
Roe v. Wade.

Here's the thing. I do not believe that most of those who are pushing this agenda from the top actually care about reducing the number of abortions. This is a culture war issues designed to rile up the base and keep them in power. That's it.

@adlgel, Please know I’m not trying to be argumentative. Life does NOT begin at conception. It can take up 4 days for the fertilized egg to implant in the uterus. If the egg doesn’t implant, there is NO pregnancy.

@Matata, I agree. I also think that they will go after gay marriage.

I want to make a few points here. The Supreme Court decision recognizes that the moral arguments for or against abortion itself is not the issue being debated. The issue is that the Federal Constitution does not implicitly say anything about abortion or even imply that this is a right. The regulation for abortion resides with State Legislatures. In 1973 when Roe Vs Wade was enacted, the precedent came from a Supreme Court ruling about birth control , which was also illegal at some points in our history. That Court affirmative decision on birth control was based on a womans right to privacy. Thus Roe vs Wade is based in the right to privacy. If it is overturned, the birth control decision may also be over-turned, along with many other social decisions that have had SC approval. State Legislatures are just waiting for Roe to be over turned to impose no abortion laws.

Over the years people have demanded many so called rights, always looking to expand their interests. I personally think that people do not like to be told they must agree to concepts and ideas they do not as yet agree with. This is the backlash. This is the pushback. This has been a single purpose attack for many years. I think they have won.

A Federal law would suffice to keep a womans right to choose intact. We shall see. I would think clearly and carefully when I demand rights. Yes, I do believe these many demands are a problem that half the society opposes. Changes come slowly usually.

It is a sad day. The country is not the same. There is less hope I think. Anger hasn't gotten us very far on abortion rights.
@adlgel, Please know I’m not trying to be argumentative. Life does NOT begin at conception. It can take up 4 days for the fertilized egg to implant in the uterus. If the egg doesn’t implant, there is NO pregnancy.

@Matata, I agree. I also think that they will go after gay marriage.

As I noted in my post I do not believe that either. But the fact remains that many do, and it is not a science-based belief, it is a religious-based belief so explaining the science is not going to change their minds. But whether life begins at conception or fertilization is not relevant to this discussion as there are no abortions happening between fertilization and conception.
The issue is that the Federal Constitution does not implicitly say anything about abortion or even imply that this is a right.

Which is why abortion should be a non issue. It shouldn't be a "right" bestowed or rescinded by law. It is about a woman's body over which only that woman should have control unless said woman has created legal documents ceding control to another.
Dang it @yssie, you went and took all the fun out of my response which I deleted because you deleted yours. FYI I agree with both your points and had included #2 (only with a death penalty and $100,000 citizens reward for each report no evidence required) in my other posts and then chickened out and deleted it. Great minds think alike.
Sorry. Ugh. I can't even think about this without getting angry today :angryfire: But the people in this thread aren't the problem ;(
I'm not going to be silent about this. If this topic is considered political than that is a corruption of the issue. This is basic human rights. I will no be silenced and have yet another right taken for the sake of polite discourse. Here, or anywhere.

I'm beyond disgusted, I am afraid for women everywhere.
The hypocrisy of the supposed 'sanctity of life' while stripping basic autonomy from half the population isn't freedom. It's actual tyranny. All of this is going on while rape is being rationalized and the fruits of that crime being called an 'opportunity' for the woman raped by some judge. Endlessly vile statements imposed by people who will not have to deal with the reality of it. Wanting to implement criminal punishment on women, not the men who impregnate them, women.

The hypocrisy of the statistical fact that more Christian women receive abortions than any other group, some while picketing the front of the clinic in the morning and coming in the side door that afternoon for a procedure.
The hypocrisy of forcing birth and care onto poor women while simultaneously whittling away any safety net that might have made for healthy supported outcomes for families. To use this supposed sacred life as a punishment to the woman. The pat refusal to take on responsibility for a decision that was forced by them onto another.

This is hypocrisy grown monstrous. The evil that grows from it is exponential.

I just can't keep reading that
Its astonishing
Im disgusted
Hypocrisy of the highest order
Anyone who's watched Call the Midwife, has seen many times the horrendous outcomes of back street abortions. In this day and age, it's hard to fathom that the removal of a procedure done under safe, clinical conditions, could be considered the right thing to do.

Folks, for those worried this thread will be removed, this is a health and rights issue, and as long as discussion is focused on health and rights it will not be removed.

Please refrain from blaming particular politicians, starting religious battles, or things like that so folks can have a space to talk. If someone comes in and attempts to do so, report their post, do not engage please.
Anyone who's watched Call the Midwife, has seen many times the horrendous outcomes of back street abortions. In this day and age, it's hard to fathom that the removal of a procedure done under safe, clinical conditions, could be considered the right thing to do.


My first thought is desperate woman and girls are going to die from unsafe home and backstreet abortions
Even if they don't die, they may get PID (pelvic inflammatory disease) and be unable to bear children at some later time.
Late last year the FDA made receiving abortion pills by mail permissible. Initially I - naively - thought, well, they're not going to be able to stop people from getting their mail and taking some pills at home, are they? Naive, as I said. But here are a couple of older articles about it for anyone else who's catching up. Another case of dramatic mismatch between theory and practice - which, as usual, those with means will have much more success navigating than those without.
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My guess would be at least 4 or 5 times.

FWIW the answer to how often this thread has been reported is zero, that is not yet anyway.

How do I know?
Just click on "Report concern" in a post.
This click is not reporting it.
It is just the first of the 2-step reporting process, if you don't also do the second step the post will not be reported.

You'll see one of two things.
1. A message saying it has already be reported.
2. If has not been reported you'll see the screen capture below ... (which I saw after checking every post.)

To complete the reporting process you have to also click on "Report concern" in the box in the pop up screen.
To get out of the pop up screen without reporting click on the X, or just click on the thread outside the box.

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FWIW the answer to how often this thread has been reported is zero.

How do I know?
Just click on "Report concern" in a post. (This is just the first of the 2-step reporting process)

You'll see one of two things.
1. A message saying it has already be reported.
2. If has not been reported you'll see the screen capture below ... (which I saw after checking every post.)

To complete the reporting process you have to also click on "Report concern" in the box in the pop up screen.
To get out of the pop up screen without reporting click on the X, or just click on the thread outside the box.


Does it matter what's put in the reason box? Or if you don't put anything at all? For example if I reported a post and said someone was insulting another poster, and someone else reported it for it being political, would it show already reported to that second poster?
Does it matter what's put in the reason box? Or if you don't put anything at all? For example if I reported a post and said someone was insulting another poster, and someone else reported it for it being political, would it show already reported to that second poster?

Either a post has already been reported, or it hasn't.
I'm just letting people know that there is a way to check for that without actually reporting it, and bothering Ella.

It you ARE really reporting it (again, I wasn't when I checked each post) then just write in the box the reason you are reporting it and click on Report concern in the pop up box.

Again, clicking on the Report concern on only once on a post does NOT report the post.
To actually report it you have to click on Report concern again in the pop up box.
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IIRC, Ella has posted than when you report spam you can just leave the text box blank.
I think the people who would report their displeasure with posts in this thread are too busy chugging champagne.

What I find interesting is that with 50 posts, not one is celebrating the news.
That's odd.
Isn't half of America happy about this?
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As always: vote.

I have. I do. And I will.

But I'm starting to feel like I'm just rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

I keep banging my head against the wall and going "What ELSE can we do?!?!" Seriously at a loss here...

(No negativity toward you at all pearlsngems, or anyone else who is talking about voting, I just quoted your comment for context in my response.)
I have. I do. And I will.

But I'm starting to feel like I'm just rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

I keep banging my head against the wall and going "What ELSE can we do?!?!" Seriously at a loss here...

(No negativity toward you at all pearlsngems, or anyone else who is talking about voting, I just quoted your comment for context in my response.)

Fight against that (unmentionable on PS) thing that makes those people think how they think.
Those people are just doing what they were indoctrinated to do, often since early childhood when impressionable brains get wired.

Donate to "A-word" orgs.
Come out of the closet.
Tell the world you're a happy member of the growing demographic known by that shocking and unmentionable A-word.
Oh and tell them we don't eat babies.

These orgs' immunity from criticism for the harm they do must end!
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Abortions are medical procedures.
How many you have is none of my business
Why you have it is none of my business
Why you want one is none of my business
They're making being a woman a criminal act...again.
As I think back to my post #35, the morning after pill is considered by some to be a form of abortion (again those that believe that life begins at conception). I've read some posts outside of this forum that the overturning of Roe v. Wade could render these illegal as well in those states that choose to take (or already have) extreme views against anything they consider an abortion regardless of circumstances. I have a young adult daughter. It is my deepest hope that she never finds herself in a situation here she is considering an abortion, but I also never really considered that she wouldn't have safe access to one if that did happen.

It really feels like we are moving quickly towards two distant groups of states that value very different things - a red-state country and a blue-state country. That's assuming the Republican Party doesn't take back control and just go ahead and start creating national laws stripping us of our rights.
I'm so glad I live in a blue state.
This world had gone mad.

Totally agree. I went to bed close to tears last night when I heard this story on the news. I expected it though. Boot it back to the states where you know at least half of them will make it impossible for women (and men) to choose. And the wording of the draft decision is really scary.....Roe was egregiously wrong from the start? What other rights coming out of the right to privacy are "egregiously wrong"? I'm horrified at what the future may bring.
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these people must know that outlawing abortion is not going to stop abortions - it's only going to stop safe abortions.

Exactly. When I was in public high school, pre Roe v. Wade, the girls who got pregnant and could afford it flew to NY for their safe, medical, abortions. The girls who couldn't afford it did not. They either got backroom illegal abortions at a large risk to their own lives (which were of course not free but cheaper than going out of state) , or continued the pregnancy and got kicked out of school once they began to "show" and we generally never heard from them again. I know public schools can't throw girls out these days for being pregnant ( I have no idea what Catholic schools do) but this whole thing just takes me back to those memories. I am so depressed about the future of this country and see more erosion of personal rights for women, and others.
Isn't half of America happy about this?

Actually the statistics I see are that 60% + of Americans support the right to choose. But I assume many didn't think this would ever happen, or they had other issues of higher priority. Maybe this will now become a higher priority. We shall see.
Actually the statistics I see are that 60% + of Americans support the right to choose. But I assume many didn't think this would ever happen, or they had other issues of higher priority. Maybe this will now become a higher priority. We shall see.

69%, according to this.

A slightly different opinion than many shared here....

This is a correct decision as the court should not have put that in place to begin with. This is a state level thing and needs to be treated as such. Every state should have or pass a law allowing or regulating as the elected officials see fit and the residents within each state should be able to vote those in who agree with their views. People are free to move or travel between states if they don't agree with what their state does. Or cross state lines to receive what they want and continue to live where they are and work for change. People have been doing that for the right to die with dignity already. It isn't perfect, but it is a better option IMHO than allowing such laws to be made by a handful of people at a national level.
A slightly different opinion than many shared here....

This is a correct decision as the court should not have put that in place to begin with. This is a state level thing and needs to be treated as such. Every state should have or pass a law allowing or regulating as the elected officials see fit and the residents within each state should be able to vote those in who agree with their views. People are free to move or travel between states if they don't agree with what their state does. Or cross state lines to receive what they want and continue to live where they are and work for change. People have been doing that for the right to die with dignity already. It isn't perfect, but it is a better option IMHO than allowing such laws to be made by a handful of people at a national level.
You're joking right?

How is regulating what goes on inside a woman's body anyone's right, at any level!?

The whole point is that "this" is something that shouldn't be regulated by anyone but that woman. At any level. Whether or not a woman has the right to dictate what happens within her own d*mn body should not be up for debate.

And no, all people are most definitely not free to move between states if they don't agree with what their state does. Those people with money and connections are. What about those without? And that's ignoring gerrymandering, voter access limitations, educational inequities, systemic prejudices...

Edit: I'm very pro PAS as well. My body my choices. Your body your choices.
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