicians don’t seem to care.

I’m absolutely sick over Friday’s Supreme Court’s decision. I’m sick that the state, where I reside, has so quickly passed a law (counter to my personal beliefs) that have made me technically (in the eyes of the law) less than a man. I’m sick that there will be more unwanted children going forward than our society already can handle. I’m sick that too many women will suffer both mentally and physically. I’m sick and fearful about what may be next. There undoubtedly now will be a “next”.

I grew up in & spent my earlier married years in pretty liberal Blue States & never dreamed of the craziness I’ve seen after moving here. But a job transfer got us here. Unfortunately, we now can’t just pick up & leave. But even if we could, all it will take is a Republican Congress (in the future) to pass a law to outlaw abortion in all 50 states and then make all women legally second-class citizens. Then, no woman will have any good, legal options concerning their reproductive rights. So, if you live in a Purple State (or even a Blue one) PLEASE vote for the rights of all of us who believe that women deserve the same human rights of any man. Our bodies belong to us, not to the government.

Unfortunately, I think the price of gas, etc. will probably influence votes more in the midterms than the Supreme Court taking away the right to a safe abortion for the women in over half of the US states. I’m a realist. I’ve also been around a while to know how these things usually go. Most people are one issue voters & (except for the zealous Religious Right), that issue usually lands where $$$ is involved; not ethics or human rights.

Anyhow, for women to lose their constitutional right to control their own bodies, makes women no longer equal to men in America. Women’s freedom to choose — their jobs, names, lifestyles, and health care — have been hard-won in this country. Stripping women of their constitutionally granted, reproductive rights (made into law of the land almost 50 years ago) will once again result in multi-dimensional control of those who aren't men.

I feel sick and so very, very sad. Plus, I am not very optimistic at the moment about the future. I think it’s been about 6 years since I’ve last truly felt optimistic about America’s future. SCOTUS’s now stripping women of one of their Constitutional rights is just another nail in the coffin of America’s democracy. I feel that an extremist court has not only taken away the dignity and rights of American women (which is a major blow for all girls & women of all ages), but the court’s actions will negatively affect America’s future as a whole.

Sorry, this has been so long. I needed to vent. Like for many women here, Friday’s Supreme Court ruling has hit me hard emotionally. In the state, where I live, the withdrawal of women’s right to control their own bodies and futures took effect immediately. There has been no “getting used to the idea” grace period. On Thursday, I had constitutional human rights. On Friday, I became a second-class citizen, who body and actions belong to the state government. All because of my being a woman; plus, where I live. This is insanity. Frighteningly, things can and probably will get worse.
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The government shouldn't be in our personal business. PERIOD.
What we do with our body and what we decide with our medical professionals is no one else's business but ours.
Who the eff do these self righteous misogynistic hypocritical bigots think they are?
Do they think they are personal stand ins for this g-d they so revere?

The irony is so rich I feel I might go into a diabetic coma at any moment.
We are in The Twilight Zone.

The same people crying about their rights NOT to get vaccinated against Covid (that would have gone a long way in ending this pandemic and the same people crying about their rights NOT to wear masks (to protect others) are the same people telling women that they cannot make the decision what to do about their bodies should they become pregnant. BOGGLES my mind.

And then to exclude women who are pregnant by rape, well, there are truly no words to do justice to what I feel should be done to each and every person who made this decision.

EVERY woman should have control over her own body. PERIOD. END OF DISCUSSION.
The fact we are going through this in 2022.
The fact we already went through this decades ago.
Makes me realize how evil some people are.
No, I lie, I knew all along how there is evil all around us.
However you interpret evil. It exists. Has always existed.
religion and its bedfellow politics are thy name

The real fight begins now. We must do all we can to fight this and to help other women in need.
TG I live in two states that allow me to do as I please with my own body.
Kenny, you also live in a state that will not ban marriage between people who love each other no matter the sex, race, religion etc.

Anyone who needs help come to NY or NJ and I will do my best to help you.
We will not allow this medieval law to rule us.
Groups are already forming in states that provide abortions to raise money and help provide safe passage to women from states that ban abortions.
I am happy to do my part.
Serious question - aside from protesting, donating, being involved in the aunty network (I think that’s what they’re calling it), and voting, what can those of us in blue areas do about this?

Now imagine getting your bank accounts and assets frozen because you donated.
Or having policemen on horseback trample you or dogs used agains you because you want to protest for your rights.

This all already happened in the past two years and it will happen again because we allowed it to happen the first time.
Ok, just posting this so more people are aware:
- Colectiva Bloodys, a non-government organisation in Tijuana is part of a cross-border network providing free assistance to women in the United States who cannot access an abortion.
- You can be sent a combination of medication that ends a pregnancy by causing the uterus to contract, a method considered safe by the World Health Organization (WHO), mainly for up to 12 weeks of pregnancy
- "As of May, we had assisted 200 women who crossed the border and sent 1,000 sets of medicine. We didn't expect so many," said Veronica Cruz, founder of Las Libres, one of some 30 groups in the network.
- "We don't invade their privacy. We don't question their legal status or their nationality," said Perez Lira.

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If Democrats don’t stop everything to fight this, they are using this as a fundraising drive. We’ll see how much they care about our rights in the next few days. Newsflash to Dems: women can’t and won’t wait for midterms…what is the plan, you should have one since you’ve had plenty of time to plan for this…!!!!

If your thinking that congress can codify Roe v. Wade, the problem with that is the filibuster. It takes 60 votes in the Senate to stop a filibuster and move forward to a vote, and the pro-choice side doesn't have enough votes for that. I think the House has already passed the Women's Health Protection Act but general thinking is that it can't get through the Senate with the filibuster in place.
Ok, just posting this so more people are aware:
- Colectiva Bloodys, a non-government organisation in Tijuana is part of a cross-border network providing free assistance to women in the United States who cannot access an abortion.
- You can be sent a combination of medication that ends a pregnancy by causing the uterus to contract, a method considered safe by the World Health Organization (WHO), mainly for up to 12 weeks of pregnancy
- "As of May, we had assisted 200 women who crossed the border and sent 1,000 sets of medicine. We didn't expect so many," said Veronica Cruz, founder of Las Libres, one of some 30 groups in the network.
- "We don't invade their privacy. We don't question their legal status or their nationality," said Perez Lira.

Where I live (not US), since the pandemic, women have had access, via a phone call to a similar service. No scans or blood tests needed. Only problem would be if a woman is not sure of her dates, or if any complications resulted. Where would she go for help in a non-abortion state?
You keep talking about a "plan".
I ask about such a plan, but you ignore me.

Please elaborate.
Please describe, in an unambiguous way, a plan that would an effective response to this US Supreme Court Ruling.

I didnt see your original question, Kenny. I never intentionally ignore people, so sorry if it appeared that way.

I believe it’s eliminating the filibuster for starters so you can pass a bill into law without 60 percent of the vote, rather I think it drops to 50. There are two Democrats that resist the removal of the filibuster. Negotiate with them? Also, Dems should be negotiating with Rep members of Congress to pass a “stop gap” bodily autonomy law. And NIH (HHS) might consider an emergency ruling on protecting womens health and autonomy. These are ideas but I’m just a citizen wondering why it looks like Dems are shocked and standing with their pants down with no methodical/articulated path forward other than “vote for us” several months from now. IMO this is not a situation that can be “left up to the States” for several months.
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Now imagine getting your bank accounts and assets frozen because you donated.
Or having policemen on horseback trample you or dogs used agains you because you want to protest for your rights.

This all already happened in the past two years and it will happen again because we allowed it to happen the first time.

Right but what can we do? As an individual I feel powerless to make any real difference/ changes but I also can’t sit idly by.
Removing the filibuster might make one side happy for a time but what happens when the "other" side does things you don't like? These measures were put in place for a reason. Just like ideas for expanding the court. There are PS members who are likely happy with overturning Roe but they dare not post it.

I'm not against abortion with a time limit and have a libertarian view on healthcare. And most of you know how I feel about states' rights. Most other countries have earlier time limits than Roe.
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I’d argue the filibuster had some merit back when people actually had to stand up and yak - this whole phoning it in thing is ridiculous :(sad

what happens when the "other" side does things you don't like? […] Just like ideas for expanding the court.
On expanding the court - I don’t *want* to agree with this, but I do completely agree with this. We who disagreed sat back and let Obama’s nomination get stolen, and we’re paying the price for that, but expanding the court is just open invitation for future problems.
I’d argue the filibuster had some merit back when people actually had to stand up and yak - this whole phoning it in thing is ridiculous :(sad

On expanding the court - I don’t *want* to agree with this, but I do completely agree with this. We who disagreed sat back and let Obama’s nomination get stolen, and we’re paying the price for that, but expanding the court is just open invitation for future problems.

I agree. The whole thing is dysfunctional and has gotten out of hand which is why I would rather less power than more.
* * * The Democrats knew several months ago that Roe v. Wade was in danger.
So, the plan is for Dems to wait til mid terms and “hope” things get changed? It’s not urgent enough. I don’t know what can be done but Congress is the place, not the streets. Where is Congress? They should have had a plan.
* * * There are two Democrats that resist the removal of the filibuster. Negotiate with them? Also, Dems should be negotiating with Rep members of Congress to pass a “stop gap” bodily autonomy law. And NIH (HHS) might consider an emergency ruling on protecting womens health and autonomy. These are ideas but I’m just a citizen wondering why it looks like Dems are shocked and standing with their pants down with no methodical/articulated path forward other than “vote for us” several months from now. IMO this is not a situation that can be “left up to the States” for several months.
I'm puzzled as to why you're accusing the Democrats in Congress of failing to act in anticipation of this Supreme Court ruling. E.g., the Women's Health Protection Act of 2021 passed the House in September 2021, 3 months after it was introduced, but died in the Senate due to a cloture motion vote at the end of February. Summary here:

CT Senator Richard Blumenthal subsequently introduced the Women's Health Protection Act of 2022, although it too died owing to a cloture motion vote 6 weeks ago:
Folks, we don't live in a democracy. The Senate gives more representation to some people than others: e.g. A half million people live in Wyoming, over 39 million live in California, and each state gets 2 senators. So apparently the views of Wyoming residents are just 78 times more important than the views of Californians. We also don't elect the presidency based on popular vote. We have an electoral college, which puts its finger on the scale towards less populated areas. Then we have the Senate, that unrepresentative institution just mentioned, as the gate keeper and confirmer for the supreme court, which can remove established rights with the swoop of a pen.

The Dems cannot "fix" this mess. The design of our constitution is fundamentally flawed. It was designed that way intentionally to protect the interests of slave holders, and that flaw will be the end of us. I have been politically involved, canvassing and protesting, even lobbying in D.C. and my state's capital, for most of my life. But it is not enough. We need a new country and a new constitution.

I no longer say the pledge of allegiance. We are not indivisible -- we are divided.
I’m not impressed with how States legislatures have grabbed power over medical autonomy. Some of California’s AND Texas’ laws actually go after doctors who deviate from politicians’ ideological or religious opinions that they have passed into law. I’m also not happy about how easily-elected State representatives are I’m talking about the fact of very low turnout to many elections, with mostly voters representing a narrow band of the population. To me, leaving Constitutional Freedoms up to State legislators is too risky.
I'm puzzled as to why you're accusing the Democrats in Congress of failing to act in anticipation of this Supreme Court ruling. E.g., the Women's Health Protection Act of 2021 passed the House in September 2021, 3 months after it was introduced, but died in the Senate due to a cloture motion vote at the end of February. Summary here:

CT Senator Richard Blumenthal subsequently introduced the Women's Health Protection Act of 2022, although it too died owing to a cloture motion vote 6 weeks ago:

We need to dust off that effort. Dems need to be talking about MORE than mid terms. Action is essential now. Or are they all on summer break!
Removing the filibuster might make one side happy for a time but what happens when the "other" side does things you don't like? These measures were put in place for a reason. Just like ideas for expanding the court. * * * I'm not against abortion with a time limit and have a libertarian view on healthcare. And most of you know how I feel about states' rights. Most other countries have earlier time limits than Roe.
Think it's usually 12-14 weeks in those countries that generally permit abortion? Although I recently read that South Australia's new legislation -- which takes effect next month -- permits abortions upon request up through 22 weeks. I wonder how many legislators who have opposed/would oppose the codification of Roe, with its viability standard, would agree to a bill with a generally earlier time limit.
Right but what can we do? As an individual I feel powerless to make any real difference/ changes but I also can’t sit idly by.

Are there any close races in your district/state? Volunteering for candidates who support women's bodily autonomy can make a difference. State legislatures are critical, too, because they draw the maps. We have to wait eight agonizingly long years before the next chance. But Republicans have been playing the long game, and we need to do that, too.

ETA: Also, has opportunities to volunteer on this issue (including phone banking, which can be done from your home). And Vote Forward - - has volunteer opportunities, as well.
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Are there any close races in your district/state? Volunteering for candidates who support women's bodily autonomy can make a difference. State legislatures are critical, too, because they draw the maps. We have to wait eight agonizingly long years before the next chance. But Republicans have been playing the long game, and we need to do that, too.

ETA: Also, has opportunities to volunteer on this issue (including phone banking, which can be done from your home). And Vote Forward - - has volunteer opportunities, as well.

Thank you! I will be looking into this!
I wonder how many legislators who have opposed/would oppose the codification of Roe, with its viability standard, would agree to a bill with a generally earlier time limit.

I don't know. For years, this party has used abortion as a tool to manipulate voters in the most cynical way. I don't think changing the viability standard would make any of them budge. And when you read Alito's decision, it's downright creepy. He really seems to have some deep-seated anger toward women. Bottom line: abortion is healthcare.