
The All New Ladies-In-Waiting Club!

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Dodger Gurl

Hey ladies, I''ve been a bit under the weather today, so I''m just going to post a few quick thoughts and head back to the couch for Tivo''d episodes of Will & Grace...

First, njc, you are a SAINT. You held The Box in your hand and didn''t look??? You deserve an award. Seriously. For your control, I hope you get that ring soon!!

Welcome to Shay and Croi! Hope your stay is shorter than mine, lol...

And Fiance to be--heh, my birthday''s in March, too. :) While I can appreciate that you think Valentine''s is overdone, I just want to interject some concern that you''ve been telling her a proposal is years away. Go back and read some of the original anxious thread... you''ll find some women doubting if their men wanted them at all, and I know that''s not the impression you mean to give but unfortunately it''s one she''s likely to assume. We women have a mental expiration date. We expect a proposal by that date, and if one is not forthcoming, we assume there''s something wrong. This expiration date varies by the individual, so we cannot guess as to hers, but if it''s now or around now and you''re saying not for a few years, she''s gonna work herself into a tizzy. That''s all I''m saying. :)

Oh, and allycat, I have effectively halved your wait period. Sorry about that.
Well girls, we just booked our flight and hotel reservations for VEGAS!!!!! We are going Jan 4-6. I need all PSers crossing fingers and toes for us to win BIG MONEY!!!! [$$)][$$)][$$)] Then I won''t have this treacherous year to wait to wear that ring!!!!!!
hehehe. I am also going to start playing the lottery. haha. Powerball is up to 140million!!

And the chances of me getting my ring through either of those means are, well, slim to none, but hey......a girl can dream!!!!
I love Vegas. I''ve been twice and i''ve been in the money both times. The first time I paid for our entire trip. Learn how to play blackjack and sit at a table (pref $15 min or more) where people know how to play. The odds are the best at Black Jack! Good Luck and have fun... where are you staying?????
We''re staying at San Remo. I''m so excited to go!!! I can''t wait!!!
I was looking to go on a trip to Vegas. Can''t wait to hear your experience.
Oh man... i wanna go to Vegas SOOOO bad.

So its FRIDAY!!!! And the list is getting awful long...
Woah! I took a one day ps hiatus and i feel so behind! What is gonna happen when I leave for 2 weeks over christmas?! BTW,
Madarski, I''m gonna be in Vegas Dec 31-Jan3...we''re just barely gonna miss each other!

So funny thing, last night I dreamt about my ring. It was being made (with the RB) and leon kept posting pictures on PS for each step. My bf told me I wasn''t allowed to peek...but I just couldn''t help it! Unlike NJC (whose willpower is TRULY commendable), I had absolutely none. It was soooo gorgeous and I was excited beyond belief!! I was so excited, I think my adrenaline woke me up...then I just lay there wishing it wasn''t a dream and then I couldn''t get back to sleep cuz I was still feeling the high of excitement!
I''m such a loser! Hehe, unfortunately, I couldn''t tell if I had sidestones or what they were, so that didn''t help me make a decision at all...just made me more anxious to get the ring!

TT - I know what you mean by the surprise factor vs him getting the "wrong" ring. After I finally got my bf to start looking at rings with me, I asked him to point out the rings he liked...and to me they were BUTT-ugly! Terrified what I would have gotten had he been left on his own to do this! Oh and the ring shopping thing...I get the exact same reaction. But it doesn''t stop me from still going. I do find we get exponentially better service if I drag a guy in with me...any will do, not neccesarily your fiance, just a "fiance"
y''know? sucks that we gotta do that.

GG - in the vietnamese culture, we HAVE to set our wedding date by numerology, to maximize the luck going into the marraige. we also use it for things like moving into a new house etc... So a couple will decide to get married, decide an approxiamate time period, and consult an elder on the best day to tie the knot.

Alleycat - That is exactly what happened to me! I had an absolutley CLEAR picture in my head of the ring I THOUGHT i wanted...and now look at me! I 100% blame ps for this!

SusiQ - OMG! That has to be it! How many butterflies have taken up temporary residence in your tummy?!

OK guys...ring shopping plans for tomorrow with the bf...cross your fingers and hope it helps me make a decision rather than confuse me even more!
Date: 12/2/2004 3:34
6 PM
Author: blueroses
Lovey, thank you for making me are right, it will be our story no matter what....and that dishwashing scenario (stinky proposal, lol) is wonderful!

Erin, that is hysterical. It''s true though!! The list is leverage!

That Cartier Asscher is so beautiful it hurts. HURTS!
A few years ago there was this couple that used to hang out with one of my groups of friends. They''d been dating six months and she knew that he had the ring. So this is the most unromantic proposal ever. They were hanging out at his place watching tv and he got up to go to the bathroom and proposed to her when he came out. I hope he washed his hands first. So if I had to choose, I''d pick the dishwashing proposal over this one.

sidenote: today is our 1 year anniversary!!!
Too bad we have to wait a few weeks to celebrate.
I just got off the phone with one of my really good friends and she got engaged last night! Last time this happened to me, i was SOOOOOOOOOO jealous, but i was so happy for her, i was shaking! It was their 9 months anniversary and it was just simple and sweet, nothing over the top. It does make me want my ring EVEN more, but im getting excited about thinking how we could help each other with wedding plans!!! YEA!

So another friend down, all of whom dated significantly less time than me, but soon, so soon i hope. Do diamonds have any taste? Cause if they do, im so close i can tast mine!

Happy Anni Apple!
Gingercookie! Are you Vietnamese?? So am I!! I''ve never heard of this numerology thing?? Tell me more!! My parents are hardcore, traditional Vietnamese (as in you are a doctor or you are not my son/daughter) But I''ve never heard of this. I mean my mom is really suspicious about the number 13 and 4. I want to have my wedding on April 26, 2008. I know that''s in a long time but.. our anniversay is on April 27 th, so I figure I''d cheat since the wedding will last until midnight, so our wedding aniversary would be on 27th (I don''t want to make it to hard for him to remember). Intresting, maybe they haven''t said anything because I am dating a non viet guy.

I agree that PS does bad things to your brain. I USED to want small. Now I want huge. What a change! Good luck with the ring setting. Imagine how bad it must be for your bf? You can''t make up your mind and he has to keep up with you.
Madarski, good luck in Vegas!! Kyle wants us to go end of Jan/early Feb next year, but honestly I don''t know how that''s going to happen...because so far, we''ve got AT LEAST two major trips already scheduled, more if we do end up getting married in September. I have a family reunion I''m obligated to attend in July
and we just got hotel confirmations for Hawaii in November!!
(My family''s going to Hawaii and Kyle & I will be joining them. HOPEFULLY as a married couple, so we can share the same room!!
) And then if all goes as planned, we''ll be heading to Louisville, KY for our wedding in September, and (God willing) a honeymoon following that. Don''t plan to be around much, next year!!

So win lots of money for me! I play the lotto on occasion (read: when I have an extra $2,
) but I have the worst luck in the world and I never, ever, ever, EVER win ANYthing. Kyle dragged me to this Intel conference to learn about the new motherboard & processor they''re releasing (
) but I agreed to go because they were giving away some awesome door prizes, including 10 new motherboard/processor combos, and since I fried mine (again) I was hoping either he or I would win one. So we sat in this room with maybe 150 other people, and between the good prizes and the stupid prizes (like hats and T-shirts) I swear they gave away like, 145 prizes. It was seriously harder NOT to win something than it was to win something, but due to my luck hex both Kyle and I walked away empty-handed. Story of my life.

Offhand, I love your new av. Was that the revenge ring you made to scare your bf?

appletini---OMG, that is seriously the FUNNIEST thing I''ve ever heard!!
Right now I''m reading a book called "Diary of a Mad Bride" and it''s really funny...recommeded for anybody who gets a little shell-shocked at the stupid things brides obsess over. In the book, she got proposed to in the concession line at a stinky movie theatre, and she got more and more dissatisfied with it until finally she asked him why he''d done it in such a stupid, thoughtless place. Turns out that was where they''d had their first kiss and he was trying to be romantic. I''m hoping there''s some side story to the bathroom proposal, lol!!!!
Hey all! I am going to Vegas 12/10-12/12, so if a few more p''scopers go during Dec we could cover the whole month! Totally doubt ring/proposal will happen there, but everyone here at work is thinking it will. But i think not. I am thinking end of January sometime.

I also play the lotto- figure somebody has to win sometime!

Busy at work trying to finish up projects before my last day next Wednesday.....
gg- No, it isn''t that ring. We actually ended up having a huge talk about the ring that was long overdue. It turns out that there was definately some miscommunication. He had made some comment early on about how he didn''t understand how the whole process was fair, that women get a ring for the proposal and men don''t get anything. So I assumed that he was going to be a total tightwad, and not want to spend any money on a ring. I know that a lot of women choose to upgrade their diamonds later in life when they can more easily afford it, but personally, I don''t want to do that. I want to look at that same ring that he proposed to me with, because of that sentimental value. So I want to get a nice ring that I will be happy with for the rest of my life. My boyfriend and I have had a joint account for nearly a year and a half now. So I know that what I truly want, if I could pick it out, would be more than he can afford. Really our money is the same now anyhow. We had this talk, and I told him that the rings I had been researching were all in response to his comment early on. He explained to me that he was kind of trying to get my goat when he said that. (We have that kind of joking relationship). He said that he would love to get me the ring of my dreams, and if he could afford it, he would have done it yesterday. So we had this long talk, and I said that I do really want to have that unique ring, that I will be happy with forever. I do know that it is going to be quite expensive, and since I want something that is quite substantial, and we share the same money, then I have no problem about contributing my part of that. We are both in school, and we want to make a good financial decision. If I want the ring of my dreams, which i now know he is willing and wanting to give me, I am willing to wait for it. I am going to pay off my damn credit card, that I ran up my friggin'' freshman year
, and then I am going to save half of the money that the ring will cost, and we are going to finance the rest of it. I am totally happy with that decision. I just wish we would win the lottery tomorrow, cuz it''s hard to wait. haha. but anyway, I want a 2ct cushion cut diamond, and I was looking for settings that would compliment that. Valeria posted a pic of that ring, and it literally took my breath away. (of course that ring is a harry winston, and has a 5ct center stone). but the setting is just my style. I absolutely love it!!!! So I am going to duplicate it with my cushion!!! yay!! Wow, that took a long time to explain, are you sorry you asked??? haha.

Werent'' you feeling sick the other day? Are you feeling any better? i hope so!!!
Unfortunately no side story to the post-bathroom proposal...he just knew she wouldn''t expect it. So I guess he gets points for the surprise factor, but loses way more points by lack of planning, inability to keep a secret, and completely unromantic.

Although I''m very surprised that the girl didn''t remember their first kiss...girls usually remember all those things and guys never do.

Altough every once in while when its a random however many months anniversary we like to reminisce about all things we did when we first started dating. Lately we just keep talking about how perfect our first date was. Altough I was totally freaking out that day b/c a few weeks before I bought a really cute new shirt (it was two pieces, had a matching tank underneath). At the time my friend and I said it was a good date shirt, but since I wasn''t dating anyone I wore it for Thanksgiving, and the strap on the tank broke later that day. So the day before my date I took it back to have alterations repair the broken strap. I went back to pick it the next day and the store had lost it, so they gave me a replacement tank from another shirt so that I could still wear it on my date. It seemed like such a big deal at the time, but I seriously doubt that the relationship would have been ruined if I had worn something else. Oh and on top of it all I was recovering from a cold, and kept having coughing fits, but he just laughed.

Does anyone else have any first date/early dating bloopers or first date stories they want to share?
Madarski...its funny that guys think that they don''t get any big gift in return for an engagement ring, but actually they do. I have heard that the traditional wedding gift from the bride to the groom is a watch. I plan on getting my future husband a rolex submariner. He actually needs a new watch now (old one is from an ex, and it quit working shortly after we started dating...hows that for karma), but he''ll just have to wait.
haha!! how ironic!! I have also heard that a watch is the traditional gift. I don''t think that my guy is very traditional though. I think he''s happy with his Fossil watch!! I don''t think he''d know what to do with a Rolex or a Tag Heuer. Maybe in a couple years he''d appreciate it more, but for now he works in the restaurant business to get thru school, and I don''t think he''d get a chance to wear it much. So, I''m thinking more along the electronics line. He''s a sucker for that. Any good ideas?
1. Plasma TV: this costs about as much as a rolex, will be super cool in your house, the only problem is that all of his boys will want to come over and watch sports.
2. Massage chair: both of you can enjoy this one, and it is always good after a stressful day at work
Date: 12/3/2004 1:14:19 PM
Author: madarski
I want a 2ct cushion cut diamond, and I was looking for settings that would compliment that. Valeria posted a pic of that ring, and it literally took my breath away. (of course that ring is a harry winston, and has a 5ct center stone). but the setting is just my style. I absolutely love it!!!! So I am going to duplicate it with my cushion!!! yay!! Wow, that took a long time to explain, are you sorry you asked??? haha.

Can you repost the picture of this ring? I''d love to see it! I would absolutely LOVE a 2c ring - heck, who wouldn''t? I have yet to really try on different shape stones & setting styles so I''m not really sure if want will look good on my hand. It''s like trying on clothes - see something in a window that looks awesome and you go in, try it on and think.. "eh..."

But I''m gravitating towards a RB, cushion or pear (with 3 prong setting only).
For our first date (high school Homecoming dance), I was really nervous (had a crush on him for FOREVER, it was my first date ever, his first date ever, and surrounded by our friends who were acting all giggly and stupid). My dad insisted on taking tons of pics before we went to dinner, I couldn''t eat anything because of all my butterflies, and I''d felt weird about him paying for everything, so I bought my own ticket to the dance in advance but didn''t tell him about it! Luckily, he hadn''t bought them in advance, so he wasn''t stuck with an extra ticket cause I''m a big dorky weirdo. *Sigh!* It all turned out in the end though, cause we''re getting married!!

Fiance to be - I agree with goldengirl too. All kinds of crazy thoughts are probably running through her head, odd completely wacky scenarios as to why you don''t want to marry her (think: you''re gay and don''t want to admit it, or you don''t really love her and just want to keep her around for a few more years until you find someone better). So, the bottom line - go ahead and tell her that you want to wait to get engaged for a few years to throw her off track, but you need to be really sensitive to how that makes her feel rejected or unwanted by you. She needs to know that you are serious about her and your future together, and she needs to know that unequivocally. Good luck and best wishes!!
OK, I have a problem ladies!! I have absolutely fallen in love with my temp ring, and I want a real one just like it! But I think my FI is getting me a solitaire ering, so I don''t know what to do... I found this:


at bluenile, and it''s perfect!! but almost $2000 for the setting alone... I''d be perfectly happy with a .5 - .3 ct center stone (1ct in pic), with only 2 or 3 2-pointers as sides (almost .04''s here), but still pretty pricy compaired to a solitaire. I sent him this pic already, so I''ll see what he says. I want my real ring soon, but I also want it to be like my fake, and I want him to have $$ left after buying the ring too! Ugh.... stupid sentimental nature.... I can always upgrade a solitaire for our 5th anni, right? And yes blueroses, this was the best $8.88 he could have ever spent! But now I''ve got this dilemma cause I''m so attached now!
Date: 12/3/2004 1:49:46 PM
Author: twinkletoes

Date: 12/3/2004 1:14:19 PM
Author: madarski
I want a 2ct cushion cut diamond, and I was looking for settings that would compliment that. Valeria posted a pic of that ring, and it literally took my breath away. (of course that ring is a harry winston, and has a 5ct center stone). but the setting is just my style. I absolutely love it!!!! So I am going to duplicate it with my cushion!!! yay!! Wow, that took a long time to explain, are you sorry you asked??? haha.

Can you repost the picture of this ring? I''d love to see it! I would absolutely LOVE a 2c ring - heck, who wouldn''t? I have yet to really try on different shape stones & setting styles so I''m not really sure if want will look good on my hand. It''s like trying on clothes - see something in a window that looks awesome and you go in, try it on and think.. ''eh...''

But I''m gravitating towards a RB, cushion or pear (with 3 prong setting only).

Sure, I''d love to!! The reason I love this ring is because it is simple yet unique. I absolutely love the double claw prongs and the contouring of the band. Baguettes are a timeless beauty, classy and elegant.

You might remember my story - my bf has had the ring in the computer desk drawer since May. Well, for our 3 year anniversary (Sept 19) I got him a really nice watch - hoping it would prompt the ring.......

I got perfume.
Date: 12/3/2004 2:51
6 PM
Author: Erin
You might remember my story - my bf has had the ring in the computer desk drawer since May. Well, for our 3 year anniversary (Sept 19) I got him a really nice watch - hoping it would prompt the ring.......

I got perfume.
HA! Which would be nice on any other occasion......but if I was hoping for ring, my demented mind would not think...this is would think...does this means he thinks I smell? Ack! I smell. No wonder he hasn''t given me the ring yet- he doesn''t want to be trapped with stinky girl....
JCJD - You can always get diamonds in your wedding band? I know its not the same, but just thought id throw that out there. That is what i plan to do since all i picked out were solitares (easier on the wallet), but who knows what he actually picked out for me!

Madarski - My b/f has always wanted a big screen TV, its was next on his list of big things to buy. I stepped in and said i was going to have some major issues if he bought his TV before he gave me a ring. So im planning on getting him the TV... he has it picked out and everything. If we are within 2 miles of a Best Buy we have to go visit it.

But if you are interested in a big screen, i would stay away from plasmas. They are ridiculously expensive and only last about 8 years and then thats it. There isnt a part to replace, you have to buy a whole new TV. The picture is AMAZING, but for a lot less money you can get a DLP or LCD, or the best/newest thing is LCoS (liquid crystal over silicon; companies have different names for the technology). Closer to the picture quality of a plasma with the easy maintance of a DLP, and even cheaper than the DLP and LCD. Huh... i guess some of the things the b/f said sunk in... sorry to bore you guys!
NJC- what brand is he looking at? I am also thinking TV, or soudns ystem. Saw a friends DLP and it was lovely, but will have to look into LCoS.
Date: 12/3/2004 12
8:23 PM
Author: allycat0303
Gingercookie! Are you Vietnamese?? So am I!! I've never heard of this numerology thing?? Tell me more!! My parents are hardcore, traditional Vietnamese (as in you are a doctor or you are not my son/daughter) But I've never heard of this. I mean my mom is really suspicious about the number 13 and 4. I want to have my wedding on April 26, 2008. I know that's in a long time but.. our anniversay is on April 27 th, so I figure I'd cheat since the wedding will last until midnight, so our wedding aniversary would be on 27th (I don't want to make it to hard for him to remember). Intresting, maybe they haven't said anything because I am dating a non viet guy.

I agree that PS does bad things to your brain. I USED to want small. Now I want huge. What a change! Good luck with the ring setting. Imagine how bad it must be for your bf? You can't make up your mind and he has to keep up with you.

Yup...vietnamese. Are you gonna be a doctor too? Are you in med school? Where at? Once, towards the end of highschool when all us seniors were trying to figure out what we would major in in undergrad, I casually mentioned during dinner that I thought I might get a degree in chemical engineering. Silence falls across the room. My mother looks up from her rice bowl with fire in her eyes. She puts down the bowl of rice and slams the chopsticks down and says, "You WHAT?" Very quickly, before she could leap across the table and beat me into submission with her chopsticks, I qualified my answer and saying I meant I would get my undergrad in engineering BEFORE MY MEDICAL DEGREE. Are we talking like that kind of Vietnamese parents?

Yah, so the numerology parents and relatives are always consulting the Vietnamese/Lunar calendar for big events (new business openings, move-ins, weddings, any life changing event). It's usually on the calandars with lots of chines-y symbols on the tear-away sheets...y'know? I'm dating a non viet guy too! How did your parents react? Mine temporarily disowned me. Have you guys talked marraige with your parents yet? Have you done the official his parents come over to ask for your hand in marrriage yet? You know that he can't directly ask for permission cuz he is considered at your level of "class/age/generation" and therefore below theirs. And they can only "do business" or whatever with someone at their level'generation...i.e. his parents. Are you guys gonna have a traditional viet wedding? with the dam hoi and all that? Did you know vietnames brides receive not only a ring, but also a bracelet, necklace and earrings from the groom's family? And the the ring is as important as the earrings, which symbolize your purity? woohoo...cover me in ice baby! Well, this is for buddhist weddings. I don't know how different viet catholic weddings are.

JCJD - Ive seen your Walmart ring in the for-real-diamond variety here on pricescope. I'll see if I can find the post somewhere, i saw it when I forst joined way back when i was diamond ignorant. I think the ring was custom WF maybe? and it was a reasonable price I think. hmmm...gotta do some digging, I may be hallucinating the whole thing. Too many diamonds to keep straight in my mind!
Date: 12/3/2004 2:53:53 PM
Author: njc
JCJD - You can always get diamonds in your wedding band? I know its not the same, but just thought id throw that out there. That is what i plan to do since all i picked out were solitares (easier on the wallet), but who knows what he actually picked out for me!

Madarski - My b/f has always wanted a big screen TV, its was next on his list of big things to buy. I stepped in and said i was going to have some major issues if he bought his TV before he gave me a ring. So im planning on getting him the TV... he has it picked out and everything. If we are within 2 miles of a Best Buy we have to go visit it.

But if you are interested in a big screen, i would stay away from plasmas. They are ridiculously expensive and only last about 8 years and then thats it. There isnt a part to replace, you have to buy a whole new TV. The picture is AMAZING, but for a lot less money you can get a DLP or LCD, or the best/newest thing is LCoS (liquid crystal over silicon; companies have different names for the technology). Closer to the picture quality of a plasma with the easy maintance of a DLP, and even cheaper than the DLP and LCD. Huh... i guess some of the things the b/f said sunk in... sorry to bore you guys! bf was getting ready to buy new >$1000 sound system for his new used car (which had sucked up all of the money put away for the ring and wedding) and wanted my opinion. I told him that I wouldn''t give an opinion cuz i''m biased because of what I want.....however, were he to show up with a new speakers before a had a ring on my finger we were going to have major issues.''s likeyou and i had the same conversation! Does any one else here find it weird/neat that we all have such similar "happenings?" With the Halo2 and the obsessions over the TVs and the somehow his thinking a perfect ring would magically appear in his hand when he was ready to propose?
This is the one we visit on a regular basis, 50" Samsung DLP. Last time we went i made some comment like i dont get to go to the jewelry store to visit the rings! Supposidly Samsung is the original creater of the DLP technology and Texas Instraments makes the signal processor or something another in the tv... my b/f is an engineer and totally into all the electronic stuff... its a pretty top of the line TV.
Here is a pic of the vatche that htey replicated! Isn''t it almost exactly the same!! The vatche is almost $2,000 also for just the setting, but it would be vatche instead of blue nile...OR you can call WF and see how much they would charge you since your ring would be smaller and with a smaller diamond (this one is 1 ct). EEK! I KNOW someone on here has the WF replica...i just can''t seem to find the post! I think I remeber the thread mentioning that WF was a little cheaper. I''ll keep looking.

Some of the companies name the LCoS technology a different name. Like this JVC is supposed to be pretty tip top, but they have their own fancy name for it (D-ILA micro-display). And here is a Phillips. I know the big thing my b/f likes is that they have DVI connections (Digital Video Inputs)... what that is for, im not sure, but he likes it for something!
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