
Speculation on the Democratic Nominee vs McCain

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Ahhh, but as Bill said today. Puerto Rico is important this year.


The sitcom "Just Shoot Me" comes to mind....
Bill is starting to P!$$ me off.

Anybody else?

And I''m with you on the "Just Shoot Me".
Freke''s Not So Daily Delegate Count:

2,026 needed to win

Total: 1,984
Super: 323

Total: 1,782
Super: 283

Obama is now 42 delegates away from the nomination.
Clinton is now 244 delegates away from the nomination.
That is a difference of 202 delegates with Obama leading. He has had a gain of 4 superdelegates over Clinton since my last count.

(Why am I not surprised?)
Did anyone watch the coverage of the DNC today??

If you didn''t, Hillary''s supporters who were spectators made her look really really bad, screaming and chanting and interrupting all of the DNC members-no matter what they were saying, or who they were supporting. The disrespect was appalling. I was absolutely disgusted with their behavior.

The outcome is pretty complicated, so I''m not really going to go there, but I think Hillary mostly got her way, except all of her supporters are POed because she didn''t get EVERYTHING like she wanted, and clearly not enough to win. I think it came out pretty fair-although she didn''t get everything she wanted, it was definitely skewed in her favor, but how could it not be with the entire situation? Also, her right hand peon dude (Harold Ickes-yes you say it ickys) threatened to take it to credentials committee in Denver-I think it''s at the end of the summer?

Anyway, the end result is that Clinton supporters cited unity in choosing the votes that they did, and I was impressed with their integrity. Another thing is that she would have to win over 3/4 of the superdelegates, which is NOT likely to happen. At the end everyone was pretty much saying that it is over today, and that it will be officially over June 3rd, I''m thinking because the superdelegates that haven''t declared anything today have promised to make an official decision by then or something like that.

Link to a CNN article about it

Freke''s Not So Daily Delegate Count:

2,118 needed to win

Total: 2,051
Super: 327

Total: 1,877
Super: 291

Obama is now 67 delegates away from the nomination.
Clinton is now 241 delegates away from the nomination.
That is a difference of 174 delegates with Obama leading.

(Can she please declare it over soon? I''m so sick of this!!!)
Date: 5/31/2008 11:09:01 PM
Author: FrekeChild
Did anyone watch the coverage of the DNC today??

If you didn''t, Hillary''s supporters who were spectators made her look really really bad, screaming and chanting and interrupting all of the DNC members-no matter what they were saying, or who they were supporting. The disrespect was appalling. I was absolutely disgusted with their behavior.

The outcome is pretty complicated, so I''m not really going to go there, but I think Hillary mostly got her way, except all of her supporters are POed because she didn''t get EVERYTHING like she wanted, and clearly not enough to win. I think it came out pretty fair-although she didn''t get everything she wanted, it was definitely skewed in her favor, but how could it not be with the entire situation? Also, her right hand peon dude (Harold Ickes-yes you say it ickys) threatened to take it to credentials committee in Denver-I think it''s at the end of the summer?

Anyway, the end result is that Clinton supporters cited unity in choosing the votes that they did, and I was impressed with their integrity. Another thing is that she would have to win over 3/4 of the superdelegates, which is NOT likely to happen. At the end everyone was pretty much saying that it is over today, and that it will be officially over June 3rd, I''m thinking because the superdelegates that haven''t declared anything today have promised to make an official decision by then or something like that.

Link to a CNN article about it

Freke''s Not So Daily Delegate Count:

2,118 needed to win

Total: 2,051
Super: 327

Total: 1,877
Super: 291

Obama is now 67 delegates away from the nomination.
Clinton is now 241 delegates away from the nomination.
That is a difference of 174 delegates with Obama leading.

(Can she please declare it over soon? I''m so sick of this!!!)
Word, Freke. I can hardly stand to pay attention to this anymore. It just rankles me too much and I''ve got other things that need fretting about. In my eyes, Hillary Clinton has burned every single bridge she may have had. Her attitude and behavior are beyond the pale.
Sheesh, I leave for a two-day retreat and I come back to an entire shift on the front page and a burning Universal Studios.

I didn''t have the patience to read the news, so I came to this thread first.

Thank you Freke for never dissapointing. It''s good to know that Hillary didn''t get away with whatever it was I was imagining in my mind that she might have gotten. Now, maybe I will go read.
I aim to please in baking knowledge, shoe buying, and political news. But that''s about it. Lol.

Freke''s Not So Daily Delegate Count:

2,118 needed to win

Total: 2,070
Super: 329

Total: 1,915
Super: 291

Obama is now 48 delegates away from the nomination.
Clinton is now 203 delegates away from the nomination.
That is a difference of 155 delegates with Obama leading.

The difference has gone down since yesterday, due to Hillary''s huge win in Puerto Rico, however Obama is ahead in the polls for Montana and South Dakota.

(I hope she knows that this is over, it''s just a matter of time and superdelegates. While she''s gained on him recently, it is highly unlikely that she will be able to gain enough superdelegates to overtake him and beat him to the nomination.)
This is why I think their whole process is insanity. There is still no nominee, and now they are changing the perameters. Mathematically before the change, NEITHER could get to 2025 with the numbers, and it is just nutty to me that the Dems could not come up with a better system.
Technically with the superdelegates either of them could have won before the numbers changed. I completely agree with you. The Dem's need to do something about it. After this term, I think (hope) they'll do something to help fix it. As a first step, I think that getting rid of the superdelegates would be great.


Seriously. What a F%&*!%& mess.
In the end, the vote is going to be very very close. One will win, and one will lose. The loser will fee like they were cheated. The winner will want to unite and move to to face McCain.

The supporters on each side have put so much into the race that the hard feelings are impossible to gloss over. It can''t be avoided - when it''s almost a tie it makes the losing that much more difficult.

Heck, people are still crying and making movies about the 2000 election, and that was eight years ago. The Dems will need to let this grudge go much more quickly and get on with the business of winning on a national stage. I don''t know if they can do it. Especially if Hillary ends up with a dead heat in the popular vote totals. The Superdelegates have been falling Obama''s way in order to bring order to the process, but now Hillary has gained back some momentum and I bet they are re-thinking their positions.

That said, giving half votes to MI and FL is absurd. What a mess.
That would be me!!

I''m going to go read now...
I am so fed up with Hilary and her supporters...she has gone from being someone I respected to acting like a petulant child. ("But mommy, I wanted to be the president!") Her supporters keep playing the "she has the popular vote" card without counting caucus states and counting the primaries that she herself said wouldn''t matter. I mean, Obama wasn''t even on one of the ballots for goodness sake.

I am disgusted with the Clinton political machine. In a way, it saddens me. I liked Bill Clinton as president. I would have happily supported Hilary several months ago. However, her actions over the past few months have changed my mind. If she''s the nominee, I''ll vote for her, but while holding my nose and mourning the loss of a chance to take back the White House.
I hear you Pirate!! I mean Lady Pirate.

What confuses me, is the people in the "If Hillary doesn''t win, I am not voting" camp! HUH????

That''s an intelligent position...NOT!
Freke''s Not So Daily Delegate Count:

2,118 needed to win

Total: 2,076
Super: 335

Total: 1,917
Super: 293

Obama is now 42 delegates away from the nomination.
Clinton is now 201 delegates away from the nomination.
That is a difference of 159 delegates with Obama leading and increasing his lead by 4 since yesterday.

(I don''t think Puerto Rico made any difference. I keep hearing about how South Dakota is leaning towards Hillary, and at this point, I really don''t think it makes any difference at all. Did you guys read the Vanity Fair article? Juicy. Also, do you think it''ll all be over tomorrow like the CNN people are predicting? Particularly Jeffrey Toobin...)

Agreed to the last punctuation marks LP and miracles. Hear hear!!!
Does anyone ever give much thought to Hillary and her "popular vote" theory? For one, popular vote don't mean $h!t when push comes to shove. And really, the only way she can even come close to justifying there was a point to her staying in this long is by getting delegate votes. So, Every time I hear the news on her popular votes I start singing to myself....

when i see depressing creatures,
with unprepossessing features,
i remind them on their own behalf
to - think - of
celebrated heads of state,
or specially great communicators!
did they have brains or knowledge?
don't make me laugh!
they were POPULAR!
please! it's all about popular.
it's not about aptitude,
it's the way you're viewed,
so it's very shrewd to be,
very very popular like ME!

la la, la la!
you'll be popular!
just not quite as popular as ME!

(from 'Wicked')
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