
The All New Ladies-In-Waiting Club!

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Dani--welcome! You've been added.
Have you had the chance to drool over Reeyonce's ring yet? Cushion in a thin pave setting....I think it might be just your style.

jenwill--that's exactly the reason I've resisted cutting the graduates til now! I like having the lo-o-o-o-o-ng list so I can point it out to my honey and say, "Look, K, look how many girls have been crossed off BELOW me." And then he sees all the crossed-off names and feels bad. Lol...I haven't actually done that. Yet.

ginger.....I know what you mean. If I KNEW what was going on, I'd be a lot calmer.. at least I'd know when it was coming so I could save the neurotic obsessing for the week leading up to it. I swear I feel like I've had too much caffeine lately--I'm just jittery. Today's kinda a "special" anniversary for us, if you know what I mean.
So while I realistically don't see anything happening until Christmas/New Year's timeframe, I still have one small part of me that hopes.

Off topic, I think New Year's is the BEST holiday to get engaged. I love New Year's Eve, something about a fresh new start that appeals to me. I love knowing that the very first thing I did this year was kiss the love of my life. And I know that a stroke-of-midnight proposal would just melt my heart. What do you ladies think is the ideal date (be it an anniversary, a holiday or just a Tuesday) to be proposed to?

And Erin...props for your patience so far. I think at some point I'd just take it out of the desk and wear it, but then i'm not exactly known for my patience.
Thanks gg!

I agree with you, I love new years'' for a proposal (even though it wont be new years for me- at least this year). It is definitely a special time. Also I love Christmas! Especially in NYC!
hmm, best time for a proposal? definitely when it''s not expected! my boyfriend has been instructed that it better be good hehehe... but i like the new year''s idea too. hmm, luckily i don''t have to think about it too much since he gets to do the asking!

Erin- ditto what everyone else has said, especially jenwill. please let us know what happens! you are no doubt very special and your future hubby should make you feel special everyday!!!
Goldengirl, that''s a good question re: ideal proposal date. I think I feel so past my "sell by" date in terms of what would have been a perfect moment, that I can''t really say any more. But I think Christmas, birthday and New Year''s are all great. One of my friends was proposed to at Christmas time (in front of the tree at Rockafeller(sp?) Center, actually) but one of the things I love about their proposal story is that her husband was so excited beforehand that he had taken all these pics of the ring hidden in different there are shots of their cats posing with the ring, the ring box hidden in the Christmas tree, among the gifts, etc....before she''d even seen it!

Speaking of New Year''s.....New Year''s Eve is on a Saturday next year, and bf and I have toyed with the idea of a New Year''s Eve wedding....what do you guys think of that? I also like the symbolism of starting the new year off--and the new life off--together. But I wonder if it is a big burdern in terms of travel and people''s holiday plans? (Forgive me if I''ve asked this on the boards before....I''ve become addicted to PS and forget what I''ve posted.) Plus it is always the most anti-climactic holiday....I always have visions of some fabulous When Harry Met Sally black tie ball with dancing and champagne, and the night is never like that, so this way you would be assured a GREAT new year''s party, and there''d be something special to celebrate each year with the anniversary and new year''s together? I''ve given this too much thought considering we''re not even engaged yet!
Date: 11/24/2004 6
1:26 PM
Author: goldengirl

ginger.....I know what you mean. If I KNEW what was going on, I''d be a lot calmer.. at least I''d know when it was coming so I could save the neurotic obsessing for the week leading up to it. I swear I feel like I''ve had too much caffeine lately--I''m just jittery.

Nah, I knew what was going on and was still totally neurotic, as anyone on the anxious thread knew

Date: 11/24/2004 6
1:26 PM
Author: goldengirl
Today''s kinda a ''special'' anniversary for us, if you know what I mean.

Hahahahaha. I know exactly what you are talking about, and that''s why I always smile on the Friday after Thanksgiving.
Date: 11/24/2004 6:28:59 PM
Author: blueroses
Speaking of New Year''s.....New Year''s Eve is on a Saturday next year, and bf and I have toyed with the idea of a New Year''s Eve wedding....what do you guys think of that? I also like the symbolism of starting the new year off--and the new life off--together. But I wonder if it is a big burdern in terms of travel and people''s holiday plans? (Forgive me if I''ve asked this on the boards before....I''ve become addicted to PS and forget what I''ve posted.) Plus it is always the most anti-climactic holiday....I always have visions of some fabulous When Harry Met Sally black tie ball with dancing and champagne, and the night is never like that, so this way you would be assured a GREAT new year''s party, and there''d be something special to celebrate each year with the anniversary and new year''s together? I''ve given this too much thought considering we''re not even engaged yet!

Argh, sorry to be a dissenting voice but I am very against weddings on holidays- I think they''re a little selfish (many people have other traditions or occasions to celebrate on holidays besides your marriage). I spent New Year''s Eve 2001 at my cousin''s wedding and was not happy about it. It was the first New Year''s that I was actually 21 and I couldn''t spend it with my friends. If you are having a small wedding with only people who you would spend the holiday with in any case, then I guess it''s okay. But I''ve also been to 2 Halloween weddings (not costume parties!) and a wedding on my birthday so I may have a kind of skewed perspective.
blue, re: the NYE wedding, here are my thoughts:

1, it WOULD be nice to always have something to celebrate together;
2, it will drastically cut your guest list,
3, it will drastically cut the guest list on any future anniversary parties or vow renewals you may plan,
4, people may not "remember" your anniversary as you might like, being as NYE is mildly more memorable for most. (Except the two of you, hopefully!

Now, #2&3 could work out in your favor if you''re preferring a small wedding

But, despite its drawbacks, I still prefer it to a Valentine''s Day wedding!!

Plagiarize away! with my blessings

Blueroses- I have been to a NYE wedding, and since it was one of my friends that i normally hang out with on that anyway it was OK timing for me...we had a blast! I can see totally where it would limit your guest list...but in my book that isn''t too bad a thing to have happen. My friend actually did a ''reverse reception wedding''. She had the reception start first (she wasn''t a groom cannot see bride until walking down the aisle person- they had taken their posed shots before we all got there), then as the party was going strong nearing midnight, she had everyone gather in a circle around her and her FH, and they started the ceremony at 11:45. They got to the part about you may kiss the bride at 1 minute til midnight, and waited with all of us laughing until they kissed at the stroke of midnight. When they kissed, we all had the noisemakers going, and then the rest of us traded our kisses with our people.

It sounds weird, but was really romantic and special and made us all feel like we were really part of the wedding. and every new years eve, I think of them.

Personally I love the idea of attending a New Years Eve wedding, I''ve never actually heard of that, so I find it kind of unique. I guess it would depend on what type of wedding you were planning to have. I think a really, really formal affair might be a bit strange on New Years (just because I think of it NYE as a big fun party) That being said I ususally spend NYE celebrating Christmas with my boyfriend, so maybe that would make it a little hard on the guest list.
Date: 11/24/2004 8:57:28 PM
Author: jenwill

Plagiarize away! with my blessings

Blueroses- I have been to a NYE wedding, and since it was one of my friends that i normally hang out with on that anyway it was OK timing for me...we had a blast! I can see totally where it would limit your guest list...but in my book that isn''t too bad a thing to have happen. My friend actually did a ''reverse reception wedding''. She had the reception start first (she wasn''t a groom cannot see bride until walking down the aisle person- they had taken their posed shots before we all got there), then as the party was going strong nearing midnight, she had everyone gather in a circle around her and her FH, and they started the ceremony at 11:45. They got to the part about you may kiss the bride at 1 minute til midnight, and waited with all of us laughing until they kissed at the stroke of midnight. When they kissed, we all had the noisemakers going, and then the rest of us traded our kisses with our people.

It sounds weird, but was really romantic and special and made us all feel like we were really part of the wedding. and every new years eve, I think of them.

Hey, I really like this! If I was doing a NYE wedding, I''d do it just like this.
Goldengirl.. I am SO SO SO glad that I was proposed to for no occasion (other than the red sox beating the yankees to get into the world series..)... I would have been expecting it, at least at some level, on any special occasion.

Also, I am jealous of you that you are 21 have two real jobs.. where I have wasted 6 years in college and grad school and will still probably continue waitressing and/or selling bras when I''m done. This week is my 5 year anniversary of starting my waitressing job. I fear I''m a lifer. I''m know I''m not a lifer in retail though. I won''t be able to handle it for that long.

As for holiday weddings.. I''m sort of having one. My wedding is going to be the saturday before memorial day. Is that bad? I thought it was a fun idea, because people would be off of work and want to party. Memorial day is not exactly a REAL holiday anyway. That new years eve wedding that jen mentioned sounds like SO much fun.

I am starting to "envision" my reception setting and I am realizing that I can''t GET it anywhere around here. I want it like in a big ballroom or mansion with pillars and high ceilings.. Theres just nowhere around here like that really... there may be one or two locations.. but they''d have to be catered..and my dad (a restaurant biz lifer himself) is kind of anti-catering. What to do?

Thanks for all the thoughts, guys...I can totally see both the pros and cons, and at this point it''s moot and premature anyway....but great to have a little more perspective about what would/wouldn''t work.

JenWill, your friends'' wedding sounds incredible--that was sort of what I''d envisioned, a "stroke of midnight" kiss.

It is kind of a "novelty" idea, but we''ll see....thanks for the feedback

Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Melissa--two "real" jobs??? HAHAHAHAHAA...not really, but I appreciate the vote of confidence.
I went to school for massage therapy and learned a trade which is grossly flooded here in AZ (but I went to school in UT, so I didn''t know that)...subsequently found that LMT''s bosses think we''re all stupid and lazy (which I''ll give them credit for, as most LMTs are total flakes and remarkably stupid, of the "Duuuuuuuuude, like I TOTALLY feel your energy connecting with mine, you dig??" variety) and being treated like I''m stupid and lazy and of no worth to a company doesn''t make me exactly do my best. You dig? And I find that it''s a rather mindless profession. I need more stimulation.

So I tried retail...lasted all of two months at Bed Bath & Beyond before it was necessary to quit to avoid any messy postal scenes. I now know I''m not strong enough for that. I found a part-time job working for a chiropractor doing chair massage at marketing events, which makes me feel a little less guilty about my parents paying for most of my $13,000 education because at least I''m still kinda using it, but the docs talk to me like I''m a medical professional and respect what I do so it works for me in that respect, as well. To fill the hours I picked up a job with a realtor managing her life. Luckily for you PS''ers I have too much respect for you to bore you with my work vents like I do the other board I frequent. Here''s the short version of today: I was at work til after seven because boss lady said I couldn''t leave until I''d done something but wouldn''t answer her phone to give her professional opinion on the matter (kinda necessary, when advising a client which offer to accept). Oh, yes, and it''s a husband-wife team which bickers constantly, with her saying "Don''t listen to him, you''re my assistant" and him saying, "Don''t listen to her, if you want your checks you''ll do what I say". Oh, AND they are technologically-resistant, which means the four office computers are the biggest mess I''ve ever had the misfortune to see (each running a different operating system, poorly wired and wayyyyy overloaded with software nobody uses) and I''ve only just now convinced her to PLEASE let me at least update the Windows to a version made this millenia, so she grudgingly forked out the money for the HALF-PRICE version meant for teachers and students ONLY (read: it''s ILLEGAL for her to use this copy!!) but sure isn''t going to pay a PROFESSIONAL to clean them out and set them up properly so I''m doing it off-the-clock and dragging my poor fi2b with me to help me figure it out on his day off, for which he will receive no compensation (besides what I give him, lol
) either. But I figure, at least this way, I can actually open the same file on ALL the computers without encountering cannot-read-this-version errors. AAAAARRRGGHH!!!!

Whew. Thanks for the vent. Can you tell I love my jobs?

I''m currently going through the wringer hiring process for a city job as a 911 operator. Not that I think it''s going to be great fun, but it pays more, it''s got good advancement opportunity and it has BENEFITS!!!!
(cue heavenly music) I could really use some health insurance one of these days. And from what I understand, they actually PAY you to take a vacation. What nonsense is this?!?!?!

Compared to my jobs, waiting for my ering''s a BREEZE!!
Good morning everyone and happy Day Before Day After Thanksgiving Day!!
Here's hoping someone gets some sparkling carbon with their sparkling cider!!

PS, WORST dream last night about my pending proposal. Dreamed he went to a maul store and commissioned a HUGE plain band (we're talking like, 10mm wide plain band)...and it was HORRIBLY made, you could see the metal was all twisted and hadn't been polished and there were forge lines all over it and...
I mean, truly just an ugly piece of work. But as I started to hint that I'd maybe like something that permitted me to bend my finger, he got all offended so I had to just pretend I LOVED it. I woke up almost in tears! And now I very badly want to know what's going on so I can approve any purchases!!!!
Poor GG- those dreams are the worst.....

On the job front- have you looked at hospitals? I know the hospital that I used to work for had quite a few LMT''s on staff in the rehab depratment- with decent pay and good benefits. And I think for the most part you would be around people who would treat you with respect... at least the patients would love you!

Happy Thanksgivign to everyon ein the US and happy Thursday to everyone else!
Hmmm... any one crossed off the list yet???

GG- I''ve had a dream like that too. Except it was this huge (like ten carats!) marquis diamond with a florescent green and yellow band. And I kept saying to myself, " At least it''s big, at least its big, at least it''s big" I woke up crying because I had to wear the hideous thing for the rest of my life! Well good luck with the new job! Hope you get it!
Ugh, so of course as soon as I said it I got the "thanks but no thanks" letter in the mail from the city. Back to the drawing board.

No sparklies for me yet, anybody?? I did the Black Friday shopping today and spent way, way too much money. Most of the stores actually weren''t too bad except for Kohl''s, and I won''t be back next year. They didn''t really have any rockin'' deals and I stood in the checkout line for TWO HOURS!!!!! Yes, you heard me right, WAITED IN LINE TO PAY FOR TWO HOURS!!!! I made fun of people that waited in line for two hours to see LOTR!!

On the plus side, that means I am totally and completely done shopping, including my dog. I just have one more present to buy and that''s for my roomie, so it''s more a token than anything. I wasn''t going to get her anything until she told the bf she was getting something for me. Considering she treats me like her personal maid
I wasn''t feeling terribly giving towards her. Maybe I will give her a sponge!!!
Hi everyone! Can my name be added to this list? My boyfriend showed me this site many months ago - it''s somewhat addictive. I was surprised to see how many others are awaiting a proposal and ring.

Me - 37 years old, never been married, NE PA
Him - 40 years old, previously married & divorced, NE PA

We were introduced through a dating service in the beginning of March 2003. March 14, 2003 was our first date when I totally fell for him because he was absolutely adorable. He is the sweetest, most thoughtful guy I have ever met. We have been talking about marriage for the past six months or so and plan to marry by September 2005. For several months whenever we went shopping we would look at rings - to see what different styles we liked. I definitely favored princess, asscher or emerald cut rings set in white gold or platinum. I went from simple and elegant (Lucida type) to WOW (Simon G). So, I really don''t know what he''ll surprise me with. He did tell me that we would be engaged by the end of this year and then he moved it to "by Christmas Day Night" - funny guy. He keeps torturing me by telling me that he still has to go "shopping". All I know is that he only has about 27 days left. Time will tell! Thanks for letting me share! Congratulations to everyone that has received their proposal!
Welcome, flyerfan! There hasn''t been much activity here over the holiday weekend, but I''m hoping on Monday we''ll hear from some very happy new graduates.

In the meantime, here''s the list!

Dodger Gurl
ack! Good vibes needed - my diamond is being set tomorrow afternoon! By an 83 year old jeweler friend of my father''s... this is to be the last work he ever does. I am nervous he messes it up - recently viewed threads with pics of crooked settings have been infiltrating my dreams and waking me up in cold sweats. What is worse is the fact that the next two weeks are totally booked solid with school work so I am doubting I will be proposed to before the 18th. Apparently the plan is rather elaborate. I HATE not being in control of this situation (but I know, I am going to love it later!)

I was reading some of these posts of yours and I had to chime in to comment on how much I totally adore the NYE idea of the reverse-reception wedding. What a terrific and romantic idea!
I''m sending good vibes your way honeynut!!!! I don''t think you''re soon-to-be fiance would let him set the stone, which i''m sure is a big investment, if he didn''t trust that he would do it beautifully. I''m sure he wants it to be perfect for the woman he loves, especially if he has an elaborate proposal planned. we are women, however, and it is in our nature to obsess over every little detail. just take a deep breath, and try to relax!!! just concentrate on how fabulous it wil be when he finally asks you to be his wife.
hey girls you can take me off the list!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! I AM ENGAGED!!!!!!!!

i don''t have pics yet (my camera ran out of battery so all the pics are on my brother''s camera) but will post as SOON as possible.

general outline of the weekend:

FIANCE (ahhh!!) leaves for his home (NY) for thanksgiving, leaves me here (Boston) with my family.
He calls after T-day dinner and says he''ll be back on sunday instead of saturday as planned, because he needs to help his dad at church. i freak out, because i thought maybe he''d propose on saturday. big fight ensues. he lets me go to bed angry (first time EVER in our 2 years together).
Friday I am angry at him all day. I go to the outlet malls with my sister in law and mom. we don''t get back until 7pm, and we settle in to have dinner at my parents'' house.
i get an urgent call from FIANCE, saying my roommate has been trying to call me all day because my rabbits haven''t been eating their food so i need to go check on them. (i live around the corner from my parents.)
i suspect something is going on... but he is supposed to be in NY..??? but am worried about my rabbits and go home.
(background info: when we first started talking, but before we started dating, he wrote a poem about us/our relationship (he is a poet/ studied poetry and writing at Cornell) called "lost at sea". also, before we started dating he sent me a Christmas present, a large box of Pocky (an asian snack) and opened it from the bottom to insert my real present, the Norah Jones CD, then re-sealed it so it looked like it had never been opened. when i opened the box to eat some Pocky, i found the CD. ok. back to the story.)
i get to my apartment and there is a paper taped to the door with the title of the poem on it. i open the front door and there is a path leading through the apartment, up the stairs, and into my room. the path is made with 150 lit tealights on the floor, with red metallic heart confetti and rose petals scattered all over it. on the path each line of the poem is on a separate piece of paper with a rose in between each of them. i go down the path, picking up the papers and roses as i go, until i get to my room.
in my room, the rug is surrounded by more tealights and in the middle the confetti is in the shape of a big heart and there is a large foil-wrapped package. our "song" (Strangers in the Night by Sinatra... long story) is playing, and he comes up behind me wearing a suit and tie, holding the 12th rose. (btw, minus the jacket it''s the same outfit (white shirt, red tie, black pants) that he was wearing when we FIRST met four years ago.) he says some stuff, and tells me to open the foil-wrapped package. i open it and it''s a huge box of another asian snack, and supposedly sealed. i open it to find a small blue chinese takeout box. the top says "685 days", and the flaps inside say "1 heart for every day we''ve been together". inside there is a bunch of white and silver metallic hearts. i figure the ring is in there among the confetti. then he tells me to take the box of confetti and throw it so that it rains down on us. i think, i don''t want to throw my ring in the air!!! but i throw and no ring. then he says some more stuff, takes a box out of his pocket, gets down on one knee, says some more stuff (i can''t even remember what he said), opens the box to reveal the most beautiful ring in the world, and proposes. he claims i said "yes" with a tone that said "um, DUH, of course!".. haha.
then we went back to my parents'' to show them and my brother/sister in law, then met up with friends to surprise them with the bling. then spent the whole night and whole next day calling, talking, meeting up with, and telling friends and family.

i am EXHAUSTED!!!!

my ring is SO BEAUTIFUL... will post pics ASAP but it''s a 1.2 C RB center stone with baguette sidestones channel set in the band.

It sounds like a wonderful proposal!! That''s so exciting. Isn''t it funny how they do that to us. They tell us some little thing to cover up this glorious act that they are about to perform, and we flip out on them. You end up feeling like such an ass about it!!!
That is so great. He really put so much effort in to the proposal. Very sweet and personal. Can''t wait to see the bling!!!
Congrats Diet Vanilla Coke! A beautiful proposal story!!!
Wow! that is very, very sweet. Congrats on getting engaged. I can''t wait to see the pics of your ring!
dietvanillacoke - congratulations! beautiful proposal story and what sounds like a beautiful ring. so, that''s one down during the holiday weekend...any others...?
Congrats, dietvanillacoke, that is a awesome proposal story. so sweet. You are a lucky gal, getting married to a poet.
Hooray, DVC!! New list, sans any tasty calorie-free beverages!!
That was a very thoughtful proposal...I especially liked how he added up how many days you'd been together and let them all fall on you at once, in the form of confetti. Sweet!

I know, aeli...I was expecting a flood this weekend! I guess everybody's saving up for Christmas??

Dodger Gurl
Congrats, DVC....what an amazingly romantic and thoughtful FIANCE (!) you have, and what an exciting story to be able to share for years to come. Yay!! And can't wait to see the ring
whqat a sweet proposal! He put so much thought and effort into it! Congrats...can''t wait to see pics of the ring!
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