
The All New Ladies-In-Waiting Club!

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njc - yup, i thought..oh the design is way to busy and overdone ...i want something simple...but the moment it slid onto my finger i was MESMERIZED. oh that ring you posted is GORGEOUS!!! sooooo it a tacori? i can't wait to see your ring!!!!!

melissa - i am soo conflicted! i can't stop thinking about the tacori and how i shouldn't like it and how i may not like it later cuz its sooo differnt from what i usually like, etc...etc...etc... The original ring i thought i wanted looks alot like your ring...and i still love it! i love how graceful the lines are on the trellis/truffle style settings, intricate but simple but elegant all at the same time. AARGH! deep're right...the soln is to wait a few days...visit ALL my rings aain and agian and again
until i get sick of all of them except one. oh and i loooove your dresses....i'm not a huge lace fan (or so i think...but this setting issue has me confused on what i like and don't like
) but i've always loooved the melissa sweet...the profile of that dress is STUNNING. did you decide ont the ms or the mall dress (also GORGEOUS!) and wwho makes it again? i can't wait until i'm in your shoes...ring on my dresses on my mind! btw...when in 2006 are you planning to get married...i'm hoping for 2006 also!

I thought of you when I saw this. You said that you like simple styles but that you were mesmerized by the Tacori, but that you would be concerned that you would like it later... Anyway, I saw this setting and thought that it was somewhere in the middle of where you want to be...simple..but not really...
Okay..well it wouldn''t here is the ring!
ginger, I know your pain....I got on this site thinking "Pave? Can you say OVERKILL??" and now look at my ideal ring, lol!!
Initially I liked solitaires and three-stones, no pave, no engraving, and for pete''s sake no fancy-schmancy details that nobody really cares about like, phhhhbt, PRONG stuff.
LMAO!! And now I am OBSESSED with heart prongs, and I love intricate baskets and pave halos and am ANAL about the way the shank curves to meet the head....oh, poor Kyle!!

And I TOTALLY know what you mean about that ring making you catch your breath...that''s what I get every time I track down a picture of My Preciousssss.....I thought I was the only one!

And yeah, isn''t it weird people think differently about an engaged couple living together vs. "just" a dating couple? That''s why Kyle wasn''t going to tell his mom until he''d popped the Q, because he knew it would make a difference. Whatever, I am DYING for the day I can call him my "fiance"!!
Please add me to the list! Just another gal turned into a ring/hand stalker/ho by Pricescope!!
Welcome dodger gurl! We''re all ring-ho''s around here, so you''re in good company!
How bout a quick bio? Your ages, how long you''ve been together, when you think you might be getting the ring and of course, what styles you''re coveting most at the moment??
Date: 11/22/2004 7:32:30 PM
Author: goldengirl
Welcome dodger gurl! We''re all ring-ho''s around here, so you''re in good company!
How bout a quick bio? Your ages, how long you''ve been together, when you think you might be getting the ring and of course, what styles you''re coveting most at the moment??
Good idea- it would be cool if everyone posted a little bio as an introduction
Wow, this thread is exploding!! I can''t believe all the new people and posts over the weekend!

CONGRATS JCJD!!! You must be soooooo excited
I can''t wait to see your Walmart ring
I am so happy for you, this has been such a long time coming

Welcome to all the new girls, this thread was so great when I was in the pre-e psychotic haze. Trust me, it passes
Hi ladies...and welcome Dodger Gurl!

Fortheloveofdiamonds, that is a STUNNING ring--and you''re right, it''s kind of 1/2 way between the two possibilities. GingerBCookie, what do you think?

Well as I mentioned earlier, I spent a good chunk of my day at a free not-so-secret U2 concert by the Brooklyn Bridge after they''d spent the day tooling around Manhattan playing live on a flatbed truck. I hadn''t seen them live in 12 years--was a CRAZED fan back in the 80s and 90s--and it was SO exhiliarating and incredible. And frankly, nice to get excited about something other than e-rings (and whether I''m ever in my lifetime going to get one
) for once.....

(....although I have to confess that, even 15 yards from the stage, in a crowd of thousands hearing the most amazing band in the world ROCKING against the New York skyline....I STILL was an e-ring left hand stalker/ho!!...before the show started, I saw a lovely, sparkly white RB six-prong set in platinum on a girl near me and had to stop myself from asking about it. And I was stalking the band''s hands too! Like, hmm...Bono''s wearing a pinkie ring, but Edge has on a wedding band. Huh, Adam does too, is he married? It''s a SICKNESS, people!!!)
OK- since my bio is on the old thread, here is an abreviated one so we can all get re-acquainted:

Me: Jen, 34 years old, never been married, live in the SF bay area (Palo Alto)
Him: T, 31 years old, never been married, lives in SF bay area (San Mateo)

Met: on
, first e-mail received from him 10/17/02, first date 10/31/02, knew I was in love and he was ''the one''...4/03.

We have just had our 2 year dating anniversary, things are going really well. I have been ready for ''the ring'' since about our 1 year dating-versary, he has taken a bit longer. I think I just had more life experience to draw on to know that he''s the one, plus I am more if a follow my heart person while he is more analytical (finance person, just the facts ma''am). So, we have been talking marriage, kids, forever future for the last year, and he is really seemign like he has embraced the whole idea.

His family is much more conservative than mine (not hard to do as I am the child of pseudo hippies, my mom and step dad have never gotten married, but have lived together for 28 years) and are pretty observant catholic. My FH is not so observant, but I think years of catholic school have ingrained the guilt he has been wishy washy up until now about me moving in- living in sin as it were. Now he is totally embracing my moving in on Jan 15th, so I truly believe that a proposal will come before I move in, as it will seem much more acceptable to his peeps. Plus we have a vacation planned for Feb to Hawaii, and he had said when we made those reservations in June, that we would be ''more than dating'' at the time we go on that vacation.

So, any time in the next 3 months is a possibility (well anytime is a possibility I guess), but I am thinking 2 months is a strong possibility. I am hoping it happens without a ring, but again, hard to say. I would like to pick out the ring with him, but tradition may stand in my way.

Untraditional girl + traditional guy= total role reversal. I would like to elope, he wants a wedding. I could care less about the parties and presents, he wants the full shebang.
jenwill, your parents are like on Dharma and Greg! I love that you guys have such different backgrounds but still work together so well.

I think most of my "bio" has probably been played out on this new thread too since I''ve been kvetching all weekend! Long story boring:

Me: 30, never married, live in NYC (his hometown)
Him: 31, never married, lives in San Diego (my hometown)

Together 8 years, the current long distance has been for around a year, but we were together before that--and see each other quite often. (He flies here tomorrow at 6am.) I''ve known he was "the one" kind of since the very beginning--but we were so young that it was always an off-in the future thing. I''ve been feeling ready for almost a year, but in earnest since March. Wish I''d had PS then!
O M G!

I have never before realized it, but we are EXACTLY like Dharma and Greg. Parents- check. Personalities- check. Married on first date- ok, maybe that is where we differ, but, ...

Scary- I am kooky free-wheeling, love the world and it loves you back. He is very traditional, works in banking, little bit sceptical of ulterior motives of others...
but I loosen him up, he keeps me from going over the deep end of wackiness.

Thank you for pointing that out, I am now going to tell our friends-in-common and they are going to HOWL!
So cute!!! I''m glad that it fits...I really liked that show and I love getting a better impression of you and your honey too

(And remind me, did you show him that screensaver?)
The Smeagol/Golum screensaver wasn''t mine....but I did steal it to put on his desktop! I just grabbed the golum avatar becaseu that day I was feeling particularly obsessive!
for the loveofdiamonds. That Michael B is the ring that Kaya got. She was one of the earlier ladies in wating! Its beautiful. I think Ginger should get the Tacori though
If thats what she wants.. of course.. Or.. something completely different

This is Kaya's ring


Ginger - the dress I put the deposit on is the one I saw in the Mall. The MelissaSweet is just not realistic, and there is no where nearby for me to see it in real life, and as I mentioned, it looks sort of blah on anyone except that little twig model. The other one is made by Forever Bridals or Forever Yours, from their Now and Forever Couture collection. Its so pretty. I found a picture of it from someone on the knot.. I'll attach it, because it really shows how pretty it is, unlike their stinky picture of it with thier giant boobed model.

MelissaSue, that''s suich a great picture of the really shows so much more than the other one. I LOVE it!! I haven''t decided if I''m going to wear my mother''s dress--I may--but if I do, it''s got lace as well. You will be a stunning bride!!
Hi everyone!

I''m so glad they started this thread so I won''t have to lurk anymore!

Me: 24 years old, live in montreal, Canada
Him: 26 years old also live in montreal

Been together for 8.5 yrs. He wants to get married (was going to propose this summer) but I wasn''t ready so had my brother tell him it wasn''t the right time. I want to wait until I''m firmly settled into med school before getting engaged. I think the 10 year anniversary would be nice! That being said I LOVE engagement rings/stories so here I am.

Blueroses: It is a sickness but it sure is a nice way to go! So who wanted the Tacori rosebud? I LOVE that too. It''s so nice. I was afraid of what the price (on just the setting would be) so I''ve cut that little dream out of my heart
. I can''t imagine a long distance relationship, it must be so hard, but it would show you the strength of the relationship wouldn''t it?

Jenwill: well you do sound like Dharma and greg! ELOPE? Well I''m sure your banker boyfriend (he does sound very conservative) will make you have the biggest wedding ever. You seem to have many possible proposal times..jeez Hawaii! That would be very romantic. I wish I could go! The big chill will be upon Montreal in few weeks.

Ginger - that ring is a Tacori... they have several that are detailed, but not so over the top. Like there is a style similar to my ring with pave in the band. Of course i cant find any really good pictures. But browsing through their site style #10992 in the Ladybug collection caught my eye. You would like pear sides right? The ones pictured are trillions, but im sure you could get pears if you wanted them. Im pretty sure tacori is good about making changes like that. And i love the michael b lace that Kaya got and forthelove mentioned.

Welcome Dodger Gurl! Aint no shame in bein'' a ring ho.


My quick bio that is buried on the other thread...

Me: 25, never married, NoVa/DC area
Him: 25, never married, NoVa/DC area

Met: Freshman year at college. We were part of a mutual group of friends, started dating. Summer came and we stopped, but kept in touch, seeing each other every once in a while. Junior year his car broke down and i lived right down the street. As a thank you he took me out to dinner. A few beers later, he confessed that he missed me and wanted to start dating again and the rest is history! We moved home after graduation for a year (3 states away from each other) and then moved to DC so we could be together.

*HE* was the one to start talking about marriage after about 6 mos. I started hoping for my ring at graduation (May ''02)... but instead watched friends getting them left and right. We first started looking at rings this time last year. Was hoping for it all spring and summer. REALLY thought my b-day in October would bring it, but he decided to go to the jewelry store the day before and of course they had to send it out for the setting to be made and stone mounted... fast forward to last friday, he has the ring and it is in our apartment... so any day now!


Good morning ladies.

Okay, here goes nothing

Me: 26, NYC metro
Him: 25, NYC metro

Met freshman year, but I don''t remember but we must have since we are in the same circle of friends. Lived in the same dorm sophomore year. Did the flirt thing, but I was dating someone, so it ended. Senior year, we got up the nerve to actually date and the rest is history. He proposed on Oct. 24th (it''s a secret) and now I am waiting on the ring and the official surprise.
MelissaSue - I love that dress. The lace is so elegant and timeless. The Melissa Sweet gown is beautiful too, but I can imagine that it would only suit a certain body type (that most normal women don''t have).

Me: 28 - never married - live in SF
Him: 31 - never married - live in SF

We met on a girl''s night out. He''s a wine and beverage manager for a number of restaurants and likes to wait tables in the beginning to get a feel for the clientele. He was my server that night and wouldn''t leave me alone until I gave him my number. Getting engaged is the most impulsive thing I''ve ever done - we met only 3 months ago (I''m normally the most cautious/responsible person in the world). To balance out the impulsive nature of the decision, though, I insisted on a long engagement. We decided on the fancy Tiffany Legecy ring. Hopefully it''ll be on my finger soon - it was supposed to be there about half a dozen times already, but every time we go to pick it up, it''s still not there. Grrr.
YOu have excellent taste. That Melissa Sweet dress blew me away, but yes, the model could quite easily blow away as well. The lovely dress you put a deposit on looks amazing as well.
I am now unable to do anything but look at dresses (I guess the ring obsession turns to a dress obsession!)

Our wedding is going to be fairly casual, since we''re paying for it ourselves.

Quick bio:

Me:36 never married, but been in several long term relationships
HIM: 30, just a young pup!

We met playing ultimate frisbee in a league here in Atlanta. I was dating someone else, not interested at all in him, he was funny and nice, but really young with lots of long hair and a beard. Not a long hair fan at all!!
After breaking up with yucky old boyfriend, started hanging out in a group of good friends. He was part of that group. We would all get together to play games, have drinks and laugh a lot. He is super funny. My girl friends and I used to try to set him up with other girls.
He became one of my favorite people. We rode roller coasters together, hung out and laughed...then one night, after a few too many (yikes..) we kissed. Despite all his hair, I was suddenly attracted!

He''s cut it off now, and is cute as a button (bonus!) We dated almost 3 years before the proposal.
Here is the dress that I love...simple and elegant, like me (just kidding! I''m the biggest Klutz there is!)

I also kind of really like this dress from JCrew.

Hi girls!!!! I was busy this weekend too, gg. I work 3 different jobs, so that''ll keep a girl busy!!!! Wow, a lot went on this weekend. Here, and at my house.

Looks like next November for me girls. Dave and I had a huge talk this weekend about rings. I told you all before that I thought he was twitching about spending money on one. He had made some comment that I misinterpreted, and he is very very men all are. So we hadnt'' really discussed a timeline, or a spending guideline. He did notice that I put that huge cushion cut ring......which, by the way, I found a setting I like it in even more........will attach... My whole thing is this: I don''t wear any other jewellery.. I wear the same earrings all the time, except for your rare special occasion. I wear no other rings, and I don''t really covet a lot of expensive things. I have, however, since the age of about 9 when my Aunt Karen got a 1.5c ring, known that I do want one, fabulous piece of engagement ring. I want it to be different from everyone I know, and breathtaking. David said that he doesn''t mind giving that to me.........but that I will have to wait until we can afford it more. Currently I am paying off the horrid credit card that I ran up as a freshman in college, and I think that will be paid off by April. I am then, going to save up just over half the cost of the ring and give it to him, and he is going to finance the rest of it. I think that if I want an ultra fabulous ring, then I am more than willing to contribute towards it. It''s all the same to us anyway, because we have had a joint account for over a year now. So it''s looking like next November for the ring purchase. I am surprisingly feeling at ease with that because even though I will have to listen at least someone every day ask me "when the hell are you two getting married already?????" I know they will be absolutely speechless when they see that ring on my finger.

hang in there all!!! I really have a feeling that someone is going soon..............i really think its you, gg.



Those dresses are great...I am really going to have to look at J Crew...they seem a little bit more ''relaxed'', and that works for me big time!
Tybee, LOVE those dress styles, and Madarski, that ring is stunning with the cushion

Oh, and Tybee I have a soft spot for Atlanta b/c it''s where my BF and I met. I worked for the Olympics in 96 and he was working for NBC covering the games...we met b/c we were sitting next to each other on MARTA after closing ceremonies and started talking. We didn''t start dating until Oct. of that year, but we actually got to know each other by writing letters that led up to a seven hour phone call and then we went out again. Seems so bizarre now, but e-mail was really not that common then! In fact, I was just in a wedding there last month and was kind of frustrated that it didn''t happen...didn''t want to steal bridal thunder, but being back in the city we''d met would have been romantic.....BUT, I will just wait until the moment he chooses, I guess!
OMG! That is my dress!! (not yet, I am waiting for that too!)
GG, you forgot my name! I am also still waiting! The ring is supposedly "within five feet of this exact spot"... argh!!
fortheloveofdiamonds - LOL!! my friend who''s getting married in a few months has that exact ring and i OBSESSED over it forever cuz i loved it so much but am unwilling to mooch off a friend''s ring y''know? wow...amazing how you know me so well. i''m still toying with the idea of getting the lace wedding band though, since she didn''t, depending on the e-ring i get. if you see anymore that makes you think of me....send em my way! it seems like you got a good bullseye on what i like!

blu - i totally do the same now...and never before have i ever noticed jewelry on anyone!

melissa - oh that train is traffic stopping!!! and yeah...looks much better with outt he huge bazonkers all up in ur grill...heehee
ur dresses totally have me taking a look at lace dresses!

njc - ive been obsessively analyzing all the rings on the tacori webpage every chance i get....wondering if its the rght one vs another tacori is better vs. no tacori at all....i am soooo antsy to get back tot he jewelry stores and try em ALL on! unfortunately all the independant jewwelry store that have the better collections all close at six and i ever get out of work on time
i have to wait til the weekend!!! 5 long days away!!!

tybee - love both of those dresses! the first one reminds me of one of the alvina valentas...another friend who is also getting amrried ina few months has it and it is gorgeous! i didn''t know j.crew made wedding dresses. what''s the price range?

I think we should all refresh our bios (abbreviated version)...i for one have a hard time keeping ppls stories straight since we all come and go so quick (except me!

me: 26 (just turned!) - Houston, TX
him: 25 (will be 26 in a month) - Houston, TX

Met in college (freshman - calculus class)- him as a wannabe-electrical engineer, me as a pre-med, we became best friends, inseperable. Then one day, at the end of freshman yr, he kissed me and confessed to have been in love with me the whole time...and I realized then that I was in love also. So now we are still inseperable 6.5 yrs later. Parents starting to acclimate to the idea of an interracial relationship...and we are finally able to realistically think about getting married!
hi everybody and welcom to all the new ladies - i can''t believe how fast this thread is growing.
my bf got the ring today but i have to wait till the last week in dec. to get it!!!

here is a quick bio:
me - wendy, 36, lives in Wisconsin, never married
him - steve 50, lives in Fl, never married

we met on-line through a mutual friend in the first 3 months of 2003, we met for the first time in person November 13, 2003.
I am going to Florida Dec 27 - Jan 4, he will pop the ? then and i do know it will be in dec. i just don''t know when.

Goldengirl - I''m crossing everything that this holiday weekend will be your turn
Date: 11/23/2004 1:39:24 PM
Author: honeynut
OMG! That is my dress!! (not yet, I am waiting for that too!)
GG, you forgot my name! I am also still waiting! The ring is supposedly ''within five feet of this exact spot''... argh!!
Welcome Honeynut! I feel your pain with the ring. My b/f picked mine up last friday and it is hidden somewhere in the apartment we share! Wanting to be surprised and him always being there when im home are the only things keep me from ripping apart his closet!
Good luck and hope you get it soon!
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