
The All New Ladies-In-Waiting Club!

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Thanks goldengirl, you really do make a point about Karma. I''m really glad that I didn''t do anything about his car, I can just hope that it gets towed by his own stupidity.

I tried to go out tonight to keep my mind off of things and it didn''t help the way I wanted it to. We went out for a great dinner and had a great time but after that we had time to kill before the movie started. We were too late to go to the first one, so we had 2 hours to kill before the second show. We went home to watch a hockey game and I managed to fall asleep a little and all I could think about is how much I miss his voice. I still have a few messages saved on his voice mail and I''m tempted to listen to them again. Though, it might be best if I have a friend erase them for me to save myself the trouble.

Then we got to the theater, I was looking forward to seeing Bridgette Jones, until the movie started, and I saw her relationship problems, and how hopeless she felt at times. I creid. Then, how they talked about marraige and he said that they weren''t getting married, but she wanted to, I cried there too. And when they were in Thailand, well, when she was in the suite with the Hugh Grant character, well...that place looked just like the place where Alex and I were planning our honeymoon at
And then he proposed in the end, and I don''t even get that much. Oy.
palmbaybee-I''m in the process of moving from Gainesville (where I go to school) to Jacksonville (where my BF lives). We are building a house here so I''m here to stay!!! Weather has been pretty warm so far this winter... you may get lucky and have beach weather!!

BOL- Hang in there- there will be many nights of crying. Try not to have too much down time... just keep busy as much as possible. I know its impossible to be around friends and keep busy all the time- take it one day at a time!!!
So...he just called. I had woken up and was just lying in bed when my phone rang and I knew instantly it was him. I was ready to start a screaming match, but he acted like nothing had happened. He wanted to catch up from not talking to eachother all week. When he started going on about his week, I interrupted him and asked him about his girlfriend. He swears that he doesn''t have one (I thought I was one) and he said that was his grandmother and she said it just to make me stop calling, so I really have no idea what to do or make of it.

I was able to delete the email I had sent him before he viewed it but I left him a really nasty voice mail message, I mean a really mean one, and he told me his voicemail password once but it was late at night and I didn''t write it down and I just figured that I''d get it from him later. I want to delete that messasge before he gets it. I felt aweful right after leaving it, everything just kind of came out at once, all of my anger in one mean blow, so now what do I do?

I don''t know where he and I stand, we still have a lot of talking to do, and maybe I''ll just keep him as a friend because I''ve lost my trust with him and I can''t give it back so easily. Only time will tell as to what will happen between him and I...but I''m really worried about the voice mail thing...any advice?
BoL - I know this is a really hard time for you. Who knows if he is lying or cheating or what. But no matter what, as you say, you have completely lost trust in him, which is really just as bad for the relationship whether or not he is cheating. I feel awful for you and can''t even imagine how you must feel. But unless he can give you reasons to trust him again... maybe it is good that you just let him go for now. I know this feels impossible, but these are certainly not the conditions under which you want to become engaged. I HATE giving "advice" like this, but you just can''t marry someone you don''t trust.

Goldengirl- the place you picked for your ceremony IS GORGEOUS!! We finally booked our church yesterday. Its so pretty. I will find a pic.


His family became members at this church recently so that we could get married here.. cuz its sooo pretty.

oh.. and what do you girls think of this dress?

Its the only one I''ve tried on since the forever yours gown that has like "stuck in my head." So the final two is probably between these two.
I want to delete that messasge before he gets it. I felt aweful right after leaving it, everything just kind of came out at once, all of my anger in one mean blow, so now what do I do?

I don''t know where he and I stand, we still have a lot of talking to do, and maybe I''ll just keep him as a friend because I''ve lost my trust with him and I can''t give it back so easily. Only time will tell as to what will happen between him and I...but I''m really worried about the voice mail thing...any advice?
you could always say you were mad cos of his mom/grandmother told you and that it is really nasty, and ask him to let you delete it, or ask him to just delete it

but I would say that you should tell him to listen to it, tell him that is how bad his behaviour made you feel, then talk it over, see if it upsets him - if he cares about you at all, he should be devasted at the way he was treating you. it is possible that he was just taking you for granted, obviously that is a bad thing, but it can be solved. if he doesn''t seem upset at the way he made you feel, if you can''t trust him and don''t think he will be more considerate in the future, you are better off without him - (especially if he and his friends call women, hoes. that is so disrespectful

I wish you the best of luck
MS, I like that dress too! You''re going to have a hard time picking!!

BOL...I don''t know what to say. There are so many things wrong with this situation. First, that his family would be so utterly hideous as to say something like that to you... regardless of how many times you had called!... I mean, that is just unacceptable. If my family pulled a trick like that with me I''d just go ballistic. I hope he gives them a serious talking-to.

Second, because that''s out there, you don''t know who''s lying, now. Somebody is, obviously, but who? I''m with MS that you can''t marry someone you don''t trust, and I don''t think he''s really giving you much to work with. Did he say anything about totally flaking out on the promised phone call? Any explanation at all? Did he reassure you and tell you he loves you? Did he apologize for ignoring you the last week? Did he do ANY of those good-boyfriend things you''d expect him to do?

I have a bad feeling about this... I''m with you, I don''t think he''s being entirely truthful and I think you should protect yourself right now. Don''t worry about the voicemail. Even if he''s not really cheating, he''s still being an ass.
You can wave it away with "Oh, I was mad about you cheating" like he has waved away all your concerns so far. Mmmph.
MelissaSue - Oh wow! That dress is stunning! Its simply beautiful! I love it!! Not to mention that church! Put your sunglasses on, this will be qutie the event!

Well, he said that he yelled at his grandmother for saying something like that to me. I had no idea that she was in town, but had he called me, I would be filled in on this information. I guess he had a falling out with his mother, stepfather, and his grandmother last night and he avoids the place like the plague. He told me that he had called in sick last night and his mom was giving him crap about not going to work. He told me that she''s upset that he makes more than she does and more than his stepfather, I''m really not sure what to say, so I didn''t.

He didn''t say he loved me or do anything to reassure me that there wasn''t someone else, which leaves me very suspicious. But it was sooo good hearing from him again and he made me laugh and feel warm inside. I missed that, he said that he really missed talking to me. But if he only got off at midnight, then why didn''t he even try to call me? Just two minutes to say hi and I love you, that''s all I need.

I asked him why he didn''t call and at first he said that he couldn''t get home to use the phon (his mom has free long distance) to give me a call before work and then he remembered that he had the day off, so he switched the story to his car broke down on him and he pulled into a gas station and walked over to his ''close friend''s house'' and hung out there all day. Likely story. I asked him if he knew what I went through yesterday, all of the crying and the being mad, and he goes, "Do you know what I went through yesterday?" Ugh! I swear! Everything is up in the air, he said that he''d call back before he went to work, which will be in about 2 hours, so we''ll see. I expect nothing anymore.

Though he did say he was getting me a card for Christmas and I did mention what I was going to get him for Christmas and sounded shocked that he''s not getting it anymore. I''d rather spend the $50+ on myself!

BOL: sorry to hear what you have been going through. I know it is hard...however, I believe you should cut all ties with him immediately. He obviously doesn''t care for you as much as you care for him, so why waste tears on someone like that? I wouldn''t even let a friend treat me like that let alone someone I have given so much to, as you obviously have your friend.

I know none of this helps, but trust me. Someday you''ll be thankful that you didn''t stick around to see what happened. Once you stop calling him, you''ll see how much time he has to call you. However, this is just a game to him. Don''t let him manipulate you........women deserve respect from men and letting him get away with whatever he has been getting away with so far just tells him that he can. Don''t call him, when he calls you don''t answer your phone. You deserve better! All women do!

Hey everyone! I have been MIA from PS for some time now...too much school work! Why did I ever decide to go to grad school???!!! But don''t worry..nothing new to report on my end. Believe me, no matter how much work I have to do, when the time comes you''ll know about it!

BOL--I have been reading through some of the past threads and my heart really goes out to you. It''s always hard to go through these situations because, no matter how much advice or support you get, ultimately, you are the only one who can make the decision as to what to do. I don''t really know you, or your relationship well at all so all the advice that I will give is based purely on the info that I have gotten from your posts. If you decide to get back together with him, please make sure that it''s not because you miss his voice , that he makes you feel good, or because its comfortable. So often, women let men get away with murder becuase we get so wrapped up in *love* and comfort. He has certain responsibilities as a boyfriend and one of them is to make you feel assured that he is not hiding anything from you. He has not, and is still not fulfilling this need. Even if it turns out that he is not really cheating, he is not in the clear because he is forcing you to feel suspicious. One main necessity in a relationship is the feeling of security-meaning that each partner has the responsibility not to cheat, AND the responsibility to eliminate all suspicion. Clearly, he is not concerned with making sure that you feel safe. And I do find it interesting that you were suspicious that he might be cheating even BEFORE the whole grandmother incident. He can explain that whole situation away as much as he wants, but don''t forget that your instincts were already telling you that something was up. Women have great intuitions about this kind of stuff. We just too often let men talk us out of them. Think about whether you want to be involved with someone who surrounds himself with people who would purposely sabatoge their own grandson''s relationship and people that exhibit language and behaviors such as "bros before hos." (First of all, that is the most immature thing I have ever heard of, and if anyone ever said that to me, I think I would punch them. And I am not a violent person
) Good luck with everything. Stay strong when you need to and be weak when you need to. You are going to go through a rollercoaster of emotions...just know that it''s normal and only time can heal wounds such as these.
Date: 12/11/2004 2:30:52 PM
Author: psuheather
Why did I ever decide to go to grad school???!!!
Oy! I was just asking myself the same thing!!!!
MS: that dress is gorgeous! I love it!

BOL: Be strong and go for the Clean Break!!! I broke up with my 4 different times (the 4th being the final), and I tested out all break up methods with him. Clean break is the best! It can be hard at first, but is the best in the longrun. And trust is very important not only in a relationship, but also in a friendship. Sounds to me like this guy needs to seriously get his priorites in order before having a girlfriend(s). And you can do so much better. He should be apologizing for making you feel so bad, not trying to get you sympathize for him. Anyway I wish you the best during this difficult time. And don''t hestitate to talk/whine to your friends...thats what they are there for...laughter and tears.
Date: 12/11/2004 2:49:22 PM
Author: fortheloveofdiamonds

Date: 12/11/2004 2:30:52 PM
Author: psuheather
Why did I ever decide to go to grad school???!!!
Oy! I was just asking myself the same thing!!!!
ditto!!! I have an essay due monday...
so naturally, I have spent most of the day on PS! maybe I should take a gemology course
would be more interesting to write about pretty stones than media-power relations or whatever my essay is supposed to be about!

BOL - if he didn't even say that he loves you (unbelievable!!!!!!) after not speaking to you for a week!!!!!!! (how did you manage that?????) he is not worth it, you deserve so much better than that!

something similar happened to me last year, right after Christmas, she didn't contact me for about 10 days, from a few days before Christmas, to just after New Years I heard nothing, no email, no explanation. I was getting really worried. then I was online waiting to see if she came on, she she came on, I was relieved and happy to see her. then she said she was going, she only came on to check something for a min, she was going to watch a movie. turns out one of her guy friends was on leave from the army and she was spending time with him, without even telling me she would not be on. there were other problems, but if she didn't care enough to get in contact, that was it. then I met my angel in july and I now know what love is
she is perfect, I adore her

things will turn out for the best, so don't settle for anything less than true love
B.O.L - Hang in there, my dear. I'm with the others. Even IF he were offering you profuse apologies and reassurances, he'd have a lot of explaining to do. But he's not--he's still trying to rationalize his behavior, manipulate your emotions, and withold information that you are owed.

My only context is what you've shared with us, but this sounds like emotional abuse to me, pure and simple. He knows that just hearing his voice is going to calm you and tide him over until the next boneheaded manuever on his part and he counts on that. I know right now things feel "up in the air" but he does not deserve you, and more to the point doesn't sound mature enough to handle a loving relationship and the commitment you need and should have!!

As far as the voicemail goes, I'd leave it be. He SHOULD hear what he has done to you!!


MS, I like that dress too--I love the all-lace of your other one, but this is a nice balance. Pretty!!

Can't remember what I've filled you girls in on re: my dad. He was moved out of the ICU into a regular room yesterday, and may even get to come home today. His lungs are up to 95% and his kidneys are ok--not great, but fine. So the improvement is GREAT, but it just means we are going to have to be really vigilant watching him b/c he is already in denial about how serious it was and wanting to get back to his life! I will likely be on a plane home tomorrow to help out. I can't thank you girls enough for the has been amazing.
okay after the reading the budgeting/cost cutting article I decided to look on ebay at dresses, and my favorite now has some much as I love butterfly, I really like this one too, its a Carolina Herrera replica. Also another suggestion the article had, was make your wedding cake with cupcakes instead...sounds so cute. I might have to make my own cake too, just because I love the idea. Okay I''m going to write all this down before I forget.

BlueRoses: that is so great that your dad is getting to come home! I know he will be happy to see you!
Oooh, Apple I LOVE that dress!! And that''s kind of amazing that they make it custom w/ your measurements for that price. Sounds like a great option.
appletini - look at this cupcake cake. I think it is sooo adorable. I''m sure you could have a cake bakery make it for you if you wanted to. I have a pic of another cupcake cake that is not so "cutesy" too, but its in a magazine and would need to be scanned. I don''t have the time right now.

I like that dress from ebay too! I am just still really wary of buying something like that on ebay. I''m gonna buy mine the old fashioned way. My dress is just not something I want to spare a whole lot of costs on.

cupcake cake.jpg
BOL - I''m so sorry about this terrible situation you are in right now. Surround yourself with positive and supportive people and situations - you deserve nothing less!
I have to agree with the others on this - your boyfriend has a responsibility to you and your feelings. His recent behavior has made you suspicious of his actions and intentions, and most importantly, his committment to you as his girlfriend! Regardless of how busy he is, how financially unstable he is, and how angry he is at his family for being rude to you (if that''s the case), he owes you an explanation of his behavior, not some passive aggressive back-handed excuses "Do you know what I went through yesterday?" that don''t even come close to answering your concerns and fears!
Also, I find it very alarming that his stories keep changing, "at first he said that he couldn''t get home to use the phon (his mom has free long distance) to give me a call before work and then he remembered that he had the day off, so he switched the story to his car broke down on him and he pulled into a gas station and walked over to his ''close friend''s house'' and hung out there all day.". If the story is true and he truly cared about you and how his behavior has you feeling, he would have walked his sorry a$$ into that gas station and bought himself a $5 calling card!
I suspect that he''d already received your voicemail when he called you this AM (I could very well be wrong too!!!)... But if he hadn''t, you should let him listen to it. He hurt you and made you angry, and most importantly, he made you doubt his feelings for you. He needs to know how he made you feel, and you will know where your relationship stands with him based on his reaction. This will be very hard, but I recommend it. Of course, you must do what you are comfortable with, and I completely support that.
Don''t let your history override your intuition on this situation!! All signs that you''ve posted for us on here point to him being an inconsiderate, possibly-cheating, irresponsible boy, not a caring, affectionate, trustworthy man like you deserve to be your husband. Long distance relationships have their own complicated struggles and issues (4 years of long-distance, so I know), and it takes lots of work on both sides to make sure your partner feels secure in the relationship, and it doesn''t seem like he''s keeping up his end of the bargain. You deserve better, and unless he makes serious, consistent, and drastic reparations to your tattered heart, he is not worth your love!! Keep your chin up, and keep us posted. We are behind you all the way!
Lots of love and hugs to you BOL!!!!! You are in my thoughts and prayers!

Melissa - I love that dress you posted, but I think I love the Forever bridals gown better. I decided on my dress after I tried it and my other favorites on on the same day. Everything else I put on just didn''t feel right - I just had this feeling like, "No, this isn''t IT." So I bought it!! You''ll know which one is the right one, and your mom and sister (whoever you bring with you) will know it too. Beautiful church too!! I love the colors - blue and gold!! Our church is pretty modern and has been expanding pretty rapidly, so the room we''ll be married in has linking chairs instead of pews, and the chairs and carpeting are hunter green - might be a little too Christmasy with my wine red bridesmaids!

FTLOD, psuheather, and diamondgeezer - I''ve got finals next week, and my first experiment is (FINALLY!!!!!!!) going to start on Friday (bird training first, then experimental protocol needs to be finalized), so I''m thinking the same thing.... and spending all of my time on PS and the Knot! Bad JC!

For the old Anxious gals - Return of the JCJD novel!! LOL! Sorry so long!
Date: 12/11/2004 4:19:50 PM
Author: JCJD

FTLOD, psuheather, and diamondgeezer - I''ve got finals next week, and my first experiment is (FINALLY!!!!!!!) going to start on Friday (bird training first, then experimental protocol needs to be finalized), so I''m thinking the same thing.... and spending all of my time on PS and the Knot! Bad JC!
I am doing the same. Thesis is due on Monday. I am finishing up the last chapter and not even on my conclusion yet and here I am .... LOL.... I''ve written 84 pages so far... only about 15 more or so to go...... SHOOT ME NOW!!!!
I would also caution against buying a dress on eBay. When I was shopping for my wedding dress, I found an absolutely beautiful one on eBay at a great price - $350! It was a never-worn sample. I received it - and when I tried it on, it just didn''t look right on me. So I could have saved a good bit of money if the dress had worked, but since it didn''t - well, let''s just say I still have that dress in storage! I ultimately bought a dress through an awesome bridal superstore in NC - Bridal Mart. If you call them up, you can order any bridal gown as long as you have the catalog number. They promise to beat any price, and if you''re ordering from out of state - no sales tax! Something to think about if you know what you want but aren''t sure about paying the bridal salon price.

The only problem with ordering from a place like Bridal Mart is that you need to be sure you can find a local seamstress who will do alterations for you. Bridal salons are very funny about doing alterations on outside dresses

Oh - the website for Bridal Mart is

MelissaSue - that most recent dress is gorgeous! I still love the all-lace look of the one from the tux shop, though

Ah dress shopping...that took longest for me!
jcjd / forthelove / psu / anyone else in college -

I am glad to hear I am not alone! 3000 words by Monday, quantity is not a problem, I have about half the words done, and 3000 is nothing. I am just worried about quality! the worst thing is, I am in work monday morning 7 am (I have to pay for the perfect ring somehow!), so I won''t have time to polish it off then, I will have to finish it on Sunday - I guess I will just have to pull an all nighter

if you read in the papers of a guy from England who overdosed on coffee, it will be me
Count me in the grad school finals club! This is my last semester of full-time classes for my MBA. diamondgeezer - I was just recently wondering how much espresso my heart would take before stopping completely
Best of luck to everyone!
diamondgeezer: I know, for me quantity is never the problem.... It is knowing when to shut the heck up!!! LOL!! Are you buying that promise ring for your gf????? the pink saphire one??
I don't speak up very often, but when I do I like to think it is in the name of love, justice, diamonds (j/k) and all other beautiful, noble and important things in life

B.o.L... I have to say it. I think that you would benefit greatly from rereading your posts with the perspective of a complete stranger to you or your BF. Pretend you're one of us, and take a look at what you're writing about your relationship.

I promise you that the kind of drama and subterfuge you are dealing with is NOT part of a normal, healthy relationship. Every couple has their issues, and every family is messed up in its own special way, but you sound like you've got your head screwed on straight and you're really a nice, smart person, not the kind of person who deserves this kind of crap. Maybe you jumped the gun and now you're feeling remorseful, but that tells a story of its own: those feelings have no place in a healthy relationship. If this was a good thing for both of you, you would have trust, and not suspicion; communication, not excuses.

I also promise you that a guy who respects commitment does so in all aspects of his life. (Car payments, drivers license, family relations, etc.) Marriage to someone who can't pay the bills is a lifelong struggle. It will be hard to stay in love when nasty surprises in the mail keep intruding on your bliss.

While I am promising, I have one more: I promise you that anyone who breaks things out of anger will also break hearts and possibly bones as well.

This post was meant to be tactful. My way of being supportive is by being honest, as gently but as blatantly as possible. I apologize if what I have said was in any way hurtful... I imagine it was, and I am sorry for that, but I was once in your position so I couldn't sit silently by without saying anything. I have grown to understand and expect something completely different out of life and relationships: they do not have to be so hard! In fact, they are not supposed to be. There is bad luck and then there are bad decisions. I hate the idea of a nice person making a bad decision to spend the rest of her life chasing after someone who makes worse ones.

You have a great support system here. I hope it brings you the strength you need to deal with this situation. We all care and hope you find the happiness you deserve. Hang in there and keep on standing up for yourself. When you need to vent, we'll be here!
I found this website with pics of cupcake cakes. I think the dress is gorgeous too, but won''t be making any purchases anytime soon, since no ring yet.
Date: 12/11/2004 4:53:39 PM
Author: fortheloveofdiamonds
diamondgeezer: I know, for me quantity is never the problem.... It is knowing when to shut the heck up!!! LOL!! Are you buying that promise ring for your gf????? the pink saphire one??

lol, for my first essay I was about 2000 words over, I cut 1000, but had to put the rest in an appendix!

re: the promise ring
I am thinking hard about it, it is white gold, but as the EU effectively banned nickel in jewelry, there will only be trace amounts, so the allergy thing shouldn''t be a problem. then I was thinking about emerald cut pink sapphire
instead... I saw, in an expensive jeweler on the high street (NOT a high street jeweler), emerald cut blue saphh, channel set yellow gold, for about $1500 but that is just too much
I will go back there after Christmas, when I, and they, have plenty of time to sit down and look through, see what they could do. the jewellers with the ring I first saw, pic below, was beautiful, jewellers seem to be middle-market, price is £150 ($280 or something close) [actually two chains from same company with the same ring]

I just don''t know... now I am thinking about getting matching rings, one for me, one for her, but it is hard to find something pretty and dainty that would not make me look like a friend of dorothy. not that I am big macho, I hate typical "guy" sovereign rings. I might go with the original ring... it looks better in person, daintier, and seems tapered... I will have to make up my mind soonish, will be seeing her in May (I can''t wait, I love her so much, I just want to hold her)

pink promise ring.jpg
omg! those cupcake wedding cakes are the cutest thing ever!!!

ok... I think I just felt myself spawning ovaries... lol
I think I really need to go and watch that Williams fight that is on tonight...
BOL, you have gotten some excellent advice. To psuheather, appletini, blue, JCJD, and honeynut, thank you. Your empathy and concern shine through your eloquence, and have said what I wanted to say but could not find the words for.

Geezer, how about something like:


? Then you could get a bigger one with a BLUE sapphire and be kinda matchy. And you totally crack me up about the cupcake tree.

apple, another idea to cheap-ify the wedding cake is to buy a small one for display, and then have sheet cakes in the back. So everyone watches you cut the cake, ooh ahh, then it gets taken into the back and the sheet cakes are sliced and served. Nobody knows the difference and it all tastes the same.

I'm probably going to have a wedding cheesecake, since K and I both prefer it to regular cake, and then a display cake for the cutting scene and for the weirdos that don't like cheesecake. LOL!
Date: 12/11/2004 7:26:44 PM
Author: goldengirl

apple, another idea to cheap-ify the wedding cake is to buy a small one for display, and then have sheet cakes in the back. So everyone watches you cut the cake, ooh ahh, then it gets taken into the back and the sheet cakes are sliced and served. Nobody knows the difference and it all tastes the same.
What an awesome idea!!! My lil sis is getting married this summer and I am going to run this by her!!! Cool!!!! My first contribution to her wedding LOL!!! Thanks GG!
Geezer, how about something like:

I like that! where did you get that pic? thankyou!

I''m probably going to have a wedding cheesecake, since K and I both prefer it to regular cake, and then a display cake for the cutting scene and for the weirdos that don''t like cheesecake. LOL!
oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! cheesecake!!!

I love cheesecake!!! starbucks blueberry cheesecake is just one of the perks of living in the 21st century!
had a mincemeat cheesecake the other day, it was ok... but I prefer my mincemeat in pies and cheesecake blind, or with a little fruit
GG: I love the promise ring pic you posted for diamondgeezer...very pretty!

If I were to order the ebay dress, I would order a size bigger and then take it to a seemstress in Houston, so that I could truly have a custom fit and since the dress is such a simple design, the alterations wouldn''t be difficult...all the cuts are straight vertical lines. Or I could just have the dress copied in Houston, or have a dress made that is a combination of the two I like.

Also something that I would want to do with my wedding dress is after the wedding have it dyed black and then made into a cocktail dress and then I could wear it on my anniversary and to other little black dress events. That way I still get to wear it.
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