
#JOTW Something pretty during a dreary time - feel free to add yours!

Today’s something pretty:

Off to work with coldbrew chai in my trustee Yeti from WF’s GTG last year (that I missed - darling @Vera W mailed me a gift bag!!)

Just stunning! I think Leen’s method is so fascinating! Do you have a thread on this piece?

I want to post some pictures of the beautiful ring I received yesterday! It's an approx 0.9 L VS2 OEC set in an incredible handmade 18k yellow gold setting by Leen Heyne, a jeweller based in the Netherlands who I first came across on Instagram. His work is stocked in a few places but I worked with him directly and he was absolutely lovely, start to finish. Having this arrive in the middle of such a tricky time has lifted my mood no end! The side view and undergallery are my absolute favourite parts of this ring. Please excuse my chapped coronavirus hands and random nail polish - apparently I thought this would be a good week to try out nail stamping for the first time!

@Jimmianne , these photos are amazing! Which part of France is this?
I want to post some pictures of the beautiful ring I received yesterday! It's an approx 0.9 L VS2 OEC set in an incredible handmade 18k yellow gold setting by Leen Heyne, a jeweller based in the Netherlands who I first came across on Instagram. His work is stocked in a few places but I worked with him directly and he was absolutely lovely, start to finish. Having this arrive in the middle of such a tricky time has lifted my mood no end! The side view and undergallery are my absolute favourite parts of this ring. Please excuse my chapped coronavirus hands and random nail polish - apparently I thought this would be a good week to try out nail stamping for the first time!


OMG I saw this on Instagram - SO amazing and unique!!!! Love love love
This is my baby girl, Cricket. She was a foster failure - a crummy backyard breeder her dumped her at a rescue when she was a sickly kitten. It took me about 3hrs to decide she had found her forever home with me! She is my shadow, sleeps under the covers with me every night, is always in my lap...and even after years has not warmed up to my fiance - this is typical of oriental shorthairs!

Her eyes are the most stunning shade of blue/green - one day - I hope to get a stone that looks just like them, but I don't even know what gems come in that exact color!

Was trying to take a fun shot of my e-ring, but she decided it was the perfect time to groom my hands...:tongue:

This is my baby girl, Cricket. She was a foster failure - a crummy backyard breeder her dumped her at a rescue when she was a sickly kitten. It took me about 3hrs to decide she had found her forever home with me! She is my shadow, sleeps under the covers with me every night, is always in my lap...and even after years has not warmed up to my fiance - this is typical of oriental shorthairs!

Her eyes are the most stunning shade of blue/green - one day - I hope to get a stone that looks just like them, but I don't even know what gems come in that exact color!

Was trying to take a fun shot of my e-ring, but she decided it was the perfect time to groom my hands...:tongue:

She is beautiful!
Babies here too!

Oh, duck babies! We live on a lake, but for the first time a mama mallard is sitting on eggs near our back door! She's well hidden in some ground cover and rarely leaves the nest. I hope we get some ducklings soon!
Thanks for sharing your pic!
This is my baby girl, Cricket. She was a foster failure - a crummy backyard breeder her dumped her at a rescue when she was a sickly kitten. It took me about 3hrs to decide she had found her forever home with me! She is my shadow, sleeps under the covers with me every night, is always in my lap...and even after years has not warmed up to my fiance - this is typical of oriental shorthairs!

Her eyes are the most stunning shade of blue/green - one day - I hope to get a stone that looks just like them, but I don't even know what gems come in that exact color!

Was trying to take a fun shot of my e-ring, but she decided it was the perfect time to groom my hands...:tongue:


@annagene12 your cats eyes are like lagoon tourmaline!
This is my baby girl, Cricket. She was a foster failure - a crummy backyard breeder her dumped her at a rescue when she was a sickly kitten. It took me about 3hrs to decide she had found her forever home with me! She is my shadow, sleeps under the covers with me every night, is always in my lap...and even after years has not warmed up to my fiance - this is typical of oriental shorthairs!

Her eyes are the most stunning shade of blue/green - one day - I hope to get a stone that looks just like them, but I don't even know what gems come in that exact color!

Was trying to take a fun shot of my e-ring, but she decided it was the perfect time to groom my hands...:tongue:


What a beautiful animal! Yay for foster failures!
@annagene12 , I was a foster failure for pups! Cricket is beautiful and obviously well-loved! And can I say I love that setting for your ring? The bezel is just perfect for your stone!
@annagene12 , I was a foster failure for pups! Cricket is beautiful and obviously well-loved! And can I say I love that setting for your ring? The bezel is just perfect for your stone!

It’s so hard to say no once they are in your home - she’s one of two foster failures!

and Aww thank you for the compliment on my ring!!! I learned the hard way that I’m a bezel girl for sure after failing to manage prongs - I love bezels for being low maintenance and pretty all at once :D