
The All New Ladies-In-Waiting Club!

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Quick bio:

Me: 25, never married, Erie, PA
Him: 26, never married, Erie, PA

We worked together for a couple of years, and we were both involved in long term relationships at the time. He moved to VA for 6 months with his ex, and I was doing long distance with mine. We never really got to know eachother. He ended up moving back to Erie, and in the meantime things had ended in my relationship. We became very close friends because we were both experiencing a break up from a 5yr relationship. We clicked and I fell in love with him right away. He was wary of starting a new relationship, but I knew there was a special bond between us. We hung out as just friends for 10 months before he admitted to me that he wanted me to be his alone. We have been inseperable ever since. That was 3 years ago. We have been through soooo much together. We were expecting our daughter, Kalista, in December of last year. I carried her for nearly 7 months and because of complications, I had her stillborn. We then, by a miracle, got pregnant again 3 months after we lost Kalista, and unfortunately lost that one as well. He has been my rock, and my best friend. I could never even imagine spending my life with anyone else. This is why people are constantly asking when we are finally going to tie the knot. We are both in school, however.
njc - i don''t know how you can stand it being in the same apt with you! hopefully you won''t be waiting too much longer, i hope this is your weekend also, and gingerbcookie too.

can you just see it, we all come back on monday and crossed of the list will be, GG, NJC and GingerBcookie - i''m hoping it''s a wonderful thanksgiving for you all
jenwill- that is so exciting!!! sounds like you are very close!! I had to laugh because Dave and I feel the same as you do about the whole wedding thing. I would love to be barefoot on the beach with just our parents there to witness it!! We will probably elope and then throw some sort of party so that everyone who wants to come doesn''t absolutely freak out!!
fingers and toes''s gg''s and njc''s weekend!!!!!!
Things crossed this weekend in support of GG and NJC (and you too gingerB!):

Fingers, toes, arms, legs, eyes, railroad tracks, the road (will join chicken who is also supporting ring vibes), I will cross train like crazy- not just for ring vibes, but also to help work off all the pie and mashed potatoes, and i will cross the street to avoid any black cats and ladders.
Sorry, honeynut! I don''t know how I missed you!

Ladies, you are all SO VERY SWEET to think ring vibes for me this weekend!!!!...but I honestly think Christmas is more likely, unless he plans to propose sans ring (which I know he doesn''t like the thought of). Unless there''s been a huge cash drop/he started selling his body on the streets/there''s been SUPERSNEAKY sneakiness regarding shopping, I don''t think there''s been any major purchases lately.
But I wouldn''t be surprised to see njc go, or to hear good news from oothibo!

I am hoping by New Year''s, but unless I''ve totally missed something I do think Thanksgiving''s out. Don''t cry for me, I''m not disappointed!! That means I''ve still got plenty of time to waffle on settings!!

Audrey Hepburn
Dodger Gurl
Thanks for all the congratulations everyone! and welcome to all the new ladies-in-waiting! This thread really has exploded over the weekend!!

I''m finally getting my pics developed today of my fake ring, so hopefully I''ll have some good ones to post along with the full proposal story for all you lovely ladies. This weekend was just a whirlwind! Engaged and calling people on Friday, a holiday party on Saturday night (our first public announcement!!!) and dinner with the FIANCE''s dad, church and began planning on Sunday, and yesterday dinner with my mom and we sorted out exactly who we want to be our attendants, flower girls, ring bearer, ushers, musicians, etc! Tonight we''re having dinner with my dad and stepmom, and tomorrow it''s off to the F''s uncle''s house in Milwaukee! Crazy crazy crazy week!

We''ve got the pastor and some possible dates lined up (June 4, 24, or 25), and we''ll probably have the reception in my dad''s backyard, but since it''s highly probable that it could rain or we could have a tornado (this is NE after all!) on the wedding day, I''m calling some reception halls to ask about being a backup location. I think next weekend (Dec 4) I''m going to go dress shopping!! Eeek! Only 7 months to plan a wedding! And get experiments running and focus on classes for grad school! I think I''ll go insane...

I''m rooting for njc, ginger and gg too! Happy Thanksgiving ladies!!!! (and have a great weekend to our Canadian and other non-USA members!

Madarski- is he really okay with letting you contribute your $ to the ring? I''ve always begged mine to let me help (mostly because we could have gotten this show on the road months ago) but he refuses- it''s "his role" or somesuch traditional ballyhoo. I mean, I understand, but the impatience has my reason completely clouded :)
But my story for today is:
So I''m trying desperately to maintain focus and get my paper written- it''s due tomorrow, when Sam''s mother calls (She''s awesome). Apparently she bought some ridiculous necklace that her husband can''t stand from her trusted local jeweler and friend, and I thought she was calling to see if I wanted it, but instead offers to let me use the store credit to design a custom e-ring (she''s already bought the diamond for us and 2 ruby bands)- she''ll even fly me down there to speak to him in person if I want. I love having a future mother-in-law who''s just as impatient to get her little boy married as I am to marry him! And although I should get the "okay" from Sam first, I''ve got his Mom''s okay to contact her jeweler and get the ball rolling! WOoHOoo!
OMG, I am never going to get this paper written! The second it''s finished, I''m out the door to the jewelry store to test some styles!
Date: 11/23/2004 1:53:37 PM
Author: gingerBcookie
fortheloveofdiamonds - LOL!! my friend who''s getting married in a few months has that exact ring and i OBSESSED over it forever cuz i loved it so much but am unwilling to mooch off a friend''s ring y''know? wow...amazing how you know me so well. i''m still toying with the idea of getting the lace wedding band though, since she didn''t, depending on the e-ring i get. if you see anymore that makes you think of me....send em my way! it seems like you got a good bullseye on what i like!

Ya, I know what you mean about not wanting to mooch on your friends ring! But it is gorgeous isn''t it!? I love Michael B stuff...I''ve seen a few pieces of the collection and I am getting on myself.....please Mr. B .....please make my ring soon!!!

I''ll keep my eagle eyes our for you cookie!
Date: 11/23/2004 2:58:25 PM
Author: denverkat
OMG, I am never going to get this paper written! The second it''s finished, I''m out the door to the jewelry store to test some styles!

trying to write a thesis that is due by the end of the 1st week of december......keep thinking of my ring...i wish it would get here so I could type and stare...LOL! GOOD LUCK!!!!!! on your paper!
I love reading about everyone''s stories up to this point! We should make ya''ll post photos of you happy couples as well.

So, I suppose I''ll contribute.

Me - 29 (just turned) - never been married - Dallas, TX
Him - 26 (nearly - ha!) - never been married - Dallas, TX
Us - very, very naughty and will have to come up with a different "How did you meet" story for our children.

I was raised in Las Vegas, moved to London in early 2000, and then transferred back to the States - Dallas, specifically - in 2001. I bought my first house on my 26th birthday - about 10 months after I moved here - and took on a roommate, who was my best friend and existing roommate, and she had promised she would be living with me for at least a year. It worked out wonderfully, until she decided to move back home and go back to school. I was given basically no notice, so I decided to post up a "Roommate wanted" thread on a local VW forum that I had been part of since it''s inception. The first person that emailed me was Weston, and after we met, we knew we had this fantastic chemistry and sooo much in common - though we both tried our very hardest to deny it to all we knew, especially ourselves. This was in April 2002. He was all set to move in, and a couple of weeks before the move in date (June 2002), we ended up unavoidably giving in to our chemistry. He still moved in, and we spent the next 3 months of our new relationship living together - in complete bliss.

When things started to progress to a very emotional and serious state, Weston wisely moved out of the house, and I think it might have been one thing that saved our relationship. We had both been serial monogamists until we met, so we took a step back and started "dating" again. We''ve been through so much (though "so much" is subjective in every relationship), layoffs, illnesses, career struggles, moving out, a cancer scare, stepping back, moving back in together - in complete bliss - and this time we''re certain the decision is based on love and not merely infatuation. He is my best friend, the one person I trust with my secrets and my heart. He is my passionate, beautiful, artist.

And because I like to get ideas of what people look like, here''s our pic - red-eye and all. :)

JCJD - You are going to your F Uncle in Milwaukee, where are you coming from? I grew up in Milw. I now live in oak creek, just a suburb of Milwaukee. Have a safe trip

ok, i''ve been addicted to this web-site for a few weeks is some history.....

my name is stacy, i live in NJ, i have been with my bf for over 8 years. we''ve both been married before, i''m 38 and he''s 50 and we are VERY MUCH IN LOVE, we are in a zone right now that is a fantasy come true, it''s amazing and he is the best thing that''s ever happened to on to the ring....a few months ago he decided to buy me THE RING. now that the time is approaching, (he''s giving it to me in january) i''m starting to have doubts about it. you see i''ve been reading all these articles on here about size and price and i''m beginning to feel a bit "selfish". i''m getting a 3 1/4 princess set in a simple platinum band, nothing fancy, no side stones. it''s an amazing quality because his family is in the business and it''s a stone that has never been on the market''s not too late to trade it and get a smaller stone (i was thinking 1 1/2 ct)

i don''t mean to sound like an idiot, i just don''t want people to say things, does this sound nuts?

please respond and tell me your thoughts, it''s just that people can be so mean...



Get the 3 1/4 carats!!! YOU DESERVE IT!!!!
Date: 11/23/2004 3:43:16 PM
Author: palmbaybabe
JCJD - You are going to your F Uncle in Milwaukee, where are you coming from? I grew up in Milw. I now live in oak creek, just a suburb of Milwaukee. Have a safe trip
Coming from Lincoln, Nebraska, so it''s about a 10 hour drive. But it''ll be me, the FI, and his brother, so we can trade off drivers frequently and be OK. Thanks! I''m not exactly sure where his uncle lives, but if we happen to be near oak creek, I''ll PM you!!

Lauren - you guys look so happy and so cute together!!!

allycat - Yes, my dad was kidding, but he was getting over the shock of "My little girl is getting married!!!", so he was being kind of punchy ;). He definitely approves though - he had been handing us jewelry catalogs for years!! And my aunt was kidding too. She and my dad are definitely two peas in a pod - crazy and very very funny! And I''d made sure I wasn''t getting my hopes up even though we''d gone out for that nice dinner cause I didn''t want to be disappointed, but the moment he said my name in the middle of LOTR, I knew that was it!

Welcome Stacy!! I''m not exactly sure what you''re asking, but I''ll assume you''re worried about people saying rude things about your 3 ct ring and you''re wondering if you should trade it in for a 1.5 ct to avoid that. I''d take a look around at your coworkers and others in your area to see the general size of diamond they''ve got. If most of the ones you see everyday are larger than 1ct, then don''t worry about it! On the other hand, if you''re mostly seeing .5''s and smaller, then you might have to worry about some shallow people asking rude questions, like "That can''t possibly be real, have you had it checked out?" or saying things like "I love your ring, I got one very similar at JC Penney''s for $25! They''re so stylish!" But in the end, I think that if you love the 3 ct, then you should say "Screw the rude people!" and go with it! The most important thing is, will you love it? If you won''t, then go with something more your style.

I should probably jump on the bandwagon cause I realized that all of my crazy posts are buried in the Anxious thread and the first post on here is me announcing my engagement!

Me: (JC) 22, grad school (biology), never married
Him: (JD) 24, computer programmer, never married

We met the January I was a soph, he a junior in HS, through some strange roundabout high school-ish ways, he found out I had a humongous crush on him by March, and finally asked me out to the Homecoming dance in SEPTEMBER!!! I was 15, he was 17, and we''ve been together ever since, through him going to college (in town), me going 2 states away to college and the subsequent 4-year long-distance relationship, me deciding to get my PhD in town, now his Alma Mater, and we finally got engaged on Friday, only 4 days ago!! We''ve set a possible wedding date for June 25th with the reception in my dad''s back yard, but the lady who organizes the schedule at our church is on vacation until next Monday, so that''s up in the air at this point. So, we''ve been together for a little over 7 years, and we''ll be married before the 8-year anniversary! Woo-hoo!!!!! And I promise, I''ll have the fake ring pics up tonight along with the full proposal story!
Staci, to quote the infamous, njc. EMBRACE THE BLING!!!!
If the wants to get that for you, and you love it. Get it.

I would stick with the one you have already chosen. You are 38, he is 50, it isn''t as if he is mortgaging your future to get it (since it is family business and all, I am assuming he got a pretty good deal), and you deserve it. it will be a nice big blingy ring, but if people want to get catty- they will get catty about anything. If you didn''t have a big ring, then they would get catty about how small it is.

Going smaller jsut because of what people might say would be cheating you and your FH out of the joy of getting this particular stone. Your joy shoudl be based on making each other happy- not on making people outside of the family happy!

Best of luck, and be sure to take plenty o fpics when you get the ring, so that we may all ogle it!
Stacy, ditto what they said above, but if you want to trade, I''ve got a loose 1ct we haven''t set yet :) j/k! wear it and enjoy it, just make sure we get to see pictures of it!!

If anyone says anything rude, its just because they are hell-a jealous! And if you dont want it, ill take it!
Stacy - I''m with everyone else. If you''ve fallen in love with a big ring and your fiance can afford it, then don''t mind what anyone else has to say. Different people choose to spend their money different ways, and it''s not for anyone else to judge you for it.

My fiance just called with good news and bad news. My ring was supposed to be sized and ready to be picked up last Wednesday, then Thursday, then Friday...all the way up until today. So he goes in to pick it up on his lunch break - and they sized the wrong ring! Bad news. Good news, they have the same ring in stock, with a bigger center stone (.23 carats bigger) and are going to have it sized and ready (supposedly) by Friday at no additional cost.
thanks you all, i really appreciate it...people can be so rude, it''s like i wonder, are they all miserable? the last remark to me was the best, he told a friend of ours that i finally "bagged the elephant" and that he''s buying me a 3+ stone because he can, what does she say? not congratulations but "wow, aren''t you lucky, you have what most people make in a year. i mean, it took me my whole life to be happy (not the greatest childhood, then bad marriage) so lets not focus on how happy we both are, lets focus on how selfish we both are....go figure

thanks for all of your good wishes, i''m just so sick of being dissapointed in peoples reactions....



p.s. the ring is simply the most beautiful thing besides my kids that i''ve ever laid my eyes on, and this is all him, all the effort and energy (from a man who shakes when he walks into a store, it makes him physically sick to shop, LOL)
JCD! Fellow biologist! I did my master''s degree in biology too!!! Very cool. Well its good to know that your father approves of your fiancee to be. That must take a load off your shoulders. What is this about you fake ring? I haven''t read anything about it. And your high school sweethearts. I love that because my boyfriend and I are also high school sweethearts.. and people said it would never last
. I''m so happy for you. Just goes to prove that it can work. I get a lot of advice saying that you sould never marry your high school sweetheart/ date other people so I love it when I hear a story like that!
well that''s great news but the anticipation is consuming huh? do you have dreams about it? LOL

i have to wait till january to get mine, and it''s ready like now! he wants to give it to me in aruba (we love it there), when all is said and done, we will have a great memory
hi everyone! i am a fellow "lady-in-waiting" and have been reading this thread for quite some time. it has been a life saver for me! it has made me feel so much better knowing that there are other people out there going through the same things. hopefully this will not jinx my chances of getting my ring this holiday season, but i would love to be included on "the list". to share a few stats:

me: 26, never married, long island, new york
him: 28, never married, long island, new york (same apartment)

to make a long story short, we worked together many years ago and were barely friends. we never bothered to take the time to get to know each other. after we both graduated from colleges off LI, we returned home for various reasons, only to find that the other was around and equally as bored. our boredom together turned into friendship and then love. we have been together 3 years now and have been living together for a little over a year. as far as i know the ring is ordered and should be ready just in time for Christmas!
how exciting! now the waiting game! try to remain calm and cool, yeah ok! LOL this site is a life saver, no you are not alone, i can''t wait, it''s like a calmness that i can see, does that make any sense?
all my info is on the old anxious thread, but here''s the short story:

me: E, 25, PhD student in biochem/cell bio
him: K, 28, motion capture engineer (visual effects at ILM)

We don''t remember actually meeting, but assume it was sometime during my sophomore year of college when I lived in the same coop as his younger brother. He''s also friends with a bunch of my friends, so we''d see each other occasionally. Fast forward to October 2001... I''ve graduated and broken up with an utterly useless boyfriend, he''s gotten up the nerve to ask me out. We dated for about a year and a half before moving in together, and now we''ve lived together in SF for about a year and a half. He proposed on our 3 year anniversary

We had dinner with both our sets of parents last weekend and my dad asked if all diamonds sparkle as much as mine
Thanks, PS
(My mom doesn''t have a diamond because she doesn''t like them, what a weirdo!! She likes colored stones better so she wears an amethyst and iolite 3 stone ring)
Science! How exciting that K works at ILM.....does he work with actual 'on the screen' projects, or is more of a behind the scenes guy?

Someday (when we all have our rings!), those of us that live in the bay area should get together for lunch/dinner/coffee/whatever. I haven't been to Betel Nut in awhile, and I know there are many other places in the city I want to head to...or we could come down the Peninsula a bit if that works better. Iknow that one group of bay area blingholders (mara and others) got together once before, but I was totally new to this thing, and plus I dont' have anything sparkly to share yet!
Date: 11/23/2004 10:11:15 PM
Author: jenwill
Science! How exciting that K works at ILM.....does he work with actual ''on the screen'' projects, or is more of a behind the scenes guy?

Someday (when we all have our rings!), those of us that live in the bay area should get together for lunch/dinner/coffee/whatever. I haven''t been to Betel Nut in awhile, and I know there are many other places in the city I want to head to...or we could come down the Peninsula a bit if that works better. Iknow that one group of bay area blingholders (mara and others) got together once before, but I was totally new to this thing, and plus I dont'' have anything sparkly to share yet!

Oooh, diamond fun!! I haven''t been to Betel Nut, but I''ve heard good things. Always up for trying a new restaurant
City or peninsula is fine, I drive back and forth so often I swear I could recite the exits off both 101 and 280 in order in my sleep
We live in the city, but both our families live on the peninsula, as well as a bunch of college friends.

As far as K''s job, he does both on screen projects and tools development projects, which he likes better since he''s an engineer by training.
Me: 23, law school dropout as of 3 weeks ago, looking for a job as a teacher or something...any suggestions?
Him:23, sales

No idea when we met, we must have been about 4. My parents moved back to my moms home town and attended her church she grew up in. So we were in the same sunday School and whatnot. I didn''t spend time with him - he was a BOY! At about 12 I quit going to church much. When I was 16, my sis and I decided to go to youth group there (mainly cause the boys were all cute). We went to an audio adrenaline concert with the youth group and my sis was flirting with all of the guys...I saw her flirt with him and thought "hang on a sec, she doesn''t get them all". About a week later his brothers girlfriend came to me at school (we went to private school, the guys went to public) and asked if I was interested in him
I said yes, he called me, we went to the beach with his bro and gf, and the next day to movies. That was Mar 21, 1998.

On our 4 year anniversary I asked him what his plans were for our future, he said he wasn''t ready but would be by the next year. So I of course expected it that year (not marriage, just engagement, I wanted to get married 1/2 way through law school). That next fall his brother and new gf got engaged and married and about 4 of our friends who had been together less time than us got engaged. I FREAKED! I was not nice about it. So, of course he didn''t propose that year...I wouldn''t have wanted to marry me either. But it has been 20 months since I got over that situation...and I am about to go nutty again! He says he wants to marry me, but he doesn''t make any progress and he won''t talk to me about it. We actually talked about it AGAIN tonight, and he swears he will try to make some progress, especially if I will give him some ideas and suggestions that he can choose from - he doesn''t want to do all the research. So, that''s the current plan. We will see what, if anything, happens. Blah.
Jenwill -
I read on another thread somewhere (I am lost in searchworld) you saying that your fingers are a size 8 or so. That''s my normal size at my normal weight (getting rid of "i am depressed in law school" weight that has my fingers a little bigger at the second). Anyway - how have you found various sizes looking on you? I like emerald cuts but am worried that it will look little on my hands... (.84 ct 7.16x4.69mm) ...and was wondering if you had any thoughts, comments, suggestion?
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