
The All New Ladies-In-Waiting Club!

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Goldengirl -
I am waiting to be ''officially'' asked, but really just because he wants to do that part - wants to propose and surprise me etc. It''s kind of becoming a bit of an in-joke with us now as the wedding plans are going ahead ! I told him he whenever he''s ready is fine so long as it''s before May 1st and he''s standing there beside me on the day !

I am DYING to tell my Mum and sisters, I am the eldest of five girls and the only one who has left Ireland. Everytime Mom rings and says ''how are you ? any news ?'' I feel like I''m going to burst not telling her but I''ve promised I won''t until he asks ! Madness !! How did he talk me into this torture ?!?!?
Mind you, it is, I have to say (Ms. Superstitious here!) working out kinda fun. The sister next in line is already married and harrassing me FOREVER about owing her a ''day out''. Little does she realise she''s about to get her wish ! The youngest sister happens to be here right now visiting with us and so I kinda have given enough hints that she knows this is coming - she and I have been talking about ideas and checking things out. She is so chuffed to know before the rest as being the youngest, she was usually about last to hear things !
I am happy she has been able to share this because her trip to see me this year has been her first as an adult and when I left home way back when, she was only nine. We have been having fun getting to know each other as grown-ups !

So that is where I stand. I am currently waiting to hear back from several people I sent e-mails to regarding different things we''ll need on the day - a venue being the biggest one. I know JUST what I want but I''m too nervous to say in case I jinx it ! Please PLEASE keep your fingers crossed.

on the whole mixed kids/cultures/genes etc. - I am Irish and my all former bf''s were Irish. I never imagined I''d end with someone who wasn''t from home but what do you know ! Peter is Italian-American ( guess you all would say Italian!) and my only issue is how on earth I''m going to find Gaelic first names that will go with his last name !!

well, I will keep you all posted ! almost time to get out of here, I am going to try hard to check in daily.

Ginger: I found the dress in Modern Bride Houston. I was flipping though and saw it and knew it was the "one." Eliana only retails at two stores and one of them is Ahead of the Curve Bridal in Austin. I was hoping that I could get it in H-town, but she doesn''t have a "relationship" with any of the Houston bridal boutiques. I guess it could be worse, if I had to go farther away. If you have questions about any of her gowns, send her an email, she is super friendly, and the ladies at Ahead of the Curve are really nice too.
innerkitten - I dont mean to sound rude, but arent you already engaged? We are ladies waiting for our men to propose and for our engagement rings.
njc--lol, and here I thought I was just losing my mind! What with the double-listing of some people, totally forgetting other people, accidentally deleting people who are on the list... here I was thinking she'd been on the list and I just forgot to transfer her name... bad, bad Secretary!!
Date: 12/8/2004 12:34:25 PM
Author: JCJD

FTLOD - you look absolutely radiant in your wedding photo!! Beautiful!!

KimberJEB - LOL my dad is actually a geneticist (PhD in biochem). But I think he was more shocked than anything when I announced my desire to get a bio PhD - definitely didn''t expect or demand that from me... But I caught the research bug during my undergraduate, so here I am! I''m doing animal behavior though, so it''s not exactly what my dad does... I guess science is just in my genes!!! Ha ha ha... ha..... ha ha.... (I''m so clever...
JC: Thanks for the compliment. And I bow down to you. As a master''s student TRYING to get her thesis done.. I can''t even IMAGINE!!!!! a PHD.... more power to you girlfriend!!!!!!!!!

Ice Kid: So sweet of you to say.. Thanks for the compliment!!!!
I really appreciate all of the kind words of encouragement from everyone, I even teared up a little.

Anyways, here''s a bit of an update.

He called me when I got home from dinner tonight, we talked for less than 3 minutes. He said that he''s been working a lot lately and isn''t really living in the same place anymore. Basically, he''s living on his friend''s couch. I asked him if there was another girl and he said that there wasn''t, but I''m not sure if I believe that. He mentioned that his car might be repo-ed if he doesn''t make a payment by Tuesday, so that''s causing him a lot of stress. Then he mentioned that he worked 57 hours last week and hasn''t had time to call. That really drove me up the wall. When he was in the navy and on duty all weekend, he still found time to call. He said that he gets home late and I''m sleeping, but that never stopped him in the past. I woke up every morning for 2 weeks straight (even on weekend) at 4AM to wake his butt up so he could get to school on time. I told him that I don''t deserve this and that I deserve something better and he said that he knew and he was sorry. I asked him what I''m supposed to think, since I haven''t heard from him in so long and he said that I should think whatever I want to (what is that supposed to mean??) He said that he''d go home tomorrow and call me tomorrow sometime so we could talk, I made him promise, so we''ll see how this goes. He promised not to break my heart again, before all this happend, so I''m very doubtful of anything good coming out of this. I''m crazy about him and I truely believe that we''re meant to be together, but not if he''s going to treat me like this. He can''t think that I''ll wait around for him forever, because I wont! He just needs to grow up before having a relationship this committed. I guess I''ll know more tomorrow
book of love
((HUGS)). Hi there. I'm so glad that you posted your update. I have lived with my BF for 10 years and it is something close to a miracle that we are on the road to marriage. All I can tell you is that I really feel for you. We have also had very rough times...mostly because we both needed to grow up. We never needed to learn how to love each other, but we did need to learn how to love each other BETTER. Sometimes it takes a very traumatic event to shake things up. You'll find that you will both move to a 'higher love' (to quote depeche mode...I know, I'm so 80's) or you won't.

You sound so rational and thoughtful in your posts..and I can just imagine all the stress you are under. He is a lucky guy!

Appletini - I love love love your dress idea. This designer is wonderful...I'm loving her whole "wind" collection!!!

Thanks to everyone for sharing in my Assher/SE happiness!! Yes we are lucky to be able to meet w/Leon. I have a bunch of setting ideas in my head that are at war with each other. The claw prongs are a must. My dream setting would be understated but blingy with a touch of the 1920's. The cartier setting that blueroses posted awhile back is a good example... Do any of you have favorite Asscher settings? Please post if you do!! I need inspiration.

Man, I sure missed alot.

Croi, Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!! I know keeping it in, must be terrorizing. You will be glad you waited, then everyone can share and oggle at the ring.

BOL, so sorry. I do hope that it isn''t cheating. I am the queen of paranoia. It may just be work. He may be doing this to save for your ring, you never know their inner workings. Some men have a way of just keeping it all hidden, and our speculation is endless.

Goldengirl, you are the Best Secretary
. It''s hard. This list has grown so much. I can''t wait to drop off to help you a little. For your sake only.
Book of Love

I''m sorry for your situation and I can sympathize...

First of all I work 55 hours every week and my bf works 65-70 hours EVERY WEEK - and we find plenty of time for each other so I don''t like that excuse!

We all have 24 hours in a day. How we spend that time depends, to a large degree, upon how much importance we place on activities that consume that time.

Secondly, years ago my bf went through a similar situation where he was in jeopardy of losing his house and car. He completely retreated into a weird slump because he was frustrated, embarrassed, overwhelmed, and worried to the point of an ulcer. He hated the idea of losing things he''d worked hard for - he felt like a screw-up and didn''t want me to see that weak side of him.

Don''t you hate when guys say something stupid like - think whatever you want to think? Makes me think you don''t care which way I think. I''d tell him, fine - I''ll assume the worst unless proven otherwise. How''d he like a cold dose of I''m not home and I don''t answer the phone either? (Even if it has been days and you''re worried.)

Everyone has to come clean and tell the truth - even if honesty hurts, even if egos are bruised.
Date: 12/9/2004 10
3:22 AM
Author: yanekie25
I can''t wait to drop off to help you a little. For your sake only.

Y25, you''re such a giver!!

BOL, I''m glad you got to talk to him, at least a little. Re: the "think whatever you want"... I just want to say, I used to date a guy who thought I was cheating on him all the time. (I wasn''t.) Whenever I worked late or I went out with my friends, he assumed I was hooking up with other guys. I got so frustrated with his accusations and SOOOOOO tired of defending myself when I had done nothing wrong, that I got to the point where I threw up my hands and told him to "think whatever you like," because I knew he wasn''t going to believe me no matter what I said. (Unless I told him I''d cheated. I think he''d have believed me then.) Is it possible that he''s been working hard and he''s just so stressed about money and possibly losing his car, and probably embarrassed by it too, that he just doesn''t think to call you/doesn''t want you to know his situation? I know that we''re supposed to lean on our partners and I know you''d expect him to come to you for help/support but I know that for me, when I''m running short on money, it is the hardest thing in the entire world to ask for help or admit I''m in trouble.

Has he cheated on you in the past? What makes you assume that''s what''s going on? I didn''t want to question you before but I admit that hearing he''s been having some serious money problems makes me want to defend him a little, since I''ve been there and I know when I''m stressing about money I become a different person, too. It''s like it consumes your every thought, waking or asleep. There have been a couple points in the last year where I was down-to-the-last-drop broke, maxed out every available line of credit, and unable to pay for simple things like groceries. It''s a bad place to be in, and I really feel for him.

Just thought some perspective might help a little. Let us know what happens with the phone call today, okay? ((hugs))
Lovey: So you brought your sparkly?? That is so amazing. I can''t wait for you to post some pictures up. And the Leon setting will be stunning!

BOL: I am so sorry about the situation. And the "think what you you want comment" He might just be going through a bunch of stuff and needs space to work things out. Be patient and don''t assume the worst yet. Did he feel like you needed to have a "talk"? Or was it you that brought it up? I do agree that you need to sit down and set the record staright.

Ginger: I''m worried about our two families getting together too. I mean even if my immediate family is alright, I''m sure that some distant cousins might not be so accpeting. I definitely agree that you shouldn''t have to deal with any negativity on your wedding day, it should only be happiness. In any case, if you have both family get toethers before the wedding then both families might be more comfotable.

Blueroses: I''m glad you father is feeling better. Keep us updated on what is happening.

JCD: So what do you do with sparrows? Are you more of an ecologist or a biologist? (I''m just wondering because people in montreal get really caught up with the distinction between these two terms)
yk25 - THANKS ! I know I will be happy to break to news to everyone in a big happy exploding bubble of bouncing-foolish-happiness when the time comes ! woooohooooo !

my sister and I found this huge gaudy paperweight in the shape of a diamond e-ring and I thought of wrapping it for his stocking as a joke-gift! I didn''t get it in the end, wouldn''t want him to feel like I''m getting on his case. no word yet from my venue-of-choice. still keeping the fingers crossed on that one.

I feel so badly B-o-L re: your situation and suspicions. it''s an ugly feeling to think you might be right in this kind of thing, you don''t want it to be true. I hope it turns out as the others have suggested and that it''s just that male thing about not wanting to admit to failing (to any kind of failure, from cash problems to whatever). Maybe,( if you could find it in you somewhere and I know it''s not easy) you could approach the whole situation with a glass half-full rather than half-empty thought process. This is one of those times when you can take the ultimate chance with your relationship and be brave and show your man you support him and are there for him. I know it could backfire and that you''d be taking the gamble that all he has been saying is the truth - but YOU have to make that call. You know him, we don''t.
Well, for my tuppence worth, I have been through plenty myself and now use three rules when faced with any tough decision; maybe they would help you so here they are.

1. Am I acting from a place of love or fear ??
2. What have I got to lose ?
3. What have I got to gain ?

I think if you can honestly answer those questions to yourself, you will know which way to handle things. I have learned (the hard way) that energy is it''s own lifeforce, what you put out, you get back (threefold some would say) and if you are operating from a place of fear, it''s only negative stuff that comes back. I hope you can find the inner courage to operate from a place of love - it''s the harder choice but I think the rewards are better (even if the obstacles are bigger). Nothing worth having is easily got. *hugs* to you honey, I hope it all works out for the best.

right - getting off my soapbox !

gosh, so girlie on here - talk of men and romance and dresses and diamonds and weddings ! it''s like an escape hatch in my day - thanks ladies ..........
hmm. as well as coming here for the social enjoyment, I have been trying to become better educated in the realm of diamonds etc. I love Mark Morrell''s three-prong setting and am hoping-hoping-hoping I might magickally be lucky enough that we can get one, if so I need a simple round stone and I have been trying to learn the Things-One-Needs-To-Know and have done searches online for stones....
I am stuck on the abbreviations - abbreviations for culet for example - ''m'' presumably is ''medium'' but what about the longer ones and those ending in ''f''

as you all know by now, we are having our wedding at home in Kerry. the dollar is losing to the euro ( I checked yesterday and would get 75 euro for $100, sucks!) so the wedding is going to cost more than it would if we were doing it here. since I adore this setting and want it so badly, I am going to have to sacrifice on the size of the stone probably - but I don''t want to sacrifice on sparkle .....

HELP ! I know you all are phenomenal experts at this point so all info. would be appreciated.
thanks thanks & catch you all tomorrow! ''night
what does the Mark Morell setting look like?

If you ladies get the chance excuse my OCD and vote for a setting (my Asscher inspiration thread on Rocky Talky).

can you tell I ''m having a slow day at work? lol

Date: 12/9/2004 3:28
6 PM
Author: allycat0303
JCD: So what do you do with sparrows? Are you more of an ecologist or a biologist? (I''m just wondering because people in montreal get really caught up with the distinction between these two terms)

I''d consider myself a behavioral ecologist - I''m interested in how the behavior of animals has evolved and how a species'' ecological pressures have influenced that behavioral evolution (yes, behavior can have a genetic basis, and is therefore acted upon by natural selection - so cool!!!).
My House sparrow work was more developmental biology - I was studying the pre-hatch development of sparrow chicks and how it differs from or is similar to chicken development. Chickens are a model organism in avian development, but they are so different from other species (like songbirds) behaviorally, ecologically, and physically, that we just don''t know whether the same developmental processes that occur in chicks occur in any other bird species.
croi - what a funny gift idea! yeah, he might not have appreciated it as much as you and and your sister can be such sensitive creatures sometimes!

alley - for sure our immediate families will meet, and his immediate family will meet my extended family (since we are very close to our extended family), but i don''t know how much it will stem the flow of snotty comments. sad to say, but sometimes my family can have a superiority complex, and I don''t want them looking down on his family. His immediate family, prob no issues....but his extended family comes with some scandal attached. so we''ll see. he''s already talked to his parents and they think the very small destination wedding/elopement is a smart idea. so it kind of comes down to what my very opiionated family wants...the big traditional family to-do or a quieter smaller hawaiin wedding.
Still no call.

Is there anywhere else I can post the updates? I feel really bad for clogging up this lovely "Ladies in Waiting" thread with my problems and if I can post whats going on in a better location, let me know and I''ll go from there.

BOL, I cannot think of any better place to post it than right here. This thread was created as a support group, and unfortunately reality dictates that life isn''t always peaches and cream, but we still want to be here to support you. Right, girls?

Keep us updated, hun. I''m thinking about you. ((hugs))
Alright, I''ll post here, but if you get tired of me, just point me in a different direction.

Its midnight and still no call, I''m not sure what to think. He must not want to talk to me if he didn''t call. He promised that he would call and he didn''t and he said that today is his day off, so I''m not sure what else he''d be doing. I don''t even know what to think anymore. I worked on writing him a letter to get my feelings voiced, but I don''t know if there''s anything else I can do.

I don''t like the fact that he''s ''moving around'' so much. He broke his cell phone one night in a fist of anger and that was my only constant contact with him. I''ve prepared myself for the worst and if he wants to end things, I''ll be devistated, but I can move on, but I am going to need some closure if I ever want to get over him...again..
Hi girls,

BO.L. -- HANG in there, and this is exactly where you can and should keep us posted!!!

Just wanted to let you all know that my dad had some major improvement today. They didn''t do any further transfusions after early Weds. morning, but he''s still been in shaky shape--stable but weak. Last night he had a fever and they gave him some meds for that, and also put him on some oxygen to combat some fluid in his lungs. Anyway, between 3 and 5 this afternoon he had a major turn around. He was able to sit up, my mom washed his hair, he was able to brush his teeth, etc. He is SO MUCH IMPROVED it is like a mini miracle--to the point that my mom was just shooing me off the phone so she coud watch the Apprentice (the first relaxing she''s done all week.) Hopefully he''ll be out of the ICU tomorrow. They are continuing to monitor his kidneys, among other things, and apparently will not drain the blood--it will apparently naturally absorb naturally into the body within a few months. (Apparently at the moment he looks 3-4 mos. pregnant b/c of the blood/bloating--bleh

Anyway, it is HUGE HUGE HUGE improvement and I wanted to let you all know....and I thank you so much for the support. This is a wonderful group!!
ok sign me up - we could be in for the long hall!!! Well I have been so far!!

Feel free to empathise with my situation!! I''m sure there''s more of you out there waiting --- if you don''t get me.. read my msg bout Waiting Waiting Waiting for THE RING!!!
Okay I was bad yesterday...I bought a wedding magazine, but I haven''t read it yet. It could be worse, its been at least six months since I bought the last one. Also I went to my grandma''s house last night, and saw that someone has cut out a newspaper article for me, it was about how to cut corners on making your wedding less expensive. The funniest part was that my uncle was the one that had saved it, he said that he saw it in the business section. Then later my grandma told me that she wanting me to have the wedding (I interpret this as reception, but wedding could happen there too or at a church close by) at her house. This is something that I have thought of before, b/c her house is big with lots of land, oak trees, and great for entertaining. Not to mention it would probably be a lot cheaper for her (she raised me since I was 3), and she lost most of her eye sight a few years ago so she would be really comfortable since she would be at home. I want to have 150 people max (friends and family, very VIP not invite everyone I''ve ever met), so its very doable.

Also when the BF called last night he mentioned that he will be doing a lot of traveling for work in 2005, so hopefully that won''t get in the way of things too much. At least with having everything at my g-ma''s house I don''t have to worry about availablity and do things whenever I want.

lovey: I''m so glad you like me dress!

Blueroses: I''m so happy that your dad is doing better!

BOL: any more updates? I''m just curious, you mentioned that he broke his cellphone in a "fit fo rage", has he been known to break things when he''s very upset? Just looking out for you b/c if he does, those are signs of domestic violence. Don''t be upset with me for saying that, but I once had a roommate with a DV BF and he nuts on our apt NYE a few years ago and tried to beat down our bedroom doors...well she chose to stay with him and we aren''t friends anymore, and she is marrying the guy (big mistake!).
Blueroses - So glad to hear that your Dad is doing much better! Hope he continues to improve and can move out of ICU soon!

BoL - Hope that you two will be able to sit down and talk soon and straighten everything out. I agree that boys are their own creature and can do weird things when things get bad/arent going their way. So maybe things arent as bad as you think... i know i always think the worst first too though.

Apple and BoL - I was a little curious about the phone breaking in a fit of rage, but also know that my brothers have broken their cell phones/hands/walls when theyve gotten mad as well. Horrible tempers coming from both sides of my families. It takes something REALLY big to bring it out in them though, but they have NEVER EVER NEVER hurt a person. I agree that sometimes it could be a sign of domestic violence, but not always. Just my $0.02.

Apple - I think a wedding and/or reception in your grandmothers backyard sounds lovely!!! I admit ive also bought the bridal magazines, but ive been good and havent done it for about 9 months, but IM DYING to buy them again... Im going to get every one in the world when its finally official!!!

I'm really hoping this weekend is it!!! He's had the ring since Nov. 19th and confessed last week that the big hold up was really my fault
. I really wanted him to ask my Daddy first and he hadnt done it (despite a couple of opportunities), but last Sunday he did! YEA!!! And i took the day off from work yesterday and did some christmas shopping with my mom. She was too cute! I never told her we were talking about marriage or had looked at rings or anything and she was taking note of where all the bridal shops were while we were driving around saying things like, "Oh. Oh wow... look at that dress shop, its got wedding gowns!" and "theres a Davids Bridal." And for the first time in a while there were no comments about us living together or us buying our house and how marriage is the only 100% secure relationship, blah blah blah...

Anyone else have any good feelings about this weekend?!?!?!?
NJC: I think its definitely going to be this weekend. I can''t wait to hear all the details and see pics of the ring on your finger!

My favorite thing do is to buy the mags that are for Houston or Texas. Yesterday''s purchase was The Knot: Texas Weddings. One of my friend''s used to be a wedding coordinator for the Botanical Gardens in Dallas, so I will be consulting her for lots of ideas for my g-ma''s house. I love to cook, so I will defintiely make the groom''s cake myself...chocolate tres leches with chocolate icing...he loves it!
Ginger: I would say that my immediate family has a superiority complex too. I mean they accepted my boyfriend but they look down on his family (education/profession). But I think my parents have enough tact to keep their mouth shut. I''m really lucky though, because my boyfriend''s extended family ONLY speak French, and the very snooty branch of my family (Houston/Texas/doctors) only speak ENGLISH. So they can make a lot of comments and no one will understand them
. Well you have 1/2 of the approval for the destination wedding, when will you tell your parents? I hope it won''t be an issue.

BOL: Jeez. You boyfriend is really acting up. Hang in there. Don''t call him and let him come to you, obviously somethings up, but its not up to you to chase him down for an explanation. Although when he does you need to find out exactly what the situation is. There is no excuse for him to say he''ll call and then not come through on a promise. And keep posting, that is what we are here for.

Blueroses: I don''t think there is a more telling sign then the fact that your mom wanted to watch the Apprentice. You father must be doing much better. Once he is officially out of ICU then you can breath a big sigh of relief. HUGS! And you know we are there for you.

JCD: Very cool. My master''s degree was centered around behavioural ecology. I worked with the Forest tent caterpillar (HATE them now
) and how their trails and group behavior influanced their foraging efficiency. Caterpillars= boring, I think birds are a much more interesting organism.
blueroses, so glad to hear that your dad is doing much better. I agree with alleycat on mom watching apprentice being a very good sign.

BOL, I so sorry. I do understand your need for closure. The next time you get him on the phone, definitely bring it up. You deserve the right to know. Does he have email, not that this would be the best conversation for that format, but I found it great way to get to say everything you want without the other person interrupting, since they have to sit and read everything before commenting. It works wonders for BF and I, especially when disagreements hit a wall. You get the other person''s full perspective.

NJC, I have been crossing everything for a while. I so hope. I think it''s great that he asked your dad. Were your parents suppose to keep a secret. Was he trying to throw you off. I will be so excited.

Apple, the backyard sounds great. How cute of your uncle to cut that article out. I love tent receptions.
morning ladeeeeeeeeeezz

NJC - sounds like this could be it!!! wow! how exciting for you, can''t wait to see your ring, please do let us know the MINUTE it happens!

blueroses- very happy to hear about your dad !

(shoot, I can''t keep all the names straight ....... I think it''s Mz. Apple who''s thinking of having her ''do'' at her grandma''s - in any case this bit goes to you !)
I think that''s a lovely idea and am thinking of doing likewise at home with ours. thing is that it rains so much in Ireland .... we''d have to get a marquee or something. I have done some online browsing and sent a few enquiries so we''ll have to see what I hear back.

thank goodness it''s Friday !! Christmas work drinks tonight and then a LONG sleep-in tomorrow. can''t wait !

anyone able to answer my diamond questions ? (re: abbrev)
Okay, first of all, BOL, any news? At last update things still weren''t looking good. I hate to say it but at this point, I would be terribly upset and offended. My "principle of the thing" nerve is red and swollen. Even if you get the answers you''re looking for, he needs a serious talking-to, because he knows you are upset and wanting to talk and a good partner would make that a priority. I can rationalize away his forgetting to call during the week, but the moment you made your distress known and he promised to call so you could sort things out, you should have become priority ONE. This is not an okay way to treat your partner, IMO.

blue, I am SO glad your dad is looking better! He''ll be home before you know it!

razza, you''re on the list! ;)

apple--I love backyard weddings! I actually wanted to do ours in K''s mom''s backyard, but when I made the suggestion he shot it down quickly. Said his mother would be the type to freak herself out about hosting that kind of event, and would probably be a wreck by the time the wedding came ''round. So he says no, but his aunt (the hostess with the mostess) would probably be more than happy to host our reception... so I''m looking at places for a ceremony and just anticipating a backyard reception. This is all speculation, of course, as we haven''t asked any aforementioned family members--it''d be weird to do so before announcing the engagement.

Here''s the place I''ve been in love with for the ceremony:


It''s the remnants of a church building that has been restored as a courtyard. Thinking a dusk wedding and a million white lights??

NJC, how exciting!! It''s been too long since we crossed someone off, I hope this is your weekend!!!

And Croi, unfortunately you''ve begun to explore beyond my level of comfort re:understanding diamonds. You may have better luck if you post the question in Rocky Talky?
Dodger Gurl
kayla17 (honorary member)
JCJD (honorary member)
Well, it really isnt a secret to me (obviously), but we are trying to play it off to everyone that it is. He has told his parents and showed them my ring over t-giving. My parents havent said anything, so they are "keeping it a secret" and moms comments yesterday were subtle. I just thought it was funny that she was taking note of places that had wedding dresses.
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