
The All New Ladies-In-Waiting Club!

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Random statistic: I once heard that the average girl kisses 72 guys before she gets married.
72... that is a lot...

do you know how many girls the average guy kisses?
Date: 12/13/2004 9
7 AM
Author: diamondgeezer

Random statistic: I once heard that the average girl kisses 72 guys before she gets married.
72... that is a lot...

do you know how many girls the average guy kisses?

Unfortunately I don''t, but I bet its higher.

Oh and I''m not in school either!
MelissaSue, I love that dress and the cupcake cakes. Very nice.

BOL, I think all the ladies gave you great advice. I just hope you get closure soon. He seems to like to string things along.

I am not in grad school yet. Studying to take the dreaded GMAT. So, one day.

I don''t think I kissed 72 guys - that is a alot, I am probably 25 - 30.
So i thought for sure when i got home from work on friday, that the b/f would have candles lit and romatic music and champagne ready to propose (he only worked half a day), but nothing. He had been taking a nap! So i was pretty depressed and thinking it wasnt going to happen at all this weekend and then saturday night he did it... IM ENGAGED!!!!
And here is the first picture!!!

OH NJC!!!! Very nice. I am so happy for you! Congrats! It seems as though the ladies are falling off the list. Both you and suzyQ within a matter of days. Proposal details please!!!!
Congrats NJC!!! I can''t wait to read more details! Your ring is beautiful!!!
congrats njc!!!!!! love the pic can''t wait to hear the story!!!!

i don''t like frosting either and always scrape it off!!!! therefore i don''t want to have a wedding cake at all but i will have just a small one for tradition but i want to have a chocolat buffet instead of cake. can you just imagine all kinds of chocolate on one huge table? oh yummy!!!!! i''d have chocolate candies, chocolate cookies, chocolate cake (for those who have to have cake) chocolate bars and more chocolate candies, and chocolate dipped fruits, lots and lots of chocolate!!!!!

i''m not in school either, just an ordinary working hard single mom.

14-18 days till i get my ring!!!! i am so excited, 14 days 4 hours and 14 minutes until my plane is schedueled to depart, i need to start packing[:errrr:
I am psychic. I just was coming on here to post on where you were to find out if it happened. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!
The rock looks gorgeous. He did a good job didn't he.

Now come back with details. How did it happen.
Date: 12/13/2004 1:27
5 AM
I''m not in school either! Sometimes I wish I were still there...then I read yall''s posts on 90 page dissertations!
I may go back someday...but not right now!
AMALEEKEL: FOR THE LOVE OF GOD -------- DON''T DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!
CONGRATS!! SuziQ and NJC!!! may your lives be filled with love!!
Oh, njc, it's beautiful! Classic.. he did a great job!!

I KNEW you were going to graduate this weekend!!

MS-- I think there's an inherent problem with cheesecakes in their ability to be decorated. I think you've got to be a pretty specialized baker to do anything amazing with them, like And you wouldn't want to cover them with "bridal frosting" (fondant?) because it tastes nasty and would defeat the purpose of getting a yummy cake in the first place!!

I like the table cakes idea, though. People would probably be able to get their cake faster, too, if they're serving themselves at small stations instead of all 300 peeps waiting in line at the big table.

Dodger Gurl
kayla17 (honorary member)
JCJD (honorary member)
innerkitten(honorary member)
YAHOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! Congratulations suziQ and njc!!!!!!! We must have pictures and DETAILS!!!! Welcome to the graduates club!!

BOL - I would 1) make a clean break, and 2) enjoy the eye-candy!! It seems like you know what is right for you to do in this situation - Congratulations on your personal growth!!! As has been said many times before (but will never be said enough!), you are always welcome to come to us for advice, over-the-web hugs and crying shoulders, and good old friendship!

I LOVE the cheesecake wedding cake idea!!! We''re doing a dessert table, with a small wedding cake - marble with raspberry filling and fresh berries for decoration, only 2 tiers, 10-inch bottom layer, columns and 6-inch anniversary top layer, a groom''s cake - whatever he wants, plus other assorted desserts, definitely including cheesecake! I love the chocolate table idea too, but my crazy boy doesn''t like chocolate!!! Oh well, more for me!!

diamondgeezer - Re: the sprouting ovaries. Ummmm, maybe you should go outside and play some rugby or football (not American!!) or cricket or something.... LOL!! That made me LMBO!!! Another great thing about cupcake wedding cakes is that they usually taste better, cause the baker can make them easily the day before or even day of the wedding (not made weeks in advance and frozen to save time) and are much easier to decorate, so they''re also cheaper to buy! Plus you don''t have to cut them - bonus!

I''m in my second year of my biology PhD (skipped the masters), will FINALLY begin my first experiment next week (!!!!!!!!), and I''ll have at least 4 more years after this one to go, if I don''t quit to become a gemologist! LOL! My experiments will take about a year and a half from training to completion, not including all the data analysis and the programming I''ll have to do for each one. So, about 3 experiments at 1.5 years each, plus these 1.5 years already past, and another year or so for writing the dissertation and misc catch-up if necessary, that''s 7 years total for my PhD..... omg, I think I''m going insane, cause that actually doesn''t sound too bad!! HELP!!! I''ve gone insane and I don''t want to get up!!! My undergrad honors thesis is only 43 pages, including title page, table of contents, and ref''s, don''t know how many words...

I''m a weird girl apparently - only 1 boy that I''ve kissed!
njc - congratulations!!! ring is beautiful! how did he propose???

appletini - yeah, I assume it will be higher for guys too, but boys will be boys. whatever the number is, I can tell you I certainly drag the average down considerably! does anyone actually understand guys? cos I truly do not understand what makes em tick!

jcjd - is NFL considered a "guy" sport? guys wearing spandex and a lot of padding...? sounds more like the ballet!
Date: 12/13/2004 12:43
2 PM
Author: diamondgeezer

jcjd - is NFL considered a ''guy'' sport? guys wearing spandex and a lot of padding...? sounds more like the ballet!
icekid - i had just found that website last week while looking for a good cheesecake to send to my graduating friend! i thought they looked amazing...but seriously pricey like you said.

BoL - like everyone else said...don''t rush''re in an emotional state right now and don''t want to do something you''ll regret later...BUUUUT no harm WHATSOEVER in enjoying some eyecandy and harmless flirting

njc - yea baby!
that is a gorgeous ring...i CAN"T WAIT to see the close ups and hear details of both the ring and proposal...i''m about to go off and see if you and susiQ have done your civic duties and posted in SMTR!

grad students - so apparently this past friday i (a lowly med student doing my research year) passed one of the many initiaton test of the grad student gauntlet...i was told friday at 10 am that i needed to have an abstract (which ive never done before, nor have i ever seen one before) ready to submit by 6 pm on a project that i''ve barely got any kind of grasp on...yeeks! buts its done and submitted and now i''ve got three months to panic about doing a poster (which i''ve also never done before). woo hoo
Date: 12/13/2004 1
2:38 PM
Author: goldengirl
Date: 12/13/2004 12:43
2 PM

Author: diamondgeezer

jcjd - is NFL considered a ''guy'' sport? guys wearing spandex and a lot of padding...? sounds more like the ballet!


LOLOLOLOL!!!!! I''ve always wondered that myself! Add in slapping each others'' behinds and victory dances... hmm, makes you wonder, doesn''t it?
Thanks everyone! Ive actually had to do some work this morning (what the hell is that all about!), but it shouldnt be too much longer before more pics and the story!!! Theres more pics than you can shake a stick at!

Congratulation SuziQ!!!!
How fun that he totally caught you off gaurd! Cant wait to see your pics and hear your story!!!

BoL - Sorry things havent gotten any clearer for you! I know its a tough time, but im sure things will work out for the better in the end!!! How nice that you found some eye candy to drool over!!! What a great friend to bring him along! True love will find you when you least expect it!!!

Blueroses - glad to hear your dad is out of ICU and on the road back to 100%!!! I agree that you will have to watch him and his activity... my dad is the same way with those kinds of things. Last winter he had had pneumonia for a couple weeks (we had NO clue!) and spent a week in the hospital, tried to jump right back into things. Then as a result from the pneumonia we found out he had prostate cancer which he had surgery for a couple months ago. Every time he would try to jump back into his regular routine and me and mom had to fight him the whole way!!!
ginger - OK, maybe this is just a testament to my insanity (or my being a conference junkie, as my undergrad advisor called me), but I LOVE doing posters and talks!!! If you want some advice, tips, and even examples, PM me and I''ll be glad to help! (OMG, I am crazy....
LOLOLOLOL!!!!! I''ve always wondered that myself! Add in slapping each others'' behinds and victory dances... hmm, makes you wonder, doesn''t it?
I think they should score them on the victory dances!

5.4, 5.5, 5.4, 5.7, 5.6...

then they could play the game on ice,
get rid of the ball
and the goalposts
give em skates instead of boots
and a velvet jumpsuit instead of the spandex

I think I am on to something here...
njc - Oh how lovely! Congrats! Post more pictures please? I''m not done drooling!

I''m thinking I''d like some cheesecake in general, even if it doesn''t come from a wedding cake
Date: 12/13/2004 1:21:22 PM
Author: diamondgeezer
LOLOLOLOL!!!!! I''ve always wondered that myself! Add in slapping each others'' behinds and victory dances... hmm, makes you wonder, doesn''t it?

I think they should score them on the victory dances!

5.4, 5.5, 5.4, 5.7, 5.6...

then they could play the game on ice,

get rid of the ball

and the goalposts

give em skates instead of boots

and a velvet jumpsuit instead of the spandex

I think I am on to something here...

LOL!!!!!!! As if American football wasn''t already on crack!!! Can you just imagine, a bunch of padded, velvet-suited guys skating around on the ice trying to one-up the other team on their victory dances??? It''s like hockey meets hip-hop meets testosterone! OMG - I''m rolling!!!! LOL!!!!!!
Date: 12/13/2004 1:21:22 PM
Author: diamondgeezer

LOLOLOLOL!!!!! I''ve always wondered that myself! Add in slapping each others'' behinds and victory dances... hmm, makes you wonder, doesn''t it?
I think they should score them on the victory dances!

5.4, 5.5, 5.4, 5.7, 5.6...

then they could play the game on ice,
get rid of the ball
and the goalposts
give em skates instead of boots
and a velvet jumpsuit instead of the spandex

I think I am on to something here...

I''m Barb from San Francisco. How do you join the ladies in waiting club? Here''s the stone we picked out from It''s a 2ct princess cut diamond. My ring is coming tomorrow! Can''t wait to share it.

Well, one final down. Only 4 more and a paper to go by the end of the week. Glad to hear that there are other grad students that feel my pain!

SuzyQ and njc--Congrats! It''s so exciting to have people to cross off the list again! I bet with the holidays coming up, people are going to start dropping like flies (not me though
) My name is just inching it''s way up to the top. njc--love your ring! I looked at in on your other post...those intricate details are really stunning! SuzyQ--can''t wait to see your ring. And I want proposal stories on both!!!!!!!!!!
Okay... heres the thread on my ring, My Sparkle Sparkle, with more pictures and the story! And if there isnt enough pictures in there to satisfy, somethings wrong with you!!!

I have to say im a little sad to leave
You guys are too much fun!!!
hello ladies !
well congrats to NJC and SuziQ - hoorah! hoorah !!!

BoL - hang in there, eye candy is good and you seem to have good friends to be with so go with that. I hate to say it but every bit of me is screaming for you to cut that man out, out, out of your life. It''s SO HARD I know but I am sure it''s the only way to go. I think whoever advised you to read back through your own posts from a third person perspective was right, it might surprise you to realise you already know all the answers ........ good luck, we are all behind you 100% *hug*

I''m another non-school-goer ........ just work, work, work ! hi-ho! hi-ho! hi-ho!
I get the impression most of the folk on here are in their early to mid-twenties - anyone doing the ''later than most'' thing like me ???? Also curious if any of you have significant age gaps between you and your beau ? I fall into both of the above - would love to talk to someone with similiar circumstances.
For instance, the whole white dress thing, formal wedding - that won''t be us. Anyone doing anything a bit more alternative ?
So, I know I have gotten way ahead of myself as we all know that I have no ring on my finger yet, but I saw this dress the other day and...WOW! I love it! It may just be my dream dress. Monique Lhullier though, so the $$$ is probably through the roof!

binki, welcome to our little group! I''ve added you to the list above. Will you be getting your ring as soon as it comes in, or is he going to make you wait for a surprise?
Diamond Geezer,

I''m getting my Masters of Art in Teaching. I am currently teaching full time too...It''s a hectic day of school, and then more school, then trying to catch up on BOTH yikes! I really cannot believe that we got engaged now, I rarely see him (though we live together,) and when I do, I''m a cranky cranky. He''s one sweet boy.

Croi- I''m 36. It took me 9 years to get the nerve up to take the GRE! That''s quite pitiful, I know. Now that I''m doing it I cannot believe it took me so long!

Age difference--I''m 36, FI is 30! (gasp! cradle robber!!) I guess I had to kiss my 72 (thank you silly college years ) before I found him...then actually when I found him I didn''t even like him! But I LOVE him now!

I was really with you on not wanting the white dress traditional thing (my age has a lot to do with that...) but once I started looking--well, it''s hard to not just go ahead and do it.

BoL-- stay strong, but don''t get mad at yourself when you have sad moments.
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