
Search for Rubies

LOL on you comment re AGL clarity :D

I have an almost loupe clean Mozambique ruby that AGL graded LI2.

You literally have to look hard to find the minuscule inclusion with the loupe. And you only see it if light hits it just right. AGL is really strict!

Actually looked through my lab reports recently. My ruby was graded LI2, not MI. It was sold as 10x loupe clean, so the 1.24 previously under consideration would probably have gotten a LI3. I hope thegemcollector will find another ruby for @Lilith112. Nice to know that she's still in business. I've not bought from her since she switched to insta full time.

Insta should really figure out how to monetize insta sales of gemstones. Not a large volume business, but selling gemstones requires sharing more pictures than almost any other product.

I bought rubies from her and they looked quite a bit different in person. She had a good return policy at the time, so no problem with that.

That ruby looks SPECTACULAR and only fear it’s a camera thing. For that price I would ask for pictures taken using a proper camera, not a smartphone.
Has anyone seen this?


GRS, pigeon blood, Burma/Mogok, unheated

Omg!!! Wow that looks amazing; thank you for posting here!
Actually looked through my lab reports recently. My ruby was graded LI2, not MI. It was sold as 10x loupe clean, so the 1.24 previously under consideration would probably have gotten a LI3. I hope thegemcollector will find another ruby for @Lilith112. Nice to know that she's still in business. I've not bought from her since she switched to insta full time.

Insta should really figure out how to monetize insta sales of gemstones. Not a large volume business, but selling gemstones requires sharing more pictures than almost any other product.

Yep, she's still in business! I always like checking in with her since I bought my first ever unheated sapphire from her lol
I bought rubies from her and they looked quite a bit different in person. She had a good return policy at the time, so no problem with that.

That ruby looks SPECTACULAR and only fear it’s a camera thing. For that price I would ask for pictures taken using a proper camera, not a smartphone.
Ahhhh true. I'm in Asia again now, so I might try to make a trip to Hong Kong too!
Omg!!! Wow that looks amazing; thank you for posting here!

If interested, you can contact Bernard via IG. I don’t think he has posted it on the website.
If interested, you can contact Bernard via IG. I don’t think he has posted it on the website.

I've contacted Bernard! It looks beautiful!
I was tempted to pop by just to admire when I saw that it’s Mogok PB lol

The color in the picture looks amaaaazing; requested shaded and unshaded daylight pictures!
I totally suck at reading online pics! That’s why I mostly buy in person… hopefully someone better versed comes along?

Bump and dusts some CS fairy dust for luck.
Paging @VividRed @voce @icy_jade @Autumn in New England for feedback on the color in shaded and bright sunlight!

I have to say, the resolution I see on my screen is terrible with that video. Is there a way to get proper HD videos? It seems quite cloudy which will make it glow in the sun and look meh-ish elsewhere. That’s at least my experience with most rubies that are not clean (i.e the majority).
Is it opaque as opposed to translucent? I can't tell anything from those videos. You'll need to see it under industrial lighting, and closer/less movement to see what the opacity actually is.
The videos load in sufficient resolution for me and it definitely seems to be translucent. I can't see any of the pavilion facets. It does have a nice glow, but I think some of the previous rubies you were considering were better.
I don't know why, but there's more sparkle in the IG video. Maybe it's the light reflecting on the diamonds. Anyhow, the outdoor video looks "meh" to me.
I totally suck at reading online pics! That’s why I mostly buy in person… hopefully someone better versed comes along?

Bump and dusts some CS fairy dust for luck.
Ideally would love to buy in person but alas...would need to book a flight ticket :(

I have to say, the resolution I see on my screen is terrible with that video. Is there a way to get proper HD videos? It seems quite cloudy which will make it glow in the sun and look meh-ish elsewhere. That’s at least my experience with most rubies that are not clean (i.e the majority).
Ahhhhh I see I see, got it!

Is it opaque as opposed to translucent? I can't tell anything from those videos. You'll need to see it under industrial lighting, and closer/less movement to see what the opacity actually is.
The glow in bright sunlight, but ngl it looks a bit....duller in shaded light

The videos load in sufficient resolution for me and it definitely seems to be translucent. I can't see any of the pavilion facets. It does have a nice glow, but I think some of the previous rubies you were considering were better.
Which of the previous ones did u prefer if u don't mind my asking?

I don't know why, but there's more sparkle in the IG video. Maybe it's the light reflecting on the diamonds. Anyhow, the outdoor video looks "meh" to me.
Ahhhh noted!
Which of the previous ones did u prefer if u don't mind my asking?

The initial 1.68 was marvelous, and I'm also quite partial to the 1.60ct art deco platinum ring with the magical fluorescence. You know, the one that went up in price by nearly more than 50%. :mrgreen: I still look at it sometimes, it's pretty...
The 2.55 is a beautiful beautiful color. In both the still image and the videos, it looks more translucent than transparent, but the heavy silk makes it look very even-colored!

No, it's not perfect, but it would probably satisfy my ruby itch if I were in your place.
For what you are willing to spend, maybe worth flying to look at stones in person?

Thinking abt it tbh! Hmmmm decisions lol..... Also still thinking about Inken's lol
The initial 1.68 was marvelous, and I'm also quite partial to the 1.60ct art deco platinum ring with the magical fluorescence. You know, the one that went up in price by nearly more than 50%. :mrgreen: I still look at it sometimes, it's pretty...
Ohhh noted! Yeah the price jump for the 1.6ct one was kinda funny- I think he may have gotten it recerted with AGL or a more well known lab lol

The 2.55 is a beautiful beautiful color. In both the still image and the videos, it looks more translucent than transparent, but the heavy silk makes it look very even-colored!

No, it's not perfect, but it would probably satisfy my ruby itch if I were in your place.

Ohhhhh thank you, noted!
For what you are paying, it should make your heart sing.

Also might be cheaper for you to fly and bring the stone back. At minimum should be able to offset the flight cost.
I mean the color is definitely vibrant... even in the shade! And it glows in the sun for sure. But, yeah, as others have pointed out, the stone either has a heavy silk-load or is veering translucent due to other micro inclusions. I think it's all going to be a matter of what you are willing to tolerate or compromise on within your (very healthy) budget. If this stone doesn't hit your ceiling, I might keep wandering. I feel like you should be able to tick all of your boxes. Looking forward to seeing your HG stone once found!! :love:
Thank you everyone for your feedback!!! Also sorry for disappearing again lol, I did find another potential candidate? The color looks amazing so far... But it's USD107000 for 2.14 CT. Even for top notch color, does the price seem a bit much?

Pics r below:

Assessment from AGL regarding the 2.14ct ruby:

It's very pretty but it reminds me of a rubellite. Whether that's what you're going for, I don't know!
Assessment from AGL regarding the 2.14ct ruby:


I know this stone and it is the absolute best you will find online. I would buy it (used to cost 60k two years ago) but I cannot afford it
I know this stone and it is the absolute best you will find online. I would buy it (used to cost 60k two years ago) but I cannot afford it

:O have you seen it in person? If do, what were your impressions of it?

Regarding price, is there any way to negotiate down? I have a decent budget but USD107k is.... Quite a lot

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