
The All New Ladies-In-Waiting Club!

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Erin - oooh...what does your dress look like? I can''t believe you have it already you bad girl! I''m jealous!

TT - we''ve totally played the baby gene mix game - his eyes, smile, athleticism, enthusiasm, compassion and general likabilty/charm
my nose (X on the strong spanish nose
), brains, skin, hair, grace, and height
I thought WE were being silly...but I guess we''re not the only ones! Oh and my bf initally had the exact same reaction as your does about ring buying...but I persevered and now both of us are educated and equally involved in the ring buying process. Oh, and as far as I understand, there aren''t "ïdeal" stats for fancies, only rounds due to optics, physics, etc..., but there are general ranges I think...but of course nothing beats jsut looking at the stone to see if its pretty to you. I think there is a link somewhere on pricescope to these numbers. hmmm...won''t let me insert the link... or oyu can go to knowledge, fancy shapes, ideal cut and premium parameters.

FTLoD - oh how cute are you two! you look RADIANT in the picture! Ooooh...I totally wanted to get married next to a waterfall! Absolutely agree with the whole fairy tale analogy...we could stick ya''ll right into the Disney logo!

Alley - You, I''m at aBaylor. Actually there are two med schools in houston, BCM and Univ. of TX Health Science Center. and i have some weird cosmic tie thing going on here! the whole paying thin, we figured we would pay for immediate family...i.e. parents and siblings....and all else come if you want share our day with us while giving yoursself a mini vacay....I have over 50+ relatives in houston...he has 30ish or so...HUGE families...all very close, so I don''t know how its gonna work out. Luckily, both our parents aren''t very social outside of the family, so only a few very close family just the very numerous, very close relatives thats the moola drain here. I don''t know how its all gonna work out...I WILL be a little sad if I can''t be around all my family (esp my cuzins who I am very close to) but the reality of money is a factor. Honestly, the reason a destination wedding came up at all is because we are actually afarid of how our extended families will get along at the reception. I don''t want my day marred by snotty comments about one family foma another, y''know? Sigh....we''ll see.

Oh and tacori...way more delicate in real life. I Don''t like the tacori pics myself, makes e''m look a alittle clunky. My first requirement in a ring is that it looks delicate, graceful, and flowing...which is how the Tacori Rosebud looks (on my finger anyway!) Except for the prongs...which I want changed.

blueroses - hugs! i know what you''re going grandama was in the ICU two weeks ago and we were all scared to death...but she came out ok and I have every faith that the doctors will make sure your dad does too. They caught it relatively early so that''s good. My thoughts are with you...keep us posted.

amaleekel - welcome! jenwill is right, you prob will get more in depth and thorough info in rocky talk...taht''s where I learned most of what I know about diamonds...i recommend searching the archives first for the basic questions, most have been answered pretty thoroughly already. Then if you have more pecific it in rocky talk and the experts that hang out there are usually more than happy to help. You can totally ask questions here too...but you will prob have better luck with in depth info in rocky talk. We got our diamind from blue nile and are very happy with it. We bought it before we were totally sure about online we went with the bigger name and the small price hike for the reliability. The service was very nice and I love my rock. No regerts..but if i had bought later on...I prob would have gone with one of the other vendors...where there is less of a price hike.
Blueroses: Sweetie, I am sorry to hear about your dad... I hope that he is back to his old self again and soon. I know how scary it must be. My thoughts are with your family.

GBCookie!! Awww!! What a sweet thing to say. My wedding day was such a wonderfully blessed day and I guess it was written all over my face. I don''t know if we could replace prince charming and his princess though!

Ally: Thanks sweetie!! THat is a very sweet thing to say!! I was very happy that day!!!!!!
FTLOD: Oh wow! What a picture! You two make a beautiful couple

You guys are really sweet. I want to talk to him, but he just won''t answer his phone. I can''t force him to either so I''m at a loss of what to do. He just recently broke his cell phone, so I left him a message on that number anyways telling him we need to talk. I''m sure his mother is annoyed with me calling so much, but I deserve to know what the heck is going on. I''ve just got this nagging feeling that there''s someone else. I''m not right there in front of him so its easier or more tempting to cheat, but maybe this is a good thing, he does it now and I don''t make the biggest mistake ever.
My dress is sleeveless, tight fitting, scoop neck and a offwhite/champaign/beige 1920''s style. It has an outer layer of heavy embroidered lace & pearl accents in stark white. There are also irredescent sequins scattered about. I''m 5''9 and it goes down to my toes so I''ll have to wear high heels for the 12" train in the back that is nothing but a concentrated embroidered lace finish. It came with matching fingerless gloves above the elbow and a matching wrap that is mostly the champaign color with the lace and pearls at the ends.

I love it because it''s not white. I''m kind of pale (Euro mix) with dark hair (Halle Berry haircut). I also love how extravagantly detailed it is and yet the overall look is very understated. If I can get a picture over the holidays I''d love to get ideas for a bridesmaid dress because I''m clueless. That 1920''s vintage look limits the modern bridesmaid dresses coordinating at all.

My e-ring is not vintage looking at all but who cares!
Oh! Book of Love HUGS! Maybe it is not what you think? I wish you the best. No woman deserves to be cheated on. If he is cheating, you are right that it is better to find out now so that you can move on. Thank you for your compliment on our photo, it is very sweet of you to say....I think my husband makes me more beautiful..he''s my arm candy!
Erin: Wow! I can''t believe you already bought your dress. I saw the one in February, but managed to keep my credit card in my wallet. Here it is...dress. except that it will have ivory trim instead of red.

BlueRoses: I hope your dad gets well soon.

Book of Love: its much better to find out these things sooner rather than later, so if it doesn''t work out, its just because there a super wonderful man waiting for you.

FTLOD: I love the picture!

When the marriage talking first started we had talked about a destination wedding, so that we could get married sooner (little did I know that I''d be waiting on the ring a lot longer than expected). I love Cabo San Lucas. If I got married there it would be here. After a little while he decided that he wanted to do the whole traditional thing and not have super short engagement so that we could have time for all the showers, and bachelor(ette) parties, etc. I''ve always wanted a winter wedding (if traditional) so hopefully he''ll do things so that I can have December 2005/January 2006.
Date: 12/7/2004 5:18:48 PM
Author: blueroses
I used to think I wanted kids by 30 too....and here I am, going on 31 in June and still on the list!! But it''s ok. As long as it''s by 33-34 I think it will be ok.

BookofLove, even if you don''t want to be on the list anymore, please stay here with us and vent and lean all you need to--we are here for you. I know what you''re going through, and you don''t deserve it. Hang on, and there are better days coming. (((hugs)))

As for me, I could use some very positive thoughts/prayers/vibes, whatever you''ve got. My dad is in the ICU pretty unexpectedly. He had a routine colonoscopy (he''s 62) yesterday and my BF picked him up, took him home and he seemed groggy but fine. Last night my mom wanted to call 911 but he was really stubborn and he finally went to the hospital this morning after collapsing several times and having VERY low blood pressure. They are waiting for x-ray and Cat scan to see what will have to happen surgically, but it appears that has a puncutured bowel. Most of my med expertise is from watching ER, but I know this has the potential to be really bad...infection, bleeding etc....and I am really scared.

Thanks girls.
blueroses - you have my prayers! i just went through the same thing with my dad being in the icu. he went to the hospital with a very high fever on nov.5 very early (4am) on the 6th he had a heart attack and was put into icu (he was 60 on the 7th of nov.) he was in the hospital for 3 weeks two of them in icu! very stressful on the family, make sure you take care of yourself by eating properly and getting enough rest my mom and i didn''t and are both quite sick ourselves now. i will also have my daughter say prayers for you and your family. please let us know his progress
blueroses- So sorry to hear about your dad. Take care of yourself!! My thoughts are with you and your family.

Bookoflove-definitely vent to us ladies if you need to!!!

Date: 12/7/2004 5:55:47 PM
My BF & I are completely clueless as to buying diamonds. We know the 4 C''s...and what we like...but are just very nervous!

For instance...I''ve heard that you never buy a pre-set diamond. WHY NOT?

What are yalls opinions on store destination...We went to Bailey Banks & Biddle first and I was highly impressed--they knew their stuff and didn''t make us feel uncomfortable. We looked at the lineage ring. It was so pretty!


Amanda-- jenwill gave you some excellent advice. I just want to add my voice to the crowd screaming "Don''t buy from a chain jeweler!!" Zales owns BBB, and Sterling Jewelers is the corporation behind Kay''s & Jared''s. Neither companies will give you the quality or value as one of the vendors listed here. Oh, and I have NO reservations buying online--if I were doing the buying.

Oh, and twinkletoes... we can''t say that depth determines light return, etc, because crown/pavilion depth & angles ALL combine and it is the way the numbers work together that determine performance. For instance. Your boyfriend is standing on top of a table in the house, and there is a flashlight lying on the floor pointing out the (we''ll assume floor-length
) window, where you are standing on the other side of the glass with a mirror. You could point that mirror a million different ways and he''d see the reflected light, but if you''re standing in one particular spot and manage to get the mirror positioned and angled just right, you''re going to send a helluva beam straight to his face and BLIND him. If you''re standing right in front of him, that angle will be different than if you''re standing 15 feet further away...or 10 feet to the left. It all has to adjust and compensate for itself. There is an ideal range for each of these numbers for each shape of stone, but it is really the way each diamond''s numbers work TOGETHER that makes for a fireworks display. The "ideal" ranges are really just guidelines, to give you an idea what to look for.

As for those ideal ranges, you''ll find them in the Pricescope tutorial.
Blueroses -
SO sorry to hear about your dad. That is really scary that something like that can happen from routine tests like that. Both my parents have had colonoscopys and I never knew that something like that could happen. (My g-pa had colon cancer about 10 years ago, so my family is very diligent about testing for that sort of thing).

Book of love - Oh my gosh.. things like that make me ill just thinking about them. I really do hope it is not what you think.

As for the genetics discussion.. has anyone done this? At Ripleys Believe it Or Not (we went to the one in Niagara Falls, ONT) they have this thing and its like a photo booth, but its supposed to tell you what your kids will look like. We thought it would be a goofy photo-shop deal like they do on conan o brien.. but it came out semi realistic. I will post our "son". we want to go back and have our "daughter" done. Excuse the awful pics of us. I don''t know why we didn''t smile. Or what I was thinking when I cut my hair that short.

Jenwill---I just noticed your little that you and your BF/Fiance/Hubby or is it Dharma and Greg???
If it is you, your husband looks just like the guy on Dharma and Greg! I love that show. Makes me want to get married!
This will be brief b/c I''m exhausted, but I wanted to say a HUGE

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!! you girls for being so supportive with your kind words and prayers. Things aren''t out of the woods yet, but my dad is doing better. I got to talk to him on the phone and he was alert, if uncomfortable. We''re now not so certain that the "intrusion" was a full puncture to the bowel, but he lost some pints of blood internally and that''s why he was so weak, cold and had such low blood pressure when he went to the ER. My dad takes a daily heart med--no biggie, but it thins the blood--that it now looks like the doctor should have taken him OFF prior to the colonoscopy. So whether or not there was an actual puncture, that medication seems to have contibuted to the bleeding (i.e., the doctor screwed up, sadly.) I didn''t even realize when I posted before how dire it had really been this morning. He''s had a few transfusions, but his color is back and he may not require surgery after all--they think the bleeding has stopped and are waiting and seeing. Thank god they are in a major hospital w/ good docs. It just sucks to be 3000 miles away right now, but all of the good vibes REALLY helped. So thanks
Blueroses - Big hug!!! Glad to hear your dad is doing better, but will keep you all in my thoughts!

How is your dad?? I was away for a few days and was sorry to read your news. Hope he is feeling better!!

I have been bogged down with school and am going nuts with the last week of projects....
ladies, I feel terrible about blueroses dad (I know how it is to worry about your parent..since my dad had heart valve replacement..), but I can''t hold back anymore...

deep breath... MY DIAMOND IS HERE!! IT''S HERE!! IT''S HERE!!!!!!!

My BF won''t let me post pics until he has proposed (and that won''t be awhile since we will most likely get the setting custom made)...but it'' dream stone.

Wonderful Asscher cut/ sq emerald with lovely steps, a high crown and it looks endless when looking down at the table..

I can''t remember exact specs since I was so excited when I saw it last night. I''ll post them later.
Perfect square with corners cut the way I love like the antique asscher (med wide)
and sparkly like a pool of the most beautiful water in the world


Ginger- I am thinking about having my bf go with leon mege as well, but luckily i am in philadelphia so it''s really easy for us to get into NYC. i think there is a thread around here somewhere about a guy who had leon make his ring and he was located out on the west coast so that might have some useful info for you. i too was first drawn to reena''s ring, and then after checking out his website- all of his work is amazing! my bf is not letting me really have much input on my ring, so i figure if i make sure he has leon make it then i will love it no matter what hehe

also, random medicine question. going into medicine, do you plan to change your last name when you get married? my bf really wants me to, but i am unsure if it''s a good idea to change my name after starting rotations, or maybe it''s not too bad as long as you get married before you''re officially a MD... or maybe it''s ok after that too. since i am only a first year, none of my med school friends have gotten married yet. any ideas about what the protocol is there? not sure about hyphenating either, as we both have long last names... hmm
ohhh you guys are lucky- i always wanted to have a mixed race baby! hahaha... that sounds weird. but seriously, half white/half asian indian kids are gorgeous. heck, most biracial kids are pretty attractive! but i think future hubby finally realizes that i am serious about adopting a child of another race eventually which i think will make for an interesting family since we plan to have our own kids as well. he is more italian looking that me- dark hair and gorgeous dark eyes. while i am much lighter hair/skin with bright green eyes. so i''m hoping our kids will get my eyes and his dark hair... the eye color would really stand out then! but i guess it doesn''t really matter, i will love them just the same!
Lovey, you are sweet
And there is no need to hold back, as we can still DROOL over the idea of your (and my) DREAM diamond while still sending good thoughts to my dad....who seems to be progressing, btw!! Thanks again, everyone so much.

Ok. DROOL.....1.6 is about perfect for an asscher/SE.....can''t wait to see it. Where did you guys end up buying from? I''d love to hear about the process. I can hardly wait--yummy cut corners and a DEEP 10 mile deep pool. WOW.

This is my escape right now, so forgive me
FTLoD- your wedding looks magical!! what a gorgeous picture...

blueroses- very glad to hear that your dad is doing better! something similar happened to a good friend of mine last year and it was really scary because he lost so much blood!

sorry for all of the posts guys, just trying to catch up

There were two stones.. The one that we did not get is at a jewelers on LI. That one is a 1.5 asscher good cut, amazing F color I think and an SI1. Unless you flipped the stone over, you could not see the inclusion and believe me I scrutinized it from the top and it was perfect to my eyes. It had good corners, but not the med wide ones. Guess that one will have to find another finger!

The other stone was found by a jeweler who happens to be a friend of one of our friends. Confusing right?? Anyway, he couldn''t find anything for the looongest time then suddenly we got the call, the stone was shippped to NY, my BF went to see it armed with his own loupe and tweezers and bought it on the spot.

Now it is sort of sinking in!!! After all the research
we have an appt w/ Leon on Friday for our setting. Ok I am getting goosebumps and need to get back to work. I can''t wait to get married to this man!!

Thanks for sharing my obsession!!!

BOL - I''m so sorry to hear about your suspicions. Know that you can ALWAYS come to the other Ladies for moral support! We are here to help each other deal with life on this thread, no matter where life is going at this particular moment. Best wishes, you are in my prayers.

blueroses - I''m so glad your dad is doing better! You are in my prayers as well!

FTLOD - you look absolutely radiant in your wedding photo!! Beautiful!!

KimberJEB - LOL my dad is actually a geneticist (PhD in biochem). But I think he was more shocked than anything when I announced my desire to get a bio PhD - definitely didn''t expect or demand that from me... But I caught the research bug during my undergraduate, so here I am! I''m doing animal behavior though, so it''s not exactly what my dad does... I guess science is just in my genes!!! Ha ha ha... ha..... ha ha.... (I''m so clever...

allycat - Thanks! That pic was taken on a camping trip with my bf (now FI) this summer. He just put the camera up in my face, so I stuck my tongue out at him! LOL I think it''s great!!
Yup, I do work with birds! Right now doing work with blue jays, I''ve worked with European starlings, house sparrows, and house finches in the past too.

icekid - I think that changing your name when you marry is a common enough (and expected almost!) practice that it won''t be a huge problem whether you change it before, during, or after med or grad school. For example, I''m in my second year of grad school (PhD) and getting married next year, and I''ll change my name legally to my husband''s last name. But I''m going to be professionally hyphenated. So I''ll publish papers, apply for jobs, and go to conferences as J. C.-D., but legally I''ll be just J. D. (EEEK!!! same initials as him!!!) My degree will also be to J. D. I don''t know how easy/difficult it is to change your name on your degrees if you want/need to... there might be fees or something too... Oh well. Basically, changing or not changing your maiden to married name is so common and varied among people, especially professionals, that whatever you decide to do probably won''t be as big a deal as you might think, IMHO.

lovey!!! A 1.6 Asscher!!!!! It sounds amazing!! Once I become rich and famous someday, I''m going to get myself an Asscher pendant set diagonally (not square, if that makes sense). They''re so gorgeous!!

Whew!! Sorry so long, trying to catch up. And goldengirl - since I haven''t got my real engagement ring yet, can I still be an unofficial or honorary member even though I''m already engaged? It''s like I walked in the graduation ceremony, but still have to make some requirements to get my degree! LOL!!
BlueRoses- So glad to hear that your dad is feeling better....yep those blood thinners will definitely do a number on you when you get any kind of internal procedure! Lcukily it sounds like the transfusions are helping, keep us posted.

MelissaSue- I am glad you mentioned the not smiling thing...the way that shot is set up it kind of looks like a wanted poster...but CUTE kid!
Amaleekel- That is Dharma and Greg. The other week I realized (with the help of pricescope members!) that my FH and I are basically D&G. I am child of non-conformist hippies whois a bit of a bleeding heart, he is child of solid type family who is executive in a bank, conservative. I am blond, he is darker Italian. Sppoky.

Lovey- I am sooo envious! I am hoping for Asscher/Sq Emer too. 1.6 is a GREAT size! And I also want the wider MUST post pics...even loose.

Finishing up last day at this job..things are crazy!
How come I''m not on the list?
Blue--SOOOO glad to hear your dad is doing better!!! Give him a little more time and he''ll rally ''round, I just know it! My dad had a colonoscopy a year ago, I didn''t even know there were potential complications. He also had a that makes you stop snoring? I don''t remember what it was they did, dang. But I figured this was all routine, easy stuff... I would be so mad if the doctor had forgotten something important, like taking him off blood-thinning meds before surgery!!
My roomie''s gramma is in the hospital and suffered some major setbacks because the docs gave her meds that reacted badly to other meds she was taking. I mean, come on, this is basic stuff...they even teach MAs about drug interaction.
Makes you lose faith in American medicine. I expect you pre-e pre-meds to make a difference!!

lovey, congrats on getting your stone in! Have you decided what the custom setting will look like?

And JC, of course you can still be an honorary member.. lmao@ "It''s like I walked in the graduation ceremony, but still have to make some requirements to get my degree!"!!!!
Erin - your dress sounds DE-lish! POst pics as soon as you get them k?

Appletini - the dress is so elegant and unique! I hadn''t heard of that designer did you find it?

blu - i''m so glad to hear your dad is doing better! i understand needing the escape. keep us posted!

lovey - oooh...your diamond sounds gorgeous! i''m so jealous you can meet with leon in person!! which setting are you favoring right now? the one i was favoring featured an asscher/sq. emerald..i was worried about how it would look with a rb (which is what i have.) keep us updated so we can live vicariously!

icekid - some of my classmates changed...some are keeping their maiden names. I plan to keep mine for several reasons... 1)I already have a few papers published under my maiden name, and I guess I want to EASILY be continued to get credit for it 2) My bf''s last name is very spanish and i am asian...i think it would confuse pts who might be looking for a hispanic doc...although I do plan to improve my spanish to fluency, but...i dunno it seems easier not to have that confusion. I also want to slightly target my own ethnic population as pts, so it would help them if I kept my own last name professionally. I plan to be known as Dr. Cookie professionally and Mrs. BF socially. In the end...i think its all personal preference. Like JCJD said, it is a common occurence and ppl expect it.
hi all
boy, I wish I had enough time to keep up with all the posts ! You all are a great bunch of strong and happy women and I really enjoy reading and getting to know you all. I read back a few pages, couldn''t find where I''d written and asked to join in (think it was last week). Read a lot about a couple who look ''so cute'' but couldn''t find that either (though I''m sure you do look fabulous!).
Good to hear that your dad is doing better Blueroses.

Well, here is my story.
My love and I have been talking on and off about getting married and I just looked at a calendar and chose next May. May 1st. I''m Irish and May 1st is the old Celtic Festival of Bealtaine, a festival celebrating growth and life and light. It falls on a Sunday next year and the Monday is a holiday there so everyone will have the Monday off. Though originally this was just a thought, now I can''t think of having my wedding on any other day so .........

I have a date - and have nothing else ! It''s not even five months away! I don''t care though, we are getting married come hell or high water - and it''s not that I''m insanely focused on getting married and having a wedding - I just want to be married to HIM (his name is Peter, and he lives up to his name, he is my rock and he rocks my world!
) and I don''t want to wait ANY more time (we''ve just passed two years together but both coming from two long-term, eleven and eighteen years respectively, relationships; we are older and wiser and just a bit bonkers and see no reason to wait to be Mr. & Mrs. !)
Anyway, I have lucked out by discovering that the photographer I most admire is actually available and willing to pencil us in pending our finding a venue. Himself doesn''t want me to tell anyone until he actually proposes and gives me a ring ..... but I have only five months to pull this off so I am already working on it regardless.
So there you go ! Chaotic but that''s us all round anyway!

Anyone else do the whole whirlwind wedding thing ?? Got any pointers ???
Also, another issue - he''s older, with MUCH less family and therefore things are leaning (especially since we''re having it at home in Ireland) far more to my side - I don''t like this one bit. I don''t think he''s too bothered but it''s OUR day and I want it to be shared, to be balanced - but there seems no way to manage it. There just simply aren''t the people on his side. Do you all think I should therefore keep it to a severe minimum on my side too ??

innerkitten, I''m not sure why you''re not on the list.
I''ll get you (back?) on asap. Sorry bout that.

Oh, hey, MelissaSue--I didn''t do the what-will-your-child-look-like machine thingy, but once at a science museum I did a what-will-you-look-like-at-80 photo-aging machine...and lemme tell you, it''s a good thing I''m going to marry YOUNG!!

Croi, does that mean you got the proposal...or have you set the date and are waiting for him to "offically" ask??
Ok, so after reading all yalls comments on shopping for a rock online...I mentioned it to my boyfriend. He was very against that. He''s kind of that he has to seriously research...and look at anything he is going to buy...especially the biggest purchase of his life so far. I have decided that I want to find the biggest diamond we can get for the best price...and then just have a simple platinum setting for now. I do, however, know that I want pave on my wedding band! Then, whenever we decide that I need an upgrade, I can upgrade the band and keep my diamond- I"m very I want to keep my first one forever!
Also, I have an amazing friend who used to be in the jewelry, she offerred to go shopping with my BF and help him out! He''s on the shy she said she''d go with him and make sure he''s not getting screwed!

I hope that this comes sooner than later. I can''t wait to be his wifey!
BTW--jenwill--my friend that I am talking about--she and her hubby are SO totally Dharma and Greg too....that is really funny.
Have a great afternoon yall!
Dodger Gurl
kayla17 (honorary member)
JCJD (honorary member)
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