
Settings for Gene’s (Precision Gem) stones

@pwsg07 Gene had listed it as simply a “Pink Garnet”. I think they are often called Pastel Pyrope garnets. Here’s a screen shot of the original listing with Gene’s description. It’s a pretty and unusual stone :).

Thank you for the reply. The colour is so beautiful and rare for a garnet. Is it medium dark tone?
Thank you for the reply. The colour is so beautiful and rare for a garnet. Is it medium dark tone?
Yes, I would say it is medium dark tone. I didn’t realize it was a rare color for a garnet, but that is good to know =)2.
Encourage @mdi to post more pics of her beautiful ring with Umba center stone from Precision Gem. What a stunning combo with the Ruby mêlee!
Sorry for the quality of the pics -- my phone has a terrible camera and the weather is very grey today!IMG_20190827_091020.jpgIMG_20190827_091034.jpgIMG_20190827_091057.jpg IMG_20190827_091108.jpg
This is so pretty! I love the ruby halo and the metal color compliments your stone perfectly :kiss2:
Here is my unheated corundum set by Daniel M in a simple bezel.
Here's my square cushion Paraiba YAG. Platinum lab diamond and moissanite setting made by Starsgem. Love the glowy color!

IMG_6268.jpg . IMG_6250.jpg IMG_6251.jpg
I could not find the thread where you suggested Stagandfinch to me for a custom stone, and I don't think I can private message you, but I wanted to give you a huge thank you for that recommendation. I don't have a YAG, but rather a lab sapphire coming my way that will be exactly what I wanted for a mounting. Probably not the place to post, but again, I just wanted to say THANKS! (LOVE this ring you created-Stone from Gene, Mounting from SG, and your hard work paid off!)
I could not find the thread where you suggested Stagandfinch to me for a custom stone, and I don't think I can private message you, but I wanted to give you a huge thank you for that recommendation. I don't have a YAG, but rather a lab sapphire coming my way that will be exactly what I wanted for a mounting. Probably not the place to post, but again, I just wanted to say THANKS! (LOVE this ring you created-Stone from Gene, Mounting from SG, and your hard work paid off!)

Thank you, @lindam1503! Glad I could help. How exciting that you have a lab sapphire coming from Stag & Finch! Do share lots of pics (and mounting idea) when you receive it :lickout:

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