
Speculation on the Democratic Nominee vs McCain

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Obama''s campaign announced three new superdelegates on Wednesday, compared to one coming out for Clinton.

Why won''t she bow out? We''re not going to count Michigan and Florida. She''s down for the count and yet she vows to stay in the race until a nominee is chosen.

What''s so sad to me is that Clinton and Obama''s campaigns are so similar, and yet if someone''s Democratic Nom isn''t chosen, they''ll flip Dem.

McCain announced, more like promised, he''d appoint conservatives to the judicial seats. I can''t take it. I need to join a campaign...
Yeah, I love the one about McCain stacking the courts with conservatives. What happened to the ideal of appointing people of probity and wisdom and legal knowledge who will decide cases individually? Now it appears that conservatives don''t even pay lip service to fairness or the credo that justice SHOULD be blind. Hey! Let''s appoint known ideologues! Yeah! That''s the ticket.

McCain has been coasting on his "I was a POW" holier-than-thou laurels for too long, and has become a card-carrying nutter, IMO.
Date: 5/7/2008 4:41:15 PM
Author: Starset Princess
Obama's campaign announced three new superdelegates on Wednesday, compared to one coming out for Clinton.

Why won't she bow out? We're not going to count Michigan and Florida. She's down for the count and yet she vows to stay in the race until a nominee is chosen.

What's so sad to me is that Clinton and Obama's campaigns are so similar, and yet if someone's Democratic Nom isn't chosen, they'll flip Dem.
Personally I am starting to wonder if she's A) in competition with Bill or B) on McCain's payroll...
Freke it''s so weird you say that. I''ve been saying that Hillary is competing with Bill for a long time but I think for different reasons than what you''re saying (and now that you mention it, I agree there as well). Part of it is the similarities between Obama''s campaign and methods to that of Bill''s back in 1991. Oddly he and Bill have said a lot of the same things, yet when Obama says it, Hillary (and Bill for that matter) would criticize him. I said it must irritate the living heck out of her that she''s losing against someone that reminds her of her no good husband.
Moon-When do you think she''ll drop out? Or do you think she''ll drop out? And why or why not?
I think Hillary is probably just not the type to ever give up until she''s knocked out. She will go the distance until she gets KO''d or the fight is called. In fact, I am not sure she can be knocked out. I believe that she was the brains behind Bill''s brawn and folksy charm. That is probably frustrating to her too. The problem with Obama, for Clinton, is that although Obama arguably presents with the charm and inspiration that her husband did, Obama is doing this on his own and probably wouldn''t be caught dead in a scandal. Although I don''t think that is what drives Hillary. Hillary drives Hillary.

I don''t think Bill Clinton would have had a chance in China of being President without Hillary''s tenacity and singleminded focus on their goal. I believe that Hillary would have preferred to be the politician. America just wasn''t ready to entertain the thought of a woman President back then and both were relatively unknown. I belive that it has always been Hillary that kept the political prospects alive. I think Bill''s main job was not to screw it up. If Obama hadn''t surfaced, Hillary would have had this nomination nipped and tucked in her breast pocket. Now, she''s gasping for breath and hoping that the judges call the fight in her favor.

That''s my take on Senator Clinton. I don''t see her dropping out for the good of anyone. I just don''t think it''s in her nature. It sucks though. So much wasted money and both Obama and Clinton look so tired and exhausted. I get that way just thinking about them.
She is a fighter. It has become ugly, and not helpful to the democrats.

However, I do not think she is a quitter. Until they tell her it is done, she will keep on. And she is not far behind him, so anything is possible to me as they both cannot win on delegate count alone.

I just think all of the money spent on this is obscene. Why can''t more of the tv time be given to them free? I know campaigning costs money but this is absurd to me!
I agree diamondfan.

They could feed entire nations on the money spent in a political contest. It is obscene.

I used to believe that free air time should be given to candidates. After all, it is our President. But then you would every wacko running for the office just to get some air time. Yet, I am sure that something complicated and limiting could be worked out to make it more viable and reasonable.

I also abhor the party system. I remember when I first registered to vote. I didn''t give much thought to the choice and just went with what my parents were. After I matured I wanted to change my party affiliation and when I looked at all the options on the registration form I asked the volunteer "Isn''t there just a party that calls itself "American Citizen"? Why not? Doesn''t that make more sense?

Just let everyone register to vote. Let the popularity contest begin. Narrow it down to the top 10, like American Idol, but no call in or text voting. The process has become so draining on everyone.
Diamondfan, she's over 150 delegates behind. There is essentially NO WAY she can catch up-unless there is a huge scandal and he drops out completely. To win she'd have to get those 150+ delegates plus almost 200 to get the nomination. I don't think there are that many left in regular delegates, but there will be some really unhappy citizens if she wins through the superdelegates- and I think they know that.

I really wish she'd lay off the Michigan and Florida votes. It's over and done with, and she's making herself look really really bad and like a sore loser. I say when the voting is all done, divide them 50/50 or with what their percentages across the rest of the country are. Then they won't totally go to waste, their votes will still count, and she'll shut up about it.

Heres the math:
The winner needs 2,025 delegates
Obama currently has 1,846 (179 away from the nom)
Clinton currently has 1,685 (340 away from the nom)
Difference of 161 delegates between the two candidates.

There are 258 super delegates for Obama and 266 for Clinton.(according to CNN) According to sourcewatch the delegate count is 269 for her and 260 for him, with 265 undecided (who I bet will go for the likely winner). Either way-he's catching up fast in that arena-and it doesn't look like its slowing down. I think that those supporting her have been jumping ship for a couple of months now, and I don't see that stopping.(link) Now while it ISN'T a done deal, it would be very very difficult for her to win at this rate, most would say impossible.

With his recent 14% win in North Carolina and her 2% win in Indiana, its looking like the gap is just getting wider.

I think she should probably drop it. The Rev Wright thing is basically over, Obama has completely walked away from that guy, and if Clinton hasn't managed to dig up dirt on him already, she's probably not going to be able to-because you KNOW she's been digging!

I wish she'd save her dignity.

ETA:Campaigns spend ridiculous amounts of money, and I find it disgusting. Whats even worse in my mind is the people who put in significant amounts of their own money, because they're basically throwing it all away.

BTW-who else thinks that Hillary and Bill sleep in separate beds if not separate rooms? (and I'm not talking about on the campaign trail!)
Freke, I thought that neither of them can win with the primary delegates. The super delegates will help move it along. Frankly the dem''s system seems a bit weird and not very workable to me. There are states she is strong in and the same for him. I think he will be the nominee, but really cannot say I think she should just quit, if she thinks she has a chance, why would she?

The Florida and Michigan thing makes no sense. I would not like knowing my votes were not being counted. BUT, the states were TOLD that up front, as they held their primaries early. Yet they went ahead anyway and are mad now. That just makes ZERO sense to me. Why hold it knowing you are creating an issue and then be mad when they actually DO what they said they would do?
Oh don't worry DF, I'm with you on pretty much everything. The Dems system is totally out of wack and don't get me started on the stupidity that is the superdelegate system. As for FL and MI-they knew the rules, they broke the rules, now they have to live with it. But she's fighting it still because she was a leader in those states. I wonder sometimes if their situations were reversed (same delegate count as it is now) and he were the leader in FL and MI-you can bet your bootie she'd be wanting to keep them out of the race-and that disgusts me about her.

I think everyone is telling her that she needs to step down. I for one think that she does. Why do I think that? I think she's continuing to ruin her political credibility, and she's splitting the Democratic party into two. Between that and making Obama campaign against her instead of being able to campaign against McCain, and that is why I can't help but wonder if she's somehow entangled there.

I think that she's in competition with Bill (I'm just as good as YOU if not better, because I won't have sexual relations while in office!And I can get into office too!) or that she's got the tenacity to keep going, but not the dignity to step down and give it up already. She's like a dog with a bone-she won't give up until it's taken from her by brute force, and I really don't like that about her.

ETA: and neither of them can win without FL and MI. Which is why she wants them so badly. If they were split half and half, I think that would be the most fair thing thats possible in that situation right now. But I give up. I just think it's ridiculous. As far as I can tell, in the next primaries they will draw about even (if the polls are right-which they usually are, in that respect anyway) so in June we'll be right where we are now. She doesn't have any huge Hillary states like NY or CA going for her anymore, and he doesn't have Illinois-so the next few primaries are pretty much insignificant except to just add a few numbers to their final scores. So bleh.

Frankly, I just wish it were over already.
Well, I agree overall that it is making it a fight between the two of them, and not a nominee coming forth to campaign against McCain. It weakens things and takes the focus from important stuff.

I think her tenaciousness is a double edged sword.

I do not like him at all, nor do I care for her. But she reaches certain people and he reaches different people. I have found her more likeable as I see some interviews, in terms of her attitude, while he, though smart and a great orator, does not say much at the end of it all and seems very hostile to me lately. The Wright (wrong) stuff bugs me, as he affiliated with him, put him in the campaign, yet knew he was potentially trouble and disinvited him to do the invocation for him. Now that Wright says Obama is a hypocrite only saying what is needed to get elected does he cease to be the Uncle at parties who you love and respect but can say inappropriate stuff. Hillary does not seem truthful sometimes but truth be told, neither of them do, and in my book, most politicians are not above spinning and manipulating to stand in a favorable light. And though he claims to be so different in this race, I just do not see that, this battle has gotten so nuts that you have to be political to get through. He mudslings in his commercials like any other politician I have ever watched. He is outspending her by a ton, the amounts of money involved are insane. Not sure about her and Bill, think she has her agenda and staying married to him, no matter how many girlfriends he has, was worth it to her somehow. Bill as first hubby is a funny thought. He ran the country well enough, but can he take a back seat to her? Hard to say, his ego is pretty large.
I don''t think that he can take a backseat to her. I think that if they were to make it through a term or two with her in the oval office, I''m thinking they might just get a divorce in the end, unless they decide to suffer through it until the end. I think at this point it''s very much a marriage of convenience. I never see any soft looks between the two like I do with other political couples. Their relationship saddens me.

I prefer him for a few reasons but the one that really stands out to me right now is that I really don''t want to live in a country where it''s been governed by two families for the past 20 years-and into the next 4-8. That spells monarchy to me, and this is a democracy. I think that we need to get some new blood into the White House. As for him, I think he presents a better image to the rest of the world than she does. I don''t think that she''s thinking on a global level, where I see him as doing better in that regard. Perhaps I''ve been watching too much BBC news.

Seriously-I just want them to get it over with and figure out which one its going to be. So they can start campaigning against McCain. Speaking of, who do you think he''ll pick as his running mate?
I am not sure, and it is a critical choice due to his age. The right choice will make him more viable and the wrong one could sink him.

Someone said Romney...not sure, he is telegenic and looks like he came out of central casting for the job as a politician, do not know enough about his views though.

I also heard Lieberman who is not a democrat anymore. That would be an interesting choice but very strange too.

Then I heard our own Tom Ridge, again, cannot recall where I heard it. He was the Governor here in PA and is a pro choice Republican and seems a good man. Do not know enough about him either.
Yeah...I''ve been a finals induced coma and honestly haven''t spent much time with the news lately-only watching BBC when BF turns it on while I''m studying. They certainly have a different view on the race that CNN and Fox News don''t really pay attention to. He usually is glued to CNN, but he''s gotten sick of the race and the polygamist thing in TX so BBC has become the fall back.

Age is certainly a consideration thats going to be very important. I''m wondering when he''ll decide-before or after June and the Dem nominee is announced. I''m guessing after so he knows who he''s up against. I''m wondering if he''s starting to get some kind of old age induced psych disorder after reading all of the horrible things that have been spewing out of his mouth lately. He''s not winning any favors with women though after hearing what he''s called his wife.

As for Romney...I don''t know that I ever want that guy to have any kind of chance at the presidency. He just reminds me of a used car salesman. Frightening. Tom Ridge sounds like an interesting choice. I wonder if his choices vary on who the Dem nominee is.

Romney looks the part on one level, and I met him and heard him speak. He is smart and successful, ran a very profitable fund, and could, from a business standpoint, turn things around. Though people in MA do not all love and adore him, that is for sure. He has a bit of sleaziness/would you buy a used car from this man stuff going on, but in person I was impressed with the immediate impression.

I have not heard what McCain has been saying...any updates?

One thing that worries me is taxes. Hubby and I are law abiding and pay them, but we pay a ton and I just think whacking rich people is NOT the answer to fixing the economy. We pay a lot in taxes as it is, and just knee jerk having to pay more is not a happy thought. I am fine with a small increase, but trim the fat from government and be more judicious about spending in general. Then I would be happy to pay a bit more, but know my money is being utilized to the best of its power.
I know what you mean about taxes. My parents pay about 30% (divorce attorney) and my friend''s dad pays about 40% (Cardiologist). Stealing from the rich doesn''t mean everything gets better-thats for dang sure. Spending in DC certainly doesn''t seem to be regulated in any real way, and a lot seems to be spent on frivolous stuff. I dunno, I haven''t been paying enough attention lately, I guess, to know what state the economy is in, but I doubt it''s changed much since I was paying attention-and that was BAD. But you''re totally right-bleeding the rich of their funds isn''t really helping anyone.

I wonder if McCain not choosing Romney would have anything to do with the FLDS thing in TX. That is a pretty crazy situation and while I''m sure Romney has nothing to do with that kind of stuff, it''s still all over the news in a big way, and he''s still a mormon, and if McCain were to pick him as VP-I don''t know how the public would react.

As for McCain the last things that I heard were the calling his wife a c&%$ and something really offensive about women in the workplace I think? I''m not sure on any details, but I''m sure Moon or someone else is more up on that than I am. I can''t wait to go back to the land of the living.

Aren''t you getting tired DF? Isn''t it 3:30 where you are?
Although I just read that McCain didn''t vote for Bush in 2000...Thats interesting.
I too and sick and tired of this primary race. I used to admire Hillary, now, not so much. In fact I''d be really pissed if she gets a VP nod at all.

About our voting system...I think there should be ONE primary for the entire country on the SAME day. We all go to the polls to vote for our candidates. Whoever wins -both parties- that day is the nom. Period. End of story. And I dont think that candidates should get free air time? Do you want even MORE of this garbage on your TV all the time? I dont. What I''d like to see is an even amount of time given to each candidate (make them pay for it though, or dont, but make it very limited) to appear on TV. They each get X amount of time to "advertise" and they''d better make each second worthwhile. That way they cant as frivolously put out smackdown adverts on their opponents, but rather, they''d have to use their precious TV/media allotments to really talk about a little thing I like to call "the issues". Wouldn''t that be novel? And no more of this swiftboat ad crap either. Nobody would be allowed to advertise about a candidate except that candidate and it would have to be only X amount of time over the season. That''s my plan...Can someone please implement it now?
Date: 5/8/2008 11:08:16 PM
Author: FrekeChild
Moon-When do you think she''ll drop out? Or do you think she''ll drop out? And why or why not?
I think she''ll drop out in June because her husband didn''t become the nominee until then. She''s a rather stubborn person which is both good and bad. I admire her willingness to fight (and for me to use the word admire in a sentence about this woman is amazing), however, she''s obviously being extremely selfish. It''s a smart political move though. Now she can have her pick to either be VP or the Senate majority leader. Unfortunately for Dems, it means we risk having McCrazy/McSenile as president. Or rather, him for the first year and then his VP for the remainder of his term.
Date: 5/9/2008 3:04:14 AM
Author: FrekeChild
I don't think that he can take a backseat to her. I think that if they were to make it through a term or two with her in the oval office, I'm thinking they might just get a divorce in the end, unless they decide to suffer through it until the end. I think at this point it's very much a marriage of convenience. I never see any soft looks between the two like I do with other political couples. Their relationship saddens me.
Never gonna happen. Bill has taken a backseat to Hillary all their lives. Or wait, let me rephrase. Hillary has been pulling the strings all along. THAT is why they got married. I don't think it was ever a real marriage. I think she's the brains, and he's the smooth talker. He practically had to beg her to marry him (I think he asked 3 times before she said yes). They are a power couple. They gain more together than apart and a divorce will not work in their favors so a divorce will not happen. To be honest, looking at how their relationship works and how him cheating doesn't seem to bother her, it really makes it easy to believe those lesbian rumors. It would all make complete sense.
Hmmm...I''ve never heard the lesbian rumors. Fill me in!
Date: 5/9/2008 7:40:08 PM
Author: MoonWater
Date: 5/9/2008 3:04:14 AM

Author: FrekeChild

I don't think that he can take a backseat to her. I think that if they were to make it through a term or two with her in the oval office, I'm thinking they might just get a divorce in the end, unless they decide to suffer through it until the end. I think at this point it's very much a marriage of convenience. I never see any soft looks between the two like I do with other political couples. Their relationship saddens me.

Never gonna happen. Bill has taken a backseat to Hillary all their lives. Or wait, let me rephrase. Hillary has been pulling the strings all along. THAT is why they got married. I don't think it was ever a real marriage. I think she's the brains, and he's the smooth talker. He practically had to beg her to marry him (I think he asked 3 times before she said yes). They are a power couple. They gain more together than apart and a divorce will not work in their favors so a divorce will not happen. To be honest, looking at how their relationship works and how him cheating doesn't seem to bother her, it really makes it easy to believe those lesbian rumors. It would all make complete sense.

oh seriously you guys!

debating and discussing facts and history are great, but don't take it down to that level. to even begin to speculate on someone's marriage relationship is totally pointless - lots of political couples who gave each other "loving glances" or whatever have ended up divorced or in therapy or whatever. maybe it just makes them more authentic. and to say that "cheating doesn't seem to bother her" - just because she didn't divorce him doesn't mean it didn't bother her. sure they are a public figure collectively and speculations will be made, but to buy into those types of assumptions is just absurd. none of us know two sh*ts about their relationship.

the same goes for the idea that she is just "in competition with Bill". god forbid a woman be ambitious! no! she MUST have an hidden motive, a secret agenda! and of course it has to do with jealousy and a man. could we stereotype anymore? seriously, where are these ideas really coming from?

i'm not pledging allegiance to either of the democratic candidates, but to accuse hillary of being petty and then making petty allegations like that is just wrong.
Date: 5/10/2008 6:51:31 AM
Author: mimzy

oh seriously you guys!

debating and discussing facts and history are great, but don''t take it down to that level. to even begin to speculate on someone''s marriage relationship is totally pointless - lots of political couples who gave each other ''loving glances'' or whatever have ended up divorced or in therapy or whatever. maybe it just makes them more authentic. and to say that ''cheating doesn''t seem to bother her'' - just because she didn''t divorce him doesn''t mean it didn''t bother her. sure they are a public figure collectively and speculations will be made, but to buy into those types of assumptions is just absurd. none of us know two sh*ts about their relationship.

the same goes for the idea that she is just ''in competition with Bill''. god forbid a woman be ambitious! no! she MUST have an hidden motive, a secret agenda! and of course it has to do with jealousy and a man. could we stereotype anymore? seriously, where are these ideas really coming from?

i''m not pledging allegiance to either of the democratic candidates, but to accuse hillary of being petty and then making petty allegations like that is just wrong.
Amen to that one. I remember back in the blue dress days how some of the women I worked with just got whipped into a freakin'' FRENZY against Hillary. "She should divorce his ass!!", "She only stays because of (insert unflattering speculation of choice)".

Having been married once and only weeks away from doing it again, I KNOW that what goes on inside a marriage is not anyone''s business, nor do they usually have it right when people speculate. I can''t TELL you how many people I know personally who appeared to have good relationships, but as I got to know the couple it became clear that what was presented to the public was NOT the reality. I was one of them, and everyone around us was flabbergasted when my first husband and I divorced.

I would not appreciate people speculating as to my personal motivations (although I will concede that she IS a public figure and it''s almost inevitable), but that said, to think you know or even have a CLUE is deluding yourself in my opinion. And speculating as to her sexual orientation is...well...who the freak CARES? Is it germaine to ANYTHING??

I do know one thing, a 30+ year marriage is pretty damn durable, if for no other reason than force of habit, raising the kids, and shared time on the planet.
Date: 5/10/2008 6:51:31 AM
Author: mimzy
Date: 5/9/2008 7:40:08 PM
Author: MoonWater
Date: 5/9/2008 3:04:14 AM
Author: FrekeChild
I don''t think that he can take a backseat to her. I think that if they were to make it through a term or two with her in the oval office, I''m thinking they might just get a divorce in the end, unless they decide to suffer through it until the end. I think at this point it''s very much a marriage of convenience. I never see any soft looks between the two like I do with other political couples. Their relationship saddens me.
Never gonna happen. Bill has taken a backseat to Hillary all their lives. Or wait, let me rephrase. Hillary has been pulling the strings all along. THAT is why they got married. I don''t think it was ever a real marriage. I think she''s the brains, and he''s the smooth talker. He practically had to beg her to marry him (I think he asked 3 times before she said yes). They are a power couple. They gain more together than apart and a divorce will not work in their favors so a divorce will not happen. To be honest, looking at how their relationship works and how him cheating doesn''t seem to bother her, it really makes it easy to believe those lesbian rumors. It would all make complete sense.
oh seriously you guys!

debating and discussing facts and history are great, but don''t take it down to that level. to even begin to speculate on someone''s marriage relationship is totally pointless - lots of political couples who gave each other ''loving glances'' or whatever have ended up divorced or in therapy or whatever. maybe it just makes them more authentic. and to say that ''cheating doesn''t seem to bother her'' - just because she didn''t divorce him doesn''t mean it didn''t bother her. sure they are a public figure collectively and speculations will be made, but to buy into those types of assumptions is just absurd. none of us know two sh*ts about their relationship.

the same goes for the idea that she is just ''in competition with Bill''. god forbid a woman be ambitious! no! she MUST have an hidden motive, a secret agenda! and of course it has to do with jealousy and a man. could we stereotype anymore? seriously, where are these ideas really coming from?

i''m not pledging allegiance to either of the democratic candidates, but to accuse hillary of being petty and then making petty allegations like that is just wrong.
Mimzy. I think that their relationship is essentially two people tied together by one piece of paper and one goal of getting back into the White House. I think that at one time they were certainly "in love" or whatever they were when they were young, but I doubt thats the case now. I think that every American citizen who watched Monica Lewinsky and Bill has speculated about their marriage. How could you not? Even recently I believe that Chelsea was asked a question during a press conference about it. Now, it may not be any of our business, but everyone has speculated on it. Everyone speculated on what went on in the White House master bedroom. Perhaps you don''t remember this as well as I do, or perhaps you weren''t as exposed to it as I was-but everyone talked about their marriage and whether or not she''d divorce him back when the scandal broke. My statement on their relationship-I don''t think there is any love lost there. When I look at them I see two very separate people tied together, not by love, but by choice. And perhaps that is all they need. And while it may be pointless, I don''t think that either Moon or I need to be reprimanded for discussing it.

"the same goes for the idea that she is just ''in competition with Bill''. god forbid a woman be ambitious! no! she MUST have an hidden motive, a secret agenda! and of course it has to do with jealousy and a man. could we stereotype anymore? seriously, where are these ideas really coming from?"

Stereotype? No. I think it''s plain to see that she''s following in Bill''s footsteps. I don''t necessarily believe that she is doing all of this to spite Bill or to say, "I''m better than you", but I don''t think her motives are as pure as "I want to be President of the United States of America." Whatever her reasons are (power, fame, having that place in the history books as the first woman president of the US, getting back at Bill, etc) ALL of it is speculation. Honestly, I don''t see this as being a stereotype, that conclusion came to me as a choice among many that apparently other people haven''t thought of. Is she ambitious? Yes, and she always has been. I think everyone knows that. I think you made a lot of assumptions with those statements.

No one said anything about speculation on her sexual orientation-Moon said that there are rumors. Because I had not heard such rumors, I wanted to hear what was being said. As for sexual orientation for a political figure-there are probably hundreds of thousands of homophobic people who do care. I, for one, am not one of them, but I know that they are out there.

And guess what guys? No matter what, people are going to talk. Thats all there is to it. You can agree or disagree as much as you want, but as you said ksinger-people were flabbergasted when you divorced your first husband-and I know, from studying human nature as much as I have, that people were speculating as to you and your ex-husband''s motivations for doing so. Any time a traumatic event occurs like that, people start out asking, "Are you ok?" and the next question is, "What happened?".

Besides, thats my opinion, and I''m certainly entitled to it, and definitely free to say it.
love these political threads

anyway,i already got my bet down on the Nov election.
Date: 4/23/2008 11:07:18 AM
Author: strmrdr
No more or less than if Obama or Hillary win.
none of the 3 are what this country needs in my opinion.
We need a president that can pull the country together.
The only president that managed too do that in my lifetime was President Reagan.
the best ever.
I am not going to play arm chair psychologist about marriage and contracts and motivations for two people to remain in same.

I just wanted to say, that I love these threads too!

FrekeChild: I really just wanted to post because I wanted to tell you how impressed I am with your ability to articulate in the written word. I am not as eloquent and have been paralyzed by a written response I have to write wherein I need to balance "taking the high road" while "setting the record" straight. It''s maddening. Can you sprinkle some writing fairy dust my way?
Date: 5/10/2008 5:49:28 PM
Author: miraclesrule
I am not going to play arm chair psychologist about marriage and contracts and motivations for two people to remain in same.

I just wanted to say, that I love these threads too!

FrekeChild: I really just wanted to post because I wanted to tell you how impressed I am with your ability to articulate in the written word. I am not as eloquent and have been paralyzed by a written response I have to write wherein I need to balance ''taking the high road'' while ''setting the record'' straight. It''s maddening. Can you sprinkle some writing fairy dust my way?
Thank you miracles! I so often feel like I don''t make any sense, its good to hear that I do that! As far as eloquence goes, I would love to have a touch of your wit added to it!

Plenty o'' writing fairy dust headed right for you!
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