
Royal Jewels

Date: 11/26/2007 8:28:13 AM
Author: susi
Queen Silvia is so pretty!!

LadyA, please, why, do you feel, are the diamonds in Queen Silvia''s Royal order as well as the stones in her dull looking? I know they are not cut as stones are today and were cut for flash over light return but they don''t even look flashy/sparklely either
The colletes in the necklaces are often encased in metal which doesn''t help....but...??
I don''t really know why that is but I see what you''re talking about. Maybe the stones are picking up the color of the dress she si wearing & that is making them look duller?
Date: 11/26/2007 10:18:25 AM
Author: mercoledi
Is it just me, or is does the bracelt Camilla''s wearing in the 60th birthday portrait look an awful lot like part of the necklace from the state visit? Or is it just the powers of suggestion getting the better of me?

I agree that Camilla pulls off the gobs of jewels like a pro, but personally I think the long dangle earrings were a bit much with the crown and 5 strand blingy necklace.
Nah - I think your brain is just dazzled by diamonds. They are def. two different pieces. The huge 5 strand necklace is part of the Greville collection that was inherited by the Queen Mum & then passed to the Queen. The collet necklace is from Queen Victoria.
Date: 11/26/2007 10:33:11 AM
Author: Nicrez

Date: 11/25/2007 6:32:11 PM
Author: LadyAmythyst69
More of Camilla at the banquet in Uganda.
Is it me, or does Camilla (whom I am not a fan of) look like Candice Bergen''s mother?

It just creeps me out every time I see her. Ironic how she out shone the Queen Mum in gems. Usually it''s an overcompensation, like men and shiny red sports cars... I just see her as... well nevermind, I know there are those who favor her. I just find it quite uppity to outshine the Queen, no matter what. Just out of respect, I wouldn''t.

Even in royals, sometimes less is best. It looks as if she''s playing dress-up with the Queen''s gems...

Do you think the Queen was in favor of it or was she unknowingly outshined? Maybe sort of her tactic approval of Camilla...? To give her weight in the community she normally would not have gotten? I wonder...
It does kind of huh?
Camilla certainly seems to be having fun wearing these serious pieces lately.

I think that since the Queen had to loan these pieces to Camilla she was obviously aware of what Camilla would be wearing. I can totaly see the Queen getting a sly kick out of knowing that Camilla might look a bit overdone next to her own exquisite taste. In a way it''s a backhanded statement - the Queen does not have to TRY to dazzle - she just does.

But in general I think that the blinging up of Camilla is a very def. deliberate plan to make sure she looks Queenly. She is obviously being groomed to be crowned as Queen. And what better jewels to appear in than those of the Queen Mum? The British public ADORED the QM & I''m sure the RF hope some of that approval will rub off on Camilla. Loaning these jewels to Camilla is the Queen''s way of making an endorsement of the next Queen of England. No matter what he Queen may think of Camilla privately (and I think she does get along well with her) she is of all things a "team" player. The Queen will do what is right for the monarchy. It will be a loss of status for the British crown if Camilla is not publicly acknowledged as the next Queen.
Here''s another picture of the Greville Diamond Necklace that Camilla wore to the Commonwealth banquet in Uganda along with the ruby and diamond flower and leaf motif brooch which the Queen recently wore to her Diamond Wedding Anniversary Service in Westminster. It is also from the Greville inheritance.

Another photo of the Queen at the State Banquet in Uganda.

Here is a photo of the Queen at one of her engagements in Uganda. She is wearing the Cullinan V Heart Broocch. It is an 18.8 heart shaped center stone & is one of the cleavings from the famous Cullinan diamond.

A close up of the Queen in Uganda wearing the Cullinan V Brooch. It is one of her favorite pieces and she wears it often.

Here is a close up of the Cullinan V Brooch.

While in Uganda the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh received these gifts from the people of Botswana as a Diamond Anniversary present. The Duke was given a pair of diamond cufflinks and the Queen a flower themed brooch.

Date: 11/26/2007 10:33:11 AM
Author: Nicrez

I just find it quite uppity to outshine the Queen, no matter what. Just out of respect, I wouldn't.


Do you think the Queen was in favor of it or was she unknowingly outshined?

"The Daily Mail" makes it clear that the jewelry that the Duchess was to wear was planned far in advance of the event as her gown was designed around the jewelry, which was lent to the Duchess by the Queen. As with most events arranged by Buckingham Palace, the event was carefully orchestrated and hardly constituted "uppity" behavior on the part of the Duchess!

From, "The Daily Mail":

"The Duchess of Cornwall out-dazzled even the Queen last night in one of the most opulent royal necklaces and tiaras ever seen.

Comprised of five strands of diamonds, it covered her entire decolletage and made the Queen's jewels look quite modest.

There was no question of Camilla deliberately setting out to overshadow her motherin- law – the Queen personally gave her permission to borrow it from the Royal Collection.

Camilla's favourite couturier, Anna Valentine, even designed her a simple duck-egg blue dress and matching stole to set the necklace off perfectly.


The Duchess completed her look with the Queen Mother's Boucheron tiara and a set of Queen Elizabeth II Family Order pinned to the left of her gown.

Featuring an exquisite hand-painted miniature of the Queen set in platinum and surrounded by diamonds, the order is given only to female members of the Royal Family."

On another website I read that Camilla may not have been the one who chose what jewelry she wore that night. In fact, what I read was that Camilla prefers more modest pieces, but that she was assigned that necklace. I have no way of knowing if that is true, but I can imagine stranger things than being told what jewelry one should wear if she is a member of the Royal Family attending a State event!

As an english person, I would much rather see the crown bypass Charles and go to William instead.
The Queen at a different engagement in Uganda - this time wearing the King William IV Brooch. Made in 1830 and containing six large brilliants taken from a Badge of the Order of Bath owned by King George III.

Oh I love the matching hat and suit! How darling!

This isn't jewelry related, but does the queen always carry a Kelly bag? She seems to have a bag that shape in every color.

ETA: nope, it's another company.
Date: 11/26/2007 5:50:39 PM
Author: Maisie
As an english person, I would much rather see the crown bypass Charles and go to William instead.

Yes, but then it wouldn''t be a monarchy, would it? I would have preferred not to have Mary Tudor on the throne. Returning the country to Roman Catholicism and burning everyone at the stake was quite disruptive after her father had gone and changed everyone''s religion.

Date: 11/26/2007 6:00:12 PM
Author: AGBF

Date: 11/26/2007 5:50:39 PM
Author: Maisie
As an english person, I would much rather see the crown bypass Charles and go to William instead.

Yes, but then it wouldn't be a monarchy, would it? I would have preferred not to have Mary Tudor on the throne. Returning the country to Roman Catholicism and burning everyone at the stake was quite disruptive after her father had gone and changed everyone's religion.

I suppose if Charles really didn't want the throne he could let William have it. Didn't something similar happen once before?
Not that its likely to happen. I think Camilla would quite like to be queen
Date: 11/26/2007 6:03:53 PM
Author: Maisie

Date: 11/26/2007 6:00:12 PM
Author: AGBF

Date: 11/26/2007 5:50:39 PM
Author: Maisie
As an english person, I would much rather see the crown bypass Charles and go to William instead.

Yes, but then it wouldn''t be a monarchy, would it? I would have preferred not to have Mary Tudor on the throne. Returning the country to Roman Catholicism and burning everyone at the stake was quite disruptive after her father had gone and changed everyone''s religion.

I suppose if Charles really didn''t want the throne he could let William have it. Didn''t something similar happen once before?
Not that its likely to happen. I think Camilla would quite like to be queen
Yeah - unfortunately skipping over one of the heirs is totally against the basic principles of monarchy. Too bad you can''t have a system like they have in the Netherlands where the monarch can choose to abdicate (in effect retire due to old age) in favor of their heir. Still can''t skip anyone though.

Charles'' regin is likely to be a short one, if indeed he makes it to the throne at all. The Queen is likely to live to a very ripe old age - the QM was 101 when she died.
Date: 11/26/2007 6:28:42 PM
Author: LadyAmythyst69

Date: 11/26/2007 6:03:53 PM
Author: Maisie

Date: 11/26/2007 6:00:12 PM
Author: AGBF

Date: 11/26/2007 5:50:39 PM
Author: Maisie
As an english person, I would much rather see the crown bypass Charles and go to William instead.

Yes, but then it wouldn''t be a monarchy, would it? I would have preferred not to have Mary Tudor on the throne. Returning the country to Roman Catholicism and burning everyone at the stake was quite disruptive after her father had gone and changed everyone''s religion.

I suppose if Charles really didn''t want the throne he could let William have it. Didn''t something similar happen once before?
Not that its likely to happen. I think Camilla would quite like to be queen
Yeah - unfortunately skipping over one of the heirs is totally against the basic principles of monarchy. Too bad you can''t have a system like they have in the Netherlands where the monarch can choose to abdicate (in effect retire due to old age) in favor of their heir. Still can''t skip anyone though.

Charles'' regin is likely to be a short one, if indeed he makes it to the throne at all. The Queen is likely to live to a very ripe old age - the QM was 101 when she died.
Thats a good point, and I imagine she probably doesn''t think anyone can do such a good job as her!
Can anyone find or does anyone have a close up of the King William IV Brooch? I thought I had one but now can''t find it. I''ve got lots of other photos of the Queen wearing it but no simple close up of the brooch.
Here''s another of the Queen in Uganda where you can see the King William IV Brooch better.

And another with a good view of the Cullinan V.

Date: 11/26/2007 6:44:10 PM
Author: LadyAmythyst69
Can anyone find or does anyone have a close up of the King William IV Brooch?

Here you go. This is the George IV State Diadem Cluster Brooch which the Queen wears. I found it on a website which sells reproductions of many of the famous pieces of royal jewelry. In fact, I do not know if this photo is of the real brooch or of a reproduction of that brooch ;-).


Date: 11/26/2007 8:51:08 PM
Author: AGBF

Date: 11/26/2007 6:44:10 PM
Author: LadyAmythyst69
Can anyone find or does anyone have a close up of the King William IV Brooch?

Here you go. This is the George IV State Diadem Cluster Brooch which the Queen wears. I found it on a website which sells reproductions of many of the famous pieces of royal jewelry. In fact, I do not know if this photo is of the real brooch or of a reproduction of that brooch ;-).

No, no, no - you''re getting your IV''s mixed up. Or maybe switching your William''s and George''s. LOL!

I know it''s totally confusing! This is the brooch I''m hoping for a close up of - the Queen is wearing it here on a trip to Saudi Arabia earlier this year.

Date: 11/26/2007 9:02:09 PM
Author: LadyAmythyst69

No, no, no - you''re getting your IV''s mixed up. Or maybe switching your William''s and George''s. LOL!

Good Lord! I am a mess! Do you know 1066 and All That? In one place it lists the English monarchs in a way that would be helpful to any of us who need to keep it simple ;-)

Date: 11/26/2007 6:03:53 PM

I suppose if Charles really didn''t want the throne he could let William have it. Didn''t something similar happen once before? Not that its likely to happen. I think Camilla would quite like to be queen

I thought there was a big debate when they got married about whether or not she could be called "queen" and in the end she stopped all the discussion by choosing to be called Princess Consort if/when Charles ascends the throne.
Lady Amy,
thank you for posting one of my favorite pieces from the queens personal collection!The cullinan V is a beautiful piece of jewelry that should be seen often!can you believe that a diamond of this size was called one of "grandma''s chips" by the royal family because it was one of the splinters that came from cutting the cullinan (9 stones in all) this is where the term"diamond chip" came from to denote a small single cut diamond...its been a rough day at work so i was really glad to see so many great photographs on my favorite thread at this forum...i agree with san diego lady that the queen does look very up-dated in that green outfit and hat...thanks to those who posted today and made it a nice end to a rough holiday-retail day!
LadyA, if you have Leslie Field's book THE QUEEN'S JEWELS there is a large pic of William IV's brooch on page 71.
I just want to add that this is the best thread - thank you so much for this !!!!
Date: 11/27/2007 2:49:35 PM
Author: susi
LadyA, if you have Leslie Field''s book THE QUEEN''S JEWELS there is a large pic of William IV''s brooch on page 71.
Oh yes - the book has been sitting next to my computer. You don''t think I have ALL these facts memorized do you?

I''d still like to find a picture online to share because it''s such an amazing piece!
Crown Princess Maxima this week at at benefit concert.

Felipe and Letizia, Prince and Princess of Asturias at the State Visit this week of the President of Romania to Spain.
