
The All New Ladies-In-Waiting Club!

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hello darlings

just got into work and had to write IMMEDIATELY.

Thanks girls for the kind words and encouragement but I feel terrible for what I wrote last night. It was just a moment of ''blueness'' and I feel really rotten because I''ve been watching all those poor souls who have lost everything (one woman couldn''t even locate one of her ELEVEN children) in that tsunami ...........
god, what is my problem ???

I have NOTHING to complain about at all. My sister is healthy and finally pregnant and it''s the most wonderful thing (but I did feel that way, for her, anyway - it was just me I felt sorry for).
I have a phenomenal man in my life who loves me more than I could ever have hoped for. All of those I love and care for are well and happy and wanting of nothing (in the sense of real need).

Congrats to all the newly-engaged !!! it''s wonderful news, enjoy every minute !
I know I will when my turn comes.

As for dresses, I''m hoping my now-expectant sister will make mine (and the bridesmaid ones, though now I''m not sure if she''ll be as able, depending on how she feels). I want something incredibly simple and haven''t really any idea yet of what it will look like. I haven''t decided about a veil.

Thanks for letting me vent yesterday; sorry again.

*hugs* ladies
I love bling:

I have no idea how to upload photos on here...but there's a link to what my ring looks like about 10 posts up. I love it! klr
Okay!! There are a good number of us girls who still post on this thread, even though we are no longer Ladys-In-Waiting

So.. here is... hopefully accurate.. a list of the

Ladyies-In-waiting (or Anxious to get the E-ring) Alumni!!

Audrey Hepburn

Some of us are still active, others not, but I believe all these girls have waited for their e-ring... but are now happy fiancees! (or in some cases wives!)
Rfath - I love your gown! Its simple and classic, and the sash adds just enough detail. And I adore all the little buttons up the back. I hate when they have the models sitting down though. Why do they do that?

As for my gown.. I am so excited.. I''m like jumping up and down inside.. Its so perfect.. And the veil I found.. is gorgeous.. I''m glad that I found it too. The ladies at the bridal shop kept putting this elbow length veil with beaded edges on me.. and I was like.. ehhh.. can I see something LONGER? so they give me a fingertip length veil.. which was BETTER, but then I just walked over and got like a waltz length veil.. cuz it was the longest thing I saw.. well that didn''t go with the train at all.. so the lady was like.. "you''d either need a short veil or a cathedral length" BINGO. The one cathedral veil they had was awful.. but the one i am getting they had just gotten in and they had it on a mannequin in the front.. so they brought it to me, and it was just PERFECT. Of course I cant find a picture of it online.. and I can''t even really begin to describe it. Its like two layers.. but the top layer is really just the bottom layer folded over, and the edges are like scalloped with a little lacy design.. and there are crystals scattered all over it.. and it looks PERFECT over the back of my dress.. I am waiting.. VERY impatiently for my FSIL to send me pictures that she took of me in the gown! The place has signs all over that says "No photos!" but she diddn''t know that,so she brought her camera and she asked if she could take a picture.. and the lady was like.. "you''re not really supposed to but you can go ahead." So she has three really good pictures (A GREAT one of the back). But they are on her digital.. so I have to wait for her to send them to me. Hopefully by tonight when I get home from work she will have sent them.. I can''t wait!

I''m SOOOO excited!
Hi everyone!!! I''m a regular "reader", and post occasionally with questions....but I''ve never offically introduced myself. My BF and I have been discussing marriage and the proposal for many months now, and a while back I started searching the internet for e-ring ideas. I am so fortunate to have found this site!!! You have all been such an enormous help -- THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!

I started out as a hard-core asscher fanatic, but my BF and I both became incredibly frustrated with the scarcity of good quality generics -- and the royals are so expensive, especially for a diamond that looks smaller than it''s carat weight. Also, the more I looked at diamonds, the more I realized that my preference remains with the old-looking diamonds like my grandmother used to our search slowly began steering towards a cushion cut. We looked at several online and at B&M''s -- and even went down to the Mart in Atlanta.....but again we became frustrated with the extreme variations in quality -- and the inability to gauge a diamond''s beauty and fire from the numbers. I knew I wanted a cushion -- but I wanted one that looked old -- with larger facets,. We have seen several antique cushions that are just beautiful......the only problem being that with the antique diamonds you typically get lots of color and a really large culet.

I finally took the advice of MANY pricescope posters and contacted Mark with engagementringsdirect -- and you guys were so right. He understood exactly what I wanted after one conversation -- and of course informed me that what I wanted would not be easy to find. I was still SO relieved -- because I had already dealt with one person after another try to convince me that I would never find what I wanted, so I should just give up and choose something else. Anyway, I''m glad I didn''t listen to them because after some digging around MARK found a diamond in my BF''s budget that he thought fit my description. Apparently he knows a cutter who often cuts new stones in the fashion of the older ones -- with the larger facets.....and this cutter had ONE DIAMOND that fit into our budget. He shipped that sucker to an appraiser down here in Atlanta, and last week I had my first peek at it. It was perfect!

So now for the big news -- my amazing sweet fabulous BF BOUGHT THE DIAMOND!!!!!!! Not sure why he told me, but he did -- and I am THRILLED!!!!! It is so perfect for me! Now I''m an offical "Lady-In-Waiting"! I guess I already WAS, but now it FEELS real! Who knows how long it will be before I see it again -- it could be a week, or a month, or a year -- who knows! I don''t care -- I just know that I am so lucky to have my wonderful BF -- diamond or no diamond! :)

I owe you all a big big thank you -- for all of your help, and for sharing as much as you do. I have learned SO MUCH - and not just about diamonds..... thanks thanks thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, and I''m posting two pics of the diamond. The pictures definitely do not do the stone justice (do they ever?), and they also show the stone in a setting -- not mine, just one that it was set in at Mark''s. When I "visited" it in Atlanta, it was loose. SO beautiful!!!!!!!!! well, to me anyway -- I know it''s not the typical modern beauty -- but it''s exactly what I wanted!

Ok -- just tried to post the pics, but it''s not working this time.....I''ll try again in a sec...

bummer. I''m trying to upload the pictures and I keep getting this message: "An error occurred uploading a file: file name bad or non-existent or file with same name already exists and overwrite disabled"

any ideas? I''ve uploaded pics before without any problem.....Ugh!
I haven''t been posting since my proposal, but I''m still addicted to reading the forum!!!!! Congrats to all the ladies who became alumni!!!! For all the others still waiting, hope it comes at the moment you are hoping for it to come and good luck!!!

Melissa - I had nightmares about my gown last night. It suddenly turned into a giant floofy pink ballgown . I actually came across an advertisement in one of the bridal mags for the dress, but I also HATE the stupid sitting, sprawling poses. Guess that''s why I never noticed it.

Can''t wait to see pics of your dress and veil!

On my way to check out your threads and all the wonderful pictures!!!

Date: 12/28/2004 9:49:26 AM
Author: SJS1234
bummer. I''m trying to upload the pictures and I keep getting this message: ''An error occurred uploading a file: file name bad or non-existent or file with same name already exists and overwrite disabled''

any ideas? I''ve uploaded pics before without any problem.....Ugh!
Make sure the pic has a unique name (I usually add a couple random numbers at the end) and that the file isnt too big. Also Golden Girl posted some instructions of how to post pics on the first page of this thread.
Yay for MelissaSue! We really should have our own forum....LEONID!!...

Okay, so, revised Ladies-In-Waiting list to accomodate the Alumni list (and our new arrival!)!

Dodger Gurl

So far in the PS pool, we have 4.5 proposals! :) [persistent, JCJD, Brocksgirl24, yanekie25, & tlmd!]
Yay Melissa!!!!!!!!!!! That one has always been my favorite for you!!! I''m so glad you found THE ONE and a gorgeous veil too!! I can''t wait to see your pictures!!

SJS - Congratulations!! If I ever set out for a cushion, I''m SO going to Mark!
RE picture posting: You''re getting that error because there is another picture posted on this site with the same name. Try renaming it (maybe insert a string of numbers at the end of the file name) and try posting again. Also, make sure it''s an approved file type (.gif, .jpg, .pdf, etc) and it should work. Good luck!!

rfath - The night I got my ring, I had this nightmare - I woke up the next morning and one of the prongs had broken off sometime in the night, but the diamond was still in it. I went to work to show off the ring, and as I was walking down the hallway, the diamond popped out of my ring and skidded across the floor! I woke up in a flash and thoroughly inspected my ring at 3 am, to my cat''s dismay.

About the pic posting... the first page of this thread has instructions for posting pics. But, your problem is probably that the file needs to be renamed. (There's probably already a pic uploaded to Pricescope with that same name, so give it a weird name, like, ringku864fh.jpg.)

CONGRATS on finding your stone!! Cushions are hard enough to find, anyway, so to find one that fit both your requirements and your budget....WOWEE I bet you're just dancing with joy!! ...get that puppy renamed so I can oogle it!!

MS, ooooooohhhhh so you picked your dress!!! Must have pics!!! :p

rfath: lol@ your dream!! I have weird dreams like that too, all too often! You're not alone! (And I promise your dress is still beautiful!)

Okay, guys, now you're making me get dress-envy.
I can't even go try on until I get asked, sigh. And my mom wants to make it, but I'm starting to lose faith in her abilities!!...I mean, what if it's not perfect?!?!?!
I read a funny bridal novel and the main character ends up wearing her mom's old wedding dress and she just HATES it. What if my mom totally botches it and I have to pretend to love it??? (Of course she won't, but WHAT IF?!?!?)
Okay, guys, now you''re making me get dress-envy.
I can''t even go try on until I get asked, sigh. And my mom wants to make it, but I''m starting to lose faith in her abilities!!...I mean, what if it''s not perfect?!?!?!
I read a funny bridal novel and the main character ends up wearing her mom''s old wedding dress and she just HATES it. What if my mom totally botches it and I have to pretend to love it??? (Of course she won''t, but WHAT IF?!?!?)
1. there is such a thing as a bridal novel? lol!!!

2. your mum must be confident in her abilities or she would not have offered, she wants to do something really nice for you, she knows how important it is, so she will do a great job, don''t worry

3. plus I reckon your mum will remember what she was like, so I don''t think she will be too offended if you are honest with her

4. ***shameless plug alert*** lol, please help me out!
Date: 12/28/2004 9:24:36 AM
Author: MelissaSue
Okay!! There are a good number of us girls who still post on this thread, even though we are no longer Ladys-In-Waiting

So.. here is... hopefully accurate.. a list of the

Ladyies-In-waiting (or Anxious to get the E-ring) Alumni!!

Audrey Hepburn

Some of us are still active, others not, but I believe all these girls have waited for their e-ring... but are now happy fiancees! (or in some cases wives!)
It sure is good to see my name on THIS list. I am so thrilled to see all of you had gotten your e-ring and enjoying it. Sad to report... My e-ring still isn''t completed. THE center stone hasn''t been found yet and wedding is in 5 months.
As we speak we are anxiously waiting for a "rock" to arrive tomorrow. I hope this is THE one.

I have not been on PS for a while b/c i just couldn''t torture myself any more. But i''m doing much better now that i know we have hopes again.
Ladies.... cross your fingers and toes for me.......
aha! i renamed the file, and here it is (hope it attaches!)..... Again, it''s just the stone, not the setting...

And here''s the front view.....


oh mmmmmy you guys are so hard to keep up with!

yanekie25- congrats...!! LOVE your cushion, it''s stunning. (it''s so final, i definitely want a cushion for my e-ring!!)

this is the first i''ve heard of heart prongs but they are sooo pretty! i reeeeally like them.. hmm

tlmd- congrats to you as well! can''t wait to see your beauty :-)

Croí - try not to worry too much.. we just KNOW it''s coming soon!

as for me, i knew i wasn''t getting my e-ring just yet... we''re still saving money for that baby. but what i DID get, is something that is even more special to me than my e-ring, believe it or not! and it sure is sparkly and beautiful too!

my bf was really close with his grandmother growing up, and she died about 7 years ago. and his grandfather always used to call his gram "my number 1"... and my boy calls me that all of the time, only i never really knew why. so, i guess ~50 years ago, his grandfather designed a necklace at tiffany''s (yay!) for her, and she left it to my bf when she died (to give to whomever he married). and he gave it to me for christmas!!! it''s almost like a promise pendant! it''s 10 diamonds, set into glass that form a " 1 ." the diamonds look to be "floating" in the glass, and it is outlined in gold. it''s sooo pretty and sweet! i cannot imagine anything more special or sweet. i was just completely floored, and it was definitely the talk of my family all day! and it has kind of made me realize too that there''s no real rush to get the e-ring. i''m HAPPY as can be right now, and why would i want to wish this time away? i''m happy and in love, at the very beginning of a career that i know i will love forever.... i have no room to complain! (minus that large amount of studying med school requires hehehe)... but i don''t think i will ever receive another gift that will top this one (other than our future children!)

have i mentioned that i LOVE christmas?!
hey icekid

what a FANTASTIC gift - wow !! congrats !

I feel likewise in many ways, so blessed and lucky ; especially these last two days when I turn on TV and see the incredible loss and devastation in Asia. So, so sad.

I see my sweetie and how GOOD a person he is and think of how lucky I am to be sharing my life with him, ring or no ring ......... and then I think to myself, I''m going to marry this man - and I just need to pinch myself !!

and I''m going to be an auntie again !! woohooo ! my other sis has two boys so I think this one will have the first girl - so cute.

can''t wait to see her in January when I finally get to go home !

catch you all tomorrow
icekid: the pendant sounds so need to post a picture of it. What a great gift...a family heirloom with real sentimental value.

Several people at my office have asked what I got for Christmas and looked at my hand...nothing least my boss quit asking me a long time ago. Its like if I were engaged the whole world would know b/c I wouldn''t be able to shut up about it.

Oh and here is the pic that I had trouble posting the other day (I think my popup blocker was having issues). I also forgot to mention that there are azalea bushes lining the front of the property, so to get married in March when they are in bloom would be really neat b/c they are so pretty...

SJS - is that an OMC or Rose cut?

icekid - I second needing to see pictures of this pendant!
Date: 12/28/2004 4:26:52 PM
Author: njc
SJS - is that an OMC or Rose cut?

icekid - I second needing to see pictures of this pendant!
njc -- it''s actually a square cushion (well, looks square in person) -- and it''s not an antique, believe it or not! I thought it looked a lot like an old european cut when I first saw the pictures, but in person you can see that it''s much less "round". Doesn''t it look old (and lovely) in the pics?!?!? funny how the prongs make it seem round -- similar to an OMC or Rose Cut, like you said! I can''t wait til I have the real thing and can post better pics! The great thing is that it has those wonderful large facets but it''s SO WHITE, technically and "F", unlike most antique stones. AND, according to GIA the culet is medium but you can''t see it without looking under the microscope. man o man -- and I couldn''t see a single inclusion either -- though I know they are there somewhere, because it''s a VS1.

icekid -- DEFINITELY POST PICTURES!!!! I love your story, and your BF is SO sweet!!!!
SJS, I think your stone looks just fabulous.
It really has a special charm in addition to its brilliance & beauty. Can''t wait to see it on YOU!
SJS - I LOVE LOVE LOVE the chunky facets!!!!!! And you''re right, there''s no visible culet. OK, all the cushion ladies on PS have convinced me - When I graduate from my PhD, I''m congratulating myself with a cushion RHR! I can''t wait!

icekid - I would have bawled my eyes out!!! You are so loved and lucky, and so grounded too! You absolutely know what''s important in life - Enjoy it! And post pictures!!

Croi - My 14-year old brother has been asking me for a niece or nephew since he was about 10! Poor kid, unless we get a big "surprise," it''ll probably be at least 5 years before babies enter the picture for us. Congratulations on being an aunt again!! I work with a lady who''s about 7 months pregnant right now. She''s still really active and fairly comfortable, although she''s also got days when baby is sitting on her bladder or something equally annoying. Since it''s your sis''s first pregnancy, it''ll be hard to predict how she''s feeling at the time of your wedding, but there''s a fairly good chance she''ll be happy and glowing - Perfect for her sister''s wedding day!!!
gg.. I so wanted my mom to make my dress as well, but she was starting to get stressed about getting her machine fixed, doing a good job on it (I got my anal perfectionist tendencies from her), finding the right fabric, etc. etc. that I decided that I didn''t want her to stress so much about something that''s supposed to be joyful.

I''m disappointed, but I think it''s better for us and our situation. She''s already had one stress-induced heart attack. I can''t be giving her another! I will force her to make the alterations, though.

And there''s nothing keeping you from trying on dresses at ALL! Just say you don''t have a date set really should get an idea of the styles and fabrics that feel ''right'' to you. It can take a while!

SJS - wow. Absolutely wonderful! Great job!

icekid.. pictures! Please! That''s so sweet! My grandmother commented when she saw the ring ''so you''re really going to go through with it, huh?'' lol.. she''s just loony sometimes.
MelissaSue... you are buying the dress I was SURE I wanted! I saw it on a girl on and tracked it down, finally to realize that althought it is breathtaking and absolutely perfect ***especially with a cathedral length veil*** our wedding is more informal than that dress deserves. If I was getting married anywhere other than a garden... it would have been mine for sure! Sigh!! You MUST post pics.

(Edited to add: I am actually buying the Mori Lee informal one with the bow at the waist, instead. We are dress twins at heart)
sjs--wow, what a lovely stone!! I love the fan-shaped arrows from the front view... unique and very, very nice!!

icekid... c''mon, now, you KNOW we''re gonna require pics of that necklace, it sounds amazing!!

Okay, will somebody tell me what''s going on in Asia? All I''ve heard about is one person griping about how America doesn''t care about tragedy unless it happens at home, and now you mention cryptically this "thing in Asia". So could somebody fill me in?? What happened??

appletini, I know what you mean.... for the last month, EVERY time I saw my one boss he asks if I think I''m going to get a ring for Christmas. I keep telling him no, but he KEEPS ASKING.

rfath--nah, the dress-trying-on thing is my own hangup. I''m too superstitious to try on dresses when I''m not engaged.
The only thing that worries me about my mom making my dress is, she''s probably going to have to do it without a pattern (unless I find a pattern I love, doubtful) and she has little-to-no experience with that. I wish I could pay somebody to make the pattern and then let her make it, I know she''d do a kickazz job if I could do it that way...
SJS: I love your you''ve got me trying to decide between a RB and cushion. Perhaps I can look at some cushions on Thurs when I go ring shopping with the BF.
GG, there was a 9.0 earthquake deep under the ocean near Sumatra on Sunday which triggered massive tsunamis which struck at least 12 countries over thousands of far at least 35,000 are dead but it will probably be double that. Sri Lanka and Indonesia seem to have been hit hardest, but it was all over the Indian Ocean. Could be the worst cataclysmic event like this in the last 100 years.

Heart Prong

Beautiful stone. What type of setting are you thinking about doing for it.
Date: 12/28/2004 8
4:51 PM
Author: blueroses
GG, there was a 9.0 earthquake deep under the ocean near Sumatra on Sunday which triggered massive tsunamis which struck at least 12 countries over thousands of far at least 35,000 are dead but it will probably be double that. Sri Lanka and Indonesia seem to have been hit hardest, but it was all over the Indian Ocean. Could be the worst cataclysmic event like this in the last 100 years.


Oh, that''s awful!!
Are there any relief efforts currently in place?
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