
The All New Ladies-In-Waiting Club!

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Aww, thank you MelissaSue! Your little angels (and big boy!) are precious too

Little bumblebee was around 2 months in that pic....but my sister had him leaning up against his big brother bear so he looked like he could sit up! Too funny.

Here is one more

style="WIDTH: 53.68%; HEIGHT: 92px">Date: 12/6/2004 11:19:31 PM
Author: twinkletoes
i''m jumping in here too!

i''m korean and my bf is italian. he likes to spot little hapa babies and point out how cute they are!

LOL. Me and my BF do the same thing when we walk down the street. I''m Japanese and he''s Eastern European... I always wished I was happa growing up, since all the girls were so pretty and guys so cute.. At least my kids will get to be a cool mix.

Your cousin is so adorable!

And I looove the bumble bee! Precious.
Ginger! I am glad you came to your senses about your husband to be! You know parents think they know best but at the end of the day, YOU will be living with him for the rest of your life! So are your parents inviting people to your wedding? Or are they doing the traditional "the boy''s parents must pay for the wedding?" This was a problem for me before because in french canadian culture, the girl''s family pays for the wedding, while in Viet culture its the guy''s family. I told my parents (and he told his) that we''ll pay for the wedding but we''ll do it our way. And my way happens to be immediate family (10 guests only
). And they (both families) could explain why no cousins, aunts, and friends were invited. You should see how fast they decided 50/50 would work fine. Aside from that, I''ve noticed that your family has stuck you with the label of "smart one". Grrrrrrrr.... Unfortunately for me (up until last year) we were both considered pretty, but she was pretty and smart while I was "pretty and stupid".
Ahhh... families, have to love them.

SO it sounds as though you are going for the tacori rosebudish ring. I think that is going to be absolutely amazing. I love tacori. They don''t really carry that in Montreal, so I''ve never seen it in real life. Does it look as amazing as in the pictures?

JCD! what a picture you posted! I''m a fellow biologist too (M.Sc in biology). Do you work with birds by any chance? (based on you avatar)

And EVERYONE ELSE!! Oh so many pretty pictures of you cousins/ neices. I love the Halloween costumes. And so many girls that are in interracial relationships! I love it! It''s not that common in Montreal, so it is so good to know that I''m not alone in this! And so good to know that there are people out there that support the fact that you can fall in love with anyone you want to!

TT- my bro had a friend who was 1/2 chinese 1/2 italian and he was H*O*T!!!! You are going to have gorgeous kids!

appletini - i''m the opposite...i am determined to have my first kid BEFORE 30! even though that means being pregnant during residency! yikes! hey, out of curiousity...did you grow up in houston? what schools did you go to?

alleycat - we haven''t talked about the specifics of the wedding yet...i think they know its coming but are trying to put it off in hopes that it will never happen. as for paying for the wedding, neither of our families are very well off, so we decided a long time ago to pay for it ourselves. honestly, if it was up to me, I would do a destination wedding, invite anyone who wants to fly in themselves to celebrate with us in hard feelings if you don''t come....have a gorgeous white dress, a great photographer, pretty scenery, and just us. Makes more sense since we want to start saving for our dream home asap. I am heavily leaning towrds tacori, esp since it seems they are willing to do some customization. The tacori looks amazing in real life! I never liked tacori AT ALL from the pics, DOES NOT do them justice. My bf recently saw a pic of the rosebud and he was like wow...that''s ugly. Then I told him it was the one we saw in the store, he was like - no looks so much better in person! I love seeing interacial couples also. Houston''s really diverse, so it''s not that uncommon here...esp as you go up in higher education circles. Interesting trend don''t you think?

Since I am waiting for my Ritani set to come in, can I be included in this club? I am already married though!

Please? How about making me an honorary member?
I have my engagement ring and wedding band hid in a box somewhere in the house. We still need to pick out his wedding band. We bought one just before Thanksgiving but once he tried it on it was too bulky for his hand. He really liked the ring but it came up too far near his knuckle and was pretty wide too. So I returned it last weekend.

For the most part I''m a yellow gold person and he is silver/platinum. (My e-ring is 18K and my band is gold with a platinum inlay where the diamonds sit. There really is no need to have a matching set. He loves the watch I got him - which is a brushed platinum - so he wants a platinum ring.

Any advice on trends, variety, diamonds/no diamonds (the one he liked before had 5 baguettes laid diagonally)

We''re not engaged yet and I have the
wedding band
my dress (he has absolutely no clue - it''s in hiding at my parents - when I saw it I knew)

Hi everyone!
I love this forum! Can I please join as a "lady in waiting". My BF & I have been together almost 4 years. We FINALLY looked at rings in person the other day. The feeling of trying them on was so amazing! Please add me to the list...I don''t know how soon I"ll be crossed off....but I really look forward to talking with all of you about our beautiful rings!

Do you guys play the baby gene mix game with your SO''s?

I want them to have his height.
He wants them to have my eyes.
We want them to have our artistic talents.
I want them to have his smarts.
He wants them to have my compassion.
I want them to have my face shape.


we''re so silly sometimes...
Date: 12/7/2004 2:17:22 PM
Author: twinkletoes
Do you guys play the baby gene mix game with your SO's?

I want them to have his height.
He wants them to have my eyes.
We want them to have our artistic talents.
I want them to have his smarts.
He wants them to have my compassion.
I want them to have my face shape.
The only thing im really concerned about our kids having is his HUGE HEAD! I feel sooooo sorry for his mother! And apparently his sisters head was so large when she was born they had to run tests to make sure there was nothing wrong with her.
I just hope they they get someone else''s sense of timing....if they have my bf''s procrastinating ways and my own inability to be punctual, I''m going to be pregnant for 11 months with those kids!
His big, pretty eyes
My eye COLOR
His metabolism
My height (we''re basically the same height 5''9 (me) and 5''10 (him), but my family is taller)
His kindness
His helpfulness
His friendliness
My intelligence
His responsiblity
His head size (mine is huge! lol)
His general likeableness

LOL - basically I want them to be as smart as me. but they can get everything else from him! Not that HE isn''t smart, but...LOL
So...I know I asked to be added to the list the other day, but I think its time to take my name off. No, I''m not engaged.

I''ve been mainly lurking, drooling over all of this eye-candy, and usually forgetting to post something, but I''ll have plenty of time for that now because I''m taking myself off the list.

I believe he''s cheating.
Ginger: Yes I grew up in H-town. Did you? I went to Kinkaid for HS and college at A&M. He''s an aggie too.

Book of Love: That is terrible! I hope that he really isn''t doing that. Maybe he''s being shady b/c he''s looking at e-rings and doesn''t want to spoil the surprise.
appletini - yup...went to hs at DeBakey High School for Health at med school at Baylor College of Medicine. Born here, never left here, probably will always be here. Good thing I like H-Towne
I have some classmates that went to Kincaid...and one of them may have also gone to A&M.

BofL - Oh No! I''m so sorry to hear that! Maybe appletini is right...have you confronted him with your suspicions?
As much as I want to think that''s what it is, I highly doubt it.

We haven''t talked regularluy for a week. I haven''t talked to him since Saturday and we talked for less than 5 minutes. When I told him all of the problems going on with my sister, all I got was an "oh" out of him. He ''has a lot on his mind'' which in his terms isn''t a good sign.

Plus when I called him at 7:45 this morning, no answer. He''s not at work that early, he won''t call me back or anything and I know him well enough to know what''s going on.
I want my kids to be just like their father. He is the most compassionate, kind, and honest person I have ever met. He has such integrity and spirit. He is intelligent, hard-working and handsome to boot. He has the most gorgeous blue eyes you will ever see.

I don''t want my kids to be like me. LOL! I don''t want to have to deal with myself! I am a pain!
Date: 12/7/2004 1
3:20 PM
Author: gingerBcookie

honestly, if it was up to me, I would do a destination wedding, invite anyone who wants to fly in themselves to celebrate with us in hard feelings if you don''t come....have a gorgeous white dress, a great photographer, pretty scenery, and just us

GBcookie: I want kids before I am thirty also, but I am getting closer to 30 everyday and my husband is going away for 1 year soooo... I am not sure if I''ll make it.

And... I had my wedding in Hawaii and it was just awesome. I got married at Waimea Falls!!! It was spectacular. We only invited immediate family (much to the chagrin of many people who made it be known) and we were 12 in the wedding including us and two small children. We only invited immediate family because we didn''t want people to come who we didn''t REALLY want there and we didn''t feel that we should pick and choose. It was the most relaxing day ever........ we got up, ate breakfast, went to the beach....the makeup artist and hairdresser (WHO WAS AMAZING) came to my room... I got dressed ladida and got married..... then we had our reception on the 37th floor of a hotel overlooking the beautiful island....

See if I can''t attach a pic!

I highly recommend the destination wedding!

BofL- That is terrible! Any man who cheats/lies is not worth your time anyway! I''m so sorry! But.... you should talk to him and not jump to conclusions... you never know what could be going on.

SO..... I''m counting down... 11 more days until graduation! I think Reese is going to put a twist on his proposal b/c he knows I think its coming very soon. I will keep you all posted.

Back to studying
FTLOD - what an awesome picture - looks like out of a fairy tale (especially with his uniform)
Date: 12/7/2004 4:19:45 PM
Author: Erin
FTLOD - what an awesome picture - looks like out of a fairy tale (especially with his uniform)
Okay..this is going to sound sappy... but my life with him is a fairy tale, he truly is my prince charming!!! and you gotta love a man in uniform..

Thanks for the compliment Erin! It is very sweet of you!!!
Ginger: Ok No. This is too weird. You are at Baylor??? I have an Uncle he went to Baylor (and so did his two daughters!!). They are docs married to docs. Maybe Baylor is the only med school in Houston Texas, I have no idea...but its weird! Ok. Yes. destination wedding is a good idea, except I do know that in strict Viet culture my mom says you are suppose to pay for airfare/accommodation for the guests. Which I think would stretch the budget (if you do that) But Hawaii is beautiful. I've never been, but my boyfriend's sister went for her honeymoon and she said that it was the most incredible experience of her life. I wouldn't mind paying for my wedding, but my + his parents had about 150 people on an essential guest list which my boyfriend and I HAD NEVER MET. And we are a long way from engagement so I was like...NO! I would like immediate family only, in a small chapel with lots of candle. My mom said that sounded very romantic but Viet people would say that I had to get married because I was pregnant
. Aside from that... I can't believe you want to be pregnant during residency. WOW that is going to be insane! Altough I do understand that you want children before 30.

Oh and Tacori. I can't believe your fiance thought the pics of it were ugly!! I only have pics and I think that tacori is incredible. My only concern was that it was not delicate enough, but I'll take your word for it! I wish there was a store that carried it so I could see it. Lucky, lucky you.

ForLoveOfDiamonds: What a beautiful picture! You are so cute and happy! And your husband looks quite dashing in his uniform. Canadian girl does good

Book of Love: I am so sorry that you are going through this. I hope that you are wrong about this and that everything works out for you. If you need to vent, we are always here to give you support. Hugs!
I used to think I wanted kids by 30 too....and here I am, going on 31 in June and still on the list!! But it''s ok. As long as it''s by 33-34 I think it will be ok.

BookofLove, even if you don''t want to be on the list anymore, please stay here with us and vent and lean all you need to--we are here for you. I know what you''re going through, and you don''t deserve it. Hang on, and there are better days coming. (((hugs)))

As for me, I could use some very positive thoughts/prayers/vibes, whatever you''ve got. My dad is in the ICU pretty unexpectedly. He had a routine colonoscopy (he''s 62) yesterday and my BF picked him up, took him home and he seemed groggy but fine. Last night my mom wanted to call 911 but he was really stubborn and he finally went to the hospital this morning after collapsing several times and having VERY low blood pressure. They are waiting for x-ray and Cat scan to see what will have to happen surgically, but it appears that has a puncutured bowel. Most of my med expertise is from watching ER, but I know this has the potential to be really bad...infection, bleeding etc....and I am really scared.

Thanks girls.
Okay, first of all, I'm sad that I don't have any cute pics of small people to post.
My next oldest sibling is 14, so all I have to say is I better be posting pics of my own kids before I'm posting pics of my neices/nephews. She has been threatened with death if I end up an Auntie before a Mom!

Second, WELCOME to the new ladies! I'll be posting the new list here asap. Kayla, you can be an honorary member but we will require first dibs on hand pics when you get that fantabulous droolworthy bit of sparkle on your finger!! Oh, I've seen that thread!!

And finally--BOL...
I am sorry that you suspect he is cheating...especially when you thought a proposal was imminent. I hope you can talk to him and get the truth, and I hope it's what you're looking for. I will put your name on hiatus.

Edit--blueroses, you are in my thoughts. Hopefully it will all turn out okay! Luckily the human body is an amazing thing, and heals itself so quickly sometimes...I am sure the doctors will be able to take care of him.

And twinkletoes, the only thing we've really talked about genetic-kid-wise is Kyle wants our kids to have my build and skin. But I'd like them to have his eyes.
Dodger Gurl
Blueroses: I just saw your message! I will definitely send you some thoughts. Stay positive and focus on taking care of youself and making sure you father gets better.
Ok, Now that I am an official member, I feel like I can ask questions!
My BF & I are completely clueless as to buying diamonds.
We know the 4 C''s...and what we like...but are just very nervous!
For instance...I''ve heard that you never buy a pre-set diamond. WHY NOT?
Also...I''ve heard horror stories about picking out the perfect diamond...and the jeweler screwing it up!
I am becoming paranoid.
What are yalls opinions on store destination...We went to Bailey Banks & Biddle first and I was highly impressed--they knew their stuff and didn''t make us feel uncomfortable. We looked at the lineage ring. It was so pretty!
I am not set on one particular setting, but I am 99.9 percent sure I want a round cut. I love cushion..but don''t think we have the money for that. The ones I''m attracted to are way to big for his budget!
Anyway...I hope yall like questions! I am definetly full of them!

Thanks so much!
BlueRoses- My thoughts are with you and your dad. Hopefully it isn''t a puntured bowel...maybe just a really bad reaction to the concious sedation used? If it is PB, then at least they caught it relatively quickly, and can start him on heavy duty anitbiotics, get it fixed surgically. Please keep us posted.

Amaleekel- you don''t want the diamond set before buying, because it is much harder to see the real color. When set a ring is usually given a color range- like F/G or G/H, instead of a single color designation. Also, some inclusion can be hidden under a prong, which is a good thing, but also means that it can be called a VS2 (very slight inclusion 2) as opposed to SI1 (slight inclusion 1). Also, accurate percentages for measurements are impossible to get.

Setting stones always carries a risk- any diamond can crack or split while being set- the more inclusions/feathers the easier it is to break. But, a good jeweler recognizes those risks, and takes precautions to avoid those things happening. If the ring looks to have too many inclusion, or risky inclusion, they may refuse to set the diamond.

Stores can be good or not so good. The higher end stores tend to carry slightly better stones, but the mark-up generally goes up too! If you are pretty set on a round brilliant, there are multiple on-line vendors that offer better quality stones for decent prices- superbcert, idealdiamonds, engagementsringsdirect, goodoldgold, whiteflash are jsut a few. If you put in the quality of stone that you are shown in a B&M (brick and mortar) store, you will generally find that for the same price you can get higher quality, or for same quality it will cost less.

I recommend that you visit the other forums- Rocky Talk and Diamond Hangout for more information- I found out alot of information while brwosing those threads, then found this one!
Ok Please don''t kill me! I thought of another question. Did any of you (or your fiancee''s...) purchase your rings on the internet. I have found beautiful ones on Blue Nile...and abazias....but am very wary of him buying my ring online- give me your good...or not so good shopping online for e-rings stories!
MANY people here (maybe not on this thread since most of us are waiting for our ring) have bought their rings on-line. If you go with a reputable vendor (Blue Nile and Abazias fit) then you are pretty safe- at least as safe as just going to a B&M. You may find that Blue Nile tends to be a touch more expensive than other on-line vendors, but their quality is also generally regarded as good. And they are still cheaper than regualr stores.
Even though my bf and I won''t be looking at rings together until after the holidays, I''ve been sort of doing research myself - and it''s confusing the heck out of me!

I know the 4 C''s.

But then when you guys talk about percentages, culet, girdle, table, etc I have no idea what''s going on. I tried reading up on these on the vender sites, but it confuses me more. I want to know what determines what (like does the depth determine light return, etc) and what the "ideal" stats are for certain shape diamonds (RB, Cushion, Pear - which are the shapes I''m interested in).

My bf I know wants to just find something in a store and buy. But having learned what I have thus far from PS I would like to buy the diamond online and have it set or else have something custom made. I''m not sure if my bf would be keen on that idea though. I think he''s getting annoyed with my invovlement - even though we haven''t started looking at all. But he''ll say things like, "it only takes a minute to go to the store and buy a ring." Which just about gives me a heart attack.
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