
The All New Ladies-In-Waiting Club!

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That is a really amazing ring you posted. I think the must awful thing about pricescope is that I decide what I want (my absolute dream ring) and then other people post the most incrediable rings and I fall in love all over again! Personally I like the tacori rosebud lookalike design. I saw that ring on someone else on pricescope and I found that the two round side diamonds made the center stone look HUGE! I would have thought it would detract from the center stone but instead it just made the center look larger.
Hi gals,

So much to respond to I hardly remember who said what!!

fortheloveofdiamonds, re: the Michael B it wasn't that I didn't find them gorgeous, I just didn't like them for me, you know? I didn't dig the 3-sided pave (or 3 rows, or whatever) and somehow the pave seemed too chunky for me...I like it a little smoother. I thought they were beautiful rings, but I didn't have that kind of visceral "ME" reaction that you sometimes get--they just weren't for me. And I wonder if the fact that the floor samples were set w/ CZ while the JB Stars I saw were set with diamonds made a difference? The JB Stars still weren't the greatest thing I'd ever seen--the stones were set a bit high for me and I didn't dig the sort of "hidden" pink gold accent on the side (bleh) but the pave bezel set w/ the actual stones (one a radiant, one a cushion) was just so much prettier than the pics I'd seen on theknot that I was pleasantly surprised. That wasn't "the ring" either, but it was closer than the Michael B, I think.

Welcome Appletini! I love that Ritani you posted--that's simliar to the endless love, but w/o the pave around the stone...the band is almost the same (love the channel set!)--so elegent and dainty! Gorgeous--and both an RB or a princess would work....and to confuse you further, what about an oval, a radiant, an asscher....

DVC--LOVE the bling!! I agree about the baguettes, they really draw your eye in! Is it platinum or WG? So pretty...Yay!!

JCJD-I LOVE the temp-bling!! You will miss it I bet...I have a friend who after 5 years of marriage still wears her "placeholder" all the time when they travel, it's still very close to her heart. The best $8.88 your honey every spent, huh?

Welcome Lovey....with the diamond on its way, it sounds like you and Y25 (with the ring ordered!) are going to be SOON??

Twinkletoes, I feel your pain. I love it when my family harasses ME as if I have any control over the situation. Hang in there--it's how they show us love, as twisted as it is!
I do think that the 3-month comment deserves a revisit...those 3 months are over and you need to at least know if that "lease" has been extended, a general idea...or what. Life is short!

Ginger, OHMYGOD. Leon's work just blows me away. I may have to go visit him by myself, I *DO* only live a few blocks away....
But seriously, I think it would look amazing with an RB and I agree w/ GG & Apple's comments re: the sidestones...I think pears or trillions or something would be amazing...better than round sidestones in my view, but how could you go wrong with such a great setting as a template, no matter what. And keep us posted after you talk to Leon--I'd love to know how long a commission like that takes.

JenWill, you never know....Vegas could be the perfect way to kick off the holidays as an engaged couple? And I wish I knew how to figure out the numerology--I've read some stuff in books, but am really no good with it.

Anyway, hello to all of you and hope someone gets off that list before too long!!

(Nothing to report here except that I've become SERIOUSLY obsessed w/ asschers and I need therapy.)

(eta: I think both slammie's and kayla's rings are just incredible!!!)
the 3 month comment was made when we were deciding whether or not to get back together. we had broken up for a little bit and after some talk we both decided that we wanted to get back together. he said he didn''t want to get back together ''just to date'' anymore and that he would think we''d get engaged within 3 months or not at all. at the time he said it, he thought his project would be done but they''ve extended his time on it and so to a degree i do understand that he''s busy and tired from all this work. he started his own company this year and has done wonderfully for himself. and the project that he thought would be done before october is still going on - although it''s slowed down a lot. we have discussed the 3 month comment and his response is usually, "baby, i love you." as if to say hold on tight (or am i reading into it?). and i try, but this waiting game is hard work i tell you! family pressure doesn''t help either.

he is 10 years older than me and so i feel he should want to get married sooner than later. i know he''s the one for me, but his actions (or lack thereof)puts doubt into my head. he seems to think i''m not ready for marriage, but i''m starting to think that maybe he''s not ready. maybe he''s too set in his ways? i''m not sure.

or maybe i''m all wrong and he''s saving his pennies to buy me the ring of my dreams. he''ll whisk me away to paris and propose to me in some ancient square at dusk. LOL yeah right.

i really am trying to be patient, but every once in a while i turn into psycho-where-is-my-ring girlfriend. my friend ace went through it with his girlfriend when they hit the 6 year mark. when he told me, i totally didn''t understand why she was freaking out, giving him ultimatums and such... and now i am in her shoes and i understand now. it took another 4 years for them to get married. *sigh* i don''t think i could wait that long.

my joke these days is that i''m turning lesbian. boys are too much trouble. =P
I am also psycho-where-is-the-ring girl. We''ve been together for 8 years, but this current stage of when the &*$%(# are we getting engaged has been just under a year....with comparable deadlines missed, etc.. It SUCKS!!!!

Hang in there!!!
jenwill...I don''t have a website, I have a little book with a short definitions of numbers, flowers, animals, colors, textures, etc etc etc... sometimes I do pop on the web but it''s always some random thing that looks interesting from my google list. :) I hadn''t heard about the lucky upsweep thing...but it sounds right for the culture!
I just got my nightly international long distance call from the BF. He really likes the ring pic I sent him today. To bad he isn''t home to actually go buy it. I told him that his friend/"ring consultant" could do all the research for him and then he could just provide his AMEX number, he laughed, but I know he won''t do that. Even though he''ll be home for Christmas, he mentioned that he might have to be back in Brazil for New Years. Very sad about this. Even though I''m adamant about not traveling there without at least one ring on my finger, I looked up the flights anyway and I still couldn''t go b/c they are all full and I could only miss two days of work the first week of Jan anyway due to my work schedule.

TT: I feel your pain about the company projects that drag out. Sounds to me like you really need to have a heart to heart with the BF when work slows down for him. I know one girl that got all upset with her boyfriend for not having proposed (he''d actually had the ring for months, and was planning on doing it the next day), and he kept telling her to be patient, and then he gave it to her the next day as planned. I asked if she felt bad about giving him a hard time the night before and she said no.

I have a question for all the girls who have been with their BFs for 5+ year...why so long? I had a 5.5 year BF and that spanned from 12th grade to a year after college graduation (I actually broke up with him two days before he was going to buy the ring). I figured that with most of y''all its because one or both people are in college or grad school.
Not sure why it''s been so long exactly....we met at 22/23 (summer after college graduation) and now are 30/31....and of our 8 years together, I was in grad school for 4 , which does shift priorities. Honestly, neither of us were ready until about a year ago, so it''s not like it''s been this near-decades long delay. However, NOW is so beyond the time that I seriously can''t hold out much longer. But I have only felt this way for a few months.
Twinkletoes - No one understands until they are in this position. SO many people have thought I was this demanding psycho nutcase for the past like 3 years...and now a few of them I think are beginning to havea clue. I go up and down. Some day I want to let it go, he can do it when he wants, no big deal. Most days, I am just freaking. I want to look at dresses, I need to lose weight before I get married bit can''t get it in my head to do it till I am ACTUALLY engaged...I want to pick a date (my original plan was to get married in April 04...uh huh, yeah.) And despite the fact that I know he loves me, and I trust him 10000% I want to know for SURE, I want the statement, and the proof and the symbols that he DOES love me and that we WILL be together forever. I need that. He doesn''t get it, says I don''t trust him. I do, I just...need that symbolism. Does that make sense?

Does anyone else ever feel totally split personalities over this hwole thing? For one thing...what I REALLY want is for him to propose to me 3 years ago, when I was ready but not over-ready. I want the whole thing to be a surprise. I want him to have picked out the ring. Now, every holiday, every date, every ANYTHING for years has been, in my head "is he going to do it today, is this the day?" even when I KNOW its not, that little part of me is always convinced. I know I will be happy when it happens, but part of me is really annoyed that I won''t get the total surprise I want. On the other hand...oh I don''t know. LOL. I am in a psycho moment (just had a fight with my mom, I swear I dont see her for weeks, we spend 10 minutes together and I become a nut, anyway it put me in a weird mood.
KimberJEB, I am right there with you babe. Part of me feels like it''s just ruined--like the whole situation is overripe--over ready, like you said. Like, the perfect moment was SO LONG AGO that now it just feels....bordering on stale. BLEAH. Hate this.
WE''ve been together almost 7 years. Part of it is we started dating when we were 16/17...together through college and the 2 years I put into law school. So, obviously it was a few years before we were ready for anything. But I would have liked to be engaged in/at the end of our last year in college. Obviously that didn''t happen. Why? Um, we had a bad year when I went REALLY psycho when his brother married a girl he hadn''t been w/ long (turned out she was prgnant, but whatever). It was a bad time for me, 1st year of law school, I was REALLY Depressed and just went nutty. If he had wanted to marry me that year, I would question HIS sanity;) But, it''s been 2 years since that, and I guess I don''t know what the hold up, we bought a house, and I think he honestly wants to marry me but just thinks it will happen by itself.
Well, you have a house together, so I wouldn''t worry....not that that makes the waiting any better. But I know EXACTLY how you feel. I have no doubt that my bf wants to be engaged, wants to be married....but does he just not want to propose? Honestly, left to his own devices, I really think he would wait for it to happen on its own.
"Honestly, left to his own devices, I really think he would wait for it to happen on its own. "


And we talked about this a few pages ago, but I truly believe at LEAST 1/2 the people I tell once we do get engaged will say "finalyl!" or "it''s about time!". I have to keep reminding myself that there AREN''T time machines and I CAN''T change the past, lol!
Boys are so wierd I swear. I think they expect buying a ring to be like buying a pair or pants...they always get the same ones and know what size to get and takes all of 2 seconds. But then they find out how much goes into to choosing the perfect the ring and get freaked out because its like learning a foreign language that only girls speak.

I like to think that everything happens for a reason and "it" will happen exactly when it is supposed to and when it does everything will be in perspective. Sometimes I wish I could back to those early months of dating before the thought of engagement and marriage entered the my mind and everything was so exciting. Its still exciting now, but its more of an anticipation to start the rest of my life as Mrs... I think that its going to be so cool someday to get that first piece of mail that is addressed to Mr. and Mrs.
I just wnat this part to be over and done with so I don''t have to think about it and worry about it and stress about it anymore. Sure there will be NEW stress, but at least it won''t be the same old crap over and over and over again!

Hi all


This is my first post although I have been reading pricescope forums for months! I finally found a good starting point to join in on the forums.........Add me to the list pls.


short and sweet bio:
me- 26
him- 26

Met in college and have been together 5 years. We''re extremely happy and the big E will be the icing on the cake I''m awaiting my e-ring and hope to get it soon...very soon. Especially since I see his posts on pricescope (i''ve been peeking...but can you blame me?

-any questions? just ask!

What I want and hope to get....
round cut (2 carat minimum!)
clarity/color (nothing below tiffany standards)
setting: I LOVE LOVE LOVE lsmathis setting. I want the same exact one except in six prongs.....any idea where he can find that?

~little one
Hello, LittleOne! It sounds like you'll be getting a really beautiful ring! When do you think it might be coming?

And yeah, I get the split-personality thing too, Kimber. Most of the time I'm just chillin, hoping for a ring soon but knowing that financially it's probably not going to happen and I'm okay with it...but once in a while, I swear I get pre-e-zilla about it, and I want nothing more than to throw a temper tantrum and demand something sparkly! Thankfully those weird moods are still few and far between, although I suspect they will become longer and more frequent the longer I wait...

The list! You girls gotta stop posting so much, it's hard keeping a list on each new page!!

Dodger Gurl
Well I guess you can add me to the list.

I came here to pricescope in August, I think I even posted about my birthday and how he kept saying he was going to propose on my birthday. Well guess what... It was a joke! Ha hahahahaha that''s so hilarious don''t you think? Men!

So his sister is getting married soon and its caused us to talk about marriage a lot more.

Also a friend of ours is planning to propose and I''m helping him learn about the stone and ring etc (mostly through things I learnt here). So we have been talking about it a lot lately.

The thing is I''ve been getting a lot of mixed signals from him. One day we were MSNing and he said somethign to the effect of us being married in about 3 years time only.

But then the other night he said that he would love to propose but he''s scared i''ll say no. needless to say I assured him that this would NOT EVER happen,but who knows.

We also always look casually at rings when we go past jewellry stores and he asks a lot of questions about my personal taste etc.

So anyway I don''t think it will happen for another year at least, but I really wish it would.

We have known each other since we were kids, been close friends since about 13 and have now been dating for a year and a half.

We are both 24 and living together since May this year.

So thats the saga. add me to the list please, i''m hoping it might alleviate some of the stress I''ve been feeling lately.

Thank you.
GG- Hmm. I just noticed I''m on the list twice. Do you think that means I am going to wait twice as long??

Kimber: I think your split personality toward the coming engagement is normal. A healthy mix of anxiety and anticipation. So do you know that a ring/proposal is in the works? (sorry I can''t remember what was written on this board).

Appletini: I''ve been with my boyfriend for 8.5 years, and I''m still not quite ready yet. But then again I was 16 when we started dating so I figure that the first four years were just us growing up! I think it''s just timing. I did my master''s degree and was accepted into med school so I haven''t been ready for it. I think when your worrying too much about doing well in school then you can''t think about anything else. If he had asked me this summer, as planned, I wouldn''t have been happy since I was stalking the mail man for acceptence letters (and therefore couldn''t stalk him
for my details about my ring.

HUGS everyone. Christmas is coming...Peak proposal time!
Welcome to all the new ladies!

Ive had to stay away for a couple days... im REALLY starting to go crazy. Ive been pretty impatient the past couple of days. I want to know what the hell the boy is waiting for... he will have had the ring for two weeks tomorrow!!! It totally sucked going home and seeing all sorts of people and all i could think about was, if he had proposed when he got the ring, id be showing that sucker off left and right! But no... more of nothing for everyone to see. My mom even made the comment, I certainly hope you guys decide to get married some day. Its killing me that we are the only ones that know.

In a weird-sick way to keep my mind off the ring/proposal, ive started writing out a guest list and little things i would like for the wedding. Last time we talked about dates we were thinking Aug/Sept '05 and since he is dragging his feet so much, it just makes me feel that i have less time to plan everything! I think im putting the horse before the carriage and dont really know that its helping my patience...

I also happened upon "the box" the other night. I *swear* i wasnt snoopping (at least not this time
). He had it sitting out on his desk under a piece of paper and i was trying to find something else... I picked it up, but couldnt make myself look at it, i couldnt ruin the surprise...

If its not this weekend... i dont know what im going to do!!!
ally: I can totally understand waiting with the whole school thing. Its a lot to juggle especially when you can''t really make the time for it.

I totally get e-ring psycho too, but usually when it bothers me the most is about the same time as PMS...darn those hormones!
Date: 12/1/2004 9:37:24 PM
Author: appletini
Boys are so wierd I swear. I think they expect buying a ring to be like buying a pair or pants...they always get the same ones and know what size to get and takes all of 2 seconds. But then they find out how much goes into to choosing the perfect the ring and get freaked out because its like learning a foreign language that only girls speak.

I like to think that everything happens for a reason and ''it'' will happen exactly when it is supposed to and when it does everything will be in perspective. Sometimes I wish I could back to those early months of dating before the thought of engagement and marriage entered the my mind and everything was so exciting. Its still exciting now, but its more of an anticipation to start the rest of my life as Mrs... I think that its going to be so cool someday to get that first piece of mail that is addressed to Mr. and Mrs.
Ha! This is pretty much exactly how I thought it was going to be when I decided to start looking for a ring to buy. I started looking a week or 2 ago and was planning for a Xmas eve proposal. Unfortunately it doesn''t look like that''s going to happen, I STILL haven''t found the perfect diamond, though I have narrowed it down to a couple settings. I had to casually ask my gf what she thought about this setting or that, her friend just got married so it made it easier to bring up. I had no idea how much goes into buying a diamond, but now that I do, I have an obsession of finding the perfect one for her. Funny thing is, I probably know much more than her now when it comes to diamonds.

Now I just have to figure out the next best date to propose, her birthday is in March, but I know if I get the ring there''s no way I''ll be able to wait that long. So we''ll see.
Hey everyone... been busy busy busy with graduation in 16 days!

So here''s the scoop. My BF is fllying my best friend in from Michigan (she''s a poor med student ;) ) for my graduation..... and I suspect he is throwing some sort of surprise graduation party for me.... will it be a surprise engagement party??? I''m hoping. My brother will be flying in also and I only get to see him once or twice a year.... so I''m sure Reese sees this as the perfect time. I will keep you all posted, but you will have to excuse my lack of posts... things are getting very busy for me.

As for all of you still feeling down and frustrated about waiting, I was (and am) in your shoes since march and you just have to hang in there! I''m sure Reese is going to make this one of the most exciting and memorable moments of my life, and it all took time and planning! (You''re all probably rolling your eyes
haha.... I would be too)

Hang in there!!! Cross your fingers for me!

Appletini: So funny, when I was young (16 yrs old and stupid as a turnip, I didn''t BELIEVE in PMS). How I''ve learnt!! So what ring did you send your boyfriend? I can''t remember seeing it, because I''ve seen so many!
Date: 12/2/2004 9
6:15 AM
Author: Fiance to be

Date: 12/1/2004 9:37:24 PM
Author: appletini
Boys are so wierd I swear. I think they expect buying a ring to be like buying a pair or pants...they always get the same ones and know what size to get and takes all of 2 seconds. But then they find out how much goes into to choosing the perfect the ring and get freaked out because its like learning a foreign language that only girls speak.
Ha! This is pretty much exactly how I thought it was going to be when I decided to start looking for a ring to buy. I started looking a week or 2 ago and was planning for a Xmas eve proposal. Unfortunately it doesn''t look like that''s going to happen, I STILL haven''t found the perfect diamond, though I have narrowed it down to a couple settings.
I tried to let my b/f know there was an "art" to buying a diamond. As usual he paid no attention to me and walked into a store the day before my b-day and thought he was going to be able to walk out with the ring and propose the next day... little did he know! It''ll be 9 weeks tomorrow and im STILL waiting. Someone needs to spread the words to these boys! That should be DeBeers new campaign... although i guess they dont care that proposal plans are getting screwed up as long as they sell the diamonds!
njc: Actually making the guest list now can be a good thing, plus it can double as your Christmas card list and you go ahead and track down addresses now. Thats what I''m doing. I started to make a seperate Christmas card list and realized that if its someone I''d invite to my wedding, then they should get a Christmas card.

susiQ: Congrats on graduation! I don''t think your BF would fly in your best friend if he didn''t plan on popping the question...and your brother will be there, then its definitely going to happen.

Fiance to be: Don''t wait until March to do it, that will just torture your girlfriend. For the sake of her sanity do it sooner. Besides I''m sure its probably going to be next to impossible for you to keep that secret for long. You could do V-day, but I''m not a big fan of that. When is your anniversary? You always do a completely random surprise that she''s not expecting.

Ally: Its a ritani on page 11. Although I prefer an RB, but the princess looks really good too.
njc, I was wondering where you have been. Girl, you have more will power than I do. I would have had to open it. It was probably a faker, just to test your honestly. It would have been hilarious if there was a plastic ring or ring pop in the box. I can''t imagine after so carefully keeping it a surprise he would make such a big sleep. I am sending good willpower vibes.

appletini, I agree with you, I just feel like once it happens, folks will be like about time. It won''t be special. Also knowing its coming, takes away. We both agreed that he should have just done it when I wasn''t thinking about it as much (not sure when that would have been), but hey. At least, I wouldn''t be psycho girl. Yesterday, I told him that if I don''t have it by New Years, he would have to die - a little harsh, but I was like either I burst at the seams or you die. Either or, and since I don''t want to burst, you must die. He slyly says, well I don''t want to die. So, I said, well you know what you have to do then. He repeats, like I say, I don''t want to die. Okay, so, that leaves 29 days of opportunity. I will need super strength.

Kimberjeb, I feel just like you. We bought the house this past February. It was the happiest day for him and the saddest day for me. I actually cried, since I realized the downpayment was my ring. I mean with all the stuff that goes in after you buy a house, there was no excess for it. I knew he wanted to be with me, and that it would happen, but like you I wanted that symbol, that physical proof. Unfortunately, you assume without it, everything else is temporary. For us, its the defining moment, while I think for guys the other stuff like the house, sharing bank accounts are the symbol. You make total sense.

susiQ, it looks promising. I hope its then. But, do control hopes, so you won''t have this sulky look when it''s just a surprise party.

Welcome to all the new ladies!!!!
Dear Fiance to be

Please do not propose to her on her birthday. Propose to her the day after you take the ring home. If she''s anything like us, she''s been dreaming of this moment. Do it right away. Don''t put the ring in a drawer and wait eight months to propose.
Take your time buying the right e-ring, but propose as soon as practically possible.

For those of us knowing that the ring is in their possession, wouldn''t you say spare her the torture? (Women always have a way of finding out!)
Alley, honestly i don''t know. I came on here, learned some stuff, found some stones and settings online, emailed him about 6 different options (I am the "researcher" so I figured - and he agreed- that way he wouldn''t have to deal with it). THat way I am happy w/ whatever he picks, but still surprised. The thing is, regardless of that, I am still not sure he is going to do it. It''s like he doens''t comprehend just how important this is to me. How he COULDN''T understand after 2.5 years of discussion, and occasional whining, I don''t understand. But hopefully. Who knows. I am trying to quit predicting, lol.

Yanekie - exactly. And he asks me why I "don''t believe he loves me". I DO! (lol) I just, am a girl. And I need the proof. And it''s not (despite the most recent comments) about the $$$ that goes into it. Honestly, if he gave me a 8.88 cz from Walmart (and told me it was a diamond, lol) I would be OK. I also LOVE sapphires and have seen a number of very inexpensive sapphire rings that I would be very happy with - but HE has to have a diamond. THe point is, it''s not about the money, it''s about the s ymbol, whatever it may cost.
Date: 12/2/2004 11:39:31 AM
Author: KimberJEB
Alley, honestly i don''t know. I came on here, learned some stuff, found some stones and settings online, emailed him about 6 different options (I am the ''researcher'' so I figured - and he agreed- that way he wouldn''t have to deal with it). THat way I am happy w/ whatever he picks, but still surprised. The thing is, regardless of that, I am still not sure he is going to do it. It''s like he doens''t comprehend just how important this is to me. How he COULDN''T understand after 2.5 years of discussion, and occasional whining, I don''t understand. But hopefully. Who knows. I am trying to quit predicting, lol.

Yanekie - exactly. And he asks me why I ''don''t believe he loves me''. I DO! (lol) I just, am a girl. And I need the proof. And it''s not (despite the most recent comments) about the $$$ that goes into it. Honestly, if he gave me a 8.88 cz from Walmart (and told me it was a diamond, lol) I would be OK. I also LOVE sapphires and have seen a number of very inexpensive sapphire rings that I would be very happy with - but HE has to have a diamond. THe point is, it''s not about the money, it''s about the s ymbol, whatever it may cost.
In total agreement. I just don''t understand why they don''t get it. Oddly enough, I am more into the ring than my BF. He didn''t think it was a big deal, in fact, he proposed without it on Oct. 24th,- since my whining and doubt made him throw out the whole ring plan and stuff. But he is going to repropose with the ring and do the whole "to do", because I want it. The first will always be the first, but I think the second will be special and then everyone will know. Right now, its a secret, with the exception of all my PS friends.
I know one guy who had been dating a girl for about a year (I think she''s ~25 and he turned 30, but she''s been married before)...and he asked her if she wanted a ring or a house. She chose the house, but he told me that the ring shouldn''t be too far behind the house. So hopefully Y25 and KimberJeb y''all won''t have to wait too much longer.

Guys are so secretive about the ring shopping, if you do the research for them, they won''t admit that they have even fully looked over it or actually used it. Maybe it makes them feel that the girl wins or something, I don''t know.

KimberJeb: I love sapphires too!
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