
The All New Ladies-In-Waiting Club!

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Current list consists of thirty-seven active members!!

Dodger Gurl
Hello everyone! Please add me to the list. I''ve found this site a little over a week ago and have been addicted to it ever since. When I saw this thread I felt so relieved that there are others who are experiencing the same thing I am. Most of my friends are single (although a few just recently got new BFs but haven''t gotten to the ILY stage yet).

DVC: I love your creative, thoughtful, and romantic!

And before I go into my story I think its kind of funny how all us girls expect everything to huge surprise etc, but way back when (maybe even early 1900s at the latest) engagements weren''t a big surprise. The couple decided they wanted to get married and then talked to the girl''s father (as a couple) to express their intentions. If the father felt that the man was financially stable he''d give his permission and if not tell him to wait. Still no ring yet. Then the man would establish his "ring budget" and the couple would go to the jeweler and the girl would get to choose from the rings that were in the budget. So really the girl was driving the "engagement bus." Kind of funny how things change.

Okay so here''s my story...BF and I have been together for a year (his sister introduced us, so we both came highly recommended). After 1.5 months of dating we both knew that each of us was "the one." And that night he said that he wanted to married or engaged by the end of the year (not sure if this was intnded to be calendar year b/c it was january or 365 days from said commentary). Then he made a major boo-boo a few months later and said that it would happen in May (this so did not happen), but his friend''s wife is his e-ring consultant and she takes him ring shopping. He had told his fam and friends wives May too, so they all got mad at him too when it didn''t happen. Turns out he had no clue how expensive the e-rings really are. Well then in September I got tired of hoping and waiting and always evaluating the calendar for when I thought it might be, so I told him that he''s not allowed to talk about it until it happens. He is currently on a business trip in a foreign country for the next few weeks, but will be back before Christmas. He was so cute when I took him to the airport b/c he was teary eyed the whole way and later admitted that when he got there he went and cried in the bathroom so no one would see him, which of course when he told me that I just wanted to cry even more. The good news is that he told me on his long flight he did a lot of thinking about us and our future and mentioned tonight that he''s been looking at some e-rings (I''m guessing this is recent, b/c he knows how sensitive I am about that topic, I love to talk about it, but it also makes things harder). Also one of his friends got engaged in Sept and another in Oct (and will be getting married three weeks apart) so when that happened, I decided that I was more than willing to wait, so that when it does happen we can fully enjoy the time as our time, and be caught up in the whole everyone is getting married at the same time thing.

Anyway Thanks again girls for sharing your stories, has been such a relief for me!
Date: 11/30/2004 8:22:26 PM
Author: goldengirl
JC, the scanned photos of your temp ring were beautiful, but you know I''m as anxious as you for you to get the real one!!


My soon-to-be sister-in-law took some awesome photos of the temp over Thanksgiving, so I''m going to have to bug her to email them to me. I really think I''m going to be a little sad to put this one away when I get my real bling... it''s been so much fun!

In fact.... here''s my temporary bling again, fresh from my LOTR thread!!! CZ from Walmart, $8.88 baby!

When is the real one coming JC? I''m very anxious!!! I still like your fake one though!

LOL! Thanks ladies, but trust me, I am WAY more anxious to get my real ring than all of you put together!! Perhaps if we pool our anxiety and bombard my FI, he''ll cave and tell me when it''s coming! Hee hee hee!!!
But as it is, I have NO idea what it''s like or when it''s coming. But he does know that he has to re-propose on bended knee when he gives me the real bling!
hey girls, here''s one shot of my ring!!! more pics will come later, i am going ot ask my friend who has a super digital camera to take some more pics for me later this week. but here''s the teaser! this was taken the night of the engagement. not the most ideal lighting (makes the stone look much more yellow than it really is) but i promise better shots soon!!

Gorgeous ring DVC, I still go ahhhhhhhhhh, when I read your proposal story. Just love it.
appletini--you''re on the list! And I LOVE your name!!

JC, I do still really love your temp. That''s the kind of temp I wouldn''t mind having in "real". (I have a few of those pieces, too, namely a necklace and my topaz RHR, that are just waiting for me to afford them in "real"!) Do people look at you like you''re crazy when you ask them to take pictures of your $8 CZ? Kyle rolls his eyes whenever I break out his (really expensive) camera to photograph my newest acquistion. "WHY are you taking pictures of a $4 ring??" he asks me, exasperated. I think it''s funny!

DVC, FINALLY some relief!! It''s a beauty, I think the baguettes (those are baguettes, right?) really show off your center stone and make it look even BIGGER and more FANTASTIC! Kinda draws the eye inward, y''know? Sweet!
PS, does anybody else just roll over and die for slammie''s ring?? Holy cow, I think that''s the one of the most gorgeous things I''ve ever seen.
Dodger Gurl

C'mon, ladies, let your boys know this list needs some editing!! lol...
goldengirl - I would love to have this temp in real too! I put the phone down about 10 mins ago, and this baby was sparkling like crazy at me! And then I got to thinking, wouldn''t this look great if it were princess or radiants instead of the round channels??? Ooooh!!!! Can we say HEAVEN on my finger??? That would be Mmmm mmmm good! The only other thing I''d change about my temp ring (except the fact that it''s temp!!) is the basket setting. I''d much rather a 4-prong or the royal crown Vatche so you could see the stone more. Oooooh baby!!! Ok, gotta stop, I''m drooling now....

And I am absolutely in LOVE with slammie''s ring too (and Kayla''s, despite all the mishaps)!!!!!

Concerning taking pics of my fake ring: Actually, it was her who suggested taking the pics! My FI''s dad wanted pics to send to a small local paper, so we were taking tons of pics of us, and then his sister suggested a "before ring, after ring" photo series! And then it just progressed from there to some gorgeous pics of me resting my chin in my hand with my face half in the sunlight and the ring sparkling all over the place! And I want them now! She went back home yesterday, so if I don''t hear from her by Friday, I''ll email and bug her about sending the pics to me.
Hi Ladies

Just found you all and it''s so good to know that I''m not the only gal suffering from the frenzy of e-ring waiting (ie the bling blindness). I heard a rumor that the diamond my BF has been looking for may arrive on Friday!! He has given up trying to keep the details a secret. he he.
But then there will be the drama on the setting...

It is so hard to be in this strange place between being BF and GF and being engaged. Oh well, it will be much more fun with all of you!! Would you mind putting me on the waiting list?

Loverly ring DVC!

Nothing to report on my front.....we are going to Vegas next weekend, so who knows...maybe then? But probably not. THis is going to be a crazy month anyway, as I am leaving one job, going to Vegas, starting new job, packing up my house, dealing with x-mas, and arranging to move on Jan15th.

So, it would probably be best if it DIDN''T happen this month, since the distraction would throw off the careful balance of time allotment I have going!
Thanks GG!

Okay I think I have finally set my heart on one. I think this is the ritani endless love that everyone keeps talking about. I just sent it to the BF and he said that it was classy and dainty just like me. He''s so adorable! Anyway now just don''t know if I want princess or round. I really like round, but the princess in the pic looks really good too.

ooooh! I love that setting too. So classic and elegant. YUM! Would you wear it with the matching pave band?
Definitely! I think anything else would take away from the ring. The goal is to someday have two eternity bands...the second one for an anniversary later on.

I love to plan, so I get a little carried away with all my ideas sometimes. I actually have an excel workbook with tabs for various wedding elements like guest list, budget, vendors, etc. I just like to be prepared and I don''t want to forget anyone special when the time finally comes to actually use all that information.
random tidbits from Thanksgiving weekend home with my folks...

my grandma says i need to get married while i''m still young and pretty or else i''ll end up alone like (insert 38 year old never married cousin''s name here).

my dad asks when the heck am i getting married/engaged over thanksgiving dinner. as if it''s up to me! i told him that i wasn''t sure and i just didn''t really know what my boyfriend''s plans were. then he goes on to tell me not to BEG my boyfriend to marry me, that i shouldn''t shame the family like that and that i should have more pride than to do that. um, who the heck said i was begging?! i felt like such a loser. my own dad thinking & saying these things. =(

i try to ask my bf about when we''ll get engaged and he never really wants to talk about it. he''s too busy, too tired, or what not. and he is, but it sure as heck doesn''t make me feel good or wanted or whatever. we were supposed to go ring shopping so i could try on rings, but that never happened. he wasn''t keen on the idea of us doing something so important together and then going out seperately with different friends to different clubs that night. i kind of understand, but at the same time i felt like it was just another excuse.

and it really does help that in the early summer he told me that if we don''t get engaged within the next 3 months... it probably wouldn''t ever happen.

and it doesn''t help that i have pressure from family.

and it doesn''t help that i''m PMSing either. ugh
Twinkletoes...too bad the waiting game can''t be more fun. Perhaps the BF literally hasn''t had time, or maybe he has decided to make it all a surprise. You should send him the link for pricescope to help with his research. Families can ask the wierdest questions. Back in September I changed my strategy to making myself less available and making a conscious effort to spend time with my girls and keep the social calendar full. He defintiely noticed and one sweet comment he made was that one of his new years resolutions is to spend as much time with me as possible (hopefully that means ring will be close to NYE).

DVC - so pretty! can''t wait to see more pics!

twinkle toes - ?!?! I don''t understand. Your bf told you in the summer if he doesn''t ask you within three months he never will? How does that help? I think i''m not getting some part of the story.

So news on my front. I think I am settling on a new design, a cross of what I previously wanted and accomadating my strange new desire for more bling. The original ring I wanted was similar to slammie''s ring (which i drool over every day!) except, if you can picture it, in a three stone truffle setting with RB and two pears, no pave on the shank. I''ve been told that this is impossible to make for whatever reason so I am modifying it to (here''s where I need help):

Ginger! That is so gorgeous...okay your ring is now my other favorite!
Except with milgraining between the three sided pave (BLING!) and either:

1) My RB by itself or
2) RB with two pears or
3) RB with two much smaller RBs (similar to the look of the Tacori rosebud)

What do ya''ll think? Help I need opinions fast! The sooner I decide the sooner my ring can be made! I am actually my own hold up right now!

I will also be doing some serious -e-ring-trying-on this weekend to try to really zero in on the elements i like. Everything is in my head and I need some outside perspective. My bf and I have hugely opposite tastes in rings and he is of NO help in the design process!
Appletini - (i love your name too btw) Thanks...i fell in love with it, but do you think it would look ok with an rb intead of an ascher cut? that i look at it i think the milgraining is already there! perfect! now what am i gonna do about the stones? help!

i already have the RB (which i love) so I can't change that.

I am determined to call leon on monday at the latest with a definite ring in mind to get a quote so PLEASE tell me what you think everybody!

I think the RB would look really good too, but I love the ascher just because its so different and not something that you see everyday. But if you must have RB, then you still can''t go wrong. I checkout the website, I wish I lived in NYC...his designs are amazing. And the rocks look huge, I think I''d be lopsided if I wore one b/c it would weigh down my left hand. I''d go with the RB by itself or with the two pears.

I personally don''t like a threestone all RB ring b/c I think it looks too bubbly, but thats just my pref. One thing I think looks really cool, is an RB with two trillions. I saw one once that was an heirloom ring and it looked really good, I also saw another onetime with sapphire trillions. I''m a huge sapphire sidestone fan, but my BF doesn''t like the colored stones on an e-ring, so I don''t push it...afterall diamonds are a girl''s bestfriend.

Hugs! Family can be very...trying sometimes. My grandmother told me on Sunday that I was getting fat like a turkey (I''ve lost weight since she saw me last). Maybe it''s an asian thing
. I always say to myself that my family is trying to give me their unique brand of support. Patience... patience...I''m sure the ring (and the proposal is coming). There was a guy on this forum before and he said that guys need time to plan it out because they really want it to be special. So maybe that is what your boyfriend is doing!
goldengirl, ITA, I drool over it every day. I guess I hope if I look at it long enough or send BF enough pics of it. my ring will be like it. She is my official ring mentor.

gingercookie, I like the new design. I think pears look the best. I love that ring.

twinkletoes, it hard to understand but your family thinks they are helping in their own weird way. On BF's demeanor, there could be other things going on which makes him feel it won't be happening soon. I think a talk with him and being open about your feeling would be helpful.

appletini, great setting. I think too eternity bands are perfect. So you can either wear both around the e-ring or use one and right hand ring and the other as a wedding band.

Is anyone else growing utterly impatient. I mean I know the ring was ordered. how long does this thing take. I totally think he has to do it before Xmas because if he doesn't, I would just bust. I am looking at all these bridal sample sales and wondering whether I should go or not. Darn it, I could be missing the best deal on my dream dress. He needs to get this thing moving. I track all his movements trying to figure out if he is picking it up, since he has to come to city for it. I told him not to hid in the house because I would find it, but who I am kidding with 4 bedrooms, living space, gargage and attic. It could be anywhere.
Date: 12/1/2004 2
0:37 PM
Author: appletini
Thanks GG!

Okay I think I have finally set my heart on one. I think this is the ritani endless love that everyone keeps talking about. I just sent it to the BF and he said that it was classy and dainty just like me. He's so adorable! Anyway now just don't know if I want princess or round. I really like round, but the princess in the pic looks really good too.

Here's Ritani's endless love collection, from their website. They're gorgeous!!! I think they'd also be really amazing with a small center stone, like the stud earrings here.


and here:


My FI's sister has an illusion setting with a tiny center round and baguettes arranged around it in a sunburst (does that make sense??). You have to look at it really closely to tell that it isn't just a big rb!
appletini - I really like that ring you posted too! Do you know if the stones around the band are channel set or in tiny prongs? It''s hard to tell from the pics. Where did you find it? Was it on the Ritani site? It''s beautiful!!!
JCJD: Glad you like it! I found it on under their ritani settings, the ones on the ritani website are very pretty, but a little ornate for my style. Oh and the pave stones are channel set.

Y25: I understand your frustration. When my BF and I first talked about marriage I bought some wedding magazines and found my dream dress. I emailed the designer and she only retails at two stores, one of them happens to be in my state, so a friend and I took a roadtrip to go look. Now the bridal shop calls me quarterly to ask if I'm still interested in the dress, and it always makes me depressed. Back in September the designer made a personal appearance for a trunkshow, and I wanted to go so bad to meet her, but since I wasn't officially engaged I knew I couldn't go and really already had prior commitments that weekend anyway. Thats what sparked the whole don't talk about it until it happens discussion. But a girl can dream. So hopefully someday soon for you, me, and all the other ladies in waiting.
Welcome, lovey! I''ve added you to the list above. How exciting that you think you might be getting the stone this weekend! Now of course you''ll have to actually make a decision about what the perfect setting is for the perfect stone...a dilemma we all face, right, ginger??

btw, ginger, I think that setting would be HEAVEN with a RB. If you go sidestones, I think I''d prefer it with pears (or trillions!) instead of the round sides...but then, that''s just me, and I don''t get to wear your precious, you do!

appletini, I love rounds too, and I don''t think there are many setting styles that would look out of place with a round...but it does look nice with the princess, so I guess the question is, do you prefer round or princess? Oh, and I plan to figure out excel, too, when I have stuff to keep track of...I understand it''s a great tool for the bride-to-be.

twinkletoes, family can be rough...but what''s getting me is, this past summer your bf told you if you didn''t get engaged in the next three months it wasn''t going to happen??? As in, the three months has now passed???
I''d definitely sit him down. While I can appreciate that he might be uncomfortable discussing it, and that he probably said the three months thing as a joke, I too would be worrying and overanalyzing and I''d want to know where I stood. Tell him you''re sorry if he''s uncomfortable, but you feel as though you need to know what''s going on in his head, and you promise not to nag him but he has to sit down with you just once. I think that''s fair, don''t you? You deserve to know.

Re: impatience: actually, earlier today I was feeling very down/guilty that I might be pushing too hard. And I''m trying really hard to convince myself that 9/7/6 won''t kill me. I prefer the sound of 9/7/5, and I like that numerologically, 9/7/5 is a 5 (a number with meaning for me)...but then, 9/7/6 is a 6, which means profitable, and because it is considered a double 3 (3 being a very auspicious number) it means progress and doubling of everything that you started with. Not a shabby way to start a marriage.

Anybody else check these things out? Whether the numerology of your date is auspicious, or whether it''s a good date astrologically or whatever? Or am I the only weirdo out here??
GG- nope not the only weirdo that checks numerology. I just haven''t found a good you have a suggestion? I was thinking 10/8/05 (lucky 8), 12/3 or 12/10 (any number written with an upsweep at the end is supposed to be good luck- I forget which cultur, but I know that is the rule in one of them!)
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