
The All New Ladies-In-Waiting Club!

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This is the view from the top : )

welcome happysnowbunny.....and WOW, will your ring be gorgeous!!! Can''t wait to see it!

Hope all of you ladies had a great weekend....I was at a wedding, but for once just got to be a guest rather than IN it. If any of you are going to be planning a wedding in the Philly area, I was REALLY impressed with this place--The DownTown Club--in general, and especially the FOOD!! I''ve never had better food at a wedding, and I''ve been to LOTS. (It''s their in-house caterer you have to use.)

Anyway, it was such a fun night and made me think of all of us and our eventual (fingers crossed!) big days
Oh, WOW!!! That''s QUITE the looker from the side!!
Are you going to have a similarly-sized diamond in place of the emerald, or will it be very much larger or smaller?

Anybody else decorating for Christmas yet??
Kyle and I are stuck in AZ for Christmas--he isn''t permitted to take time off between Thanksgiving and New Year''s, and I told my folks I''d rather stay here and have Christmas with him than go up to their place. I really feel like home is wherever he is, y''know?

So we decided to actually do it up Christmas style this year...neither of us have ever decorated our own places before, since we''d always just skipped town for the holidays. So we went today and bought our first Christmas tree ever!! I''d bought some lights and ornaments, and a tree skirt and garlands and a cranberry wreath for the front door. So we''ve spent the evening making our home up for the holidays! I must say it''s all quite festive with the presents under the tree, and since we''ve spent so much time/money on our living room redecorating lately, it REALLY looks great. We even have stockings hanging up... and we bought a special ornament at the mall, three stockings hanging in front of a fireplace, with our names (Him, me, and the pup) and the year on the bottom. It really feels like our first Christmas! I mean, we were together last year for Christmas (he came to my parent''s place with me) but we''d only been seeing each other exclusively for a short time..we still hardly knew each other. And since this is the first year we''ve "done" Christmas at our own places, individually, I think it makes it even more special that we''re doing it together. How lame is that, right??
But I''m just FULL of Christmas Spirit this year!

Anybody else looking forward to a GREAT holiday season??
Oh -- I am sure mine will be much smaller! I have no idea the size of that Emerald, but I think it is pretty big... I know that the four things that come up on the sides will be shorter on mine... my center stone is a cushion cut.. about 1.6cts...
happysnowbunny - lots of europeans wear their wedding bands on their right hand...I work with a polish lady and she has her wedding band on her right hand! Your ring is absolutley gorgeous! I really am in conflicts about working with leon! Today was supposedly my self imposed deadline to get on the phone with leon but I''m being indecisive about working with a jeweler long distance you know? I can''t wait to see your ring! That''s always been one of my favorites!

gg - I love the holidays and holiday decorating! don''t your feel like everyone is just a little bit nicer around this time of year?

alleycat - my boyfriend is an engineer also! electrical. what''s your''s? my bf is hispanic...mexican to be exact. my parents absolutely flipped! i wish my sister would bring home a horrible viet guy so my parents c an undergo the same epihany...they still believe viet=ideal husband. I should have brought home some of my ex''s...i''ve dated a few viet thugs/wanna-be thugs..if only i had known!
i was really lucky in that my aunts and uncles rallied around me and wore my parents down into at least giving my bf a chance. but they are still very suspicious and ask me occasional questions such as "Does he beat you? Does he cheat on you? Doea he REALLY have an engineering degree?" ridiculous. Actually the only accpetable husband career in my family is doctor and MAYBE is worse than nothing because one of my uncles and one of my cuzins became and engineer, both had difficulty finding jobs and both went back to school and ended up medical. I''m jealous of your sitch! I wish my perants had come around like that! I think they still hope he''ll leave me...despite the fact thqat we''ve been together almost 7 years AND we''re talking marriage now! Oi vay...we''ll see how it work out. We''re planning to combine the viet buddhist wedding and the mexican catholic wedding so I''ll get to wear a pretty white dress too! yay! (oh yeah...the catholic thing is a big prob for my parents too...can we have any more odds stacked against us? honestly.
GG - I''m totally with you on the decorating for the holidays thing. Although my bf and I have been dating forever and this isn''t our first Christmas together, it is our first Christmas living together and that definitely makes a difference. We put up our tree last weekend and decorated our apartment. We bought a tree skirt, stockings and lots of decorations. When we went back to our hometown for Thanksgiving we brought our ornaments back from our parents house too. Our apartment looks so great right now I love it. I wish I could keep the decorations up all year! I love this time of year.
oh yeah! ring update. so I went ring shoppinng this weekend and did a massive ring try on. btw...i was appalled at the lack of education in some of these sales ppl. i went to really nice jewelry chains and i kept running into things like "Tacori? is that a ring?" or " Square emerald? You mean a princess?" No I mean an emerald cut...but square. "You mean radiant?!" Geesh! I don't expect everyone to be as eduated as psers...but geez louise if you wrok in the jewelry business.....hello!

anyways off track. i swear i tried on so may ring that I went into a little overload! I tried on this Michael B. with three sided pave, with pave up the prongs, with a pave "surprise" diamond, and get this...a pave'd diamond on top of the prong so that it looks like four little diamonds are holding the center stone. unfrickin'believable!!! as was the price tag....$7900 for the setting only. yeouch...i put that one away rather quickly...well actually i kept playing with it cuz it was so gorgeous..just mentally filed it under "don't even think about it!"
still drooling though.
so this weekend has lead to to these "final" choices

1) prong set eternity (my bfs favorite)
2) tacori rosebud - 3 stone version ( I still loved it! in the case its like..oh! pretty! but once i slide it onto my finger..i am mesmerized!! to the point where i forget to look at it critically and eval what i like about it like i meant to!1 now i have to go back and visit it again. yay!
...i did note that I am not 100% crazy about the prongs though)
3) leon...i would love a custom ring and i love his work ..but am still nervous about a long distance jeweler.

i am feeling very conflicted (although this is a rather nice confliction to have) in an ideal world...tacori would agree to do some custom changes for me and drop the price tag! i know the dropped price tag is an impossibility...but does anyone know how ammendable tacori is to custom changes?
Ginger - i believe Tacori is willing to work with customers to create something they like... how much they are willing to change and how that effects the price, im not sure. I know there are some pscopers that have had similar things done though... might want to post something in Rocky Talky?

GG - We went out Friday night and got a tree and ornaments too! We were waiting to pay and i looked at the b/f and smiled and said, "Our first Christmas Tree!!!" He commented on how goofy i was being, but then once we had everything up and getting ready to put the ornaments on he came over and gave me a kiss and said Merry Christmas! So i think it eventually hit him too! He''s getting awful sappy on me these days...
i took a 3 day weekend and so much has happened on ps. happysnowbunny, that ring you posted is gorgeous - especially the side view - wow! gingerbcookie - the michael b ring you just described sounds yummy. me a few ideas...

well, after weeks of waiting for my ring to materialize, my fiance finally demanded a refund check this weekend. as soon as i have it in my hot little hands, i''m off on a new treasure hunt (with a much clearer vision of what I want - and hopefully a little more well informed).

oooh...i''m so jealous of everyone who''s already started decorating for christmas. my fiance and i are waiting for his tenants to move out so we can move into a real house (we''re currently in a studio without a kitchen). this has been another one of our "battles," but i refuse to put up a tree until we''re settled in someplace permanent.
Njc and goldengirl, we got our first Xmas tree too. Usually we go out of town, but this year we are going to stay home and celebrate. We got the tree, outdoor lights, he needs to hang them up. A wreath and I did this lighted garland down the staircase. I am very excited. We won''t start decorating until Friday, since this week is so busy, but we invited friends over to help decorate over fondue and cocktails. It''s also the first Xmas in our own home. I am excited.

OMG!!!!! My boyfriend is electrical too!!!! That is crazy!!. Well my parents REALLY wanted me to marry Viet doctor. The thing is my dad is an electrical engineer (he worked as a teacher) so they couldn''t say anything about that. They were really worried about him finding a job too, my uncle has a phD in mechanical engineering and NEVER got a job! But its different, I think a lot about working in the industry is the way you present yourself. My boyfriend got an excellent job right out of school. He worked there for a year and didn''t like it so he quit. I was FREAKING out, because I thought he would never find another job. In any case, he started at a new job 1 week later with a big pay hike, that shut me up
. So my parents were like.. "why is he so good??" You dated wannabe thugs?? Oh my God. My sister''s boyfriend is Viet, and he has degree in comp sci, but the killer is that he makes less then half of what my boyfriend does, and he is 28! Been out of school for five years! Not only that he is such a jerk. He comes over for dinner and criticizes my mom''s food (to her face!!!!).

At least your aunt and uncles rallied behind you! My parents used to tell me that white men beat their wives all the time! And that white men were dominent and alcoholics.And that they would demand sex all the time! I got that alot to, so don''t worry. It''s their own brand of insanity. They will get over it once they get to know your husband to be, and then before you know it they''ll pretend it was their idea all along. At the end of the day, they love you and WILL support. It is all about patience! I think Viet parents are really concerned that a man can provide for you. As long as your boyfriend is doing that for you, verything will be fine! Are his parents willing to talk to yours about marriage or are you skipping that step?

Oh and your ring. Tacori rosebud. Love it. The two side diamonds makes the center look huge. It''s my second choice. However, my first is Reena''s ring (Leon) I showed my boyfriend the pic and said " If I open the box and that is not inside, there will be NO engagement" He got the message. Oh, and I live in Quebec, Canada, so how is that for long distance? What are you going to pick? And how big will the center be?
GG- I''m crazy about christmas. Last year my boyfriend brought me a little 4 foot WHITE tree. It has gold and silver decorations. I love white trees even though he thinks they are ugly. My boyfriend and I have a date to put it on this saturday and I am so excited! I''m going to buy him a little green tree to this year to compensate. A white one for me, and a green one for him, so we can both be happy.
Date: 12/6/2004 12
7:29 PM
Author: allycat0303

OMG!!!!! My boyfriend is electrical too!!!! That is crazy!!. Well my parents REALLY wanted me to marry Viet doctor. The thing is my dad is an electrical engineer (he worked as a teacher) so they couldn''t say anything about that. They were really worried about him finding a job too, my uncle has a phD in mechanical engineering and NEVER got a job! But its different, I think a lot about working in the industry is the way you present yourself. My boyfriend got an excellent job right out of school. He worked there for a year and didn''t like it so he quit. I was FREAKING out, because I thought he would never find another job. In any case, he started at a new job 1 week later with a big pay hike, that shut me up
. So my parents were like.. ''why is he so good??'' You dated wannabe thugs?? Oh my God. My sister''s boyfriend is Viet, and he has degree in comp sci, but the killer is that he makes less then half of what my boyfriend does, and he is 28! Been out of school for five years! Not only that he is such a jerk. He comes over for dinner and criticizes my mom''s food (to her face!!!!).

At least your aunt and uncles rallied behind you! My parents used to tell me that white men beat their wives all the time! And that white men were dominent and alcoholics.And that they would demand sex all the time! I got that alot to, so don''t worry. It''s their own brand of insanity. They will get over it once they get to know your husband to be, and then before you know it they''ll pretend it was their idea all along. At the end of the day, they love you and WILL support. It is all about patience! I think Viet parents are really concerned that a man can provide for you. As long as your boyfriend is doing that for you, verything will be fine! Are his parents willing to talk to yours about marriage or are you skipping that step?

Oh and your ring. Tacori rosebud. Love it. The two side diamonds makes the center look huge. It''s my second choice. However, my first is Reena''s ring (Leon) I showed my boyfriend the pic and said '' If I open the box and that is not inside, there will be NO engagement'' He got the message. Oh, and I live in Quebec, Canada, so how is that for long distance? What are you going to pick? And how big will the center be?
OMG...i don''t think i have ever laughed so hard reading a ps post... MY MOM TOLD ME HE WOULD DEMAND TOO MUCH SEX TOO!!!!!!!!!!!11 roftlmao!!!!!!!!!!!!
WOOOO...OK BREATHE! I thought my mom was the only weird one...i hadn''t told ANYONE, not even my BF that she told me this cuz I thought it was so ridiculous and semi embarrassing. OMG..that is the funniest thing EVER!
Viet moms...I swear.
What can you do? Oh yeah...and my uncle and cuz who couldn''t find engineering jobs? mechanical engineers. doo-do-doo-do (twilight zone music) are we living parallel lives? bf is a wonderful guy (of course or I wouldn''t be with him)..very supportive and caring of me...very tolerant of my medical school crap (of which there is ready! and warn your man!) There is a huge hiatus in engineering openings in houston, and he sacrificed a LOT of job offers elsewhere so he could saty with me. But I wasn''t worried because he has this way about thim that everyone immediately loves as soon as they meet of course he got a great job here when all of his friends had to travel to find work.
We were really happy. His parents initially weren''t thrilled either (his dad told him that all asian women were either hos or gold diggers
) but they''ve warmed up to me ALOT and now we all get along pretty well. The biggest obstacle is that ihis parents are not super fluent in english...and my spanish is a bit spotty. And my mom is also kinda sad cuz her english isn''t 100% fluent either, and she has trouble conveying exactly what she wants to say to my bf, y''know. It''s rough all around...and we knew it from the start...but we love each other and can''t help it. His parents know about the whole asking thing and of course my parents will be demanding it. We plan to have him ask me first (so he can still have the whoel surprise thing) then afterwards do the parent thing. I prob won''t wear my ring around my parents until after the parents meet. Just to keep it proper for them. I''m really happy for you everything worked out so me hope that we''ll get there some day!

I loove reena''s ring...thats the one that continues to call me back to leon...y''know? I''m not sure yet...I think I will
1) post on rocky talk about tacori customization,
2) go back and look at the tacori rosebud again,
3) check out their other rings'' prongs and see if they have one that i like better ( i figured they would be more amendable if i combined their designs rather than something totally new),
4) and give leon a call to get a rough estimate so I can compare with tacori''s quote for the customized ring.

Whoo (wipes forehead). So much work...but so worth it (I hope). Oh and my center is a AGS000 1.375 ct G VVS1/2? (can''t remember) RB. It'';s so pretty! Very sparkly with TONS of fire! I have it at my place and am always tempted to sneak peeks at it...but I''m not allowed to
Hey ladies... well, I talked with Kyle last night and
, I think everything''s further off than I''d hoped. I think 9-7-5 is out for good. He expressed a definite preference for ''06. I understand his reasons and what''s even more annoying is I agree with him... so I''m on hold, here. This could be a good thing, though, right? I mean....that means now we have more time to save for the ring!!

I''ve decided I''m just going to enjoy the holidays without expectations because frankly, I think I''d just be disappointed. I may be here for a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time...
Awwww, cheer up goldengirl. 2006 is my year, too. I think with everything going on, 2005 would be cutting it close.
Date: 12/6/2004 1:40
7 PM
Author: goldengirl
Hey ladies... well, I talked with Kyle last night and
, I think everything''s further off than I''d hoped. I think 9-7-5 is out for good. He expressed a definite preference for ''06. I understand his reasons and what''s even more annoying is I agree with him... so I''m on hold, here. This could be a good thing, though, right? I mean....that means now we have more time to save for the ring!!

I''ve decided I''m just going to enjoy the holidays without expectations because frankly, I think I''d just be disappointed. I may be here for a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time...
Dont worry, gg! I will be here for awhile too! The bf and I are both in grad school, and need to save $$!!! Its not necessarily such a bad thing! It will be here before you know it!
Ginger: I''m in H-town too! I love the Leon rings too, but I think my sweetie is going for the whole surprise factor and could possibly have something in the works, so all I can do is email him pics and hope that he that into consideration. Although I did figure out where he went ring shopping one time (Past Era inside the Antique Pavilion) and they had some gorgeous antique/vintage rings (but with very high price tags).

GG: I''ll probably be a 2006 wedding too (but hopefully the beginning of 2006) since he has several very close friends getting married in 2005. My best friend has already been semi-planning my bachelorette party even though there is no ring yet.
Aeli - I still cant believe all the trouble you have had with your ring!!! Sorry things didnt work out with your ring at Tiffany''s, but glad you all got the money back and that you get to go shopping again! You might find something even more spectacular!

GG - More money, more bling! Sorry to hear of the delay, but glad you seem to be upbeat about it all. We are here for ya!
GG- we also did our ''first'' christmas tree together this year. I did one last year at my house- he helped me pick it up and get it in stand, but it was really ''my'' tree. So this year, since I am moving in with him in January, we got hte tree and put it at his house. I decorated it, and he also thought I was a bit silly about the whole sappy thing ogf our first tree, but came up to kiss me and say merry christmas as I was decorating.

I am sorry that things are being delayed, but ''06 is not too far away!it is only 26 days til ''05, so it isn''t TOO far away. I am hoping for ''05 wedding, but know that that will mean having short time to plan as I would like to aim for 10/8/05. And am not expecting proposal til Jan/Feb (hopefully). Could be March/April which will really cut things down time wise.

We are going to Vegas this Friday, and I have already talked to him about going to some of hte upscale jewelry stores to try on rings- not to buy there, but that they may have bigger selection of brand names to try on, for ideas. He is all for it, which makes me happy- no trying to avoid it at all!
Goldengirl! Hugs! So does this mean a 2006 wedding or a 2006 engagement? That''s the year for me to. We''ll all be flying off that list with the speed of ligthening. More time will let you get a more amazing ring.

Ginger! I think we do live in this crazy parallel world! i think that a lot of Viet girls that date out of their culture get this. Oh that is terrible about his parents! I can''t believe they inititally thought that. I think that there are some asian girls that are both (golddiggers and brother is dating one
) but not you..for God''s sake... your going to be a doctor! Its good they''ve gotten over it, I suppose they wanted a Spanish daughter in law? Tell them your children will be stunning because most mixed children are! At lease they are willing to do the negotiations. Parents and their demands... But great idea of him asking privately first and letting your parents feel that they were still accorded the respect they deserve. Ah.. your mother would sooo get along with mine. Actually funny enough, now what bothers me more is some preconcieved notions that people have.Let me list so you can laugh (one of my asian guy friends told me)

a) You are whitewashed
b) Only the ugly asian girls date white men because no asian man would date them
c) You boyfriend wanted a subservient sex slave
d) You are dating him for your green card!!

Needless to say, I''m not friends with that guy anymore
. But you know what? You love who you love. And if he can put up with med school, and the stress you go through, then you have found a winner.

And your ring! Reena told me (that angel
) that Leon charged her $4200 for her setting. But the tacori is beuatiful too, maybe you can have tacori modify the prongs for you. Although I am sure your ring wil be incredible. I can''t believe you haven''t taken a peek yet. SUCH RESTRAINT!!
Date: 12/6/2004 10:38:52 AM
Author: gingerBcookie
oh yeah! ring update. so I went ring shoppinng this weekend and did a massive ring try on. btw...i was appalled at the lack of education in some of these sales ppl. i went to really nice jewelry chains and i kept running into things like ''Tacori? is that a ring?'' or '' Square emerald? You mean a princess?'' No I mean an emerald cut...but square. ''You mean radiant?!'' Geesh! I don''t expect everyone to be as eduated as psers...but geez louise if you wrok in the jewelry business.....hello!

I asked a saleslady at Zales if they carried any loose stones with medium to strong blue fluor., and she started rambling away about diamond clarity!!! So I smiled and nodded, and promptly informed the boy NOT to buy me jewelry from Zales!!

Goldengirl - Cheer up! 2006 really isn''t that far away, as others have pointed out too. And you could try for an early 2006 wedding if you wanted too. Trust me, I''m almost regretting setting a June 2005 wedding date now cause of all the planning we''ve got to do ASAP! We haven''t even set the guest list or the budget yet, and we''ve got to order the dress, decide on a caterer, book a tent rental or a reception facility, book a DJ, a photog, have the engagement sitting, and order invitations, like, in the next 3 weeks! Oh well, the short engagement insanity will be worth it for us in the end, cause we''re waiting, if you know what I mean, til the wedding night, and after 7 years of "not yet!", it''s about damn time!!! LOL!! And more $$ for bigger & better bling is great too!!! Plus, you can start really gathering info on the caterer, DJ, etc that you want for your wedding, and start saving up for that florist you simply must have!
a) You are whitewashed
b) Only the ugly asian girls date white men because no asian man would date them
c) You boyfriend wanted a subservient sex slave
d) You are dating him for your green card!!

I could PUNCH that guy for every saying that to you. First of all, whitewashed COMON!!! Ugly asian girl! First of all, from what I remember of your picture with your bf!! you are strikingly gorgeous (and IMO most asian women are)! A subservient sex that what he thinks about the women in his culture!! WHAT AN A** (im fuming he would have said that)... does he not realize that he is putting his perception of asian women on a white man. Green Card!! PULEEEZZZEEEEE!! Yes!!! PLEASE PLEASE let me live in the cold Quebec winter for the rest of my life so that I can be your whitewashed, ugly, subservient sex slave!!

This guy makes me mad. All women are beautiful... no woman should ever be disrespected like regardless of her culture!!

Thanks ladies, you are all so sweet!! It would mean an ''06 wedding, which would be okay because that means we have more time to save for the ring AND I will still have time to plan the wedding. Oh, **AND** we''ll be getting married in Louisville, and we were planning to move to Louisville in Spring/Summer ''06, so I''ll actually be LIVING there while I get things done for the wedding. So it will be good after all. I''m a little disappointed but mostly because I had gotten attached to the idea of getting married next know, sitting on my couch watching TV and all of a sudden I think, "This time next year I will be MARRIED!!" I agree, September ''06 really ISN''T that far away, only 21 months to go! And, not only will we have more money for the ring and the wedding, we''ll have first pick of all the vendors, hahahahhahahaha.....

Oh, and since ''05 is already pretty booked out with vacations and I was afraid we wouldn''t have the time/money to take a honeymoon, ''06 will be a KICKASS ''moon!! Bahamas, anyone??

Yeah, this could be okay. I''m warming up to the idea.

Darling! Hugs! I just posted on your new ring thread. You are a sweetheart, truly. You know how to pick up a girl when she is sad. I hate the culture thing. I really, really do. I hate the fact that asian men look down on me. And I really hate the part of me that cares (just a little, but not enough to leave my boyfriend). I am so glad that there are people like you that understad and are accepting of interracial dating. It''s suce a relief to know that not everyone is so...JUDGEMENTAL.

AND I really meant what I said about not wanting to wait for hand pics of that ring! You had better have them posted ASAP!! This is even more pressing then your thesis!
Date: 12/6/2004 3
2:10 PM
Author: allycat0303
Tell them your children will be stunning because most mixed children are!

As a half-Chinese, half-Danish mixed child myself, I must agree completely! I mean, who wouldn''t want a child as lovely as yours truly!

^^^ LMAO!!!!
GG - At this point I am planning on an 06 wedding too. Even if we get engaged in the next month (which I doubt will happen, but a girl can hope!) where I live it would be impossible to find a decent reception hall and church in such short notice. I am actually excited because I think we will probably have a long engagement which means we''ll have an easier time getting the best vendors and everything will be the way I want it.
Date: 12/6/2004 3:29:50 PM
Author: allycat0303

Darling! Hugs! I just posted on your new ring thread. You are a sweetheart, truly. You know how to pick up a girl when she is sad. I hate the culture thing. I really, really do. I hate the fact that asian men look down on me. And I really hate the part of me that cares (just a little, but not enough to leave my boyfriend). I am so glad that there are people like you that understad and are accepting of interracial dating. It''s suce a relief to know that not everyone is so...JUDGEMENTAL.

AND I really meant what I said about not wanting to wait for hand pics of that ring! You had better have them posted ASAP!! This is even more pressing then your thesis!
Ally! Okay, i''ll try to beg borrow and steal to get this ring posted!! LOL! I wish my thesis were on how to pick the perfect diamond.....That would be killing all my birds with one stone!!!

I am sad that you (and others like you) have to go through this! You are a strong, intelligent, and independent woman (who has great taste in rings ;)) and you should be regarded as such, by ALL men, not just your bf. It is difficult enough for you to deal with your parents....but someone your own age who probably has never lived in his "native" country!!!

I think you, and your bf make a beautiful couple!!! He''s lucky to have you and you are lucky to have him. Some men wouldn''t have stuck it through with your family! but he did! he''s a keeper! I mean I think you are SUPER strong to deal with all this crapola! I mean sheesh, my parents didn''t understand why I would rather marry an American than a French Canadian (my soon-to-be brother in law walks on water with them)....but I can''t imagine all you have went through!!!!

HUGS!! and I hope that that little part of you who cares what asian men think of you dies soon!!
gg- Hugs!  It's ok babe...we'll be the two old hags-in-waiting til the bitter end!  j/k!  I'm going for an early 2006 wedding too...and like everyone pointed out, you won't have to scramble for the last min ute EVERYTHING and you can truly just fully bask in being ENGAGED for awhile before you're married!   And from talking to my friends who are getting married in '05....everything is booked like a year ahead of time.

appletini - you're in houston? cool! where did your bf go? I don't think i've ever heard of that place. where is it located?

alley -
grrrr! yeah that stuff totally burns me up. then we have the opposite side, mainly the older folk, who talk about how you weren't good enough to attract an asian man and you had to settle desperately for another race and that you have no respect/love for your own culture. my parents are embarrassed that i'm not with a viet adn my dad's cuzin married a white guy and HER dad didn't invite ANYONE to the wedding cuz he was so embarrassed. To a point it gets to me too...about a yearago, it got to me to a point that we broke up temporarily because I was so conflicted about my parents expectations and happiness versus mine. Lucily I came back to my senses before I lost the best thing that's ever happened to me.

And I totally think mixed kids are the most beautiful! (JCJD being a fabolous examplee!) We always joke that'we're gonna have little fillipino kids since we're asian and spanish.

Oh and I found this post about tacori customizing i think i'm gonna go talk to the jewelery store and see how much this will all be. I asked my bf for a budget lets see if i can stick to it! hopefully i don't regret asking for a budget...i was just feeling a little guilty shopping carte blanche y'know?

edited to add: when some of my family first found out about my bf...they told me : "You're pretty're gonna be a doctor. And it's not like you're REALLY ugly or anything, why don't can't you go out with a viet?" (keep in sister is the pretty one, i'm the smart one in the family)
mainly the older folk, who talk about how you weren''t good enough to attract an asian man and you had to settle desperately for another race and that you have no respect/love for your own culture; my parents are embarrassed that i''m not with a viet adn my dad''s cuzin married a white guy and HER dad didn''t invite ANYONE to the wedding cuz he was so embarrassed
(me again) GBCookie!! Hugs to you too! You will have beautiful babies!!
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