
The All New Ladies-In-Waiting Club!

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Ginger: He went to the Antique Pavilion on Westheimer (near Kirby, kind of across from Taco Milagro) and inside there are lots of vendors selling various antiques...mostly furniture. But one of the shops insides is called "Past Era" (go to the left when you walk in) and it has vintage/antique e-rings and jewelry. I was actuall in there back in August looking for a gift for the bf, and of course had to take a peek in the sparkling case. I talked to one of sales ladies (Michelle) for a little while. BF happened to call my cell right as I was leaving and I mentioned that I saw some rings at the AP, and he asked "past era" and I couldn''t believe he knew the name--he even asked if I talked to Christina (I had actually talked to someone else, but had seen his lady''s b-card). Turns out his friend''s wife had taken him there back in May to do some e-ring looking. If you are into antique rings they are really pretty and they have some reproductions. But they are very pricey since its in River Oaks. There was a 1.6 center stone in an eternity band and it was ~$19K.
"We always joke that''we''re gonna have little fillipino kids since we''re asian and spanish."

LOL! I''m filipina and that is too funny!!!
*sigh* I hate this waiting thing! I was really hoping for a summer 2005 wedding but if that''s going to happen, he has to propose very, very soon or we won''t make it! Aaaaarrrrrgggggggghhhh!!!! It''s driving me batty! BATTY!!!!!
My mom''s Chinese, and my dad is Danish (blonde and blue eyes), and even though my FI is brown with hazel eyes, his brother is blonde with blue eyes, so there''s a good chance we''ll have a blonde and blue eyed baby! Or better yet, dark hair with blue or hazel eyes!!!

One of my college buds is 1/4 Chinese, 1/4 Hawaiian, and 1/2 Swedish, and her older sister, who married a blonde/blue-eyed man, has one very Chinese looking son and one very Caucasian looking son! She''s got such a beautiful and interesting family! Don''t you just love genetics, people!?!?! (I am such a biologist.... LOL)
I love blended families! My step-dad is black, and his son''s are mixed black&white. So attractive. I feel very ''in-bred'' when I am around them- blond blue eyes, incredibly pale (almost allergic to the sun pale) boring. I could never see myself dating a guy with blond hair and blue eyes just for that reason...too stepford.

My FH is also white, but at least he is dark italian- so I have some hope of having at least slightly interesting kids. My best friend is Asian, his girlfriend is black.....their kids are the MOST gorgeous things I have ever seen, EVER. It just seems that when children are mixed, they seem to get the best of both worlds- softening of features that are strong, strenghtening of features that are weak. On the whole, just beautiful.

I would love to have kids with dark hair- and olive skin. Just so much more attractive than the casper look i have going on.
I love this thread! We always mange to go on to the strangest tangents, and you never know waht the next tangent may be! Don''t you think mixed children always have this wonderful golden glow to their complexion? No matter what the mix is? And their hair! If its curly, it''s always in beautiful perfect ringlets, if its straight it''s silky frizz to speak of anywhere!

JCJD - ooooh....i love the dark hair light eyes look...sooo exotic! My firend''s family is the same way...she is 1/2 chinese 1/2 jewish. SHe is very caucasian looking, and is dating a white guy. Her bro is very asian looking and is engaged to a viet girl. She says they''s both gravitated towards their respective "looks" as far as music preferences (asian pop vs alternative) and friends. isn''t that interesting?

dodger gurl - hang on sweetie! btw...BATTY -> Dodger Gurl... lol!

ftlod - you really are too sweet! i know i''vve already told you but let me tell you again...your ring is (insert me in a dramatic faint).

appletini - cool! i''ve never heard of that place...i wanna go check it out since it''s not too far...but yikes! $19k?!?!?! guess i''ll be just looking.
JCJD: I LOVE genetics. My dad wanted me to be a bio major/med school (he''s a lawyer, and you guys think your families wanted you in med school? Lawyers ALL want their children to be Drs., of course i am the screw up that not only wouldn''t go to med school but DROPPED OUT of law school! GASP) but I completely hated bioology - except genetics. I considered staying with bio purely so I could learn more about genetics!

Everyone on this thread sounds like they are going to have beautiful mixed-race children. I on the other have dark blondish hair (my sis says brown but in the summer it turns medium blonde with whiteblonde streaks, winter it is light brown with gold streaks) and blue eyes and very dark for being caucasian skin. Bf dark brown hair and brown eyes, palish skin, but his dad has blue eyes, so...I keep hoping one of our kids will end up blue eyed. Hair color I am not worried about - I LOVE dark hair and light eyes. But otherwise my kids will be boring - in looks.

I have to say the ideas of the personalities of Daniel''s and my kids terrifies me. I am very smart, very stubborn, and VERY rebellious (you tell me to do it, I JUST won''t - I have been like a 13 year old my whole life). Daniel is much quieter and was probably a much easier child to raise. However - at 1.5 he was opening his bedroom window, climbing out, climbing the fence to the neighbors yard to go play with their german shepherd in the river. Yeah. So adventurous, rebellious children. I am scared! Part of the reason I don''t want kids for a long, long time!!! LOL
Hi all.
I thought it''s about time to intro myself since you''re talking interacial relationships.

I came to PS just to get some info...and now I''m addicted! Please add me to your list

Quick bio:

me: 25 Japanese
BF: 33 Eastern European (Mix of Bulgarian, Turkish, Greek...i forget how much of each)

Dating 3yrs. now and just started looking for the perfect rock. I love the Jubilee!

How we met: We both teach Ballroom dancing. Originally S. Cali girl, I moved up here to SF to work for the studio that BF was at. We met and a few weeks later **crash** -that''s me falling head over heels! (I wish there was a smiley for that!)

And now we are partners in love and in dance! ..........Sorry...that was a bit cheesy.

I keep imagining the day when our parents meet. BF''s parents don''t speak English, mine speak broken, Mom talks to me ---> I translate to BF ---> BF translates to his mom....and to reply, vice versa....yikes!
That''s gonna be a long dinner.

dancinbaby - welcome! heehee...our first parent-parent meeting will prob go the same way...jsut add too very stubborn, very machismo dads glowering across the table! I love social dancing! We''ve taking lessons on and off..mainly latin since thats what we can dance in the clubs here and right now we''re trying to set up private salsa lessons. that''s so cute that you guys dance you comepete/perform?
ftlod - you really are too sweet!; i know i''vve already told you but let me tell you again...your ring is (insert me in a dramatic faint).
Who is the sweet one now!! Oh gosh! it really tickles me that others see what I see!
FTLOD-- ROTFLMAO!!! I know your posts weren''t meant to be funny, but my gawd girl, those smilies just crack me up!!!!

Dancinbaby, welcome! I''ll get you on the list asap! I''m so jealous that you teach ballroom AND your honey shares your interest. I know it''s gonna be like pulling teeth to get Kyle in for dance lessons if we decide to do dancing at our ''06 wedding...I LOVE to dance! I really loved my ballroom classes in high school, but my favorite style by far is American Tribal Style bellydance! I have a studio here in town that I used to go to, when I had the $12/wk...dang, I HATE being broke...if my car would stop being such a PIECE I could go back to dancing!! LOL..

I''m also very jealous of all you lovely mixed couples and the beautiful mixed babies you''re gonna have. I''m white, brown hair, brown eyes. Kyle''s even WHITER, brown hair, green eyes. We are a classic case of genetic blahs.
goldengirl<---who has decided 2006 isn't such a bad year, after all
Dodger Gurl
Date: 12/6/2004 6:41:12 PM
Author: goldengirl
FTLOD-- ROTFLMAO!!! I know your posts weren''t meant to be funny, but my gawd girl, those smilies just crack me up!!!!
LOL! GG, they were meant to be "funny-serious" so I am glad you enjoyed the smilies!!! I love smileycentral!
Hi girls!! I am loving the current "My Big Fat Pricescope Wedding" turn the thread is''s great to hear everyone''s various family/culture obstacles and to see everyone''s feedback. I''m so sorry GingerB and AlleyCat for the cultural bias and pressure your families put on you

And I agree that the list has a LOT of beautiful babies in its future! My BF and I, however, are both really whitebread. We will have light-eyed dirty blond stubborn procrastinating kids! All this talk of blended families and babies is actually my mom''s greatest dream and both my sister and I have ended up with guys we could practically be related to instead. (My mom teaches Asian and European History and always had dreams of a Chinese or Jewish son-in-law. She would have LOVED rainbow coalition grandbabies.)

(JenWill, you''re like me with the pallor....I have friends who joke that it''s me naked in the window when the early morning comes in and BLINDS them!!)

GG, 2006 will be a GLORIOUS year! At this rate, it would take a miracle for me to make 2005 as well, so we will all be in it together

Even when I don''t have too much time to post, I love hearing everyone''s stories and progress....welcome to the new ladies too! And Aeli, I''m SO glad that this nightmare ring delay will have a happy ending--you will surely end up with something even MORE fabulous!!!
Date: 12/6/2004 6:36:31 PM
Author: gingerBcookie you comepete/perform?
We don''t compete together..yet...Starting next year we will start to seriously consider/prepare for competition(takes lots of $$, time ,& PATIENCE...sigh. just like finding the perfect ring, eh?)

We do performances together dancing International Latin and teach a couple of classes together.

I don''t know what we''d do if we both didn''t dance! It''s really a great hobby to have with your hunny.


*Make sure you give yourselves at least six months before BIG day, so the first dance is stress-free! I''ve met too many couples that come in the weekend before and become so stressed because they cannot be Fred & Ginger in one week...
......ok,ok...lectures over...
Thanks for putting me on the list!
GoldenGirl - I''m getting married in 2006! Its really really not far away at all. I''m really glad now that I decided to wait. We don''t have such a rush to book things (Which is good, since it took my fiance FOREVER to book our church (meeting with preist on friday). My dad is coming home tonite from his vacation so hopefully we will be able to get an idea of where my reception will be before christmas. I have lots of ideas I likie but absolutely none that I "LOVE". I just don''t want it to be ugly. I am going dress shopping again thursday. I have two appointments.. because that is one thing I can do without too much of a time restriction.

I am extraordinarily boring in that my fiance and I are both as white as white can be. His entire family on both sides is french canadian (quite pale), and mine is a euro-mix with some welsh, german, french, and lots of others.. but nothing non euro.
We will have boring kids. Although.. if my kids turn out anything like my sisters.. I''ll be THRILLED. Have I posted a pic on this thread? I had better. These are my neices from thanksgiving. In thier little matching outfits.. Aren''t they so cute you could DIE? Will post nephew pic too.

MelissaSue- Those kids are too cute! Love the chubby cheeks on baby, and the curls of older sister!

I do have to say though that I first thought the baby''s head was photoshopped in because her little outfit rode up to cover her neck....
Here is my nephew. He is six now and getting a little big for a boy to be "to die for" adorable..but he is quite handsome, even with his toothlesse grin.. Love his hair. but I must find a baby picture too<BR

Ahh yes.. here is the baby pic of him

AWWWWW.. Why did he get so BIG?

Her head DOES look photoshopped Jen.. but she just has no neck.. neither did my nephew.. it must be another one of those genetic things.. I wonder if I will have neckless babies.
They are adorable Melissa Sue! I saw the name of the pic...are their names Quinn and Kennedy? That''s so funny - one of my sisters is a Quinn and my cousin is Kennedy and I NEVER hear those names outside of my family. LOL.
My BF and I are both very white (with quite a bit of German ancestry). I'm blonde hair, brown eyes, fair skin, and he is (my ideal all american guy) 6'2", dark brown hair, GREEN eyes, and fair skin (but he has a major golfer's tan). He's so precious b/c he loves to mention how someday we are going to have the most beautiful children. I never wanted kids before I met him, and thats one of the reasons why I knew he was the one, b/c I wanted to be the mother of his children someday. Although that will be at least 5 years from now, b/c I don't want any before the age of 30.

My trend seems to be that guys I dated briefly for fun were either middle eastern or hispanic, and the ones that are actually boyfriends are the tall All American types.

Ginger: Yeah I had the same reaction when I asked the lady the price, so I was hoping that he wouldn't buy there so he could get a lot more for the money. But it doesn't hurt to look to get ideas and you can always have something copied. When I discovered this site a few weeks ago, I sent him the link, but I don't know if he's done any research on here or if its too late for that. I figure the longer he keeps me waiting the bigger the diamond grows. I told him that I have really high expectations since he is missing so many milestone events this events due to his buisiness trip.
They are Quinn and Kennedy!!!!! I have never heard those names either, especially Kennedy,. The baby is Kennedy (ALMOST got named Kennedy Reagan, but my sister got talked out of it by many people) and Quinn is 4. My Nephew is patrick.

Here is one more pic of patrick as a baby.. showing his lack of a neck.

I told him that I have really high expectations since he is missing so many milestone events this events due to his buisiness trip.
LOL! this made me giggle. My husband is in the military and preparing to deploy for a year..... I wonder what else I can get from him ;)!! See that''s valentine''s day, my birthday, our wedding anniversary, my sister''s wedding, thanksgiving, christmas, new years.....6! I think I SHOULD get the matching wedding band! LOL!
Date: 12/6/2004 10:36:23 PM
Author: MelissaSue
His entire family on both sides is french canadian (quite pale)
GASP! Guilty as charged!!!!!
i''m jumping in here too!

i''m korean and my bf is italian. he likes to spot little hapa babies and point out how cute they are!

my aunt married an irish guy and their kids are incredibly cute!


i hope my bf and i have cute hapa babies too.
she is absolutely precious!!!!
I had to add my little yummies in here too! These are my two nephews at Halloween...

p.s. Twinkletoes, your cousin is adorable!! And I''m clueless, but what does Hapa mean?
it''s a term that means half asian half something else. or so that''s how i''ve always used it. LOL
oh my goodness.. the cuteness is overwhelming!!
Twinkletoes.. that little girl is just ADORABLE. Further proof that mixed children are almost always gorgeous.
Blueroses- The little bumblebee is SOOOOOOOOO cute. how old is he? And the blonde hair on the bigger boy is beautiful!

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